IPMnet NEWS March 2006, Issue no. 145 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Growers, Advisers, and IPM Information Pest management in general and IPM in particular require practitioners to have access to, and assimilate, pertinent information. That information can be delivered by a wide array of sources, media, and means. An informative recently published study reveals who an IPM-conscious group of nut growers in California primarily rely on for pest management decision-making. Researchers at the Univ. of California, Davis, (UC) aim their survey toward the state's more than 6,000 almond Prunus dulcis farms covering approximately 218,500 ha (540,000 ac). This commodity group, a major target of UC research and extension activity, has had a long-term, close collaboration with the UC statewide IPM program for implementing new practices. Through a comprehensive mail survey [note: conducted in 2000. -ed.] of full-time almond growers, the UC researchers found that these individuals rely on commercial pest control advisers (PCAs) as key information sources for pest management decision making. Reporting survey results in their paper, "Almond Growers Rely on Pest Control Advisers for Integrated Pest Management," in CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, californiaagriculture.ucop.edu S. Brodt, et al, noted that growers turn to two groups of state licensed PCAs: self-employed independents, and those employed as staff members by agricultural product suppliers. Independent PCAs tended to communicate more often with growers than the other group of PCAs, and also were reported to more actively increase growers' knowledge about IPM. This group was viewed as being helpful in encouraging growers to implement more complex pest monitoring techniques and control practices. The survey additionally revealed declining trends in the use of broad spectrum insecticides in almond production compared to a 15-year earlier survey, but showed that this result was independent of the type of PCA involved. *-> S. Brodt, c/o F.G. Zalom, Statewide IPM Program, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. FGZalom@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-752-0275. excerpted, with thanks, from CALIF. AGRIC., 59(4), 242-248, October-November 2005.
GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS Farmer experience with Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum in Uganda shows that debudding banana plants and controlling infection sources can protect plants, even next to heavily infected surrounding fields. *-> G. Blomme, G.Blomme@cgiar.org. ยก@ Subsurface-banded nitrogen fertilizer was found to reduce N uptake by weeds, decrease weed biomass, and increase Triticum aestivum (wheat) yield compared to N applied by broadcast. *-> R.E. Blackshaw, Blackshaw@agr.gc.ca. ยก@ Trial results suggest a possible incompatibility between transgenic cotton and parasitoids of Helicoverpa armigera. *-> Y. Yang, Yizhong_Yang@yahoo.com. ยก@ Separating or screening Phaseolus vulgaris (snap bean) from Medicago sativa (alfalfa/lucerne) fields may not prevent virus transmission by aphids. *-> B.A. Nault, BAN6@cornell.edu. ยก@ The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has launched a multi-collaborator, 3-year, A0,000 project to improve diagnosis and management of banana wilt diseases in Indonesia. *-> T.K. Lim, Lim@aciar.gov.au. ยก@ IOBC/WPRS has approved formation of a study group, Integrated Control of Plant Feeding Mites, including the pest, Tetranychus evansi. *-> P.G. Weintraub, PhyllisW@int.gov.il.
