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IPMnet NEWS November 1995, Issue no. 23 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news, and application of IPM techniques and programs. Where Have all the Bioherbicides Gone? In what may be the most comprehensive review to date, two international weed scientists present a fascinating chronology and overview of bioherbicides, a class of pest management "tool" that, for a variety of reasons and in spite of intriguing potential , has yet to play a significant role in world agriculture. Writing in the latest issue of WEED TECHNOLOGY, B.A. Auld and L. Morin take the reader through the recent uneven history of bioherbicides (biological agents used to control weeds) and the barriers that have emerged to thwart their broad usage. Even the expectation implied in the term "bioherbicide," that performance of the products based on these agents will equate with a chemical herbicide's efficacy, cost, ease of handling, and commercial viability, is "in itself a constraint to bioherbicide development," the authors note. Auld and Morin's "Constraints in the Development of Bioherbicides" organizes deterrents for bioherbicide development and use into four categories: biological constraints; environmental constraints; technological constraints; and, commercial limitations. The authors, drawing on extensive documentation (207 citations), label some of the problems as real, some imaginary. They discuss increasing public concern with pesticides in general, the spread of pesticide resistance, and the impact these factors are exerting on product development, pesticide use, and production economics. After discussing the pros and cons, Auld and Morin conclude that, short term, bioherbicides, "will most easily find a place in irrigated crop production possibly in the tropics or in other situations where the environment can be manipulated, such as in gardens and turf." For future success, "greater understanding of infection and resistance at the biochemical and cellular level and developments in genetic engineering will provide powerful new tools for bioherbicide development," they predict. excerpted from: WEED TECH., 9(3), 638-652, July-September 1995. IPM Boosted for Near East Cotton Participants in a multi-nation meeting at Cairo, Egypt, recommended implementation of an IPM program for cotton in the Near East to, "bring a wide range of research and training expertise to focus on the problem, encompassing the IPM elements already available in several countries." The late 1994, FAO-sponsored "First Expert

Consultation on Cotton Pest Problems and their Control in the Near East," brought together representatives from six of the region's major cotton producing nations, as well as other representatives, to develop and implement a broad regional cotton IPM effort. Delegates agreed that, to carry out a basic IPM strategy, there needs to be "development and adoption by farmers of crop and habitat management practices and cultural control procedures that suppress pests while conserving their natural enemies," according to a report of the event. Also, successful implementation of cotton IPM hinges on "effective and highly motivated extension and plant protection services," the group proclaimed, and that these, "need to be strengthened in all countries." As part of the concluding recommendations of the Consultation, participants postulated that a regional IPM program could also provide a forum for coordination and collaboration, not only across the Near East, but throughout the region. For more information, contact: Plant Protection Officer, FAO Regional Office for the Near East, PO Box 2223, Doki, Cairo, EGYPT. excerpted from: FAO PLANT PROTECTION BULLETIN, 42(3), 1994. Advantages Cited for Non-chemical Methods A nationwide survey of U.S. independent crop consultants revealed that, among the advantages these professionals see for recommending non-chemical pest management tactics to their farmer-clients, a majority cited reduced pesticide resistance, an increase in beneficial insects, and lower pest control costs as most important. Other significant advantages mentioned by respondents in the 1994 survey were: less contaminated water, and increased applicator safety. However, the responding consultants indicated that factors such as reduced pesticide residues in food, higher crop yield, and reduced wildlife effects were of far lower advantage to their client-farmers. The survey was sent to members of the National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants by the Natural Resources and Environment Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Department estimates that there are approximately 3,500 independent consultants nationally. The survey, while not exhaustive, is considered to give an indication of what consultants are recommending and how client farmers are responding. For more information, contact: W. Ferguson, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1301 New York Ave., NW, Room 524, Washington, DC 20005-4788, USA. Phone: 1-202-219-0462. excerpted from: AREI UPDATES, No. 3, 1995. Foundation to Offer IPM Scholarships The recently established non-profit Applied Insect Ecologists Foundation (AIEF) has announced creation of a fund to support undergraduate and graduate student scholarships that emphasize IPM and include studies in plant pathology, weed science, nematology, and weed science. AIEF president M. Baefsky said that, "with all the paper work now completed we can concentrate on setting in motion the Foundation's committees that

