IPMnet NEWS September 2008, Issue no. 165 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs "Global Principles, Local Practices" Embarked on a 15th year of IPM service publishing. * IPMnet NEWS is a freely available, global electronic IPM information resource published every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). Next issue (#166) will be published circa 15 October 2008. ISSN:1523-7893. IN THIS ISSUE: I. IPM News: - International IPM Meeting Interest Builds BCPC Scraps Historic Global Meeting GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS II. IPM-Related Resources III. IPM-Related Publications IV. IPM Medley > PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES > EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Papers: > SELECTED TITLES VI. U.S. Regional IPM Centers: - Weed Scouting in Maize and Soybean - A Useful Pesticide Safety Website - New E-Newsletter Features Invasive Plant Management VII. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - On the IPM-CRSP Research Front VIII. IPMnet CALENDARUpdate: > (N)ew or [R]evised Entries for the IPMnet CALENDAR ### I. IPM NEWS international IPM news and programs International IPM Meeting Interest Builds World agricultural conditions increasingly emphasize the vital im- portance of crop protection/crop pest management. Concurrently, the IPM concept (integrated pest management) has steadily gained importance and global acceptance. In recognition of these converging elements and the fact that the previous U.S. National IPM
Symposium in 2006 attracted representatives from 23 nations among a total of well over 650 attendees, organizers of the forthcoming tri-annual IPM meeting have significantly expanded the event's scope and recast it as the 6th International IPM Symposium, scheduled for 24-26 March 2009, in Portland, OR, USA. The gathering, under the banner of "Transcending Boundaries," will address IPM across disciplines internationally. Plenary session speakers include a World Bank pest management specialist and a Dutch expert on IPM in multifunctional cropping systems, among several others. As initiated previously, event organizers are inviting agencies, corporations, and other organizations with an interest in, or link to, IPM to consider becoming sponsors, contributors, and exhibitors. Details of the various opportunities available, as well as much more information, is online: www.ipmcenters.org To receive future notices about the 6th International IPM Symposium, send inquiries to: IPMsymposium@ad.uiuc.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from the International IPM Symposium website. BCPC Scraps Historic Global Meeting The British Crop Production Council (formerly British Crop Protection Council) recently shocked the global crop protection universe with a terse message advising that it was canceling its historic annual Congress in November 2008 and henceforth. The abrupt action was said to be triggered by eroded income initially stemming from drastically reduced meeting participation in 2001, plus "other" factors related to funding and liabilities which, according to BCPC, show no hope of reversing. The highly regarded event, for years widely known as the `Brighton Meeting,' was characterized by M. Redbond, editor of CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY, as the "centerpiece of the UK crop protection year," and a meeting that apparently had of late "rather lost its way." The congress cessation announcement, however, indicated that although BCPC's commercial arm has been placed in receivership, the BCPC publications program would continue for the time being, as will its newer electronic news service, BCPC News (news@bcpc.org). Dr. P.C. Jepson, currently Director of the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ. (USA), attended each of the annual BCPC events 1981-1995 and reflects on the experience in the following commentary. "The British Crop Protection Council annual meetings began an unbroken run in 1976, alternating between weeds one year and pests [i.e., insects, ed.] and diseases the next, until the decision was taken to cancel the 2008 meeting. Predating this by over 20 years, however, the less regular meetings of the British Weed Control Council, and the British Insecticide and Fungicide Council chronicled the development of the pest control industry and the increasing reliance on chemicals that characterized pest control in the second half of the 20th century. "The famous bound conference proceedings reveal the deep scholarship and understanding of basic pest biology in both industry and academic institutes that supported many of the new
developments in chemical management in the 1950's and 1960's. In later editions, it is possible to track the rising confidence and dominance of the chemical industry in the 1970's and 1980's that, in hindsight, was accompanied by a loss of scholarly depth and inquiry and an intensification of marketing and opportunistic growth. "IPM emerged as the dominant crop protection paradigm through this period, and proceedings in the 1990's, up to last year, reflect, in my view, the challenges faced by a discipline that had lost contact with its roots in basic understanding of pest biology and had become preoccupied with environmental impact and the challenges of defining and delivering sustainability. "Just at the point where a food crisis is looming, the meeting that annually defined, in an honest and open way, both the best and worst that the chemical industry can offer the world of crop protection and IPM, a hiatus has occurred. As someone who gave his first talk in the terrifying 10 minute talk sessions of the BCPC meeting in 1981, I hope that the BCPC is able to take off where it left the global pest control plot hanging in 2008, and continues to chronicle the struggle to manage pests." -> P.C. Jepson, JepsonP@science.oregonstate.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from CROP PROTECTION MONTHLY, issue 224, July 2008. *GLOBAL IPM SNAPSHOTS* * The damage threshold in soybeans caused by any phytophagous insect pest during bloom to full pod growth stages is an estimated 15 percent defoliation on all leaves before insecticide application is warranted. -> T. Baute, Tracey.Baute@ontario.ca. * Entomopathogenic nematodes successfully controlled the major pest insect attackingAsparagus officinalis(asparagus) in Greece. -> G. Salpiggidis, Salpiggidis.G@tsantali.gr. * Compounds extracted from two genera of bacteria effectively helped suppress several economically important fungal plant pathogens that attackCarya illinoensis(pecan) andPrunus persica(peach) crops. -> D. Shapiro-Ilan, David.Shapiro@ars.usda.gov. * The European Parliament's proposed ban on many currently used pesticides is predicted to cut UK potato production up to 40 percent. -> A. Arbuckle, at business.scotsman.com. ### II. IPM-RELATED RESOURCES web, CD/DVD, video and short publications * IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. DISEASE MANAGEMENT DATA COMPILED The 2008 version of PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT REPORTS (vol. 2) offers well over 500 searchable one-, or two-page reports discussing the effectiveness of fungicides and
nematicides, resistant (plant) varieties, and other biocontrols that defend against crop (field and horticultural) diseases. Each individual report provides a summary outlining trial conditions and results, plus trial data such as treatment rates, application timing, and observed efficacy of tested products. The compilation, published by Plant Management Network, and found at tinyurl.com is said to be the basis for many recommended disease management practices and pest management decisions. The material can be searched by keyword or section: the latter includes cereal and forage crops; citrus, tropical, and vegetable crops; field crops; ornamentals and trees; pome fruits; small fruits; stone fruits and nuts; turfgrass; and seed treatments for all crops. {$} -> M. Wimer, PMN, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. MWimer@scisoc.org. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-994-3860. thanks to M. Wimer for information. A MASSIVE WEED IDENTIFICATION TOOL Unwanted plants have been and continue to be a major bane for many regions of AUSTRALIA. The 2008 Lucid-based product, ENVIRONMENTAL WEEDS OF AUSTRALIA, published by the Center for Biological Information Technology (CBIT) at Australia's Univ. of Queensland, takes aim at the problem by providing a massive visual-plus-text database of more than 1,000 plant species, and is intended to serve as a comprehensive tool for improving identification of weed infestations as needed to apply effective management methods. The interactive resource, on DVD, was compiled by S. Navie and S. Adkins and developed by the former Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management together with CBIT. It offers: detailed descriptions of weed species; links to website information; a search engine; a detailed cross-linked glossary; and loads of full color images. {$} CBIT, Univ. of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA. enquiries@cbit.uq.edu.au. Phone: 61-0-7-336-51854. Fax: 61-0-7-336-51855. www.cbit.uq.edu.au excerpted, with thanks, from the CBIT website; special thanks to G. Norton for material. [NOTE: "environmental weeds" are defined, according to Australian ecologist B. Stewart, as "a group of invasive plants that can affect native plants and animals adversely." ed.] HELPING BENEFICIALS BE BENEFICIAL A June 2008 publication from the UK's HGCA (Home-Grown Cereals Authority) profiles key groups of beneficial species that in some way directly or indirectly deter pest (mainly insect) species. The 24-page publication, BENEFICIALS ON FARMLAND: IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES, is a colorful, informative, and important resource aimed at growers in the UK, but with far greater geographic utility. The document, online at tinyurl.com classifies beneficials as predators, parasites, pollinators, or detritivores. An effective combination of bright full color closeup photos and brief text introduce and identify seven broad beneficial groups. A second section, "Managing Habitat," follows the `SAFE' acronym: Shelter; Alternative prey; Flower-rich habitat; and, Environment to emphasize best practices for nurturing and encouraging desirable species. Suggestions and directions are given for establishing overwintering grassy habitats, "beetle banks," and buffer zones. The publication can also be ordered from HGCA. -> HGCA, Caledonia House, 223 Pentonville Rd., London N1 9HY, UK. Phone: 44-020-7520-3920. excerpted, with thanks, from the HGCA website; thanks to C. Edwards for information. COST-BENEFITS OF FRUIT FLY MANAGEMENT OPTIONS
In 2007 the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture published COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS MODEL: A Tool for Area-Wide Fruit Fly Management, as a CD to assist in economic decision making associated with area-wide fruit fly control options. The model, prepared by W. Enkerlin, is intended to be used by working groups as a support tool for assessing various fruit fly management strategiessuppression, eradication, containment, and prevention. The disc contains a 17-page Procedures Manual to assist with using the various software elements included. Working groups employing the analysis are said to be most effective when they include professionals in agriculture with area-wide IPM experience, an entomologist with background in the application of the sterile insect technique, and an economist or at minimum a person with basic knowledge of economics. -> Insect Pest Control Sub-programme, Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA. Fax: 43-1-26007-21632. Phone: 43-1-2600-21628. R.Cardoso-Pereira@iaea.org. USING BENEFICIAL NEMATODES EFFECTIVELY Techniques for utilizing entomopathogenic nematodes are becoming an important weapon in the IPM toolbox, according to C. Hadley, who has prepared a short, concise fact sheet, "Five Tips for Using Beneficial Nematodes." While the thrust of the information is canted toward North America, Ms. Hadley's practical points have far broader geographical pertinence and application. The short factsheet can be freely accessed at: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from the Assn. of Natural Bio-control Producers latest newsletter; thanks also to L. LeBeck. ### III. IPM-RELATED PUBLICATIONS books, other longer publications * IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. BIOCONTROL IN DETAIL A major hurdle for wider application of biological control in agriculture is often blamed on insufficient knowledge about, and lack of ready access to specifics for, conducting an effective biocontrol program. Publication of an extensively illustrated 2008 softbound work, BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECTS AND MITES, An Introduction to Beneficial Natural Enemies and Their Use in Pest Management, fills in many of the perceived voids and provides a clear, concise text backed by dozens of full color illustrations that together furnish answers to most of the niggling "how to" questions surrounding insect biocontrol. Aside from profiling the main natural enemies of insect pests, this 116-page volume's critical sections address the issues surrounding biocontrol implementation, cost analysis, planning a biocontrol effort, integrating biocontrol into an IPM framework, and assessing the results and impact of so doing (elements that can also apply to weed and disease biocontrol). Is there a need to purchase natural enemies? How can quality be determined? What volume or release density is needed? What are the optimum release methods? Authors D.L. Mahr,et al answer these questions with practical information and visual, full color closeup photos. A PDF file can be freely downloaded from learningstore.uwex.edu but the very reasonably priced hard copy version is desirable for its
