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April 2010, Issue no. 178 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 I. NEWS ABOUT IPM BIOTECH CROPS, REFUGES, AND A BAG Under test for more than a decade, the concept of mixing a small amount of conventional seed with genetically modified seed to retain a resistance-thwarting impact, or, as it is being popularly labeled "refuge in a bag" (RIB), has proven feasible, gained support from involved agricultural scientists, and ginned up eager anticipation by growers who see a gain in convenience in the strategy while still protecting the effectiveness of biotech crops. To underline grower acceptance of the RIB concept, a recent survey conducted in the U.S. state of Illinois found that approximately 77 percent of growers planting a Bt hybrid (maize) in 2009 devoted 20 percent of their fields to a separate refuge planted with non-Bt seed, as is currently recommended. This group was then asked if, instead of a separate plot, they would be willing to essentially practice resistance management by using a seed mix containing 2-to-5 percent non-Bt seed; the reported response was approx. 90 percent favorable. Reasons for grower enthusiasm for the RIB approach largely lies in its increased convenience; it avoids growers having to clean out seeding equipment as they now must when moving between planting land devoted to Bt crop production and areas dedicated to refuge. Other benefits that have been noted are competitive yield with greater production; increased ease of harvest; and savings in operating time and costs. The latter may not hold if an increased cost of purchasing more expensive mixed seed is factored in. In spite of grower interest, there remain questions over how to determine the optimum percentage of non-Bt seed to plant to be assured of the sought after refuge effect, commented a regional entomologist familiar with the process. In the same survey mentioned above, that high percentage of favorable responses to RIB markedly dropped to under 60 percent when growers were asked how they felt about incorporating a greater balance of non-Bt seed (in the 6-to-10 percent range). An additional benefit to RIB, pointed out an involved entomologist, revolves around a significant group of growers who still do not plant any refuge areas, or who do not meet the 20 percent level strongly advocated by grower organizations and research findings. This group, it is argued, would be more likely to use RIB, realize the benefits, and thus increase both compliance and decrease the potential for resistance development.

The overall conclusion appears to be that the RIB approach will gain regulatory approval, be adopted by a meaningfully large group of maize (and likely other crops eventually) growers, but, to preserve the desired resistance management outcome, will have to be tweaked and adjusted based on experience and performance. excerpted, with thanks, from several sources. REDUCING PESTICIDE EMISSIONS The California Dept. of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) has produced, and freely offers, information products to aid growers and other applicators in reducing undesirable atmospheric effects of pesticide use. Active and inert ingredients of many pesticides contain volatile organic compounds which, when released into the atmosphere during application, can combine with nitrogen oxides (NOx) in sunlight to form ground-level ozone (or “smog”) and seriously degrade air quality. A December 2009 document published by CDPR, Conservation Management Practices Guide: Reducing Volatile Organic (VOC) Emissions from Agricultural Pesticide Applications www.cdpr.ca.gov not only explains the background of the problem, but discusses several steps that can be taken to reduce pesticide-related VOC release. Prime among the answers is increased emphasis on practicing IPM. “A well-implemented IPM program,” the CDPR publication points out, “can help reduce the number of applications of VOC-emitting pesticides.” Several examples of IPM practices are discussed in the guide. In addition to reducing (or in some cases eliminating) the amount of pesticides applied, if pesticides are applied by powered equipment, IPM can mean less fuel used thereby cutting NOx emissions as well. Use of alternative products with much lower VOC emissions (than emulsifiable concentrates) is another recommended procedure. So, too, is taking note of the connection between timing pesticide applications and atmospheric conditions and, if pest pressure allows, shifting the time of application. A VOC emission calculator for fumigants (both computer based using Microsoft Excel® or without a computer) is online at tinyurl.com (that’s a lower case “L”). For non-fumigants, see apps.cdpr.ca.gov Other information sources (biased toward the USA) are also listed with their websites. -> CDPR, PO Box 4015, Sacramento, CA 95812-4015, USA. Fax: 1-916-324-9006. Voice: 1-916-445-4300. excerpted, with thanks, from the specified CDPR document and websites; special thanks, also, to P. Matteson for information. GLOBAL IPM NOTES * Field tests show promise for grape vines genetically modified to resist grapevine fanleaf virus vectored by the nematode Xiphinema index. -> M.F. Fuchs, MF13@cornell.edu. * On small-scale farms in Zimbabwe, reducing space between maize rows from 75-90 cm to 60 cm reduced needed weeding and increased yields. -> A.B. Mashingaidze, ABMash@yahoo.com. * Canadian scientists are breeding a “hairy” variety of canola, a brassica crop, with trichromes that fend off attack by flea beetles (Chrysomelidae). -> M.Y. Gruber, Margie.Gruber@agr.gc.ca.