will be judging scholarship applications and research proposals." A major contribution to AIEF's IPM scholarship program will come from the Association of Applied Insect Ecologists, a Sacramento, California (US)-based organization that has long promoted IPM principles. A joint foundation-association fund raising effort also will seek revenue to help support scholarships. Beyond awarding IPM scholarships, the AIEF plans to sponsor or conduct educational workshops, seminars, and other events to "further an open dialogue on pesticide use, plant protection, environmental health and quality, and related issues," according to a recent statement the Foundation issued. For scholarship applications and information, contact: M. Baefsky, President AIEF and IPM Scholarship Committee Chair, PO Box 311, Orinda, CA 94563, USA. Phone: 1-510-254-7950. Study Finds Consumers Lack IPM Awareness In what may be the first of its kind, scientists in the U.S. state of Massachusetts conducted a limited survey to assess the importance consumers might attach to purchasing fresh vegetables (sweet corn) produced under the state's unique IPM-certification program, and found that the majority of consumers who bought fresh produce at fruit stands or farmers markets based their decision to buy on factors other than whether the crop was IPM-certified. "Convenience" was the reason given by 62 percent of the buyers. In fact, the survey found that only 19 percent had ever heard of IPM, and of these, less than half "understood that IPM meant reduced pesticide usage," according to M.D. Anderson, senior survey team member and faculty member at Tufts Univ. School of Nutrition Science and Policy. However, "after hearing a definition of IPM, 85 percent of the respondents said they would prefer to buy IPM-certified corn," Anderson notes in the Summary Report of the Survey. This, the team members agreed, was the most dramatic conclusion that developed out the survey which was conducted over a very short time span. The fact that IPM-certified growers had been closely monitored and had to "conduct at least 70 percent of the practices on an IPM checklist appropriate for that crop," failed to register with most consumers, despite clear identification of IPM-certified produce and a multi-activity public information campaign, the survey discovered. Anderson felt that, since many consumersonce made aware of IPM benefitsexpressed a clear preference for IPM-certified corn, the message of IPM's advantages to purchasers and the benefits to them of IPM-certification requires continual repetition in many forms. For more information, contact: M.D. Anderson. Phone: 1-617-627-3223. E-mail: manderso@emerald.tufts.edu. excerpted from: "Consumer Response to Integrated Pest Management and Certification, Summary Report," Anderson, M.D., C.S. Hollingsworth, V. Van Zee, W.M. Coli, and M. Rhodes. IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources

II. IPM MEDLEY general information, publications of interest, and other information and resources related to IPM. Resistance Management Workshop Slated A two-week summer workshop in 1996 at Michigan State Univ. (MSU) in the USA will provide participants with an overview of the latest research and thinking concerning the increasingly important field of pest resistance management. The event, the 4th Annual Summer Institute on Global Pest Resistance Management, will take place during 8-19 July 1996, and is designed to provide researchers with current concepts and principles of pest resistance management through classroom instruction, informal discussion, and field/laboratory demonstrations. Topics will include: Resistance research and management strategies for most classes of pesticides and cultural control agents; Resistance detection and monitoring tools; An overview of resistance's importance to the environment, human health, and long-term sustainability of global agroecosystems; and, Collaborative project development and global networking in pest resistance management. A cadre of more than 30 instructors at MSU (entomologists, weed scientists, plant pathologists, horticulturists, and sociologists) will join to help provide each participant with critical literature, networking capabilities, and hands-on resistance management experience. "The primary goal of the workshop," noted its coordinator, M.R. Bush, "is to `Train the Trainers' whom we trust will promote basic knowledge and needs of pest resistance and resistance management to other researchers, end-group users (the growers), and agricultural policy-makers. This workshop is but one step in the overall global education process." The previous workshops have been noted for their continual interaction between instructors and participants from around the world. For more information contact: M.R. Bush, or M.E. Whalon, B-11 Pesticide Research Center, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1311, USA. E-mail: bushm@pilot.msu.edu. Phone: 1-517-355-1768. Fax: 1-517-353-5598. Papers Invited for IPM Symposium/Workshop Organizers of the U.S. Third National IPM Symposium/Workshop scheduled for 27 February-1 March, 1996, in Washington, DC, have issued a `Call for Papers.' Abstracts are invited for selected papers or posters on the economic, environmental, public health, and social impacts of IPM practices or policies, or methods for assessing these impacts. The Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is sponsoring the assessment methodology portion of the workshop, which focuses on designing/developing methodologies for evaluating impacts of IPM practices or policies. Particularly important are papers exploring methodological and empirical issues in assessing the impact of IPM adoption on the four subject areas listed (with multi-disciplinary approaches to assessing impacts especially encouraged): Farm level profitability: changes in product quality and yields, production costs, including the cost of alternative practices, and pesticide use; The environment: changes in agrichemical use on surface and ground water quality, soil quality, ecosystem structure and function, and wildlife habitat and well being; Public health: changes in direct and indirect pesticide exposure on the potential for acute and

