IPMnet NEWS June 2003, Issue no. 114 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Aid for Country GMO Decisions The International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) and FAO have collaborated to develop a Decision Support Toolbox for Biosafety Implementation, a five-element conceptual framework for nations to use in grappling with the complexities of establishing protocols and regulations concerning biotechnology, most prominently genetically modified crops (GMOs). The concepts and elements are presented in an easily navigatedwebsite: www.isnar.cgiar.org . Scientists responsible for the project believe that the new procedures and theirinter-relationships will both clarify and assist developing countries to make less rushed, piecemeal judgements and decisions regarding bio safety regulations. excerpted with thanks from Agnet. IPMEurope Recalibrates The European Group for Integrated Pest Management in Development Cooperation (IPMEurope) has reorganized and relocated its secretariat to the GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammanarbeit)head-quarters in GERMANY, appointed P. Schill as operating secretary, and begun realigning its program and updating a website. The Group focuses on IPM policy and implementation in development cooperation and includes as members all the European Union states, NORWAY and SWITZERLAND as associate states, and institutions of the European Commission. Task forces are the main mechanism for delivering IPMEurope outputs which, according to the Group's attractive and evolving website at: www.nri.org , "can be of a policy, institutional, social, economic, technical, or methodological nature, in which European institutions have a comparative advantage."*> P. Schill, IPMEurope Secretariat, Rural Dev. Div., GTZ, Postfach5180, 65726 Eschborn, GERMANY. Eml: Petra.Schill@gtz.de.Fax : 49-6196-797173. Phone: 49-6196-791424. GLOBAL IPM: BITS AND PIECES Three years of trials in Uganda comparing cultural controls for limiting Phytophthora infestans (late blight) damage to tomato revealed that fungicide treated plots produced the highest yields.
*> M.J. Jeger, M.Jeger@ic.ac.uk. Results from new research document that caffeine, a natural pro- duct, is both a repellent and toxicant against slugs and snails. *> R.G. Hollingsworth, RHolling@pbarc.ars.usda.gov. Results obtained from studying the influence of Bt cotton on Aphis gossypii (cotton aphid) in Northern China suggest that planting Bt cotton not only helped control Helicoverpa armigera (cotton bollworm) the primary pest, but also prevented an A. gossypii resurgence because of reduced insecticide use that favored increased predator populations. excerpted with thanks from ENVIRON. ENTO MOL., 32(2), 312-318, 2003. Lasers did not prove to be an effective permanent roost deterrent for Corvus brachyrhynchos (American crow). *> W.P. Gorenzel, WRGorenzel@ucdavis.edu. A comparison of pesticide use during 1978 and 1998 for 15 vegetable crops grown in the U.S. State of New York found a 65 percent de crease in insecticide use, a 24 percent decline for herbicide use, but a sharply elevated (76 percent) use of fungicides. Declines in pesticide use generally were associated with substitution of low use-rate for high use-rate insecticides or herbicides. excerpted with thanks from: "Pesticide Use Changes in New York Vegetables: 1978 to 1998," Stivers-Young, L.J., et al JRNL. OF EXTENSION, 41(2), April 2003. *> L.J. Stivers-Young, JS32@psu.edu . Web version: www.joe.org . thanks to M. Fitzner for information. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED (3 in this issue) PROFILES OF PEPPER PATHOGENS For anyone involved with growing plants in the globally important Capsicum genus, a 2003 addition to the American Phytopathological Society's (APS) ever-expanding disease compendium series will be of interest and use. In COMPENDIUM OF PEPPER DISEASES, editors K.L. Pernezny, et al present description of diseases caused by infectious agents, bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, and angiosperm. The disease and disorder descriptions cover global distribution, importance, symptoms, and epidemiology. The softbound, 83-page publication also includes control suggestions, as well as a section with 122 full-color photos showing symptoms and signs of important pepper diseases worldwide, plus injuries caused by herbicides. *> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Eml: APS@scisoc.org . Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.shopapspress.org . BIOCONTROL FOR OILSEED RAPE A 2003 hardbound treatise provides an in-depth review of an increasingly important method of pest management for an increasingly important crop worldwide. In BIOCONTROL OF OILSEED RAPE PESTS, entomologist editor D.V. Alford, and an international contingent of authorities, delve into roles of parasitoids, predators, and pathogens in biocontrol of insects and other pests of Brassica spp. From broad background to specie specifics, this 355-page monograph offers a comprehensive examination of the subject, a synthesis of current knowledge (primarily for Europe), and includes both numerous black and white line drawings as well as a 32-photo full-color section. The overall thrust supports further application of biocontrol strategies within an IPM approach for a major commercial crop. *> Blackwell Science Ltd., 9600 Garsington Rd.,
Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK. Web: www.blackwellpublishing.com BASHING BUSHLAND WEEDS Informative, eminently practical, and a thorough graphic delight, BUSHLAND WEEDS, A Practical Guide to their Management, amply rewards those readers with an interest in successfully dealing with invading plant species. Following a chapter on general principles for managing weeds in bushland, authors K. Brown and K. Brooks present material such as impacts, biology, and case studies for grass weeds, corms-bulbs tubers, broadleaf herbs-sedges-succulents, and woody weeds (trees-shrubs-climbers), plus an extensive weed management table for each plant category. The 108-page, softbound work offers suggestions for mapping, and includes a comprehensive 351-item reference list. The 2002 volume is replete with numerous full color photos, meticulous line drawings, and well designed, reader-friendly charts and graphs. *> Environmental Weeds Action Network, Inc., PO Box 380, Greenwood, WA 6924, AUSTRALIA. Eml: SueD8@ca.com.au . Web: www.members.iinet.net.au .
PUBLICATION & CD NOTES MATERIALS FROM CABI PUBLISHING The world of CABI Publishing continues to expand with a broad selection of available information materials, many directly related to IPM. Herewith, a random cross-section: BOOKS Several IPM-focused works are anticipated in 2003 such as: INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN THE GLOBAL ARENA, edited by K.M. Maredia, et al INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT: POTENTIAL, CONSTRAINTS AND CHALLENGES, edited by O. Koul, et al and, BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN IPM SYSTEMS IN AFRICA, edited by P. Neuenschwander, et al Additional titles with linked to IPM also are in preparation. Another recently published (and available) title of interest is: INSECTS ON PALMS, F.W. Howard, et al eds., a 400-page, hardbound, liberally illustrated monograph discussing the relationships between and ramifications of insects (pests and beneficials) and the Palmae plant family. The 2001 volume is a major reference for the topic. Two slightly earlier works are: FUNGI AS BIOCONTROL AGENTS, PROGRESS, PROBLEMS AND POTENTIAL, T.M. Butt, et al editors; and D. Dent's 2nd edition (softbound) of INSECT PEST MANAGEMENT. WEB The newest edition to the CABI electronics stable is ICMfocus (for integrated crop management), a multi-faceted website offering news articles and global reports, a free e-mail newsletter, and access to CABI's voluminous database of research summaries covering a wealth of topics. ICMfocus is at: www.icmfocus.com .CDs CABI offers several compendia; the extensive CROP PROTECTION COMPENDIUM, revised
