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IPMnet NEWS February 1999, Issue no. 62 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs Pest Insect Management for W. African Cotton Based on the premise that cotton (Gossypium sp.) cannot be grown successfully in West Africa without management of insect pests, a research study was conducted to investigate a series of strategies designed to reduce costs of protecting the crop from pest insects, and to improve overall farmer level pest management decision-making. Based on five years of research conducted in Cote d'Ivoire and reported in "Comparison of Different Strategies for Cotton Insect Pest Management in Africa," G.O. Ochout, et al proposed: Strategy 1: Use control thresholds early in the season (36-72 days after crop emergence); delays the start of the normal application program and can save one or two treatments out of the usual six; Strategy 2: Reduce the dosage in mixed pesticide applications and still control susceptible stages (eggs and first instar larvae); provides farmers minimum protection to control moderate infestations; Strategy 3: Control the expected main insect pests, monitor in- cidence of less common pests, and apply insecticides on the basis of thresholds for the latter; Strategy 4: Similar to #3, but based on sucking insect pests. Action thresholds were effective and avoided excessive application. It was concluded that, in addition to being financially attractive to producers (increased profits), most of these strategies met environmental goals. The authors judged that further refinement and demonstration of the approach presented a further challenge. excerpted from: CROP PROT., 17(9), 735-741, December 1998. Global Concern Leads to Late Blight Initiative Able to destroy a healthy crop in a matter of days, late blight disease of potato, caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans, affects agricultural productivity on every continent and is responsible for estimated global losses of US billion annually. To address this threat, representatives from 19 countries met in 1996 to organize the Global Initiative on Late Blight (GILB). The GILB was charged with stimulating, integrating, and coordinating research and development on late blight; assisting in developing common efforts that require funding; and establishing and facilitating the global late blight network. An

eight person steering committee all internationally known individuals with a wide representation of constituencies guides the initiative. A management component was placed at the Peru-based Centro Internacional de Papa (CIP). GILB essentially functions as a global-scale facilitator to focus efforts on problem solution, identifying gaps where research needs to be performed as well as niches where new partners or participants can play useful roles. A number of existing, recognized late blight networks are linked to, and cooperate with, GILB. A main focus, the challenge of developing resistance to late blight, is based on a six-point program involving an array of exploration, research, and testing. One component calls for updating current IPM studies and related transfer of technology. GILB actively pursues information sharing and distribution through publication of a periodic newsletter. A recent issue, among its many articles, listed links for worldwide potato websites. Additionally, a GILB-sponsored global conference is planned for March 1999 at Quito, ECUADOR. FMI: GILB, c/o CIP, Apartado 1558, Lima 12, PERU E-mail: m.kearl@cgnet.com Fax: 51-1-349-5638 Website: www.cipotato.org. GLOBAL IPM NEWS NOTES ** A study published in 1998 surveyed how IPM is being taught in 27 agricultural schools in Zambia and South Africa. "IPM Training in Southern Africa: Zambia and South Africa," by T. Kalisky and D. van Alphen, is based on interviews with school principals, teachers, and students. The study concluded that "there is a potential to increase IPM training in theory, and it is even more important to start performing IPM practicals." > Minor Field Studies, International Office, Swedish Univ. of Agric. Sciences, Uppsala, SWEDEN. ** In a move supporting action to prevent insects from developing resistance to "Bt corn," the U.S. National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) announced that it will "take a lead role in educating farmers on the need to have an appropriate refuge in place for Bt corn acres." NCGA's insect resistance management strategy considers the ideal level as 20 percent, that is, one out of every five ac (ha) devoted to corn production should be seeded with non-Bt corn to provide a refuge for Bt-susceptible insects to thus prevent development of Bt-resistant insects that would soon nullify the advantages of the new technology. > Website: www.ncga.com. ** Researchers in Honduras have developed and begun offering a "cooking banana" plant that is highly resistant to the devastating disease, black Sigatoka, and can be grown without use of pesticides. The new banana/plantain strain, FHIA-25, is a productive, flavorful dwarf variety that "could be just what the 90 million plantain and cooking banana consumers in Africa need," according to plant research scientist P. Rowe, who helped breed FHIA-25. > P. Rowe, e-mail: dinvest@simon.intertel.hn. ** The Cambodia-IRRI-Australia Project (CIAP) reported that the wet season rice crop in some areas of Cambodia suffered unusual outbreaks of false smut disease, caused by the fungus Ustilainoidea virens, in late 1998, but recommended against use of either of the two available fungicides noting that application is "rarely worth the risks" of toxicity to fish as well as livestock that might eat the rice stubble. For any rice fields badly damaged by false smut, CIAP scientists

