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IPMnet NEWS January 2005, Issue no. 133 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Taking Aim at the Invasives Challenge Two biologically diverse nations are vigorously ramping up their defenses to protect against invading alien plants that can wreak havoc and trigger huge annual expenditures. Consider: List of Anti-invasive Measures Proposed - After spending a year studying documents describing the multibillion dollar annual damage caused by invasive plants, a committee of the Australian Parliament has proposed a list of stiff protective measures including billing full control costs to anyone importing a non-native plant that evolves into an invasive plant. In their December 2004 report, "Turning Back the Tide: The Invasive Species Challenge," the Committee set forth 27 specific recommendations including strong support for strengthening all aspects of invasives regulation, monitoring, and protection (found at www.aph.gov.au (click on "completed inquiries")). The Committee's recommendations were welcomed by scientists working on Australia's invasive plant challenge. Among them, the acting head of the Cooperative Centre for Australian Weed Management hailed the report as "a watershed in political awareness" and "the first time such a clear understanding of the seriousness of this issue has emerged" from a governmental body. National Invasives Plan Hailed In the U.S., a partnership involving 16 federal agencies in six departments charged with responsibility for addressing the biological and economic challenges posed by invasive plants designed a national plan to detect and rapidly respond to invasive plant infestations. The comprehensive plan won an award for its exceptional achievement and intra-agency cooperation.123132 Known as the Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (FICMNEW), the 5-year-old partnership developed "A National Early Detection and Rapid Response System for Invasive Plants in the United State." The national system is structured to detect and rapidly respond to invasive plant infestations, one of the greatest environmental challenges facing communities around the country. ficmnew.fws.gov

primary goals are to detect, report, identify, and contain or eliminate invasive plants. Following identification, rapid assessment of confirmed state and national data would follow to determine potential threats to habitats and environments, in turn leading to decisions for possible eradication or management of the suspect species.123132 The key elements of the system are: early detection; early reporting; identification and vouchering of specimens by authorities; verification; archiving records; rapid assessment; and, rapid response. Guidelines to help prevent introduction and spread of invasive plants include:

Report unknown new plants to official authorities. Limit new plantings to native or non-invasive species. Eradicate and prevent spread of invasives where possible. Help increase awareness of damage caused by invasive plants. excerpted, with thanks, from FICMNEW and USGS materials. thanks to A. Glanznig, S. Lloyd, and R.G. Westbrooks for information. GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS Lures using volatile compounds (odors) from fermented molasses, plus floral material, attracted both male and female pest moths to killing traps. *> P. Landolt, insects@yarl.ars.usda.gov. ยก@ To increase adoption of integrated weed management a farming systems approach proved more effective than sole focus on weed control. *?> R.S. Llewellyn, RLlewell@agric.uwa.edu.au. ยก@ Results from a herbicide degradation model deployed in the U.K. attribute declining herbicide persistence to increasing soil temperature. *> S.W. Bailey, Steven.Bailey@adas.co.uk. ยก@ The taste enhancer monosodium glutamate was shown to improve the performance of Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki against Choristoneura rosaceana (obliquebanded leafroller) in lab tests. *> M.A. Pszczolkowski, Pszcz@yahoo.com. ยก@ Accessions of Pennisetum glaucum subsp. monodii (wild pearl millet) demonstrated resistance to the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. *> J.P. Wilson, JWilson@tifton.usda.gov. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTION Papers presented at the 9th Japan-U.S. Science Seminar on Plant-Pathogen Interactions, convened in late 2003, focused on "genome-wide analyses and the use of large-scale, high throughput genomic tools in combination with classic genetic tools to decipher the molecular basis of plant-microbe interactions," according to the preface of GENOMIC AND GENETIC ANALYSIS OF PLANT PARASITISM AND DEFENSE, a 2005, 313-page compilation of the presentations. Editors S. Tsuyumu, et al, have organized 25 papers by an international author group, and added abstracts and a 5-page synopsis. The result is a 313-page, hardbound work with over 50 black and white illustrations that captures useful plant-microbe research results. *> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.shopapspress.org. CEREAL DISEASE ATLAS As a rule, IPMnet NEWS cites newer publications, but rules can be end-run; hence, this note mentioning a unique 1998 volume, A COLOR HANDBOOK OF