* A new lure under field trial and evaluation in Western Australia shows promise for improved monitoring of some fruit fly species females. -> S. Poogoda, Shirani.Poogoda@agric.wa.gov.au. * Crop and herbicide use history are more critical to herbicide efficacy and environmental safety than the timing and amount of irrigation water used. -> D. Shaner, Dale.Shaner@ars.usda.gov. * Research confirmed a potential predator role for Karnyothrips flavipes (thrips) as a biocontrol of the destructive Hypothenemus hapei (coffee berry borer). -> J. Jaramillo, J.Jaramillo@icipe.org.

II. IPM INFORMATION RESOURCES - web, CD/DVD, video and shorter publications > Other recently published materials IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop IPM, crop protection, or invasive species. Please send a review copy of the material to the postal address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. A {$} indicates an item can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage, or both. = Recently Published Information Materials = ARTHROPOD DISEASES DATABASE Fifty five years of diagnostic investigation and research results on dead, diseased, or living arthropods has been compiled into a DATABASE ON ARTHROPOD DISEASES, founded on work conducted at the Institute for Biological Control, Darmstadt, GERMANY, an agency of the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, now part of the Julius Kuhn- Institut. The extensive compilation, in both German and English versions, is accessible online at tinyurl.com and comprises about 450 arthropod species, mainly insects, from 21 arthropod orders, the diagnosed arthropod pathogens and causative agents, and the origin of the accession. All scientific nomenclature is kept current, along with important synonyms. The diagnosed pathogens belong to five groups: viruses; bacteria including rickettsiae; fungi (now including microsporidia); protists; and, nematodes. -> R.G. Kleespies, IBC-JKI, Heinrichstrasse 243, D-64287 Darmstadt, GERMANY. Regina.Kleespies@jki.bund.de. Fax: 49-0-615-140-7290. Voice: 49-0-615-140-7226. –excerpted, with thanks, from the JKI database website, and other sources. COPIES OF BIOCONTROL DISC OFFERED An Australian biocontrol enterprise produced a 20 minute-long DVD sometime ago featuring the positive impact of biological control in citrus crops. The disc, BEST FRIENDS NATURAL ENEMIES, 2nd edition, expanded on the first version produced in 1989, and shows the various components of classical biocontrol for IPM including mass rearing and release of beneficial insects, monitoring for both pests and beneficials, and cultural practices . The material also highlights the complexities of decision-making relative to research for implementing IPM. Now, a 3rd version is under consideration and the disc's producers are prepared to supply free copies of the 2nd edition DVD to interested parties in exchange for suggestions and other feedback. ->

D. Papacek, Bugs for Bugs, Bowen St., Mundubbera, QLD 4626, AUSTRALIA. Info@bugsforbugs.com.au. Fax: 61-07-4165-4626. Voice: 61-07-4165-4663. www.bugsforbugs.com.au. thanks to D. Papacek for information. NEW TOOL FOR WEED SEED OR FRUIT IDENTIFICATION Being able to recognize and take action against disseminules (seeds and fruits) of invasive plants is an important factor in the battle against invading weeds. A new online tool, FEDERAL NOXIOUS WEED DISSEMINULES OF THE U.S., Edition 2.0, offers visual keys to assist users in the daunting task of identifying invasive plant disseminules occurring as contaminants in imported botanicals and agricultural products. Authors J.L. Scher and D.S. Walters have added 11 taxa since publication of the first edition (2005), introduced new, simplified key features for ease of use, and otherwise increased the tool's utility. The interactive information provides photos, text, and keys to aid in disseminule identification. The 114 taxa are separated into various groupings and accompanied by keys for further discrimination. A fact sheet for each taxa provides a detailed description, physical characteristics, weedy tendencies, geographic distribution, plus a list of similar taxa. The tool, at tinyurl.com is freely accessible and includes detailed instructions for use and other useful information. It was published by the Center for Plant Health Science and Technology, Plant Protection and Quarantine Div., Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, an arm of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. -> J.L. Scher, Julia.L.Scher@aphis.usda.gov. excerpted, with thanks, from the cited website; thanks to T.W. Walters for information. FREE ACCESS PEST MANAGEMENT MATERIALS The Univ. of California recently issued two new "Pest Notes," and a revised version of the UC IPM PEST MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES: SUGARBEET, a 56-page document available in both electronic (free) tinyurl.com and print {$} formats. The UC Guidelines series, prepared for many economically important crops, cover pest monitoring techniques, non-pesticide and pesticide approaches, and are said to be "essential tools for anyone making pest management decisions in the field." The item is publication no. 3469. Two titles in the "Pest Notes" series, both published in March 2010, describe noxious weeds in detail: NUTSEDGE, (Cyperus spp.) pub. no. 7432, by C. Wilen, et al, tinyurl.com and DODDER, (Cuscuta spp.) pub. no. 7496, by W.T. Lanini and D.W. Cudney tinyurl.com These peer reviewed documents include full color illustrations and extensive profiles of the named organism, as well as a discussion of various management options, their advantages and drawbacks. excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated website(s). VIDEOS FOCUS ON BIOTECH CROP ADOPTION A series of six freely accessed short videos, "Highlights of the Global Status of Biotech Crops," has been co-produced by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a not-for-profit organization (with both industry and philanthropic support) whose mission is to share the "benefits of crop biotechnology" through providing information to a variety of stakeholders in developing nations. The six videos include: "Global

Adoption of Biotech Crops," "The Global Impact of Biotech Crops," and "The Future Prospects of Biotech Crops," among others. The materials can be downloaded from www.isaaa.org. -> ISAAA, c/o IRRI, DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES. seasiacenter@isaaa.org. Fax: 63-49-536-7216. Voice: 63-2-845-0563. excerpted, with thanks, from the ISAAA website. = Other Recently Published Materials = * The active Michigan State Univ. (USA) IPM Program has posted its 2009 Annual Report at ipm.msu.edu describing activities, successes, transitions, and more. * The quarterly journal ACAROLOGIA announces its 50th anniversary volume, and notes its seniority as the longest published journal devoted exclusively to the Acari. A new editorial team, led by acarologist S. Kreiter, has revamped the journal's format, beginning with 50(1), and initiated new features including "Opinions and Reviews." See: tinyurl.com -> S. Kreiter, Kreiter@supagro.inra.fr. * Editado bi-anualmente por CASAFE desde 1975, GUIA DE PRODUCTOS FITOSANITARIOS PARA LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA, (14th edicion, 2009), el mas completo compendio de productos para la proteccion de los cultivos que incluye la informacion actualizada de la totalidad de los activos fitosanitarios del mercado argentino. Se incoporan mas de 300 nuevas marcas comerciales, mas de 70 nuevos principios activos y numerosas ampliaciones de uso, respecto de la edicion 2007. Version en papel, o en DVD. {$} tinyurl.com -> CASAFE, Reconquista 661 Piso 1 A, 1003 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA. CASAFE@casafe.org. Fax: 54-11-5779-4059. –excerpted, with thanks, from CASAFE materials. * THE WEED'S NEWS is a free, periodically published electronic newsletter from AUSTRALIA that reports on, and supports discussion about, all matters weed and invasive plant related. See: www.invasivespecies.org.au. -> D. Low, David.Low@dpi.vic.gov.au. * Centro Technologico de Control Biologico (CTCB) has opened a website at www.controlbiologicochile.cl (in Spanish) that offers biocontrol news items, publications, and an image gallery. -> CTCB, Avda. Vicente Mendez 515, Chillan, CHILE. Fax: 56-42-209-720. Voice: 56-42-209-700. * Recent U.S. Agricultural Research Service news releases, found at www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/ include: "Fungal Fumes Clear Out Crop Pests," 19 February 2010; "Nursery is New Tool in Fight against Ug99, Wheat Stem Rust," 26 February 2010; "Tough New Spuds Take on Double Trouble," 02 March 2010; "Prior Herbicide UseNot Irrigationis Critical to Herbicide Efficiency," 17 March 2010.

III. IPM MEDLEY Equipment; Products; Processes; Services; Professional Opportunities = EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, & SERVICES =

Two New Non-lethal Approaches for Avian Management A product developed in collaboration with U.S. governmental scientists helps control goose, duck, or pigeon flock size by limiting hatch of bird numbers. Labeled A "humane population management technology," OvoControl works to decrease hatchability of eggs being produced by targeted avian pest species during their reproductive season. The system involves controlled baiting that is said to eliminate any impact on non-target bird species. Bird of prey hatch is not affected. The technology is designed to complement other forms of avian management such as habitat modification, physical barriers, and hazing. -> E. Wolf, Innolytics, PO Box 675935, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067, USA. Erick.Wolf@ovocontrol.com. Fax: 1-858-923-2060. Voice: 1-858-759-8012. www.ovocontrol.com. The Rejex-it system couples a range of specifically formulated, non-lethal chemical repellents with a dye that gives geese and other nuisance fowl a visual cue to avoid a treated area. Areas treated with the InvisiDye product are only visible to geese and other birds because of their capacity to see ultra violet light waves that are beyond the spectrum visible to the human eye. Treated surfaces appear unchanged to the human eye whereas birds see a clear difference that acts to deter them from repeated landing, roosting, or eating in the these areas. -> S. Stein, Natural Forces, LLC, PO Box 2601, Davidson, NC 28036, USA. Fax: 1-704-973-7777. Voice: 1-704-892-9952. Sharon.Steinmetz@naturalforcesllc.com. www.naturalforcesllc.com. = PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES = WEED SCIENTIST / INVASIVE PLANT ECOLOGIST, Blacksburg, VA, USA * Develop a nationally and internationally recognized, extramurally funded research program in weed ecology; conduct research to help understand mechanisms that contribute to invasiveness and persistence; topics may include a wide variety of impacting elements; teach weed science courses and help train graduate students; collaborate with other academics and professionals. * REQUIRES: PhD in weed science, or related discipline; research expertise in various settings; record of publications indicative of potential. See: posting no. 0100132, at www.jobs.vt.edu. * CONTACT: S. Hagood, 435 Old Glade Rd., 0330, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. SHagood@vt.edu. Voice: 1-540-230-7175. PLANT PATHOLOGY RESEARCHER, Johnston, IA, USA * Support development, optimization, and implementation of laboratory, greenhouse, and field disease bioassays; implement disease screens; monitor and guide activities to insure quality data; may be requested to participate in related activities. * REQUIRES: BS (MS preferred) in plant path., or related discipline; minimum of 2-4 years equivalent experience; willingness to work in greenhouse and field-based settings; excellent verbal and written communication skills; strong computer ability; competency in multi-tasking, planning complex projects, and effective time management. See: Job 11610BR at tinyurl.com ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, IPM-CRSP, Blacksburg, VA, USA * Provide expertise to IPM-CRSP management in plant pathology for development of various components of IPM packages for tropical vegetables and other crops; serve as program coordinator for IPM-CRSP Phase IV area relevant to plant pathogens; participate in all regional global theme projects; help prepare initial environmental evaluations; write, review, and edit IPM-CRSP publications; maintain databases of publications, graduate students, alumni, and short term trainees. * REQUIRES: PhD in plant pathology, or a closely related discipline; agricultural research experience in development and

implementation of IPM components; native proficiency in English and working knowledge of either Spanish, French, or Russian; authorization to work in the USA; two years or more experience working in developing countries. * CONTACT: S.K. De Datta, Virginia Tech, 526 Prices Fork Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-2439. DeDatta@vt.edu. Voice: 1-540-231-6338. Posting no. 0100161. For more information refer to: www.jobs.vt.edu.

IV. IPM-RELATED RESEARCH/TECHNICAL ARTICLES JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES The 200-page, February 2010 issue, 55(1), of BioControl is a special issue, “The Ecology of Fungal Entomopathogens.” Editors H.E. Roy, et al, have selected 13 articles with a lead-off paper entitled “Deep Space and Hidden Depths: Understanding the Evolution and Ecology of Fungal Entomopathogens.” Hele@ceh.ac.uk. In a special issue of the Journal of Applied Entomology [April 2010, 134(3)], Editor in Chief S. Vidal has included several papers reporting on advances in the sterile insect technique (SIT) specifically directed toward improved control and management of Cydia pomonella (codling moth). The issue also notes the proceedings of an FAO/IAEA research project on the topic. SVidal@gwdg.de. SELECTED TITLES Selections from current literature, by subject area, in chronological order. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the address and email, as available, for first authors of the following titles. Direct requests to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """"""""""""""""" “Ethnopathology: Local Knowledge of Plant Health Problems in Bangladesh, Uganda and Bolivia,” Bentley J.W., et al. * PLANT PATH, 58(4), 773-781, August 2009. “Mal Seco Disease Caused by Phoma tracheiphila: A Potential Threat to Lemon Production Worldwide,” Quirico, M., et al . * PLANT DIS., 93(9), 852-867, September 2009. “Virus Resistance in Cereals: Sources of Resistance, Genetics and Breeding,” Ordon, F., et al. * JRNL. OF PHYTOPATH., 157(9), 535-545, September 2009. Weed Science / Invasives """"""""""""""""""""""""""" “Integrated Weed Management Systems Allow Reduced Reliance on Herbicides and Long-term Weed Control,” Chikowo, R., et al. * AGRIC., ECOSYST. & ENVIRON., 132(3-4), 237-242, August 2009. “Effect of Different Weed Management Systems on the Weed Populations, and Seedbank Composition and Distribution in Tropical Coconut Plantations,” Sumith, S.H.S, and R.. Sangakkara. * WEED BIOL. AND MGMT., 9(3), 209-216, September 2009.

“Ex ante Impact Assessment of Herbicide Resistant Rice in the Sahel,” Demont, M., et al. * CROP PROT., 28(9), 728-736, September 2009. Entomology """""""""""""" “Soybean Aphid Population Dynamics, Soybean Yield Loss, and Development of Stage- Specific Economic Injury Levels,” Catangui, M.A., et al . * AGRON. JRNL., 101(5), 1080-1092, August-September 2009. “Landscape Effects on the Complex of Bactrocera oleae Parasitoids and Implications for Conservation Biological Control,” Boccaccio, L., and R. Petacchi. * BIOCON., 54(5), 505-514, October 2009. “Mycorrhizal Fungi as Mediators of Defense Against Insect Pests in Agricultural Systems,” Vannette, R.L., and M.D. Hunter. * AGRIC. AND FOREST ENTOM., 11(4), 351-358, November 2009. Vertebrates """"""""""""" “Developing Pesticide-free Rodent Control for Southern Africa,” Belmain, S.R. * PESTI. NEWS, 87, 09-11, March 2010. “Short-term Evaluation of Two Integrated Pest Management Programs for Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa) Control,” Arjo, W.M., et al. * CROP PROT., 28(8), 703-709, July 2009. General """"""""" “Biotechnological Approaches in the Management of Plant Pest, Diseases and Weeds for Sustainable Agriculture,” Wahab, S. * JRNL. OF BIOPEST., 2(2), 115-134, December 2009. “Research to Realisation: the Challenging Path for Novel Pest Management Products in Australia,” Gregg, P.C., et al. * AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF ENTOM., 49(1), 01-09, February 2010.

V. U.S. AID's IPM-COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM (IPM-CRSP) Cambodian Pest Management Initiative Launched The IPM-CRSP has taken the first steps toward opening a new initiative in CAMBODIA to help address widespread pest management challenges associated with rapidly expanding local production of vegetables. Though Cambodia is a net exporter of rice, it imports a large share of other food commodities. For example, it is reported that as much as 75 percent of the vegetables consumed in Cambodia are imported from neighboring VIET NAM and THAILAND. However, the imported produce is mainly sold to the tourism industry and upscale markets as the majority of Cambodians cannot afford prices of imported vegetables. That situation has spawned a large, rapidly expanding market for vegetables, a demand that local growers are struggling to meet. Pest management in particular, coupled with the impacts of wet and dry season extremes, severely limit growers' production potential. Additionally, excessive

use of chemical pesticides is rampant. Several organizationsbilateral and multilateral donors and non-governmental organizationsare currently attempting to help meet these problematic challenges. In response to the U.S. Agency for International Development's Food Security Initiative, officials from USAID, the IPM-CRSP, and a collaborating U.S. university recently met with key government officials in Cambodia, as well as other involved parties, to formulate a plan of action. As a result the IPM-CRSP Southeast Asia Regional Project will establish working relationships with Cambodian institutions to introduce technologies that have proven to be successful elsewhere in the region. Additionally, a farmer participatory research program will be established to recognize and adapt strategies to the unique local conditions. The combined effort is designed to lead to improved pest management practices for growers, increased local vegetable production, and more judicious application of pesticides. -> IPM CRSP, OIRED, Virginia Tech, 526 Prices Fork Rd., Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Fax: 1-540-231-3519. IPM-dir@vt.edu. Voice: 1-540-231-3516. –thanks to R. Muniappan for information.

VI. IPMnet CALENDARUPDATE - recent additions and revisions (only) to a global listing of forthcoming IPM-related events, 2010-2013. NOTES: 1. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate, lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events with new information compared to previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version, can be requested any time from IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also online at www.pestinfo.org/calendar.php3 courtesy of International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) executive director, B. Zelazny. The latter site includes features intended for user convenience. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate section appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 15 April 2010 2010 (N) 05-07 May * "ENToM 2o1o," 37 Emes Jounees des Entomophagistes, Antibes Juan-les-pins, FRANCE. Info: colloque.inra.fr 20-23 June * 2010 ANNUAL MEETING AND CONFERENCE, CANADIAN

PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vancouver, BC, CANADA. Info: tinyurl (N) 19-22 July * INDUSTRY COURSE, “Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture,” including IPM component, Yandina, QLD, AUSTRALIA. Info: K. Henning, Nutri-Tech Solutions, PO Box 338, Eumundi, QLD 4562, AUSTRALIA. Kirstie@nutri-tech.com.au. Fax: 61-7-5472-9999. Voice: 61-7-5472-9900. www.nutri-tech.com.au. (N) 10-12 August * NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION SOCIETY CONFERENCE, New Plymouth, NEW ZEALAND. Info: J. Swaminathan, NZPPS, Pri. Bag 4749, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Fax: 64-3-325-9946. secretary@nzpps.org. tinyurl.com 16-20 August * 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADJUVANTS FOR AGROCHEMICALS, Freising-Weihenstephan, GERMANY. Info: tinyurl.com 23-27 August * IV LATIN-AMERICAN SHORT-COURSE IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Jiutepec, Morelos, MEXICO. Info: M.Martinez, MMartine@tlaloc.imta.mx, or J.Medal, Medal@ufl.edu. www.imta.gob.mx. (N) 24-27 August * XII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE MANEJO INTEGRADO DE PLAGAS, y XX REUNION ANUAL DE LA SOCIEDAD AMERICANA DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Managua, NICARAGUA. Info: Secretariate, PO Box 453, Managua, NICARAGUA. Fax: 505-2-263-2609. Voice: 505-2-233-1473, ext. 202. www.congresointernacionalmip2010.com/inicio.html. (N) 06-09 September * 57th DEUTSCHE PFLANZENSCHUTZTAGUNG, Berlin, GERMANY. Info: www.pflanzenschutztagung.de. (N) 14-17 September * 6th NEOBIOTA CONFERENCE, "Biological Invasions in a Changing World - from Science to Management," Copenhagen, DENMARK. Info: J. Kollmann, JOK@life.ku.dk. cis.danbif.dk 19-24 September * 11th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, IOBC-GLOBAL WORKING GROUP "ECOLOGY OF APHIDOPHAGA," Perugia, ITALY. Info: C. Ricci, Dept. of Agr. and Envi. Sci. - Entom., Fac. of Agr., Univ. of Perugia, Borgo xx Giugno, 74, Perugia, ITALY. aphidophaga@agr-unipg.it. Fax: 39-075-585-6039. Voice: 39-075-585-6031. www.aphidophaga11.unipg.it. [R] 01-03 November * New information * BCPC and UBM “CROPWORLD 2010” CONGRESS and EXHIBITION, London, UK. Includes session on IPM and related information. Info: M.A. Oakes, Michael.Oakes@ubm.com. Voice: 44-0-20-7921-8278. www.crop-world.com. (N) 08-11 November * INDUSTRY COURSE, “Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture,” including an IPM component, Yandina, QLD, AUSTRALIA. Info: K. Henning, Nutri-Tech Solutions, PO Box 338, Eumundi, QLD 4562, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-7-5472-9999. Kirstie@nutri-tech.com.au. Voice: 61-7-5472-9900. www.nutri-tech.com.au.

(N) 15-18 November * 9th CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY and 6th CONGRESS OF THE SOCIEDADE PORTUGUESA DE FITOPATOLOGIA, Evora, PORTUGAL. Info: Secretariat, Depto. de Fitotecnia, Univ. de Evora, 7002-554 Evora, PORTUGAL. efpp2010.info@uevora.pt. Fax: 351-266-760-828. Voice: 351-266-760-800. www.efpp10.uevora.pt. 2011 [R] 26-29 April * New information * 4th ASIAN CONFERENCE ON PLANT PATHOLOGY and 18th BIENNIAL AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY SOCIETY CONFERENCE, “New Frontiers in Plant Pathology for Asia and Oceania,” Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA. Info: Conference Logistics, PO Box 6150, Kingston, ACT 2604, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-2-6285-1336. Voice: 61-2-6281-6624. Conference@conlog.com.au. www.appc2011.org. [R] 07-12 June * Corrected information * 11th WORLD CONGRESS ON PARASITIC PLANTS, Martina Franca, ITALY. Info: M. Vurro, Inst. of Sciences of Food Prod., Via Mendola 122/0, 70125 Bari, ITALY. tinyurl.com Maurizio.Vurro@ispa.cnr.it. Fax: 39-080-592-9374. Voice: 39-080-592-9331. 2012 (N) October * 18th AUSTRALASIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA. Info: R. Shepherd, WSVic, PO Box 987, Frankston, VIC 3199, AUSTRALIA. Secwssv@surf.net.au. Voice: 61-039-576-2949. www.wsvic.org.au. 2013 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year.

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