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IPMnet NEWS June 2005, Issue no. 138 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Consortium Promotes Biocontrol for Oilseed Rape A European Union funded program, Master Strategies for European Rape pests ("Master"), aims to emphasize bio-control in IPM programs for insect pests attacking Brassica spp. (oilseed rape) in Europe. The MASTER program, involving a consortium of various institutions in several European countries, aspires to "construct, develop, evaluate and promote an IPM system for the European oilseed rape crop incorporating biological control of pests." The outcome is anticipated to improve the efficiency, profitability, and environmental acceptability of production and thereby contribute to sustainable production of the crop. A major international conference has been organized for April 2006 to present, discuss, and refine the program's activities (see: IPMnet CALENDAR). Scientists operating within the MASTER framework will conduct collaborative field experiments intended to compare pest management systems for winter oilseed rape within a cereal rotation. Trials have been, or will be, established in Estonia, Germany, Poland, Sweden, and UK. An integrated crop system will be used to modify conventional farming practices and to enhance biocontrol. The prime targets are six major pest insects that attack oilseed rape at various growth stages. There is no mention of any effort directed at weeds or pathogens. Based on information in the MASTER project's website at www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk a number of publications have been prepared, published, and made available. Disease-Resistant Cajanus Developed The International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has developed a disease-resistant cultivar of Cajanus cajan (pigeonpea), a major crop in India and an important protein supplement in vegetarian diets. C. cajan is highly susceptible to pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus (PPSMV), also known as the "green plague." ICRISAT scientists, jointly with faculty of the Univ. of Agric. Sciences,

Bangalore, have developed variety ICP 7035, a PPSMV-resistant variety that is now being recommended for release. The new variety, in addition to PPSMV resistance, has tolerance for wilt, another major pathogen in India. ICP 7035 also has 8.8 percent sugar making it as sweet as garden peas, and also contains high levels of anthocyanins imbuing it with potential antioxidant qualities. Support for the effort came from the UK Government. *> K.B. Saxena,K.Saxena@cgiar.org. excerpted, with thanks, from a CropBiotech Update. GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS TaroPest is being developed as a computer based information and diagnostics package for Colocasia esculenta (taro) pests in the South Pacific. *-> A. Clarke, A.Clarke@qut.edu.au. ยก@ Spraying in calm, zero wind conditions can, in some instances, lead to spray drift, just as that caused by winds over a certain velocity. *-> H. Spieser, Helmut.Spieser@omaf.gov.on.ca. ยก@ Tests of four IPM modules for pest insect control in rainfed cotton grown in Maharashtra (India) showed that reduced pesticide use and inclusion of bio-intensive components generated higher net returns. *-> O.P. Sharma, OPSharmadelhi@rediffmail.com. ยก@ Farmer volunteers (951) in Viet Nam found that reducing pesticide, seed rates, and fertilizer had little effect on rice yield, but did generate higher income. *-> K.L. Heong, KHeong@cgiar.org. ยก@ According to a press release 1 billion acres of biotech enhanced agricultural crops have been planted worldwide: globally 60 percent of soybeans; 23 percent of maize/corn; 11 percent of cotton; and 06 percent of canola is grown from biotech-enhanced seedstock. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED CONTEMPORARY WEED MANAGEMENT A 2005, 112-page publication is among the very best sources for presenting practical, contemporary weed management information. INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT, "ONE YEAR'S SEEDING ." uses its 10 chapters to describe various individual methods of weed management, weed life cycles and seedbank dynamics, and soil properties, all useful but well known information. The volume's appeal and value arises from how these topics are then woven together to arrive at integrated weed management (IWM) concepts. For example, nitrogen fertilizer, if used, should be applied using methods that direct it to the crop, not weeds (banding, split applications, adjusted timing). The softbound work is stuffed with multi-color, informative graphics that enhance the easily read text; and the theme of integrating and layering the various methodologies add up to a manifesto for rational weed management. A list of authors, led by D.R. Mutch (Mutch@msu.edu) and K.A. Renner, fashioned the text based on material derived from meetings during 2003-2004 of the Michigan State Univ. Integrated Weed Management Working Group that included a preponderance of growers. The tone of the text reflects the growers' influence; for instance, in the concluding table, "The Ten Steps of Integrated Weed Management," each step begins with "I will " There are eminently useful charts, tables, and diagrams, all offered in reader-friendly fashion and color. For the vast, down-to-earth information this unique work (Extension Bulletin E-2931) contains, its per-copy cost is, as the slang term

proclaims, a "steal." No agriculturally oriented bookshelf should be without it. Note: the second part of the book's title comes from the traditional saying, "one year's seeding, seven years' weeding." *> MSU Bulletin Office, 117 Central Svcs., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1001, USA. Phone: 1-517-353-6740. Fax: 1-517-353-7168. Web: www.emdc.msue.msu.edu . WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES COMPENDIUM OF CANADIAN WEEDS The latest version of the bilingual INVENTORY OF CANADIAN WEEDS, INVENTAIRE DES MAUVAISES HERBES DU CANADA, includes entries for 872 species and 198 subspecific taxa, for which over 9,000 common and scientific names are listed. For each species author S.J. Darbyshire includes nomenclature, distribution maps (Canada), native or introduced status, growth habit and or life history, habitat, toxicity, and various key references. The website can be viewed in HTML or PDF format at: res2.agr.ca . *> S.J. Darbyshire, DarbyshireS@agr.gc.ca. WEEDS AND PEST ANIMALS WEBSITE Natural Resources and Mines (NR&M), a Queensland (AUSTRALIA) state agency, has thoroughly revamped and expanded its "Weed and Pest Animal Management" website, www.nrm.qld.gov.au designed as a resource for stakeholders in the state to minimize the "economic, environmental and social impacts of weeds and pest animals." The easily navigated site includes A-to-Z listings that present descriptions, nomenclature (suggestion: in the future, italicize scientific names in all instances), full color identification photos, and links to further specific information. Entomologists may be surprised to find several locust species included under the "animal" category. The nested index leads viewers to various informative factoids and contacts. The section on animal control methodschemical, physical, and biologicaloffers useful tips and strategies. *> N. Blackett, Land Prot., NR&M, GPO Box 2454, Brisbane, QLD 4001, AUSTRALIA. Phone: 61-07-3405-5546.Nicole.Blackett@nrm.qld.gov.au. Fax: 61-07-3405-5551. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES WEED CONTROL COORDINATOR, Griffith, NSW, AUSTRALIA * Lead the company weed management program; assist with implementation, monitoring and review of the company strategic plan; develop effective regional weed control programs; manage a multi-person team; monitor and report on weed control results; provide technical weed control advice to stakeholders. * REQUIRES: extensive experience in managing weed identification and control programs; highly developed interpersonal and communication skills; ability to successfully approach complex issues. * CONTACT: M. Linnegar, Murrumbidgee Irrigation, PO Box 492, Griffith, NSW 2680, AUSTRALIA. Phone: 61-02-6962-0200. See: www.mirrigation.com.au. thanks to K. Scott for information. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES A BIOCONTROL ALTERNATIVE A Swiss firm markets two granulovirus products, MADEX(R), for biocontrol of Cydia

pomonella (codling moth), and CAPEX(R), for biocontrol of Adoxophyes orana (summer fruit tortrix. The two products have been registered in Switzerland since 1987 and 1989, respectively, but are not registered in many other countries. MADEX, said to be highly specific against C. pomonella and non-toxic to other insects, is most effective when used as a diluted spray application against first generations with timing of application being critical. Multiple applications are recommended. The product can be kept refrigerated for up to two years, or frozen and kept for many years without any loss of bio activity, according to the manufacturer, Andermatt Biocontrol AG, who's stated goal is "to substitute wherever possible alternatives, such as beneficial insects and microbial products, for chemical pesticides," www.biocontrol.ch. *> Andermatt Biocontrol, Stahlermatten 6, CH-6146 Grossdietwil, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-62-917-5006.sales@biocontrol.ch. Phone: 41-62-917-5005. NOTABLE/QUOTABLE "Faulty science gets debunked by more science, not ideology." Anon ยก@ "The problem [in less developed areas] is not 'what to do,' but 'how to stimulate/convince farmers to do it.'" A.R. Oswald Weed Scientist ยก@ "To be useful to farmers, an IPM system must manage all pests attacking a crop, not just some. Ideally we should work towards an Integrated Crop Management system, addressing all practices that the grower must apply to the crop, but few systems to date have spread this widely." P. Ferrar, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ยก@ READERS WRITE An occasional feature spotlighting correspondence received from IPMnet NEWS readers. "Dear Colleagues: Congratulations on producing a thoroughly readable and relevant alert for IPM practitioners worldwide. However, please do not interpolate ill-considered polemic into reviews of publications. I refer to your review of Prof Pretty's book "The Pesticide Detox" [IPMnet NEWS #137, May 2005]. You wrote as follows: ".some of the terminology iresome [should this be "is tiresome?"] ("hazardous pesticides;" what about water, also hazardous in certain quantities; whatever happened to the "dose makes the poison"?). Please be advised that the term hazardous is applied routinely to pesticides by no lesser authority than the World Health Organization. As you are aware their well-respected bench-mark publication "Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard" distinguishes classes of

