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IPMnet NEWS January 2007, Issue no. 152 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Impacts of GM/GE Crops Assessed Two recent in-depth studies broadly assess the impacts to date of genetically modified/engineered crops: the first, from Switzerland, takes an ecological perspective, while the second considers the approaches of economic studies of GE crops as conducted in developing economies. The Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety commissioned a far reaching, science-based study that resulted in a comprehensive paper published in late 2006 examining and documenting "Ecological Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops, Experiences from Ten Years of Experimental Field Research and Commercial Cultivation." Authors O. Sanvido,et al primarily utilized peer-reviewed materials from scientific sources in an effort to address questions about GM crop impacts and effects on non-target organisms, soil ecosystems, gene flow from GM crops to wild relatives, GM crop in- vasiveness, impacts on management on pest organisms, and ecological benefits of GM crop cultivation. Overall, the study concluded that available data do not provide any scientific evidence for harm to the environment attributable to commercial cultivation of GM crops. A minority of the Committee dissented from the study's conclusion. Additionally, the study's authors state that, "the real choice is between GM crops and current conventional pest .... management practices, all possibly having positive and negative outcomes," and that a truly precautionary policy requires comparing "the risk of adopting a technology against the risk of not adopting it." The 108-page document can be freely downloaded as a PDF file from www.agbios.com or ordered from: ART, Reckenholzstr. 191, CH-8046 Zurich, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-0-44-377-7201. Phone: 41-0-44-377-7111. -> O. Sanvido, Olivier.Sanvido@art.admin.ch.

The second large study, also published in late 2006, is "Parables: Applied Economics Literature About the Impact of Genetically Engineered Crop Varieties in Developing Economies." This

work undertook an analysis of the methods employed to arrive at economic findings, as the methods themselves are clearly seen as influencing factors. Published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as EPT discussion paper 158, the study concluded that, "findings of current case studies should not be generalized to other locations, crops, and traits" due to the relative short time frame of most analyses. Authors M. Smale,et alnote that "any particular variety, even if widely adapted, will perform with considerable variation across location and time." The 102-page study concludes that, "the net economic impact of new crop varieties on society is not easily measured" in that no single method can sufficiently measure change, particularly where so many markets, production environments, and policies can dramatically shift from one year to the next. Institutional and social contexts of technology introduction, the authors note, often have greater significance on impact direction and magnitude than the technology itself. Future studies on technology impact need to more critically assess effects in terms of labor, health, environment, equity, and poverty, the study's authors assert. At www.ifpri.org download the full study, or order a copy from: IFPRI, 2033 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006-1002, USA. Fax: 1-202-467-4439. Phone: 1-202-862-5600. -> M. Smale, M.Smale@cgiar.org. Axe Falls on Australian Weeds Center Weed and invasive plant research in Australia suffered a recent setback as the Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management (CRC4AWM) proposal for a new seven-year term beginning in mid-2008 was rejected by the Australian Dept. of Education, Science & Training that oversees the broad CRCs program. CRC4AWM, the sole weeds-only national entity in Australia, had proposed continuing to operate as the Invasive Plants CRC, given the critical importance of halting the prevalent spread of highly invasive plants on the island continent. Amidst an outpouring of support for the CRC4AWM from a cross section of Australian agricultural and other interests, the Centre has launched a website at www.weeds.crc.org.au to assist in fielding enquiries and to keep all interested parties advised. The rejected CRC proposal was said not to meet selection criteria on delivering returns to taxpayers, scientific capabilities, and capacity to commercialize research results and secure their uptake, and was based on both information in the organization's submitted application and independent assessment reports.