DISEASES OF SMALL GRAIN CEREAL CROPS, whose 160-page stature bulges with well over 100 amazingly clear color plates of evil bunts, smuts, molds, and rusts that afflict wheat, barley, oats, and rye and thereby have global economic impact. Diseases in this hardbound work are grouped under a useful color-code system and, in addition to illustrations, include nomenclature, sites of impact on the crop plant, geographical occurrence, and other useful information. For each disease, authors T.D. Murray, et al describe symptoms and portray the disease cycle including epidemiological features and the pathogen's form under various climatic conditions. Economic effects on yield and the ecosystem are set out, as are strategies for prevention, management, and control. Rounding out the package is an extensive table of Worldwide Distribution and Cereal Affected by Each Disease and Pathogen, as well as a glossary and a handily organized reference list. *> Blackwell-Professional, 2121 South State Ave., Ames, IA 50014-8300, USA. Fax: 1-515-292-3348. Phone: 1-515-292-0140.Web: store.blackwell WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES WEED MANAGEMENT IN ORGANICS Weed scientist W.S. Curran has prepared a 4-page fact sheet that succinctly summarizes WEED MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIC CROPPING SYSTEMS. The 2004 publication notes the parallels with so-called conventional systems, but stresses that organic systems place much greater emphasis on cultural and mechanical weeding strategies. Effective weeding programs take into account site specific historical pest problems, soil management, crop rotations, needed or available equipment, timing, weather, markets, and of course costs and anticipated returns. Dr. Curran itemizes a number of basic factors for weed management in organic production, lists several herbicides approved for organic culture, and emphasizes the importance of prevention. The document is Agronomy Facts 64 at pubs.cas.psu.edu or available as hardcopy from: Publications Distribution Ctr., 112 Agric. Admin. Bldg., PSU, University Park, PA 16802, USA. Phone: 1-814-865-6713. thanks to E.G. Rajotte for information. "SOD" TELECONFERENCE ON LINE The 26 October 2004 National Training Teleconference on Sudden Oak Death (SOD) Phytophthora ramorum is now freely available on-line at www.ncipm.org as a Quicktime movie. The PowerPoint presentation with audio overlay may be downloaded and used for future training. The website can be linked or the file posted on other websites. To receive the presentation on a CD, send an e-mail request that includes a mailing address and phone number. *> S.T. Ratcliffe, Dept. of Crop Sci., S-316 Turner Hall, Univ. of Illinois, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA. SRatclif@uiuc.edu. Phone: 1-217-333-9656. Fax: 1-217-333-5245. MAIZE DISEASES GUIDE CIMMYT, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, has published a 4th edition of MAIZE DISEASES: A GUIDE FOR FIELD IDENTIFICATION, in 2004 with updated information and some modifications in nomenclature. The Guide is designed for field use by agricultural technicians and maize producers. The text is divided according to the four maize disease causal agents: fungi, bacteria, viruses, and mollicutes. Large color photos accompany the text combining to offer an extensive overview ofmaize pathogens and the diseases and conditions they can cause. The document can be freely downloaded from the CIMMYT website at: www.cimmyt.org

AUSTRALIAN WEED GUIDE The latest product from the Centre for Biological Information Technology (CBIT) at Univ. of Queensland (AUSTRALIA) is DECLARED PLANTS OF AUSTRALIA, "An Identification and Information System," an interactive tool to assist with noxious weed identification (Web: www.cbit.uq.edu.au With more than 900 weed species included in a botanical key, the compact disc (CD) provides detailed information on the nation's declared weeds such as extensive detail about their biology, distinguishing features, and geographic distribution, as well as information about similar species, and official legislation associated with each species. Over 5,000 photos and line drawings help users distinguish specific features of a weed they wish to identify. The CD, while designed to help local authorities, governmental departments, growers, and others stem the economic and environmental impact weeds have on Australia, is also likely to be of keen interest for weed identification elsewhere. *> Lucid Teaching Resources, CBIT, Level 6, Hartley-Teakle Bldg., Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-07-3365-1855. Phone: 61-07-3365-1854. thanks to G. Norton for information. 132123CANADA BEGINS PAPERLESS SYSTEM Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency has launched e-PRS, said to be "the world's first web-based service for conducting pesticide regulatory transactions," according to a news release. Using e-PRS, commercial entities can conduct secure web-based transactions when submitting pesticide applications, providing required health and environmental data, or applying for registration. From the website www.pmra interested parties can freely download an e-PRS enrollment package or sign into Epass Canada to attain a unique credential for secure communication with Canadian governmental agencies. COCONUT MITE GROUP A small electronic "group" started in 2004 exists to share information about the biology, ecology, and management of Aceria guerreronis (eriophyid coconut mite). Other interested individuals are invited to join at: groups.yahoo.com *> eriophyid-owner@yahoogroups.com. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES RESEARCH ENTOMOLOGIST, Beltsville, MD, USA. * Investigate effect of cover crops, mulches, and other agro-ecosystem modifications on agricultural insect pests, especially the Colorado potato beetle and other chrysomelids, using behavioral, population, ecological, and molecular methods. * REQUIRES: PhD, MD, or other professional degree; knowledge and experience with herbivore-plant interactions, ethology, population and community biology, and semiochemicals, as well as experimental rearing, diets, and bioassays. Position #RA-05-044H. * CONTACT: D.C. Weber, USDA, ARS, PSI, Insect Biocontrol Lab, Building 011A, Room 107, BARC-West, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA. WeberD@ba.ars.usda.gov. Fax: 1-301-504-5104. Phone: 1-301-504-5689. Web: www.afm.ars.usda.gov PLANT GENETICIST/MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST, Glen Osmond, SA, AUSTRALIA. * Conduct research to determine importance of gene flow in the spread of herbicide resistance in weeds. * REQUIRES: PhD in related field; demonstrated ability for timely task completion; statistical methods ability; strong and demonstrable communication skills. * CONTACT: C. Preston, CRC for Australian Weed Mgmt., PMB 1, Glen Osmond, SA, AUSTRALIA. Phone:

61-08-8303-7237.Christopher.Preston@adelaide.edu.au. Web: www.weeds.crc.org.au WHEAT PATHOLOGIST, El Bataan, MEXICO. * Evaluate wheat germplasm for fusarium head blight (FHB) reactions; develop genetic maps related to FHB toxin production; conduct bioassays for FHB resistance or tolerance. * REQUIRES: PhD (recent) in plant pathology or related field; current familiarity with the field and genetic statistics; ability to combine field and lab methodologies; interest ininternational research and development; English language proficiency and knowledge of Spanish. * CONTACT: Human Resources (Ref: 2004/15), Apdo.Postal 6-641, Mexico, D.F. 06600, MEXICO.jobs-cimmyt@cgiar.org. Fax: 52-55-5804-7558.Web: www.cimmyt.org RESEARCH ENTOMOLOGIST/ECOLOGIST, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. * Conduct field- and laboratory-based assessments of introduced natural enemies attacking the invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia in south Florida; quantify establishment, dispersal, and impacts of Fergusonina turneri (melaleuca gall forming fly); independently plan, execute, interpret, and report research results. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology, ecology, or a related discipline; familiarity with post release evaluations of weed biological control agents and insect-plant interactions; research experience with herbivorous insects, arthropod dispersal, or plant population dynamics; ability to work in a multidisciplinary team environment and to interact directly with land managers. Position #RA-05-043L. * CONTACT: P. Pratt, USDA/ARS Invasive Plant Research Lab, 3205 College Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314, USA. Fax: 1-954-476-9169.PrattP@saa.ars.usda.gov. Phone: 1-954-475-0541, ext. 105. www.afm.ars.usda.gov EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES TREE INJECTOR SYSTEM A simple, hand-held, plastic liquid injector for trees bears a likeness to an overgrown syringe and works on much the same principle. The system is said to be a cost efficient method for injecting insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and trace elements into any limb or trunk of 5 cm (2 in.) diameter or greater. After an injector has been filled by submerging its tip in solution and pulling up on the spring-loaded "T" handle which is then twist locked, it is ready to be tightly inserted into a pre-drilled hole and unlocked. The internal spring then applies steady pressure delivering the injector's contents, usually in 5 to 25 minutes depending on weather and sap viscosity. Once empty, injectors with their bright red handles are easily seen, quickly retrieved, cleaned, and ready for use again. *> ChemJet, PO Box 318, Caboolture, QLD 4510, AUSTRALIA. ChemJet@powerup.com.au. Fax: 61-7-3408-3963. Phone: 61-7-3408-0388. Web: www.chemjet.com.au. thanks to D. Knott for information. Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #132, December 2004; In: Section II, "IPM MEDLEY" . Under: "WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES" In the item: "SITE FOR FRUIT FLY MATTERS" the correct e-mail address should have been listed as: J.Hendrichs@iaea.org. In: Section II, "IPM MEDLEY" . Under: "EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES" In the item: "INSECT WALLPAPER" . the correct website should have been listed as:

www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk NEWS regrets including incorrect information, as well as any inconvenience, problem, or frustration it may have caused. Ed. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ISSUE Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #132, December 2004; In: Section II, "IPM MEDLEY" . Under: "WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES" In the item: "SITE FOR FRUIT FLY MATTERS" the correct e-mail address should have been listed as: J.Hendrichs@iaea.org. In: Section II, "IPM MEDLEY" . Under: "EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES" In the item: "INSECT WALLPAPER" . the correct website should have been listed as: www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk NEWS regrets including incorrect information, as well as any inconvenience, problem, or frustration it may have caused. Ed. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES General "An Assessment of the Potential Economic Impact of Thrips palmi on Horticulture in England and the Significance of a Successful Eradication Campaign," MacLeod, A., et al. * CROP PROT., 23(7), 601-610, July 2004. "Using Ecological Restoration to Constrain Biological Invasion," Bakker, J., and S.D. Wilson. * JRNL. OF APPLD. ECOL., 41(6), 1058-1064, December 2004. Phytopathology "Epidemiology of Insect-transmitted Plant Viruses: Modeling Disease Dynamics and Control Interventions," Jeger, M.J., et al. * PHYSIOL. ENTOM., 29(3), 291-304, August 2004. "Timing of Preharvest Infection of Pear Fruit by Botrytis cinerea and the Relationship to Postharvest Decay," Lennox, C.L., et al. * PLANT DIS., 88(5), 468-473, May 2004. Weed Science "Comparison of the Critical Period for Weed Control in Wide- and Narrow-row Corn," Norsworthy, J.K., and M.J. Oliveira. * WEED SCI., 52(5), 802-807, September 2004. "Economic Evaluation of Glyphosate-resistant and Conventional Sugar Beet," Kniss, A.R.,_et al. * WEED TECH., 18(2), 388-396, April 2004. "Weed Problems and their Management in Rice Fields of Malaysia: An Overview," Rezaul, S.M.K., et al. * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 4(4), 177-186, December 2004.

Entomology "Can Biological Control Benefit from Genetically-modified Crops? Tritrophic Interactions on Insect-resistant Transgenic Crops," Poppy, G.M., and J.P. Sutherland. * PHYSIOL. ENTOM., 29(3), 257-268, August 2004. "Farmers' Perceptions, Knowledge and Management of Coffee Pests and Diseases and their Natural Enemies in Chiapas, Mexico," Segura, H.R., et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 97(5), 1491-1499, October 2004. "Genetic Transformation of Crops for Insect Resistance: Potential and Limitations," Sharma, H.C., et al. * CRIT. REVS. IN PLANT SCI., 23(1), 47-72, 2004. Bt Sub-section "Plant-incorporated Bacillus thuringiensis Resistance for Control of Fall Armyworm and Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Corn," Buntin, G.D, et al. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 97(5), 1603-1611, October 2004. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Speed Scouting Plan Cuts Time, Costs Entomologists at the Univ. of Minnesota (USA) have developed abinomial sampling plan they've labeled "Speed Scouting for SoybeanAphid," with broader implications for scouting many other insect pests. A binomial sampling plan, the developers suggest, can reduce time (andthus costs) of sampling because it establishes an insect presence upper limit making it unnecessary to count every insect present, a particularly useful feature in the case of Aphis glycines (soybean aphid), where the limit is 40 aphids per plant. The plan is described at www.soybeans.umn.edu The useful website also provides a link to worksheets, both blank andcompleted, that help explain the speed scouting system, as well asfrequently asked questions. *> E. Hodgson, hodgs005@umn.edu. Phone: 1-612-624-8478. Global IPM Program Seeks Applicants With new federal funding in hand, a successful, decade-old programlinking capabilities of U.S. landgrant universities, and their publicand private partners, with crop pest management needs of developing countries worldwide has launched a third round of invitations to submitapplications for both regional IPM and global IPM theme programs. The IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP), withfunding through the U.S. Agency for International Development and itsmissions, pairs host country and U.S. scientists and stresses broad participation that includes farmers, non-governmental organizations,international agricultural research centers, private sector groups, andrelevant public agencies. Landgrant institutions are encouraged topartner with other stakeholders, both national and international. Stated goals of the IPM-CRSP are: to develop improved technologiesand institutional changes

