IPMnet NEWS December 2003, Issue no. 120 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Initiative Opens Access to Literature A decades-long struggle by thousands of researchers, academics, and students in many developing countries to gain access to the world's current scientific literature has significantly lessened with creation of a recently announced new multi-partner international initiative. The Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) initiative was established to provide free or low-cost access to over 400 key journals in agriculture, food, nutrition, and related biolog-ical, environmental, and social sciences to researchers and students in qualifying not-for-profit institutions in eligible developing nations. Information at the easily navigated and attractive AGORA website www.aginternetwork.org (available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish) directs users to policy details for eligibility, registration, and privacy, as well as a listing of participating publishers and partnering agencies. Clicking on "journals" leads to an extensive list of journals that can be browsed. While AGORAa global partnership recently announced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsis clearly a huge step forward, it is limited to those journals (and their issues) that are online, and obviously it requires that users have access to both a computer and the worldwide web. thanks to P.C. Jepson for information. WARR on Weeds The Australian state of Victoria recently ratcheted up its "war on weeds" as a new Weed Alert Rapid Response (WARR) team launched a mobile weed identification offensive across the state. WARR specialists have begun presenting sessions that deliver training about potential, new, and emerging weeds, and specifically what to do when finding a new or suspected weed. The free meetings are aimed at governmental staff, as well as involved personnel from other agencies and anyone else interested. Information on new target weeds, including those species tagged as prohibited noxious weeds in Victoria, and how to collect and submit specimens, will be offered. In some cases, examples of live plants will be on display for examination.
At special presentations for governmental staff, WARR specialists will cover staff responsibilities and communication, nursery and other inspections, plus plant hygiene, and management of new weeds. *> K. Blood, WARR, DPI, PO Box 7, Beaufort, VIC 3373, AUSTRALIA.mailto: Kate.Blood@dpi.vic.gov.au . Fax: 61-03-5349-2678.Phone: 61-03-5349-2833. GLOBAL IPM: BITS AND PIECES * A program that encouraged Vietnamese rice farmers to decrease reliance on pesticides recently won a Green Apple Environmental Award. *> K.L. Heong, mailto: K.Heong@cgiar.org . * The U.S. has established a Federal IPM Coordinating Committee and named weed scientist H.D. Coble as chairperson. The Committee focus: implementing the evolving National Roadmap for IPM. *> H.D. Coble, mailto: Harold_Coble@ncsu.edu . * The British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) will inaugurate a series of linked seminars in 2004 to alternate with the now biennial BCPC international congress. *> See: www.bcpc.org . * The second Annual Invasive Weed Clean Up in the Republic of Palau successfully targeted rapidly spreading infestations of Mikania micrantha. *> T. Holm, ERCPalau@hotmail.com . * Communication disruption was found to be a promising strategy for managing Exomala orientalis (oriental beetle) populations in blueberries and ornamental nurseries. *> S. Polavarapu, Polavarapu@aesop.rutgers.edu . back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources What are 10 Most Important IPM Events? Fifty years ago, the term "integrated pest management" was virtually unknown. Today, while IPM still isn't top-of-the mind for every world citizen, it certainly has become a much more prominent agricultural factor and well known term and concept in agriculture. IPM didn't arrive at this point without occurrence of key historic events, developments, or breakthroughs that made significant contributions to IPM and its increasing adoption over the past half-century. The question is: what were those historic landmarks? IPMnet decided that, based on a much appreciated suggestion by R.G. Bellinger, compiling a list of the key "top 10" IPM events over the last 50 years would be an interesting and worthwhile activity (andquite possibly a "first"). And who better to poll for ideas than you, the 4,000+ participants in IPMnet, who, better than anyone else, are in a position to knowledgeably nominate candidates for an "IPM Top 10 Important Events" list. Herewith, some candidate ideas to prime the pump: development of biocontrol; early work by entomologists at the Univ. of Calif.; increased participation by governments and their agencies; area-wide pest management approach; genetic engineering; pheromone/semiochemical science; a particular (perhaps multiple) pivotal publication(s). Please forward your ideas, whether one or
many, in any order. IPMnet will prepare a comprehensive list based on contributed ideas and publish it in a future issue of IPMnet NEWS. From that list readers will be asked to vote on what they believe are the most important "Top 10." Again, IPMnet will tally the results and share the final outcome, now boiled down to a unique list of 10 key events in the emergence, development, and acceptance of IPM over the last 50 years. Many thanks in advance for all who are willing to participate. Please send nominated events, or comments, and observations to IPMnet at: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu . PUBLICATIONS PERUSED EXPANDED PROFILE OF RUST FUNGI With over 100 pages more than its predecessor, the recently announced third edition of ILLUSTRATED GENERA OF RUST FUNGI is extensively revised and brought up to date. Among new features of this 240-page edition are 50+ color photos and additions to the 130+ black and white illustrations. Authors G.B. Cummins and Y. Hiratsuka have organized information such as: symptoms, descriptions, collection and identification, economic importance, and many other topics that aid users to better understand 120 holomorph rust fungi genera. Newly added is a list of general references on the topic, a list of descriptive manuals and regional flora, and other useful material. The softbound, 2003 work is spiral bound for lay-flat convenience and printed on high grade coated paperstock for better photo resolution. *> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA.APS@scisoc.org . Fax: 1-651-454-0766.Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.apsnet.org . PLANT HEALTH AND QUARANTINE In 1997, D.L. Ebbels realized that an introductory text on matters of plant health and quarantine was lacking, thus creating an information gap between highly technical material and the need for a more general, broad ranging work. The result is a 2003 monograph, PRINCIPLES OF PLANT HEALTH AND QUARANTINE, aimed at filling the void, providing a source of practical information to support the never ending training of new plant health staff in many regions, and serving as a resource for students and others needing an easily followed guide. From an historical summary of plant health control measures to chapters on the critical elements of import and export, eradication and containment, and matters of certification, this 312-page, hardbound work proves informative and useful. Several appendixes present current listings of organizations and conventions. Especially relevant to IPM is a section on "International Controls on the Use of Plant Pests as Offensive Agents." *> CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxford OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: 44-0-1491-833508.mailto: CABI@cabi.org . Phone: 44-0-1491-832111. Web: www.cabi . PUBLICATION & CD NOTES CD PROFILES INVASIVE SPECIES A recently announced CD-ROM (compact disc) contains a wealth of informa-tion titled, "Invasive Plants of the Eastern United States: Identification and Control." Drawing on a variety
of sources, C.T. Bargeron, et al, have assembled identification characteristics, distribution maps, control options, and references for 97 tree, shrub, grass, fern, forb, and aquatic plant species that are invading the eastern U.S. The 2003 work contains over 480 color images. A menu of control options for each species includes mechanical tactics, specific herbicide prescriptions, andfor selected speciesrecent advances in biocontrol. Though geographically specific, the free CD includes many species found beyond the eastern U.S. and thus could well be a useful information source for many other areas. Additional information and details about the CD are found on the web at www.invasive.org. *> R.C. Reardon, USDA Forest Service, 180 Canfield St., Morgantown, WV 26505, USA. RReardon@fs.fed.us . Phone: 1-304-285-1566. NEW VERSION OF PESTICIDE MANUAL A thoroughly revised 13th edition of THE PESTICIDE MANUAL, and its accompanying, fully searchable CD, THE e-PESTICIDE MANUAL, by C. Tomlin, are now available from the British Crop Protection Council (BCPC). The Manual contains 1,469 profiles: 858 main entries and 611 abbreviated entries covering superseded products. More than 50 new entries have been added, including 30 new synthetic molecules and a further 13 minor substances as well as several more pheromones. *> BCPC Publications Sales, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2QD, UK. Fax: +44 (0) 1420 593 209. publications@bcpc.org . Phone: +44 (0) 1420 593 200. Web: www.bcpc.org APS CONFERENCE POSTERS ON CD More than 250 posters presented at the American Phytopathological Society's (APS) recent 2003 annual meeting are now available on a single CD. Each postercovering IPM and more than 30 other subject matter categorieson the disc can be expanded to focus on specific figures, images, tables, and graphs. Citable abstracts of all poster presentations are included. Information, a poster list, and a sample poster can be accessed at www.shopapspress.org .*> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA.mailto: APS@scisoc.org . Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. VEGETABLE CENTER VIEWS FUTURE The Taiwan-based international re- search center that began in 1971 as the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, has now morphed into "AVRDCthe World Vegetable Center," as indicated by publication and release of its glossy MEDIUM-TERM PLAN, 2003-2005, and reflective of operating a Regional Center for Africa as well as an Asian Regional Center, plus outreach to the Americas. The AVRDC mission will continue to focus on a broad array of vegetable improvement through research and maintenance of vegetable germplasm. The 47-page Plan publication utilizes a mix of color photos and text to chronicle AVRDC's recent accomplishments. A series of included research matrices summarize uture objectives, outputs, the all-important indicators of progress evaluation, and annual milestones as immediate targeted results. Financial support sources are also listed. *> AVRDC, PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 741, TAIWAN-ROC. Web: www.avrdc.org .Fax: 888-6-583-0009. avrdcbox@netra.avrdc.org.tw .
WEB, VIDEO, & OTHER RESOURCES Bt MAIZE GLOBAL REVIEW The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) offers a downloadable executive summary for its extensive report, GLOBAL REVIEW OF COMMERCIALIZED TRANSGENIC CROPS: 2002 FEATURE: Bt MAIZE, on its web-site, www . The 8-page summary document opens with notes on total global GM crops in 2002 stating that genetically modified maize accounted for 09 percent of the 140 million total hectares of maize grown. The summary, ISAAA Briefs no. 29-2003, continues with short items and technical descriptions for Bt maize, generally alluding to information contained in the full report by C. James. The summary discusses the potential global benefits of Bt maize as well as the challenges and opportunities. Details for obtaining a copy of the full report are available from ISAAA. *> ISAAA, SEAsia Center, c/o IRRI, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES. Phone: 63-49-536-7216. publications@isaaa.org . Fax: 63-2-580-5699. REPORTS OF IPM PROGRESS A new series of short web-link documents from the U.S.-based Integrated Pest Man-agement Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) examine international facets of IPM development. The first of these IPM CRSProgress Reports, "Eggplant Grafting: A Boon to Bangladeshi Farmers," describes and illustrates how grafting helps avoid the devastating effects of Ralstonia solanacearum, bacterial wilt on Solanum melongena (eggplant). Two subsequent reports, "Philippine Onion Farmers Profit from IPM Technology," and "Tiny Fly Threatens Jamaican Hot Pepper Exports," also can be found at the IPM-CRSP website: www.ag.vt.edu . The IPM-CRSP is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and partici-pating U.S. and host country institutions, and has ongoing programs in a variety of developing nations worldwide. *> IPM CRSP, IRED, 1060 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. ipm-dir@vt.edu . Fax: 1-540-231-3519. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. BIOTECH AND DEVELOPING NATIONS The UK-based Institute of Develop- ment Studies (IDS) recently completed a 3-year research study into "agricultural biotechnology, globalisation and development," culminating in several project overviews on-line at www.ids.ac.uk . In the project, "Biotechnology and the Policy Process: Challenges for Developing Countries," researchers examined agri-biotech in China, India, and Zimbabwe, and developed statements on "key insights and emerging lessons." The overall conclusion: "technical questions at the centre of policy debates around biotechnology are inevitably political." *> IDS, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK. IDS@ids.ac.uk . Fax: 44-0-127-362-1202. Phone: 44-0-127-360-6261. thanks to A. Rother for information. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES WEED BIOCONTROL AGENTS A U.S. entity, Integrated Weed Control (IWC), specializes in biological products and consulting services for (predominantly biological) weed management. IWC primarily focuses on insect biocontrol agents for managing a dozen noxious weed species encountered in the western U.S.,
as well as in certain other regions. An online catalog lists prices for the various species sold by the firm. On the consulting side, IWC offers weed management planning, biological control assessment and monitoring services, conducting both workshops and on-site training, plus other related services. *> IWC, 4027 Bridger Canyon Rd., Bozeman, MT 59715-8433, USA. iwc@integratedweedcontrol.com . Fax: 1-406-587-1989. Web: www.integratedweedcontrol.com . back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "Allelopathy and Exotic Plant Invasion: From Molecules and Genes to Species Interactions," Bais, H.P., et al. * SCIENCE, 301, 1377-1380, September 2003. "Climate and Biological Control in Organic Crops," Stacey, D.A. * INTERNAT. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 49(3), 205-214, July 2003. "Improving Risk Assessment for Nontarget Safety of Transgenic Crops," Marvier, M. * ECOL. ASSESS., 12(4), 1119-1124, 2002. Phytopathology "A Review of the Non-target Effects of Fungi Used to Biologically Control Plant Diseases," Brimmer, T.A., and G.J. Boland. * AGRIC., ECOSYS. & ENVIRON., 100(1), 3-16, November 2003. "Modeling Plant Disease Epidemics," van Maanen, A., and X-M. Xu. * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 109(7), 669-682, September 2003. Weed Management "Agronomic Evaluation of Precise Mechanical Hoeing and Chemical Weed Control in Sugar Beet," Wiltshire, J.J., et al. * WEED RESCH., 43(4), 236-244, August 2003. "Herbicide Resistance: Promises and Prospects of Biodiversity for European Agriculture," Schutte, G. * AGRIC. AND HUMAN VAL., 20(3), 217-230, 2003. Entomology "Filmcoating the Seed of Cabbage Brassica oleracea L. Convar. Capitata L.) and Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. Botrytis L.) with Imidacloprid and Spinosad to Control Insect Pests," Ester, A., et al. * CROP PROT., 22(5), 761-768, June 2003. "Geographic Range, Impact, and Parasitism of Lepidopteran Species Associated with the Invasive Weed Lantana camara in Africa," Baars, J-R. * BIOL. CONT., 28(3) 293-301, November 2003. Bt sub-Section "Genetically Modified Crops, Corporate Pricing Strategies, and Farmers' Adoption: The Case of Bt Cotton in Argentina," Qaim, M., and A. de Janvry. * AM. JRNL. OF AGRIC. ECON., 85(4), 814-828, November 2003. "Selection of Relevant Non-Target Herbivores for Monitoring the Environmental Effects of Bt Maize Pollen," Schmitz, G., et al. * ENVIRON. BIOSAFETY RESCH., 2(2), 117-132, 2003. Nematology "The White Potato Cyst Nematode Globodera pallida * A Critical Analysis of the Threat to Britain," Trudgill, D.L., et al. * ANNLS. OF APPLD. BIOL., 143(1), 73-80, August 2003. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Focused on Pest Management Information The Washington State Pest Management Resource Service (WSPRS), its array of resources, and
its very user-friendly website are all clearly focused on "connecting the people of Washington State with researchbased information on pest management choices for home and commercial use." Washington, with a worldwide reputation for a variety of agricultural products, takes its pest management information dissemination seriously: WSPRS ( wsprs.wsu.edu ) acts as an information hub for "accurate information widely available in a timely and accessible manner" targeted at growers, research specialists, extension professionals, and policy makers (or anyone else interested). WSPRS dedicates an entire section to IPM, as well as biocontrol and cultural control. Sections also address pesticides, applicator training, diseases, homeowner concerns, crop profiles (with colorful, clickable buttons), and more. The well-designed site is hosted by Washington State University and linked to both the (U.S.) Western Region IPM Center and the (U.S.) Pacific North West IPM Coalition. *> C.H. Daniels, WSPRS Director, 2710 University Dr., Richland, WA 99352-1671, USA. Phone: 1-509-372-7495. CDaniels@tricity.wsu.edu . Recognizing Arrival of New Weed Species A joint effort among six midwestern U.S. universities produced "Weeds to WatchNew Weed Threats for Corn and Soybean Fields," an information-packed mini-poster designed to focus on 16 specific weed species that have emerged as serious problems across the U.S. midwest. The glossy, double-sided, 21.6x28 cm (8.5x11 in.) bulletin presents full color photos for each weed species, plus distribution maps, and a frequency index for each. The reverse side spells out characteristics for each weed including identification keys, problem descriptions, and management tactics. The fact sheet (no. IPM 72) was prepared to help avoid misidentification of problem weeds and potential implementation of management with a high probability of failure. Also, responding promptly to appearance of "new" weed species can help to reduce weed management costs as well as prevent establishment of these invading plants. Copies of Weeds to Watch can be downloaded as a PDF file from www.cropsci.uiuc.edu , click on "weeds to watch," or ordered from Iowa State Extension Publications, 119 P and P Bldg., Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011-3171, USA. pubdist@iastate.edu .Phone : 1-515-294-5247. Fax: 1-515-294-2945. thanks to D.E. Nordby for information. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2003 No (N) ew/[R]evised events to cite in this issue. 2004 (N) 01-03 February * 2004 CONFERENCE OF THE ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED IPM ECOLOGISTS, "The IPM Matrix: People, Data, and Decisions," Napa, CA, USA. Contact:
AAIE, PO Box 10880 Napa, CA 94581, USA. director@aaie.net . Fax/phone: 1-707-265-9349. Web: www.aaie.net (click on ? conference schedule"). [R] 21-24 March * new information * 16TH BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL PLANT RESISTANCE TO INSECTS WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Contact: M. Stout, Dept. of Entomology, 402 Life Sci., Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA. Fax: 1-225-388-1643. MStout@agctr.lsu.edu . Web: www.oznet.ksu.edu . (N) 16-21 May * 5TH MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON FRUIT FLIES OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: J.M. Anderson, Conference Coordinator, OCI, Univ. of Florida/IFAS, PO Box 110750, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, USA. JMAnderson@ifas.ufl.edu . Fax: 1-352-392-9734. Phone: 1-352-392-5930. Web: www.conference.ifas.ufl.edu . (N) 20-23 June * 6TH WORLD SURFACTANTS CONGRESS, Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: L. Noll, Lothar_Noll@t-online.de . Fax: 49-6122-980769. Web: www.cesio2004.de . (N) 11-14 July * AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Tampa, FL, USA. Contact: APMS, PO Box 821265, Vicksburg, MS 39182, USA. Web: www.apms.org (N) 30 August-01 September * IMPROVEMENT AND UNIFICATION OF PLANT DISEASES DIAGNOSTICS WORKSHOP, Skierniewice, POLAND. Contact: P. Sobiczewski, Resch. Inst. of Pomo. and Flor., Pomologiczna 18, 96-100, Skierniewice, POLAND. Psobicz@insad.pl . Fax: 48-46-833-3228. Phone: 48-46-833-2021. Web: www.pomocentre.insad.pl . (N) 16-19 September * IOBC CONFERENCE ON BREEDING FOR PLANT RESISTANCE TO INSECTS, MITES AND PATHOGENS, Bialowieza, POLAND. Contact: N.N. Birch, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DW Scotland, UK. NBirch@scri.sari.ac.uk . Fax: 44-0-1382-562426. (N) 26-30 September * IOBC CONFERENCE ON PHEROMONES AND OTHER SEMIOCHEMICALS IN INTEGRATED PRODUCTION, Baselga di Pine, Trentino, ITALY. Contact: IOBC IFP 2004 Secretariat, Istituto Agrario, Via Mach 1, S. Michele all'Adige, I-38010 Trentino, ITALY. IOBC2004ifp@ismaa.it . Web: www.phero.net . (N) 04-06 October * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY SPRAY APPLICATION TECHNIQUES, Warsaw, POLAND. Contact: G. Duruchowski, Resch. Inst. of Pomo. and Flor., Pomologiczna 18, 96-100, Skierniewice, POLAND. GDoru@insad.pl . Fax: 48-46-833-3228. Phone: 48-46-833-2021. Web: www.pomocentre.insad.pl . 2005 [R] 19-22 April * new information * XIII CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE
FITOPATOLOGIA and 3RD WORKSHOP OF THE ARGENTINA ASSOCIATION OF PLANT PATHOLOGISTS, Villa Carlos Paz, COR, ARGENTINA. Contact: S. Lenardon, Cno 60 Cuadras Km 5.5, X5020ICA, Cordoba, ARGENTINA. SLenard@infovia.com.ar . Fax: 54-351-497-4330. Phone: 54-351-497-5093. (N) August * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL AND PRO-ECOLOGICAL METHODS FOR CONTROL OF DISEASES, PESTS, AND WEEDS IN ORCHARDS AND SMALL FRUIT PLANTATIONS, Warsaw, POLAND. Contact: P. Sobiczewski, Resch. Inst. of Pomo. and Flor., Pomologiczna 18, 96-100, Skierniewice, POLAND. Psobicz@insad.pl . Fax: 48-46-833-3228. Phone: 48-46-833-2021. Web: www.pomocentre.insad.pl . (N) 12-16 September * 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ARTHROPODS, Davos, SWITZERLAND. Contact: Secretariate, ISBCA@bluewin.ch . 2006, 2007, and 2008 No (N) ew/[R]evised events (for above years) to cite in this issue.