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IPMnet NEWS August 2002, Issue no. 104 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS international IPM news and programs U.S. GM-Crops Experience Analyzed A recent discussion paper from the U.S.-based International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) aimed to collect and characterize the economic impacts of transgenic (GM) crops to date, organize the resulting material, and determine whatif anygeneral implications might be drawn from the findings. THE PAYOFFS TO AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EVIDENCE, by M.C. Marra, et al , presents and analyzes available evidence, and offers three broad observations: In most years, growing GM cotton Gossypium hirsutum is likely to reduce pesticide usage, and is likely to be profitable in most of the U.S. "cotton belt" states; Bt corn Zea mays will provide a small but significant yield increase across the U.S. "corn belt" in most years, with substantial increases in some years and some locales; and, Although there is some evidence of a small yield loss in "Roundup Ready"(TM) soybean Glycine max compared to conventional varieties, in most years and locations cost savings in pesticides, and possibly tillage, will more than offset lost revenue from lower yields. The reportDP #87, available in PDF from the IFPRI site at: www.ifpri.cgiar.org concludes that currently there is insufficient data to project the above conclusions to other countries, and that additional studies should be undertaken to measure non-pecuniary benefits and costs. *> IFPRI, 2033 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA. M.C. Marra . thanks to D. Powell for initial information.

Industry Shifts Impact Weed Science An internationally concerned weed scientist recently commented that since "The status of weed science is rapidly changing, due to industry consolidation," there will be ever fewer opportunities for newly mint-ed weed scientists to become employees of the remaining large pesti-cide companies, and very likely financial resources for a variety of weed science-related activities will shrink significantly. Writing in the latest issue of the INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE SO-CIETY NEWSLETTER, Society president S.O. Duke also observed that, as the major players in the pesticide industry consolidate, "They become less interested in smaller markets, leaving opportunities for small companies." For instance, in the U.S. Dr. Duke notes increased activity among smaller companies in addressing the weed problemswhich clearly remainand that the major firms have all but abandoned.

"These smaller companies seem more willing to work with the public sector to discover and develop solutions," Duke said. He continued that, "From the ashes of companies that have been victims of mergers, we may see a new generation of companies with new interests and new approaches." In summary, Duke called for the scientists working in these smaller organizations to become involved with, and demonstrate support for, local weed science societies. *> S.O. Duke, President, International Weed Science Society, . thanks to Dr. Duke (and the IWSS Newsletter) for permission to quote his printed remarks.

GLOBAL IPM NOTES An Australian firm has developed lines of wheat with resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus, the most serious virus disease attacking wheat. *> Grain BioTech Australia, . Scientists recently announced a field count system for establishing when infestations of Aphis glycines (soybean aphid) become sufficiently large to economically warrant application of insecticide. *> R. Hammond, . Metaldehyde and methiocarb applied as seed dressings significantly reduced Deroceras reticulatum(slug) damage to crop plants. *> L.C. Simms, . back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information PUBLICATIONS PERUSED AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication, or CD, focused on, or related to, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with full information to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

1. MUTING THE FRUIT FLY In Vietnam .... .... A collaborative international project underway aims at "Man-aging Pest Fruit Flies to Increase Production of Fruit and Vegetable Crops in Vietnam," aims to significantly reduce the major damage in-flicted annually to crops by this pest. Research will initially ascer-tain the economically important fruit fly species and host fruits in each region, quantify damage levels, and determine seasonality. Plans call for introducing environmentally-friendly, pre-harvest control by bait spraying. There will be strong emphasis on training to upgrade staff identification skills, conduct biological studies, and to devel-op and implement field control campaigns. *> G. Banova, Australian Embassy, Hanoi, VIETNAM. E-mail: . thanks to A.S. Cooper for information. In the U.S. .... .... Recent research found that grapefruit growers can reduce the chance of Mexican fruit fly (Mff) infestation by removingafter har-vestall fruit remaining on trees or on the ground. When wild-strain Mff adults emerge from the ground, they are likely to feed on whatever is nearby, so prompt removal of all residual post-harvest fruit can cause the pest to search elsewhere for food and be less conditioned to seek out fruit crops the following season. *> D. Robacker, ARS-USDA, 2413 E. Hwy. 83, Weslaco,

