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IPMnet NEWS February 2004, Issue no. 122 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Group Wins Award for Crop Protection Effort NR International, a UK-based consulting group responsible for global management and notable achievements of the UK Department for International Development's global "Crop Protection Programme," (CPP) has been named Small Consultancy Firm of the Year 2003 within the British International Expertise Awards competition. Founded by a consortium of UK universities in 1996 to function as an independent project management entity, NR International traces its roots back over a century and, within the CPP, specializes in facilitating "the development and promotion of socially and environmentally acceptable technologies to reduce crop losses from pests in developing countries." CPP research projects are primarily located in countries receiving assistance from the British government, largely in south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Bolivia. NR International, in addition to its CPP involvement, engages in regional crop protection work (sustainable control of Helicoverpa armigera [cotton bollworm] in Asia), as well as agricultural production activities funded by other entities, such as the European Union. *> NR International, Park House, Bradbourne Lane, Aylesford, Kent ME20 6SN, UK. Fax: 44-0-1732-220498. Phone: 44-0-1732-878646.Web: www.nrinternational.co.uk or, www.CPP.uk.com .F.Kimmins@nrint.co.uk . A Plan to Thwart Invasives What distinguishes Australia which, like many countries, has a severe invasive plant (weed) problem, is the diversity, breadth, and costs of the invasion as well as the determination and approach being planned to meet the challenge. Weeds are estimated to cost the Australian economy A billion annually with an inestimable degradation of the native bushland environment. Weeds have become an increasing tribulation for asthma and hay-fever sufferers. Weeds impact crops, degrade waterways and water bodies,

and affect livestock production. Now, a new 32-page booklet, KILLING US SOFTLY * AUSTRALIA'S GREEN STALKERS, A Call to Action on Invasive Plants and a Way Forward, recently published as a year 2020 vision statement by the Collaborative Research Center for Australian Weed Management (CRC-Weeds), describes the problem in text and lush photos, and most importantly lays out a comprehensive plan for curbing the problem. Author P. Martin lists many of the major culprits such as Mimosa pigra and Acacia karroo and discusses the steps needed to halt the flow of stems: much tougher restrictions of plant imports; intensive public education to heighten awareness and recognition of invaders; vastly increased resources for biocontrol of the 50 worst weeds; legal power for agencies to mount rapid responses to outbreaks or illegal activities (such as importation and selling of banned species). The attractively produced publication is available online in two parts at: www.weeds.crc.org.au .*> S. Vidler, CRC-Weeds, Sally.Vidler@adelaide.edu.au .Phone: 61-08-8303-7209. GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS Under certain conditions glyphosate applied to glyphosate-resistant cotton can cause reactions that decrease yield. *> R.P. Viator, RyanViator@hotmail.com. The Association of Natural Bio-control Producers offers a new membership category "Practitioner," for those committed to biocontrol but who are not producers or distributors. *> "Bio-control Matters," newsletter, 5(1), Winter 2003-2004, www.anbp.org . Trials in India determined that the weed Ageratum conzoides was highly phytotoxic to growth and establishment of wheat Triti cum aestivum . *> H.P. Singh, HPSingh_01@yahoo.com. Olive processing waste was found to suppress weeds in both summer and winter crops in the Aegean region of Turkey. *> O. Boz, OzhanBoz@yahoo.com. An academic study of agricultural biotechnology reporting by main newspapers in the UK and USA revealed more focus on risks than on benefits. *> www.newswise.com . back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources Weed Science: A Call to Evolve In a forcefully written opinion, a veteran weed scientist cautions that weed science, "a discipline founded by those who practiced weed management almost exclusively with herbicides," must evolve quickly or face being "relegated to the dustbin of history [as] an irrelevant or extinct discipline." Outgoing International Weed Science Society (IWSS) president S.R. Duke has put his finger squarely on a situation that, while perhaps best typified by weed management, broadly encompasses many disciplines involved with pest management and clearly poses a major challenge to development and adoption of IPM. Dr. Duke used his final "President's Comments" column in the January 2004 IWSS Newsletter to point out the chasm between hardened, often opposing philosophies of tackling the critical

