IPMnet NEWS March 2000, Issue no. 75 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs IPM: Challenged But Still Valid Three scientists recently drew on the colorful metaphor of U.S. style football to tartly comment on, and challenge, an extensively discussed 1996 report issued by the (U.S.) National Research Council (NRC) which forcefully promoted replacing the term "integrated" with "ecologically based" as applied to pest management. To the proposed scrapping of "IPM" in favor of "EBPM," authors T.A. Royer and colleagues unequivocally state, in "Renaming (Redefining) Integrated Pest Management: Fumble, Pass or Play?," that they do not believe "IPM needs to be renamed." Writing in AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST, 45(1), 136-139, 1999, Royer, et al essentially concur with the conclusion reached earlier by M. Kogan [PHYTOPARASITICA, 27(2), 93-96, 1999] who noted that in the past three decades IPM matured into "the fundamental paradigm that has emerged" in crop protection, and that the call to consign the term "integrated" to the waste bin would remove the bedrock conceptual foundation of this widely accepted approach. According to Royer, et al, the NRC report's support for retiring "IPM" can be distilled into a trio of criticisms that IPM: # is not eco-logically based; # but is pesticide based; and, # is not interdisciplinary. The authors discuss and present information to broadly refute each NRC rebuke, while concuring that there are needs for increased cross-discipline activity (less solo entomology, more interaction with and between both plant pathology and weed science) as well as greater emphasis on, and implementation of, IPM's ecological foundations. Two years earlier, R.H. Miller wrote a cogent review of the same NRC report [ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY, 26(3), 725, June 1997] commenting: "the committee's [report's] arguments that a new pest management paradigm is needed or that EBPM will solve the problems of construct drift in IPM are not convincing." In fact, Miller concluded that to foist on producers, administrators, and regulating authorities "a new and rather awkward acronym marking an incremental rather than a quantum change in pest management strategy would be needlessly confusing and counterproductive." Since all three cited critiques do concur with the NRC's strong concern that ecology must be an
elemental factor in pest management, one can conclude that, while there is but sparse support for a change of banners and acronyms, the NRC report arguably served an important role in reminding the global pest management universe of the continuing critical need for heightened cross-disciplinary activity and strengthened ecological approaches within the valid IPM framework. GLOBAL IPM NOTES Results from recent research indicate that a fungus associated with Cassia tora (sicklepod) effectively controls Pueraria lobata (kudzu) a non-native, highly invasive weed widely found, but not effectively controlled, in the southern USA. In both laboratory and field studies, the fungus Myrothecium verrucaria killed 100 percent of kudzu plants. |> C.D. Boyette, dboyette@ag.gov. Three of the four sessions during the multi-sponsor, April 03-04 conference, "The Economic and Commercial Impact of Integrated Crop Management," London, UK, will at least touch on some aspect of crop protection. |> L. Cole, Lynnc@chemind.demon.co.uk. In December, both Tasmania, AUSTRALIA Houses of Parliament passed The Weed Management Act 1999 that for the first time directly underpins a strategic approach to integrated and coordinated weed management at a state level. The Act, among other things, requires a scientifically based weed risk assessment as part of the process for declaring a plant species to be a weed, and provides communities with improved statutory powers to implement weed management/control. |> A. Bishop, Andrew.Bishop@dpiwe.tas.gov.au. The U.S. State of California has awarded US8,000 in grants to support 19 projects in 2000 that promote environmentally-friendly pest management. The grants, part of an annual program, range from urban school gardens to large-scale farming operations, and include projects to help growers work in harmony with their residential neighbors. |> N. Gorder, ngorder@cdpr.ca.gov. Management and control of vertebrates will be one of the key subjects addressed during "Human Conflicts with Wildlife: Economic Considerations," a conference scheduled for 01-03 August 2000, at Fort Collins, CO, USA. |> NWRC@usda.gov. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication, or CD, focused on, or related to, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with full information where to obtain copies, data about the author/editor(s), and any other particulars or descriptive materials to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA
BIOCONTROL: PLUS AND MINUS Entomologists P.A. Follett and J.J. Duan organized a 1997 symposium, "Biological Control for a Small Planet: Nontarget Effects of BC," that attracted eight papers, to which they added nine other studies, and in 2000 published the combined collection as the 316-page NONTARGET EFFECTS OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. Said to be "the first book of its kind," the hardcover work addresses key areas of concern: the irreversibility of alien introductions; prevalence of host switching to innocuous native or beneficial species; dispersal of biocontrol agents to new habitats away from croplands; and the lack of research on the efficacy and impact of biocontrol attempts. The 17-chapter monograph offers a balanced treatment of the topic through incorporating diverse viewpoints and approaches in what the editors label "this neglected area of applied ecology," and provides important information to reduce risks in planning and evaluating future biocontrol releases. |> Kluwer Academic Publishers, POB 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, THE NETHERLANDS. E-mail: services@wkap.nl. Fax: 31-78-654-6474. Phone: 31-78-639-2392. Website: www.wkap.nl. MODERN PESTICIDE APPLICATION For the foreseeable future, selective, thoughtful use of pesticides will remain an important element within the spectrum of IPM strategies. A 1999 softcover volume by respected international authority G.A. Matthews presents information on this timely topic and succinctly summarizes modern day APPLICATION OF PESTICIDES TO CROPS. The 325-page work examines pesticide application techniques and caveats, primarily from a grower's viewpoint, that are appropriate for a range of major crops field, orchard, turf, and protected cropping. Beyond the extensively illustrated text, appendixes provide additional highly practical technical data. |> E. Haigh, WSPC/Imperial College Press, 57 Shelton St., Covent Garden, London WC2H 9HE, UK. E-mail: ellen@icpress.demon.co.uk . Fax: 44-171-836-2020. Phone: 44-171-836-0888. Publication & CD Notes In the USA, a federally funded program sponsors dissemination of IPM information generated by regional groups of states. The 1999 REPORT ON NORTHEAST REGION INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT capsulizes last year's activities for one group. A cleverly designed series of fact sheets for the 12 involved states presents case studies: the issue, the action taken, and the impact, along with key contact information. The sheets come arranged in a folder that describes the overall program. |> J.R. VanKirk, 248 Grant Ave., Auburn, NY 13021, USA. E-mail: jrv1@cornell.edu. Fax: 1-315-255-1187. Phone: 1-315-255-1183. Website: www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ipmnet/. The November 1999 edition of AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY is a special issue devoted to "Aerial Dispersal of Pests and Pathogens." The nine included paperscovering a variety of related subjects and guest edited by D.E. Aylor and M.E. Irwinderive from a November 1998 symposium. |> AGRIC. AND FOR. METEOROL., 97(4), all, November 1999. The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union publishes (in English) the tri-annual international journal, PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA, dedicated to original research, reviews, and information concerning the region's phytopathological challenges. |> L. Mugnai, Dipart. di Biotec. Agrarie-Patologia Veg., Universitaria, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze, ITALY. E-mail: laura@ipaf.fi.cnr.it. Fax: 39-055-354786. Phone: 39-055-3288377. Website: www.unifi.it/istituzioni/mpu/phymed.htm.
