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IPMnet NEWS December 2005, Issue no. 143 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs FAO Website Opens Access to Knowledge One activity commemorating the Food and Agricultural Organization's recent 60th anniversary was the launch of "AskFAO," a web-based information delivery service designed and intended to "provide a mechanism to communicate directly with technical experts in a particular field of interest." AskFAO is coupled with "Best Practices," a series of summaries that introduce BPs in FAO's areas of expertise, plus links to other resources with supporting information. AskFAO and Best Practices web pages at www.fao.org are usefully color coded, but so far seem to have somewhat overlapping content. The site will soon be available in English, French, and Spanish versions. The intent is to offer citizens of member nations a readily available avenue for accessing FAO's assembled knowledge for improving agriculture, forestry, fisheries practices, and human nutrition. FAO views sharing knowledge through dialog as, among other benefits, improving food security. A quick check of the dual information service, which is very young, revealed little if any IPM related information. The listed catch-all category of "Diseases and Pests of Animals and Plants" initially seems weighted toward animals. At the bottom of each category's page is the question, "Did you find what you were looking for?" followed by a solid color "AskFAO" button which, when clicked, quickly leads to a form for a user to "pose a question to FAO" via email. based on information derived from numerous sources. Ridding Africa of Obsolete Pesticides A project is underway to rid African nations of an estimated 50,000 ton stockpile of obsolete, mainly organophosphate pesticides built up over several decades and widely scattered all across the continent, according to a report in a recent issue of CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY.

The exercise, anticipated to extend beyond a decade and cost well over US0 million, will involve training specialists to inventory stocks, followed by arranging for safe transport of the outdated materials to incineration facilities in Europe designed for high temperature, emission-free destruction of pesticides. Phase one will be launched in ETHIOPIA, MALI, MOROCCO, SOUTH AFRICA, TANZANIA, and TUNISIA, said program coordinator A. Mwandia. These countries were selected for initial clean up because of progress with earlier inventory work as well as participation in international agreements. Involved organizations, beyond participating governments, include the United Nations and the Global Environment Facility, CropLife International (on behalf of pesticide producers), and several non-governmental organizations. *-> CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY (CPM), Blacksmiths Cottage, Ashbocking Rd., Henley, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0QX, UK. Fax: 44-0-1473-832943. MRedbond@aol.com. excerpted, with thanks, from CPM, 191, 17, 31 October 2005. Wither Worldwide Ag Bitoech? An independent research and advisory firm has prepared a 55- page document, "AgBiotech 2005: Regional Trends in Adoption and Acceptance," said to be an assessment of recent developments affecting the adoption and acceptance (or rejection) of agricultural biotechnology worldwide. The full color report evaluates commercial, technical, and regulatory factors impacting five global regions: Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Africa, Europe, and North America. Topics such as approvals, availability, government support for research and development, and consumer acceptance are all addressed. Those organizations involved on both sides of the biotech debate are discussed. Copies of the report are offered on the web at: www.bio . *> Bio Economic Research Associates, 675 Massachusetts Ave., 8th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Fax: 1-617-876-2405. inquire@bio-era.net . Phone: 1-617-876-2400. thanks to Agnet for information. GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS Careful seasonal selection of prescribed burning can significantly reduce invasive plant population growth rates and be a management technique. *-> S.M. Emery, EmerySa1@msu.edu. The dioecious form of the aquatic weed Hydrilla verticillata has developed resistance to fluidone, an effective herbicide for hydrilla. *-> F. Dayan, FDayan@msa-oxford.ars.usda.gov. Eliminating Plutella xylostella (diamondback moth) damage to cabbage in Kenya was estimated to save an average of over US$ 1 million annually. *-> I. Macharia, IMacharia@icipe.org. Eight regional or specialized francophone organizations involved with aspects of crop protection recently created the Association Francophone Internationale de Protection des Plantes (AFIPP) (not to be confused with [AFIPP] Association Francaise pour l'Image Personnelle et Professionnelle, nor [AFIPP] the Association pour la Formation et l'Insertion Professionnelle de Picardie). back to top