coated paperstock and vivid illustrations. Editor L. Deith, designer S. Anderson, and producer M. Miller also share credit for this outstanding work. Item #A3842. {$} -> Cooperative Extension Publications, Univ. of Wisconsin, Room 227, 432 N. Lake St., Madison, WI 53706, USA. Fax: 1-608-265-2530. See: tinyurl.com thanks to P. Whitaker for information. A PEST INSECT REFERENCE D.V. Alford, a well known and respected entomologist and noted authority, has been a prolific author of many titles, among them A COLOUR ATLAS OF FRUIT PESTS. This 1984 work presented comprehensive profiles of pest insects and mites, their identification, biology, and control, but with a primary focus on the `British Isles.' More than a decade later, with the earlier volume as a starting point, Dr. Alford prepared a thoroughly revised version expanded to cover all of Europe and now renamed PESTS OF FRUIT CROPS, A COLOR HANDBOOK. This hardbound volume published in 2007 utilizes the same effective complementary format of compact text and clear full color close-up photos (well over 1,100 of them). Eight chapters examine: true bugs; beetles; true flies; butterflies and moths; smaller insect orders; sawflies, ants and wasps; and mites. Intended predominantly as an identification reference, the book excludes management matters and natural enemies information which Alford suggests is usually available from more localized sources. A host plant index is included as well as a general index, a selected bibliography, and a nomenclature cross listing of the wild or ornamental host plants cited in the text. This notable, 461-page reference (which uses the term "pest" in the narrow sense instead of the more all-encompassing manner that refers to weeds and diseases as well as insects) is printed on coated paperstock and is copyright by Manson Publishing and published by Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier. {$} -> Elsevier/Academic Press, for more information see: tinyurl.com thanks to R. Dodd for material. TOWARD PLANT DISEASE MANAGEMENT Editors G. Saxena and K.G.Mukerji draw upon an international contingent of researchers and academics to examine the microbial control of pest insects, the use of nematophagous fungi and biofumigation for the control of plant-parasitic nematodes, deployment of genetically manipulated microbes, and the biology and control of vectors. The result is a 2007 monograph, MANAGEMENT OF NEMATODE AND INSECT-BORNE PLANT DISEASES. The publication's objective is to offer a detailed description of management approaches for nematode and insect-caused diseases. The softbound, 305-page volume discusses various control options, including IPM. Over 70 black/white illustrations, some with dubious clarity, are included. {$} -> Taylor & Francis/Haworth Press, 325 Chestnut St., Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA. Phone: 1-215-625-8900. Fax: 1-215-625-2940. haworthpress@taylorandfrancis.com. A COMPREHENSIVE PESTICIDE REFERENCE Completely revised and updated, the latest hard copy version of THE PESTICIDE MANUAL (14th edition) contains 881 main entries (38 new items, including 21 new molecules, 9 substances not previously listed, and 7 additional pheromones), plus well over 600 abbreviated entries for superseded products, all neatly stuffed into a robust 1,360+ pages. Main entries for currently registered substances include nomenclature, chemical structure, commercial history, mode of action, toxicology, commercialization, applications, environmental fate, and more, varying in scope depending on the product. As with previous editions, editor C. Tomlin offers an unsurpassed reference in this most recent (late 2006) hard cover world compendium. The volume, said to contain "the most comprehensive
information on active ingredients for control of crop pests in the world" includes a directory of companies. A handy page tabbing system aids navigation through the hefty volume. At the website tinyurl.com interested viewers can click to view a sample of selected main entries. The notable manual is also available as a PC-CD ROM. {$} BCPC Publications, 7 Omni Business Ctr., Omega Park, Alton, Hamps. GU34 2QD, UK. Fax: 44-0-1420-593-209. publications@bcpc.org. Phone: 44-0-1420593-200. ### IV. IPM MEDLEY professional opportunities; and, equipment, products, processes, & services *PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES* PLANT HEALTH SUPERVISOR, Zeeland, MI, USA * Establish sustainable growing protocols for production of herbaceous perennials; conduct plant health activities. * REQUIRES: Proficiency in IPM practices, nutrition management, and virus testing; experience in plant health programs; satisfaction working with plants; a disciplined, professional, and focused approach. * CONTACT: Human Resources, Walters Gardens, Inc., PO Box 137, Zeeland, MI 49463, USA. blo@waltersgardens.com. www.waltersgardens.com. CROP PROTECTION FIELD SCIENTIST, Latin America * Plan and implement field research and development programs to validate field performance of new product concepts; assess future marketplace needs and inform others; provide technical support for sales efforts; maintain relationships with various stakeholders. * REQUIRES: In-depth knowledge of the theories and practices of crop protection disciplines; demonstrated proficiency in conducting and publishing refereed research; preferred, PhD in a crop protection discipline; demonstrated ability to transfer technology; ability to communicate with diverse audiences. * CONTACT: R.D. Schultz, Dow AgroSciences, 9330 Zionsville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA. RDSchultz@dow.com. Cell: 1-317-847-3031. Phone: 1-317-337-5149. See: tinyurl.com *EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES* ADDITIVE IMPROVES AQUATIC WEED MANAGEMENT A newer additive specifically formulated for use with aquatic herbicides is said to be capable of reducing herbicide amounts used for managing submerged aquatic weeds by up to 80 percent compared to conventional application techniques. The product, Hydrogel, binds with the aquatic herbicide diquat dibromide (Reglone), and, because it is heavier than water, sinks below the water surface to then attach the herbicide- carrier mix to submerged aquatic plant surfaces. The process, using a non-volatile, non-systemic, direct contact herbicide, greatly reduces drift and risk of unwanted environmental impact. The active ingredient is deactivated shortly after application making the herbicide-carrier combination ideal for controlling invasive plants in slow moving waterways or impounded water bodies, says the manufacturer. -> P. Harper, Hydrogel Australia, 33 Lagonda Dr., Ingleburn, NSW 2565, AUSTRALIA. Peter@bettersafe.com.au. Fax: 61-960-59414. www.hydrogel.com.au. ### V. IPM-RELATED RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS
*SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """""""""""""" "Biological Control of Potato Verticillium Wilt Under Controlled and Field Conditions Using Selected Bacterial Antagonists and Plant Extracts," Uppal, A.K., et al * BIOL. CONTROL, 44(1), 90-100, January 2008. "Use of Resistant Cultivars and Reduced Fungicide Programs to Manage Peanut Diseases in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Fields," Woodward, J.E., et al * PLANT DIS., 92(6), 896-902, June 2008. Weed Science """""""""""" "Crop Competitive Ability Contributes to Herbicide Performance in Sweet Corn," Williams II, M.M., et al * WEED RESCH., 48(1), 58-67, February 2008. "The Potential of a Herbicide Resistant Maize Technology for Striga Control in Africa," De Groote, H., et al * AGRIC. SYST., 97(1-2), 83-94, April 2008. Entomology """""""""" "Evaluation of Color Traps for MonitoringLygusspp.: Design, Placement, Height, Time of Day, and Non-target Effects," Blackmer, J.L., et al * CROP PROT., 27(2), 171-181, February 2008. "Review of Invertebrate Biological Control Agent Regulation in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA: Recommendations for a Harmonized European System," Hunt, E.J., et al * JRNL. OF APPLD. ENTOM., 132(2), 89-123, March 2008. Transgenics """"""""""" "Genetically Modified Glyphosate-tolerant Soybean in the USA: Adoption Factors, Impacts and Prospects, A Review," Bonny, S. * AGRON. FOR SUST. DEVEL., 28(1), 21-32, January-March 2008. "Insect Resistance to Bt Crops: Evidence Versus Theory," Tabashnik, B.E., et al * NAT. BIOTECH, 26(2), 199-202, February 2008. General """"""" "Replanting Vineyards without Soil Fumigation," McKenry, M.V., et al * UC PLANT PROT. QTRLY., 18(1), 4-6, 2008. tinyurl.com Role of Research for Integrated Management of Invasive Species, Invaded Landscapes and Communities," Buckley, Y. * JRNL. OF APPLD. ECOL., 45(2), 397-402, April 2008. ### VI. U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS news, developments, programs Weed Scouting in Maize and Soybean
Weeds are an ever present scourge for many crops, including maize and soybean. In an extensively illustrated extension publication, PRACTICAL WEED SCIENCE FOR THE FIELD SCOUTCORN AND SOYBEAN, an experienced group led by agronomist K.W. Bradley provides a useful reference for determining the presence and specific identification of weeds in these key crops, as well as how to decide whether an economic threshold exists for implementing a weed management procedure. The 60-page document devotes the majority of its space to assessing crop response to herbicides, if applied. The 2007 work includes dozens of full-color, closeup photos to aid field scouting activities. Copies can be freely downloaded from the Missouri extension service web server at tinyurl.com AgGuide IPM1007. {$} for hard copy. -> Extension Pubs., Univ. of Missouri, 2800 Maguire Blvd., Columbia, MO 65211, USA. Fax: 1-573-884-5038. Phone: 1-573-882-7216. A Useful Pesticide Safety Website The Univ. of Illinois (USA) operates a pesticide safety program through its extension wing, as do many other U.S. states. Illinois' website web.extension.uiuc.edu is divided into well organized sections: fact sheets; a free periodic newsletter, "Illinois Pesticide Review;" a schedule of training events; and other relevant material. The site offers a series of manuals covering topics ranging from field crops to seed treatments, and includes the "Illinois Pesticide Applicator Training Manual: Plant Management," discussing IPM and other aspects of interiorscape plants. Among many fact sheets are those explaining Pesticide container disposal and pesticide record keeping. -> S. Bretthauer, SBrettha@uiuc.edu. New E-Newsletter