suggest planting a less susceptible rice variety, allowing a fallow period following harvest, or growing an alternative crop. > CIAP, e-mail: irri-cambodia@cgnet.com. ** Several U.S. agencies warn that chalk manufactured to resemble conventional "chalkboard" chalk, but touted "to control insects simply by drawing a line," may contain illegal insecticides and pose a serious hazard to users, particularly children. Analyzed samples of the unregistered product contained various synthetic pyrethroids. Additionally, the colorful boxes these "chalks" typically use were found to contain high levels of lead and other heavy metals. "Making an insecticide look like a toy is dangerous as well as illegal," one government official stated. The agencies recommend immediate disposal at hazardous waste sites of both the product and its box.

back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information Australian Center Reports Advances During 1997-98, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), conducted an active multi-thrust program in Asia and the Pacific. Among the accomplishments listed in ACIAR's Annual Report for 1997-98, were several related to crop protection: Successful biological control of the breadfruit mealybug in Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia was extended to other Pacific atolls. A physical method to control rats was developed that is environ- mentally benign, increases crop yield without the use of chemicals, and encourages a community approach to the age-old problem of rat control. Biocontrol of Chromolaena odorata (Siam weed) was achieved in parts of Sumatra. Research moved forward toward incorporating ring spot virus resistance in papaya using related wild species. Pathogens were identified in Vietnam that are suitable for prepar- ation as fungal herbicides for the control of grassy weeds in rice crops. FMI: ACIAR, GPO Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA E-mail: aciar@aciar.gov.au Fax: 61-02-6217-0501 Phone: 61-02-6217-0500 Website: www.aciar.gov.au QUOTES "We need a strong, large and well based International Weed Science Society (IWSS) to raise a loud cry that weeds are starving us: if not everywhere, in too many places; if not now, in the near future as populations grow. Weeds starve us more than all other pests combined. Being quiet about weeds means that we accept the view that they are unimportant and what we are doing is marginal. Do we acquiesce?" J. Gressel, President, IWSS IWSS NEWSLETTER, July 1998 PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS

IPMnet NEWS wants to mention any publication, or CD, related to, or focused on, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with background information where to obtain copies, data about the author/editor(s), and any other particulars or descriptive materials to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA After review, materials will be cataloged into the joint CICP/IPPC international IPM and crop protection literature collection (which the worldwide IPM/crop protection community is welcome to use), or returned if so requested.

BIOPESTICIDE COMPENDIUM PUBLISHED The British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) recently published what is said to be the first, authoritative, world compendium of the diverse range of naturally occurring products that are now commercially available for pest insect, weed, and disease management. The 333-page work, THE BIOPESTICIDE MANUAL, A WORLD COMPENDIUM, first edition, edited by L.G. Copping, presents 188 biocontrol agents covering more than 800 products, divided into natural products, pheromones, living systems, insect predators, and genes. A free, full color brochure provides details of a typical main entry from the manual (in this case, spinosad, a microbial insecticide, whose parent strain was first iso- lated from an abandoned rum still in the Caribbean). The hardbound manual includes a directory of companies, a glossary, and other useful material. FMI: BCPC Publications Sales, Bear Farm, Binfield, Bracknell, Berks. RG42 5QE, UK E-mail: publications@bcpc.org Fax: 44-118-934-1998 Phone: 44-118-934-2727 Website: www.bcpc.org IPM PARADIGM USEFULNESS QUESTIONED Even though over a year old, INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT: IDEALS AND REALITIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES presents an interesting viewpoint about the future development and application of IPM, vis-a-vis developing countries. Authors S. Morse and W. Buhler, both at the Univ. of East Anglia, UK, offer their articulate opinion in this hardbound, 171-page, all text-and-tables monograph that the current IPM paradigm is essentially technocentric and needs to become much more sociocentric to be useful in the developing world's smaller farm agriculture. FMI: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1800 30th St., Boulder, CO 80301-1026, USA E-mail: LBidwell@rienner.com Fax: 1-303-444-0824 Phone: 1-303-444-6684 FOREST PEST INSECT BIOCONTROLS LISTED A 1998 U.S. government publication, PATHOGENS AND MICROBIAL CONTROL OF NORTH AMERICAN FOREST INSECT PESTS, presents useful information to help select appropriate pathogens and microbial control approaches for a wide range of pest insects. Authors J.R. Fuxa, et al introduce the topic and then discuss all the main species in 12 insect groups before offering recommendations. The 204-page (approx.), softbound work (pub. no. FHTET-97-27) is a graphically pleasing, excellent resource that includes extensive references. For a free copy, contact: L. Cress, USDA Forest Service, 180 Canfield St., Morgantown, WV 26505, USA E-mail: lcress/na_mo@fs.fed.us Fax: 1-304-285-1564 CATALOG OF WEED BIOCONTROL UPDATED As a revised and expanded version of a benchmark work BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, A WORLD CATALOGUE OF AGENTS AND THEIR TARGET WEEDS, 4th Edition, presents a comprehensive overview of all attempts at biocontrol of weeds undertaken through 1996, including many new releases made since publication of the third edition in 1992.