IPM MEDLEY publications and other IPM information resources PUBLICATIONS PERUSED {$} indicates publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. POTATO IPM PROFILED While aimed specifically at providing useful information for potato growers in Canada's Prince Edward Island province, INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT FOR POTATO PRODUCTION has far broader applicability. The 2005 title builds on the concept of combining biological, chemical, cultural, physical, and genetic methods to minimize crop protection risks while economically producing a high quality product. Following three sections covering aspects unique to potato production, the narrative shifts to key pest organisms and means of managing them within an IPM framework. The attractively presented, 164-page, spiral (lays flat) softbound volume pays particular attention to diseases of potatoes, as well as insect pests and weeds. Text, written by M. VanOostrum, in collaboration with an IPM technical review and editing committee, is complemented by dozens of full color photos plus black and white illustrations. {$} *-> R.M. Cheverie, Dept. of Agric., Fisheries and Aquaculture, PO Box 1600, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N3, CANADA. Fax: 1-902-368-5729. Phone: 1-902-368-6573. RMCheverie@gov.pe.ca. Web: gov.pe.ca PAPERS FROM A TRANSGENICS WORKSHOP The reviewed and revised papers from a 2003 workshop have been incorporated into a 2005
monograph, ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS AND BENEFITS OF TRANSGENIC CROPS, part of the Wageningen UR Frontis Series. Editor J.H.H. Wesseler presents the 15 papers delivered by what he calls a "heterogeneous group of natural and social scientists from North America and Europe," along with commentary (in some instances rebuttals) for each section. Glaringly absent are any crop breeders, agronomists, or pest management specialists. While the softbound volume offers interesting insights and some extremely dense mathematical equations, the ground under the transgenic crop controversy has shifted since 2003, particularly in light of recent rulings regarding trade. This 278-page title is a worthwhile addition to the body of literature concerning transgenic crops so long as it is taken in historic context. {$} *-> Springer, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS. Doris.Drechsler@springer-sbm.com. A 100-YEAR SCIENTIFIC JOURNEY A 2005 title traces the nearly century-long journey of Agrobacterium tumefaciens FROM PLANT PATHOLOGY TO BIOTECHNOLOGY through the novel device of the seminal scientific papers in the biology and application of Agrobacterium published over the years. Editors E. Nester, et al, after the difficult task of selecting the papers to present, asked individuals who, as far as possible, had been involved with the original work to write a commentary about it. The resulting hardbound, 336-page anthology graphically distinguishes each included paper from the contemporary text. The crown gall saga, observe the editors, "is a classic case of curiosity-driven research performed by small groups of widely dispersed scientists that ultimately led to a major revolution in agriculture," and the first genetically engineered organism to be released for commercial use in 1988. {$} *-> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-7250. GFord@scisoc.org. Web: www.shopapspress.org. WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES LATEST UK PESTICIDE GUIDES BCPC (British Crop Protection Council) has announced publication of the latest iterations of both THE UK PESTICIDE GUIDE 2006 and THE e-UK PESTICIDE GUIDE 2006. The publications are said to provide extensive practical references for which pesticides, growth regulators, and adjuvants can legally and effectively be used in the UK. A crop-pest feature identifies products intended for application to specific problems. The electronic version is a fully searchable CD-ROM containing all the information in the printed version plus additional material. Descriptions of both versions as well as a free guided tour and demonstration are offered at: www.ukpesticideguide.co.uk. {$} *-> BCPC Publications Sales, 7 Omni Business Ctr., Omega Park, Alton, Hants, GU34 2QD, UK. publications@bcpc.org. Fax: 44-0-142-059-3209. Phone: 44-0-142-059-3200. FEDS FUND FUNGUS FIGHT The pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes important diseases known as white mold, Sclerotinia stem rot, and others in a wide range of primarily leguminous crops. The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service is leading the (U.S.) National Sclerotinia Initiative (NSI) supporting more than 20 projects, all generally directed at neutralizing the pathogen's