chronic health impacts; and, Social structure: how existing institutions, infrastructure and services (public and private), along with sources ofand access toinformation, impact the adoption of IPM. To assure consideration for either the selected papers or the poster session, submit a 2-page abstract (maximum) describing the proposed research objective, procedures, and likely contribution, list names of authors, a contact address, phone number, and e-mail, and indicate interest in either a paper or poster. Send abstracts no later than 15 November to: C. Kramer, USDA/ERS/NRED, 1301 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005-4788, USA. Phone: 1-202-219-0453. Fax: 1-202-219-0029. E-mail: ckramer@econ.ag.gov. Selection will be completed and authors notified by 1 December. Pest Management Forum Launched A consortium of Welsh companies, university research groups, pesticide users, and support organizations dedicated to the development and profitability of the pest management sector in Wales and internationally has formed the Welsh Pest Management Forum (WPMF). The Forum's mission is to "develop and promote the capacity, competitiveness and commercial profitability of the Welsh pest management sector in international markets." WPMF's objectives cover: Initiating and promoting interaction between academic, commercial and other organizations involved in, or using, pest management in Wales and internationally; Enhancing research and innovation capabilities in pest management; Developing and promoting collaborative research and development programs in pest management; and, Providing an information service for the benefit of members. Co-organizer P. McEwen said, "It is not the intention of the WPMF to duplicate any of the existing national or international organizations which already deal with pest management issues ... our objectives are to bring together people and organizations who may not meet under other circumstances, thereby facilitating the process of technology transfer." Members can benefit by learning the latest developments in pest management first hand, interacting with a network of individuals and organizations with new technology to transfer or new products to develop or license, meeting others from the pest management sector to discuss matters which affect the development and day-to-day activities of the industry, and relaying information about the needs of the `user community' to the researchers who are developing the next generation of technology and products. For further information, contact: either P. McEwen, or D. Dent, at the respective e-mail boxes: SABPKM1@cardiff.ac.uk or . U.S. Streamlines Permit Procedures The branch of the U.S. government responsible for issuing permits to import, contain, move, and release organisms (in the U.S.) recently announced that it is streamlining its procedures and establishing an Internet-based forum to facilitate dialogue on key topics. A series of actions to speed up and simplify permit procedures includes: a fax vault for frequently requested documents; updated lists of widespread and endemic fungi, bacteria, and nematodes pathogenic to plants; heuristic diagrams of the permitting procedure; standardization and promulgation of the decisionmaking process; a customer satisfaction questionnaire; and a "do-it-yourself" system for checking permit application status. A feature article focused on obtaining permits to move plant pathogens is in preparation for publication in PLANT DISEASE, the journal of the American Phytopathological Soc.

Contacts for further information are B. Flanders or R. Hennessey at bflanders@aphis.usda.gov. PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS The IPMnet NEWS will gladly mention a publication provided it has a connection to IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with background information where to obtain copies, data about the author(s), costs, and any other particulars or materialsto: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA After review, materials will be cataloged into the Center's extensive international IPM and crop protection literature collection (which the worldwide IPM/crop protection community is welcome to use) or returned if so requested. Recent Pest Management Titles from APS Press The prolific folks at the American Phytopathological Soc. offer a list of new pest management-related titles including several additions to their popular "compendium" series. Most of the works are due to be published in early 1996 and are currently offered at pre-publication discounts. There is also a 10 percent discount for purchase of three or more of any of APS' long list of titles. The batch of new titles includes: APPLE SCAB: BIOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT; MacHardy, W.E., 570 pgs. COMPENDIUM OF CUCURBIT DISEASES; Zitter, T.A., et al, 120 pgs, 171 color photos; COMPENDIUM OF BLUEBERRY AND CRANBERRY DISEASES; Caruso, F.L., and D.C. Ramsdell, 117 pgs, 193 color photos, 73 black and white illustrations; COMPENDIUM OF STONE FRUIT DISEASES; Ogawa, J.M., et al, 122 pgs, 168 color photos; and, COMPENDIUM OF FLOWERING POTTED PLANT DISEASES; Daughtrey, M.L., et al, 128 pgs, 248 color photos. For a free, full color catalog with complete details and ordering information, contact: APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Phone: 1-612-454-7250. (For USA only: 1-800-328-7560). Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Asian Riceland Spiders Based on the premise that spiders are among the most omnipresent and numerous predators in both agricultural and natural ecosystems, A.T. Barrion and J.A. Litsinger have assembled an informative and massive (736 pgs) work on RICELAND SPIDERS OF SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA. A series of 19 keys covers various genera and species. Maps depict distribution, and color illustrations picture some common spiders. The just published volume presents a wealth of information, both general and with specific geographic orientation, that goes beyond the world of spiders and is pertinent to biological control as well. For more information, contact: CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, U.K. E-mail: cabi@cabi.org. Fax: 44-1491-826090. Pesticide Toxicology Toxicology Communications, Inc., PO Box 17315, Raleigh, NC 27619, USA, has published REVIEWS IN PESTICIDE TOXICOLOGY, VOL.3, edited by R.M. Roe and R.J. Kuhr. The 302 page text includes eight major papers ranging from the risks and benefits of methyl bromide to the effects of pesticides on arachnids. Journal of Biocontrol News News items, review articles, and abstracts prepared by the International Institute of Biological Control are published in the quarterly journal, BIOCONTROL NEWS AND INFORMATION. IPMnet NEWS readers interested in receiving a free sample copy can send an e-mail request to: D.Nicholson@cabi.org. Mycology/Plant Path