Editors M.H. Julien and M.W. Griffiths employ an attractive new catalog format divided into sections according to class of biocontrol agent; each entry lists the target weed, control agent, and all other available details, as well as key references. The softbound, 240-page volume was published jointly in 1998 by CABI Publishing and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. FMI: CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK E-mail: S.Harris@cabi.org Fax: 44-0-1491-829292 Phone: 44-0-1491-832111 Website: pest.cabweb.org ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY WORK REVISED More than a decade after the landmark first edition appeared, ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 2nd edition, was published including new information regarding how insects affect, and are affected by, the ecosystems they exist in, as well as their adaptations and their roles as a key part of the system. The 1999, hardbound work, edited by C.B. Huffaker and A.P. Gutierrez, offers over 770 pages of information in 20 chapters prepared by a platoon of eminent authorities. FMI: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158-0012, USA E-mail: info@wiley.com Fax: 1-212-850-6008 Phone: 1-212-850-6011 Website: www.catalog.wiley.com Publication & CD Notes The Royal Entomological Society (UK) has launched a new journal, AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, as a "natural home for the best papers on entomological research relevant to the control of insect and other arthropod pests," according to an announcement mailer. Issues papers will be included, such as: "Biological Control: Environmental Success or Disaster?," and "IPM: Social Movement or a Marketing Tool?" An extensive rationale for the new periodical, published by Blackwell Science, is set forth in the mailer. FMI: A.D. Watt, Editor AFE, Institute of Terrestrial Ecol., Edinburg Research Stn., Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0QB, UK E-mail: ADW@ite.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-131-445-3943 Phone: 44-0-131-445-4343 A section within the International Atomic Energy Agency publishes the INSECT AND PEST CONTROL NEWSLETTER focused on use of sterile insect release programs. The most recent issue is #52, December 1998. FMI: Insect and Pest Control Section, IAEA, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-mail: J.Hendrichs@iaea.org Fax: 43-1-26007 An FAO program in Asia now publishes SPIDER WEB, an occasional newsletter designed to increase both awareness and development of IPM training activities, mainly season-long farmer (community) activities, in Asia. The periodical is written for IPM trainers and managers working for governments or non-governmental organizations. Both hard copy and e-mail versions are offered. FMI: FAO Programme for Community IPM in Asia, PO Box 1380, Jakarta 12013, INDONESIA E-mail: communityIPM@ibm.net Fax: 62-21-788-32605 Phone: 62-21-788-32604 "Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Groundnut Workshop for Western and Central Africa" (Accra, GHANA, November 1996), F. Waliyar, and V.C. Umeh, eds., have been published as Supplement No. 18, 1998, of the INTERNATIONAL ARACHIS NEWSLETTER. FMI: ICRISAT, Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA E-mail: F.Waliyar@cgiar.org OTHER RESOURCES POWDERY MILDEW RISK MODEL OFFERED Research at the Univ. of California carried out by W.D. Gubler, et al forms the basis for a Powdery Mildew Risk Assessment Model for use in dealing with the effects caused by the fungus Uncinula necator (Schw) Burr. Powdery mildew ranks as the most enduring and persistent disease problem for California grape producers, especially among Vitis vinifera vineyards. The model leads to a risk index which is based on factors of leaf wetness and average temperature; the index helps

