IPMnet NEWS January 2008, Issue no. 160 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs Useful Biofuel Species or Detrimental Weeds? The majority of plants promoted as biofuels in Australia are also weedy species that definitely should not be cultivated, according to an extensive 2007 assessment published by the (Australian) Invasive Species Council (ISC). THE WEEDY TRUTH ABOUT BIOFUELS, by T. Low and C. Booth, assesses the risks posed by 18 plant species being touted as promising biofuel sources and climate change solutions. Seven of the 18 species are currently banned as noxious weeds in various parts of Australia. Two other promoted species,Spartinaspp. andArundo donax(giant reed), are included in the World Conservation Union's "List of 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species." Still,A. donaxis currently being trialed as a biofuel crop in Australia despite the problems it causes as a "worst" weed worldwide. Report senior author T. Low notes the gamble of "trying to solve one environmental problem by creating another." Mr. Low points out that many of the candidate biofuel plants "have no proven value as biofuel crops but bad reputations as weeds." In fact, many candidate biofuel species exhibit characteristics likely to exacerbate their weediness such as hardiness, drought tolerance, pest resistance, and a high level of competitiveness. Yet, the weed risk of many species seen as biofuel sources appears to be ignored by policy makers, according to the Council which believes that any plant proposed as a source of biofuel should be thoroughly investigated and assessed for its weedy characteristics, potential for damage, and environ- mental impact. Taking a precautionary approach is deemed necessary and prudent. The threat posed by many biofuel species is all the more ironic as Australia has ample experience with disasters following "blind enthusiasm for new industries and a blithe disregard for the consequences of introducing new species into the landscape," the ISC document warns. ISC has developed a recommended list of nine key policy reforms to address the issue, all essentially built on a risk assessment base. The Council's report, seen as an important step toward
eliminating ignorance of the problem, can be freely downloaded from the website www.invasives.org.au excerpted, with thanks, from the ISC website; thanks, also, to T. Low for information. Biofuel and Biotech Plants Assessed The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), a U.S. entity devoted to communicating "credible, science-based information," recently published two papers bearing on crop pest management. A CAST Commentary, "Biofuel Feedstocks: The Risk of Future Invasions," assesses the potential of biofuel crops for becoming weedy, invasive species and, while warning that such crops possess an ability to create economic and ecological damage through invasion of ecologically sensitive areas, suggests a multi-faceted process to both quantify and minimize this risk. A second document, an Issues Paper entitled "Implications of Gene Flow in the Scale-up and Commercial Use of Biotechnology-Derived Crops: Economic and Policy Considerations," describes the nature of gene flow related to biotech crops and the conditions (said to be limited) under which economic problems can develop. The paper discusses regulatory, policy, and research factors related to gene flow of biotech crops. Both documents were prepared by "an impressive group of scientists," according to CAST, and can be freely accessed in their entirety at www.cast along with CAST news release summarizations. excerpted, with thanks, from the CAST website.
*GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * In field experiments aphid biosuppression always increased with greater predator biodiversity independent of prey species diversity or identity. -> G.B. Snyder, GBSnyder@wsu.edu. * IntercroppingZea mays(maize) andSorghum bicolor(sorghum) with food legumes enhancedStriga hermonthica(witchweed) control by cultural methods. -> Z.R. Khan, ZKhan@mbita.mimcom.net. * A contact bioinsecticide developed from a naturally occurring fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae has been tested and found effective for controlling the larval stage (white grubs) of the soil pest insect Phyllophagaspp. in Nepal. -> G.C. Yubak, YubakGC@yahoo.com. * Rotations with selectedBrassicaspp. vegetable crops helped manage soilborne diseases inFragaria x ananassa(strawberry) crops. -> K.V. Subbarao, KVSubbarao@ucdavis.edu. * Vegetation height, density, and other features can impact seed dispersal of adjacent plant species and thereby affect invasive plant management. -> K.W. Davies,
Kirk.Davies@oregonstate.edu. * A U.S. government study showed that non-target effects of Bt transgenic sweet corn on natural enemies and other arthropods were minimal. -> R.I. Rose, Robyn.I.Rose@aphis.usda.gov. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources *PUBLICATIONS PERUSED* IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention any publication focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review procedures please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (see address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. GLOBAL BIOCONTROL ADVENTURES Eschewing a dry, purely academic format, editors C.H. Vincent,et al have deftly distilled 44 science-based contributions into 44 concise, informative "adventures" (their term) in BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. The hardbound work, subtitled "Case Studies from Around the World," presents a realistic picture of scientific perseverance and tenacity yielding, in some cases, notable achievement, or conversely encountering disheartening impediments. The selected studies, contributed by a global contingent of scientists, have been edited into absorbing chapters devoid of jargon, stripped to the essentials, and often touching on the human, economic, and entrenched mindset realities of discovering, refining, and attempting to commercialize biocontrol systems. The 456-page, 2007 work includes a tipped in color multi-photo section as well as numerous black/white illustrations throughout. There are many publications on the biocontrol bookshelf, but for readers with an interest in biocontrol, a chunk of its history, and a taste for human and scientific adventure, this 2007 title stands out as a highly palatable and fascinating "read." {$} Customer Service, CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8DE, UK. orders@cabi.org. Fax: 44-1491-829292. Phone: 44-1491-829400. www.cabi.org NUTRITION AND PATHOLOGY LINKED Mineral nutrients are vital in production agriculture/horticulture due to being critical as a first line of defense against plant pathogens. A 2007, peer-reviewed hardbound volume from the American Phytopathological Society, MINERAL NUTRITION AND PLANT DISEASE, discusses the multiple relationships of nutrition and pathology in extensive detail, a body of knowledge too often overlooked or misunderstood in the study and diagnosis of plant diseases. Editors L.E. Datnoff,et al incorporate both theoretical and practical information, in the latter case information for obtaining disease suppression with use of specific mineral-supplying fertilizers. Chapters are devoted to each of the key mineral elements and cite critical nutritional levels required, interdependent interactions, and other related factors. Some 40 color and black/white illustrations are scattered throughout the volume's 285 pages. The book is said to be the first "to successfully combine two important plant disciplines, nutrition and pathology." {$} -> APS Press. 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. aps@scisoc.org. www.shopapspress.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766.
THE AREA-WIDE CONCEPT AND PRACTICE Area-wide management of crop pests gained credence in the recent past to the extent it gradually migrated from headline news to established practice. As editors M.J.B. Vreysen,et al describe it in AREA-WIDE CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS, a 2007 compilation, the approach is notable for being "co- ordinated, sustainable and preventative" while targeting "pest populations in all areas" be they agricultural, adjacent, or non-agricultural. With its subtitle of "From Research to Field Implementation," this extensive hardbound volume pulls together 66 contributed papers by experts from more than 30 nations expounding on all facets of researching, developing, applying, and institutionalizing the area-wide approach, particularly directed against pest insect species. The editors add a unique dimension in that they all possess direct experience with sterile insect technique programs successfully applied in numerous instances. One quibble: while references from the introduction throughout the work's 804 pages utilize the widely accepted terminology of "area-wide IPM," or "AW-IPM," the title inexplicably uses the throwback term "area-wide control." With over 30 color illustrations and material never previously presented in a single source, the volume stands as a highly useful reference for the global IPM/crop protection community. {$} Springer, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS. Phone: 49-0-6221-487-8132. www.springer.com. *WEB, PUBLICATION, CD/DVD, AND VIDEO NOTES* IPMnet NEWS welcomes information for websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. A USEFUL BIOCONTROL INFORMATION TOOL A group in NEW ZEALAND has created an informative website designed to provide an array of key facts, links, and needed elements to biocontrol researchers and practitioners planning to submit an application to introduce a new biocontrol organism into New Zealand. While obviously country specific, the 2007 site, "BIREA, Biocontrol Information Resource for ERMA [Environmental Risk Management Authority] New Zealand Applicants," www.b3nz.org can serve as a useful model and check list for similar situations and needs in other countries. The site addresses issues such as containment testing and requirements, release considerations, post-release monitoring, preparing for a public hearing, and other critical points necessary to ensure safety and minimize risks of escape and off-target problems. excerpted, with thanks, from the BIREA website; thanks to B.P.I. Barratt for information. POTATO LATE BLIGHT TARGETED Two European groups have joined forces to form the Potato Late Blight Network for Europe (EuroBlight). The intent is to focus onPhytophthora infestansand, through workshops and communication, devise effective integrated management systems. Topics addressed during a 2007 workshop ranged across decision support systems, host preferences, efficacy of fungicides, epidemiology, and the impact of what is labeled the ? epidemic." A follow-on workshop has been scheduled for October 2008. The organization's website, www.euroblight.net offers access to various reports, fungicide data, and links to other related resources. excerpted, with thanks, from
the EuroBlight website. IPM DEFINED, DEFINED, DEFINED .... While it hasn't been modified in nearly a decade, "The Compendium of IPM Definitions" (CID) still arguably represents the single most extensive single collection of IPM definitions (over 60) as found in citations from literature published worldwide during a nearly 50-year period (1950-1998). CID, at ipmnet.org was collected and prepared by W.I. Bajwa and M. Kogan. The Compendium reveals the fascinating early development of the term "integrated," as applied to protecting crops from pest organisms, and its evolution into "integrated pest management," now globally recognized as the accepted standard in not only crop protection, but amenity planting, forestry, building/structure management, and just about any instance where humans seek to limit the extent and potentially adverse effects of undesired insect, plant, pathogen, or vertebrate species. LIFE CYCLES AND NATURAL ENEMIES A European firm has produced a series of DVDs on pest insects, the latest being "Whiteflies and their Natural Enemies." The DVD "movie" (PAL-formatted so may not be read by NTSC-format players) describes the life cycles of both whiteflies and their natural enemies, includes visuals plus spoken commentary (available in Dutch, French, English, German, or Spanish). The information was made available as an aid to understanding of the development and activities of pest insects' predators. Other current DVDs, besides the whiteflies title, focus on aphids and spider mites, with several other productions in preparation. The DVDs are available through Biobest N.V.'s global distributor network. See: www.biobest.be. thanks to R. Pauwels for information. LAO LANGUAGE VERSION AVAILABLE The Univ. of California's Small Farm Center now offers a newly produced video in the Lao language as a complimentary resource for the long-running PESTICIDE SAFETY FOR SMALL FARMS publication. There are also English, Spanish, and Hmong versions. The publication and videos employ visual aids to help small-scale growers follow safe practices in storing, mixing, applying, and disposing of pesticides. More specifics at: www.sfc.ucdavis.edu {$} Small Farm Center, UC Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Fax; 1-530-752-7716. Phone: 1-530-752-8136. SITE OFFERS IPM DISCUSSION VENUE The website of the Association of Applied IPM Ecologists (AAIE) includes the category "Discussion Forum," an assemblage of IPM information both by and for AAIE members, links to articles of interest generated by non- members, and answers to submitted questions. Entries to the forum at www.aaie.net range from short observations to full length articles and pamphlets. While the bulk of material tends to be California-centric, there are items included with broader general IPM relevance such as the item "Agricultural Spray Adjuvants." excerpted, with thanks, from the AAIE web page.
CHILI ANTHRACNOSE ABSTRACTS The 67-page "Abstracts of the First International Symposium on Chili Anthracnose," edited by D.-G. Oh and K.-T. Kim, are on line in PDF at tinyurl.com The symposium was convened during September 2007 in Seoul, KOREA. thanks to B.J. Deverall for information. SPECIAL ISSUES A special BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY issue, 60(2), December 2007, has published papers (just over 300 pages worth) presented at the 1st International Phytoplasmologist Working Group Meeting held in Bologna, ITALY, in November 2007. See at: www.bulletinofinsectology.org. thanks to S. Maini for information. Volume 51, issue 3 of PEDOBIOLOGIA, August 2007, focuses its attention and full 100 pages on "Soil Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Genetically Modified CropsECOGEN," edited by P.H. Krogh and B.S. Griffiths. ECOGEN was a European Commission research initiative concerned with impacts of introducing agricultural "systems" including genetically modified crops. More at: www.ecogen.dk. *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* PLANT ECOLOGIST, CLIMATE IMPACT ON WEEDS, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA * Conduct bioclimatic modeling on the future impact of climate change on environmental weeds in Australia; carry out supporting field and glasshouse research. * REQUIRES: degree in biological science or equivalent; experience in GIS, bioclimatic modeling, database management, and reporting desired. * CONTACT: M. Leishman, Dept. of Biological Sci., Macquarie Univ., NSW 2109, AUSTRALIA. Michelle.Leishman@mq.edu.au. Phone: 61-02-9850-9180. VIRUS VECTOR BIOLOGIST, Tifton, GA, USA * Develop a nationally recog- nized program on virus-vector interactions emphasizing economically important and emerging plant virus diseases in the southeastern U.S.; collaborate with other scientists. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology, plant pathology, or related discipline; expertise in transmission and etiology of viruses, vector feeding behavior, vector-pathogen relationships at the cellular level, and related fields. * CONTACT: Assistant Dean, Vector Biology Selection Comm., PO Box 748, Univ. of Georgia CPES, Tifton, GA 31793, USA. dirtif@uga.edu.
*EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* ASSESSING PRESSURE GAUGE ACCURACY One of the major sources of pesticide misapplication is faulty equipment such as worn nozzles or inaccurate pressure gauges. Devices for field testing nozzles are available, and now two U.S. Dept. of Agriculture specialists have designed and built a simple portable device for testing pressure gauges, the other important component. The device consists of a commercially available body and a factory-calibrated pressure gauge, a small water canister attached to a pistol grip
handle, and a threaded port. Growers remove their gauge, insert it into the threaded port, fill the canister with water, squeeze the handle, and compare the pressure reading from the calibrated gauge with the reading from their gauge. If there is only a small variance, growers can safely continue to use their gauge and merely adjust spray pressure for the desired reading. But if the variance is significant, the faulty gauge needs to be promptly replaced. -> H. Zhu, Heping.Zhu@ars.usda.gov. Phone: 1-330-263-3871. thanks to D. Comis for information; excerpted, with thanks, from the USDA-ARS website at tinyurl.com ORGANIC PRODUCTS FOR PEST MANAGEMENT A recently launched firm, Marrone Organic Innovations (MOI), engages in natural product innovation for pest management and has begun developing and marketing "effective and environmentally responsible natural products that focus on unmet needs for weed, pest [insect] and plant disease management" according to www.marroneorganics.com the firm's website. Among a slate of newer and forthcoming products either on the market or to be introduced by MOI are: GreenMatch-O, said to be an organic, non-selective, economical burndown bioherbicide based on a citrus oil extract; a second organic bioherbicide; a biofungicide; several bioinsecticides; a rice- specific bioherbicide; and other products for conducting pest management organically. -> P. Marrone, Marrone Organic Innovations, Inc., 2121 2nd. St., Suite B-107, Davis, CA 95618, USA. Fax: 1-530-750-2808. Phone: 1-530-750-2800. PMarrone@marroneorganics.com. back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Development of an Integrated Approach for Managing Bacterial Wilt and Root-knot on Tomato Under Field Conditions," Ji, P.,et al * PLANT DIS., 91(10), 1321-1326, October 2007. "Maize Streak Virus-resistant Transgenic Maize: A First for Africa," Shepherd, D.N.,et al * PLANT BIOTECH. JRNL., 5(6), 759-767, November 2007. Weed Science """""""""""" "Direct Effects of Tillage on the Activity Density of Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Weed Seed Predators," Shearin, A.F.,et al ENVIRON. ENTOM., 36(5), 1140-1146, October 2007. "Feeding Preferences of Weed Seed Predators and Effect on Weed Emergence," White, S.S.,et al * WEED SCI., 55(6), 606-612, November 2007. Entomology """""""""" "A Review of the Pest Status and Control Options forThrips palmi"