The Australian government's decision not to fund the 15+ year-old Cooperative Research Centre for weeds/invasive plants recalls events in the UK not so many decades ago. A relatively small group of highly dedicated scientists with great depth of experience and international acumen had established and nurtured what became the world renowned Weed Research Organization. Even with its minuscule budget, governmental entities decided the organization was not generating enough financial payback and, despite a global outcry, summarily shut down WRO. In one ill-advised move, the UK immediately forfeited its weed science leadership position and has not regained it to this day. Doubtlessly, there are many CRCs in Australia worthy of funding. The list of those successfully funded in the 2006 selection round (including seafood, railroads, hearing loss, capital markets, composite structures, biomarker translation, greenhouse gas, etc.) seems, at least to the outsider, thin at best if not woefully devoid of centers of excellence in agriculture pest and invasive organisms management. The struggle may not be over, but clearly the Australian government department with CRC oversight has demonstrated a predisposition for narrowly viewed economic gains as well as a disheartening disdain for stemming the tide of unwanted natural organisms that threaten both Australia's valued agriculture and the nation's recreational riches. A.E. Deutsch, editor

*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * A study concluded that plantingBtcotton varieties expressing two transgenic proteins significantly reduced insecticide usage in Australia. -> O.G. Knox, Oliver.Knox@csiro.au. * A pheromone-using IPM strategy against Rhyncophorus ferrugieneus_ Olivier (red palm weevil) attacking Cocus nucifera(coconut) and Phoenix dactylifera(date palm) agro-ecosystems is based on a decade of research. -> J.R. Faleiro, JRFaleiro@yahoo.co.in. * Compared to a no-mulch control, mulches in corn and soybean increased predator abundance and predation of Ostrinia nubilalis(European corn borer) pupae. -> J.R. Prasifka, Prasifka@iastate.edu. * Research indicates that alternatives to methyl bromide "are effective and perform consistently only when used with deliberate, well-planned applications, precise soil preparation and proper irrigation." -> J. Norton, Norton.Jack@worldnet.att.net. * Trials in Ethiopia showed that integrating a mancozeb treatment with properly cleaned seed effectively controlled Arachis hypogaea (groundnut/peanut) root rot, while significantly improving yield. -> G. Tarekegn, terefetg.sci@mail.uovs.ac.za. * Current orders suggest that "Roundup Ready" (R) corn could be planted on more than 16 million ha. (40 million ac.) in the U.S. during 2007. -> CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY, 30

November 2006. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* Note to AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS: IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, and invasives. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication along with full information to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). Thanks, Editor. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. CARE AND HANDLING OF PESTICIDES Pesticide application authority and long-term head of the U.K.'s International Pesticide Application Research Centre, G.A. Matthews, has prepared a cogent, timely, and widely ranging treatise with PESTICIDES - HEALTH, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Building on how pesticides are used today, Prof. Matthews' narrative touches on the key points in the long-running debate over the use, advantages, and potential risks of pesticides. He includes graphic comparisons of spray application near human habitation, a dramatic contrast between properly and improperly attired spray application personnel, and the well establishedif infrequently followedsteps for conscientiously calibrating, operating, and cleaning application equipment. A single diagram in the 243-page, 2006 hardbound book's concluding section focuses on the future of pesticides and succinctly illustrates the factors, needs, and beneficial outcomes from adopting improved integrated pest management. {$} -> Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave., Ames, IA 50014, USA. Fax: 1-515-292-3348. Phone: 1-515-292-0140. orders@ames.blackwellpublishing.com. www.blackwellpublishing.com. LANDSCAPE PEST MANAGEMENT Number 7 in the Univ. of California's acclaimed Pesticide Appli- cation Compendia series tackles the increasingly important field of LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PEST CONTROL. This 2006, 271-page manual serves as an extensive guide to management of weed, insect, pathogen, and vertebrate pests organisms found in turf, landscape, and "interiorscape" situations ranging from parks and golf courses to indoor malls. With dozens of black/white photos and an attractive, reader-friendly format the softbound volume focuses on pesticide handling and application procedures and is designed for professional personnel operating in both the public and private sectors. Short "sidebar" features illustrate key concepts and procedures. An extensive glossary defines the specialized terms used in the text. An added feature is a set of review questions at the end of each chapter to assist individuals studying for an applicator's license or other qualification. ANR publication #3493. {$} ANR Communication Services, 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. Floor, Oakland, CA 94608-1239, USA. Fax: 1-510-643-5470. Phone: 1-510-642-2431. danrcs@ucdavis.edu. danrcs.ucdavis.edu. MANAGING PEST INSECTS In 2005 the U.S. Sustainable Agricultural Network (SAN) published MANAGE INSECTS ON YOUR FARM: A GUIDE TO ECOLOGICAL STRATEGIES as a vehicle intended to improve natural defenses against pest insects of crops while simultaneously encouraging preservation of beneficial organisms for biocontrol purposes. Authors M.A. Altieri,et al have included examples of pest (insect) management in various locales

