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L’Artisan Électronique Virtual pottery with physical movement
Inspired by Concrete
A slovak artist who has fallen love into concrete and other industrial materials.
13 Nervous System
A design studio which has custom algorithm software to create each piece one of kind.
Imagine to create a pottery without a single touch of clay by your hands...Now with incredibly unique device from belgia it is possible. A CONECTION BETWEEN PHYSICAL MOVEMENT AND VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY. In 2010 Belgian studio Unfold with Tim Knapen has introduced a brand new potter wheel. The virtual pottery wheel is built with lasers, optics and custom made software to create unique digital forms which are saved in database in order to displayed them in a projected digital cabinet. The device creates pots from rolls of clay in response to movements of visitors hands through a sensor. A digital model made by hand will be in the final step printed out by special ceramic 3D printer. Results of this work such as vases, various bowls and glasses can be found and purchased on studio’s web page or current exhibition as a performance art.
“I had a dream and believed in it. Now, I feel lucky to have a job which gives me freedom and fulfill me in every way.�
When young Lady fell in love with concrete and created new brand Luloface
She comes from the Heart of Europe,
Slovakia and ordinary jobs were never meant for her. Even though she gave them a shot right after her university studies, she felt completely unfulfilled. Her name is Zuzana Kovacsova and she decided to do things different way.
Luloface is a project which connect elegance with materials such as rough concrete or metal. Let's ask her directly how this idea has born.
Hi Zuzka! How are you? Why have you decided to create a handmade brand? Hi Linda! I’m great thank you. Well in the last years this is very often scenario between my other colleges from handmade brands. I was always creative person and those handmade works were unbelievably fulfilling. This is the way how I express myself since my early childhood. How did you decided to work with concrete? Those materials are not very common for ladies. I had a vision that I wanted to create something what nobody has ever done in Slovakia.
You are really brave to start with brand new ideas. I had a dream and believed in it. Now, I feel lucky to have a job which gives me freedom and fulfill me in every way. How did you decide to choose industrial style for your handmade work? As I have mentioned, I have spent most of my time in that workroom so it naturally came to me. I wanted to show the natural beauty of raw materials which used to be covered or hidden before. I trying to shape them into nice object such as flowerpots and they can bring some fresh air into the room or even office desk.
I have to admit I immediately fell in love with those small diamond shaped flowerpots with tiny cactus. What other shapes do you use for flowerpots? I offer 5 geometrical shapes – rectangular, diamond, icosahedron, dodecahedron and octahedron. I take the inspiration from Scandinavian geometry and sharp shapes. If you want to bring modern fresh air into your flat, such minimalistic but unusual flowerpot will bring additional value to overall atmosphere. It is really remarkable indoor accessory. :) What is your Luloface signature? I would say it is minimalism, which is getting more fans every day. I can see it even on an increasing interest of our products. Trends and colors are changing every year or even season. However, such simple shaped natural piece can be easily combined to all of them. For some people gray color can be boring, even though for me it seems very elegant, the flowerpot can be easily dyed in any acrylic color. Living has to be fun for you. Few months ago you have introduced your new metal flowerpots. Could please tell us something more about them? Sure. I like new challenges and I have got an
idea to find suitable metal for flowerpots. I use noncorrosive steel and aluminum, however we stayed loyal to our shapes. These extraordinary metal flowerpots got their fans from women as well as from men.
Could you say what is the difference between your female and male customers? Women like the esthetic side and design of our products while men prefer their technical and industrial style and raw materials which are not difficult for maintenance. It happened to me pretty often that men got impressed by my earrings from screws and buy them right away as a present to their wives and daughters of all age. Female customers use to tell me their stories how their
male colleges and husbands realized the “screws� in their ears. (laugh) At the end could you tell our readers where do you get the inspiration for your atypical industrial handmade products? In colors, materials, patterns, shapes you can find Scandinavian style, modern industrial style and urban style. They all have more in common than one could think. I follow the social medias, many foreign magazines, webs of urban brands and brands which use concrete. I also like to read start-up web pages. Nowadays, you can witness a huge boom of creativity and technology used in handmade products. Every single day there is something brand new and inspirational in the market.
Would you like to refer some thing to our readers? Just follow your dreams and open your eyes, the inspiration might be hidden behind every corner.
biometric...creations...freed...from...the... constraints...of...nature..., Massachusetts, aesthetic.that.unites.scienc,.technology., team.creates.unique.products.that.mimic. software.forms.uniquily.generated.pieces. developing.the.Kinematics.concept. by.
Most.of.the.pieces.are. nylon, cast.from.3D.printed.wax. models,.using.the.lost-wax. method..
The.designers.first.created.a.collection.of.nylon.jewellery.derived. from.the.tessellated.hinged.triangles.. At the present, customers can choose genuine products from their several collections, from jewellery to dress or homeware.,.photochemmically.etched.from.stainless. steel,,.and.presented. with.a.unique.series.number.
The designers: Jessica Rosenkratz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg