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IPMnet NEWS May 2003, Issue no. 113 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Protein Targets Cotton Pest Insects Nearly a decade after it was discovered, an exotoxin derived from the Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium is on the verge of gaining com-mercial approval in the U.S. for incorporation into transgenic cotton plants as another pest insect management tool. Vip cotton (for vegetative insecticidal protein) is said to offer broad spectrum, full season control of major lepidopteran pests, and potentially Spodoptera species. However, selected field testing in 2002 produced mixed results with a report of excellent control of several key insects, but inadequate impact on others. Structurally, functionally, and biochemically Vip is different from Bt delta-endotoxins. Being vegetative, Vip is expressed throughout the cotton plant including its floral parts. When pest insect larvae feed on Vip (very inedible protein?) cotton plants, the critical protein is ingested causing the larvae to stop feeding and expire. Once approved for commercial use, Vipand its different transgenic mode of actioncould be a welcome addition to bolster management of insect resistance, according to a spokesperson for Syngenta Crop Protection, the company behind Vip. Further extensive field testing is anticipated during 2003, perhaps including head-to-head comparative trials between current Bt-cotton and Vip cotton, followed by an official full launch in the U.S. planned for 2004 and 2005. *> Syngenta Crop Protection, PO Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419, USA. excerpted, with thanks, from various sources. GLOBAL IPM NOTES Two weed scientists visiting the largest flower and garden show of its type in the southern hemisphere found dozens of serious weed species being displayed, promoted, and sold. *> K. Blood, Kate.Blood@nre.vic.gov.au. Pyrus communis ("Bartlett" pear) genetically modified to

resist fireblight, a bacterial disease, was found to inadvertently, but beneficially, also reduce levels of pear psylla four-fold. *> G.J. Puterka, GPuterka@afrs.ars.usda.gov Wheat growers surveyed by the W. Australia Herbicide Resistance Initiative felt post-emergent selective herbicides (absent any resistance) were the most effective way to control Lolium sp. (ryegrass). *> R. Llewellyn, RLlewell@agric.uwa.edu.au. The Information Core for Southern African Migrant Pests reports that countries in the region are battling an upsurge of Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth) (armyworm). *> M. Kieser, ICOSAMP@ecoport.org. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources Society to Bestow Two IPM Awards The Entomological Foundation, an offshoot of the Entomological Society of America (ESA), offers a new annual prize, the Integrated Pest Management Team Award, recognizing the successful efforts of a team approach to IPM in any aspect of agriculture. Eligibility rests on teams that are composed of industry and academic scientists. Dow-AgroSciences sponsors the award, which is aimed at teamwork and achievement. Details are at: www.entfdn.org . *> A. Gower, April@entfdn.org . Phone: 1-301-459-9083. ESA members also can apply for the Award for Excellence in Integrated Pest Management, a prize sponsored by Syngenta Crop Protection. This award (see: www.entfdn is based on making an outstanding contribution which has a direct relation to IPM of arthropod pests, and which emphasizes independent thought and originality. *> Melodie@entfdn.org . excerpted, with thanks, from the ESA web and ESA Newsletter. PUBLICATIONS PERUSED (3 in this issue) PROGRAM CREATES IPM GUIDES, HANDBOOKS In GHANA, a collaborative program between the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) has produced both a series of four IPM extension guides as well as four additional, crop-specific recommendation handbooks based on an "IPM approach." The graphically attractive, softbound Guides, by A. Youdeowei, cover IPM principles and practices and make positive use of numerous full color and line illustrations to explain and emphasize the subject matter, as well as aid extension agents in working directly with growers. The Handbooks address the specific steps needed for effectively managing crop pests. Authors A.R. Cudjoe, et al drew on results of surveys, crop profiles, plus input from grower organizations and governmental agencies to assemble highly useful reference documents that relate to "good agricultural practices" and IPM. As with the Guides, the Handbooks include full color plates to introduce individual crop sections. *> PPRSD/GTZ, PO Box 9698, K.I.A., Accra, GHANA. ICPACC@ghana.com MIGHTY MITES ON PARADE Several mite species, especially phytoseiids, are now marketed for biocontrol of pest insects, pest

mites, nematodes, and even weeds. A 2003 work, MITES (ACARI) FOR PEST CONTROL, provides a comprehensive overview of the 34 acarine families containing mites useful for biocontrol. Authors U. Gerson, et al have extensively revamped and expanded a 1990 publication, ACARINE BIOCONTROL AGENTS, by including additional families, as well as a discussion of mite-weed interactions. The 554-page, hardbound volume presents dozens of line drawings and covers aspects ranging from establishment issues to commercial and economic considerations, and has recently been acclaimed as the standard reference on the subject. *> Blackwell Science Ltd., 9600 Gaisington Rd., Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK. Phone: 44-0-1865-776868.Web: www.blackwellpublishing.com INVASION OF THE ARTHROPODS "Problems with alien species began as soon as humans began transporting them," and the accelerating pace of transportation, commerce, and other socio-political factors serve to increase the attendant problems, observe editors G.J. Hallman and C.P. Schwalbe, in the preface to INVASIVE ARTHROPODS IN AGRICULTUREPROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, a new hard-bound work relating to the untold damage these organisms cause global agriculture each year. With input from nearly 30 specialist contributors, this 461-page, 2002 monograph broadly ranges across a variety of pertinent issues from crop protection programs to risk assessment. The underlying message calls for increased vigilance and more effective prevention and eradication to stem the flow, then control, and mitigate the impact of arthropod invaders. *> Science Publishers, Inc., PO Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA. info@scipub.net . Fax: 1-603-632-5611. Phone: 1-603-632-7377. Web: www.scipub.net . * PUBLICATION & CD NOTES TOP NOTCH IPM POLICY PAPER The Univ. of California IPM program has, during its notable existence, spawned numerous landmark IPM publications. For delivering crucially important and useful information, however, a new 12-page report, ESTABLISHING INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT POLICIES AND PROGRAMS: A GUIDE FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES, ranks high among the most critical documents within the significant body of IPM literature. Authors M.L. Flint et al have defined the questions facing public entities grappling with IPM issues and, in a commendably pragmatic approach, enumerated thoroughly practical suggestions and guidelines. Examples of operational goals for IPM, step-by-step procedures for developing an effective IPM program, ideas for building necessary support, and strategies for coping with and overcoming barriersboth psychological and institutionalare all set forth in a direct manner with a minimum of jargon. Adding to the value of this exceptional paper (publication 8093) is its cost: free. This one document can help launch, and lead to the success of, IPM activities in virtually any public agency. Downloadable in PDF format from: www.anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu . *> M.L. Flint, MLFlint@ucdavis.edu. MORE THAN PEST MANAGEMENT A firm in Canada's Nova Scotia province publishes pest management-related materials. An example, the 2001, 94-page document INTEGRATED FRUIT PRODUCTION GUIDE, by R.F.

Smith, incorporates a major section on insect, mite, and disease management. The material targets apple growers of Atlantic Canada, but has broader application. A companion document, NOVA SCOTIA INTEGRATED FRUIT PRODUCTION PEST MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE, was updated in 2002, and primarily addresses cautious use of insecticidal sprays. *> B. Craig, Agra Point, 92 Webster St., Kentville, NS, B4N 1H9, CANADA. info@agrapoint.ca . Fax: 1-902-678-7266. Phone: 1-902-678-7722. Web: www.Agrapoint.ca PEST DIRECTORY UPDATE The International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) has issued a new, 2003 version of its PEST DIRECTORY CD (Pest Information Catalogue). As a comprehensive information source, the Directory includes a huge database of individuals worldwide, as well as the facility for users to enter their own data (addresses and notes attached to the individual records of individuals, organizations, pests, crops, or beneficials). ISPI is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the exchange of pest-related information. Web: www.pestinfo.org .*> ISPI, B. Zelazny, Eulerweg 3, D-64347 Griesheim, GERMANY.

WEB, VIDEO, & OTHER RESOURCES EARLY SEASON WEEDS A recent issue of the web-based PEST MANAGE MENT & CROP DEVELOPMENT BULLETIN from the Univ. of Illinois highlights identification of early season weed species with a series of full color, quite detailed photos. See: www.ag.uiuc.edu . Weeds are a particular concern in no-till fields and the photos (or the available companion publication, A POCKET IDENTIFICATION GUIDE OF EARLY-SEASON WEED SPECIES) can be a useful aid for growers and others involved with weed management under these conditions. For information about the Guide, contact: C.L. Sprague, Dept. of Crop Sciences, N323 Turner Hall, Univ. of Illinois, 1102 S. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. CSprague@uiuc.edu . Phone: 1-217-333-4424. NON-CHEMICAL CONTROL STRATEGIES Two entomologists at Purdue Univ. (USA) have established a network for those interested in reducing pesticide use in home gardens. The site, Alternative Control Outreach Research Network (ACORN) (little pages from which mighty websites grow?), is aimed at master gardeners, extensionists, and others seeking to reduce pesticide usage. ACORN features the Alternative Control Guide, a searchable database for vegetables and flowers. The Guide searches by crop, insect pest (weeds and pathogens are not included), or natural enemy and delivers descriptions and color photos of organisms which in turn lead to suggested, mainly non-chemical, management strategies. The attractive website at entm29.entm.purdue.edu notes that many of the tactics have not been extensively tested in home gardens. Included pest insects are predominantly those found in the midwestern U.S.*> C. Sadof,

Cliff_Sadof@entm.purdue.edu . A THREAT TO COFFEE The International Network on Coffee Berry Borer/Red Internacional Sobre la Broca del Caf?has issued its 11-page Spanish/English Boletin no. 3 of January 2003, containing extensive information about Hypathenemus hampei (Ferrari), considered to be the most important insect pest of coffee in all coffee producing countries. The document is available as a WINWORD file, RIBC3.doc. For information, contact: A.E. Bustillo Alex.Bustillo@cafedecolombia.com .

EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES A VARIETY OF PHEROMONE TRAPS A group of scientists have developed, and now market, a wide range of pheromone-baited traps, trademarked MTA NKI Csalomon, as a non-profit extension of the Plant Protection Institute in HUNGARY. Under the slogan, "Pheromone traps are the intelligence agents of plant protection," the group offers traps for dozens of fruit, vegetable, horticultural, grain, forest, and ornamental pest insects. The 2003 Csalomon productlist (12 pgs, in English) found at www.julia (click on Product list) covers numerous lepidoptera, coleoptera, and other pests, plus a variety of trap designs including a useful table of trap characteristics and maintenance, along with other detailed illustrations. *> Z. Imrei, Plant Protection Inst., Hungarian Acad. of Sci., Budapest, Pf 102, H-1525, HUNGARY. Csalomon@julia-nki.hu.Fax: 36-1-391-8655. Phone: 36-1-391-8637.

PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Candidates sought for: FOREST ENTOMOLOGIST, Durham, NH, USA. * Provide a wide range of technical assistance to a variety of clients; implement a program to detect, evaluate, prevent, and control major tree damaging insects; develop environmentally safe and economically sound management alternatives. * Requires: degree in entomology or related discipline plus a minimum of three years of graduate education or doctoral degree; specialized experience. * Contact: B. Raimo, USDA-FS, 271 Mast Rd., Durham, NH 03824, USA. Fax: 1-603-868-7604. BRaimo@fs.fed.us . Phone: 1-603-868-7708. excerpted, with thanks, from April 2003 ESA Newsletter. OTHER BITS AND PIECES IPMEurope (now known as the European Group for Integrated Pest Management in Development Cooperation) is calling for Proposals for IPMEurope Domain Task Forces 2003/4, by 31 May 2003, from members of the scientific and development communities, NGOs, and the private sector. Task forces (TFs) can be of widely differing natures. Once approved, TFs will be allocated up to 25,000 Euros for operating expenses. See: www.nri.org for detailed information. *> P. Schill, Petra.Schill@gtz.de .