IPM MEDLEY publications and other IPM information resources

Society Focuses on Pest Information An active five-year-old organization was conceived to promote information exchange contributing to the development of pest (covering a wide range of organisms) management methods that are effective and safe for humans and the environment. The not-for-profit International Society for Pest Information (ISPI), established during January 2001 and registered in Germany, is small in terms of members, but periodically connects with nearly 7,000 scientists, extensionists, and others globally through the ISPI Pest Directory. The Directory includes a searchable database of scientists and professionals engaged in pest management and includes linked literature references; it also presents a listing of organizations in both public and private sectors, plus scientific literature listings for two topics currently with more planned for the future. The Society has expanded its collaboration with other groups based in Germany, France, Brazil, and the USA. ISPI has developed two CDs that it sells; see www.pestinfo.org . The organization relies on volunteer power and welcomes input. *-> Contact: B. Zelazny, ISPI, Eulerweg 3, D-64347 Griesheim, GERMANY. ISPI@pestinfo.org. Phone: 49-61-5588-0682. PUBLICATIONS PERUSED PRESCRIBING RISK ASSESSMENT A 2005 publication that grew out of a joint Australian- Vietnamese pesticide management project describes the risk assessment process applied in the project's three case studies. SAFER SELECTION AND USE OF PESTICIDES, Integrating Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Management of Pesticides, also includes explanatory material designed to assist managers and local scientists in Vietnam become familiar with the information and decisions needed to complete site-specific risk assessments. The 94-page document from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) is available as an online publication that can be freely downloaded from: www.aciar.gov.au . Through text and multi-color visuals editors A.N. Crossan, et al, explain how to conduct risk assessments to select safer pesticides and improve the management of pesticide use. Collection of accurate information, note the editors, is at the heart of well informed decision making. "The key to good pesticide management, therefore, is to consider it an ongoing process of improving practices." Crossan, et al Each section presents "actions" describing specific tasks required to fulfill the risk assessment process, along with a brief rationale. Examples of completed "actions" are shown in each of the case studies. The publication evolved from information presented at, and developed during, two years of workshops, field research, and laboratory activities. The publication is ACIAR Monograph 117. *-> ACIAR, GPO 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. comms@aciar.gov.au. Fax: 61-262-17-0501. Phone: 61-262-17-0500. ยก@ TWO NEW TITLES FROM APS PRESS Papers presented in late 2003 at the 9th Japan-U.S. Science Seminar on Plant-Pathogen Interactions have been published as a hardbound volume, GENOMIC AND GENETIC

ANALYSIS OF PLANT PARASITISM AND DEFENSE. The seminar attracted over 40 scientists from numerous institutions, and, according to the preface, "focused on genome-wide analysis and the use of large-scale, high throughput genomic tools in combination with classic genetic tools and resources to decipher the molecular basis of plant-microbe interactions." Editors S. Tsuyumu, et al, have included 25 papers plus a seminar synopsis and abstracts in this 310-page, 2005 work. The 3rd edition of the COMPENDIUM OF TURFGRASS DISEASES, published in 2005, contains 35 percent more illustrations (almost all in full color) than the 13-year-old 2nd edition. R.W. Smiley, et al, also extensively revised and updated the text, blending information contributed by more than 40 scientists. The softbound work is arranged in six sections that cover infectious diseases as well as diseases caused by a range of pathogens and biotic agents. Two fundamentally important topics address disease control strategies and disease diagnosis. Dozens of high-value content color photos complement the text in this softbound, 160-page addition to the highly regarded APS compendia series. *-> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. GFord@scisoc.org . Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. Web: www.shopapspress.org. ยก@ DETERRING HERBIVORES What is likely one of the most extensive monographs listing detailed chemistry and bioefficacy of nearly 900 compounds known to deter insect feeding comprises the bulk of a new and informative reference. In INSECT ANTIFEEDANTS, said to be the first comprehensive volume on the topic, author and authority O. Koul has not researched and assembled reams of technical information, but has usefully prefaced the 2005 work with chapters on concepts and mechanisms, bioassays, and related topics. The hardbound publication uses its 1,017 pages to compile heretofore widely scattered material including discussion of the various antifeedant types, modification of currently available insect antifeedants for use as control agents, commercialization aspects, and practical applications. *-> K. Lewis, CRC Press/T & F Group, 600 Broken Sound Parkway, NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487, USA. Fax: 1-561-989-9732. KLewis@crcpress.com . Phone: 1-877-561-994-0555. Web: www.crcpress.com . WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES WORLD BANK AND PEST MANAGEMENT The World Bank (WB) has created a new online resource, the World Bank Pest Management Guidebook. It can be found at this finger-twisting, eye-tiring, multi-line web address: web.worldbank.org P.C. Jepson, an international entomologist and author, commented that, "The materials are introductory in nature, and provide a fairly accurate synthesis of IPM principles and practices with a focus on pesticide use and use reduction in a policy/regulatory context as well as a farm