TX 78596-0000, USA. E-mail: . In South Australia .... .... Western Australia will provide more than 5 million sterile male Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies) each week to help South Australia prevent a reoccurrence of last year's medfly outbreak. The irradiated male medflies are aerially released for use against wild females in the field. They will be one element of an integrated approach involving limited pesticide use, "backyard" fruit hygiene, and other measures. The feasibility of a statewide eradication campaign is also under consideration. *> B. Woods, Western Australia Agriculture, Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Ctr., WA 6983, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: . thanks to S. Lloyd and B. Woods for information. In Full Color .... .... A set of two, full color, 97x75cm (38x30in.) posters lamina-ted with high quality 80 micron material depicts FRUIT FLY PESTS OF THE WORLD. Each of the included 64 species is shown in a color photo of an adult fly, mostly photographed live, along with information on world distribution of the species and the major types of fruit at-tacked. Additionally, the set lists lures that are most suitable for use in fruit fly traps targeted at each species. A second two-poster set depicts FRUIT FLIES OF AUSTRALIA. *> Scientific Advisory Ser-vices, PO Box 1056, Tully, QLD 4854, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-7-4065-4991. E-mail: . Web: saspl.com.au 2. A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY VIEW OF IPM Integrate the accumulated knowledge represented by a highly re-garded weed scientist-plant pathologist-entomologist trio, turn the three lose on their keyboards, and the result is CONCEPTS IN INTE-GRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, one of the more insightful and balanced treatises in print onand aboutIPM. The triangulated viewpoints of authors R.F. Norris, et al make it amply clear that weeds, pathogens, and pest insects generate threats to crops that are col-lective and interlinked. This "real world" approach avoids disci-plinary myopia and offers both case histories and practical examples of pest interaction. Twenty chapters and 586 pages combine to address all important aspects of IPMfrom individual tactics to resistance development, and even topics that are, for some, controversial. An extensive glossary and a useful listing of pest organisms round out the package. The 2003, hardbound volume contains numerous black and white photos, plus 48 full color photos on the front and back end sheets. *> Prentice-Hall, Inc., One Lake St., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA. Web: www.prenhall.com 3. ARTHROPOD BIOCONTROL - AUSTRALIA A work published in 2001 by the Australian Centre for Interna-tional Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in collaboration with CSIRO chronicles attempts at biocontrol of 98 pests (or groups) totaling some 150 species, mostly exotic. Not only does CLASSICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ARTHROPODS IN AUSTRALIA summarize results, the hardbound monograph presents a short dossier on each pest or group, plus details of the more important natural enemies. Authors D.F. Waterhouse (dec.) and D.P.A. Sands use a general overview to note that, of the 70 or so species targeted in identified projects, 30 are now under control, and another 20 are no longer important pests. The 559-page book, ACIAR Monograph No. 77, also points out that, with just one exception, no native arthropod pests have been found to be susceptible to biocon-trol. *> P.W. Lynch, ACIAR, GPO Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: . Fax: 61-02-6217-0501. Phone: 61-02-6217-0500. Web: www.aciar.gov.au 4. NEW TITLES FROM PHYTOMA (ESPANA) Two newer volumes published in Spain focus on bioinsecticides and baculovirusesdescribing their nature, function, and application. The

318-page BIOINSECTICIDAS: FUNDAMENTOS Y APLICACIONES DE Bacillus thuringiensis EN EL CONTROL INTEGRADO DE PLAGAS was edited by P. Caballero and J. Ferre, and represents the contributions of 27 authors presented in 13 chapters. The second work, LOS BACULOVIRUS Y SUS APLICACIONES COMO BIOINSECTICIDAS EN EL CONTROL BIOLOGICO DE PLAGAS, was prepared by P. Caballero, et al Both titles were published in 2001 and are referenced by the publisher as E004 and E005 respective-ly. *> Phytoma Espana, c/San Jacinto 1 y 3, 34608 Valencia, SPAIN. Fax: 34-96-382-6515. Phone: 34-96-382-6510. Web: www.phytoma.com thanks to J. Costa for information.

PUBLICATION & CD NOTES WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT IN 2001 The U.S. National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) recently published its annual summary of ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2001, "Innovative Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts," a liberally illustrated, 64-page overview of the year. Sections address a wide range of wildlife management topics, from international cooperation to coping with and managing pest species. The softbound volume is Pub. no. 1585. A separate Publications List for 2001 is also available and includes a useful order form. *> NWRC, 4101 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521-2154, USA. E-mail: . Fax: 1-970-266-6032. Phone: 1-970-266-6000. Web: www.aphis.usda.gov DISEASES, DUFFERS, AND DIVOTS A 2002 monograph, ECOLOGICAL GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT, devotes one of its seven chapters to "Pests" (other than those digging up divots), and strategies for minimizing pesticide applications. Authors P.D. Sachs and R.T. Luff emphasize an integrated approach to pathogens, weeds, and pest insects. Hardbound, 197 pages. *> Ann Arbor Press, PO Box 20, Chelsea, MI 48118, USA. Fax: 1-734-475-0787. Phone: 1-734-475-4411. Web: www.sleepingbearpress.com PESTICIDES IN PUBLIC HEALTH Individuals involved in containing public health pest organisms often apply a variety of pesticides and thus need to be well versed in proper methods and techniques. A 2002 spiral-bound booklet, PUBLIC-HEALTH PESTICIDE APPLICATOR TRAINING MANUAL, by D.A. Dame and T.R. Fasulo, offers a useful information resource and covers many of the situations encountered in battling pest insects and vertebrates (but does not include weed control). The text is straight forward, sup-ported by several line drawings and a glossary. *> IFAS Extension Bookstore, PO Box 110011, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. Fax: 1-352-392-2628. Phone: 1-352-392-1764. Web: ifasbooks.ufl.edu thanks to M.D. Shenk and T.R. Fasulo for information. LATEST FUSARIUM NEWSLETTER The latest issue (summer 2002) of the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative's reader friendly periodic newsletter FUSARIUM FOCUS is available on-line at: www.scabusa.org WEBSITE, VIDEO, & OTHER SOURCES A DUO OF USEFUL WEB SITES One of the more complete arrays of pesticide-related informationfrom chemigation, to IPM, to worker protectionresides on the Clemson Univ. PESTICIDE INFORMATION PROGRAM's series of