An international workshop held during December 2002 in ISRAEL dealt with alternatives to the use of methyl bromide (MeBr) and included field trips to view the techniques in practice. Discussions centered on developing strategies for broader introduction and acceptance of MeBr alternatives. *> R. Ausher, Ausher@shaham.moag.gov.il . The American Farmland Trust has posted a Request for Proposals for two IPM projects: 1.) Hawaii/Western Pacific Islands: Reducing Risks Through Increased IPM Adoption, and 2.) Ecological Indicators for Integrated Pest Management. Summaries, time lines, funding, and other details are at: www.aftresearch.org .*> A. Sorensen, ASorensen@niu.edu . R. McFadyen, newly appointed CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management, noted that invading exotic plants and animals are now considered the second most important threat to Australia's ecology (#1 is clearing of native vegetation). *> R. McFadyen, CRCWeeds@adelaide.edu.au . back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM * FEATURED PAPER - Red Raspberry IPM Featured Paper RED RASPBERRY IPM A project to encourage increased adoption of IPM practices, by growers producing Rubus ideaus (red raspberry) in a western U.S. area, focused on improved decision-making regarding pesticide needs, timing, and material selection. Extensionists C.B. MacConnell, et al effectively utilized a plethora of methodsincluding educational workshops and grower forums, on-farm field research, field instrumentation, newsletters, publications and guides, grower mentoring, an Internet website, and e-mail notificationsto measurably increase grower acceptance and IPM implementation. *> C.B. MacConnell, CBMac@wsu.edu . excerpted, with thanks, from ACTA HORTICULTURAE, 585, 299-302,2002. Web: www.actahort.org . THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "Farmer-Participatory Evaluation of Cowpea Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Technologies in Eastern Uganda," Nabirye, J., et al * CROP PROT., 22(1), 31-38, February 2003. "Tomato, Pests, Parasitoids, and Predators: Tritrophic Interactions Involving the Genus Lycopersicon " Kennedy, G.G. * ANN. REV. OF ENTOM., 48, 51-72, 2003. Biocontrol "An Assessment of the Use of the Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents (ISPM No. 3) Since Its Endorsement as an International Standard," Kairo, M.T.K., et al * BIOCON. NEWS AND INFO., 24(1), 15-27, 2003. "Conservation of Predatory Arthropods in Cotton: Role of Action Thresholds for Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae),"Naranjo, S.E., et al * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 95(4), 682-691, August 2002. Phytopathology

"IPM for Control of Cashew Powdery Mildew in Tanzania. 1: Farmer's Crop Protection Practices, Perceptions and Sources of Information," Nathaniels, N.Q., et al * INTNL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT.,49(1), 25-36, January 2003. "Microbial Populations Responsible for Specific Soil Suppressiveness to Plant Pathogens," Weller, D.M., et al * ANNU. REV. OF PLANTPATH., 40, 309-408, 2002. Weed Management "The Effect of Tillage Intensity and Time of Herbicide Application on Weed Communities and Populations in Maize in Central Europe,"Streit, B., et al * AGRIC., ECOSYS. & ENVIRON., 92(2-3), 211-224, November 2002. "Use of Herbicide-Tolerant Crops as a Component of an Integrated Weed Management Program," Knezevic, S.Z., and K.G. Cassman. * PLANTMGMT. NETWRK., March 2003. Online, electronic doc., www.plantmanagementnetwork.org . Entomology "The Ecological Economics of Insecticide Use Associated with the Maine Potato Industry, Based on a Producer Survey," Ziegler, C.R., etal * AMER. JRNL. OF ALTERN. AGR., 17(4), 159-166, December 2002. "Weevils Injurious for Roots of Citrus in Sao Paulo State, Brazil,"Lanteri, A.A., et al * NEOTROP. ENTOM., 31(4), 561-569,October-December 2002. Nematology "Comparative Effect of Root-knot Nematode on Severity of Verticilium and Fusarium Wilt in Cotton," Katsantonis, D., et al * PHYTOPAR., 31(2), 154-162, 2003. Vertebrates "Comparison of Different Sizes of Physical Barriers for Controlling the Impact of the Rice Field Rat, Rattus argentiventer in Rice Crops in Indonesia," Singleton, G.R., et al * CROP PROT.,22(1), 7-13, February 2003.

back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments U.S. to Adopt IPM Roadmap U.S. national IPM program leaders, in concert with the broader community of IPM advocates and specialists, has drafted the "U.S. National Roadmap for the Integrated Pest Management Program," to anticipate future needs, strengthen IPM programs nationally, and respond to past criticisms of deficiencies in government's management of national IPM efforts. The document, dated late February 2003, and a centerpiece of the April 2003 U.S. 4th National IPM Symposium (see following article), "identifies strategic directions for research, implementation, and measurement activities needed to insure that the full benefits of IPM adoption are realized." One wag at the Symposium was heard to comment, "it's a clear choice; adopt the Roadmap or be road-kill." The Roadmap establishes a triumvirate of goals: Improve the economic benefits related to the adoption of IPM practices; Reduce potential human health risks from pests and the use of IPM practices; Minimize adverse environmental effects from pests and the use of IPM practices. Not only will the Roadmap be "a broad partnership of

governmental institutions working with many stakeholders on diverse pest management issues," it envisions delegating a major role to the current four federally funded Regional Pest Management Centers (soon to become Regional IPM Centers). The Centers (in their respective regions) will serve a "broad coordinating role for IPM and will invest resources to enhance IPM development and adoption." The IPM Roadmap expands each goal in detail and specifically addresses production agriculture, natural resources and recreational environments, and residential and public areas. The three operational modes set forth are: research, implementation, and performance measurement. *> E. Ortman, USDA-CSREES, 1501 Crystal Dr., Apt. 331, Arlington, VA 22202, USA. EOrtman@reeusda.gov . Phone: 1-202-401-5804.

Variety Marks U.S. IPM Symposium Just as IPM ideally can be a multi-disciplinary effort, so it was that representatives of diverse disciplines, interests, and outlooks came together to advance the concept at the U.S. 4th National IPM Symposium convened during April 2003. Whereas Symposium organizers hoped for 500 attendees, more than 700 individuals representing 17 nations traveled to the central U.S. city of Indianapolis, participated in dozens of IPM topic-specific mini sessions and panels, and viewed well over 200 information-packed posters during the three day event. S.T. Ratcliffe, one the event's co-chairpersons, commented that unofficial feedback received to date had been overwhelmingly positive from participants and sponsors alike. A follow-up evaluation will be sent to participants to solicit their feed-back and, in part, gain insights into the "do's and don'ts" that could help shape a subsequent event in the not-too-far-distant future. One possibility is development of an international IPM meeting.*>E. Wolff, C&I, Office of ContEd, 202 Presidential Tower, MC 433,Univ. of Illinois, 302 E. John St., Champaign, IL 61820, USA. IPMSymposium@ad.uiuc.edu . Fax: 1-217-333-9561.Web: nautilus.outreach.uiuc.edu . back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2003 (N) 25-27 June * 26TH CONGRESO DE FITOPATOLOGIA (ASCOLFI) Y CIENCIAS AFINES, Armenia, COLOMBIA. Contact: ASCOLFI, Calle 37A #27-33 Palmira-Valle, COLOMBIA. ASCOLFI@telesat.com.co . Fax-phone: 57-97-275-0557 Web: www.telesat.com.co 17-19 July * 30TH CONGRESS SOCIEDAD COLOMBIANA DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Cali, COLOMBIA. Contact: SOCOLEN, A.A. 11366 Bogota, COLOMBIA. Fax: 57-1-221-9263. secretario@socolen.com.co . Phone: 57-1-221-8706. Web: socolen2003.univalle.edu.co 15-19 September * 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON

PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PATHOVARS AND RELATED PATHOGENS, Acquafredda di Maratea, PZ, ITALY. Contact: N.S. Iacobellis, Dipt. di Biologia, Univ. degli Studi della Basilicata, C. da Macchia Romana, 85100 Potenza, ITALY. Iacobellis@unibas.it . Fax: 39-0-971-205503. Web: www2.unibas.it 02-04 October * CALIFORNIA EXOTIC PEST PLANT COUNCIL 2003 MEETING, Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. Contact: Exec. Director, CalEPPC, 1442-A Walnut St., #462, Berkeley, CA 94709, USA. Phone: 1-510-525-1502. DWJohnson@caleppc.org . (N) 15-18 December * PLANT-PATHOGEN GENOMICS: FROM SEQUENCE TO APPLICATION, BSPP PRESIDENTIAL MEETING, Nottingham, UK. See: www and click on "meetings." 2004 (N) 08-11 February * 3RD AUSTRALASIAN SOILBORNE DISEASES SYMPOSIUM, Barossa Valley, SA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Plevin and Associates Ltd., PO Box 54, Burnside, 5066 SA, AUSTRALIA. events@plevin.com.au . Fax: 61-8-8379-8177. Phone: 61-8-8379-8222. Web: www.plevin.com.au 10-13 June * IOBC MEETING, MANAGEMENT OF PLANT DISEASES AND ARTH- ROPOD PESTS BY BCAs AND THEIR INTEGRATION IN GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, St. Michele, Trentino, ITALY. Contact: Y. Elad, Dept. of Plant Path., Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL. Emil: EladY@volcani.agri.gov.il . Fax: 972-3-968-3688. Web: www.agri.gov.il NEW or REVISED entries. 2006 No NEW or REVISED entries.

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