context. They reflect a World Bank perspective on IPM development and adoption that is not universally accepted." "There is a fairly hot and polarized debate at present con- cerning the mechanisms that underlie IPM adoption in the developing world. Comments in the Guidebook about farmer field schools and the lack of evidence that these have been effective reflect one pole in this debate, which contends that investment in IPM is best delivered via national and multi-national research programs that filter to growers via the media and education/extension outlets, i.e., a top down process." "The alternative perspective is that the greater awareness and adoption of IPM in Asia and now parts of Africa is a direct result of many locally-based farmer field school programs that emphasize participatory engagement with farmers themselves, i.e., a bottom up process. Given that there is excellent evidence supporting both sides of this debate, it is fairly safe to argue that both modes of IPM development and delivery are required: the World Bank Guidelines perhaps are not the ideal medium to have that argument displayed." Ed.'s further notes: POSITIVE ASPECTS: strong positive that WB, through its global reach, is aware of and actively promotes IPM; listing of factors that may foster pesticide use (and discourage alternatives); outlines of guidelines for pest management planning; and other material scattered across the site. NOT SO POSITIVE ASPECTS: includes a photo showing an individual operating a back-pack sprayer while not wearing any safety gear; imbedding information amidst jargon that only a banker or bureaucrat can appreciate; a clear editorial and content slant that may not be conducive to moving growers along the IPM spectrum toward reduced reliance on pesticides. *-> Senior Pest Management Specialist, safeguards@worldbank.org. MANAGING CROPS ENVIRONMENTALLY Rothamsted Research's thrust to, among other elements, work towards achieving "environment-enhancing management practices for crops and associated habitats" is clearly evident throughout the 80 pages of its ANNUAL REPORT 2004-2005. From predictive plant pathology with its emphasis on modeling and linkage to other pathology research, to efforts to develop new technology to combat pesticide resistance highlighted by the breakthrough technique of delivering a "carefully timed double blow to insects that have evolved to be resistant to pesticides," the institute's activities and achievements are presented in a graphically attractive visual/text blend. Research leading to IPM-related information underpins other avenues of exploration. The color-rich softbound work provides a concise overview of activity at both the Rothamsted and Broom's Barn sites. *-> E. Bartlet, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ, UK. Elspeth.Bartlet@bbsrc.ac.uk. Fax: 44-0-1582-760981. Phone: 44-0-1582-763133. Web: www.rothamsted.ac.uk. A WEEDY REMINDER Need a 2006 calendar featuring nearly 20 noxious weeds found in the western U.S. that have "demonstrated ability to spread rapidly or cause significant harm"? Then you are in luck because