Newsletter Started The Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology (in India) has launched a newsletter, SMPP NEWS. Vol. 1, no. 1 & 2, is dated April and August 1995, and carries a range of news items and an editorial. For more information, contact the editor: Y.L. Nene, c/o ICRISAT, Patancheru 502324, AP, INDIA. Fax: 91-40-241-239. E-mail: Y.NENE@cgnet.com. Phone: 91-40-596-161. RESOURCES CALIFORNIA PESTICIDE WEB SITE The U.S. state of California's Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has established a World Wide Web site that includes DPR news releases, fact sheets, other publications (such as the booklet SUPPLIERS OF BENEFICIAL ORGANISMS IN NORTH AMERICA), and links to related sites. Users also can search DPR databases for technical information on pesticide products, such as: Chemical Ingredients Database by common, technical, synonym, or trade names; and the Product/Label Database (including search by site code). To access this Web site, the URL is: www.cdpr.ca.gov more information, contact: K. Brunetti, Agriculture Program Supervisor, DPR, 1020 N Street Room 161, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. E-mail: brunetti@empm.cdpr.ca.gov. Phone: 1-916-324-4100. Fax: 1-916-324-4088. PARASITOIDS COLLABORATION Two scientists interested in parasitoids of citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella - Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Phyllocnistinae), are willing to examine and attempt to identify specimens from any part of the world. Currently they have records of over 30 genera of parasitoids (mostly Chalcidoidea) reared from citrus leafminer. Specimens can be sent to either of the two collaborators. Please be sure to contact either individual before sending spec imens to discuss how best to send the material. Contact either: J. LaSalle, IIE, 56 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5JR, UK. E-mail: jl@nhm.ac.uk. Phone: 44-171-9389364. Fax: 44-171-9389309. or M. Schauff, Systematic Entomology, c/o U.S. National Museum, Washington, DC 20560, USA. Phone: 1-202-382-1784. E-mail: mnhen024@sivm.si.edu. Fax: 1-202-786-9422. WEED SCIENCE WEB SITE OPENED A new WWW site sponsored by the Weed Science Society of America is now operational at: www.uiuc.edu (don't forget that last forward slash). The site will contain information on WSSA events, plant and chemical terminology, new herbicides and labels, government regulations, new publications, and committee activities, with more categories to come. For more information, contact D. Pike (wssa@uiuc.edu), or L.W. Lass (lwlass@uidaho.edu). IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. FORUM / EDITORIAL viewpoints, opinions, and open discussion of IPM issues. QUOTES "The cost of wildfire suppression on all [U.S.] federal lands in 1994 was US5 million. The average cost per acre was US7, much higher than normally allowed for noxious weed control, even though the long-term ecological and/or economic impacts from weeds are probably equal to or greater than the damage from wildfires." Dewey, Jenkins, and Tonioli, "Wildlife Suppression