challenge of weed management. "Apparently because of our herbicide-based origins and history," Dr. Duke wrote, "we find many individuals and organizations interested in weed ecology, weed biology, invasive vegetation, and other non-herbicide related aspects of weed science to have negative attitudes toward societies such as IWSS." He advocates that, for weed science, needed change includes action such as: elevating and improving the level of science conducted; using innovative, eco-friendly strategies and technologies to solve key weed-related problems; and, he added, "reaching out to those who have eschewed our discipline but who could make great contributions to it with new ideas and approaches." The same needs apply to other elements of pest management, "traditional or alternative," where vestiges of arrogance and inflexibility can still be found. To paraphrase Duke's view, pests and invasives constitute a huge, ongoing world problem both agriculturally and environmentally. There remains a critically important need to address all facets of this problem with the best possible blend of science and practicality meshed with awareness and sensitivity to the environment thanks to S.R. Duke for permission to excerpt material from the IWSS Newsletter at: www.olemiss.edu . PUBLICATIONS PERUSED OVERVIEW OF LANTANA A member in good standing with the "world's worst weeds club," Lantana camara L. (lantana) comes in some 650 varieties and is found in more than 60 countries and island groups. This pernicious plant, according to a newly published study, LANTANA: CURRENT MANAGEMENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS, "was the first weed to be targeted for biological control and has been researched longer than any other weed," yet there are very few examples of success and many examples of lantana as a serious ongoing problem. Authors M.D. Day, et al, describe the "lantana problem," covering taxonomy, habitat, ecology, and even uses, primarily as a garden ornamental. Section II dwells on control matters, with the bulk of attention devoted to biocontrol. An account of the numerous agents released and the results achieved support the thesis that this weed poses a challenge due to its ability to hybridize (some 650 varieties have been recorded). The 128-page, softbound work contains dozens of full color photos across its attractively presented 128 pages, and concludes with a "future directions" section that offers useful approaches based on the results from years of research. The included massive reference list stands as a highly useful resource. The volume was published in 2003 by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and is ACIAR Monograph 102. *> ACIAR, Communications, GPO Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. ACIAR@aciar.gov.au . Fax: 61-2-6217-0501. GREENHOUSE MITES: PESTS AND PREDATORS Well known acarologist Z-Q. Zhang delves into the interaction of pest and beneficial species in a 2003 hardbound volume, MITES OF GREENHOUSES: IDENTIFICATION, BIOLOGY AND CONTROL. Both the relatively stable environmental conditions and the cultural methods commonly employed within greenhouses encourage rapid growth of pests including mites. The

244-page monograph's early chapters establish a general foundation the nature of greenhouses, introduction to acari, and methods and techniques for collecting mites prior to an in-depth discussion of first pest mites, then beneficial (predator) mites. The text, covering mite pests of universal occurrence in protected agriculture, is complemented by black/white line drawings and illustrated identification keys. An appendix offers a broad compilation of mite information sources. *> CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK. Fax: 44-0-1491-833508. Phone: 44-0-1491-832111. Eml:CABI@cabi.org . Web: www.cabi . PUBLICATION & CD NOTES INSTITUTE ISSUES NEW CD The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture / Institut International d'Agriculture Tropicale (IITA) has published and distributed its ANNUAL REPORT 2002, "Research to Nourish," as a CD, accompanied by several other feature profiles and information pieces. The bilingual (English/French) report presents research highlights including research on biological control, publications, and IITA's other accomplishments. Copies of the CD are free on request, as are printed copies of the report. *> Distribution Unit, IITA, c/o Lambourn (UK) Ltd., Carolyn House, 26 Dingwall Rd., Croydon CR9 3EE, UK. Fax: 234-2-241-2221. IITA-distribution@cgiar.org . NEW UK PESTICIDE GUIDE BCPC and CAB International have jointly announced publication of the UK PESTICIDE GUIDE, 2004 EDITION, and the e-UK PESTICIDE GUIDE, offering information on more than 1,400 pesticide products. There are over 130 new product entries along with 13 new active substances, as well as listings of active substances that are no longer approved. A free guided tour of the GUIDE is online at: www.ukpesticideguide.co.uk . A demonstration can be downloaded from the BCPC online book shop at: www.bcpc.org . *> BCPC Publications, 7 Omni Business Ctr., Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2QD, UK. publications@bcpc.org . Phone: 44-0-1420-593200. WEB, VIDEO, & OTHER RESOURCES CROP PROTECTION IN EUROPE Offering "international news, comment, and conference reports from a European perspective," CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY (CPM) is a UK-based independent business newsletter now in its 15th year of publication. CPM serves readers and subscribers in more than 50 countries. Its website at www.crop can be freely accessed; CPM is also available in hardcopy form. Recently work was completed on an electronic archive of CPM issues from 1997 through 2002 comprising some 1,000 pages of text, again accessible from the CPM website. *> B.R. Hicks, Editor, CPM, 6 Torcross Grove, Calcot, Reading, Berks RG31 7AT, UK. BrianRalphHicks@aol.com .Fax: 44-0-118-942-0014. Phone: 44-0-118-941-7539. INTRODUCED PLANTS CATEGORIZED Introduced plants that have become naturalized in Australia are said to now comprise about 10