and expanded in 2002, represents "a global compilation of crop protection knowledge for practical decision-making." A free trial is available: www.cabi.org . These, and many other resources, are described and listed in a recent free full-color, illustrated brochure titled "Crop Protection." *> CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Eml: orders@cabi.org . Phone: 44-0-1491-832111. Fax: 44-0-1491-829292. Web: www.cabi PEST MANAGEMENT MATERIALS A free, full-color, 12-page leaflet, "The Best Tools for Pest Management," presents a comprehensive listing of publications, CDs, slide sets, and videos published over the years by the Univ. of California. Highlights include the NATURAL ENEMIES HANDBOOK (1998), IPM IN PRACTICE: Principles and Methods of Integrated Pest Management (2001), and the highly acclaimed series of a dozen liberally illustrated, clearly written IPM manuals. Another series is aimed at pest control professionals. Other materials provide help in training Spanish-speaking workers. *> Communication Services, Agric. & Natural Resources, Univ. of California, 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. Floor, Oakland, CA 94608-1239, USA. Fax: 1-510-643-5470. anrcatalog@ucdavis.edu . Web: danrcs DEALING WITH INVASIVES Island nations such as NEW ZEALAND (and AUSTRALIA) are particularly sensitive to the threat of invasive species. To that end, the Dept. of Conservation, NEW ZEALAND, has published numerous documents on the topic ranging from identification and management to surveillance and the socio-economics of dealing with these invaders. For an on-line catalog, see: (multi-line URL) www.doc.govt.nz Publication-by-Theme/Invasive-Weeds.asp. Hard copies can be ordered from: DOC Science Publishing, PO Box 10 420, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND. Fax: 64-04-496-1929. Eml: science.publications@doc.govt.nz. HERBICIDE TOLERANT VOLUNTEER PLANTS To address the technology- related problem of unwanted herbicide tolerant crop plants that pop up in the next crop, CropLife Canada has produced and offers a printed guide that is said to outline "sound agronomic practices and good stewardship" techniques. The document, "Best Management Practices - Controlling Herbicide Tolerant Volunteers in a Succeeding Crop," includes critical elements of an integrated weed management approach such as crop rotation, herbicide group rotation, herbicide tolerant trait rotation, variation of herbicide application timing, and tillage. *> R. Mactaggart, CropLife Canada, 21 four Seasons Place, Suite 627, Etobicoke, ONT M9B 6J8, CANADA. Eml: Mactaggart@croplife.ca . Fax: 1-416-622-6764. Phone: 1-416-622-9771. Web: www.croplife.ca .
Nursery crops present an array of special situations for pest management such as wide species variety, varying plant spacing, high value crops, and container culture, to cite a few. Now a recently conceived, colorful websitePACIFIC NORTHWEST NURSERY IPMprovides a resource to address the integrated management of pest species in nurseries. The site: oregonstate.edu , has sections for all the main pest categories (insects, weeds, diseases, etc.) plus other specialized features. Website editor R. Rosetta notes in the introductory page that this new website is expected to develop to meet its goal of providing educational materials and links for the identification and management of pests in commercial nursery production in the region. The insect and weed sections currently are most advanced, the former including numerous key pest identification and management profiles, links, and close-up color photos. Under "weeds," there are several items including "A Comprehensive Guide to Weed Control in Containers," primarily aimed at commercial plant nursery operations. *> R. Rosetta, Robin.Rosetta@oregonstate.edu. HERBICIDE RESISTANCE NEWSLETTER The Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (WAHRI) has published the Winter 2003 edition of HERBICIDE RESISTANCE MATTERS, its on-line newsletter at: wahri.agric.uwa.edu.au . In addition to news, the document reports on development of several models, cites publications, and discusses ongoing programs. *> WAHRI, Univ. of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy., Crawley, WA 6009, AUSTRALIA. Eml: WAHRI@agric.uwa.edu.au. WEEDOS FORUM CREATED Viperware, an Australian enterprise, has added a discussion forum to its "Weed Manager" website at weedmanager.net . The aim, according to Viperware, is to provide a forum to "allow everyone from around the world to discuss and help one another out with weed problems and other pest problems." The site offers a variety of features including translation to/from nine languages, a chat room, a search engine, and a topics tracker system. Several list servers are said to link with the forum. *> R. Denver, Viperware, PO Box 504, Mentone, VIC 3194, AUSTRALIA. Eml: info@weedmanager.net. Phone: 61-3-411-988-413.
EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES BIOCONTROL FOR MOLD IN GRAPES After five years of trials in NEW ZEALAND, a biological control agent developed specifically for the control of Botrytis cinerea (bunch rot, or gray mold) in grapes has been launched commercially. The agent, BOTRY-Zen, is a live spore preparation of a non-pathogenic saprophytic fungus that acts as a biological control agent by competing for the same ecological niche as B. cinerea When BOTRY-Zen spores are deposited on dead and senescent flower debrisand the right environmental conditions existthey germinate, colonize, aggressively occupy the same physical space, and out compete B. cinerea for available nutrients. Since the fungus is non-invasive and causes no damage to live plant tissue, its mechanism of action is said to be unlikely to trigger resistance. BOTRY-Zen has been approved
for organic farming in NEW ZEALAND. It does not control other grape diseases such as powdery or downy mildew; however, it is compatible with some fungicides for the control of these and other diseases. *> Botry-Zen Ltd., PO Box 1777, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND. Fax: 64-3-477-2953. Eml: enquiries@botryzen.co.nz . Phone: 64-3-477-6447. Web: www.botryzen.co.nz .
PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Candidates sought for: IPM/PESTICIDE SAFETY TRAINING, Various sites, KOSOVO * Volunteers are sought for a three-week assignment during July 2003 to provide IPM/pesticide safety training and assistance to tree fruit producers in KOSOVO. All expenses and per diem paid; interpreter and driver provided. Land O'Lakes International is implementing a U.S. Agency for International Development-funded project under a subagreement with the International Refugee Committee. For a detailed project description and scope of work to be conducted, contact: C.J. Younan, International Development, Land O'Lakes, Inc., Mail Station 7440, Arden Hills, MN 55112, USA. Fax: 1-651-634-4290. Eml: CJYounan@landolakes.com . Phone: 1-651-634-4213.Web: www.idd.landolakes.com . thanks to IPM Institute for information. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ISSUE Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #113, May 2003: In: Section I. "IPM News" ...Under: "Global IPM Notes" ... In: fourth note ... the correct scientific name for the African armyworm should have been cited as Spodoptera exempta (Walker) and not Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth). IPMnet NEWS regrets stating incorrect information, as well as any inconvenience or problem that it may have caused. Ed.
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "An Assessment of Consumer Preferences for IPM- and Organically Grown Produce," Zehnder, G., et al * JRNL. OF EXTN., 41(2), April 2003. Web: www.joe.org "Pesticide Usage in Some Vegetable Crops in Great Britain: Real On-farm Applications," Thomas, M.R. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 59(5), 591-596, May 2003. Biocontrol "Economic Impact of Biological Control of Water Hyacinth in Southern Benin," De Groote, H.,
et al * ECOL. ECON., 45(1), 105-117, April 2003. "Host Specificity, Release, and Establishment of the Gorse Spider Mite, Tetranychus lintearius Dufour (Acarina: Tetranychidae), for the Biological Control of Gorse, Ulex europaeus L. (Fabaceae), in Australia," Ireson, J.E., et al * BIOL. CONTROL, 26(2), 117-127, February 2003. Phytopathology "Relationship Between Sorghum Ergot, Sowing Dates, and Climatic Variables in Morelos, Mexico," Montes-Belmont, R., et al * CROP PROT., 21(10), 899-905, December 2002. "Varietal Resistance of Potatoes to Late Blight and Chemical Protection Strategy," Kapsa, J. * JRNL. OF PLANT PROT. RESCH., 42(2), 101-107, 2002. Weed Management "Weed Management Decision Models: Pitfalls, Perceptions, and Possibilities of the Economic Threshold Approach," Wilkerson, G.G., et al * WEED SCI., 50(4), 411-424, July 2002. "Weed Vegetation Response to Chemical and Manual Selective Ground Cover Management in a Shaded Coffee Plantation," Aguilar, V., et al * WEED RESCH., 43(1), 68-75, February 2003. Entomology "Effect of Drip and Furrow Irrigation Methods on Bemisia tabaci Populations in Cotton Fields," Gencsoylu, I., et al * PHYTOPAR., 31(2), 139-143, 2003. "Particle Film, Surround WP, Effects on Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Behavior and its Utility as a Barrier to