globally while revisiting long-espoused principles of ecologically based pest management. The 135-page work, SAN Handbook Series Book 7, can be ordered as a softbound document or freely downloaded from www.sare.org {$} SAN, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Bldg. 046 BARC-WEST, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350, USA. sanpubs@sare.org. Fax: 1-301-504-5207. PEST MANAGEMENT INCLUDED Several recent volumes, while not specifically devoted to pest managementper se contain sections or chapters that nevertheless deliver important pest management information. Nestled in INTRODUCTION TO FRUIT CROPS (2006, softbound, 462 pages) amidst its fascinating and encyclopedic information and extensive presentation of full color photos, are sections on pest problems for each of more than 30 of the world's key fruit and nut crops. Author and horticulturalist M. Rieger has condensed each pest section to its basic fundamentals, while providing useful foundation information. In HANDBOOK OF PRECISION AGRICULTURE, PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, (2006, softbound, 684 pages) editor A. Srinivasan discusses site- specific pest management of crop diseases, weed management, and plant-parasitic nematodes. The third work homes in on a single crop. HANDBOOK OF POTATO PRODUCTION, IMPROVEMENT, AND POSTHARVEST MANAGEMENT (2006, softbound, 605 pages) editors J. Gopal and S.M.P. Khurana allot five out of the publication's 15 chapters to in-depth discussions of the diseases, viruses, and insects afflictingSolanum tuberosum {$} -> Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghampton, NY 13904-1508, USA. Fax: 1-607-771-0012. www.Haworthpress.com. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any website, publication, CD, or video focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the item to the address at end of this file; for a website, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. EXPEDITING BIOCONTROL Regulation of Biological Control Agents, or "REBECA," is a European Union policy support action that reviews possible risks of biocontrol agents, compares regulation in the EU and the USA, and proposes al- ternative, less bureaucratic and more efficient regulation procedures while maintaining the same level of safety for human health and the environment, but accelerating market access and lowering registration costs. As an example, many plant extracts are used in food, cosmetics, and medicine; but when these same substances are used as plant pro- tection agents they must undergo EU registration. REBECA will assess whether low risk products can be exempted from registration according to established directives. There's much more at www.rebeca -> Institute for Phytopathologie, Christian-Albrechts-Univ. of Kiel, Hermann Rodewald Str. 9, 24118 Kiel, GERMANY. Phone: 49-0-431-880-4865. Olaf.Strauch@biotec.uni-kiel.de. thanks to R. Ehlers for information. CAN DIVERGING PHILOSOPHIES COEXIST? In 2006 the (U.S.) National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, and the Pew