producers determine optimum pest management timing and action, and was found to reduce the number of fungicide applications. A full description of the Index is posted on APSnet, at the website: www.scisoc.org E-mail: aps@scisoc.org, or wdgubler@ucdavis.edu. EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS SYSTEM AIDS MORE JUDICIOUS USE OF PESTICIDES The mid-western U.S. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) has developed a computer-based aid for helping growers and their technical advisors incorporate risk assessment and environmental factors in the selection and management of pesticides. The aid, "Pesticide Decision Tool (PDT) for Integrated Pesticide Selection and Management," integrates environmental and other key decision factors using a set of documents including reference tables, a user guide, data forms, and worksheets. Non-environmental factors can include production cost, carry-over ratings, crop tolerance ratings, toxicological ratings, and resistance management information. The environmental focus is ground and surface water protection. IATP has focused on corn/maize and soybean as the two major midwest crops, and herbicides which are the major pesticide used in these crops. The PDT uses the U.S. government's Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WinPST) that provides a range of environmental factors for various soil types and pesticide active ingredients. A more detailed description of the PDT (and the project developing it) is available at: www.iatp.org/enviroag/pesticidesummary.htm. FMI: Environment and Agriculture, IATP, 2105 First Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55404-2505, USA E-mail: jvickery@iatp.org Fax: 1-612-870-4846 Phone: 1-612-870-3430.

back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS research/technical topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the listed titles that follow. Please direct requests for this information via e-mail to: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu. This Month's SELECTED TILES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "First Step Towards Integrated Pest Management on Cotton in Burkina Faso," Nibouche, S., et al CROP PROT., 17(9), 697-701, December 1998. "Fruit Tree and Vine Sprayer Calibration Based on Canopy Size and Length of Row: Unit Canopy Row Method," Furness, G.O., et al. CROP PROT., 17(8), 639-644, November 1998. "Improving Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programmes for the South Pacific," Hunter, D.G. JRNL. OF SOUTH PAC. AGRIC., 4(1/2), 105-108, 1997. Biocontrol "Constraints on the Use of Trichogramma Egg Parasitoids in Biological Control Programmes in India," Romeis, J., et al. BIOCON. SCI. & TECH., 8(2), 289-299, 1998.

"Effect of Alternaria cassiae, Pseudocercospora nigricans, and Soybean (Glycine max) Planting Density on the Biological Control of Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)," Pitelli, R.A., et al. WEED TECH., 12(1), 37-40, January-March 1998. "Effect of Sweet Potato Cultivar on Efficacy and Persistence of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Control of Cylas formicarius," Jansson, R.K., and S.H. Lecrone. NEMATROP., 27(1), 41-52, June 1997. "How Risky is Biological Control?," Frank, J.H. ECOL., 79(5), 1829-1834, 1998. "Prospecting for Insect Pheromones in Indonesia: Finds, Failures and the Future," Angerilli, N.P.D., et al. JRNL. OF ASIA-PAC. ENTOM., 1(1), 25-33, 1998. "Reappraising the Potential of Biological Control Against the Weed Carthamus lanatus," Aeschlimann, J.P. ENTOMOPH., 42(4), 559-568, 1997. "The Effect of Insecticide Treatments in Cotton Fields on the Levels of Parasitism of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) sl.," Gerling, D., and S.E. Naranjo. BIO. CONTRL., 12(1), 33-41, May 1998. "Understanding how Parasitoids Balance Food and Host Needs: Importance to Biological Control," Lewis, W.J., et al. BIO. CONTRL., 11(2), 175- , February 1998. Phytopathology "Control of Papaya Ringspot Virus in Papaya: A Case Study," Gonsalves, D. ANN. REV. PHYTOPATH., 36, 415-437, September 1998. "Management of Fire Blight: A Case Study in Microbial Ecology," Johnson, K.B., and V.O. Stockwell. ANN. REV. PHYTOPATH., 36, 227-248, September 1998. "Simulation Modelling for Crop-disease Spraying Management," Dahab, M.H., and J.R. O'Callagham. AGRIC. MECH. IN ASIA, AFR. AND LAT. AMER., 29(3), 27-32, Summer 1998. "The Impact of Reduced Tillage on Soilborne Plant Pathogens," Bockus, W.W., and J.P. Shroyer. ANN. REV. OF PHYTOPATH., 36, 485-500, 1998. "The Role of the World Wide Web in Extension Plant Pathology: Case Studies in Tree Fruits and Grapes," Biggs, A.R., and G.G. Grove. PLANT DIS., 82(5), 452-464, May 1998. Weed Management "Impact of Triclopyr Amine on Galerucella calmariensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and a Step Toward Integrated Management of Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria L.," Lindgren, G.J., et al. BIO. CONTRL., 12(1), 14-19, May 1998. "Present and Future Developments in Weed Control - A View from Weed Science," Hurle, K. PFLANZ.-NACH., 51(2), 109-128, 1998.