economic threat to crops. NSI comprises a consortium of federal and state scientists as well as five crop commodity groups. The NSI website at www.whitemoldresearch.com provides a centralized, coordinated, and extensive information repository as well as an active portal to many other sites. *-> L. Chandler, NSI, NRR Center, 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. D, Suite 300, Fort Collins, CO 80526-8119, USA. Fax: 1-970-492-7065. Phone: 1-970-492-7058. Larry.Chandler@ars.usda.gov. GET A LAWN WITHOUT CHEMICALS Turfgrass scientist F.S. Rossi notes that quite possibly one "can grow a pretty good lawn without using" pesticides, and then, in LAWN CARE WITHOUT PESTICIDES, succinctly presents the keys for achieving this goal. Dr. Rossi begins the publication's 16 pages of informative and reader-friendly text, accompanied by numerous graphics, with a pragmatic 7-step first year plan covering correct mowing, selecting appropriate grass species, and other important facets. Pest management plays a major role in growing a desirable lawn and this 2005 publication suggests techniques for minimizing use of pesticides initially as well as for effectively coping with weeds, insects, and diseases. The work is Information bulletin 248. {$} *-> Resource Center, Cornell Univ. Extension, PO Box 3884, Ithaca, NY 14852-3884, USA. Fax: 1-607-255-9946. resctr@cornell.edu. Phone: 1-607-255-2080. Web: www.cce.cornell.edu INVASIVES PERMEATE LIFE Villains aplenty populate the list of 100 OF THE WORLD'S WORST INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES / 100 DE LAS ESPECIES EXOTICAS INVASORAS MAS DANINAS DEL MUNDO compiled by the Invasive Species Specialist Group. While there is little quibbling over inclusion of Ulex europaeus (gorse), Boiga irregularis (brown tree snake), or Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth), strong attachment and economics may call into question listing of Felix catus (domestic cat) and Capra hircus (goat). The 146-member Group representing over 40 nations used two criteria to place species on the ? Worst" list: "serious impact on biological diversity and/or human activities; and their illustration of important issues of biological invasion." Only one species from each genus was allowed. Absence from the list, say the authors, "does not imply that a species poses a lesser threat." Life today clearly occurs amongst invasive aliens, both the nasty and the benevolent. *-> Web: www.issg.org U.S. PESTICIDE DATABASE UPDATED The Crop Protection Research Institute, an arm of the CropLife Foundation (the agrochemical industry interests group in the U.S.), has prepared PESTICIDE USE IN U.S. CROP PRODUCTION: 2002, With Comparison to 1992 & 1997 * FUNGICIDES AND HERBICIDES. The report discusses the latest addition to the ongoing U.S. National Pesticide Use Database (NPUD), which is said to be the only national, comprehensive, and publicly available source of such pesticide use data for the U.S. To access the database, as well as a methodology and summary report and other supporting documents, visit: www.croplifefoundation.org *-> CropLife Foundation, 1156 15th St., #400, Washington, DC 20005, USA. Fax: 1-202-463-0474. NReigner@croplifefoundation.org. thanks to M. Fitzner for information.
HOST-PATHOGEN INTERACTION Based on evidence that the interaction between the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) and a crop Brassica napus (oilseed rape) is becoming a useful model system for studying genetics of host-pathogen interactions, the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY (springerlink.com has devoted an entire special issue, 114(1), January 2006, to papers presented on the topic at a September 2004 workshop, plus additional contributed papers. The aim is to provide a synthesis of recent studies related to strategies for managing resistance genes. *-> B.D.L. Fitt, Bruce.Fitt@bbsrc.ac.uk. MARKETS AND IPM The winter 2006 edition of IPM IN THE MARKETPLACE, a periodic newsletter covering aspects of IPM in food production, marketing, and related topics, has just been released by the IPM Institute of North America. The lead article describes the advances being made in growing fruit grown under an IPM regime, and the product then being marketed at a premium price. *-> IPM Institute of North America, 1914 Rowley Ave., Madison, WI 53726, USA. IPMWorks@ipminstitute.org. Phone: 1-608-232-1528. Web: www.ipminstitute.org. thanks to T.A. Green for information. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES WEED SCI. RESEARCH PROFESSOR Stoneville, MS, USA. * Conduct applied weed management programs in rice; collaborate with plant pathologists and entomologists regarding pest management. * REQUIRES: PhD in weed science or related field; previous experience with rice production; constructively interact with growers, consultants, and extensionists; ability to secure extramural funding; demonstrated communication capability; ability to effectively disseminate research findings. * CONTACT: J.E. Street, Head, Delta Research/Extension Ctr., PO Box 197, Stoneville, MS 38776, USA. JStreet@ext.msstate.edu . Phone: 1-662-686-9311. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES UK RAMPS UP SPRAYER TESTING A voluntary scheme for testing agrochemical application equipment in the UK has established an ambitious goal of certifying machines that, by 31 March 2006, in aggregate, will account for application of products to 80 percent of the nation's total treated area. 12313 Known as the National Sprayer Testing Scheme (NSTS), the effort ( www.nsts.org.uk ) was launched two years ago as a muscular expansion of work previously conducted for half a decade by the Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA), an industry promotional organization. According to D. Russell, AEA's manager for the NSTS, the program has already achieved its first major target of testing equipment involved with application to 50 percent of the UK's treated lands. The voluntary testing under NSTS is conducted by a vast contingent of private firms scattered across the UK. Testing focuses on checking: delivery systems (tanks, piping, hoses, controls);
application systems (nozzles, gauges, booms); and ancillary items such as rinsing, induction, and recirculation systems. Rationale for the scheme hinges on two main factors: ensuring that application equipment is operating at maximum efficiency and safety; and, second, that passing the test and being given a certificate of performance substantiates the quality and care of pesticide application, and serves as proof to produce buyers and crop assurance organizations concerned with correct application of agrochemicals. The NSTS is linked to The Voluntary Initiative, a program to minimize the environmental impacts of pesticides. The testing exercise aids application equipment owners to perform necessary maintenance to reduce costs of excessive agrochemicals through eliminating worn or malfunctioning systems. More consistent application rates improve crop management, avoid uneven, or even missed, coverage, and return increased value when equipment is sold. Environmental gains accrue through reduced agrochemical usage as well as avoidance of misdirected application or improper rates of application. While the class of equipment primarily targeted is larger tractor-mounted, trailed, or self-propelled liquid sprayers, the scheme's mandate extends to granule application units as well as knapsack/backpack style manually pumped or motorized sprayers. Testing is also open to, and encouraged for, equipment used on public/governmental activities (parks, roadsides, and right-of-ways). Pages in the NSTS website include: an Operator Check Sheet listing numerous useful maintenance points; and a "Knapsack Sprayer: Routine Operator Checklist" including a handy step-by-step procedure for calibration, complete with example information. *-> AEA, Samuelson House, Paxton Rd., Orton Centre, Peterborough PE2 5LT, UK. dg@aea.uk.com . Fax: 44-0-173-337-0664. PREDATORY MITE LAUDED Industry and academic researchers in the Netherlands have teamed up to investigate and begin the commercial application of Amblyseius swirskii, a predatory mite for biological control of whiteflies and thrips. Application methods include bottles of A. swirskii mixed with bran, and slow-release bags designed to be hung in crops to allow release of a large number of predatory mites over a 6-week period. See: www.allaboutswirskii.com . *-> H. Hoogerbrugge, Koppert Biological Systems, Veilingweg 17, 2651 BE Berkel en Rodenrijs, THE NETHERLANDS. HHoogerbrugge@koppert.nl. thanks to K. Bolckmans for information. IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM THIS MONTH'S SELECTED TITLES Phytopathology "Evaluation of Potato Late Blight Management Utilizing Host Plant Resistance and Reduced Rates and Frequencies of Fungicide Applications," Kirk, W.W., et al* CROP