Colorado Big Country Resource Conservation & Development, Inc. (CBCRCD) has just such an item available. The goal: to increase awareness of these rare but detrimental invasive species before they make further inroads into the region. A donation of US per calendar is sought to help defray costs. *-> C. Knuth, CBCRCD, PO Box 2168, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602, USA. Connie.Knuth@sopris.net. Web: www.coloradobigcountry.org GROUPED TOPIC PAPERS A recent issue of the ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, vol. 98, no. 6, November 2005, includes a 9-paper "Special Feature on Insect Transmission of Plant Pathogens." Online at: hermia.esa.catchword.org In 14 papers, 40 scientists consider aspects of a highly current topic, "Transgenic Plants and Insects," in ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY, vol. 34, no. 5, October 2005. Check on online at: hermia.esa.catchword.org PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES EXTENSION WEED SPECIALIST Fallon, NV, USA * Provide statewide leadership for integrated weed management of noxious, invasive, and poisonous plants, emphasizing rangeland and extensively managed systems; develop an interdisciplinary program to benefit, and provide advisory assistance to, a variety of stakeholders; generate external funding to help support activities. * REQUIRES: Masters degree (PhD preferred) in a weed science related discipline; minimum of two-to-five years professional experience; demonstrated extension and outreach teaching expertise; superb oral, and a variety of print media, communication skills. * CONTACT: V. Jones, 40E. Center St. #14, Fallon, NV 89406, USA. Phone: 1-775-428-0206. JonesV@unce.unr.edu . www.wssa.net RESEARCH ENTOMOLOGIST Wooster, OH, USA. * Conduct fundamental and applied research in horticultural crop protection focused on biology, ecology, and biocontrol of insect pests of ornamental nursery and floral crops; develop improved production practices for management of greenhouse pest insects; publish in peer reviewed journals. * REQUIRES: Degree in entomology (PhD highly desired); knowledge of IPM techniques; relevant experience; ability to independently plan, conduct, and report on research; skill in statistical design and analysis. Announcement no. ARSX6W0015. * CONTACT: C. Krause, Krause.2@osu.edu . Phone: 1-330-263-3676. Web: www.afm.ars.usda.gov. POST GRADUATE: BIOCONTROL Gosford, AUSTRALIA. * Conduct research on biocontrol in vegetable crops; one position working in greenhouses, another working in field crops. * CONTACT: S. Goodwin, Natl. Ctr. for Greenhouse Hort., Gosford Inst., Locked Bag 26, Gosford, NSW 2250, AUSTRALIA. Fax:

61-0-24348-1910. Stephen.Goodwin@agric.nsw.gov.au . Phone: 61-0-24348-1900. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES IPM GUIDES FIRM'S PRODUCTS The product scope of a California firm, ISCA Technologies ("ISCA Tech"), ranges from more than 300 semio-chemical based insect lures, to 20 types of insect traps, plus pest control tools and equipment such as pest management information systems and automated insect identification devices. ISCA Tech conducts a variety of entomo- logical research, both contract and in-house, that often translates into product development. IPM is said to be emphasized across research, development, and product offerings. The firm's facilities include a state-of-the art semiochemical synthesis and analysis lab, an insectary, and other insect isolation and testing structures. There is a Brazilian affiliate and an international distributor network. ISCA Tech's mission statement states that it aims "to provide integrated pest management solutions that are economical, effective, environmentally friendly, and do not have the harmful side effects of many conventional pest management techniques." *-> ISCA Technologies, Inc., 2060 Chicago Ave., #C2, Riverside, CA 92507, USA. info@iscatech.com . Fax: 1-815-346-1722. Phone: 1-951-686-5008. Web: www.iscatech.com. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ISSUE Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #142, October/November 2005: In: Section I, "IPM NEWS" . In the article: "Study Cites GM Crop Benefits" the reduction in pesticide use, equivalent to a 6 percent decrease.should have been read: ?.5 million kg (380 million lb.)." IPMnet NEWS regrets including incorrect information, as well as any inconvenience, problem, or frustration it may have caused. Ed. back to top

IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM FEATURED ARTICLE: Broadening Disease Control Tactics In sub-Saharan Africa, cassava Manihot esculenta is a major staple food, but currently is suffering a pandemic caused by cassava mosaic disease (CMD). Virus-resistant varieties have been deployed with some success but, according to J.M. Thresh and R.J.Cooter, other useful preventions have been neglected. Their paper, "Strategies for Controlling Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease in Africa," in a recent issue of PLANT PATHOLOGY, points out that phytosan- itation (planting disease free material, removal of diseased plants) has had only limited use, and the potential for deploying varietal mixes, intercrops, or other cropping practices has not been sufficiently investigated. Application of existing knowledge, note the authors, could be a major

element for decreasing what they term "the severe losses now being caused by CMD in many parts" of the region. *-> J.M. Thresh, John.Thresh@homecall.co.uk . excerpted with thanks from PLANT PATHOLOGY, 54(5), October 2005. THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES Phytopathology "Coating Beauveria bassiana with Lignin for Protection from Solar Radiation and Effects on Pathogenicity to Lygus lineolaris (Heteroptera: Miridae)," Leland, J.E., and R.W. Behle. * BIOCONT. SCI. & TECH., 15(3) 309-320, May 2005. ยก@ "Improving the Efficacy of Biocontrol Agents Against Soilborne Pathogens," Spadaro, D., and M.L. Gullino. * CROP PROT., 24(7), 601-613, July 2005. Weed Science "Constraints in Implementing Biological Weed Control: A Review," Ghosheh, H.Z. * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 5(3), 83-92, September 2005. ยก@ "Integrated Management of Cogongrass [_Imperata cylindrica (L.) Rauesch] in Corn Using Tillage, Glyphosate, Row Spacing, Cultivar, and Cover Cropping," Chikoye, D., et al. * AGRON. JRNL., 97(4), 1164-1171, July-August 2005. ยก@ "Reducing Herbicide Runoff from Agricultural Fields with Vegetative Filter Strips," Krutz, L.J., et al. * WEED SCI., 53(3), 353-367, May 2005. Entomology "Influences of Fertilization on Aphis gossypii and Insecticide Usage," Chau, A., et al. * JRNL. OF APPLD. ENTOM., 129(2), 89-97, March 2005. ยก@ "Trichogramma brassicae and SLAM(R), an Integrated Approach to Managing European Corn Borer and Corn Rootworms," Lewis, L.C., et al. * BIOCONT., 50(5), 729-737, October 2005. Bt Sub-section "Reductions in Insecticide Use from Adoption of Bt Cotton in South Africa: Impacts on Economic Performance and Toxic Load to the Environment," Bennett, R., et al. * JRNL. OF AGRIC. SCI., 142(6), 665-674, December 2004. Nematology "Soil Microbial and Nematode Communities as Affected by Glyphosate and Tillage Practices in a Glyphosate-resistant Cropping System," Liphadzi, K.B., et al. * WEED SCI., 53(4), 536-545, July 2005. General "Integrated Pest Management in Mango Orchards in the Northern Territory Australia, Using the Weaver Ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a Key Element," Peng, R.K., and K. Christian. * INTERNAT. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 51(2), 149-155, April-June 2005. ยก@ "Life Cycle and Potential Gene Flow of Volunteer Oilseed Rape in Different Tillage Systems," Gruber, S., et al. * WEED RSRCH., 45(2), 83-93, April 2005. back to top

U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP news, developments New Insect ID Guide Announced

