IPMnet NEWS September 2004, Issue no. 129 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Small Farm Non-chemical Options Online The German branch of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) has developed a web-based information service focused on, not surprisingly, non-chemical pest management for crops grown on small-scale farms in the tropics. Known as OISAT (online information service for non-chemical pest management in the tropics), and freely available from the website www.oisat.org the system "presents preventive and curative methods of managing pests with the overarching goal of increasing the self-regulatory mechanism within agricultural systems, and reducing the use of synthetic pesticides," according to an OISAT news release. The service is said to be directed primarily towards agricultural trainers and extensionists in developing tropical countries who, in turn, interact with farmers. Users (with computer access) can choose, download, and edit relevant elements of the OISAT menucrops, pests, management schemes, and more. An initial section on the attractive website discusses "Principles of Non-chemical Pest Management," including "key pillars" for policy and economics, plus information covering the roles of education, training, extension, and knowledge generation. Crops (24 to date) have been grouped under the headings of: staples; vegetables; fruits; pulses; and economic crops (coffee and cotton). Pest categories so far are limited to insects and mites, with "diseases" and "other pests" (vertebrates, molluscs) listed to debut in 2005. Clicking on a crop heading produces a color photo followed by a listing of pest organisms attacking various crop parts (roots, stem, leaves) at different growth stages. Clicking on an insect pest yields a color photo of the pest, plus a peer-reviewed synopsis of various non-chemical control tactics, general information about the pest (description, morphology, host plants, and damage), plus a list of additional references. There are supplemental discussions of agro-ecology and recent developments for most of the listed crops. Overall, OISAT is a useful information, with one startling exception: weeds, one of the tropics' most severe pests, have not been included. Perhaps that glaring omission will be
rectified in a future expansion of OISAT's positive start-up. *> Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany), Nernstweg 32, D-22765 Hamburg, GERMANY. Phone: 49-040-399-19100.OISAT@pan-germany.org . Fax: 49-040-390-7520. Rural Links to Crop Protection Information A group of organizations, spearheaded by Australian-based PestNet under a grant from InfoDev World Bank, launched a project in mid-2003 to link rural Solomon Islands farmers to plant protection networks so they could access crop pest information in a timely manner. The effort recently issued its first annual report noting accomplishments such as several crop-specific workshops and the beginnings of shifts in crop protection practices. The linking program functions through a series of wireless e-mail stationscomprising a laptop computer, modem, HF radio, and solar panelsestablished by the People First Net (PFnet) and scattered across rural areas on several islands in the Solomons. In addition to PestNet and PFnet, partners in the crop protection effort include Kastom Gaden ("customary gardening") Association, Dept. of Agriculture and Livestock, and the Secretariate of the Pacific Community. Initially, activity focused on several crops (taro, long bean, watermelon) and pests identified as most troublesome by farmers. Field surveys revealed that insects were more readily understood while diseases were considered "very mysterious." No distinction was made between pest and beneficial insects. Plans call for introducing some different crop varieties as well as conducting meetings with farmersin some instances on a farm by farm basisto discuss aspects of various crop protection strategies. Since PestNet ( www.pestnet.org ) itself is an informal e-mail network designed to expedite free access to crop protection information pest identification and management advice from specialists and scientistsfor people throughout the Pacific and Southeast Asia, the Solomon Islands project was right in line with the organization's experience and expertise. *> G. Jackson, PestNet, 24 Alt St., Queens Park, NSW 2022, AUSTRALIA. Grahame@pestnet.org . Fax: 61-2-9387-8004.Phone: 61-2-9387-8030. GLOBAL IPM "SNAPSHOTS" Newer, fast growing, vigorous forage-only barley Hordeum vulgare L.) lines tested in Canada act as bioherbicides by out-competing broad-leaf weeds. *> M. Therrien, MTherrien@agr.gc.ca . An interdisciplinary research team has identified several key factors affecting likelihood of pest insect biological control adoption by subsistence maize growers in Central America. *> K. Wyckhuys, KWyckhuy@purdue.edu . A monosodium glutamate alternative feeding stimulant increased spinosad (Success) efficacy against Cydia pomonella (codling moth) neonates. *> M.A. Pszczolkowski, Pszcz@ksu.edu .
Irrigated Arachis hypogaea (peanut) needed less fungicide when applications were based on weather advisories instead of biweekly treatments. *> D.L. Jordan, David_Jordan@ncsu.edu . back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED IPM Fits the Garden The newest addition to a growing body of literature focusing on the fundamentals of IPM and application to domestic gardens is aptly titled IPM FOR GARDENERS, "A Guide to Integrated Pest Management," and heralded by the publisher as providing "the tools readers need to keep healthy gardens for a healthy planet." Authors R.A. Cloyd, et al, present 10 chapters that address plant and pest basics and then expound on each of the main pest management techniques (cultural, biological, etc.). The 280-page, 2004 workhardbound, thus limiting its use to a desk, rather than a field, referenceincludes over 140 full color photos, plus another 30 or so black and white photos. A suggested reading list provides avenues to more information, and a listing of common and scientific names for oft-encountered pests includes several categories, but strangely omits one of the most important garden pest groupsweeds. Most gardeners should find some useful information within these pages. *> Timber Press, 133 SW Second Ave., Suite 450, Portland, OR 97204-3527, USA. Fax: 1-503-227-3070. mail@TimberPress.com . Web: www.timberpress.com . Weed Costs in Australia "Weeds have a wide variety of impacts on society, the environment, and the economy some of the economic impacts are benefits, but most are costs," observe the authors of an extensive recent study that boldly establishes THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF WEEDS IN AUSTRALIA. Only one other much earlier study, note authors J. Sinden, et al, attempted to estimate the nationwide impact of weeds. The 2003 study (published in early 2004) not only estimates the cost of weeds across Australia, it develops an insightful economic framework to help consider the scope of weed-created problems. The summary of costs to agriculture, the environment, and public lands for the period surveyed is a staggering $A 3.55 to 4.5 billion annually. The important 64-page report is no. 8 in the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) for Australian Weed Management's Technical Series and can be downloaded from the Center's website www.weeds.crc.org.au . *> CRC for Australian Weed Management, Waite Campus, Univ. of Adelaide, PMB 1, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, AUSTRALIA.CRCweeds@adelaide.edu.au . Fax: 61-08-8303-7311. WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES OF ALIEN, TRIFFID-LIKE PLANTS In his 1951 science fiction novel, THE DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, British author J. Wyndham invented mobile, giant carnivorous plants triffids with a vicious, blinding sting and a voracious non-veggie appetite. A recent issue of ECOS magazine published by CSIRO in Australia draws a
parallel in that the continent's land managers and scientists are battling a widening guerilla war against "triffid-like" weed infestations. One of Australia's greatest but lesser known environmental threats, alien plant species, costs the country billions of dollars each year in containment, eradication, and biological control measures. Journalist L. Lawrence summarizes this intense, ongoing battle in "Fighting the Triffid Take-over," in ECOS, 120, 26-29, July-August 2004. The text is complimented by color photos and can be freely downloaded from www.publish.csiro.au as a PDF document. thanks to S. Lloyd for information. JOURNAL ISSUE FOCUSES ON FUSARIUM The June 2004 edition of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, (vol. 110, issue 5-6) is dedicated to papers (approx. 20) concerning Fusarium research and related topics. For free online abstracts see: www.kluweronline.com . PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES BLUEBERRY/CRANBERRY EXTENSION ENTOMOLOGIST, Chatsworth, NJ, USA * Develop, lead, and implement statewide research and extension on economically significant insect pests of blueberry and cranberry; develop biological and life-history information supporting IPM, and virus and/or mycoplasma disease vector research; screen and test efficacy of new methods and products; communicate research results and serve as a liaison to and between a variety of stakeholders. * REQUIRES: Ph.D. in entomology; excellent communication, interpersonal and, electronic technology skills; knowledge of blueberry and cranberry entomology is desired. * CONTACT: Z.R. Helsel, Chair, Dept. of Extension Specialists, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, State Univ. of New Jersey, 88 Lipman Dr., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525, USA. Phone: 1-732-932-5000, ext. 587. Fax: 1-732-932-6633. Helsel@aesop.rutgers.edu . thanks to E.G. Rajotte for information. EXTENSION ASSISTANT SCHOOL IPM, PESTICIDE SAFETY EDUCATION, Lincoln, NE, USA * Assist with implementing IPM for Schools Program and the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP); edit, revise, and develop training modules (multimedia scripts, PowerPoint presentations, and printed resources), and evaluation tools; consult and coordinate with subject matter specialists and develop training modules and evaluation tools; assist with other tasks as directed. * REQUIRES: B.S. in pest management, agriculture, natural resources, or education/communications/journalism or related field (M.S. preferred); minimum one year experience developing educational materials or training modules including writing/ editing; ability to effectively communicate technical and program information, both verbally and written, to a wide variety of people including federal and state agency personnel, K-12 school personnel, the university community, farmers, professional pesticide applicators and the general public; computer competency; Position #37019. * CONTACT: J. Swartz, Personnel Coordinator Department of Agronomy and Hort., Univ. of Nebraska, PO Box 830915 Lincoln, NE 68583-0915, USA. JSwartz1@unl.edu . Fax: 1-402-472-3574. Phone: 1-402-472-1548. TURFGRASS PEST AND LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST,
Suffolk County, New York, USA * Plan, implement, and evaluate a county-wide pest management program for properties such as golf courses, athletic fields, and parklands; hire, train and supervise pest management scouts, establish pest management action thresholds, provide information on alternative practices, evaluate progress, and propose changes in the program; plan, develop, and evaluate turf grass nutrient management and water quality educational programs; conduct applied research and demonstrations independently and in cooperation with Extension educators, Cornell faculty, and other agencies. * REQUIRES: M.S. in horticulture or related sciences (emphasis on turf grass preferred); preferred experience includes two or more years experience in Cooperative Extension or similar educational fields, experience in golf course/turf management, and courses in plant pathology, entomology, pest management and/or nutrient management; ability to work as a team member with staff, cooperating agencies, and county personnel; effective communication skills; research experience. * CONTACT: PA#348, Box 26, Kennedy Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. IPM LITE * Western Australian growers visiting and walking through fields on northern hemisphere farms this year where there could be spores of stripe rust were advised by their government to "Bring Back Memories Not Problems." thanks to S. Lloyd for information. * And when it comes to the remarkable story of how a rust in this case, provided by the National Heritage Trust for intentional use in Australia as a biocontrol agent to attack the imported weed Asparagus asparagoides known as bridal creeper who could top this inspired headline: "Trust's Rust Busts Bridal Lust"? * A young student conducting a survey as a school exercise found that 86 percent of the respondents when told that prolonged exposure to the substance dihydrogen monoxide in its solid form causes severe tissue damage, exposure to its gaseous form causes severe burns, and that in liquid form it has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients agreed that it should definitely be banned. * To think about when planning that next big, important international meeting: "Sym-pos-ium, n.; in ancient Greece, a drinking party at which there was intellectual discussion." Webster's New World Dictionary. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM FEATURED PAPER PREDICTING PERFORMANCE OF PATHOGENS AS BIOCONTROLS Introduction of a classical biocontrol agent is deemed a success when it becomes established where introduced, engages and reduces a target pest organism, but does not attack non-target species. Writing in a recent issue of BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, J. Barton poses the key question that, despite host range testing and risk assessment, just "How Good are We at Predicting the