The Florida (USA) based Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants has published a free CATALOG OF EXTENSION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. The full color, 22-page publication lists newsletters, manuals, publications, posters, photo slides, plant identification materials, and more. |> APIRS, 7922 NW 71st St., Gainesville, FL 32653, USA. E-mail: varamey@nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-392-3462. Phone: 1-352-392-1799. Website: plants.ifas.ufl.edu. OTHER RESOURCES PACIFIC NETWORK FORMED Pacific PestNet (PPN) was recently established as an electronic forum focused on plant protection in Pacific Island nations ... to complement work carried out by organizations and universities serving the same region. PPN is intended to provide: Information on crop regional pest insects, weeds, and pathogens as well as their management/control; Alerts on new incursions or threats to Pacific Island countries; A vehicle to facilitate information exchange and discussion between plant protection practitioners in the region and beyond; and, An avenue for inquiries, notices, and announcements. Membership is open to all. To join, send an e-mail to: pestnet-subscribe@egroups.com. PPN messages are also posted on the website: www.egroups.com/list/pestnet/. |> W. Liebregts, Eco-Consult Pacific, PO Box 5406, Raiwaqa Post Office, Suva, FIJI ISLANDS. E-mail: ecoconsult@is.com.fj. FAX/Phone: 679-322-607. Website: www.pacificforum.com/ecoconsult. SUPPORT FOR PESTICIDE DECISIONS The PESTICIDE DECISION TOOL (PDT) is a set of 16 documents designed to help incorporate environmental factors in pesticide decision-making in crop production. Current materials are designed for maize/corn and soybeans, with some emphasis on the U.S. midwest. All of the PDT documents now can be viewed or downloaded from a new interactive website, the Pesticide Decision Tool Resource Center, at: www.iatp.org. The sponsor, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), invites visitors to use the electronic version of any of the documents and modify them as needed, as well as to add links, events, or other information. |> J. Vickery, IATP, 2105 First Ave., S., Minneapolis, MN 55404-2505, USA. E-mail: jvickery@iatp.org. Fax: 1-612-870-4846. Phone: 1-612-870-3430. INSECT RELATED BIOCONTROL WEBSITE The "Biological Control" section within the multilingual BASE DE DADOS TROPICAL (BDT) is a collection of useful biocontrol resources, primarily for managing insects. The site, headquartered in Brazil, also hosts the popular discussion listserve, BIOCONTROL-L. |> E-mail, Luceli@bdt.org.br. Website: www.bdt.org.br/biocontrol/. PEST SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER The Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer (CPITT) recently issued SOFTWARE NEWSLETTER No.4, January 2000, offering a range of materials and information. A feature item covers "Decision Support and Training for Agricultural and Medical Diagnosis: New Applications of LucID." |> G. Norton, CPITT, Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: G.Norton@cpitt.uq.edu.au. Fax: 61-07-3365-1853. Phone: 61-07-3365-1854. Website: www.cpitt.uq.edu.au. ANNOTATED BIOTECH WEBSITES The January 2000 edition of ISB NEWS REPORT (newsletter) is a special issue, featuring an "Annotated List of Web Sites," an international collection pertaining primarily to biotechnology research and broadly related topics. |> R. Irwin, Editor, ISB NEWS REPORT, 120 Engel Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. E-mail: RIrwin@vt.edu. Fax: 1-540-231-2614. Phone: 1-540-231-2620. Website: www.isb.vt.edu. NEW AG RESEARCH ENTITY FORMED Three Dutch agricultural research institutes (AB, CPRO, and IPO) recently merged to form PLANT RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL (PRI) comprised of nine business units including a Crop and Production Ecology group that offers research in "eco-friendly plant protection," as well as resistance management. A new (free) brochure describes Wageningen-based PRI's
services. |> H.A.J.M. Toussaint, PRI, PO Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. E-mail: info@plant.wag-ur.nl. Fax: 31-317-41-8094. Phone: 31-317-47-7017. Website: www.plant.wageningen-ur.nl. DEVOTED TO VERTEBRATE MANAGEMENT The Vertebrate Pest Conference exists to advance environmentally sensitive vertebrate pest management through the exchange of information based on periodic meetings and other channels. The group, primarily located in the U.S. State of California, links both private and public agencies and works to stimulate and foster research. |> Vertebrate Pest Conference, e-mail: VPC@davis.com. Website: www.davis.com/~vpc/welcome.html EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS VERSATILE HIGH CLEARANCE TRACTOR A multi-purpose high clearance tool carrier uses diesel powered hydrostatic drive to create infinitely variable speeds for weeding/cultivation, liquid application, mulching, and more. The inverted U-shaped frames of these 4-wheel units provide above-ground clearances ranging upward from 2.25m (7.4ft). Spanned widths are adjustable from 1.5m (4.9ft) to 2.5m (8.2ft) to accommodate a variety of row configurations. Either of the two engines provided meet stringent emission requirements. |> Rath Maschinen, Farrach 8, A-9422 Maria Rojach, AUSTRIA. E-mail: info@rath-maschinen.com. Fax: 43-04-355-3258. Phone: 43-04-355-2519. Website: www.rath-maschinen.com. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES (Appointments * Consulting * Research * Technology) IPM ENTOMOLOGIST, Corvallis, OR, USA. Develop IPM programs for regional crops based on rotation with grasses grown for seed. New position funded by Oregon State legislature. Requires: PhD in Entomo ogy or closely related field, and experience in design and implementation of pest management systems; proficiency in English and ability to work in both academic and field environments. Contact: G. Fisher, 2046 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2907, USA. E-mail: fisherg@bcc.orst.edu. Fax: 1-541-737-3643. Phone: 1-541-737-5502. CORRECTIONS TO PREVIOUS ISSUE Corrections for IPMnet NEWS #74, February 2000: In: Global IPM Notes The correct e-mail for R.D. Lumsden is: RLumsden@asrr.arsusda.gov. In: Publication & CD Notes and in IPMnet Calendar (for 2001) The correct website for the European Studies Network on European Whiteflies (EWSN) is: www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/hosting/eu/ewsn/index.htm. In Calendar (2000) For the Spring Conference, American Crop Protection Association (ACPA), the correct e-mail is: Cornelia@ACPA.org; and the correct website is: www.ACPA.org. IPMnet NEWS regrets the errors and any inconvenience they caused.
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the listed titles that follow. E-mail requests to: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu. Featured Paper A recent article, "Development of Strategies for the Incorporation of Microbial Pesticides into the Integrated
Management of Locusts and Grasshoppers," assessed the impact and future of the isolate IMI 330189 of Metarhizium anisopliae (flavoviride) var. acridum based on use in Africa. Authors C. Lomer, et al, concluded: On the basis of extensive field testing, use of M. anisopliae is an important component for management of pest locust and grasshoppers. Its advantages were efficacy and persistence, low vertebrate toxicity, little environmental impact, conservation of natural enemies, and potential for recycling. Additional socio-economic advantages include the possibility of local production, ease of disposal, and versatility in use. Principal disadvantages relate to operating characteristics such as slower speed of kill and slightly greater lability in storage compared to chemical pesticides. Use strategies are being developed to integrate biological control agents into locust and grasshopper management schemes; for M. anisopliae accent is being placed on (i) treating the targeted pest before it invades crops and (ii) situations with a high premium on environmental issues. Alternatives should be kept viable, such as fast-acting chemical pesticides in some situations. More research, particularly on the long term impact in Africa, would be useful for a less expensive biological agent, such as Nosema locustae with the capacity to persist in the pest insect population. Possible importation of egg parasitoids, such as Scelio parvicornis from Australia, should be evaluated. Further development work is needed to: clarify the economics and politics of locust and grasshopper control; improve the regulatory framework for biopesticides; inform key decision-makers of the availability and potential of M. anisopliae; and, to implement the biointensive IPM strategies described. excerpted from: AGRIC. AND FOREST ENTOM., 1(2), 71-88, 1999. Thanks to C. Lomer for providing this material. This Month's SELECTED TILES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "The Challenge of Applied Population Biology in Biological Control and IPM," Waage, J.K. ASPECTS OF APPL. BIOL., 53, 9-15, 1999. Biocontrol "Capture Efficiency of Insect Natural Enemies from Tall and Short Vegetation Using Vacuum Sampling," Hossain, Z., et al. ANNS. OF APPL. BIOL., 135(2), 463-468, October 1999. "Comparison of Single Versus Multiple Bacterial Species on Biological Control of Anthurium Blights," Fukui, R., et al. PHYTOPATH., 89(5), 366- , May 1999. "Mating Disruption of Two Sympatric, Orchard-inhabiting Tortricids, Choristoneura rosaceana and Pandemis limitata (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), with Pheromone Components of Both Species' Blends," Evenden, M.L.,et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 92(2), 380-390, April 1999.
"The Red Palm Weevil as an Alien Invasive: Biology and the Prospects for Biological Control as a Component of IPM," Murphy, S.T., and B.R. Briscoe. BIOCON. NEWS AND INFO., 20(1), 35N-46N, 1999. Phytopathology "Intercrops, Cicadulina spp., and Maize Streak Virus Disease," Page, W.W., et al. ANNS. OF APPL. BIOL., 135(1), 385-394, August 1999. "The Influence of Fungicide Sprays on Infection of Apple cv. Bramley's Seedling by Nectria galligena," Cooke, L.R. EURO. JRNL. OF PLANT PATH., 105(8), 783-790, November 1999. Weed Management "Biology and Control of Phalaris minor Retz. (Littleseed Canarygrass) in Wheat," Singh, S., et al. CROP PROT., 18(1), 1-16, February 1999. Entomology "Assessment of Trap Plants to Regulate Numbers of the European Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus ruglipennis, on Late-season Strawberries," Easterbrook, M.A., and J.A. Tooley. ENTOMO. EXPER. ET APPLI., 92(2), 119-126, August 1999. "Effect of Alfalfa-Grass Intercrops on Insect Populations," Degooyer, T.A., et al. ENVIRO. ENTOMO., 28(4), 703-710, August 1999. "Monitoring of Pear Psylla for Pest Management Decisions and Research," Horton, D.R. IPM REV., 4(1), 1-20, 1999. "Toxicity of Selected Insecticides to Several Life Stages of Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)," Hilton, S.A., et al. CAN. ENTOMO., 130(2), 187-194, March-April 1998. Nematology "Effect of Tillage System, Soil Type, Crop Stand, and Crop Sequence on Reniform Nematodes After Harvest," Cabanillas, H.E., et al. NEMATROP., 29(2), 137-146, December 1999. "Mode of Action of Fosthiazate Used for the Control of the Potato Cyst Nematode Globodera pallida," Woods, S.R., et al. ANNS. OF APPL. BIOL., 135(1), 409-416, August 1999.
back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global IV. CALENDAR a global listng of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, training courses, symposia, etc.) Information was collected from, and supplied by, various sources; IPMnet expresses its appreciation to all. NOTE: this issue of the NEWS contains both Calendar
1, (events new to the Calendar, or listing revised information) and Calendar 2 (All Previously Listed Events). Additional information can be found at the website: www.IPMnet.org. New and Revised listings Previously Listed events See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar
IPMnet Calendar 1 (N)EW, or (R)EVISED entries only
In 2000 (N) 14-16 March 20TH GERMAN CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY AND WEED CONTROL, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, GERMANY. Contact: H.U. Haas, Uni-Hohenheim, e-mail: haashu@uni-hohenheim.de Website: www.uni-hohenheim.de/~haashu/ukt/ukt00.htm (N) 02-07 April 25TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, European Society of Nematologists, Herzliya, ISRAEL. Contact: D. Orion, Dept. of Nematology, Volcani Center, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: oriondt@post.tau.ac.il Fax: 972-3-960-4180 (N) 03-05 April SELECTION STRATEGIES FOR PLANT BENEFICIAL MICROORGANISMS (INRA Colloques 2000), Nancy, FRANCE. Contact: J. Barbaye, Centre INRA, Nancy, 54280 Champenoux, FRANCE E-mail: garbaye@nancy.inra.fr Fax: 33-03-833-94069 Phone: 33-03-833-94079 Website: www.inra.fr (N) 25-30 June 31ST AUSTRALIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Secretariat, Convention Catalysts Intl., GPO Box 2541, Darwin, NT 0801, AUSTRALIA E-mail: convention.catalysts@norgate.com.au Fax: 61-8-8941-1639 Phone: 61-8-8981-1875 Website: www.nt.gov.au/dpif/news_events/aesc.shtml (N) June 