A Paradigm for Noxious Weed Management," WEED TECHNOLOGY. IV. RESEARCH ROUNDUP research and findings related to IPM. Endophytes Help Plants Resist Insect Herbivores Operating on the concept that microorganisms are likely to mediate interactions between insect herbivores and plants in diverse ways, a research team confirmed the hypothesis that endophytes can be an agent for bringing about induced resistance by a grass to an insect herbivore. T.L. Bultman and D.T. Ganey showed that Fall armyworm, [Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith)], larvae reared on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) infected with the fungal endophyte Acremonium lolii Latch, and especially on artificially damaged plants, had significantly lower pupal mass weight than larvae reared on uninfected plants. In their paper, "Induced Resistance to Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Mediated by a Fungal Endophyte," Bultman and Ganey conclude that, "results suggest that the endophyte may mediate an induced response by its host grass." Damaging plants by clipping 25 percent of the plant shoots could have caused alkaloids produced by the endophyte to be more concentrated in the fresh shoot material fed to the larvae. Interaction between the effects of infection and damage significantly impacted pupal mass. excerpted from: ENVIRON. ENTOMOL., 24(5), 1196-1200, October 1995. ABBREVIATED ABSTRACT: In "The Brown Peach Aphid, Pterochloroides persicae (Lachninae: Aphididae): Prospects for IPM with Particular Emphasis on Classical Biological Control," M.T.K. Kairo and M.A. Poswal review taxonomy, worldwide distribution, pest status, biology, ecology, and options for integrated pest management of this pest. This review article, from BIOCONTROL NEWS AND INFORMATION, 16(3), 41N-47N, September 1995, (see: "Publications") pays particular attention to the potentials for biological control. BPA has assumed pest status on peach and almond in several countries of southern Europe, the eastern Mediterranean, North Africa, and most recently in the Arabian peninsula where it has been reported to have caused severe damage. This Month's Noted Research Papers "An Analysis of Pesticide Use in Vegetable Farming: the Case of ThailandPart I," Jourdain, D.J., and C. Rattanasatien. AGRO-CHEMICALS NEWS IN BRIEF, 18(2), 40-45, April-June 1995. "Biological Control of Gooseweed (Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn) with an Alternaria sp.," Mabbayad, M.O., and A.K. Watson. CROP PROT., 14(5), 429-, August 1995. "Chemical and Cultural Practices for Red Rice Control in Rice Fields in Ebro Delta," Forner, M.D. CROP PROT., 14(5), 405-408, August 1995. "Cultural Practices Improve Crop Tolerance to Nematodes," McSorley, R., and R.N. Gallaher. NEMATROPICA, 25(1), 53-60, June 1995. "Cultural Practices in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) on Weeds in Subsequent Fallow and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)," Wicks, G.A., et al. WEED SCI., 43(3), 434-444, July-September 1995. "Development, Identification, and Characterization of a Glyphosate-tolerant Soybean Line,"

Padgette, S.R., et al. CROP SCI., 35(5), 1451-1460, September-October 1995. "Effects of Environmental Stress on Weed/crop Interactions," Patterson, D.T. WEED SCI., 43(3), 483-490, July-September 1995. "Establishment of Insect Biological Control Agents from Europe Against Lythrum salicaria in North America," Hight, S.D., et al. ENVIRON. ENTOMOL., 24(4), 967-977, August 1995. "Integration of Entomopathogenic Nematodes with Bacillus thuringiensis or Pesticidal Soap for Control of Insect Pests," Kaya, H.K., et al. BIO. CTRL., 5(3), 432-441, September 1995. "Limitations to Use of Topical Toxicity Data for Predictions of Pesticide Side Effects in the Field," Stark, J.D., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOMOL., 88(5), 1081-1088, October 1995. "Long Term Change in Vegetation Following Herbicide Control of Larkspur," Ralphs, M.H. JRNL. OF RANGE MGMT., 48(5), 459-464, September 1995. "Mating Disruption for Controlling the Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella (L)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Organic Apple Production in Southwestern Ontario," Trimble, R.M. CAN. ENTOMOLOGIST, 127(4), 493-506, July-August 1995. "Mating Disruption of Codling Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with Polyethylene Tube Dispensers: Determining Emission Rates and the Distribution of Fruit Injuries," Knight, A.L., et al. JRNL. OF AGRIC. ENTOMOL., 12(2-3), 85-100, April-July 1995. "Monitoring and Control of European Corn Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), on Bell Peppers in Ohio," Welty, C. JRNL. OF AGRIC. ENTOMOL., 12(2-3), 145-162, April-July 1995. "Orchard Trials in Canada on Control of Cydia pomonella (Lep: Tortricidae) by Granulosis Virus," Jaques, R.P., et al. ENTOMOPHAGA, 39(3-4), 1994. "Resistance of Adult Colorado Potato Beetles to Removal Under Different Airflow Velocities and Configurations," Khelifi, M., et al. CAN. AGRIC. ENGRG., 37(2), 85-90, April-June 1995. "Site-specific Integrated Pest Management for High Value Crops: Sample Units for Map Generation Using the Colorado Potato Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) as a Model System," Weisz, R., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOMOL., 88(5), 1069-1080, October 1995. "The Role of Computer Models in the Grasshopper Integrated Pest Management Project," Berry, J.S. COMPUTERS AND ELEC. IN AGRIC., 13(1), 13-26, August 1995. IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global V. CALENDAR future events: meetings, seminars, conferences, and training courses that relate to global IPM. NOTE: sponsors and organizers are cordially encouraged to send information about future events to:

IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. Fax: 01-503-373-3080 E-mail: deutscha@bcc.orst.edu # = new entry since the last issue of IPMnet NEWS. {+} = additional information. or changes. See also Meetings and Conferences listed in the WWW Virtual Library for Agriculture. 1995 # 29-30 November SYMPOSIUM: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR WEED MANAGEMENT, Montreal, Que, CANADA. Contact: D.L. Benoit, Horticulture Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 430 Blvd. Gouin, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec J3B 3E6, CANADA. Phone: 1-514-346-4494, ext. 212. E-mail: BENOITDL@em.agr.ca. Fax: 1-514-346-7740. 5-8 December 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE MANAGEMENT OF DIAMONDBACK MOTH AND OTHER CRUCIFER PESTS, AVRDC, TAIWAN/ ROC. Contact: N.S. Talekar, AVRDC, PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan 741, TAIWAN/ROC. Phone: 886-6-583-7801. Fax: 886-6-583-0009. 17-21 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, "Transitions ?," Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Suite 300, Lanham, MD 20706, USA. Phone: 01-301-731-4535. Fax: 01-301-731-4538. E-mail: pugs@entsoc.org. >>At ESA Meeting, on 20 December, 1:30-5:30 PM: A Special Symposium, "Thr Transition of Biological Control from Technology to Science: The Role of Systematics and Ecology." Contact A. Asquith, E-mail: adam_asquith@mail.fws.gov. Phone: 01-808-541-3441. Fax: 01-808-541-3470. 1996 # 8-19 January SHORT COURSE: DECISION TOOLS FOR PEST MANAGEMENT, Imperial College, Silwood Park, U.K. Content will focus on: determining priorities for pest management research; designing and implementing integrated pest management strategies; and, choosing appropriate training programs for pest managers and advisers. Contact: J. Mumford, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks. SL5 7TA, U.K. E-mail: j.mumford@ic.as.uk. Fax: 44-1344-294339. Phone: 44-1344-294206. {*} 21-26 January 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS. The program includes a full session on integrated control. Preceded by: 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOHERBICIDES. Contact: J.H. Hoffmann, Zoology Dept., Univ. of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, SOUTH AFRICA. Fax: 27-21-650-3726. E-mail: hoff@botany.vct.ac.za. # 4-9 February INTERNATIONAL NEEM CONFERENCE, Lawes, QLD., AUSTRALIA. Contact: E. Hassan, Dept. of Plant Production, Univ. of Queensland Gatton College, Lawes, QLD 4343, AUSTRALIA. {*} 6-9 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, annual meeting, Marriot and Omni Hotels, Norfolk, VA, USA. Contact: WSSA, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821, USA. Phone: 1-217-352-4212. E-mail: wssa@uiuc.edu. # 27 February-1 March U.S. 3RD NATIONAL IPM SYMPOSIUM/WORKSHOP, Sheraton-Washington Hotel, Washington, DC, USA. Contact: B.J. Jacobsen, USDA IPM Coordinator, Ag Box 2220, Washington, DC 20250-2220, USA. E-mail:

bjacobsen@reeusda.gov. Phone: 1-202-401-6627. Fax: 1-202-401-4888. # 4-7 March 17TH VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE, Rohnert Park, CA, USA. Contact: T.P. Salmon, DANR-North Region, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616-8575, USA. # 17-23 March 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON VIRUS DISEASES OF ORNAMENTALS, Herzlia, ISRAEL. Contact: G. Loebenstein, Dept. of Virology, Volcani Center, PO Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL. Fax: 972-3-960-4180. {*} 16-18 April SIXTH INTERNATIONAL PARASITIC WEED SYMPOSIUM, Cordoba, SPAIN. Contact: M.T. Moreno, Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Agrario, Apartado 4240, 14080 Cordoba, SPAIN. Phone: 34-57-293833. Fax: 34-57-202721. 22 April-17 May 3RD INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COURSE ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ARTHROPOD PESTS & WEEDS, Silwood Park, U.K. Contact: S. Williamson, IIBC, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks. SL5 7TA, U.K. E-mail: s.williamson@cabi.org. Fax: 44 1344 875007. Phone: 44 1344 872999. 22-25 April INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MANAGING THE CITRUS LEAFMINER, Orlando, FL, USA. Invited talks and posters will provide information on CLM (Phyllocnistis citrella Staint): biology, monitoring, impact, research needs, developing integrated controls, and regulatory issues. Contact: M.A. Hoy, Dept. of Entomology & Nematology, PO Box 110620, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0620, USA. E-mail: mahoy@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. Phone: 01-904-392-1901, ext. 153. Fax: 01-904-392-0190. 24-26 April INTERNATIONAL PESTICIDES CONFERENCE: CROP PROTECTION TOWARDS 2000, KL Hilton International, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Co-organized by the Malaysian Agricultural Chemicals Assn., and the International Group of National Associations of Manufacturers of Agrochemical Products. Sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including IPM. Contact: MACA Secretariat, Ticket Serahan, Tingkap No. 43, Damansara Jaya, 47409 Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA. Phone: 60-3-704-8968. Fax: 60-3-704-8964. # 24-28 April ECONOMICS OF AGRO-CHEMICALS, a symposium of the International Assn. of Agric. Economists, Wageningen International Conference Centre (WICC), Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: A. Wossink, Wageningen Agric. Univ., Dept. of Farm Management, PO Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. E-mail: Ada.Wossink@ALG.abe.wau.nl. Phone: 31-317-484370. Fax: 31-317-484763. 7 May 48TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Univ. of Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: L. Tirry, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM. Phone: 32-0-9-264-6152. Fax: 32-0-9-264-6239. # 13-15 May 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PESTICIDES IN SOIL AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK. Contact: AAP, c/o Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK. Phone: 44-1789-470382. Fax: 44-1789-470234.

