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December 2010, Issue no. 183 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs

I. News About IPM PESTICIDE RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE OFFERED The Univ. of Cape Town (UCT) now offers a postgraduate diploma in pesticide risk management (DPRM) structured around the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, as published by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. The DPRM, according to a program brochure, "focuses on implementation of the Code partic- ularly for pesticide risk managers and those involved in pesticide reduction in developing countries and countries in transition." The program's primary purpose is to "strengthen regulators and others in their ability and capacity to effectively manage, regulate and reduce pesticide risks as no one discipline covers all the facets of pesticide regulation and management in line with the Code," the brochure explains. Because of its nature, the two-year program will be multi- and inter-disciplinary in content. The DPRM is a part-time, flexible learning endeavor with a substantial distance learning component using internet based educational technology. The program in- cludes two 2-week residential sessions at UCT, at the beginning and end of the two-year cycle for face-to-face learning and examinations. The organizers promise to provide substantial homework in the form of assignments and project related work, as well as self directed learning and regular communication between students and lecturers over the length of the program. Curriculum will address: pesticide risk management principles and policies; pesticide epidemiology and toxicology; control of pesticide use; laboratory quality assurance assessment; obsolete pesticide stock management; container and con- taminated site management; and international chemical conventions, among other subjects. Interested individuals are encouraged to initiate contact to request a fully explanatory program brochure as well as details related to application for accep- tance, and general information about UCT. The program is open to individuals with an undergraduate degree in agriculture, public health, toxicology, chemistry, social science, or other relevant disciplines. -> S. Ferguson,

School of Public Health, UCT, Private Bag X3, Observatory 7935, SOUTH AFRICA. Voice: 27-21-406-6719. Sharon.Ferguson@uct.ac.za. WORKSHOPS FOCUS ON WEED BIOCONTROL Two recent combined international workshops singularly focused their attention on a pair of globally widespread, highly noxious weed species, and generated biological control-related recommendations based on the input of the attending weed scientists and other concerned specialists. Among the actions suggested during the parallel events concerning biocontrol of Chromolaena odorata and Parthenium hysterophorus was the need to vastly expand awareness of, and information about, the two species as well as ramp up efforts to survey, monitor, and if possible contain outbreaks and prevent further spread. The workshops, convened in Nairobi, KENYA, emphasized application of biocontrol methods and recommended introduction of the weeds' natural enemies. Governmental officials across Africa and Asia were urged to promptly initiate pro- grams or, where programs exist, to intensify and broaden activities based on an integrated approach. The two events were the: 8th IOBC International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena odorata and other Eupatorieae, and the 1st IOBC International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Parthenium hysterophorus held concurrently during November 2010. Attendees representing some some dozen organizations and governments recommended continuation of the International Pathenium Weed Newsletter and expanded coverage to include other parthenium-related projects. Develop- ment and creation of a parthenium website was also suggested. Future joint workshops gained support as a mechanism to avoid duplication and promote coordination. [IOBC = International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants.] -> C. Zachariades, ARC-PPRI, Pri. Bag X6006, Hilton 3245, SOUTH AFRICA. Fax: 27-33-355-9423. ZachariadesC@arc.agric.za. Voice: 27-33-355-9418. excerpted, with thanks, from workshop materials; thanks to R. Muniappan for information. = IPM GLOBAL NOTES = * Recent field trials showed that Green Muscle速 (Metarhizium acridum) was effective as a barrier treatment and preventative control strategy against Schistocerca gregaria (desert locust nymphs) under arid conditions . -> W. Mullie, Wim_sen@yahoo.fr. * Plants genetically engineered to emit a pheromone that alarms pests such as Myzus persicae (green peach aphid) may cause the pest to become habituated to the alarm and thus an easier target for predators such as Hippodamia convergens (ladybug). -> G. Jander, GJ32@cornell.edu. * Experiments indicated that a plant genotype affects tri-trophic interactions, but that these effects weaken along the food chain. -> M. Schadler, Martin.Schaedler@ufz.de.

* Inter-cropping with Trifolium alexandrinum (berseem clover) reduced Orobanche crenata infection of legumes in the Mediterranean region. -> D. Rubiales, Diego.Rubiales@ias.csic.es. * The soil fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene primarily used as a nematicide was also shown to have efficacy against weeds and potential for dual affect. -> P.J.P. Haydock, PHaydock@harper-adams.ac.uk. II. IPM Information Resources > Recently Published Information Materials = RECENTLY PUBLISHED INFORMATION MATERIALS = IPMnet NEWS welcomes information about websites, publications, CD/DVDs, or videos focused on, or related to, crop IPM, crop protection, or invasive species. Please send a review copy of the material to the postal address at end of this file; or, send the URL to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. A {$} indicates an item can be purchased, or that there may be charges for handling and postage, or both. PESTICIDES CLASSIFIED BY HAZARD LEVEL The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard, and Guidelines to Classification 2009 replaces a 2004 version and describes a classification system for distinguishing between more or less hazardous forms of selected pesticides mainly based on acute risk to human health. The document lists common technical grade materials along with recom- mended classifications, plus other related information. Part I discusses the concepts of pesticide classification while Part II offers guidelines to class- ification wherein specific pesticides are listed in a series of tables according to the oral or dermal toxicity of the technical product involved. This soft- bound reference work contains 78 pages and is listed as item no. 11500775. {$} -> WHO Press, 1211 Geneva 27, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-22-791-4857. bookorders@who.int. Voice: 41-22-791-3264. www.who.int/bookorders. THEY MAKE NICE JAM, BUT HAVE A SERIOUS DOWNSIDE The Univ. of California has published a newly revised version of "Wild Black- berries" in its extensive Pest Notes series. Author J.M. DeTomaso focuses on Rubus discolor (Himalaya blackberry), a vining, highly invasive species (formerly known as R. procerus) with the ability to smother existing plants while its tangled mass of thorny stems all but block access by livestock, humans, and equipment, plus "it can host Pierce's disease and serve as a vector to movement of the pathogen to other agricultural and nonagricultural areas, including riparian sites," notes Dr. DiTomaso. The 4-page, 2010 revised publication contains both full color and black/ white illustrations and discusses plant identification, impact, and biology, as well as a variety of management approaches for a very challenging group of plants. This Pest Note is no. 7434, freely available at tinyurl.com excerpted, with thanks, from UC Pest Notes. STERILE INSECT VOLUME REPUBLISHED IN CHINESE The 2005 IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) publication, Sterile Insect Technique, Principles and Practice in Area-wide Integrated Pest Man- agement, by V.A. Dyck, et al, has been translated into Chinese

and republished in 2010. The volume includes a glossary of approximately 1,000 terms and is available from the China Agricultural Science and Technology Press at www.castp.cn thanks to V.A. Dyck for information. BEWARE OF NOXIOUS NEMATODES Specialists at the Univ. of Wisconsin (U.S.) have published a useful new information sheet, "Nematodes: The Overlooked Yield Robbers in Corn and Soybean," offering observations on the difficulties and nuances of recognizing nematode-caused problems in growing crops. The publication also advocates for taking soil samples in fields to ascertain levels of nematode presence and sets forth a 6-step procedure recommended for improving accuracy when sampling soil for nematodes. -> P.D. Esker, PDE@plantpath.wisc.edu. excerpted, with thanks, from Wisconsin Crop Manager (19 October 2010), and the Nutrition and Pest Management Program website. III. IPM Medley > Equipment, Products, Processes, Services > Professional Opportunities > Sorting Through the "In" Box = EQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, SERVICES = The Gene Scene Custom directed nuclease editor (DNE) meganucleases produced by a U.S. firm can be used to insert or remove traits at a user-defined location in the genome of row crops and other plants. Materials from Precision Biosciences can target geno- mic loci for gene insertion, marker removal, or specific gene silencing (inactivation). Desired plant traits can be introduced through the direct modification of existing gene coding sequences, an approach that ensures that the trait gene is appropriately expressed, which is believedaccording to company literatureto greatly accelerate regulatory approval. > Precision Biosciences, Dibrell Bldg., Suite A-100, 302 E. Pettigrew St., Durham, NC 27701, USA. Info@precisionbiosciences.com. Fax: 1-480-393-5553. Voice: 1-919-314-5512. www.precisionbiosciences.com. excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated website. New Product for Nematode Biocontrol A U.S. firm has announced a breakthrough for liquid culture production of Pasteuria spp., a group of naturally occurring soil bacteria known to specifically attack plant-parasitic nematodes. Pasteuria commercially grown in nematode hosts are currently used in limited amounts, but at prohibitively high costs for most agricultural applications, a situation, the firm says, is solved by their liq- uid culture innovation. Pasteuria forms endospores and therefore can be applied, packaged, and stored. The firm's first product has gained necessary governmental clearances, and registration applications are pending for additional products, according to their website www.pasteuriabio.com. > Pasteuria Bioscience, Inc., 12085 Research Dr., Suite 185, Alachua, FL 32615, USA. DDuncan@pasteuriabio.com. Voice: 1-386-462-0008, ext. 1. excerpted, with thanks, from the indicated website.


CA, USA * Plan, conduct, and manage innovative nematicide research; perform lab and plant bioassays; conduct in-depth literature reviews; initiate and present new projects; design field trials; communicate research findings; supervise staff and student interns; monitor project planning and execution; conduct related activities including budgeting. * REQUIRES: Legally entitled to work in U.S.; MS plus 5 years experience in plant nematology, or PhD and 2 years experience; computer and communication skills; ability to work effectively in a multi-project team environment; experience in industry R&D and bioassay development are desirable. * CONTACT: P. Himmel, Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc., 2121 Second St., Suite 107B, Davis, CA 95618, USA. PHimmel@marronebio.com. Voice: 1-530-750-2800. tinyurl.com = SORTING THROUGH THE 'IN' BOX = // A project to reduce fruit grower reliance on "high-risk" pesticides is organizing a four-part Midwest Fruit IPM Course for the U.S. states of Wisconsin and Michigan in the first half of 2011. The course is mainly designed for professional personnel who can then help fruit growers learn more about, and adopt, IPM. A brochure with details is at tinyurl.com -> J. Kleven, CIAS, Ag. Bull. Bldg., 1535 Observatory Rd., Madison, WI 53706, USA. Voice: 1-608-262-5200. JKleven@wisc.edu. // The latest edition of the colorful Fruit Fly News was published in October 2010 under a tripartite editorship of P. Liedo (Mexico), O. Reynolds (Australia), and A. Bakri (Morocco). See: tinyurl.com // The most recent title added to the Technical Innovation Briefs series from the Systemwide Program on IPM (SP-IPM) headquartered in NIGERIA is: No. 7, "Sowing the Seeds of Better Yam" by D. Coyne, et al. The 2-page document discusses pests and diseases of yam seed tubers (with emphasis on nematodes) and outlines treatments for producing healthy seed stock. All TI Briefs are freely available online at www.spipm.cgiar.org. // Authors of the web-based Fusarium head blight (of wheat) prediction tools tinyurl.com that provide daily estimates of disease risk for 25 U.S. states are seeking feedback from anyone who used these tools during the 2010 grow- ing season. The request is to complete a survey (at: tinyurl.com to help the authors evaluate, improve, and maintain the system. -> K.A. Wise, KAWise@purdue.edu. // A recently inaugurated website, Fruit Fly and the Home Garden offers "Advice for Gardeners in Australia," by holding forth at www.preventfruitfly.com.au. The thrust: help gardeners make informed decisions about the control and prevention of fruit flies by selecting effective control approaches in line with gardening style, lifestyle and the prevailing fruit fly situation. Emphasis falls on preventing or mini- mizing fruit fly problems. The site is an initiative of the draft National Fruit Fly Strategy. thanks to G. Jackson for information. // The Univ. of Illinois (U.S.) Extension service has published "Best Management Practices to Reduce Atrazine Losses to Surface Water," freely available online at tinyurl.com The 4-page bulletin was released in 2009.

// The Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) website at www.hpwra.org is now revised to include more species assessments than the previous site, as well as updated assessments for many species. Plans call for the site to be maintained with future updates and permanent URLs for each species. info@hpwra.org. thanks to P. Thomas for information. // Univ. of California (Davis) entomologist and veteran IPM specialist F.G. Zalom has been named 2010 winner of the Award for Excellence in Integrated Pest Management by the 6,000 member Entomological Society of America. Dr. Zalom was cited for his outstanding contributions to IPM through a variety of both national and international actions, influence, and leadership over the years. excerpted, with thanks, from a UC Davis news release. // The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publishes onlineand annually updatesinformation that allows users to search for pesticide tolerance information for food and (animal) feed commodities. See: tinyurl.com IV. IPM-Related Publications > Books, Other Longer Publications IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention publications focused on. or related to, crop plant IPM, pest management, crop protection, or invasives. To facilitate review please send a copy of the publication, along with full details, to IPMnet NEWS (address at end of this file). many thanks, Ed. A GLOBAL VIEW OF MICROBIAL PESTICIDE REGULATION A new (2010) publication, THE USE AND REGULATION OF MICROBIAL PESTICIDES IN REPRESENTATIVE JURISDICTIONS WORLDWIDE, assesses the current state of regulatory processes across a global swath of nations concerned with the risks of introducing and monitoring microbial materials used in pest management. Editors J.T. Kabaluk, et al, have turned to recognized researchers or regulatory experts as authors of chapters describing regulation and its effectiveness in 14 nations and the European Union across Asia, Europe, Latin and North America. The bulk of the volume offers narrative descriptions and diagrams of regulatory processes, tabular information for registered micro- organisms and associated products and target pests, as well as support systems within the various jurisdictions aimed at advancing research, registration, and adoption of microbial pesticides. The 99-page work, freely available in interactive form through the International Organization for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC Global), concludes with an incisive chap- ter presenting a "vision of an idealized regulatory system that would best enable microbial pesticide registration in the context of acceptable risk to humans and the environment," according to the authors. See: www.iobc-global.org/index1.html, (click on "publications," and scroll down). excerpted, with thanks, from material provided by J.T. Kabaluk. PLANT BACTERIOLOGY PROFILED In a timely integration of concepts and ideas, PLANT BACTERIOLOGY, a new volume from the American Phytopathological Society, provides both basic informa- tion and a brief synopsis of of important historical events that gave rise to the field, plus a collation of recent advances in

the realm of plant bacteriology. In 12 chapters, author C.I. Kado first describes evolution, classification, and causal symptoms of plant pathogenic bacteria, then individually profiles several groups of bacterial based plant diseases. The 336-page, 2010 hardbound work discusses both asympto- matic and latent infections, and concludes with Prof. Kado's view of future prospects in plant bacteriology. The text is enhanced with nearly 50 full color plates as well as numerous black/white illustrations, all printed on high grade coated paperstock. {$} > APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121, USA. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Voice: 1-651-454-7250. APS@scisoc.org. www.apsnet.org (click on "APS Store, then "Shop APS Press).

V. IPM-Related Research/Technical Articles > Selected Title TITLES = SELECTED TITLES = Selections from current literature, by subject area, in chronological order. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the physical and email address, as available, for first authors of the following titles, when so requested from: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Phytopathology """"""""""""""""" “Ecological Relationships of Verticillium Wilt Suppression of Potato by Green Manures,” Davis, J.R., et al. * AMER. JRNL. OF POTATO RESCH., 87(4), 315-326, August 2010. “Induction of Systemic Resistance in Plants by Biochar, a Soil-applied Carbon Sequestering Agent,” Elad, Y., et al. * PHYTOPATH., 100(9), 913-921, September 2010. Weed Science / Invasives """"""""""""""""""""""""""" “Shade Avoidance: An Integral Component of Crop-weed Competition,” Page, E.R., et al. * WEED RESRCH., 50(4), 281-288, August 2010. “Interactions Between a Leafhopper and Rust Fungus on the Invasive Plant Asparagus asparagoides in Australia: A Case of Two Agents Being Better than One for Biological Control,” Turner, P.J., et al. * BIOL. CONTROL, 54(3), 322-330, September 2010. Entomology """"""""""""" “A Web-based Decision Support System to Enhance IPM Programs in Washington Tree Fruit,” Jones, V.P., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 66(6), 587-595, June 2010. “Effects of Organic-farming-compatible Insecticides on Four Aphid Natural Enemy Species,” Jansen, J.P., et al. * PEST MGMT. SCI., 66(6), 650-656, June 2010. “Choosing Natural Enemies for Conservation Biological Control: Use of the Prey Detectability Half-life to Rank Key Predators of Colorado Potato Beetle,” Greenstone, M.H., et al. * ENTOMO. ET EXP. APPLI., 136(1), 97-107, July 2010.

“Season-Long Mating Disruption of Citrus Leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton with an Emulsified Wax Formulation of Pheromone,” Stelinski, L., et al. * JRNL. OF APPLD. ENTOM., 134 (6), 512-520, July 2010. Vertebrates """""""""""" “Evaluating Commercially Available Rodenticide Baits for Invasive Gambian Giant Pouched Rats (Cricetomys gambianus),” Witmer, G.W., et al. * CROP PROT., 29(9), 1011-1014, September 2010. General """"""""" “Economic Impact Assessment in Pest Risk Analysis,” Soliman, T., et al. * CROP PROT., 29(6), 517-524, June 2010. “Organic Agriculture Promotes Evenness and Natural Pest Control,” Crowder, D.W., et al. * NATURE, 466 (7302), 109-113, 01 July 2010. “Risk Assessment Induced by Knapsack or Conventional Motor Sprayer on Pesticides Applicators and Farm Workers in Cotton Season,” Elhalwagy, M.E.A., et al. * ENVIRON. TOXICOL. AND PHARMACOL., 30(2), 110-115, September 2010.

VI. U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) - New Use for Older Technology. New Use for Older Technology in Plant Disease Diagnosis Virologist and IPM-CRSP collaborator N.A. Rayapati has taken a page, or in this instance a card, out of the medical science book by noting a technique used to test for human disease and then innovatively applying it in the field to diagnose plant disease. Rubbing leaves or other infected plant tissue on 5 cm x 5 cm (2 in . x 2 in.) specially treated FTA Cards captures sap (instead of blood). The cards' harmless nucleic acid surface matrix coating inactivates any transmissible element in the sample so that it can be transported back to a lab "with any pathogens that may be present (bacterial, viral, or parasitic) inactivated and no longer infectious," notes Dr. Rayapati. The cards can be easily transported, stored and shipped by post; they are also stable at moderate temperatures. "When I'm in the field in Africa, it is easy to stick a card in my bag and bring it back to my lab.........without losing the integrity of the nucleic acids," Rayapati noted. After analysis in the lab, "results are sent to the host country," he said. Card-based diagnostics have proven highly useful in several cases of plant disease in developing nations, as well as to identify two new strains of plant-infecting virus. Rayapati believes the FTA Card technology can impact plant breeding programs and international disease control efforts as well as biosecurity issues. -> N.A. Rayapati, IAREC, WSU, 24106 N. Bunn Rd., Prosser, WA 99350, USA. Naidu@wsu.edu. Fax: 1-509-786-9370. Voice: 1-509-786-9215. excerpted, with thanks, from a WSU News Highlight by B. Phillips; thanks also to N.A. Rayapati, and to R. Muniappan for information. VII. IPMnet CALENDARUpdate > (N)ew or [R]evised Entries for IPMnet CALENDAR

NOTES: 1. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate , lists only: (N)ew events not previously cited in IPMnet NEWS; and, [R]evised events with new information compared to previous mention in IPMnet NEWS. 2. The IPMnet CALENDAR, Latest Complete Version , can be requested any time from IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. It is also online at www.pestinfo.org/calendar.php3 courtesy of International Society for Pest Information (ISPI) executive director, B. Zelazny. The latter site includes features intended for user convenience. The IPMnet CALENDARUpdate section appears in each IPMnet NEWS issue. 3. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS, at IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDARUpdate was supplied by, and collected from, various sources; IPMnet greatly appreciates all cooperation. (N)ewly Listed, or [R]evised Entries: as of 01 December 2010 2010 No (N)ew or [R]evised listings to report for this year. 2011 (N) 03-06 January * NORTHEASTERN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY (U.S.) ANNUAL MEETING, Baltimore, MD, USA. Into: www.newss.org. (N) 28 February-02 March * EWRS WORKSHOP ON WEEDS AND BIO- DIVERSITY, Dijon, FRANCE. Info: www.ewrs.org/biodiversity. (N) 05-09 March * GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON ENTOMOLOGY, Chiang Mai, THAILAND. Info: info@entomology2011.com, www.entomology2011.com. (N) 07-10 March * WESTERN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE (U.S.) 2011 ANNUAL MEETING, Spokane, WA, USA. Info: S. McDonald, voice: 1-970-266-9573. SandraMcDonald@gmail.com. www.wsweedscience.org. (N) 08-10 March * 4eme CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LES METHODES ALTERNATIVE EN PROTECTION DES CULTURES, Lille, FRANCE. Info: AFPP, afpp@afpp.net. Fax: 33-014-179-1981. tinyurl.com 21-25 March * 6th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MANAGEMENT OF THE DIAMONDBACK MOTH AND OTHER CRUCIFER INSECT PESTS, Nakhon Pathom, THAILAND. Info: R. Srinivasan, Srini.Ramasamy@worldveg.org. (N) 28-30 March * EWRS PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL WEED CONTROL WORKSHOP,

Samsun, TURKEY. Info: www.ewrs.org/pwc. (N) 04-07 April * 6th IOBC WORKING GROUP, MULTITROPHIC INTERACTIONS IN SOIL, Cordoba, SPAIN. Info: B.B. Landa, cordobamultitrophic2011@ias.csic.es. www.cordobamultitrophic2011.com. [R] 13 April * Postponed from 25 November 2010 * INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN PEST AND WEED CONTROL IN FIELD VEGETABLES, Harpenden, Hertfordshire,UK. Info: R. Morgan, AAB, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Rebecca@aab.org.uk. Fax: 44-01-789-470234. Voice: 44-02-476-575195. tinyurl.com 18-21 April * WESTERN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE (U.S.) 2011 NOXIOUS WEED SHORT COURSE, Loveland, CO, USA. Info: S. McDonald, voice: 1-970-266-9573. SandraMcDonald@gmail.com. tinyurl.com 03-06 May * SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE SANIDAD AGROPECUARIA, Habana, CUBA. Info: O.F. Reinosa, Uffo@censa.edu.cu. www.sanidadagropecuaria.com. (N) 26-27 May * SYMPOSIUM: BIOCONTROL OF GRAPEVINE DISEASES, Castanet-Tolosan, FRANCE. Info: INPT-SAIC "BGD," BP 34038, F-31029 Toulouse Cedex 4, FRANCE. Fax: 33-053-432-3113. BGD2011@inp-toulouse.fr. tinyurl.com 07-08 June * CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANT SCIENCE (with presentations specific to diseases, insects and weeds), Guelph, ON, CANADA. Info: Office of Open Learning, 160 Johnson Hall, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, CANADA. info@open.uoguelph.ca. Fax: 1-519-767-1114. Voice: 1-519-767-5000. www.plantscience.open.uoguelph.ca. (N) 20 June-01 July * AGRIGENOMICS CONGRESS 2011, Hamburg, GERMANY. Info: A. Woodley, A.Woodley@selectbiosciences.com. www.selectbiosciences.com/conferences/AGW2011/. (N) 22-25 June * GMOs IN INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION, Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC. Info: J. Romeis, ART, Reckenholzstr. 191, 8046 Zurich, SWITZERLAND. Fax: 41-44-377-3201. Joerg.Romeis@art.admin.ch. Voice: 41-44-377-7299. tinyurl.com 27-28 June * BEHAVIOUR OF PESTICIDES IN AIR, SOIL AND WATER, Mainz, GERMANY. Info: S. Mummenbrauer, fresenius@akademie-fresenius.de. www.akademie-fresenius.com. (N) 10-14 July * HEMIPTERAN-PLANT INTERACTIONS SYMPOSIUM, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, BRAZIL. Info: Joao Lopes, hemipteran@terra.com.br. www.infobibos.com 30 August-03 September * 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS, Szombathely, HUNGARY. Info: Z. Botta-Dukat, bdz@botanika.hu. tinyurl.com

05-07 September * RESISTANCE 2011, Harpenden, Herts., UK. Info: tinyurl.com 11-16 September * 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Waikoloa-Hawaii, HI, USA. Info: uhhconferencecenter.com 19-22 September * NORTH AMERICAN WEED MANAGEMENT ASSN. ANNUAL MEETING, Winnipeg, MN, CANADA. Info: www.nawma.org. (N) 21-23 September * 2nd WORKSHOP, EWRS WORKING GROUP, WEED MAPPING, Jokioinen, FINLAND. Info: tinyurl.com 10-14 October * POTENTIAL INVASIVE PESTS WORKSHOP, Miami, FL, USA. Info: tinyurl.com 28-30 November * 3rd BIOPESTICIDE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, BIOCICON 2011, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. Info: K. Sahayaraj Crop Protection Research Centre, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai – 627 002, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. Ksraj42@gmail.com. Voice: 91-944-349-7192. 2012 (N) 12-15 March * WESTERN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE (U.S.) 2012 ANNUAL MEETING, Reno, NV, USA. Info: S. McDonald, voice: 1-970-266-9573. SandraMcDonald@gmail.com. www.wsweedscience.org. (N) May * 2nd MEETING OF THE TEPHRITID WORKERS OF EUROPE, AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST, Crete, GREECE. Info: A. Bakri, Bakri@ucam.ac.ma. tinyurl.com 19-25 August. * 24th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Daegu, SOUTH KOREA. Info: ice2012.org. president@int-cong-ent.org. (N) 07-12 October * 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, IOBC/WPRS INTEGRATED PROTECTION OF FRUIT CROPS, Kusadasi, Aydin, TURKEY. Info: F.O. Altindisli, Altindisli@bzmae.gov.tr. Fax: 90-232-374-1653. 2013 (N) 11-15 March * WESTERN SOCIETY OF WEED SCIENCE (U.S.) 2013 ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Info: S. McDonald, voice: 1-970-266-9573. SandraMcDonald@gmail.com. www.wsweedscience.org. 2014 (N) 20-25 April * 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRUIT FLIES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, Bangkok, THAILAND. Info: A. Malavasi, Malavasi@moscamed.org.br.

********************************************* Publication Frequency: IPMnet publishes IPMnet NEWS every 6 weeks (8 issues per annum). To Subscribe (free) or Unsubscribe: Subscriptions to IPMnet NEWS are entirely free. To subscribe, send the message | "subscribe," (or "unsubscribe") to: IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu, being sure to state the specific e-mail address involved. Problems: Please advise IPMnet regarding: content errors; non-working websites cited in the NEWS; subscriptions to incorrect addresses; too many copies of the file being received (or a need for additional copies); or any other problem encountered so that we can attempt to correct or resolve it. Contributing material: Notices of events, publications, materials, or processes are welcome, as are short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information. IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: The NEWS' mailing list is a private list owned by IPMnet and strictly limited to use by IPMnet, and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual for any other purpose. IPMnet highly values the confidence and respects the privacy of its global subscribers/readers. Disclaimer: Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by the underwriting institutions nor any of their staff members. Views expressed in IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect | those of the underwriters. Copyright and Reprinting: Content is copyright protected; however, items appearing in the NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, provided IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source. Of course, IPMnet appreciates being alerted to any instance referring to the NEWS. ISSN: 1523-7893. Editor/Coordinator: A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu. Contact Information: Email > IPMnet@science.oregonstate.edu Fax >1-541-737-3080 Voice > 1-541-737-6275 Postal > IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA ## back to top

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.