Features Invasive Plant Management Montana State University's Center for Invasive Plant Management (CIPM, not to be confused with the original CIPM at North Carolina State University) has begun publishing a bi-monthly electronic newsletter highlighting the Center's activities as well as other weed and invasive plant management information. At www.weedcenter.org click on "e-newsletter" to gain access or launch a free subscription. -> CIPM, Montana State Univ., PO Box 173120, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA. weedcenter@montana.edu. Fax: 1-406-994-1889. thanks to M. McFadzen for information. ### VII. U.S. AID's IPM-COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (IPM-CRSP) news, developments On the IPM-CRSP Research Front A small hemipteran that attacks several genera of host plants, including economically important tropical fruits and ornamentals, has popped as an invader of Carica papaya (papaya) in INDIA and INDONESIA. Members of the IPM-CRSP found Paracoccus maginatus (papaya mealybug) in both nations, sought and received taxonomic verification of this key pest insect, and alerted governmental authorities in both cases. P. marginatus poses a serious threat to papaya, an important commercial crop; however, the insect is susceptible to biocontrol. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has developed a biocontrol protocol involving three parasitic wasp species. Additionally, commercially
available lady beetles (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) , as well as lacewings and hover flies are generalist predators that impact mealybug populations. The IPM-CRSP has extended information on appropriate actions against P. maginatus that have been effective elsewhere, and stands ready to assist in programs to contain, and manage this pest insect before populations explode beyond control. -> M. Muniappan, IPM-CRSP Director, IAO, 526 Prices Fork Rd. (0378), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. ipm-dir@vt.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from an IPM-CRSP "success story" flyer; and from the "Featured Creatures" website jointly prepared by the Dept. of Entomology and Nematology at the Univ. of Florida, and the Florida Dept. of Agric. and Consumer Services' Div. of Plant Industry. A revised on-line version of the IPM-CRSP Directory serves as a veritable "who's who" of individuals, institutions, and organizations around the world involved with or supporting the IPM-CRSP activity. The first section of the 50-page document, at tinyurl.com lists organizations and groups according to affiliation, while the second section provides an alphabetical list of individuals including address, phone, fax, email, and website, as available. excerpted, with thanks, from the IPM-CRSP website. ### VIII. IPMnet CALENDARUPDATE recent *additions* and *revisions* to a global listing of forthcoming IPM-related events, 2008-2013. NOTES: 1=> The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2=> The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director. The site is designed with features intended for the convenience of users. The "IPMnet CALENDARUpdate" appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3=> Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. .......... (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 02 September 2008 2008 (N) 22-26 September * 6TH SEMINARIO CIENTIFICO INTERNACIONAL DE SANIDAD VEGETAL, La Habana, CUBA. See: www.sanidadvegetalcuba.com. 29 September-01 October * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, INTEGRATED CONTROL IN
OILSEED CROPS, FIAP, Paris, FRANCE. Contact: B. Koopman, BKoopman@gwdg.de. wwwuser.gwdg.de 15-17 October * 23RD ANNUAL TOMATO DISEASE WORKSHOP, Raymond, MS, USA. Contact: D. Ingram, DavidI@ext.msstate.edu. Phone: 1-601-857-2284. tinyurl.com 02-05 November * CANCELED * 2008 BRITISH CROP PRODUCTION COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, Glasgow, UK. www.bcpc.org. (See "BCPC" article in section I.) (N) 10-13 November * 6TH CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE MICOLOGIA, "The Biotechnology Challenge and Biodiversity Preservation," Mar del Plata, ARGENTINA. Contact: almic.org. M.C. Rivera, MRivera@agro.uba.ar. (N) 19 November * CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP, THE FUTURE OF WEED RESEARCH IN THE UK, London, UK. Contact: C. Millman, AAB, c/o Warwick HRI, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Carol@aab.org.uk. Fax: 44-0-1789-470234. Phone: 44-0-1789-472020. tinyurl.com 01-04 December * 1ST INTERNATIONAL INVASIVE BIRD CONFERENCE, Fremantle, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: On Q Conference Support, PO Box 3711, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-02-6161-4719. info@onqconferences.com.au. Phone: 61-02-6288-3998. www.abcon.biz 02-04 December * 2008 NATIONAL FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT FORUM, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Contact: S. Canty, USWBSI, 380 Plant/Soil Sci., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1325, USA. scabusa@scabusa.org. Phone: 1-517-355-0271, ext. 183. www.scabusa.org 2009 (N) 18-22 January * FRENCH PLANT VIROLOGY CONGRESS, Aussois, FRANCE. (N) 05-07 February * 5TH AUSTRALASIAN SOILBORNE DISEASES SYMPOSIUM, Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, AUSTRALIA. Contact: G. Ash, Conference Logistics, PO Box 6150, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-2-6285-1336. Phone: 61-2-6281-6624. conference@conlog.com.au. www.conlog.com.au 09-12 March * new information * 2ND MEETING, IOBC WORKING GROUP, "INTEGRATED CONTROL OF PLANT FEEDING MITES," Firenze, ITALY. Contact: S. Simoni, Sauro.Simoni@isza.it. www.isza.it 01-03 April * INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - ADVANCES IN PLANT VIROLOGY, Harrogate, UK. Contact: AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Rachel@aab.org.uk. tinyurl.com 12-16 May * 5TH MEETING, IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, INDUCED RESISTANCE
IN PLANTS AGAINST INSECTS AND DISEASES," Granada, SPAIN. Contact: M.J. Pozo, MariaJose.Pozo@eez.csic.es. Phone: 34-958-181-600, ext. 301. www.fvccee.uji.es. 14-16 May * 3RD INTERNATIONAL DPG-BCPC PLANT PROTECTION AND PLANT HEALTH IN EUROPE SYMPOSIUM, "Crop Plant Resistance to Biotic and Abiotic Factors: Current Potential and Future Demands," Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: F. Feldmann, DPG, Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, GERMANY. Fax: 49-0-531-299-3019. Phone: 49-0-531-299-3213. dpg geschaeftsstelle@dpg.phytomedizing.org. (N) 31 May-04 June * 14TH INTERNATIONAL SCLEROTINIA WORKSHOP, Wilmington, NC, USA. Contact: J.D. Long, Jane_Corl@ncsu.edu. www.cals.ncsu.edu 12-15 July * SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS 48TH ANNUAL MEETING, Burlington, VE, USA. Contact: Society of Nematologists, PO Box 311, Marceline, MO 64658, USA. son@hughes.net. Fax/phone: 1-660-256-3331. www.nematologists.org. 14-18 September * INTERNATIONAL ISHS-PROMUSA SYMPOSIUM: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON ASIAN CHALLENGES (emphasizing crop protection), Guangzhou, CHINA. Contact: K. Lehrer, Bioversity Intl., 1990 Bd. de la Lironde, Parc Sci. Agropolis II, 34397 Montpellier, FRANCE. K.Lehrer@cgiar.org. Fax: 33-4-676-10334. www.promusa.org 29 September-01 October * APPS 2009, "Plant Health Management - An Integrated Approach," Newcastle, NSW, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Conference Secretariat, PO Box 6150, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-2-6285-1336. Phone: 61-2-6281-6624. conference@conlog.com,au. australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au 2010 [R] 07-11 August * corrected dates * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Nashville, TN, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 5521-2097, USA. PTrenda@scisoc.org. Phone: 1-651-994-3848. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. www.apsnet.org. 2011-2013 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years. ### * About IPMnet * IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information resource service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., USA, www.ipmnet.org and underwritten by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, www.csrees.usda.gov and the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program tinyurl.com IPMnet maintains working relationships with the International Society for Pest information www.pestinfo.org and the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences www.plantprotection.org. *IPMnet NEWS* #165, September 2008. ISSN: 1523-7893. *Disclaimer*: .....Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or
individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the underwriters. *Reprinting*: .....IPMnet NEWS content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source. *Contributing material to IPMnet NEWS: .... Items such as short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, plus notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome. *To Subscribe* (free), or to Unsubscribe: .... Send the message "subscribe," or "unsubscribe" to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state the specific e-mail address involved. * The IPMnet NEWS *Mailing List*: .... Is a PRIVATE list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet; it is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership. IPMnet NEWS *Editor/Coordinator*: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. *To contact* IPMnet NEWS: Email > IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax > 1-541-737-3080 Phone > 1-541-737-6275 Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Ctr., 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA