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IPMnet NEWS October 2008, Issue no. 166 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs "Global Principles, Local Practices" Embarked on a 16th year of IPM service publishing. * The IPMnet NEWS email version uses "traditional" plain text, and Courier fixed-space type font. * IPMnet NEWS is a freely available, global electronic IPM information resource published every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). Next issue (#167) will be published circa 01 December 2008. ISSN:1523-7893. IN THIS ISSUE: I. IPM News: - Australia to Launch Weeds Research Centre - Global Rust Thrust Renamed - Global IPM Notes II. IPM-Related Resources III. IPM-Related Publications IV. IPM Medley - Professional Opportunities - Equipment, Products, Processes, Services - Editorial Comment V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Papers: - Selected Titles VI. U.S. Regional IPM Centers: - Journal Provides Exotic Pest Plant Forum - Weed Identification Site Launched VII. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - On the IPM-CRSP Research Front VIII. IPMnet CALENDAR Update: (N)ew or [R]evised Entries for the IPMnet CALENDAR

I. IPM NEWS - International IPM news and programs - Global IPM Notes Australia to Launch Weeds Research Centre The Australian Government is in the process of establishing a reconstituted Australian Weeds Research Centre to function as the hub of a new comprehensive National Weeds Research and Productivity program that aims to reduce the impact of invasive plants on farm and forestry productivity and to preserve biodiversity. As envisioned, the new program arising from the ashes of the now disbanded Collaborative Research Center for Australian Weed Management will focus on improving the management of invasive plants in agriculture, forests, pastures, and native vegetation by: * investigating the most serious invasive plant problems in Australia; * uniting national experts, land managers, and stakeholders to improve the understanding of how to manage the risks associated with invasive plants; and by, * ensuring better coordination and information exchange between researchers, land managers, and regulatory agencies for the management of invasive plants. The new Centre will also undertake major responsibility for a comprehensive Senecio madagascariensis (fireweed) research program. Through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), the national government has committed a million over four years, 2008-09 to 2011-12, to fund the Centre, its various programs, and organizing work. In the meantime, an appointed interim Advisory Board is operating and has begun seeking input from all national stakeholders. The goal is establishment of a long-term collaborative Weeds Research Centre tasked to provide the best possible science to reduce the impact of weeds across Australia. The interim Advisory Board has set priorities for 2008-09 funding. Approximately a million is available for weed research projects, and an open call for research applications has been announced. See: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from the DAFF website; thanks also to K. Nankivell for information. Global Rust Thrust Renamed The Global Rust Initiative established in 2005 has now been recast as the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative (BGRI) the result of unanimous recommendations put forth at a global rust "summit" meeting that attracted 78 key participants representing 18 nations. The new title honors the achievements, vision, and humanitarian efforts of American agronomist and Nobel laureate N.E. Borlaug. Specifically, the BGRI "has the overarching objective of systematically reducing the world's

vulnerability to stem, yellow, and leaf rusts of wheat and advocating/facilitating the evolution of a sustainable international system to contain the threat of wheat rusts and continue the enhancements in productivity required to withstand future global threats to wheat" according to its redone website at: www.globalrust.org. Current participants include two international agricultural research centers engaged in international wheat research, plus representatives from 10 nations with an interest in advancing wheat pathology research, as well as the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. The BGRI invites all interested organizations to participate as general members. Cornell Univ. (USA) hosts the BGRI Secretariat. The BGRI will convene a 2-day technical workshop in MEXICO during March 2009, with a keynote presentation by Prof. N.E. Borlaug (see IPMnet Calendar). -> R.W. Ward, BGRI Secretariate, BGRI@cornell.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from the BGRI website. Global IPM Notes * In the French West Indies Musa spp. (banana) field ditches 50-80cm (20-31in.) deep blocked dispersion of Radopholus similis (nematode) via water runoff. -> C. Chabrier, Christian.Chabrier@cirad.fr. * Test results show predicted future higher levels of CO2 could as much as double the growth of invasive Cyperus spp. (nutsedge) weed species. -> H. Rogers, Hugo.Rogers@ars.usda.gov. * Tests in Switzerland found that consumption of Bt maize pollen (Cry1Ab or Cry3Bb1) did not harm adult Chrysoperla carnea (green lacewings). -> J. Romeis, Joerg.Romeis@art.admin.ch. * A radio "soap opera" (drama) based on an entertainment-education formula helped shift Vietnamese rice farmers' attitudes and pest management practices. -> K.L. Heong, KHeong@cgiar.org. * Soil applied imidacloprid (insecticide) may be translocated to nectar and thereby negatively affect key parasitoids of pest organisms. -> V.A. Krischik, Krisc001@umn.edu.

II. IPM-RELATED RESOURCES - Web, CD/DVD, video and short publications * IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM. Please send a review copy of the material to the address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. WEED BIOCONTROL REFERENCE A group of research scientists intensely focused on weed biocontrol in NEW ZEALAND has prepared and published a thorough reference based on a series of information sheets explaining the philosophy and practice of biocontrol of weeds in New Zealand, including how to recognize

and maximize the impact of weed biocontrol agents. THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS BOOK, Te Whakapau Taru, A New Zealand Guide, is unique in being comprehensive, yet arranged in a way that encourages readers to either download the full volume in its entirety from the site at www.landcareresearch.co.nz or be selective according to local conditions, needs, and interests. Sections address numerous aspects of weed biocontrol beyond weed and biocontrol agent specifics, including many topics that may not readily pop to mind such as: "How to Release Biocontrol Agents in a Way that Facilitates Assessment," and "Guidelines for Keeping Track of Biocontrol Agents." A series of forms provides a concrete starting point for other research efforts undertaking weed biocontrol. The sections are attractively designed and succinctly written, with an engagingly light touch. -> L. Hayes, Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Lincoln 7640, NEW ZEALAND. HayesL@landcareresearch.co.nz. Fax: 64-03-321-9998. Voice: 64-03-321-9999. PESTICIDE SAFETY PAMPHLET: CONFUSED The Eastern Africa Regional Programme Office (EARPO) of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF - formerly World Wildlife Fund) has published a well meant, but unfortunately organized and illustrated, 24-page booklet on an important topic. PESTICIDE SAFETY, An Introduction for Smallholder Farmers, lures readers with an appropriate cover photo, but inside lapses into a confusing hodge-podge of concise text calling for well established procedures primarily related to use of knapsack style sprayers, but paired with cartoonish drawings that depict exactly the opposite in many cases. In a following section, the accompanying drawing may support, rather than contradict, the text. A reader/viewer thus has to be able to distinguish between instances when the drawings are joking and when they are serious, a stretch the target audience may not be prepared to handle. The 2007 publication needs to be revised (after technical editing input) to eliminate the glaring inconsistency and avoid the potentially harmful misinterpretation. Give this one "E" for effort and "barely passing" in execution. Guide Book No. 1/07. -> WWF EARPO, PO Box 62440-00200, Nairobi, KENYA. info@wwfearpo.org. Fax: 254-20-387-7389. www.panda.org Voice: 254-20-387-7355. TROUBLESOME AGROMYZIDS The Agromyzidae (Diptera) are, according to notes accompanying a recently produced CD, a "group of small, morphologically similar flies whose larvae feed internally on plants, often as leaf and stem miners." To help manage the highly polyphagous species (within this broad group) who are considered to be important pests of agriculture and horticulture in many global regions, two Australian scientists produced POLYPHAGOUS AGROMYZID LEAFMINERS. This 2008 CD specifically identifies the agromyzid leafminers that are key pests in AUSTRALIA. The material, authored by M. Malipatil and P. Ridland, provides access to extensive information on pest agromyzid species primarily based on an illustrated interactive key (Lucid3) as an aid to helping users distinguish between pest and non-pest endemic agromyzids. Beyond images, the CD's fact sheets discuss distribution, cite nomenclature, and list host ranges, as well as important diagnostic characteristics. Additional data include links to numerous other resources, plus general information on techniques. The disc also contains an extensive bibliography. -> M. Malipatil, Mallik.Malipatil@dpi.vic.gov.au. excerpted, with thanks, from the CD's notes; thanks also to M. Malipatil and P. Ridland for providing material.

WITHER PESTICIDES IN EUROPE? The European Crop Protection Association sponsors a website www.pesticideinformation.eu "for information purposes only but we hope that it will also form the basis for a sound, open and balanced online debate on the future of pesticides in Europe and beyond," according to the website's "about" page. The site is said to offer a variety of resources to learn more about pesticides and "to better understand the arguments for and against them." The site includes "You Tube" videos, commentary, and the latest news concerning the ongoing situation with proposed limitations of pesticide use in the European Union. ECPA represents pesticide-linked national associations and companies throughout Europe, including Central and Eastern Europe, and claims the mantle of "the pan-European voice of the crop protection industry." -> ECPA, Ave. E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 6, 1160 Brussels, BELGIUM. ecpa@ecpa.eu. Fax: 32-0-2-663-1560. www.ecpa.be. excerpted, with thanks, from the ECPA website. JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES The journal BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS uses its August 2008 edition (vol. 10, no. 6) to highlight the topic of "Biology, ecology and management of the world's worst plant invasive species." Editor Inderjit has included 14 papers by an international contingent of scientists. See: tinyurl.com Vol. 122, no. 1 of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY is a Special Issue devoted to: "The downy mildews - genetics, molecular biology and control," comprising 15 papers based on information presented at the 2nd International Downy Mildew Symposium, convened in 2007 at Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC. The issue was edited by A. Lebeda,et al See: tinyurl.com "Endophytes" is the focus of vol. 6, no. 1, a special issue of BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, July 2008, consisting of seven papers as edited by P.A. Backman,et al See: tinyurl.com

III. IPM-RELATED PUBLICATIONS - books, other longer publications * IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on, or related to, crop or amenity plant IPM, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. ....................... {$} = indicates a publication can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage. SUPPORTING THE STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE The sterile insect technique (SIT) has evolved into an important strategy for pest insect eradication and, more recently, suppression, containment, and prevention. Scientists at the Insect Pest Control Section within the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme, Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, have been a leading component for global SIT development and expansion and, in this capacity, have recently published two related publications. MODEL BUSINESS PLAN FOR A STERILE INSECT PRODUCTION FACILITY addresses the expanding need for SIT activities and growing private sector interest. The 393-page

report discusses a breadth of issues and topics ranging from the numerous commercial issues related to sterile insect production to feasibility studies based on a financial model. Using text and abundant full color graphics, the 2008, softbound publication explains markets, the production process, and offers an international perspective by providing useful data and several case studies as well as extensive supplemental data. The result is a comprehensive reference. Identified as: Pub. IAEA-MBP. * Information garnered from trapping systems helps assess the presence, seasonal abundance, distribution, host sequence, and infestation levels of pest fruit flies. The vital importance of trapping in SIT programs led to several Coordinated Research Projects, the latest of which, along with preceding investigations, added up to significant progress. The information developed was discussed by international participants during the most recent project concluding meeting, and then compiled by FAO/IAEA staff scientist W. Enkerlin in the 2007 publication, DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED ATTRACTANTS AND THEIR INTEGRATION INTO FRUIT FLY SIT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES. The 230-page, softbound work (IAEA-TECDOC-1574) includes 24 papers, with abstracts and references, addressing a broad range of trapping technologies, techniques, and outcomes. -> Sales and Promotion Unit, IAEA, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA. sales.publications@iaea.org. www.iaea.org Fax: 43-1-2600-29302. Voice: 43-1-2600-22529. ALLIUM MALADIES The latest arrival in the American Phytopathological Society's well regarded compendia series is the second and vastly expanded edition of COMPENDIUM OF ONION AND GARLIC DISEASES AND PESTS. Editors H.F. Schwartz and S.K. Mohan have broadened the volume's scope with increased attention to non-pathogens, as well as profiles of dozens of infectious/biotic diseases. The discussion of each disease assesses its general importance, world distribution, symptoms, causal organism or agent, disease cycle and epidemiology, and management, along with selected references. The 2008 version weighs in at a muscular 130+ pages (compared to 60 pages in the first edition) bolstered by well over 200 full color photos and other black/white illustrations. The softbound work's "pest" section covers culprits such as Delia antiqua (onion maggot), Thrips tabaci and several other insect groups, again with identification (verbal and visual) plus management options. More than 20 experts contributed material to this comprehensive volume. {$} -> APS Press. 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. aps@scisoc.org. www.shopapspress.org. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. SWEET ON STRAWBERRY IPM The most recent addition to the Univ. of California's acclaimed IPM series is INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT FOR STRAWBERRIES, second edition, containing an additional 70 full color photos, compared to the first edition, plus numerous line drawings to supplement the text. The 2008, 182-page version now includes chapters devoted to strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) transplant production, and managing pests in strawberries grown in home gardens, as well as information about an additional eight pests and disorders. A season-by-season list describes important management activities. As with other entries in this ongoing authoritative series, the softbound volume is designed to aid both growers and pest management professionals

successfully recognize problems caused by a wide cross section of pest species and apply IPM approaches to achieve remediation. This now expanded reference, written by L.L. Strand with M.L. Flint handling technical editing, emphasizes prevention and damage diagnoses and lays out procedures for establishing an IPM regime' for strawberry fields. The comprehensive index is arranged to facilitate ease of use and, considering the depth and extent of information offered and multitude of color illustrations, is very, very reasonably priced. ANR Pub. #3351. {$} -> Univ. of California, ANR Comm. Svcs., 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. floor, Oakland, CA 94608-8849, USA. Fax: 1-510-643-5470. danrcs@ucdavis.edu. anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu

IV. IPM MEDLEY - Professional Opportunities - Equipment, Products, Processes, Services - Editorial Comment PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES EXTENSION ENTOMOLOGIST, Weslaco, TX, USA * Provide leadership in the development and execution of extension education and applied research programs that primarily address IPM of arthropods affecting crops grown in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and southern Texas; assume responsibilities in vegetable crop entomology; support regional programs in urban and general agricultural entomology; provide IPM training and technical assistance; work with others to plan, conduct, and evaluate educational programs in pest arthropod management; publish results in refereed journals; help secure extramural support. * REQUIRES: PhD in entomology; knowledge and experience with design, implementation, and evaluation of IPM approaches; demonstrated ability to closely cooperate and communicate effectively (verbal and written); understanding of field crop production principles and practices; computer competency. For details, see: insects.tamu.edu. * CONTACT: Weslaco Ext. Entomologist Search Comm., c/o P. Lundstrom, Dept. of Entomology, TAMU, 2475 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2475, USA. Fax: 1-979-845-7029. Voice: 1-979-845-7027. P-Lundstrom@tamu.edu. EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, SERVICES A SIMPLE MONITORING TRAP Pheromone-based traps can be an essential tool for assessing the extent of a pest insect's presence and whether the indicated population warrants mounting a formal scouting program. The traps do not predict if or when a field should be sprayed in instances where insecticides are utilized. Entomologists in North America often rely on an inexpensive, simply designed, and easily constructed pheromone-based trap for monitoring levels of insect pests such asRichia albicosta(western bean cutworm). The basic components: a 2-litre plastic milk container (jug), antifreeze solution, and a readily available pheromone lure. See: tinyurl.com for a description and construction details; and for close-up photos see: tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from the two websites; thanks also to T. Baute and R. Pope for information. EDITORIAL COMMENT

LOOKING BACK, LOOKING SIDEWAYS It's been an unwritten credo that IPMnet NEWS focus on the information it conveys and not lapse into navel gazing and self realization. But rules and credos can be crumpled, so indulge this brief reversing of the lens. A group of U.S. scientists, deeply involved with IPM and aware of both the increasing importance of IPM and the concept of global IPM information sharing, noted the emerging feasibility of sending periodic information by email. Dr. M. Kogan was instrumental in proposing the start-up of an IPM electronic newsletter, as was Dr. E. Glass. Kogan's colleagues at a meeting of the Consortium for International Crop Protection listened to his proposal and ventured out on that well worn limb to commit scarce funds for support of an emailed newsletter, and commissioned the birth of an all-IPM electronic-only newsletter. The resulting periodical published issue #1 in October 1993. Issue #1 started with a mailing list of some 300 names representing a handful of nations. Currently, well over 6,200 subscribers in 151 countries receive the IPMnet NEWS file, and quite a few others (an estimated 200-300) see the NEWS via pass-along files. Fifteen years passed. The issue in hand, #166, not only attests to the durability of the concept, but reflects increasing global awareness, interest, and commitment to more environmentally sensitive and effective approaches for crop pest management. While other IPM news vehicles have been launched, many sputtered into nonexistence for any of several reasons. To our knowledge, IPMnet NEWS was, and still is, the only freely available, global, IPM-centric electronically disseminated newsletter extant. When the Consortium ebbed away, a wing of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture assumed partial sponsorship of the NEWS in concert with establishment of four U.S. regional IPM Centers. More recently, the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM Collaborative Research Support Program joined in providing valued funding as well. Throughout, the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ. (USA) has hosted, fostered, and supported IPMnet, first under Dr. Kogan, and more recently under the directorship of Dr. P.C. Jepson. There are many other individuals who have contributed in various ways to IPMnet (forgive the failure to cite them individually). The International Society for Pest Information, headed by its executive director, Dr. B. Zelazny, has been a staunch and productive supporter, as has the International Association of Plant Protection Scientists, initially led by Dr. J. Apple, and more recently Dr. E. Heinrichs. But IPMnet NEWS would be only so many wandering electrons clogging the web if it weren't for the interest, acceptance, and continuity of all you faithful subscriber/readers. So please, help us keep the NEWS coming to you by kindly advising IPMnet when you have a change of email address so our mailing list can be kept up to date. We absolutely hate losing any subscribers. Ever.

Thanks to all for the ongoing support and positive feed back. A.E. Deutsch, editor/coordinator

V. IPM-RELATED RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS *SELECTED TITLES* Selections from current literature. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology "Effect of Crop Growth and Canopy Filtration on the Dynamics of Plant Disease Epidemics Spread by Aerially Dispersed Spores," Ferrandino, F.J. * PHYTOPATH., 98(5), 492-503, May 2008. "Optimizing Fungicide Timing for the Control of Rhizoctonia Crown and Root Rot of Sugar Beet Using Soil Temperature and Plant Growth Stages," Kirk, W.W., et al * PLANT DIS., 92(7), 1091-1098, July 2008. Weed Science "Innovation in Mechanical Weed Control in Crop Rows," Van Der Weide, R.Y., et al * WEED RESCH., 48(3), 215-224, June 2008. "Weed Population Dynamics after Six Years Under Glyphosate- and Conventional Herbicide-based Weed Control Strategies," Westra, P., et al * CROP SCI., 48(3), 1170-1177, May-June 2008. Entomology "Field Validation of Integrated Pest Management Module Against Insect Pests of Chickpea," Sharma, O.P., et al * IND. JRNL. OF PLANT PROT., 35(2), 350-351, 2007. "Implementing Reduced-risk Integrated Pest Management in Fresh-market Cabbage: Improved Net Returns via Scouting and Timing of Effective Control," Burkness, E.C., and W.D. Hutchison. * JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 101(2), 461-471, April 2008. "Suppression of Diamondback Moth Using Bt-transgenic Plants as a Trap Crop," Shelton, A.M.,et al * CROP PROT., 27(3-5), 403-409, March-May 2008. Transgenics "Bt Crop Effects on Functional Guilds of Non-target Arthropods: A Meta- analysis," Wolfenbarger, L.L.,et al * PLoS ONE, 3(5), 1-11, May 2008.

"Escape and Establishment of Transgenic Glyphosate-resistant Creeping BentgrassAgrostis stoloniferain Oregon, USA: A 4-year Study," Zapiola, M.L.,et al * JRNL. OF APPLD. ECOL., 45(2), 486-494, April 2008. General "Farmers' Perceptions of a `Push-Pull' Technology for Control of Cereal Stemborers andStrigaWeed in Western Kenya," Khan, Z.R.,et al * CROP PROT., 27(6), 976-987, June 2008. "Greenhouse Soil Solarization: Effect on Weeds, Nematodes and Yield of Tomato and Melon," Candido, V.,et al * AGRON. FOR SUST. DEVEL., 28(2), 221-230, April-June 2008.

VI. U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS - news, developments, programs Journal Provides Exotic Pest Plant Forum The Univ. of Florida (USA) is a major force behind the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council which, in association with the Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council, publishes WILDLAND WEEDS, a full color quarterly periodical. The publication helps fulfill the two councils' mission to "provide a forum for the exchange of scientific, educational and technical information" to support management of invasive exotic plants in natural areas. The spring 2008 issue of the journal features a report, "Confronting Cogongrass Across the South," based on a two-day 2007 workshop focused on Imperata cylindrica in the southern U.S. A scientist at the workshop noted that "most short and long distance spread of I. cylindrica can be attributed to the movement of seed and rhizomes on contaminated equipment, fill dirt, hay and possibly pine straw." The periodical is supported in part by private sector paid advertising. -> K.P. Brown, WILDLAND WEEDS, 7922 NW 71st St., Gainesville, FL 32653, USA. KPBrown@ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-3462. Voice: 1-352-392-1799. excerpted, with thanks, from WILDLAND WEEDS; thanks to K.P. Brown for material. Weed Identification Site Launched M.J. Renz, a weed scientist at the Univ. of Wisconsin (USA), has developed a new online, interactive weed identification tool to aid in identifying weed and invasive plant species. The utility's database, freely accessed at weedid.wisc.edu contains information for 280 of the most common pest plants found in various settings across the state of Wisconsin, and beyond. The system asks users a sequence of queries about the plant in questionits physical characteristics, habitat, and other elementsto help pinpoint the target species. The result is a list of plants generally matching the entered information, along with scientific and common names, plus thumbnail images. The user can then visually match an illustration with the targeted plant to arrive at the correct identification. -> M.J. Renz, 357 Moore Hall, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1575 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706, USA. Fax: 1-608-262-1390. Voice: 1-608-263-7437. MRenz@wisc.edu. tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from the "Weed ID Tool," and from "Wisconsin Crop Manager," 15(27), October 2008.

VII. U.S. AID's IPM-COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (IPM-CRSP) - news, developments On the IPM-CRSP Research Front Two years of collaborative investigation between scientists at Makerere Univ. (Kampala, UGANDA) and IPM-CRSP scientists resulted in an IPM program for tomatoes, a major high-value crop, that is said to have helped Ugandan small-scale farmers reduce insecticide usage 70 percent. Initial investigation revealed that Thrips tabaci (onion thirps) and Phytopthora infestans (late blight) were the two main pests species of tomato crops. Growers interviewed indicated that they applied pesticides up to twice weekly, or 15-25 times over the growing season at a cost ranging up to nearly US0. Related concerns focused on growers' extended exposure to pesticides and the potential for residue in a crop that is marketed both locally and regionally. A participatory approach encouraged growers to take part in IPM program development. Research plots in growers' fields were established to help demonstrate IPM effectiveness and convince growers to alter existing practices. The IPM approach included mechanical control methods, as well as use of yellow sticky traps to monitor the presence and intensity of thrips, and configuring a threshold for when to use insecticides. For late blight, growers were given blight resistant tomato plants and shown how to use trellises and stakes to keep tomato leaves and fruit from touching the damp soil and contracting blight. According to IPM-CRSP information, the combined IPM approaches reduced tomato production costs over 70 percent while reducing opportunities for grower exposure, potential for developing pesticide resistance, or the possibility of residue on marketed tomatoes. -> M. Muniappan, IPM-CRSP Director, IAO, 526 Prices Fork Rd. (0378), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. Phone: 1-540-231-3516. ipm-dir@vt.edu. tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from an IPM-CRSP "success story" article, with thanks to M. Rich.

VIII. IPMnet CALENDAR UPDATE - recent additions and revisions to a global listing of forthcoming IPM-related events, 2008-2013. NOTES: 1. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events incorporating new information compared to a previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also available online at www.pestinfo.org courtesy of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) and B. Zelazny, ISPI's executive director.

The site is designed with features intended for the convenience of users. The "IPMnet CALENDAR Update" appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 15 October 2008 2008 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. 2009 (N) 05-09 January * IPM FIELD SCOUT TRAINING CLASS, Madison, WI, USA. Contact: B. Jensen, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706, USA. Voice: 1-608-263-4073. BMJense1@factstaff.wisc.edu. tinyurl.com 25-28 January * 46TH CONGRESS, SOUTHERN AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Gordons Bay, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: A. Mcleod, Dept. of Microbio., Univ. of Stellenbosch, Pri. Bag X1, Stellenbosch 7600, SOUTH AFRICA. AdeleM@sun.ac.za. Fax: 27-21-808-4656. Voice: 27-21-808-4795. www.saspp.co.za. 17-19 March * 2009 BORLAUG GLOBAL RUST INITIATIVE TECHNICAL WORKSHOP, Ciudad Obregon, SON, MEXICO. Contact: BGRI Secretariate, BGRI@cornell.edu. www.globalrust.org 22-23 April * ADVANCES IN EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF RUSTS, Edinburgh, UK. Contact: AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Carol@aab.org.uk. Fax: 44-0-1789-470-234. Voice: 44-0-1789-472020. www.aab.org.uk (click, "conferences."). (N) 12-16 May * IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP, INDUCED RESISTANCE IN PLANTS AGAINST INSECTS AND DISEASES, "Induced ResistanceChances and Limits," Granada, SPAIN. Contact: M.J. Pozo, MariaJose.Pozo@eez.csic.es. Voice: 34-958-181600. ext. 233. www.fvccee.uji.es. 14-16 May * 4TH IOBC/WPRS WORKING GROUP MEETING, GMOS IN INTEGRATED PLANT PRODUCTION, Rostock, GERMANY. Contact: J. Romeis, Joerg.Romeis@art.admin.ch. (N) 18 May-12 June * INTERNATIONAL COURSE: INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) AND FOOD SAFETY, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H. Stoetzer, Wageningen International, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. tinyurl.com Huub.Stoetzer@wur.nl. Fax: 31-317-486801. Voice: 31-317-481396.

(N) 19 May * 61ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. Spanoghe, Dept. of Crop Prot., Univ. of Gent, Coupure Links 653, Gent, BELGIUM. Pieter.Spanoghe@ugent.be. Fax: 32-926-46249. Voice: 32-926-46009. (N) 22-26 June * CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Winnipeg, MB, CANADA. www.cps 16-20 August * SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY ANNUAL MEETING, Park City, UT, USA. Contact: D.W. Roberts, Dept. of Biology, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 84322-5005, USA. Fax: 1-435-797-1575. Voice: 1-435-797-0049. www.utahsip.org. 02-06 November * INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS, Fuzhou, CHINA. Contact: icbi2009@fjau.edu.cn. www.icbi2009.org. 24-26 November * CANADIAN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotttetown, PEI, CANADA. Contact: J. Ivany, A&AFC, 440 University Ave., Charlottetown, PE C1A 4N6, CANADA. IvanyJ@agr.gc.ca. Fax: 1-902-566-6821. Voice: 1-902-566-6835. 2010 (N) 31 August-03 September * 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Pseudomonas syringae AND RELATED PATHOGENS, Oxford, UK. Contact: syringae2010@plants.ox.ac.uk. www.reading.ac.uk 2011 (N) 27-29 April * 4TH ASIAN CONFERENCE OF PLANT PATHOLOGY AND APPC 2011, Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA. Contact: www.australasianplantpathologysociety.org.au. 2012-2013 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for these years.

About IPMnet - IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information resource service produced in collaboration with the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., USA, www.ipmnet.org and underwritten by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, www.csrees.usda.gov and the U.S. Agency for International Development's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program tinyurl.com IPMnet maintains working relationships with the International Society for Pest information www.pestinfo.org and the International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences www.plantprotection.org. *IPMnet NEWS* #166, October / November. ISSN: 1523-7893. Disclaimer: .....Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the underwriters. Reprinting: .....IPMnet NEWS content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is fully identified as the source.

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