IPMnet NEWS October 2007, Issue no. 158 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Grants Bolster Pesticide Risk Reduction From apples to wheat, CANADA is actively focusing on implementing a nationally coordinated program to reduce pesticide risk in production of key agricultural crops. As evidence, the nation's Pesticide Risk Reduction Program (PRRP) recently awarded C.7 million funding in 2007 to support 39 diverse projects selected through a competitive process. Typical of the newly funded projects is a 3-year, C0,000 thrust intended to raise overall on-farm awareness of pesticide risks and to "validate and implement a pesticide risk indicator software program" for six crops, educate crop advisors, and assess the resulting pesticide risk reduction. Another effort aims to determine the potential for reducing rates of pheromone dispensers in mating disruption ofEndopiza vitanaClemens (grape berry moth). Other projects, varying in duration from 1-to-3 years, involve IPM, weed management, plant disease prevention, and biocontrol expansion, such as broader utilization of the naturally occurring fungusMetarhizium anisopliae The PRRP defines a pesticide risk reduction strategy as a detailed plan that aims to reduce the risk to human health and the environment associated with pesticide use in agricultural crops. The strategy identifies gaps and barriers in current pest management approaches and then sets forth realistic, feasible goals to close the gaps. Strategies are commodity specific, national in scope, and collaboratively developed with input from growers and commodity groups. The effort aims for pest management practices with the greatest potential for grower adoption. The PRRP is entering its fifth year of operation. After an initial year (2003), intensive efforts were directed at contacting stakeholders to determine the most important problems and areas of attention the Program needed to address. Nearly 60 priority areas in 16 major crops or cropping schemes were identified. The priorities developed by that exercise now help guide the annual call for proposals emphasizing projects that will lead to adoption of reduced risk pest management. Projects range across a spectrum from research, to workshops, literature reviews, software development, and related activities. In 2006, nearly 40 new projects were selected for funding. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Pest Management Centre manages and coordinates the PRRP (tinyurl.com with collaborative support from Health Canada's Pest Management
Regulatory Agency. PRRP maintains close coordination with commodity groups, growers, research centers, environmental organizations, university scientists, and other involved entities. -> T. Macdonald, MacdonaldT@agr.gc.ca. Phone: 1-613-759-1351. - material excerpted, with thanks, from the AAFC-PRRP website; also, thanks to T. Macdonald for information. Information Technology Aids IPM Program The Pest Management Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (selectively abbreviated as PIPE, and not to be confused with Private Investment in Public Equity) was originally conceived as a national warning system to help soybean growers protect crops againstPhakopsora pachyrhizi(Asian soybean rust) (ASR) that blew into the U.S. in 2004. Through the website www.sbrusa.net PIPE continues to provide a plethora of information for recognition and management of ASR as well as maps of sentinel plantings and confirmed ASR presence all across the U.S. The site is considered an online warning system and is said to have saved growers millions of dollars for a crop that is valued at US billion annually. PIPE has now morphed into IPM PIPE in part because, as M.A. Draper, plant pathologist and IPM PIPE program participant, explains, "ASR fungus does not survive the harsh northern winters, so it must restart its northerly invasion from the extreme southern regions of the U.S. and Mexico each spring. How fast it spreads depends on many factors, including temperature, crop development, air movement (wind), and sunlight. The IPM PIPE monitors and analyzes these factors to help plant pathologists predict disease spread." Even more tangible benefits arise as growers have been prepared to apply fungicides against ASR, but data disseminated via IPM PIPE has shown that for vast areas this is unnecessary thereby avoiding fungicide application and resulting in a governmental estimate of US9 million savings in material and labor. Dr. Draper also points out that IPM