PROT., 24(11), 961-970, November 2005. "Plant Viruses Transmitted by Thrips," Jones, D.R. * EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 113(2), 119-157, October 2005. Weed Science "Biological Control of Three Floating Water Weeds, Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, and Salvinia molesta in the Republic of Congo," Mbati, G., and P. Neuenschwander. * BIOCONT., 50(4), 635-645, August 2005. "Economics of Integrated Weed Management in Herbicide-resistant Canola," Upadhyay, B.M., et al. * WEED SCI., 54(1), 138-147, January 2006. "Increased Density and Spatial Uniformity Increase Weed Suppression by Spring Wheat," Olsen, J., et al. * WEED RESCH., 45(4), 316-192, August 2005. Entomology "Densities of Beneficial Arthropods within Pear and Apple Orchards Affected by Distance from Adjacent Native Habitat and Association of Natural Enemies with Extra-orchard Host Plants," Miliczky, E.R., and D.R. Horton. * BIOL. CONTROL, 33(3), 249-259, June 2005. "Effects of Application Rate and Interval on the Efficacy of Sprayable Pheromone for Mating Disruption on the Oriental Fruit Moth Grapholita molesta," Kovanci, O.B., et al. * PHYTOPARA., 33(4), 334-342, 2005. "Methods Used to Assess Non-target Effects of Invertebrate Biological Control Agents of Arthropod Pests," Babendreier, D., et al. * BIOCONTROL, 50(6), 821-870, December 2005. Bt Sub-section "Impacts of Transgenic Bt Cotton and Integrated Pest Management Education on Smallholder Cotton Farmers," Yang, P., et al. * INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 51(4), 231-244, October-December 2005. Nematology "Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Nematode and Cyperus Control in Bell Pepper Capsicum annuum ," Gilreath, J.P., et al. * CROP PROT., 24(10), 903-908, October 2005. Vertebrate Management "Capsicum Oleoresin: Development of an In-soil Repellent for Pocket Gophers," Sterner, R.T., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 61(12), 1202-1208, December 2005. General
"Acceptability of Pesticide Impacts on the Environment: What do United Kingdom Stakeholders and the Public Value?" Crane, M., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 62(1), 5-19, January 2006. "Center-pivot Atomization for Agrochemical Use," Palacin, J., et al. * COMPUT. AND ELECT. IN AGRIC., 49(3), 419-430, December 2005. "Pests and Integrated Pest Management in Western Equatoria, Southern Sudan," Robinson, J. * INTL. JRNL. OF TROP. INSECT SCI., 25(4), 224-235, December 2005.
U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP news, developments Western Front Anything But Quiet The Western IPM Center (WIPMC) recently published the January 2006 issue of its 3-per-year colorful periodic newsletter, "The Western Front," offering eight pages of news, features, reports, program reviews, and related material, on the web at: www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu A special illustrated feature report by R.D. William, et al, discusses the implications and intricacies of "IPM Systems: Tools and Techniques to Consider How Systems Behave." The thrust centers on understanding the linkages, interactions, and impacts of all the disparate elements that might be involved in an IPM system. Newsletter editor S. Klunk also has included a readily accessible link to a handy guide for cross translation of pesticide terms between Spanish and English. The guide was developed and published by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation. The WIPMC, one of four such operating centers sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, serves 13 states in the western/Pacific U.S. *-> WIPMC, 4249 Meyer Hall, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Fax: 1-530-754-8379. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program Global Themes are Part of IPM Portfolio This is the third in a series of brief introductions to the current portfolio of activities launched under the aegis of the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) administered through Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT), USA. The Program's segments are organized under two broad functional categories: regional IPM based on geographically delimited interventions; and, global theme activities that engage worldwide pest management challenges. The Program includes six thrusts within the latter