Initiative on Food and Biotechnology co- sponsored a multi-stakeholder workshop, "Peaceful Coexistence Among Growers of: Genetically Engineered, Conventional, and Organic Crops." A 61-page detailed summary of this event is at: tinyurl.com Organizers were said to have defined "peaceful coexistence" as the "ability of GE, conventional, and organic producers to effectively meet the specifications of their targeted and consumer markets and ensure a strong, vibrant, diverse agricultural economy." -> Pew Initiative, 1331 H Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005, USA. Fax: 1-202-347-9047. Phone: 1-202-347-9044. excerpted, with thanks, from P. Jones at ISB NEWS REPORT. WEEDS, WEEDING, & ORGANIC CULTURE A newer website from the UK's HDRA concerns organic weed management and, according to the site, "aims to be a primary resource on weed management for organic farms, reporting on the latest weed information, weeding techniques and weed research." The informative site, tinyurl.com also is intended to be a focal point for farmers, growers [is there a distinction? Ed.], advisors and research- ers to share weed and weeding related information. Detailed weed information, including full color photos, is provided to aid identifi- cation and ultimately sharpen management tactics. More than 50 weed management case studies are presented for a variety of farming ac- tivities. Weed listings can be found both by common and scientific names. Use of the web site is entirely free. thanks to G. Davies for information. SOYBEAN RUST SYMPOSIUM REPORT Proceedings from the 2006 U.S. National Soybean Rust Symposium are now posted at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org the Plant Manage- ment Network's Soybean Rust Information Center. The event included over 40 oral presentations, nearly 70 posters, and numerous small- group sessions. An additional Symposium Report containing notes and information for each general and separate session is available for review and distribution. The PM network is a program of the American Phytopathological Society. A TROVE OF IPM MATERIALS The Agriculture and Natural Resources Spring 2006 Catalog Update from the Univ. of California provides a snapshot of new as well as "most popular" titles including nearly a dozen IPM manuals, 40+ crop and situational Pest Management Guideline fact sheets (freely down- loadable from: www.ipm.ucdavis.edu click on "agriculture and floriculture"), and pesticide safety publications. Both the "Update" version and the much more extensive ANR main catalog found at anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu present brief descriptions of the included titles. -> ANR Communication Svcs., 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. Floor, Oakland, CA 94608-1239, USA. Fax: 1-510-643-5470. WEEDS & INVASIVE PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC Easily accessed online databases from the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) and the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) projects collectively provide a broad array of information for invasive and threatening plant species of the Pacific region. Material includes nomenclature (scientific names plus common names in dozens of localized languages), taxonomic data,

geographic distribution, plus visuals for many of the included species. CDs of the PIER material are also avail- able at "no cost to those who have a need for it," according to the PIER website. Start at www.hear.org and select items of interest from an extensive interactive menu. -> P.A. Thomas, PT@hear.org. FREE IMAGES WEBSITE A free usage website, "Pests and Diseases Image Library" (PaDIL), makes available high-quality full color diagnostic images and infor- mation on pests and diseases at www.padil.gov.au. The site is an Australian Commonwealth Government initiative developed as one information tool to help protect against invasive threats to AUSTRALIA's plant health. PaDIL is said to result from usage of several leading edge technologies in light microscopy, digital imaging, and image manipu- lation. The library of images can be searched by target species, region of interest, host, and distribution. Other features permit image comparison. Pest plants (weeds) are omitted from the site. thanks to G. Jackson (and others) for information. VEGETABLE PEST POSTER SERIES A Belgium-based manufacturer and marketer of biocontrol products recently announced the first in a series of posters depicting pest insects and pathogens of main vegetable crops, in this case tomato. The 70x100 cm. (28x39 in.) sheets illustrate the various stages, symptoms, and damage caused by pest organisms. Pests are identified by scientific as well as common names (in Dutch, French, German, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Polish, and English). The intent is to help workers recognize pest-caused damage and thereby expedite steps to limit the problem. Next in the poster series are panels for sweet pepper and cucumber. The firm also is sponsoring production of several DVDs focused on key pests and their natural enemies. -> Biobest NV, Ilse Velden 18, 2260 Westerlo, BELGIUM. info@biobest.be. Fax: 32-14-25-7982. Phone: 32-14-25-7980. www.biobest.be. *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* INTEGRATED PEST MANAGER, Kalaheo, HI, USA * Apply IPM techniques to ensure the health, vigor, and appearance of a botanical collection; identify and utilize least toxic methods. * REQUIRED: High school diploma, college degree preferred; possess or obtain State of Hawaii pesticide applicator license; experience with pesticide preparation, application, and spray equipment; knowledge of horticultural pesticides, garden pests, soils, and soil conditioning; ability to search library and internet sources for IPM information; knowledge of organic farming and gardening techniques; demonstrated leadership skills; ability to cooperate with others. * CONTACT: S. Lau, National Tropical Botanical Garden, 3530 Papalina Rd., Kalaheo, HI 96741, USA. SLau@ntbg.org. Fax: 1-808-332-9765. Phone: 1-808-332-7324, ext. 229. PLANT CLINIC DIRECTOR/EXTENSIONIST, College Park, MD, USA * Diagnose plant health problems, develop training programs, and participate in educational programs; provide clinic leadership, assign and supervise technical personnel, manage clinic finances and budget; maintain a database for plant diseases, insects, nematodes, and weed identification; develop publications, articles, and web resources; compile and distribute annual summary reports. * REQUIRED: MS degree in plant pathology (PhD preferred); minimum of 8 years work/supervisory experience in a plant diagnostic clinic; ability to coordinate with area