"Short- and Long-term Economic Implications of Controlling Crenate Broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) in Broad Bean (Vicia faba L.) Under Various Management Strategies," Lopez-Granados, F., and L. Garcia-Torres. CROP PROT., 17(2), 139-143, March 1998. Entomology "Comparison of Pheromone Trap Designs for Monitoring Z-Strain European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crabidae)," Bartels, D.W., and W.D. Hutchison. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 91(6), 1349-1354, December 1998. "Evaluation of some Local Ghanian Cowpea Germplasm for Resistance to Insect Pests," Owusu-Akyaw, M., et al. PLANT GEN. RESOUR. NLTR., 114, 49-50, 1998. "Integration of Nonchemical, Postharvest Treatments for Control of Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Indianmeal Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Walnuts," Johnson, J.A., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 91(6), 1437-1444, December 1998. "Joint Action of an Entomopathogenic Fungus (Metarhizium anisopilae) with Synthetic Insecticides Against the Scarab Beetle, Anomala cuprea (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Larvae," Hiromori, H., and J. Nishigaki. APPL. ENTOM. & ZOOL., 33(1), 77-84, February 1998. "Success of Mite-fighting Tactics Evaluated," Karban, R., and F. Zalom. CALIF. AGRIC., 52(6), 21-24, November-December 1998. "Weather Associated with Autumn and Winter Migrations of Rice Pests and Other Insects in Southeastern and Eastern Asia," Rutter, J.E., et al. BULL. OF ENTOM. RESCH., 88(2), 189-198, Nematology "Developing Sustainable Systems for Nematode Management," Barker, K.R., and S.R. Koenning. ANN. REV. PHYTOPATH., 36, 165-205, September 1998. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global IV. CALENDAR a global listng of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, training courses, symposia, etc.) Information was collected from, and supplied by, various sources; IPMnet expresses appreciation to all. NOTE: this issue of the NEWS contains both Calendar 1, (events new to the Calendar, or listing revised information) and Calendar 2 (All Previously Listed Events). Additional information can be found at the website: www.IPMnet.org. New and Revised listings Previously Listed events See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar

IPMnet Calendar 1. NEW=(N), or REVISED=(R) entries only

In 1999 (N) 9-13 August 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, "Critical Analysis and Future Prospects," Thunder Bay, ONT, CANADA. Contact: A. Malik, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ONT P7B 5E1, CANADA. (N) 25-28 August SHADE TREE WILT DISEASES NATIONAL CONFERENCE, St. Paul, MN, USA. Contact: C.L. Ash, American Phytopathological Society, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: cash@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org (N) 29-30 August NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OPTIMAL USE OF INSECTICIDAL NEMATODES IN PEST MANAGEMENT, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Contact: S. Polavarapu, Rutgers Center, Chatsworth, NJ 08019, USA E-mail: polavarapu@aesop.rutgers.edu Phone: 1-609-726-1590 (N) 17-20 October EVALUATING INDIRECT ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, IOBC Symposium, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: M. Montes de Oca, IOBC Symposium, Ave. Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier, Cedex 5, FRANCE E-mail: iobc.symp@agropolis.fr Fax: 33-4-6704-7599 Phone: 33-4-6704-7530 In 2000 (N) Winter (2000) SHORTCOURSE: PEST MANAGEMENT FOR EVERGREEN TREES, Madison, WI, USA. Contact: C.L. Ash, American Phytopathological Society,3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: cash@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org In 2001 0