that measurably reduce crop losses, increasefarmer income, reduce pesticide use and residues, improve IPM research and education capability, increase involvement of women in IPMdecision-making, and heighten ability to monitor pests. To do this, theprogram, among other elements, aims to:* Advance IPM science and develop IPM technologies, information, andsystems for sound land resource management;* Improve IPM communication and education and the ability ofpractitioners to manage IPM-related knowledge; and,* Provide information and build capacity supportive of IPM. A great deal more detailed information, such as the many eligibleworld regions, deadline dates, and other specifics are on theIPM-CRSP website: www.ag.vt.edu E.A. Heinrichs, Director, IPM CRSP, 2270 Litton Reaves Hall,Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. IPM-dir@vt.edu. Fax: 1-540-231-3519.Phone: 1-540-231-3516. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries (only) 2005 (N) 11-13 January * PESTICIDE RISK REDUCTION SHORT COURSE, Molokai, HI, USA. Contact: C. Nagamine, PEPS, 3190 Maile Way, Rm. 307, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. Phone: 1-808-956-6007. Fax: 1-808-956-9675. Charlie@hpirs.stjohn.hawaii.edu. Web: pestworld.stjohn.hawaii.edu 22-24 February * PESTICIDE RISK REDUCTION SHORT COURSE, Hilo, HI, USA. Contact: C. Nagamine (see information above). (N) 08-11 May * SYMPOSIUM ON TROPHIC AND GUILD INTERACTIONS IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, at joint meeting of IOBC Neartic Regional Section and Biocontrol Network of Canada, Magog, QUE, CANADA. Contact: L. Levesque, Biocontrol Network, Dept. de Physiologie, Rm. 3156, P.G. Desmarais Bldg., Univ. de Montreal, 2960 Chemin de la Tour, Montreal, QUE H3T 1J4, CANADA. Phone: 1-514-343-7950. biocontrol-network@umontreal.ca . Fax: 1-514-343-6631. (N) 23 May-02 July * TRAINING PROGRAMME ON IPM AND GOOD AGRIC. PRACTICES, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, Intl. Agric. Centre, PO Box 88, NL 6701 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Huub.Stoetzer@wur.nl. Fax: 31-317-495395. Phone: 31-317-495353. Web:www.iac.wur.nl 31 August-01 September * WESTERN (U.S.) REGIONAL IPM SYMPOSIUM, "Water, Wildlife & Pesticides in the West: Pest Management's Contribution to Solving Environmental Problems," Portland, OR, USA. Contact: R.S. Melnicoe, Western IPM Center, 4249 Meyer Hall, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616-8588, USA. Fax: 1-530-754-8379. Phone: 1-530-754-8378. RSMelnicoe@ucdavis.edu. Web: www.wripmc.org February * WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, New York, NY, USA. Contact: WSSA Mtg. Manager, PO Box 7050, Lawrence, KS 66044-7050, USA. WSSA@allenpress.com. Fax: 1-785-843-1274. Phone: 1-785-843-1235.

Web: www.WSSA.net. 28 July-01 August * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. APS@apsnet.org. Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Web: www.apsnet.org. 2009, 2010 No (N) ew or [R]evised listings reported for these years.

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