colorful pages. The complete and easy-to-navigate compendium was authored by R.G. Bellinger, exten-sion pesticide coordinator at Clemson. The main/front page starts at: entweb.clemson.edu *> E-mail: . A companion set of pages presents INSECT INFORMATION, with species grouped by either an associated crop(s) (e.g., "fruit insects") or setting ("stored grain"). Each insect data sheet offers a color photo of the species, plus nomenclature, and other pertinent information, and is found at: entweb.clemson.edu thanks to M.D. Shenk for providing information EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES QUICK DIAGNOSIS OF PATHOGENS A highly portable technology that allows rapid field diagnosis of virus, bacterial, and fungal diseases has been adapted into simple-to-use kits designed for detecting specific plant pathogens in the field. Based on sophisticated immuno-chromatographic techniques, the extra compact POCKET DIAGNOSTIC kits: a) allow users to complete a test in just over 2 minutes; b) do not require any refrigerated storage; and, c) produce distinct positive detection. The kits couple antibodies to blue latex beads within a lateral flow device that has a sample well and a viewing window with indicator lines. Kits are available for a wide range of pathogens of crops such as potato, sugar beet, tomato, plum, peach, cereals, and more. *> Pocket Diagnostics, CSL, Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK. E-mail:. Fax: 44-0-1904-462122. Phone: 44-0-1904-462600. Web: www.pocketdiagnostics.co.uk back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the titles that follow. E-mail requests to: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu. This Month's SELECTED TITLES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "Caveat Emptor: Safety Considerations for Natural Products Used in Arthropod Control," Trumble, J.T. * AMER. ENTOM., 48(1), 7-13, 2002. "Pollen-mediated Movement of Herbicide Resistance Between Commercial Canola Fields," Rieger, M.A., et al. * SCIENCE, 296(5577), 2386-2388, June 2002. Biocontrol "Biological Control of Plant Pathogens: Research, Commercialization, and Application in the USA," Gardener, B.B.M., and D.R. Fravel.* PLANT HEALTH PROG., May 2002. Electronic document at: www.plantmanagementnetwork.org "Can Generalist Predators be Effective Biocontrol Agents?," Symondson, W.O.C., et al * ANNU. REV. OF ENTOM., 47, 561-594, 2002. Phytopathology "Effect of Integrating Planting Time, Fungicide Application and Host Resistance on Potato Late Blight Development in Southwestern Uganda," Kankwatsa, P., et al * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 150(4-5), 248-257, May 2002. Weed Management "Weed Control from Herbicide Combinations with Glyphosate," Shaw, D.R., and J.C. Arnold. * WEED TECH., 16(1), 1-6, 2002. "Weed Management in Organic Agriculture: Are We Addressing the Right Issues?," Barberi, A. * WEED RESCH., 42(3), 177-193, June 2002.

Entomology "Experimental Field Studies on Predation and Egg Parasitism of Rice Brown Planthopper in Indonesia," Claridge, M.F., et al * AGRIC. AND FOR. ENTOM., 4(3), 203-209, August 2002. "Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Fields with Perimeter and Spatially Targeted Insecticides," Blom, P.E., et al * ENVIRON. ENTOM., 32(1), 149-159, February 2002. Special sub-Section: Bt "Biochemistry and Genetics of Insect Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis " Ferre, J., and J. VanRie. *ANNU. REV. OF ENTOM., 47, 501-533, 2002. Nematology "Transgenic Potatoes with Enhanced Levels of Nematode Resistance do not Have Altered Susceptibility to Nontarget Aphids," Cowgill, S.E., et al * MOLEC. ECOL., 11(4), 821-827, April 2002. Vertebrates "Effectiveness of an Electric Fence to Reduce Badger Meles meles Damage to Field Crops," Poole, D.W., et al * CROP PROT., 21(5), 409-417, June 2002.

back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments IV. U.S. REGIONAL PEST MANAGEMENT CENTERS news, developments Pest Management Newsletters Multiplying Judging by the truck load of pest management (PM) related news-letter titles listed on the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Pest Management Centers website, PM information dissemination is alive and buzzing in the USA. By clicking on "News/Alerts," then "Pest Management Newsletters," on the website www.pmcenters.org the intrepid web traveler can access over 70 periodic newsletters emanating from 34 states. And there are others not here listed. The offerings run the gamut from general to crop or pest specific. Most of the periodicals have a geographic bias, but not all. Many in-clude detailed PM, or scouting, or safety procedures. A large number either spring to life or increase their frequency of publication dur-ing cropping seasons, only to lapse into hibernation during the winter while others soldier on year round. Most are web-accessible and (just like the opus you are reading) transfer the onus of printing to the recipient to eliminate printing and mailing costs. Some newsletters include graphics in addition to text. Most are written by individuals with front line, hands-on field/ lab experience. Some have started out bravely, but stumbled over bud-get slashes and personnel departures. Many eschew graphic niceties for a straightforward, pure information approach. Whatever the editorial slant and production level, the aggregated result bulks as a massive country-wide effort and a testament to the importance and sensitivity of modern day, effective pest management information dissemination and communication.