IPMnet Calendar 2 PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 1999, 2000 and 2001 Current as of February 1999

1999 8-10 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Fax: 1-913-843-1274 E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com - - Phone: 1-913-843-1235 15-18 February 1ST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON WEED RISK ASSESSMENT, Adelaide SA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: J. Virtue, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-08-8303-9559 E-mail: virtue.john@pi.sa.gov.au Phone: 61-08-8303-9502 Website: www.pir .sa.gov.au/about_pisa/weedwatchPR.shtml 18-19 February 2ND ASIA-PACIFIC CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Juhu, Mumbai, INDIA. Contact: P.P. Dave, PMFAI, B-4, Anand Co-op Housing Society, Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim (W.), Mumbai - 400016, INDIA E-mail: pmfai@bom4.vsnl.net.in Fax: 91-22-437-6856 Phone: 91-22-437-5279 8-10 March INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN IPM: CONCEPTS, RESEARCH, AND IMPLEMENTATION, Raleigh, NC, USA. Aim: to provide a forum for examining emerging technologies and discussing constraints to their development, implementation, and integration into IPM programs. Contact: T. Sutton, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Box 7616, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA Website: ipmwww.ncsu.edu E-mail: turner_sutton@ncsu.edu Phone: 1-919-515-6823 15-18 March 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT PROTECTION IN THE TROPICS, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Contact: I. Hashim, c/o C.I.P.U., RRIM Exp. Station, 47000 Sg. Buloh Selangor, MALAYSIA E-mail: drismail@lgm.gov.my Fax: 60-3-6576745 16 March MANAGING BENEFICIAL ORGANISMS IN PRACTICAL INTEGRATED CROP MANAGEMENT, London, UK. Will review the use, management and acceptance by growers, food processors, and supermarkets of beneficials in practical systems. Contact: SCI, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PS, UK Fax: 44-171-235-7743 E-mail: conferences@chemind.demon.co.uk Phone: 44-171-598-1563 16-19 March LATE BLIGHT: A THREAT TO GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY, Quito, ECUADOR. International conference organized by the Global Initiative on Late Blight (GILB). Contact: GILB, CIP, Apartado 1558, Lima 12, PERU E-mail: m.kearl@cgnet.com Fax: 51-1-349-5638 Web: www.cipotato.org 18-19 March SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN THE TROPICS, Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA. Organized by the National Council for Biological Control Malaysia, in collaboration with CAB International. Contact: Symposium Organizing Committee, MARDI, PO Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA E-mail: anwar@mardi.my Fax: 60-03-948-7639 Phone: 60-03-943-7432 Web: www.mardi.my 18-19 March CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL RISK INDICATORS FOR PESTICIDES, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Results from the European group, "Concerted Action on Pesticide Environmental Risk indicators" (CAPER). Contact: B. de Groot,

e-mail: beadegroot@clm.nl 21 March-3 July 28TH INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: International Agricultural Centre, PO Box 88, 6700AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-418552 Phone: 31-317-490353 Web: www.iac-agro.nl 22-27 March INTEGRATED PEST AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN PROTECTED CULTIVATION, International Postgraduate Course, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: International Training Centre, WAU, POB 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-426547 E-mail: geralda.fonteijn@secr.phlo.wau.nl Phone: 31-317-484092 23-25 March CROP PROTECTION IN NORTHERN BRITAIN 1999, Univ. of Dundee, UK. Contact: D.H.K. Davies, CPNB, Crop Systems Dept., SAC, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0QE, UK E-mail: k.davies@ed.sac.ac.uk 30 March-23 April INSECT PATHOLOGY SHORT COURSE, Egham, UK. Contact: S. Groundwater, CABI Bioscience UK Centre (Egham), Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9TY, UK E-mail: S.Groundwater@CABI.org Fax: 44-0-1491-829100 Phone: 44-0-1784-470111 6-7 April IPM IN OREGON: ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS, Corvallis, OR, USA. Includes two U.S. national IPM leaders: H. Coble, weed scientist and former National U.S. IPM Coordinator M. Fitzner, National U.S. IPM Program Leader. Contact: Integrated Plant Protection Center, Oregon State Univ., 2040 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA E-mail: shenkm@bcc.orst.edu Fax: 1-541-737-5080 Phone: 1-541-737-3541 12-16 April 7TH SYMPOSIUM ON PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY, Aguadulce, Almeria, SPAIN. Contact: A. Fereres, CCMA-CSIC, Serrano 115 dpdo, 28006 Madrid, SPAIN E-mail: ebvaf22@fresno.csic.es Website: www.staff.uiuc.edu/~afereres/epicong.html Fax: 34-1-564-0800 4 May 51ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. De Clercq, Dept. of Crop Protection, Univ. of Gent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM E-mail: Patrick.DeClercq@rug.ac.be Fax: 32-0-9-264-6239 Website: allserv.rug.ac.be/~hvanbost/symposium/index.html 19-21 May WORLD NEEM CONFERENCE (and Tradeshow), Vancouver, CANADA. Contact: M.B. Isman, Dept. of Plant Science, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z4, CANADA E-mail: isman@unixg.ubc.ca Fax: 1-604-822-8640 23-26 May 34TH CONGRESS OF THE MEXICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Aguascalientes, Ags., MEXICO. Contact: J. Padilla-Ramirez, ENEP-Iztacala, Laboratorio de Zoologia, Av. de los Barrios S.N., Los Reyes Iztacala, 54090 Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mexico, MEXICO E-mail: jorgepr@servidor.unam.mx Fax/Phone: 52-5-623-1212 Website:

www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/7352/ 28 June-1 July 11TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Basel, SWITZERLAND. Contact: EWRS Symposium 1999, c/o FAW, CH-8820, Waedenswil, SWITZERLAND Fax: 41-62-868-6341 E-mail: Daniel.Gut@wae.faw.admin.ch Phone: 41-1-763-6111 Website: www.res.bbsrc.ac.uk/ewrs/ewrs_symp.html 5-9 July 10TH BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Bozeman, MT, USA. Contact: N.R. Spencer, USDA/ARS, 1500 North Central, Sidney, MT 59270, USA Fax: 1-406-482-5038 E-mail: nspencer@sidney.ars.usda.gov Phone: 1-406-482-9407 Website: www.symposium.ars.usda.gov/ 6-10 July SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PARASITOLOGISTS JOINT MEETING, Monterey, CA, USA. Contact: H. Ferris, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA E-mail: hferris@ucdavis.edu Fax: 1-916-752-5809 Phone: 1-916-752-8432 19-23 July INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA, Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO. Combined: 1st Meeting of the Entomological Society of Burkina Faso, and 13th Meeting of the African Association of Insect Scientists. Contact: D. Traore, Station de Farako-ba, 01 BP 910 Bobo-Dioulasso 01, BURKINA FASO E-mail: dtraore@fasonet.bf Fax: 226-97-09-60 25-30 July 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PLANT PROTECTION, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Theme: "Plant Protection Towards the Third Millennium - Where Chemistry Meets Ecology." Contact: IPPC Secretariat, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, ISRAEL E-mail: ippc@kenes.com Fax: 972-3-514-0077 Phone: 972-3-514-0014 Website: www.kenes.com/IPPC 25 July-6 August 5TH ANNUAL IPM SHORT COURSE, East Lansing, MI, USA. Course follows "train the trainers" approach to team building, knowledge sharing and participatory learning, and provides "hands-on" experiences in various components of IPM. Contact: K.M. Maredia, Inst. of International Agric., 416 Plant and Soil Sciences Building, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824, USA E-mail: kmaredia@pilot.msu.edu Fax: 1-517-432-1982 Phone: 1-517-353-5262 6-12 August JOINT MEETING OF THE AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETIES, Montreal, CANADA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 7-11 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY-CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY JOINT MEETING, Montreal, CANADA. Contact: F. Labatt, APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: flabatt@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org