9-14 June 5TH SYMPOSIUM OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL (SICONBIOL), Rafain Palace Hotel, Foz do Iguacu (Iguazu Falls), Parana, BRAZIL. Contact: F. Moscardi, President-5th SICONBIOL, EMBRAPA - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Soja, Cx. Postal 1061, CEP 86001-970, Londrina, PR, BRAZIL. E-mail: moscardi@cnpso1.embrapa.anpr.br. # 23-28 June 11TH INTERNATIONAL BOTRYTIS SYMPOSIUM, Wageningen, NETHERLANDS. Contact: J.A.L. van Kan, Dept. of Phytopath- ology, WAU, PO Box 8025, 6700 EE Wageningen, NETHERLANDS. E-mail: jan.vankan@medew.fyto.wau.nl. Phone: 31-8370-83126. Fax: 31-8370-83412. {*} 25-28 June 2ND INTERNATIONAL WEED CONTROL CONGRESS, organized by the International Weed Science Society, Copenhagen, DENMARK. Two concurrent sessions each day beginning with a keynote address on the session theme. Contact: ICS, PO Box 41, DK-2900 Hellerup, DENMARK; or IWSS, c/o IPPC, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. Phone: 01-503-737-3541. Fax: 01-503-737-3080. E-mail: larsons@bcc.orst.edu. # 1 July-16 August INTERNATIONAL COURSE: BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF INSECTS AND MITES OF IMPORTANCE TO MANKIND, London, UK. Contact: D. Agassiz, IIE, 56 Queen's Gate, London SW7 5JR, UK. E-mail: d.agassiz@cabi.org. Fax: 44-1715-811676. 2-5 July 3RD SYMPOSIUM, EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ACAROLOGISTS, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Theme: "Ecology and Evolution in the Acari." Emphasis will be given to phylogeny, evolutionary ecology, and population dynamics. Contact: T. Korzilius, Population Biology, Univ. of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 320, 1098 SM Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Fax: 31-20-525-7754. Phone: 31-20-525-7736. E-mail: korzilius@bio.uva.nl. # 2-7 July 3RD INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONGRESS, Gosier, Guadeloupe, FRENCH WEST INDIES. Contact: A. Kermarrec, INRA, BP 1232, F-97185 Pointe-a-Pitre Cedex, Guadeloupe, FWI. Phone: 590-255-940. Fax: 590-941-172. 8-10 July INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSECT PESTS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT, Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, U.K. Contact: W. Robinson, Urban Pest Control Resch. Center., Dept. of Entomology, VPI&SU, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0319, USA. # 8-19 July 4TH ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE ON GLOBAL PEST RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT, East Lansing, MI, USA. (See details in "Medley" Section.) Contact: M.R. Bush or M.E. Whalon, B-11 Pesticide Research Center, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824-1311, USA. E-mail: ushm@pilot.msu.edu. Phone: 1-517-355-1768. Fax: 1-517-353-5598. 15-18 July 14TH SOUTH AFRICAN WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONGRESS, Lowveld Agric. College, Nelspruit, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: SAWSS, PO Box 27552, Sunnyside, Pretoria 0132, SOUTH AFRICA. 27-31 July AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Phone: 01-612-454-7250. Fax: 01-612-454-0766.