back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP)

back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global V. IPMnet CALENDAR a comprehensive global listng of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, symposia, workshops, training courses, etc.) for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 NOTES: This issue of the IPMnet NEWS lists only: (N)EW events that have not been previously cited; and, (R)EVISED events, with new information compared to an earlier listing in the IPMnet CALENDAR The complete IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed to all IPMnet e-mail subscribers once annually, but is kept up to date and may be requested any time from IPMnet ipmnet@bcc.orst.edu. It can also be found on the IPMnet website: www.ipmnet.org Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at ipmnet@bcc.orst.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, a var- iety of sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. New and Revised listings Previously Listed events See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar

I IPMnet CALENDAR: (N)EW, or (R)EVISED entries only; current as of 01 August 2002.

2002 (N) 04-08 September * 7TH EUROPEAN SEMINAR ON FUSARIUM - MYCOTOXINS, TAXONOMY, AND PATHOGENICITY, Poznan, POLAND. Contact: P. Golinski, Dept. of Chemistry, August Cieszkowski Agric. Univ., Pol-skiego 75, 60-625 Poznan, POLAND. Fax: 48-61-848-7824.E-mail: . Phone: 48-61-848-7837. Web: www.au.poznan.pl (N) 09-14 September * EFPP 2002: DISEASE RESISTANCE IN PLANT PATHOLOGY, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Web: www.efpp.net (N) 14-16 October * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, "Integrated Plant Protection in Stone Fruit," Opatija, CROATIA. Contact: I. Ciglar, Fac. of Agric., Dept. of Agric. Zoology, Svetosimunska cesta 25-10,000, Zagreb, CROATIA. E-mail: . Fax: 385-1-239-3970. Phone: 385-1-239-3858. (N) 22-23 October * AQUATIC WEED SCHOOL 2002, Davis, CA, USA. Discussions will cover all forms of aquatic weed management. Contact: K. Schlosser, Weed Resch. & Info. Ctr., Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. E-mail: . Fax: 1-530-752-4604. Phone: 1-530-752-7091. Web: www.ucdavis.edu (N) 22-23 October * 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, BEHAVIOR OF PESTICIDES IN PLANTS, SOILS, GROUND AND SURFACE WATER, Mainz, GERMANY. Contact: S. Mummenbrauer, Die Akademie Fresenius, Hauert 9, D-44227 Dortmund, GERMANY. Fax: 49-231-758-9653. E-mail: . Phone: 49-231-758-9648. Web: www.akademie (N) 04-06 November * INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE TRAINING: 1) "HIGHER-TIER AQUATIC RISK ASSESSMENT OF PESTICIDES FOR NATIONAL AND EU REGISTRATION: TOOLS AND SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND" and, 2) "MODELLING OF PESTICIDE FATE IN THE ENVIRONMENT FOR EU AND NATIONAL REGISTRATION, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, IAC, Wageningen UR, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Fax: 31-317-495395. E-mail: . Phone:

31-317-495353. Web: www.iac.wageningen (N) 07-09 December * U.S. NATIONAL FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT FORUM, Erlanger, KY, USA. Web: www.scabusa.org 2003 (N) 21-23 January * JOINT EUROPEAN-SOUTHERN AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEPESTICIDES IN NON-TARGET AGRICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTS; ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: Conference Organizers, Freshwater Research Unit, Dept of Zoology, Univ. of Cape Town, Rhodes Gift 7701, SOUTH AFRICA. E-mail: . Fax: 27-0-21-650-3301. Web: www.tu (N) 19-20 May * CONGRESSADVANCES IN EUROPEAN CROP PROTECTION, Norwich, UK. Contact: Conference Manager, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK. E-mail: . Fax: 44-0-1603-450045. Phone: 44-0-1603-450794. Web: www.whitefly.org N) 21-23 January * JOINT EUROPEAN-SOUTHERN AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEPESTICIDES IN NON-TARGET AGRICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTS; ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: Conference Organizers, Freshwater Research Unit, Dept of Zoology, Univ. of Cape Town, Rhodes Gift 7701, SOUTH AFRICA. E-mail: . Fax: 27-0-21-650-3301. Web: www.tu (N) 19-20 May * CONGRESSADVANCES IN EUROPEAN CROP PROTECTION, Norwich, UK. Contact: Conference Manager, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK. E-mail: . Fax: 44-0-1603-450045. Phone: 44-0-1603-450794. Web: www.whitefly.org ............................................................................................................................................................ ...... (N) 28 April-09 May * IPM AND IPM INFORMATION SYSTEMS COURSE; (N) 28 April-04 July * TRAINING PROGRAMME ON IPM; (N) 12-23 May * PARTICIPATORY IPM EXTENSION COURSE; (N) 26 May-20 June * IPM TECHNOLOGY COURSE; (N) 23 June-04 July * ROLE OF PESTICIDES IN IPM COURSE; all at Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, IAC, Wageningen UR, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Fax: 31-317-495395. E-mail: . Phone: 31-317-495353. Web: www.iac.wageningen ............................................................................................................................................................ ...... (N) 24-28 May * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP 9TH MEETING, "Microbial Control and