A cooperative effort, sponsored in part by the Southern (U.S.) Region IPM Center (SRIPMC) and the Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation, has generated an insect identification guide, MID-ATLANTIC GUIDE TO INSECT PESTS AND BENEFICIALS OF CORN, SOYBEAN, AND SMALL GRAINS, specific to the mid-Atlantic region, but with broader utility. Forty pest insects and 10 beneficial species are included in this 10 cm x 15 cm (4 in. x 6 in.) coil bound and laminated handy reference. Clear, high-resolution full-color photos of the organisms are grouped by commodity, along with keys for easy separation of most commonly misidentified species. Free single copies can be requested from: B. Swain, divot@vt.edu For more than one copy, contact S. Malone, SMalone@vt.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from the SRIPMC website. Guias de IPM: Ediciones Espanol Two pocket-sized IPM scouting guides (las guias para inspeccion de plagas) from the IPM program at Michigan State Univ. (USA) are now available in Spanish editionsGUIA DE BOLSILLO PARA LA INSPECCION DE PLAGAS DE MANZANOS EN MICHIGAN BAJO MANEJO INTEGRADO DE PLAGAS, E-2720SP, y GUIA DE BOLSILLO PARA LA INSPECCION DE PLAGAS DE LAS FRUTAS DE HUESO BAJO MANEJO INTEGRADO DE PLAGAS, E-2840SP estan laminadas en plastico con una dimension de 8 cm x 15 cm (3.25 in. x 6 in.) que cabe facilmente en su bolsillo para facilitar su uso en el campo. Las fotografias en color y las descripciones son de bastante utilidad para la identificacion de los insectos plagas y de las enfermedades tal como de los organismos beneficos. Tambien incluyen algunas recomendaciones de como hacer la inspeccion y algunos umbrales economicos. El objetivo de estas guias es comple- mentar la informacion presentada en otras publicaciones mas detalladas y no incluyen recomendaciones de plaguicidas. Para ver una muestra de estas publicaciones (version en Ingles) con mayor detalle, visite la seccion de publcaciones de MSU IPM en el sitio de internet: www.ipm.msu.edu . *-> J.N. Landis, IPM Programa, MSU, B18 Natl. Food Safety & Tox. Bldg., East Lansing, MI 48824. LandisJ@msu.edu . Fax:1-517-353-4995. Phone: 1-517-353-4951. excerpted with thanks from the MSU IPM website. back to top

IPMNET CALENDAR recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries to the IPMnet CALENDAR 2005 [R] 15-18 December * Event rescheduled * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA. Fax: 1-301-731-4538. meet@entsoc.org . Web: www.entsoc.org. 2006

[R] 23 May * New information * 58TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Ghent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. Spanoghe, Fac. of Biosci. Engrg., Univ. of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, BELGIUM. iscp@ugent.be . Fax: 32-9-264-6249. Phone: 32-9-264-6009. (N) 06-09 June * ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT OF GM PLANTS; DISCUSSION FOR CONSENSUS, IOBC/WPRS, Rotondella, MT, ITALY. Contact: S. Arpaia, ENEA, S.S. 106 Jonica KM 419.5, Rotondella, I-75026 MT, ITALY. iobc.wggmo@trisaia.enea.it . Web: www.trisaia.enea.it (N) 21-26 August * 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ACAROLOGY, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: M. Egas, ICA2006, PO Box 94084, 1090 GB Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Fax: 31-20-525-7754. ica2006@science.uva.nl Phone: 31-20-525-7748. Web: www.acarology.org (N) 18-21 September * 14TH ANNUAL NORTH AMERICAN WEED MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE, Calgary, ALB, CANADA. Contact: K. Nielsen, phone: 1-403-845-4444. KNielsen@county.clearwater.ab.ca. (N) 02-04 October * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION IN FRUIT CROPS (STONE FRUIT), Bellegarde, FRANCE. Contact: J. Lichou, CTIFL, Centre de Balandran, BP 32, 30127 Bellegarde, FRANCE. Lichou@ctifl.fr. (N) 11-14 December * NORTH CENTRAL WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Contact: R.A. Schmidt, NCWSS, 1508 West University, Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA. raschwssa@aol.com . Fax: 1-217-352-4241. Web: www.ncwss.org. Phone: 1-217-352-4212. 2007 (N) October * 3RD EUROPEAN WHITEFLY SYMPOSIUM, Almeria, SPAIN. Contact: www.whitefly.org. 2008-2010 No (N) ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.

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