Cannon, R.J.C.,et al * CROP PROT., 26(8), 1089-1098, August 2007. "Economic Threshold for Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)," Ragsdale, D.W.,et al * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 100(4), 1258-1267, August 2007. "IPM Program Successful in California Greenhouse Cut Roses," Casey, C., et al * CALIF. AGRIC., 61(2), 71-78, April-June 2007. Vertebrate """""""""" "Things that Go Munch in the Night," Bubl, C.E. * DIGGER, 51(11), 26-31, November 2007. General """"""" "Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Community Integrated Pest Management Training in Nepal," Atreya, K. * AGRIC. AND HUMAN VALUES, 24(3), 399-409, September 2007. "Global Warming Means More Pests," Quarles, W. * IPM PRACT., 29(9/10), 1-8, September/October 2007. "Slug Control in Australian Canola: Monitoring, Molluscicidal Baits and Economic Thresholds," Nash, M.A.,et al * PEST MGMT. SCI., 63(9), 851-859, September 2007. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments Volunteer Multi-Trait Plants Pose Threat Growers planting maize genetically modified with Bacillus thuringiensis to resist pest insects are well aware, or should be, of the need to include refuges of non-Bt maize to minimize the development of Bt-resistant insect pests. Entomologist C.H. Krupke asserts that there is another potential source for increased insect resistance, unwanted "volunteer" maize plants that emerge from seed produced by the previous year's crop. The increasing popularity of multi-trait (M-T) biotech maize varieties, which may include herbicide resistance, complicates conventional practice for eliminating volunteer plants. Dr. Krupke points to more M-T maize volunteers in the last few seasons and the fact that these plants, for some reason, do not express Bt at the same level as newly planted varieties, thus allowing insects to attack volunteer plants and be exposed to sub-lethal doses of the bacillus and eventually develop resistance capability. Volunteer maize, especially M-T plants, needs to be controlled as well as refuges maintained to stay a step ahead of pest insect resistance development, Krupke advises. -> C.H. Krupke, CKrupke@purdue.edu, excerpted, with thanks, from Ag Answers, 03 January 08. Guide Profiles Insect Predators A new publication, A POCKET GUIDE, COMMON NATURAL ENEMIES OF CROP AND GARDEN PESTS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, is self descriptive. A series of six-per-page panels depicts predators of literally garden variety pest insects, complete with full color, close up photos, identification points, observation tips (where and when to see these species), and a note on predacious activity. Author M. Ambrosino has added an extra feature, in most instances, of other species that may be similar in appearance or otherwise mistakne for the profiled predators.
The Guide, intended to be printed on heavyweight paper or card stock and punched to fit a ring system, can be freely downloaded from tinyurl.com and should prove to be a handy tool, so long as "pests" in this case don't refer to weeds, vertebrates, or pathogens. -> M. Ambrosino, IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. OR 97331, USA. Phone: 1-541-737-2638. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. AmbrosiM@science.oregonstate.edu. Annual Report Published The Western IPM Center, one of four such regional U.S. organizations, has published its 2006 Annual Report highlighting the Center's grants programs, accomplishments, and special issues. The full color, attractive report can be downloaded from the Center's website at www.wripmc.org as can a variety of related reports, newsletters, and other information. -> R.S. Melnicoe, WRIPMC, 4249 Meyer Hall, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Fax: 1-530-754-8379. RSMelnicoe@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-754-8378. back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) Program Achieves IPM Advances With its approach of cross-nation, multi-institute collaboration, the IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) has developed a presence in 32 nations, helped achieve a record of positive impacts, and continues to conduct both global theme and regional programs. A listing of selected achievements and impacts arising from IPM-CRSP activities is at www.oired.vt.edu (click on "Impacts of the IPM CRSP" in left column). The roster, arranged by global region or site, specifies the involved crop, the technology implemented, and the resulting benefits. As an example, developing an IPM package of practices forLycopersicon esculentum_/_Solanum lycopersicum(tomato) in Honduras helped cut pesticide use by half while contributing to a significant per hectare profit increase. -> Director, IPM-CRSP, IAO Building, Virginia Tech, 526 Prices Fork Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24061-0378, USA. ipm-dir@vt.edu. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. excerpted with thanks from the IPM-CRSP website. back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events, incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site includes features intended to improve convenience to users. The "IPMnet CALENDARUpdate" continues to appear in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied
by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. ............................................................. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 14 January 2008 2008 (N) 28-30 January * CALIFORNIA WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, "Everyone Benefits from Weed Control," Monterey, CA, USA. Contact: J. Letterman, PO Box 3073, Salinas, CA 93912-3073, USA. manager@cwss.org. Fax: 1-831-442-2351. Phone: 1-831-442-0883. cwss.org. 28-31 January * SOUTHERN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Jacksonville, FL, USA. Contact: SWSS, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA. Raschwssa@aol.com. Fax: 1-217-352-4241. Phone: 1-217-352-4212. www.swss.ws. 18-20 February * 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE AND PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN ORGANIC FRUIT-GROWING, Weinsberg, GERMANY. Contact: J. Kienzle, FOO, Apfelbluetenweg 28, D-71394 Kernen, GERMANY. Kienzle@ecofruit.net. Fax: 49-7151-270-0481. Phone: 49-7151-270-0480. www.ecofruit.net. 11-13 March * WESTERN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE ANNUAL MEETING, Anaheim, CA, USA. Contact: WSWS, 205 W. Boutz, Bldg. 4, Ste. 5, Las Cruces, NM 88005, USA. wsws@marathonag.com. Phone: 1-575-527-1888. www.wsweedscience.org. 27-29 March * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOTIC PLANT INTERACTIONS, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: P. Schenk, P.Schenk1@uq.edu.au. www.uq.edu.au 23-25 April * 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, CUBA. Contact: simposio.ibp.co.cu. 20 May * 60TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Ghent, BELGIUM. Contact: Fac. of Bioscience Engrg., Ghent Univ., Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM. iscp@ugent.be. Fax: 32-0-9-264-6249. Phone: 32-0-9-264-6009. www.iscp.ugent.be. 27-30 May * new information * WEEDS ACROSS BORDERS CONFERENCE, "View from the North," Banff, AB, CANADA. Contact: D. Schoepp, ACCA, #104, 5013 48th St., Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1L8, CANADA. Phone: 1-780-963-3766. DSchoepp@acca.coop. www.acca.coop 24-29 August * 22ND CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Uberlandia, MG, BRAZIL. Contact: Minasplan Ltda., Rua Frederico Nogueira 130, Grajau 30430-640, Belo Horizonte, MG, BRASIL. Phone: 55-31-3371-3377. entomologia@minasplan.com.br. www.entomologia2008.com.br.
28-31 October * EUROBLIGHT WORKSHOP, Hamar, NORWAY. Contact, A. Hermansen, BioForsk, Hogskoleveien 7, As 1432, NORWAY. Arne.Hermansen@planteforsk.no. (N) 07-08 November * ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIOCONTROL PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING, Stoneville, MS, USA. Contact: M. Burt, exec. director, phone: 1-714-544-8295. execdir@anbp.org. www.anbp.org. 16-21 November * 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE BIOSAFETY OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (ISBGMO), Wellington, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: The Conference Company, PO Box 90-040, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND. Fax: 64-9-360-1242. Phone: 64-9-269-1240. isbgmo@tcc.co.nz. www.isbgmo.info. 08-11 December * NORTH CENTRAL WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Contact: NCWSS, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA. Raschwssa@aol.com. Fax: 1-217-352-4241. Phone: 1-217-352-4212. www.ncwss.org. 2009 (N)09-12 February * WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: WSSA, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044- 8897, USA. wssa@allenpress.com. Fax: 1-785-843-1274. Phone: 1-785-843-1235. www.wssa.net. 2010-2011 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.