heading, three of which are: "Collaborative Assessment and Management of Insect-Transmitted Viruses" aims to develop integrated management strategies to control virus diseases, and their insect vector populations, that are applicable to multiple regions and cropping systems, according to IPM-CRSP administration. This segment is under the direction of 20-year VT plant pathologist S.A. Tolin, holder of several distinguished national fellowships. STolin@vt.edu. Y. Xia, a senior research specialist at the U.S. National Science Foundation's Center for Integrated Pest Management headquartered at North Carolina State University (NCSU), leads "Applications of Information Technology and Databases in IPM in Developing Countries and Development of a Global IPM Technology Database." Research undertaken by this initiative will seek to apply information technology (IT) to the IPM-CRSP's regional and global theme programs as well as broadly build IT capacity for IPM. Yulu_Xia@ncsu.edu. With the activity "Regional Diagnostic Laboratories," Ohio State University's S.A. Miller plans to boost develop plant disease diagnostic capacity by helping to create diagnostic facilities in three geographic regions: West Africa, East Africa, and Central America/Caribbean. Professor Miller's expertise focuses on vegetable diseases and the techniques and technologies for their diagnosis. Miller.769@osu.edu. *-> IPM-CRSP, 2270 Litton Reaves Hall, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0334, USA. ipm-dir@vt.edu. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. NOTE: the new website for the IPM-CRSP is: www.oired.vt.edu thanks to M. Rich (at VT) for providing information. IPMNET CALENDAR recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global (N)ew or [R]evised Entries to the IPMnet CALENDAR 2006 (N) 28-31 March * LATIN AMERICAN WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PLANT PATHOGENS WITH Trichoderma SPP. AND OTHER ANTAGONISTS, Havana, CUBA. Contact: trichoderma2006@inisav.cu. (N) 14-19 May * 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES, Key Biscayne, FL, USA. Contact: ICAIS, 1027 Pembroke St. East, Suite 200, Pembroke, ON K8A 3M4, CANADA. Fax: 1-613-732-3386. Phone: 1-613-732-7068. Web: www.icais.org . profedge@renc.igs.net. (N) 31 May-02 June * 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Palmira, COLOMBIA. Contact: 4TH BIOCONTROL CONGRESS, Calle 37 A No.27-31, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, COLOMBIA. FGarcia1@agrogen.com.co . Phone: 57-2-274-1364. (N) 05-09 June * 28TH SYMPOSIUM OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA. Contact: 28th ESN Symposium, Cent. Lab. of General Ecol., 2 Gagarin St., 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA. esn.2006@gmail.com.
(N) 25-29 June * 2ND INTERNATIONAL BIOFUMIGATION SYMPOSIUM, Moscow, ID, USA. Contact: M. Morra, PSES, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2339, USA. Phone: 1-208-885-6315. MMorra@uidaho.edu . Web: www.ag.uidaho.edu (N) 17-21 July * INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, INTRACTABLE WEEDS AND PLANT INVADERS, Ponta Delgada, PORTUGAL. Contact: L. Silva, LSilva@notes.uac.pt . Web: www.uac.pt (N) 06-09 August * ABIC 2006: AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, "Unlocking the Potential of Agricultural Biotechnology," Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Contact: abic2006@tourhosts.com.au . Fax: 61-2-9267-5443. Web: www.abic2006.org (N) 31 August-03 September * SYMPOSIUM: NON-SPECIFIC AND SPECIFIC INNATE AND ACQUIRED PLANT RESISTANCE, Budapest, HUNGARY. Contact: G. Gullner, GGull@nki.hu . Phone: 36-1-487-7552. Web: www.nki.hu (N) 11-15 September * 5TH INTERNATIONAL GRAPEVINE TRUNK DISEASE CONFERENCE, Davis, CA, USA. Contact: W.D. Gubler, 460 Hutchison Hall, Dept. of Plant Path., Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. WDGubler@ucdavis.edu . Fax: 1-530-752-5674. Phone: 1-530-752-0304. Web: www.plpnem.ucdavis.edu/. (N) 17-22 September * 8TH EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Izmir, TURKEY. Contact: S. Kismali, Plant Prot. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Ege Univ., Izmir, TURKEY. Fax: 90-232-374-4848. Kismali@ziraat.ege.edu.tr . Web: www.ece2006.org. 2007 (N) 08-10 October * AGRICULTURAL FIELD TRIALS TODAY AND TOMORROW, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP, Stuttgart, GERMANY. Contact: H. Bleiholder, H.Bleiholder@t-online.de . (N) 15-19 October * 10TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, "Controlling Epidemics of Emerging and Established Plant Virus Diseasesthe Way Forward," Patancheru, INDIA. Contact: P.L. Kumar, ICRISAT, Patancheru 502324, Hyderabad, AP, INDIA. secretary@mvbv2006.org . Fax: 91-40-307-13074. Phone: 91-40-307-13380. Web: www.ipve2007.net. 2008 [R] 24-29 August * New information * 9TH CONGRESS, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Torino, ITALY. Contact: ACTA, Via Caboto, 44, 10129 Torino, ITALY. info@icpp2008.org . Fax: 39-011-590833. Phone: 39-011-591871. Web: www.icpp2008.org.
2009-2010 No (N) ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.