PIPE represents "an unprecedented level of collaboration among governmental agencies," grower organiza- tions, agribusinesses, and land grant universities. The program, Draper says, "has proven that U.S. agriculture can benefit from this technology," and he adds the expectation that "as it expands to more crops and pests, IPM PIPE will become an every-day resource for farmers." -> M.A. Draper, CSREES, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Stop 2201, Washington, DC 20250-2201, USA. MDraper@csrees.usda.gov. Fax: 1-202-401-4888. Phone: 1-202-401-1990. thanks to M.A. Draper for information; excerpted, with thanks, from Northeast IPM Regional Center's website and USDA PIPE website. New Chair Picked for IPM Steering Committee The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has chosen nematologist R.A. Sikora to be new chairman of the steering committee for the CGIAR's Systemwide Program on IPM (SP-IPM). The SP-IPM coordinates IPM research and extension activities at many of the Group's 15 international centers such as the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the
International Rice Research Institute. Dr. Sikora, a long-time international IPM consultant and recipient of numerous scientific honors, serves as head of the Soil Ecosystem for Phytopathology and Nematology at the Univ. of Bonn, GERMANY. He has conducted both long and short term IPM research, and visited numerous nations in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The SP-IPM www.spipm.cgiar.org is charged with drawing together the IPM efforts of those CGIAR centers involved with agriculture, and their partners, as a means to more clearly focus these efforts on the needs of farmers in the developing world. The program is designed to expedite information exchange, help fill research gaps, and develop effective models of researcher-extensionist-farmer partnerships to promote adoption of IPM strategies. thanks to B. James for information; excerpted, with thanks, from the SP-IPM website.
*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * Research results indicate that aBtCry protein can confer plant resistance to an endoparasitic nematode and that Cry proteins thus have potential to control plant parasitic nematodes in transgenic plants. -> R.V. Aroian, RAroian@ucsd.edu. * Scientists at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Africa and local collaborators have developed Manihot esculenta(casava) varieties that resist the dreaded root rot causing Casava Brown Streak Disease. -> E. Kanju, E.Kanju@cgiar.org. * A strain of the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae _ actively attacked Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte (western corn rootworm). -> C. Pilz, Christina.Pilz@art.admin.ch. * Researchers found that Vigna unguiculata (cowpea, blackeyed pea) can perceive a chemical in oral secretions of attacking Spodoptera frugiperda fall armyworm) and respond with a biochemical defense. -> E. Schmelz, Eric.Schmelz@ars.usda.gov. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review procedures please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. PRACTICAL NEMATOLOGY REFERENCE D.L. Coyne,et al have prepared PRACTICAL PLANT NEMATOLOGY: A FIELD AND
LABORATORY GUIDE as "a simple, easy-to-follow reference for assessing plant parasitic nematode problems." The 89-page Guide succeeds using an effective combination of numerous full-color photos and illustrations, printed on coated paperstock, accompanied by detailed straight forward instructions. The target audience is technicians, field workers, and extensionists. The easily used, spiral-bound volume notably answers a demand for a guide to help with diagnosis of nematode problems by simplifying and demystifying aspects of nematology applied to cropping systems. Collaboratively published in 2007 under the aegis of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research's Systemwide Program on IPM (SP-IPM), and online at: www.spipm.cgiar.org the volume bears some lineage in approach and content to a 2002 Australian governmental report, ADVISORY SERVICES FOR NEMATODE PESTS OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES, by G. Stirling,et al online at: tinyurl.com {$}? -> SP-IPM Secretariat, IITA, 08 BP 0932 Tri Postal, Cotonu, BENIN. ipm-center@cgiar.org. thanks to B. James and D.L. Coyne for collaboration. OVERVIEW OF GE CROPS A 2007 monograph examines the current issues surrounding GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS - INTERIM POLICIES, UNCERTAIN LEGISLATION, and is said by a noted scientist reviewer to dig "beneath the usual hyperbole of the enthusiasts and the apocalyptical doom of the pessimists." Plant cell specialist and ethicist I.E.P. Taylor edited the contributed work of 22 experts into 17 chapters, most of which include conclusions and, in some cases, recommendations. The softbound, 404-page volume presents a series of essays on the topic, compares attitudes and interests among key nations (accepting or rejecting GM crops), and is said to provide a reasoned analysis of both the "promises and perils" inherent in the new technology and what some believe is its uncertain long-term impact. {$} Haworth Press, 10 Alice St., Binghampton, NY 13904-1580, USA. www.HaworthPress.com. orders@haworthpress.com. Fax: 1-607-722-6362. Phone: 1-607-722-5857. FORAGE AND RANGELAND INSECTS The sixth in a series of handbooks published by the Entomo- logical Society of America (ESA), that, according to the publisher, "comprehensively examines agricultural pest management from all anglesmagnifying practical field strategies for growers," is the 2007 title, HANDBOOK OF FORAGE AND RANGELAND INSECTS. It profiles both the major, better known pest insects, as well as lesser known species, both visually and in text with descriptions, capacity for injury to crops, and management strategies, all supported by current references. Editors W.O. Lamp,et al use material from over 40 contributing specialists, and include more than 250 photos and other illustrations (many in full color). A well known extension entomologist recommends this softbound, 186-page fundamental resource "for anyone who grows, scouts, or services alfalfa and/or forage and rangeland grasses." The attractively presented handbook was published in cooperation with, and is available from, the American Phytopathological Society (APS). {$} -> APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. www.shopapspress.org. aps@scisoc.org. REGIONAL PEST MANAGEMENT HANDBOOKS EVOLVE For decades several agriculturally important states in the U.S. Pacific northwest have individually produced, or jointly published, a set of pest management handbooks. The visually improved, 2007 versions of this series has evolved into three information-rich, soft-bound, authoritative volumes.
2007 PACIFIC NORTHWEST WEED MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK; 458 pages, compiled by E. Peachey, et al_; emphasizes agronomic weed management and touches on weeds in many other settings; provides specific approved management methods; includes biological control agent attack rates for numerous regional weed species. 2007 PACIFIC NORTHWEST PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK; 632 pages, edited by J.W. Pscheidt and C.M. Ocamb; features host and disease descriptions for well over 200 plant species, plus pathogens common to many plants; describes nonpathogenic phenomena, and delves into the specifics of management tactics. 2007 PACIFIC NORTHWEST INSECT MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK; 689 pages, edited by C.S. Hollingsworth, et al_; covers both commercial crops as well as home and industrial/public settings; organized by crop category; contains a section describing the concepts and application of IPM; offers a short treatise on slugs and their management. {$} Any of the three handbooks can be obtained from; Extension Publications offices at: Oregon State Univ. (422 Kerr Admin, Corvallis, OR 97331-2119, puborders@oregonstate.edu); Washington State Univ. (PO Box 645912, Pullman, WA 99164-5912, bulletin@wsu.edu); or, Univ. of Idaho (PO Box 442240, Moscow, ID 83844-2240, calspubs@uidaho.edu).
*WEB, PUBLICATION, CD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcome information for websites, publications, CDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; for a website, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. BENEFITS OF PESTICIDES Two well regarded pest management specialists with a combined 50 years of international experience and knowledge have written a thought provoking and insightful study paper running contrary to the flood of anti-pesticide material. J.F. Cooper and H.M. Dobson, staff members of the UK's Natural Resources Institute (NRI), drew upon a large database of source information "to inform a more balanced view" and from it wrote PESTICIDES AND HUMANITY: THE BENEFITS OF USING PESTICIDES, a 2007, 75-page treatise. The authors identify and characterize pesticide benefits grouping them into three broad categories or "effects," and then further splitting the groups into primary and secondary benefits. A multi-color chart summarizes the outcome and notes three benefitting areas: community, national, and global. Additional charts individually address each of the three effects. An example from Effect 1, using pesticides to control agricultural pests: a primary benefit accrues to agriculture, which in turn has multiple secondary benefits to farming communities, to a nation, as well as globally (such as reducing greenhouse gas). The paper, found at tinyurl.com visits the pesticide benefits-versus-risks enigma, but makes no attempt to specifically weigh or