Insect Parasitic Nematodes," Schoss Salzau (nr. Kiel), GERMANY. Contact: R-U. Ehlers, Dept. of Biotech/Biocontrol, Inst. for Phytopathology, Christian Albrechts Univ., Kiel, Klausdorfer Str. 28-36, D-24223 Raisdorf, GERMANY. Fax: 49-4307-839834. E-mail: . Phone: 49-4307-839833. Website: www.iobc.de (N) 02-06 June * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP (new), "Multitrophic Interactions in Soil for Integrated Plant Protection," Bad Honnef-Bonn, GERMANY. Contact: R.A. Sikora, Inst. fur Pflanzenkrankheiten, Univ. Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, GERMANY. E-mail: . Fax: 49-228-732432. (N) 14-16 October * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, "Integrated Plant Protection in Fruit CropsSubgroup Soft Fruits," Workshop on Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Conthey, SWITZERLAND. Contact: C. Linder, Station Fed. de Rech. Agron. de Changins, CH-1260 Nyon, SWITZERLAND. E-mail: . (N) 03-08 November * 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS, Miami, FL, USA. Contact: A.L. Koop, Dept. of Biology, Cox Sci. Ctr., Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0421, USA. E-mail: . Phone: 1-305-284-3973. Web: www.bio.miami.edu 2004 No new or revised entries. 2005 No new or revised entries.

IPMnet CALENDAR PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 Current as of July 2002

2002 04-09 August XXXV CONGRESO BRASILEIRO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Recife, BRAZIL. Web: www.sbfito.com.br 04-09 August 10TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Basle, SWITZERLAND. Contact: M. Haeuselmann, c/o Novartis CP AG, WRO-1060.1.42, CH-4002 Basel, SWITZERLAND E-mail: Marlies.Haeuselmann@cp.novartis.com Fax: 41-61-697-7472 Phone: 41-61-697-4507 Web: www.cp.novartis.com/iupac2002/ 05-08 August 23RD BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Porto Alegre, RGS, BRAZIL. Contact: E. Roman, ERoman@cnpt.embrapa.br

05-30 August INTER-REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE ON THE "USE OF THE STERILE INSECT AND RELATED TECHNIQUES FOR THE AREAWIDE MANAGEMENT OF INSECT PESTS," Kelowna, BC, CANADA. Contact: V.A. Dyck, Joint FAO/IAEA Division, IAEA, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-mail: V.A.Dyck@iaea.org Fax: 43-1-2600-7 Phone: 43-1-2600-26164 Web: www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/d4/index.html 11-17 August 7TH INTERNATIONAL MYCOLOGICAL CONGRESS, Oslo, NORWAY. Contact: L. Ryvarden, Leif.Ryvarden@bio.uio.no Website: www.uio.no/conferences/imc7/imc7/intro.html 12-15 August 55TH NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Rotorua, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: A. Rahman, AgResearch, Ruakura Agric. Resch. Ctr., Private Bag 3123, Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND E-mail: Anis.Rahman@agresearch.co.nz Fax: 64-7-838-5031 Phone: 64-7-838-5280 12-15 August 22ND BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Porto Alegre, RGS, BRAZIL. Contact: E. Roman, A/C EMBRAPA, C.P. 451, Passo Fundo, RS, BRAZIL E-mail: ERoman@cnpt.embrapa.br 25-30 August XVII PERUVIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGY CONGRESS, Tarapoto City, San Martin, PERU. Contact: E. Arevalo-Gardini, APF President, Jr. Tarapoto 247, Banda de Shilcayo, Tarapoto, PERU E-mail: ict@terra.com.pe Fax/phone: 51-945-22361 26-30 August 3RD WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, Tsukuba, JAPAN. Contact: Y. Fujii, Natl. Inst. for Agro-Environmental Sci., Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305-8604, JAPAN E-mail: YFujii@affrc.go.jp Website: iasj.ac.affrc.go.jp 31 August-05 September 6TH IOBC/WPRS WORKSHOP ON POME FRUIT DISEASES, Lindau/Bodensee, GERMANY. Contact: P. Triloff, Marktgemeinschaft Bodenseeobst, Albert Maierstr. 6, 088045 Friedrichshafen, GERMANY E-mail: Peter.Triloff@t-online.de Fax: 49-0-171-829-8032 Phone: 49-0-7541-501030 02-06 September 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AQUATIC WEEDS, Moliets, FRANCE. Contact: M-H. Montel, Water Quality Research Unit, Cemagref Groupement de Bordeaux, 50 Avenue de Verdun, 33612 Cestas Cedex, FRANCE E-mail: Marie-Helene.Montel@cemagref.fr Fax: 33-5-578-90801 Phone: 33-5-578-90854 Website: www.cemagref.fr 08-12 September INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IPM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, Entebbe, UGANDA. Theme: "IPM: A Strategic Tool for Agricultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa." Contact: Adipala-Ekwamu, Crop Sci. Dept., Makerere Univ., Box 7062, Kampala, UGANDA E-mail: acss@starcom.co.ug Phone: 256-41-540464 Web: www.aaec.vt.edu/ipmcrspuganda/conference/ 08-13 September 13TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA.

Contact: 13th AWC, PO Box 257, South Perth, 6951 WA, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-8-9450-2942 E-mail: convlink@iinet.net.au Phone: 61-8-9450-1662 Website: members.iinet.net.au/~weeds/conference/index.htm 08-13 September 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ACAROLOGY, Merida, MEXICO. Contact: J.B. Morales-Malacara, XI ICA Secretary, Lab. de Acarologia, Dept. de Biologia, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coyoacan 04510 DF, MEXICO E-mail: JBMM@hp.fciencias.unam.mx Fax: 52-5-622-4828 Phone: 52-5-622-4923 09-14 September 6TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, "Disease Resistance in Plant Pathology," Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Contact: EFPP 2002, Czech Phyto. Soc., Resch. Inst. of Crop Prod., Div. of Plant Med., Drnovska 507, 161 06 Prague 6, Ruzyne, CZECH REPUBLIC E-mail: EFPP2002@vurv.cz Fax: 420-2-333-11592 Phone: 420-2-330-22295 Website: www.efpp.net/PDF/2%20page.pdf 12-13 September ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING, Cardiff, UK. Contact: H. Jones, Jonesth@cardiff.ac.uk 13 September SYMPOSIUM: HERBICIDE RESISTANT CROPS AND WEEDS, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Powles, c/o Weeds Conference, Convention Link, PO Box 257, South Perth, WA 6951, AUSTRALIA E-mail: SPowles@agric.uwa.edu.au Fax: 61-8-9450-2942 Web: members.iinet.net.au/~weeds/. [Follows the 13th Australian Weeds Conference and includes international featured speakers.] 15-18 September EGG PARASITOIDS FOR BIOCONTROL OF INSECT PESTS 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Perugia, ITALY. Contact: 6th Symposium, Dept. of Arbor. and Plant Prot.-Entom., Borgo XX Giugno 74, 06121, Perugia, ITALY E-mail: eggpar@unipg.it Fax: 39-075-585-5039 Phone: 39-075-585-6030 Web: www.unipg.it/eggpar/ 15-19 September 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PATHOVARS AND RELATED PATHOGENS, Potenza, ITALY. Contact: N.S. Iacobellis, pseudomonassyringae@unibas.it 22-27 September IOBC PHEROMONE WORKING GROUP MEETING, Erice, Sicily, ITALY. Contact: P. Witzgall, SLU, Box 44, 23053 Alnarp, SWEDEN E-mail: peter.witzgall@phero.net Fax: 46-40-461991 Phone: 46-40-415307 Web: phero.net/iobc/sicily/announc4.html 30 September-04 October 4TH INTERNATIONAL POWDERY & DOWNY MILDEW WORKSHOP, Napa, CA, USA. Contact: PM/DM Workshop 2002, Dept. of Plant Path., Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA E-mail: pmdm2002@yahoo.com Fax: 1-530-752-5674 Web: www.cevs.ucdavis.edu/Cofred/Public/Aca/ConfHome.cfm?confid=134 30 September-05 October 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIPTEROLOGY, Brisbane AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Brown, Conf. Conn., PO Box 108 Kenmore, QLD 4069, AUSTRALIA E-mail: sally.brown@uq.net.au Web:

www.uq.edu.au/entomology/dipterol/diptconf.html Fax: 61-7-3201-2809 07-13 October 7TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Thessaloniki, GREECE. Contact: Secretariat, Lab. of Appld. Zoo. and Parasitol., Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, 540-06 Thessaloniki, GREECE Fax/phone: 31-998-853 E-mail: Matilda@agro.auth.gr 10-15 October 7TH INTERNATIONAL BIOSAFETY OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS SYMPOSIUM, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: Biosafety Symposium, biosafe@pku.edu.cn Fax: 86-10-627-51194 Web: www.worldbiosafety.net 14-16 October THE ROLE OF GENETICS AND EVOLUTION IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: IOBC Symposium, Agropolis, Ave. Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier, Cedex 5, FRANCE E-mail: IOBC.symposium@agropolis.fr Fax: 33-0-467-04-7599 Website: www.iobc.agropolis.fr/symposium2002/ 21-24 October INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUMIMPROVING BIOCONTROL OF Plutella xylostella, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: C. Lyonnet, CIRAD-DS/midec, TA 179/02, Ave. Agropolis, 34398 Montpellier cedex 5, FRANCE E-mail: dbm2002@cirad.fr Fax: 33-0-467-615603 Web: dbm2002.cirad.fr 27-30 October SYMPOSIUM: INVASIVE PLANTSGLOBAL ISSUES, LOCAL CHALLENGES, Chicago, IL, USA. Contact: K. Havens, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL, USA E-mail: KHavens@chicagobotanic.org Web: www.chicagobotanic.org/symposia/jmpsymp.html 28 October-01 November 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RODENT BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, Bogor, INDONESIA. Contact: D. Tart, ACTS, GPO Box 2200, Canberra ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-2-6257-3256 E-mail: secretariat@icrbm.com Phone: 61-2-6257-3299 Website: www.icrbm.com November 4TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONGRESS, Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN. Contact: Congress Organizer, congress@ifns.org Web: www.ifns.org 05-08 November 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL PLANT DISEASES, Chiang Mai, THAILAND. Contact: TPS2002 Secretariat, PO BOX 1064, Kasetsart Post Office, Bangkok 10903, THAILAND E-mail: Amara@doa.go.th Phone: 66-2-579-9585 Fax: 66-2-940-5419 Website: www.doa.go.th/diseases/index.html 18-21 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2002, "Pests and Diseases," Brighton, UK. Contact: BCPC Ltd., 49 Downing Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PH, UK E-mail: md@bcpc.org Fax: 44-0-1252-727194 Phone: 44-0-1252-733072 Website: www.bcpc.org 24-27 November CANADIAN EXPERT COMMITTEE ON WEEDS ANNUAL MEETING, Saskatoon, SK, CANADA. Contact: H. Beckie, BeckieH@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-306-956-7247