counterparts and other agencies and institutions. * CONTACT: J.C. Lewis, JCLewis@umd.edu. Phone: 1-301-405-3912. www.entm.umd.edu. ENTOMOLOGIST, Namulonge/Kwanda, UGANDA * Investigate transmission of bacterial wilt disease with emphasis on insect vectors; identify key vectors for transmission and spread; identify morpho- logical and biochemical traits of tolerant/resistant plants; compare insect transmission with other modes of transmission as a function of varieties, agro-ecological conditions, and cropping systems. * REQUIRED: MSc in agriculture with specialization in entomology; developing country national; under 32 years old; fluent in written/spoken English; prac- tical knowledge of entomology and microbiology; analytical ability; capacity to work in the field with farmers for long periods. * CONTACT: Human Resources Manager, IITA, c/o Lambourn (UK) Ltd., Carolyn House, 26 Dingwall Rd., Croydon CR9 3EE, UK. Mailto: IITA-HR@cgiar.org.

*EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES* SPRAYER DESIGNED FOR RICE FIELDS A turbo-diesel powered, articulated, hydrostatic all-wheel drive, multi-use machine bears the name "MudMaster" and is specifically designed to effectively operate in rice fields. Primarily devised as a spray application platform, the unit can also be fitted with a rope-wick boom for direct-contact herbicide application, as well as several other configurations. With its articulating and pivoting center joint the MudMaster is said to negotiate the roughest mud and tallest levees while keeping all four tires firmly in contact with the ground surface. The manufacturer notes that the machine can handle application in areas where larger sprayers, due to heavy weight, or airplanes due to drift potential or obstructions, can not spray. The machine also is capable of all-weather operation and is said to cause minimal crop and field damage. -> Bowman Manufacturing, 2450 Jackson 36, Newport, AR 72112, USA. Phone: 1-870-523-2785. Brent@bowmanmanufacturing.com. Fax: 1-870-523-2786. www.bowmanmanufacturing.com. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Send requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Biological and Application-oriented Factors Influencing Plant Disease Suppression by Biological Control: A Meta-Analytical Review," Ojiambo, P.S., and H. Scherm. * PHYTOPATH., 96(11), 1168-1174, November 2006. Weed Science """""""""""" "Evolved Glyphosate Resistance in Plants: Biochemical and Genetic Basis of Resistance," Powles, S.B., and C. Preston. * WEED TECH., 20(2), 282-289, April 2006,