Host-range of Fungal Pathogens Used for Classical Biological Control of Weeds?" According to Dr. Barton, pathogenic fungi have been used as classical biocontrol agents against weeds since 1971, with 26 fungal species, originating from 15 countries, deployed against more than 25 weed species in seven countries. After comparing pre-release prediction data based on host range testing with post-release performance in the field, Barton answers her own question by concluding, "Risk assessments based on rigorous host-range testing, combined with a good understanding of the taxonomy, biology, and ecology of the agent, the target weed, and nontarget species, can ensure that the introduction of exotic pathogens is a safe and environmentally benign method of weed control." *> J. Barton, 353 Pungarehu Rd., Te Kuiti, NEW ZEALAND. Jane.Barton@ihug.co.nz .excerpted with thanks from BIOL. CONTROL, 31(1), 99-122, August 2004. THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "Pest Management Benefits of Compost Mulch in Apple Orchards," Brown, M.W., and T. Tworkoski. * AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 103(3), 465-472, August 2004. "Resource Abundance and Invasiveness: A Simple Model," Barlow, N.D., and J.M. Kean. * BIOL. INVASIONS, 6(3), 261-268, 2004. Phytopathology "Bean Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Management for Reduction of Bean Pod Mottle Virus," Krell, R.K., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 97(2), 192-202, April 2004. "_Potato Virus Y Reduction by Straw Mulch in Organic Potatoes," Saucke, H., and T.F. Doring. * ANNLS. OF APPLD. BIOL., 144(3), 347-355, June 2004. Weed Science "Cross-resistance and Herbicide Metabolism in Grass Weeds in Europe: Biochemical and Physiological Aspects," De Prado, R.A., and A.R. Franco. * WEED SCI., 52(3), 441-447, May 2004. "Integrated Management of Striga hermonthica in Sorghum Using a Mycoherbicide and Host Plant Resistance in the Nigerian Sudano-Sahelian Savanna," Marley, P.S., et al. * WEED RESCH., 44(3), 157-162, June 2004. Entomology "A Novel Device for the Collection, Storage, Transport, and Delivery of Beneficial Insects, and its Application to Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)," Teshler, M.P., et al. * BIOCON. SCI. AND TECH., 14(4), 347-357, June 2004. "Companion Planting * Do Aromatic Plants Disrupt Host-plant Finding by the Cabbage Root Fly
and the Onion Fly More Effectively than Non-aromatic Plants?," Finch, S., et al. * ENTOMOL. EXP. ET APPLIC., 109(3), 183-195, December 2003. Bt sub-Section "Transgenic Rootworm Corn: Assessing Potential Agronomic, Economic, and Environmental Benefits," Rice, M.E. * PLANT HLTH. PROG., March 2004, online (2-line URL): www.plantmanagementnetwork.org . Nematology "Suppression of Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne hapla with Entomopathogenic Nematodes on Greenhouse Peanuts and Tomatoes," Perez, E.E., and E.E. Lewis. * BIOL. CONT., 30(2), 336-341, June 2004. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Northeastern RIPMC Web, Newsletter Revamped Northeastern RIPMC Web, Newsletter Revamped * Clicking on northeastipm.org takes viewers to a colorful, tightly organized, newly redesigned website for the Northeastern Regional IPM Center (NEIPMC), one of four such federally funded and cooperatively organized centers operating in the U.S.123132 Like its colleague centers, NEIPMC exists to "provide all people who make decisions related to IPM with appropriate and reliable information" that will produce the optimum outcome. The Center, representing 12 eastern-Atlantic states, is organized (around a staff, an advisory council, and six IPM working groups) to gather, refine, and disseminate information to stakeholders across the region it serves. The Center's revamped website offers a readily navigated menu of subject matter ranging from basic IPM material (definitions, glossary) through information related to a variety of regional crops as well as public health IPM. Drop down boxes expedite accessing sub-category topics. Color and type selection enhance readability throughout and information access has been vastly improved. NEIPMC not only renovated its website, staff also took aim at the Center's newsletter resulting in "Northeast IPM News" emerging in a new, more informative, graphically tasteful, reader-friendly layout. The multi-column format, backed by deft use of color tints and other thoughtful touches, aids information transfer. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2004
(N) 21-23 September * III CONGRESO NACIONAL DE LA ASOCIATION BOLIVIANA DE PROTECCION VEGETAL, Santa Cruz de Sierra, BOLIVIA. Contact: C. Rivadeneira, Fundacion PROINPA, Av. Blanco Galindo Km. 12.5, Cochabamba, BOLIVIA. abpv@proinpa.org . Fax: 591-4-436-0802. Phone: 591-4-436-0800. (N) 18-22 October * NORTH AMERICAN PLANT PROTECTION ORGANIZATION ANNUAL MEETING, Vancouver, BC, CANADA. (Espanol, Francais, English). Contact: M. DeRepentigny, NAPPO 2004, CFIA, Room 3308 West, 59 Camelot Dr., Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y9, CANADA. Fax: 1-613-228-6140. Phone: 1-613-225-2342, ext. 4357. MDeRepent@inspection.gc.ca . Web: www.nappo.org . (N) 18-22 October * 2ND NATIONAL RODENT SUMMIT, Fort Collins, CO, USA. Contact: J.D. Eisemann, USDA-APHIS, National Wildlife Research Center, 4101 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521-2154, USA. John.D.Eisemann@aphis.usda.gov . Phone: 1-970-266-6158. Web: wildlifedamage.unl.edu , (see: "events"). (N) 02-04 November * 11TH CONGRESO VENEZOLANO DE MALEZAS, San Cristibal, VENEZUELA. Contact: Decanado de Extension, Univ. Nacional Exp. del Tachira, San Cristibal, VENEZUELA. malezas@unet.edu.ve . Phone: 58-0-276-352-0422. Fax: 58-0-276-353-1213. 2005 (N) 21-24 January * 1ST INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON WEED SCIENCE, and BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE, Mohanpur, West Bengal, INDIA. Contact: R.C. Samui, drrcsamui@vsnl.net . Web: www.bckv . (N) 15-16 March * NORTHEASTERN (US) REGIONAL IPM CENTER 1ST BIENNIAL CONFERENCE, Manchester, NH, USA. Contact: L. Thomas, phone: 1-315-787-2626. egt3@cornell.edu . Web: NortheastIPM.org . [R] 14-18 June * New information * 2005 CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Edmonton, ALB, CANADA. Contact: D.A. Gaudet, Ag. & Ag-Food Canada, Box 3000, Resch. Stn., Lethbridge, AB T1J 4B1, CANADA. GaudetD@agr.gc.ca . Fax: 1-403-382-3156. Phone: 1-403-317-2278. Web: www.cps . [R] 05-10 September * Year corrected * 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS, Katowice, POLAND. Contact: B. Tokarska-Guzik, Fac. of Biol. and Environ. Protection, Univ. of Silesia, Jagiellonska str 28, 40-032 Katowice, POLAND. Tokarska@us.edu.pl . Web: www.emapi.us.edu.pl . (N) 26-29 September * 15TH BIENNIAL AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Geelong, VIC, AUSTRALIA. Contact: APPS, www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au . [R] 24-28 October * Year corrected * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
LEPIDOPTEROUS CEREAL STEM AND COB BORERS IN AFRICA, Nairobi, KENYA. Contact: ICLCBA Secretariat, ICIPE, PO Box 30772, Nairobi, KENYA. iclcba@icipe.org . Fax: 254-20-860110. Web: www.icipe.org . [R] 07-11 November * New information * 20TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Ho Chi Min City, VIETNAM. Contact: D.V. Chin, Dept. of Weed Sci. & Farming Syst., Cuulong Delta Rice Rsch. Inst., Omon Cantho, VIETNAM. DuongVanChin@hcm.vnn.vn . (N) 08-11 November * 17TH CONGRESO DE LA ASOCIACION LATINO AMERICANA DE MALEZAS; 1ST CONGRESO IBOAMERICAN0 DE CIENCIA DE LAS MALEZAS; and, 4TH CONGRESO NACIONAL (CUBA) DE MALEZOLOGIA, Matanzas, CUBA. Contact: J.C. Diaz, JCDiaz@inica.edu.cu . Web: gcrec.ifas.ufl.edu 2006 (N) 29 July-03 August * 2006 CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Quebec City, QC, CANADA. Contact: R.R. Belanger, FSAA Phytologie Dept., Pav Comtois, Univ. Laval, Quebec, QC G1k 7P4, CANADA. Richard.Belanger@plg.ulaval.ca . Web: www.cps . (N) 10-15 September * 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRUIT FLIES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE; and, 6TH MEETING, WORKING GROUP ON FRUIT FLIES OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, Salvador, Bahia, BRAZIL. Contact: A. Malavasi, Aldo@fruitfly.com.br . Web: www.fruitfly.com.br 2007 (N) 15-18 October * 16TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Glasgow, UK. Contact: BCPC, www.bcpc.org . 2008-2009 No (N) ew or [R]evised event listings reported for these years.