# 12 August-20 September. INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF FUNGI OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE, Egham, UK. Contact: S. Groundwater, International Mycological Institute, Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey TW20 9TY, UK. Phone: 44-1784-470111. Fax: 44-1784-470909. E-mail: s.groundwater@cabi.org. 25-31 August 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, ITALY. Science program includes 26 sections. Contact: O.I.C., Via A. La Marmora 24, 50121 Florence, ITALY. Fax: 39-55-500-1912. Phone: 39-55-500-0631. # (no date) August 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA, Madras, INDIA. Contact: A. Mahadevan, Centre for Advanced Study in Botany, Univ. of Madras, Guindy Campus, Madras 600 025, INDIA. Fax: 91-4456-6693. 9-11 September IOBC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, "TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: FROM RESEARCH TO PRACTICE," Montpellier, FRANCE. Sponsored by The Council of the global International Organization for Biological Control, the event will be devoted to various aspects of biological control of pest organisms, emphasizing technology transfer, within the general frame of IPM, and cover all animals, plants, and microorganisms considered as noxious in terms of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, nature, and water reserves, as well as human and animal health. Contact: J.P. Aeschlimann, CSIRO Biological Control Unit, Campus de Baillarguet, 34980 Montferrier-sur-Lez, FRANCE. E-mail: aeschlim@cypres.montpellier.inra.fr. Fax: 33-67-599-040. # 9-11 September ADVANCES IN THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Cambridge, UK. Contact: Society of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PS, UK. Phone: 44-171-235-3681. Fax: 44-171-823-1698. # 16-20 September 1ST WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, Cadiz, SPAIN, International Allelopathy Soc. (newly formed, in INDIA, in September 1994). Contact: F.A. Macias, IAS, Dept. of Organic Chem., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Cadiz, Apdo. 40, 11510 Puerto Real-Cadiz, SPAIN. Fax: 34-56-834924. Phone: 34-56-830217. E-mail: famacias@galeon.uca.es. 30 September-3 October 11TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Melbourne Univ., Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Weed Sci. Soc. of Victoria, PO Box 987, Frankston, VIC 3199, AUSTRALIA. # 14-16 October INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ECOTOXICOLOGY: PESTICIDES & BENEFICIAL ORGANISMS, Cardiff International Arena, Wales, UK. Contact: P. McEwen, Welsh Pest Management Forum, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF1 3TL, UK. Fax: 44-222-450-538. E-mail: SABPKM1@cardiff.ac.uk. # (no date) November AFRO-ASIAN SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, 3RD INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONFERENCE, Coimbatore, INDIA. Contact: U.K. Mehta, Dept. of Nematology, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 007, INDIA. Fax: 91-422-445611. Phone: 91-422-441179.

# 4-6 December 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTS IN AGRICULTURE, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: ANPP, 6 Blvd. de la Bastille, F-75012 Paris, FRANCE. 1997 # 2-6 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: WSSA, 1508 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61821-3133, USA. Phone: 1-217-352-4212. # 29-31 May INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ACREMONIUM/GRASS INTERACTIONS, Atlanta, GA, USA. Contact: N.S. Hill, Dept. of Agronomy, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. # 20-23 July SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS MEETING, Tucson, AZ, USA. # 9-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Rochester, NY, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. Phone: 1-612-454-7250. Fax: 1-612-454-0766. E-mail: zzz6882@vz.cis.umn.edu. # (no date) 7TH INTERNATIONAL VERTICILLIUM SYMPOSIUM, Athens, GREECE. Contact: R.C. Rowe, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Ohio State Univ., Wooster, OH 44691, USA. E-mail: rowe.4@osu.edu. Fax: 1-216-263-3841. IPMnet Sponsor IPMnet, a Global IPM Information Service, is sponsored, produced, and provided (without charge) by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in research, development, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 19 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, G. Teetes (Texas A&M Univ.) is vice chairman and treasurer, and G.A. Schaefers (Cornell Univ.) serves as executive director. The Consortium maintains a business office at: CICP, Cornell Univ., NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456-0462, USA. E-mail: cicp@cornell.edu. Phone: 01-315-787-2252. IPMnet's Web page and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.). E-mail: cipm@ncsu.edu. The IPMnet NEWS .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in the IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Information in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted providing the IPMnet NEWS is identified as the source. IPMnet Communication Advisory Committe

J.D. Harper, chair - jharper@ent.ncsu.edu A. Alvarez - alvarez@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu D. Dickson - dwd@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu M. Kogan, ex-officio - koganm@bcc.orst.edu G. Schaefers, ex-officio - george_schaefers@cornell. Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS ..... are encouraged from individuals, organizations, and institutions engaged in any aspect of crop protection, and especially IPM. Short items describing experiences, successes, problems, and solutions are welcome. So too are questions, recommendations, viewpoints (pro and con), and IPM-related opinion statements. A.E. Deutsch. IPMnet NEWS Coordinator/Editor Communications to the IPMnet NEWS ..... may be sent to any of the following: E-mail: deutscha@bcc.orst.edu Fax: 1-503-737-3080 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Phone: 1-503-737-6275

This mosaic version of IPMnet NEWS was marked up by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this mosaic document.

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