Phone: 1-306-956-7251 25-30 November 4TH ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEL GRUPO DE TRABAJOS DE MOSCAS DE LOS FRUTOS DEL HEMISFERIO OCCIDENTAL, Mendoza, ARGENTINA. Contact: O. De Longo, Mellado Boulogne Sur Mer 3050, Ciudad, Mendoza, (CP 5500), ARGENTINA E-mail: iscamen@cpsarg.com Web: www.iscamen.com.ar Fax/Phone: 54-261-425-8741 10-15 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 17-21 November New information ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: meet@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 Website: www.entsoc.org 04-06 December 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTS IN AGRICULTURE, Montpelllier, FRANCE. Contact: S. Kreiter, Directeur de l'UFR Ecologie Animale & Zoologie Agricole, Campus Agro.M / INRA - Unit 9 d'Acarologie, 2, Place Pierre Viala, 34060 MONTPELLIER Cedex 01, FRANCE E-mail: Kreiter@ensam.inra.fr 2003 January 41ST CONGRESS, SOUTHERN AFRICA SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Orange Free State, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: Secretary, SASPP, ARC, PPRI, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7600, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: vredcl@plant3.agric.za Website: www.saspp.co.za 19-23 January INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF WESTERN CORN ROOTWORM, Goettingen, GERMANY. Contact: H. Kuhlman, e-mail: HKuhlma@gwdg.de Web: www.uni-goettingen.de/pflanzenpathologie/symposium 02-08 February 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: ICPP2003 Conference Secretariat, PDG, PO Box 84, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NZ E-mail: icpp2003@lincoln.ac.nz Fax: 64-3-325-3840 Phone: 64-3-325-2811 Website: www.lincoln.ac.nz/icpp2003/ 09-12 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Jacksonville, FL, USA. Contact: WSSA Mtg. Manager, PO Box 7050, Lawrence, KS 66044-7050, USA E-mail: WSSA@allenpress.com Fax: 1-785-843-1274 Phone: 1-785-843-1235 Website: www.WSSA.net 17-21 February 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF CHROMOLAENA ODORATA AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS IN INDONESIA, Medan and Samosir Island, North Sumatara, INDONESIA. Contact: R. Muniappan, RMuni@uog9.uog.edu

March 3RD INTERNATIONAL BEMISIA WORKSHOP, Barcelona, SPAIN. Contact: J. Arno, Dept. de Proteccio Veg., IRTA-Centre de Cabrils, 08348 Cabrils, Barcelona, SPAIN E-mail: Judit.Arno@irta.es Fax: 93-753-3954 Phone: 93-750-7511 17-22 March Date change * 19TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Manila, PHILIPPINES. Contact: L. Fabro, NCPC, Univ. of the Philippines, Los Banos, College, Laguna, PHILIPPINES E-mail: LFabro@yahoo.com Fax: 63-49-536-2409 06-10 April XII CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Valle del Rio Grande, TX, USA. Contact: J.M. Amador, Agric. Resch. Ctr., 2415 E. Hwy. 83, Weslaco, TX 78596, USA Fax: 1-956-969-5639 E-mail: J-Amador@tamu.edu Phone: 1-956-968-5585 08-10 April 4TH NATIONAL IPM SYMPOSIUM/WORKSHOP (U.S.), Indianapolis, IN, USA. Contact: E.E. Wolff, 302 E. John St., Suite 202, Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, IL 61820, USA Fax: 1-217-333-9561 E-mail: IPMsymposium@ad.uiuc.edu Phone: 1-217-333-2881 Web: www.conted.uiuc.edu/ipm 27 April-02 May 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Canberra, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Corey, CSIRO Entomology, PO Box 1700, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-02-6246-4177 E-mail: Sharon.Corey@ento.csiro.au. Phone: 61-02-6246-4136 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/weeds2003/index.html May 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POPULATION DYNAMICS OF PLANT INHABITING MITES, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: D.C. Margolies, Dept. of Entomology, Waters Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4004, USA E-mail: DMargoli@oznet.ksu.edu June 2003 CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Montreal, QUE, CANADA. Contact: A.C. Kushalappa, Dept. of Plant Sci., Raymond Bldg., Macdonald, McGill Univ., 21111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste. anne de Bellevue, QUE H9X 3V9, CANADA Fax: 1-541-398-7897 E-mail: Kushalappa@macdonald.mcgill.ca Phone: 1-514-398-7851, ext. 7867 11-14 June 15TH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF INSECT SCIENTISTS, MEETING AND SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, "Integrated Pest (IPM) and Vectors Management (IVM) on African Rural and Urban Livelihoods: Perspective and Future Strategies." Contact: F.E. Nwilene, WARDA, 01 BP 2551, Bouake 01, COTE D'IVOIRE E-mail: F.Nwilene@cgiar.org 01-03 July 16TH CONGRESS OF THE NEMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: H. Hugo, ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag X5013, 7599 Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: Hans@infruit.agric.za Fax: 27-21-809-3584 Phone: 27-21-809-3468 06-11 July 15TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: W. Liping, Inst. of Plant Prot., Chinese Acad. of Agric. Sci., #2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA E-mail: cspp@ipmchina.cn.net Fax: 86-10-628-95451 Website:

www.ipmchina.cn.net/ippc 11-13 July 2ND GLOBAL INITIATIVE ON LATE BLIGHT CONFERENCE, Hamburg, GERMANY. Contact: C. Lizarraga, GILB, CIP, PO Box 1558, Lima 12, PERU. E-mail: GILB@cgiar.org Fax: 51-1-317-5326 Website: www.cipotato.org/gilb/gilb02_conference.htm 12-17 July ANNUAL MEETING, SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, Ithaca, NY, USA. Contact: W. Brodie, USDA-ARS, Dept. of Plant Path., 334 Plant Science, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA E-mail: BBB2@cornell.edu Fax: 1-607-255-4471 Phone: 1-607-272-3745 09-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotte, NC, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 26-30 October ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Cincinnati, OH, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535. 17-20 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2003, "Weeds," Brighton, UK. Contact: BCPC Ltd., 49 Downing Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PH, UK E-mail: md@bcpc.org Fax: 44-0-1252-727194 Phone: 44-0-1252-733072 Website: www.bcpc.org 2004 07-11 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Kansas City, MO, USA. Contact: WSSA Mtg. Manager, PO Box 7050, Lawrence, KS 66044-7050, USA E-mail: WSSA@allenpress.com Fax: 1-785-843-1274 Phone: 1-785-843-1235 Website: www.WSSA.net 19-25 June 4TH INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: IWSS, PO Box 8048, University, MS 38677-8048, USA E-mail: SDuke@olemiss.edu Fax: 1-662-915-1035 Phone: 1-662-915-1036 24-28 July AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Spokane, WA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Website: www.scisoc.org 15-20 August 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: J. Cullen, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-2-6246-4025 E-mail: J.Cullen@ento.csiro.au Fax: 61-2-6246-4000 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/ice2004/index.html 15-21 August New information * 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, "Strength in Diversity," Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Carillon Conf. Mgmt., PO Box 177, Red Hill, QLD 4059, AUSTRALIA E-mail: ICE2004@ccm.com.au Fax: 61-7-3369-3931 Phone: 61-7-3368-2644 Website: www.ICE2004.org 22 August 11TH INTERNATIONAL CEREAL RUST AND POWDERY MILDEW

CONFERENCE, Norwich, UK. Contact: J. Brown, James.Brown@bbsrc.ac.uk 12-16 October 8TH ARAB CONGRESS OF PLANT PROTECTION, El-Beida, LIBYA. Contact: A. Bataw, ACPP Organizing Comm., Fac. of Agric., Omar El-Mokhtar Univ., El-Beida, LIBYA E-mail: AliBataw@hotmail.com 07-11 November ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 13-18 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2004, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 2005 Date unspecified XIII CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Cordoba, COR, ARGENTINA. Contact: S. Lenard, SLenard@infovia.com.ar. 30 July-04 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Austin, TX, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@apsnet.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.apsnet.org 12-17 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2005, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org

Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080

IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP) in close collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ. The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection/pest management, has been an international presence for over 25 years. Current members: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. J.D. Harper (North Carolina State Univ.) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, M. Kogan (Oregon State Univ.) is Vice chairman, D.P. Schmitt (Univ. of Hawaii) is Treasurer, and R.E. Ford (Univ.

of Illinois) is Executive Director. The Consortium now maintains its administrative office at: CICP, c/o IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. E-mail: CICP@uiuc.edu. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. Phone: 1-541-737-3541.

The IPMnet NEWS ISSN: 1523-7893 .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by CICP, or any individual associated with CICP, or any of its member institutions. Viewpoints expressed in the IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of CICP. IPMnet NEWS is protected by copyright. Items in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, but only when IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source.

CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe: .... J.D. Harper, chair, James_Harper@ncsu.edu, A. Alvarez, D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and R.E. Ford.

IPMnet NEWS Editor / Coordinator: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu.

IPMnet Administrator / Director (Info Systems)(CICP): ....Waheed I. Bajwa, bajwaw@bcc.orst.edu.

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To contact IPMnet NEWS: E-mail: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu (preferred method) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

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