assess the balance between the two. The included bibliography is bountiful (if not carefully proofread), derived from the benefits database belonging to CropLife International (www.croplifefoundation.org the organization representing the global pesticide industry and sponsor of the study and paper. The study concluded "that the list of beneficial outcomes from sensible use of pesticides is long," offering "compelling evidence that pesticides will continue to be a vital tool in the diverse range of technologies that can maintain and improve living standards" worldwide. -> J.F. Cooper, NRI, Univ. of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK. J.F.Cooper@gre.ac.uk. Fax: 44-0-1634-883386. Phone: 44-0-1634-880088. excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated paper; also, thanks to P.C. Jepson for information. WEED HANDBOOK REVISED Integrated weed management is a featured category in a newly (2007) revised 3rd edition of NOXIOUS AND ENVIRONMENTAL WEED CONTROL HANDBOOK published by the New South Wales (AUSTRALIA) Dept. of Primary Industries. The 84-page work by R. Ensbey and A. Johnson is designed as a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic, and bushland situations. While aimed at NSW conditions, the text and many illustrations have far broader utility such as the section on equipment calibration and a growing list of weed species exhibiting resistance to herbicides. The content has an overall practical bent. The document can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com {$}? Copies are available from: NSW DPI Bookshop, Locked Bag 21, Orange, NSW 2800, AUSTRALIA. nsw.agriculture@dpi.nsw.gov.au. Phone: 61-2-6391-3100. Fax: 61-2-6391-3336. thanks to D. Matthews for information. SOURCE GUIDE FOR INVASIVE PLANT INFORMATION The Center for Invasive Plant Management (CIPM) at Montana State Univ. (USA) has published the INVASIVE PLANT RESOURCE GUIDE to provide "knowledge for sustaining the ecological integrity and economic value of western [US - ed.] lands." The 17-page, 2005 publication, an extensive compendium of materials and sources designed to support invasive plant management and program education activities, can be freely downloaded at: www.weedcenter.org The Guide is organized under four themes: The Big Picture; Resources at Risk; Tools of the Trade; and, Keeping it Together. Items under each theme are briefly described, along with sources including full contact information. -> CIPM, PO Box 173120, Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717-3120, USA. Fax: 1-406-994-1889. cipm@montana.edu. Phone: 1-406-994-7551. Bt COTTON IN WEST AFRICA ASSESSED A recent (2007) discussion paper from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) assesses "THE ECONOMIC IMPACT AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS AND RISK FROM THE ADOPTION OF INSECT RESISTANT (Bt) COTTON IN WEST AFRICA." Doubtlessly it will stimulate discussion. Aside from several glaring typographical errors in the
abstract, authors J. Falck-Zepeda,et al arrive at apparently contradicting conclusions: their simulations indicate "the total net benefits of adopting Bt seem to be small," but certain West African countries "are worse off it they decide no [sic] to adopt Bt cotton." Overly conservative assumptions used in the study are blamed (or maybe inept editing?). The 72-page report is at: www.ifpri.org -> IFPRI, 2033 K St., Washington, DC 20006-1002, USA. ifpri@cgiar.org. Fax: 1-202-467-4439. Phone: 1-202-862-5600. NEMATOLOGY NEWSLETTER The AUSTRALASIAN NEMATOLOGY NEWSLETTER publishes two issues per year, January and July, freely available from nematologists.org.au click on "newsletters." The active publication covers a variety of topics. Approximately 10 years of back issues are also available online. -> K. Davies, editor, Kerrie.Davies@adelaide.edu.au.
*PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* URBAN/SMALL FARMS IPM SPECIALIST, Las Lunas, NM, USA * State-wide responsibility for conducting a progressive Extension educational IPM program for agricultural crops, turf, and urban landscape. * REQUIRES: PhD in a pest management related discipline; strong knowledge of, and experience with, IPM including conventional and organic control methods; experience with a wide range of small farm cropping systems and urban landscapes; willingness to travel. * CONTACT: N. Goldberg, Extension Plant Sciences Dept., New Mexico State Univ., Box 30003, MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA. NGoldber@nmsu.edu. Phone: 1-505-646-1621. ENTOMOLOGIST - PEST MANAGEMENT, Wooster, OH, USA * Conduct cutting edge, extramurally-funded research for managing spatial heterogeneity in agricultural landscapes to improve pest species management; collaborate with researchers in related disciplines; participate in Extension activities. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology or similar field; demonstrated research expertise; training and experience in spatial analysis; evidence of ability to secure project funding; familiarity with horticultural food crops; comfortable and accomplished interacting with stakeholders; excellent written and oral communication skills. * CONTACT: D.J. Horn, Dept. of Entomology, Ohio State Univ., 400 Aronoff Labs., 318 West 12th Av., Columbus, OH 43210, USA. Horn.1@osu.edu. Phone: 1-614-292-5961.
*EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* TWEAKING MATING DISRUPTION Mating disruption of orchard pest insects, particularlyCydia pomonella(codling moth), is a potent weapon in the IPM arsenal, but it is also a costly, labor intensive operation to manually place pheromone-emitting dispensers in trees throughout an orchard. Spraying tree leaves with pheromone has been tried using air-blast units, but was less than successful. Development of a sprayable microencapsulated pheromone has changed that, according to research entomologist
A.L. Knight who has experimented with the product and found that capsule density per leaf can be significantly increased to good effect. Dr. Knight used a small, powered, sprayer mounted on an all-terrain vehicle; he used a common nozzle and operated the sprayer at a low pressure of 4.4 kPa (30 lb/sq. in) to direct pheromone spray into the tree canopy. The larger droplets produced adhered to leaf surfaces and provided improved disruption in some instances. Rain will, of course, wash off the capsules, Knight acknowledged, and require re-spraying. A benefit of sprayable pheromones, beside reduced labor, is that disruption activity can be extended beyond the active life of hanging dispensers, and can uniquely serve as a supplemental procedure, Knight said. -> A.L. Knight, YARL, 5230 Konnowac Pass Rd., Wapato, WA 98951, USA. AKnight@yarl.ars.usda.gov. Fax: 1-509-454-5646. excerpted, with thanks, from a USDA/ARS news release; thanks to A.L. Knight for additional information. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Control of Black Foot Disease in Grapevine Nurseries," Halleen, F., et al * PLANT PATH., 56(4), 637-645, August 2007. "NAPPFAST: An Internet System for the Weather-based Mapping of Plant Pathogens," Magarey, R.D.,et al * PLANT DIS., 91(4), 336-278, April 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "Effects of Organic and Conventional Practices on Weed Control in a Perennial Cropping System," Baumgartner, K.,et al * WEED SCI., 55(4), 352-358, July 2007. "Growth Stage Influences Level of Resistance in Glyphosate-resistant Horseweed," Shrestha, A.,et al * CALIF. AGRIC., 61(2), 67-70, April-June 2007. Entomology """""""""" "Impact of an Exotic Parasitoid onPlutella xylostella(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) Population Dynamics, Damage and Indigenous Natural Enemies in Kenya," Lohr, B.,et al * BULL. OF ENTOM. RSCH., 97(4), 337-350, August 2007. "Parasitoids, Predators and PCR; the Use of Diagnostic Molecular Markers in Biological Control of Arthropods," Gariepy, T.D., et al * JRNL. OF APPLD. ENTOM., 131(4), 225-240, May 2007. Transgenics """"""""""" "Mitigation of Indirect Environmental Effects of GM Crops," Pidgeon, J.D.,et al * PROC. OF THE ROYAL SOC. B, 274(1617), 1475-1479, June 2007. "Modelling the Role of Refuges for Sustainable Management of Dual- gene Bt Cotton in West African Smallholder Farming Systems," Nibouche, S.,et al * CROP PROT., 26(6), 828-836, June 2007.