pesticide active ingredient which are extremely, highly, moderately or slightly HAZARDOUS. Hence there is no justification for your reviewer's remark regarding the use of the term "hazardous pesticides." It would be desirable that your newsletter eschew prejudice in reporting the work of colleagues around the world if it is to continue to command the readership it has so far deserved." Yours sincerely, Mark Ritchie Dr J. Mark Ritchie, UNDP Integrated Pest Management Adviser,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,c/o UNDP Dili Pouch Unit, PO Box 2436, Darwin, NT 0801, AUSTRALIA.JMarkRitchie@compuserve.com. ยก@ RESPONSE: Yes, the phrase was originally written as "is tiresome" but was butchered into "iresome" (an unintended, mildly Freudian byproduct) by the fumble-fingered editor, for which sincere apologies are offered. Dr. Ritchie's remarks concerning the term 'hazardous,' in reference to pesticides, have been duly noted. Ed. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES Phytopathology "Effect of Sowing Date and Fungicide Application on Yield of Early and Late Maturing Peanut Cultivars Grown Under Rainfed Conditions in Ghana," Naab, J.B., et al. * CROP PROT., 24(4), 325-332, April 2005. "Landscape IPM Strategies for Diseases of Ornamentals," Quarles, W. * IPM PRACT., 27(3-4), 01-08, March/April 2005. Weed Science12313"Conservation Tillage and Herbicide Management for Two Peanut Cultivars," Tubbs, R.S., and R.N. Gallaher. * AGRON. JRNL., 97(2), 500-504, March-April 2005. "Economic and Herbicide Use Impacts of Glyphosate-resistant Crops," Gianessi, L.P. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 61(3), 241-245, March 2005. "Soil Solarization Provides Weed Control for Limited-resource and Organic Growers in Warmer Climates," Stapleton, J.J., et al. * CALIF. AGRIC., 59(2), 84-89, April-June 2005. Entomology "Efficacy of New Insecticides for Management of Helicoverpa spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Australian Grain Crops," Murray, D.A.H., et al. * AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF ENTOM., 44(1), 62-67, February 2005. "Lethal and Sublethal Effects of the Naturally Derived Insecticide Spinosad on Parasitoids of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)," Penagos, D.L., et al. * BIOCONTROL SCI. AND TECH., 15(1), 81-95, February 2005. "The Potential of Transgenic Chickpeas for Pest Control and Possible Effects on Non-target

Arthropods," Romeis, J., et al. * CROP PROT., 23(10), 923-938, October 2004. Bt Sub-section "Long-term Evaluation of Compliance with Refuge Requirements for Bt Cotton," Carriere, Y., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 61(4), 327-330, April 2005. Vertebrate Management "Amphibians Occurring in Soybean and Implications for Biological Control in Argentina," Attademo, A.M., et al.* AGRIC., ECOSYS., & ENVIRON., 106(4), 389-394, April 2005. General "Heteroptera as Vectors of Plant Pathogens," Mitchell, P.L. * NEOTROP. ENTOM., 33(5), 519-545, September-October 2004. "Integrated Pest Management Models and their Dynamical Behaviour," Tang, S., et al. * BULL. OF MATH. BIOL., 67(1), 115-135, January 2005. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Thistles: A Thorny Problem for Organic Systems Why, extensionist J.B. Masiunas rhetorically asks, is Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) "such a problem in organic cropping systems?" The answer, he says, lies in this pernicious weed's vigor, competitive ability, fecundity, adaptability, and other nasty characteristics that make it a challenge to manage in most crop production, and particularly in organic enterprises. Writing in a recent issue of THE NEW AGRICULTURE NETWORK electronicnewsletter, freely accessible at www.ipm.msu.edu Dr. Masiunas describes the negative impact of C. arvense on crops, and then presents information aimed at its management, primarily based on preventing introduction and establishment, or if already present, assiduously containing and eradicating outbreak patches. Management tactics are most successful when implemented at specific points in the C. arvense life cycle, those being when root food reserves are low, and during particular times of year. Masiunas strongly advocates integrating various types of control methodsmechanical, cultural, competitive cover crops to achieve desired control levels. However, the most effective strategy is to carefully practice field hygiene: use weed free seed; keep equipment clean so as not to carry C. arvense seeds from one area to another; if using flood irrigation, consider use of screens to trap floating seed. Bicontrol is another possibility in the mix, depending on locale and presence or availability of approved biocontrol agents. *> J.B. Masiunas,Masiunas@uiuc.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from THE NEW AGRICULTURE NETWORK, 2(3), and its four cooperating midwestern U.S. universities. back to top