percent of the national total flora. Many of these species have, or are, impacting both agriculture and biodiversity in ways all too familiar such as interfering with crop growth (or animal production), increasing costs, or competing with and altering the habitat of native plants and animals, even threatening survival of some stressed species. A 2003 publication from the Bureau of Rural Sciences within the Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, WEED CATEGORIES FOR NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT, is designed to categorize the approximately 2,700 non-native, naturalized plant species as falling into groups of major or minor threats to both natural and agricultural ecosystems. R.H. Groves led a group of authorities to prepare this 194-page work. While a hard copy version can be ordered (below), the entire all text (except the cover) file can be downloaded and printed from www.affa.gov.au (under "Hot Topics," click on title). *> BRS Publication Sales, GPO Box 858, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. salesbrs@brs.gov.au . Fax: 61-02-6272-2330.Phone (freecall): 61-1800-020-157. KEEPING PESTICIDES ON TARGET A three-part, industry-sponsored article, "On-target Sprays," sets forth procedures for reducing off-target spray drift, including spray technology nozzles, pressure, spray volume, and nozzle height above target. Taking note of weather conditions and when not to apply pesticides, careful record-keeping, and an overall vigilance are additional factors involved. While the free article, found at: www.agriculture.com has a U.S. orientation, most of the information offered has geographically broader utility. The same information will be included in a poster to be printed in the February 2004 issue of Successful Farming magazine. LAW FIRM LAUNCHES PESTICIDE LETTER A U.S. law firm specializing in pesticide matters has launched PESTICIDE.NET Insider eJournal, a fee-based electronic bi-weekly newsletter focusing on the U.S. The publication will be edited by P. Zahodiakin, formerly with PESTICIDE AND TOXIC CHEMICAL NEWS. Access to Vol. 1, no. 1, published 20 January 2004, is free. The site is: www.pesticide.net . PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES EXTENSION FRUIT IPM AGENT Traverse City, MI, USA. * Provide extension program development and leadership for management of pests and other plant stressors of fruit production in northern Michigan; participate in teams to support statewide outreach activities directed toward the state's fruit industry; develop and conduct fruit IPM training programs and applied IPM research; conduct education programs in proper pesticide use, storage, and safety; maintain contacts and interact with industry leaders, consultants, agents, MSU faculty, and the media. * Requires: MS (Ph.D desirable) in Entomology, Plant Path., Hort., or related area; two years professional experience preferred; effective leadership, management, and communication skills; demonstrated drive and initiative; personal mobility/transportation. Contact: P.I. Cudney, Michigan State Univ. Extension North, 2200 Dendrinos Drive, Suite 100, Traverse City, MI 49684, USA. Fax: 1-231-929-0454. Phone: 1-231-929-3902. CudneyP@msue.msu.edu . Or apply at:

www.msue.msu.edu . EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES IPM TRAINING AND CONSULTING Two experienced scientists have launched The Real IPM Co., based in KENYA, offering a range of IPM training and consulting services primarily focused on horticultural crops. Additionally, available training programs include various elements of crop protection (with an IPM emphasis) such as pesticide application and safe use, and train-the-trainer courses. Consultation on technical and practical aspects of IPM development, IPM auditing, mass production of biocontrol agents, post harvest crop management, and related areas can be arranged. The company is said to operate in multiple African nations. *> L. Labuschagne, Real IPM Co., PO Box 4001, Madaraka, Thika 01002, KENYA. Labuschagne@africaonline.co.ke . Phone: 254-0-722-655984. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES A cursory selection of papers from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the titles that follow. E-mail requests to: . General "Barriers, Repellents and Antifeedants for Slug and Snail Control," Schuder, I., et al. * CROP PROT., 22(8), 1033-1038, September 2003. "Learning from Failure: Smallholder Farming Systems and IPM in Malawi," Orr, A., and J.M. Ritchie. * AGRIC. SYST., 79(1), 31-54, January 2004. "Replacing Methyl Bromide in Annual Strawberry Production with Glucosinolate-containing Green Manure Crops," Lazzeri, L., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 59(0), 983-990, September 2003. Phytopathology "An Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Fungicides Against Fusarium culmorum, the Cause of Head Blight of Wheat," Chala, A., et al. * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 151(11-12), 673-678, November 2003. "Strategies for the Control of Fusarium Head Blight in Cereals," Pirgozliev, S.R., et al. * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 109(7), 731-742, September 2003. Weed Science "Comparison of Different Weed Management Systems and their Effects on Yield of Coconut Plantations in Sri Lanka," Senarathne, S.H.S., et al. * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 3(3), 158-161, September 2003. "Weed Control and Root Maggots: Making Canola Pest Management Strategies Compatible," Dosdall, L.M., et al. * WEED SCI., 51, 576-585, July-August 2003. Entomology "Economics Versus Alleles; Balancing Integrated Pest Management and Insect Resistance Management for Rotation-Resistant Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)," Onstand, D.W., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOMO., 96(6), 1872-1885, December 2003. "Processed Kaolin Protects Fruits from Mediterranean Fruit Fly Infestation," Mazor, M., and A. Erez. * CROP PROT., 23(1), 47-51, January 2004. Bt sub-Section "Effect of Bt Corn for Corn Rootworm Control on Nontarget Soil Microarthropods and Nematodes," Al-Deeb, M.A., et al. *

ENVIRON. ENTOM., 32(4), 859-865, August 2003 Nematology "Investigation of Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for Management of Meloidogyne javanica on Greenhouse Grown Tomato," Tzortzakakis, E.A., and S.E. Petsas. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 59(12), 1311-1320, December 2003. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Southern Region Headquarters Relocates Late in 2003, headquarters for the Southern Region IPM Center (SRIPMC) relocated from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) to the National Science Foundation Center for IPM (CIPM) at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC), as the outcome of a competitive process. The SPRIPMC's new director and principal investigator is entomologist R.E. Stinner who adds this responsibility to his ongoing duties as CIPM director. Two associate director positions have been created, one for regulatory affairs, filled by S. Toth, and a second responsible for IPM and as yet unfilled. S. File will serve as regional IPM facilitator, and J. Hodorowicz has been named editor/writer to provide communication support for SRIPMC. An Advisory Council of 25-40 members representing a wide range of stakeholders will meet at least annually and establish general priorities. The Council also appoints standing and ad hoc committees as needed. A Steering Committee, of approximately 12 voting and 10 non-voting members, meets semi-annually, provides guidance for administrative management, and determines how to implement Advisory Council policies. Both committees have already met once. *> SRIPMC, 1017 Main Campus Dr., Suite 1100, North Carolina State Univ., Centennial Campus, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA.CIPM@ncsu.edu . Fax: 1-919-513-1114. Phone: 1-919-515-1648. Web: www.sripmc.org . back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2004 (N) 11-12 February * NATIONAL "FIFRA" BOOT CAMP WORKSHOP, Lake Ridge, VA, USA. Event for pesticide registrants. Contact: S. Shaw, Camp Coordinator, Pesticide.Net, 1990 Old Bridge Rd., Suite 202, Lake Ridge, VA 22192, USA. workshop@pesticide.net . Phone:

1-703-492-4328. Web: www.pesticide.net . Repeats: 21-22 April and 23-24 June 2004. (N) 23-27 March * CORSO: BIOLOGIA, ECOLOGIA Y SYSTEMATICA DE NEMATODOS PARASITOS DE INSECTOS, "Alternativas para el Manejo Integrado de Plagas Agricolas y Urbanas," Inst. de Biol. Celular y Molecular, Univ. de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San Jose, COSTA RICA. Contacto: S.P. Stock, Dept. of Plant Path., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. SPStock@ag.arizona.edu . Web: ag.arizona.edu . (N) 02-04 April * INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PROTOCOLS AND METHODOLOGIES IN ALLELOPATHY, Palampur, INDIA. Contact: G.L. Bansal, Dept. of Plant Physio., CSK HP Agric. Univ., Palampur-176062, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA. GLBansal@hillagric.org . Fax: 91-1894-230311. Phone: 91-1894-230351. Web: www.hillagric.org . (N) 21-25 June * WORKSHOP-COURSE IN INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, Havana, CUBA. Contact: L.L. Vazquez Moreno, Plant Health Resch. Inst. (INISAV), Havana, CUBA. LVazquez@inisav.cu . (N) 24-28 May * 24TH CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DA CIENCIA DAS PLANTAS DANINHAS, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL. Contact: infogeral@sbcpd.org . Web: www.sbcpd.org . (N) 01-06 August * 37TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, and 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Bacillus thuringiensis, Helsinki, FINLAND. Contact: H. Hokkanen, Helsinki Univ., Dept. of Applied Biology, Box 27, Helsinki FIN-00014, FINLAND. Heikki.Hokkanen@helsinki.fi . (N) 16-22 August * 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROOT AND BUTT ROTS, "Root and Butt Rots of Forest Trees," IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01, Poznan, POLAND. Contact: M. Manka, Dept. of Forest Path., Agric. Univ., ul. Wojska Polskiego 71c, 60-625 Poznan, POLAND. mmanka@owl.au.poznan.pl . Fax: 48-61-848-7711. Phone: 48-61-848-7708. Web: www.au.poznan.pl . [R] 05-10 September * corrected website * 20TH BRAZILIAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Gramado, RS, BRAZIL. Contact: CBE, CP 177, CEP 95.200-000 Vacaria, RS, BRAZIL. cbe@xxcbe.com.br . Web: www.xxcbe.com.br . (N) 19-23 September * 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES, Ennis, County Clare, IRELAND. Contact: E. Muckle-Jeffs, Coordinator, 1027 Pembroke St., East, Suite 200, Pembroke, ON K8A 3M4, CANADA. Fax: 1-613-732-3386. profedge@renc.igs.net . Phone; 1-613-732-7068. Web: www.aquatic . (N) 01-02 October * 2004 ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIOCONTROL PRODUCERS CONFERENCE, Colorado Springs, CO, USA. Contact: M. Burt, 2230 Martin Dr., Tustin Ranch, CA 92782, USA. Web: www.ANBP.org . MaclayB2@aol.com . Fax/phone: 1-714-544-8295.

(N) 14-15 October * 4TH LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON AGRICULTURAL ADJUVANTS, SILCA IV, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. Contact: H&A Columbus, Manuel M. Ponce 255-2, Col. Guadalupe Inn, Mexico City, Mexico DF 01020, MEXICO. Web: www.columbus . Fax/phone: 52-55-5662-1198. columbus@columbus-grp.com . (N) 01-03 November * BCPC's CROP SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2004, Glasgow, UK. Contact: Web: www.bcpc.org . (N) 08-12 November * 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADJUVANTS FOR AGROCHEMICALS, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: D. Cloete, Conferences et al, PO Box 452, Stellenbosch 7599, SOUTH AFRICA. Deidre@iafrica.com . Fax: 27-21-883-8177. Phone: 27-21-886-4496. Web: www.ISAA2004.com. 07-11 November * 20TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCI. SOC. CONFERENCE, Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM. Contact: D.V. Chin, eml: DuongvanChin@hcm.vnn.vn. 2006 No (N) ew/[R]evised events for this year to cite in this issue. 2007 (N) 28 July-01 August * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. APS@apsnet.org . Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Web: www.apsnet.org . (N) 09-13 December * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA. Fax: 1-301-731-4538. meet@entsoc.org . Web: www.entsoc.org. 26 July-31 July * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. APS@apsnet.org . Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Web: www.apsnet.org . (N) 07-11 December * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotte, NC, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA. Fax: 1-301-731-4538. meet@entsoc.org . Web: www.entsoc.org. December * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA. Fax: 1-301-731-4538. meet@entsoc.org . Web: www.entsoc.org .

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