General """"""" "Natural Products that have been Used Commercially as Crop Protection Agents," Copping, L.G., and S.O. Duke. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 63(6), 524-554, June 2007. "The Impact of IPM Training on Farmer's Subjective Estimates of Economic Thresholds for Soybean Pests in Central Java, Indonesia," Mariyono, J. * INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 53(2), 83-87, April-June 2007. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Diabolical Diabroticai> A 40+-minute, July 2007 presentation by two Univ. of Illinois (USA) entomologists, "Corn Rootworms and Bt Corn: Assessing the Impact, Managing the Pest," can now be viewed online (using Adobe Flash Player) at www.plantmanagementnetwork.org K.L. Steffey and M.E. Gray note that corn rootworms (_Diabroticaspp.) have been labeled the "million dollar bugs" in reference to the their combined annual management costs and the value of yield losses they cause. In the face of rapidly evolving management tools, particularly so-called "triple stack" hybrids, Steffey and Gray believe that root- injury rating scales devised prior to widespread use of Bt corn need to be complemented by insect resistance management and IPM practices. KSteffey@uiuc.edu. At Iowa State Univ. (USA), another institution in the heart of the U.S. "corn belt," the Dept. of Entomology has established "The Corn Rootworm Home Page," www.ent.iastate.edu to serve as a central reference point for information about the corn rootworm beetle in the midwestern U.S. The site offers an array of contacts and links to other sites as well as reports and symposia proceedings. JVanDyk@iastate.edu. A third informative site, dedicated to demonstrating an areawide IPM concept for the control of corn rootworm and other pest of corn, is "Area Corn Rootworm Project: A Cooperative Approach to Management," found at www.areawiderootworm.info. The site includes a photo gallery of the three mainDiabroticapests along with other related material. IPM approaches are again emphasized. ChandleL@fargo.ars.usda.gov. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) Panel Warns of Fiscal Cuts Fiscal cuts in the IPM-CRSP's ongoing effort to bring IPM options and information to small-scale farmers, including women, in targeted less developed regions could force individuals "back on a pesticide treadmill," warned an External Evaluation Panel following a recent review at the halfway mark of the Program's Phase III (third 5-year segment) activities. The Panel, in it's mid-term evaluation review conducted in August 2007 and subsequent report to involved institutions and parties (at www.oired.vt.edu approved the Program's progression from country-based activities to a transnational, participatory approach, and endorsed the competitive grants process installed for awarding cooperative grants in Phase III. Continuation of designating both Regional and Global Theme segments also received the Panel's solid support.
The Panel formulated seven recommendations among which it urged the program's sponsor (U.S. Agency for International Development) to consider longer-term funding for the IPM-CRSP "based on its unique contributions to global IPM." Extending programmatic thrusts from a 5-year to a 10-year cycle would, in the Panel's view, continue the Program's "support of national and local IPM programs by building on the strengths and capacity" developed under Phases I and II. Shorter term funding for the grant award process should be discontinued to avoid loss of project implementation time, the Panel concluded. excerpted, with thanks, from the Panel Mid-term Report, and from a news release; thanks to M. Rich for information and material. Biopesticide Video Produced The IPM-CRSP, in partnership with the Senegal Plant Protection Service (SPPS), utilized an associate award from the U.S. Agency for International Development mission to Senegal to produce a 9.5 minute- long video showing how the biopesticide known as "Green Muscle" (based on the naturally occurring fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae) is being used by the SPPS as an environmentally sensitive method for controlling swarms of grasshoppers and locusts. The video, in French, can be downloaded from the IPM-CRSP web: www.oired.vt.edu excerpted, with thanks, from the IPM-CRSP website. back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global recent *additions* and *revisions* to a global listing of forthcoming IPM-related events, 2007-2011. NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDAR Update lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site includes several features intended to improve convenience to users. The IPMnet CALENDAR Update will continue to appear in each issue of IPMnet NEWS. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 15 October 2007 2007 (N) 07-09 November * 11TH CONGRESO SEMh, "La Malherbologia en los Nuevos Sistemas de Produccion Agraria," Albacete, SPAIN. Contact: J.A. Lette, Univ. de Zaragoza, Dept. Agric. y Econ. Agraria, Ctra. Cuarte s/n, 22071 Huesca, SPAIN. JAibar@posta.unizar.es. Fax:
34-974-23-9302. Phone: 34-974-23-9417. www.semh.net. 12-13 November * 4TH SIMPOSIUM INTERNACIONAL DE MALEZA ACUATICA, Sinaloa, Mazatlan, MEXICO. Contact: F.L. Lugo, Lopez_Francisco@hotmail.com. (N) 12-15 November * 1ST MEETING, INTERNATIONAL PHYTOPLASMOLOGIST WORKING GROUP, Bologna, ITALY. Contact: A. Bertaccini, Fac. of Agric., Univ. of Bologna, Viale G. Fanin 44-46, 40147 Bologna, ITALY. Bertaccini_A@biblio.cib.unibo.it. Fax: 39-051-209-6723. www.mpunion.com. 13-16 November * 20TH CONGRESO VENEZOLANA DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Yaracuy, VENEZUELA. Contact: www.sovefit.org. 14-16 November * 28TH CONGRESO NACIONAL DE LA CIENCIA DE LA MALEZA, Sinaloa, Mazatlan, MEXICO. Contact: G.M. Diaz, GeraldMDz@inifap.gob.mx. (N) 19-21 November * 3RD INTERNATIONAL PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Lahore, PAKISTAN. Contact: R. Bajwa, Dept. of Mycology/Plant Path., Univ. of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore-54590, PAKISTAN. chairperson@mpp.pu.edu.pk. Fax: 92-42-923-1187. Phone: 92-42-923-1848-7. www.pu.edu.pk 22-24 November * 9TH CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA NEMATOLOGIA, Florence, ITALY. Contact: www.isza.it. 27-29 November * 1ST INTERNATIONAL PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI MEETING, Islamorada, FL, USA. Contact: H. Tyson, HTyson@doce.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-5437. Phone: 1-352-392-1701, x239. conferences.dce.ufl.edu 27-30 November * 5TH CANADIAN WORKSHOP ON FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA. Contact: AtekauZ@agr.gc.ca. (N) 08-11 December * 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, "Insect Pests and their Impact on National Economy," Cairo, EGYPT. Contact: Entomological Society of Egypt, PO Box 430, Cairo, EGYPT. egyentomol@yahoo.com. Fax: 20-2-576-6683. Phone: 20-2-575-0979. www.ees.eg.net. 2008 (N) 07-08 January * 66TH PACIFIC-NORTHWEST (USA) INSECT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Portland, OR, USA. Contact: D. Thomson, DJS Consulting Services, 3015 SW 109 St., Seattle, WA 98146, USA. Phone: 1-206-444-5770. DThomson@pobox.com. ipmnet.org 18-19 January * new dates * 3RD ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON PLANT PROTECTION RELATED ISSUES, Kathmandu, NEPAL. Contact: S.P. Marahatta, SharadParasar@yahoo.com. Fax: 977-9-841-318-631. Phone: 977-1-552-1359.
(N) 10-13 February * AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BIOCONTROL CONFERENCE 2008, "Biocontrol at Work in Australia and New Zealand," Sydney, AUSTRALIA. Contact: L. Pilkington, phone: 61-2-4348-1953. Leigh.Pilkington@dpi.nsw.gov.au. www.anzbc2008.org. 17-20 March * 23RD VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: www.vpconference.org 03-06 April * 3RD INTERNATIONAL LATE BLIGHT CONFERENCE, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: research.cip.cgiar.org 07-08 April * 1ST MEETING, TEPHRITID WORKERS OF EUROPE, AFRICA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST, "Current Advances in the Ecology of Fruit Flies of Europe, Africa and the Middle East," Palma/Mallorca, SPAIN. Contact: M.A.M. Chueca, Lab. of Zoology, Univ. de les Illes Balears, Cra.de Valldemossa, km 7.5 Palma, Illes Balears, SPAIN. Ma.Miranda@uib.es. Phone: 34-97-117-3351. (N) 20-22 August * 4TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RHIZOCTONIA, Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: rhizoctonia.org 2009-2011 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.