U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries to the IPMnet CALENDAR 2005 (N) 09-10 June * 9TH ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL HORTICULTURE IPM CONFERENCE, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA. Contact: R. Rice, Hort./Crop Sci. Dept, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93407, USA. Fax: 1-805-756-6504. RRice@calpoly.edu. Phone: 1-805-756-5086. Web: www.calpoly.edu 05-08 July * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTICIDES 2005 PESTICIDES IN PERSPECTIVE, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Contact: C.L. Khong, MCPA, 11 (2nd Floor), Jalan SS 26/8, Taman Mayang Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA. ChooiLK@mcpa.org.my. Fax: 60-3-780-48964. Phone: 60-3-780-48968. Web: www.mcpa.org.my 12 July * SYMPOSIUM: EMBEDDING A CARIBBEAN INVASIVE SPECIES SAFEGUARDING STRATEGY WITHIN A REGIONAL INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK, Point-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, FRENCH WEST INDIES. Contact: W.F. Brown, IFAS, University of Florida, PO Box 110200, Gainesville, FL 32611-0200, USA. WFBrown@ifas.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-4965. Phone: 1-352-392-1784. (N) 01-05 August * JOINT CONGRESS: BRAZILIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY / LATIN AMERICAN MYCOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, Brasilia, BRAZIL. Web: www.sbfito.locaweb.com.br . (N) 31 August-01 September * WESTERN (U.S.) IPM CENTER SYMPOSIUM, "Water, Wildlife and Pesticides in the West: Pest Management's Contribution to Solving Environmental Problems," Portland, OR, USA. Contact: L. Herbst, Western IPM Center, Environ. Tox. Dept., Univ. of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616, USA. LLHerbst@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-752-7010. Fax: 1-530-754-8379. Web: www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu (N) 18-23 September * 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTHROPODS: CHEMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS, Zakopane, POLAND. Contact: D.Konopinska; fax: 48-71-328-2348. DK@wchuwr.chem.uni.wroc.pl. Web: www.uni.wroc.pl 26-29 September * new contact details * 15TH BIENNIAL AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Geelong, VIC, AUSTRALIA. Contact: L. Lucas, Deakin EMS, Deakin Univ., 1 Gheringhap St., Geelong, VIC 3217, AUSTRALIA. Lynne.Lucas@deakin.edu.au. Fax: 61-3-5227-8157. Phone: 61-3-5227-8121. Web: www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au. 04-05 October * EASTERN CANADA VEGETATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATIONS WORKSHOP, "Space InvadersFuture Outlook for Vegetation Manage- ment," Kingston, ON, CANADA. Contact: D.S. Dillenbeck, Dow AgroSciences, 71 Essex Ln., Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6L5, CANADA. DSDillenbeck@dow.com. Fax: 1-705-941-9696. Phone: 1-705-254-9586. Web: www.ecvma.org 27-30 November * CANADIAN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Niagara Falls, ON, CANADA. Contact: A. Hamill, Agri-Food Canada, 2585 County Rd. 20, Harrow ON N0R 1G0, CANADA. Fax: 1-519-738-2929. HamillA@agr.gc.ca. Phone: 1-519-738-2251, ext.

487. (N) 11-14 December * NORTH CENTRAL WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Kansas City, KS, USA. Contact: J. Wollam, phone: 1-816-242-0361. John.Wollam@bayercropscience.com. Web: www.ncwss.org. 19-21 December * BSPP PRESIDENTIAL MEETING 2005PLANT PATHOLOGY WITH A PURPOSE, Loughborough, UK. Contact: M. Dickinson, School of Biosci., Univ. of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, Loughborough, LE12 5RD, UK. meetings@bspp.org.uk. Fax: 44-0-115-951- 6334. Phone: 44-0-115-951-3236. Web: www.bspp.org.uk. (N) 28 February-01 March * DUNDEE CONFERENCE: CROP PROTECTION IN NORTHERN BRITAIN, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Contact: S. Murray, S.Murray@ed.sac.ac.uk. (N) 27-29 March * PESTICIDE BEHAVIOUR IN SOILS AND WATER, Warwick, UK. Contact: L. Milne, SCI Conference Dept., 14-15 Belgrave Sq., London SW1X 8PS, UK. Fax: 44-0-20-7235-7743. Phone: 44-0-20-7598-1565. Web: www.soci.org. 03-05 April * INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT IN OILSEED RAPE, Gottingen, GERMANY. Contact: B. Ulber, Inst. of Plant Path. and Protection, Geog-August Univ. Gottingen, Grisebachstrasse 6, D-37077 Gottingen, GERMANY. ipm@bcpc.org. Fax: 49-551-391-2105. Phone: 49-551-393-725. Web: www.symposium * 2010 No (N) ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.

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