Sharpshooter Infestations in Grape," Puterka, G.J., et al * PLANT MGMT. NETWRK., March 2003. Online, electronic doc., www.plantmanagementnetwork.org . Special Bt sub-Section "Bacillus thuringiensis -Toxin Resistance Management: Stable Isotope Assessment of Alternate Host Use by Helicoverpa zea " Gould, F., et al * PROC. NATL. ACAD. of SCI. (U.S.), 99(26), 16581-16586, December 2002. "Regional Suppression of Insect Pests with Bt Crops," Carriere, Y., et al * ISB NEWS REPT., May 2003. Web: www.isb.vt.edu . Vertebrates "Baiting Blackbirds (Icteridae) in Stubble Grain Fields During Spring Migration in South Dakota," Linz, G.M., et al * CROP PROT., 22(2), 261-264 March 2003.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Insect Management Handbook Goes On Line The 2003 version of the PACIFIC NORTH WEST INSECT MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK, a comprehensive 3-state compendium, was recently released as an on-line version at pnwest.org . Editor D.M. McGrath and more than 30 collaborating authors present pest insect data in detail for the majority of the area's crops, plus sections on home gardens, safety, biocontrol agents, and other material. The on-line version contains sections not included in the print version (which can be ordered from offices in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington listed in the on-line edition). The user-friendly site includes easily found full color photos of key insect pests (over 600 covering adult, immature, and egg stages, as well as pest-caused damage) and numerous links to additional information resources. Information about changes in the 2003 Handbook compared to the 2002 edition can be found at: pnwpest.org and also are discussed in the editor's introductory section.
back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) current as of 30 May 2003. 2003 (N) 23-28 June * 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Barcelona, SPAIN. Contact: ISPMB 2003, Edif. Colon, Av. Drassanes 6, 19th Floor, E-08001 Barcelona, SPAIN. Eml: Congress@aopc.es . Fax: 34-933-011-255. Phone: 34-933-027-541. Web: www.ispmb2003.com 26-27 June * EWRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, WEED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN VEGETABLES, Skierniewice, POLAND. Contact: A. Dobrzanski, Resch. Inst. of Veg. Crops, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, POLAND. Eml: ADobrzan@inwarz.skierniewice.pl . Fax: 48-46-833-3186. Web: www.agr.unipg.it August * CANCELLED * IOBC WORKING GROUP MEETING, BIOLOGICAL AND INTEGRATED CONTROL OF WATER HYACINTH, Kampala, UGANDA. (N) 13-16 September * EWRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, WEEDS AND BIODIVERSITY, Bristol, UK. Contact: J. Marshall, Marshall Agroecology Ltd., 2 Nut Tree Cottages, Barton, Winscombe, Somerset BS25 1DU, UK. Eml: Jon.Marshall@agroecol.co.uk . Fax/phone: 44-1934-844-844. (N) 17-20 September * EWRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, GERMINATION AND EARLY GROWTH, Reading, UK. Contact: A. Grundy, HRI, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Eml: Andrea.Grundy@hri.ac.uk . Fax: 44-1789-470-552. Phone: 44-1789-470-382.2004 (N) 06-10 March * EWRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL WEED CONTROL, Lillehammer, NORWAY. Contact. B. Melander, Danish Inst. of Agr. Sci., Dept. of Crop Prot., Flakkebjerg, DK-4200 Slagelse, DENMARK. Fax: 45-58-11-3301. Phone: 45-58-11-3393. Eml: Bo.Melander@agrsci.dk. (N) August * 57TH NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: L. McKay, Lois.McKay@agresearch.co.nz . Web: www.hortnet.co.nz 06-10 September * New information * 14TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, "Weed Management: Balancing People, Planet, Profit," Wagga Wagga, NSW, AUSTRALIA. Contact: R. Farnham, 14th AWC Secretariat, Charles Sturt Univ., Locked Bag 699, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-2-6933-4977. Eml: eventsww@csu.edu.au . Web: www.csu.edu.au No NEW or REVISED entries.
2006 (N) 29 July-03 August * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Quebec City, Que., CANADA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Eml: APS@apsnet.org . Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Web: www.apsnet.org ahead) No NEW or REVISED entries. 2008 (think way ahead) (N) 24-29 August * 9TH CONGRESS, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Torino, ITALY. Web: pwhux.tin.it