(selected as "Outstanding Research Paper for 2006" by editors of WEED TECHNOLOGY). "Timing of Tillage is an Important Filter on the Assembly of Weed Communities," Smith, R.G. * WEED SCI., 54(4), 705-712, July 2006. Entomology """""""""" "Estimating the Impact ofLygus hesperuson Cotton: The Insect, Plant, and Human Observer as Sources of Variability," Rosenheim, J.A.,et al * ENVIRO. ENTOM., 35(5), 1141-1153, October 2006. "Simultaneous Application of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Predatory Mites to Control Western Flower Thrips Frankliniella occidentalis" Ebssa, L.,et al * BIOL. CONTROL, 39(1), 66-74, October 2006. Transgenics Sub-section """"""""""""""""""""""" "Beyond the SporePast and Future Developments of Bacillus thuringiensisas a Biopesticide," Crickmore, N. * JRNL. OF APPLD. MICROBIO., 101(3), 616-619, September 2006. "Prey-mediated Effects of Transgenic Canola on a Beneficial, Non- target, Carabid Beetle," Ferry, N.,et al * TRANSGEN. RSRCH., 15(4), 501-514, August 2006. Nematology """""""""" "Biomass of Nematode and Associated Roots: A Determinant of Symptom Production in Root Knot Disease of Rice (_Oryza sativaL.)," Singh, K.P.,et al * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 154(11-12), 676-682, December 2006. Vertebrate """""""""" "Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests Using Virally Vectored Immunocontraception," Hardy, C.M.,et al * JRNL. OF REPRO. IMMUNOLOGY, 71(2), 102-111, October 2006. General """"""" "IPMWhat Difference does it Make?," Meir, C., and M. Paredes. * PESTICIDES NEWS, 74, 8-9, December 2006. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Digging into Rootworm Insecticides Though directed to a specific section of the U.S., a recent short article offers broadly practical advice for growers using insecticides as a major part of rootworm management efforts. Writing in the December 7, 2006 issue of PEST & CROP newsletter from Purdue Univ., J.L. Obermeyer,et al in a succinct article, "Rootworm Soil Insecticides: Choices, Considerations, and Efficacy Results," tinyurl.com discuss each of four methods for delivering rootworm insecticide and caution that no one approach can nor will provide 100 percent control. The authors consider in depth and provide efficacy ratings for: insecticide-coated seed; liquids; granules; and transgenic (built-in) technology. There are benefits and drawbacks for each system dependent on a spectrum of variables, not the least of which may be a grower's existing application equipment.

A concluding piece of advice given is to include untreated or control strips in fields as a means to assess the performance, and economics, of rootworm products used. This, say Dr. Obermeyer and colleagues, is the only way to obtain an accurate evaluation of the performance and hence the value of a rootworm product. -> J.L. Obermeyer, Obe@purdue.edu. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> This IPMnet *CALENDAR Update* lists only: (N)ew events that have not been cited previously in the IPMnet CALENDAR or IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous listing in the CALENDAR or NEWS. 2=> The complete IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed annually to all IPMnet email subscribers, but is kept up to date and may be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 11 January 2007 2007 (N) 01 February-15 March * 7 WEEK COURSE: IPM FOR GREENHOUSE CROPS, Amherst, MA, USA. Meets Thursday mornings. Contact: T. Smith, Room 203 French Hall, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA. TSmith@umext.umass.edu. tinyurl.com 19-23 February * ENVIRONMENTAL WEED CONTROL COURSE, East London, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: ARC-LNR, Private Bag X79, Pretoria 0001, SOUTH AFRICA. Harding@pixie.co.za. Fax: 27-0-12-323-1157. Phone: 27-0-12-310-2500. See: tinyurl.com 25-28 February * THE PESTICIDE STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE 7TH ANNUAL WORKING CONFERENCE, Reno, NV, USA. Contact: C. Ramsay, PO Box 646382, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164-6382, USA. Ramsay@wsu.edu. Fax: 1-509-335-1009. pep.wsu.edu 15-19 April * 2ND INTERNATIONAL LYGUS BUG SYMPOSIUM, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Contact: P.B. Goodell, KAC, 9240 Riverbend Ave., Parlier, CA 93648, USA. IPMpbg@uckac.edu. Fax: 1-559-646-6593. Phone: 1-559-646-6515. conferences.ucdavis.edu