9-13 August 2ND WORLD CONGRESS ON ALLELOPATHY, "Critical Analysis and Future Prospects," Thunder Bay, ONT, CANADA. Contact: A. Malik, Lakehead Univ., Thunder Bay, ONT P7B 5E1, CANADA. 10-12 August 52ND NZ PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: A. Rahman, Ruakura Agric. Research Centre, PB 3123, Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND Fax: 64-07-838-5073 E-mail: rahmana@agresearch.cri.nz Phone: 64-07-838-5280 25-28 August SHADE TREE WILT DISEASES NATIONAL CONFERENCE, St. Paul, MN, USA. Contact: C.L. Ash, American Phytopathological Society, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: cash@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org 29-30 August NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OPTIMAL USE OF INSECTICIDAL NEMATODES IN PEST MANAGEMENT, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Contact: S. Polavarapu, Rutgers Center, Chatsworth, NJ 08019, USA E-mail: polavarapu@aesop.rutgers.edu Phone: 1-609-726-1590 29 August-3 September VII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JUVENILE HORMONES, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Contact: S.W. Applebaum, e-mail: jhvii@indycc1.agri.huji.ac.il Website: www.agri.huji.ac.il/~jhvii 30 August-24 September BIOLOGICAL PEST MANAGEMENT SHORT COURSE, Egham and Ascot, UK. Contact: S. Groundwater, CABI Bioscience UK Centre (Egham), Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9TY, UK E-mail: S.Groundwater@CABI.org Fax: 44-0-1491-829100 Phone: 44-0-1784-470111 12-16 September 12TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Conference Design, PO Box 342, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7006, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-03-6224-3774 E-mail: mail@cdesign.com.au 25-29 October SPRAY OILS BEYOND 2000: SUSTAINABLE PEST & DISEASE MANAGEMENT, Sydney, AUSTRALIA. Contact: A. Frost, Hawkesbury Technologies, UWS Hawkesbury, PO box 415, Richmond, NSW 2753, AUSTRALIA E-mail: a.frost@uws.edu.au Fax: 61-02-4570-1520 Website: www.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au/events/sprayoils Phone: 61-02-4570-1690 15-18 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 1999, WEEDS, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Phone: 44-171-228-8034 Website: www.BCPC.org 22-27 November 17TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, "Weeds and Environmental Impact," Bangkok, THAILAND. Contact: S. Chinawong, Dept. of Agronomy, Kasetsart Univ., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10903, THAILAND E-mail:

agrsbc@nontri.ku.ac.th Website: aggie.kps.ku.ac.th/APWSS/index.html 12-16 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Atlanta, GA, USA. Contact: Z.B. Mayo, Dept. of Entomology, 202 Plant Industry Bldg., PO Box 830816, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816, USA E-mail: zmayo1@unl.edu Fax: 1-402-472-4687 Phone: 1-402-472-8703 2000 5-10 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Toronto, CANADA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Fax: 1-913-843-1274 E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com - - Phone: 1-913-843-1235 3-6 June XXII BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: B.N. Rodrigues; e-mail sbcpd@cnpso.embrapa.br 6-11 June III INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: J.B. Silva; e-mail sbcpd@cnpso.embrapa.br Web Site: www.foztur.com.br/iwsc 12-16 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY-MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOINT MEETING, New Orleans, LA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 20-26 August 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: D.L. Gazzoni; e-mail gazzoni@cnpso.embrapa.br Web site: www.embrapa.br/ice Winter (2000) SHORTCOURSE: PEST MANAGEMENT FOR EVERGREEN TREES, Madison, WI, USA. Contact: C.L. Ash, American Phytopathological Society,3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: cash@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org 2001 25-29 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETTING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org

Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080

IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free global IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop

protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. G.L. Teetes (Texas A&M Univ.) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, M. Kogan (Oregon State Univ.) is Vice chairman, A. Alvarez (Univ. of Hawaii) is Treasurer, and R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois)has been newly appointed Executive Director. The Consortium now maintains its administrative office at: CICP, Univ. of Illinois, N417 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-4798, USA E-mail: CICP@uiuc.edu Fax: 1-217-244-1230 Phone: 1-217-333-7346. IPMnet's Web page (www.IPMnet.org) and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu

The IPMnet NEWS .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in the IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Information in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted PROVIDED that the IPMnet NEWS is duly identified as the source.

CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe: .... J.D. Harper, chair JAMES_HARPER@ncsu.edu; A. Alvarez, and D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and G.A. Schaefers.

IPMnet NEWS Editor / Coordinator: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu.

Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS: .... the NEWS welcomes short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, as well as notices of events, publications, plus equipment and


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IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: ..... is a PRIVATE list and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual beside the Consortium for International Crop Protection, which highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership.

To contact IPMnet NEWS:

E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu (preferred method) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

This World Wide Web version of IPMnet NEWS was prepared by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document.

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