21 May-01 June * INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON IPM POLICY AND INSTITU- TIONAL INNOVATIONS, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, Wageningen International, PO Box 88, NL 6701 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Huub.Stoetzer@wur.nl. Fax: 31-317-495-395. Phone: 31-317-495-353. tinyurl.com 23-25 May * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP 'GMOs IN INTEGRATED PLANT PRODUCTION,' "Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms," Warsaw, POLAND. Contact: J. Romeis, ART, Reckenholzstr. 191, 8046 Zurich, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-0-44-377-7201. Phone: 41-0-44-377-7299. Joerg.Romeis@art.admin.ch. [R] 03-07 June * new information * 9TH WORLD CONGRESS ON PARASITIC PLANTS, Charlotsville, VA, USA. Contact: J. Westwood, 401 Latham Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Westwood@vt.edu. Phone: 1-540-231-7519. www.cpe.vt.edu 04-15 June * INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON PESTICIDES AND FOOD SAFETY IN IPM, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, Wageningen International, PO Box 88, NL 6701 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Huub.Stoetzer@wur.nl. Fax: 31-317-495-395. Phone: 31-317-495-353. tinyurl.com 17-29 June * INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE IN AGROECOLOGY, IPM, AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, East Lansing, MI, USA. Contact: K.M. Maredia, IIA, 416 Plant/Soil Sci. Bldg., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. KMaredia@msu.edu. Fax: 1-517-432-1982. Phone: 1-517-353-5262. (N) 10-13 September * 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INVASIVE PLANTS OF MEDITERRANEAN TYPE ECOSYSTEMS, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: see: www.congresswest.com.au 14-15 September * 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON WEED RISK ASSESSMENT, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: see: www.congresswest.com.au 16-21 September * 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTHROPODS CHEMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS, Bialka Tatrzanska/Zakopane, POLAND. Contact: D. Konopiska, Fac. of Chemistry, Univ. of Wroclaw, Ul. F.joliot-Curie 14, 50-383 Wroclaw, POLAND. DK@wchuwr.chem.uni.wroc.pl. (N) 25-27 September * 14TH BIENNIAL NSW WEEDS CONFERENCE 2007, Wollon- gong, NSW, AUSTRALIA. Contact: International Conferences & Events, 183 Albion St., Sydney, NSW 2010, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-2-9368-1500. weeds2007@iceaustralia.com. Phone: 61-2-9368-1200. www.iceaustralia.com 08-12 October * COURSE, "EVALUATION OF RISK ASSESSMENT DOSSIERS FOR THE DELIBERATE RELEASE OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS," Ca' Tron di Roncade, ITALY. Contact: M. Tepfer, ICGEB, Conferences and Meetings, Padriciano 99, I-34012 Trieste, ITALY. courses@icgeb.org. Fax: 39-04-022-6555. Phone: 39-040-375-7333. www.icgeb.org

21-25 October * ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIOCONTROL PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING, Montreal, QUE, CANADA. Contact: M. Burt, fax/phone: 1-714-544-8295. MaclayB2@aol.com. www.anbp.org. 12-23 November * COURSE, "INSECTICIDAL PROTEINS: APPLICATION AND REGULATORY ISSUES," New Delhi, INDIA. Contact: H.S. Narayanan, ICGEB, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067, INDIA. shubha@icgeb.res.in. Fax: 91-11-261-62316. Phone: 91-11-261-67356. www.icgeb.org 2008 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. 2009 (N) 08-13 February * 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CON- TROL OF ARTHROPODS, "Maximising Success while Minimising Risk," Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: H. Shrewsbury, Prof. Devel. Group, PO Box 84, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND. ShrewsbH@lincoln.ac.nz. www.ISBCA09.com. 2010 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year.

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