6TH CONGRESS ON WEEDS, Zemun, YUGOSLAVIA. Contact: S. Cupac, Pesticide and Environ. Resch. Ctr., 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, Bonastska 31b, POB 163, YUGOSLAVIA E-mail: dmarinkov@ptt.yu (R) 12-16 August new information * AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, New Orleans, LA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org (N) 25-28 August 1ST ASIAN CONFERENCE ON PLANT PATHOLOGY, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: T. Wenhua, Plant Prot. Bldg. no. 313, China Agric. Univ., Beijing, CHINA Website:
www.chinaspp.com E-mail: bauicbe@public.bta.net.cn Fax: 86-10-628-91025 (N) 30-31 August BACILLUS 2000 SYMPOSIUM, Application and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives, Bruges, BELGIUM. Contact: R. Berkeley, Badock Hall, Univ. of Bristol, Stoke Park Rd., Bristol BS9 1JQ, UK Fax: 44-117-903-2499 Phone: 44-117-903-2480 (N) 30 August-01 September 21ST CONGRESO DE FITOPATOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS AFINES, Palmira, COLOMBIA. Contact: ASCOLFI, Calle 37A, #27-33, Palmira, Valle, COLOMBIA E-mail: ascolfi@telesat.com.co Website: www.telesat.com.co/ascolfi/congreso.htm Fax: 57-92-275-0557 (N) 11-16 September 6TH EUROPEAN FUSARIUM SEMINAR, Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: H.I. Nirenberg, Biol. Bund. fur Lan- und Forst., Konigin-Luise-Str. 19, D-14195 Berlin, GERMANY E-mail: h.nirenberg@bba.de Fax: 49-30-830-42203 Website: www.bba.de/english/events/efs//efs.htm (N) 01-04 December IOBC/OILB WORKING GROUPBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL PLANT PATHOGENS, Seville, SPAIN. Contact, Y. Elad, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Volcani Center, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: elady@netvision.net.il Fax: 972-3-968-3688 Phone: 972-3-968-3580 Website: www.agri.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/FstSevil.html (N) 18-20 December PLANT-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS: UNDERSTANDING MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE AND PATHOGENICITY FOR DISEASE CONTROL, BSPP Presidential Meeting 2000, Ashford, UK. Contact: M.J. Hocart, Plant Sci. Div., SAC, West Mains Rd., Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK E-mail: m.hocart@ed.sac.ac.uk Fax: 44-0131-667-2601 Phone: 44-0131-535-4082 Website: www.bspp.org.uk In 2001 .. no new or revised event entries. In 2002 .. no new or revised event entries. In 2003 (N) 06-11 July 15TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: W. Liping, Inst. of Plant Prot., Chinese Acad. of Agric. Sci., #2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA E-mail: cspp@ipmchina.cn.net Fax: 86-10-628-95451 Website: www.ipmchina.cn.net/ippc
IPMnet Calendar 2 PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 Current as of March 2000
2000 12-17 March 13TH MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE STUDY OF VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASES OF THE GRAPEVINE, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA. Contact: 13th ICVG Secretariat, Dept. of Plant Sci., Waite Institute, Univ. of Adelaide, Urrbrae, SA 5064, AUSTRALIA E-mail: ICVG2000@waite.adelaide.edu.au Fax: 61-8-8303-7102 Website: www.admin.ch/sar/rac/icvg/events.htm Phone: 61-8-8303-7423 14-16 March 20TH GERMAN CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY AND WEED CONTROL, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, GERMANY. Contact: H.U. Haas, Uni-Hohenheim, e-mail: haashu@uni-hohenheim.de Website: www.uni-hohenheim.de/~haashu/ukt/ukt00.htm 15-17 March 1ST SYMPOSIUM ON PINE PESTS AND DISEASES MANAGEMENT OF SOUTHERN CONE OF AMERICA, Curitiba, PR, BRAZIL. Organized by Forest Researches and Studies Institute (IPEF) with participants from Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Contact: IPEF, e-mail: eventos@carpa.ciagri.usp.br Fax/phone: 55-019-430-8602 Website: www.ipef.br/eventos/2000/conesul.html 19 March-01 July INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-418552 E-mail: iac@iac.agro.nl Website: www.iac-agro.nl Phone: 31-317-490111 20-22 March 4TH WORKSHOP ON PHYSICAL WEED CONTROL, Elspeet, NETHERLANDS. Contact: D. Kurstjens, IMAG-DLO, Postbus 43, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-425670 E-mail: D.A.G.Kurstjens@imag.dlo.nl Website: www.odyssee.net/~clodan/meeting.htm 22-24 March PEST MANAGEMENT CANADA, 3rd Annual Canadian Pest Control Association Convention, Toronto, CANADA. Contact: CPCA, PO Box 55114, Ottawa, ONT K1P 1A1, CANADA Website: www.pestworld.org/pm-canada/ 27 March-28 April COURSE, IDENTIFICATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF PLANT AND INSECT NEMATODES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, Egham, UK. Contact: S. Groundwater, CABI Bioscience, e-mail: s.groundwater@cabi.org 28-30 March CONFERENCE ON VEGETATION MANAGEMENT IN CHANGING LANDSCAPES, Univ. of York, UK. Contact: P. Putwain, Biol. Sciences, Univ. of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK E-mail: PhilP@liverpool.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-151-794-5094 Phone: 44-0-151-794-5097 02-07 April 25TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, European Society of Nematologists, Herzliya, ISRAEL. Contact: D. Orion, Dept. of Nematology, Volcani Center, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: oriondt@post.tau.ac.il Fax: 972-3-960-4180 03-05 April SELECTION STRATEGIES FOR PLANT BENEFICIAL MICROORGANISMS
(INRA Colloques 2000), Nancy, FRANCE. Contact: J. Barbaye, Centre INRA, Nancy, 54280 Champenoux, FRANCE E-mail: garbaye@nancy.inra.fr Fax: 33-03-833-94069 Phone: 33-03-833-94079 Website: www.inra.fr 12-13 April 2000 SPRING CONFERENCE, AMERICAN CROP PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (APCA), Arlington, VA, USA. Contact, APCA, e-mail: cornelia@apca.org Website: www.apca.org 07-10 May SOUTHEAST (U.S.) PEST MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, "New Methods for a New Century," Gainesville, FL, USA. Contact: T.R. Fasulo, e-mail: fasulo@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu Website: extlab7.entnem.ufl.edu/PestAlert/spmcsch.htm 09 May 52 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Coupure Links, Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. DeClercq, Dept. of Crop Protection, Univ. of Gent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM E-mail: Patrick.DeClercq@rug.ac.be Fax: 32-9-264-6239 Phone: 32-9-264-6158 22-24 May INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PLANT HEALTH IN URBAN HORTICULTURE, Braunschweig, GERMANY. Contact: G.F. Backhaus, Fed. Biol. Research Ctr., Institute for Plant Prot. in Hort., Messeweg 11/12, D-38104 Braunschweig, GERMANY Fax: 49-531-299-30009 E-mail: G.F.Backhaus@bba.de Phone: 49-531-299-4400 Website: www.bba.de/english/events/health/health_r.htm 22-27 May 1ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUCED RESISTANCE TO PLANT DISEASES, Corfu, GREECE. Contact: E. Tjamos, Dept. of Plant Path., Agric. Univ. of Athens, Votanikos 118 55, Athens, GREECE E-mail: ect@auadec.aua.gr Fax: 30-1-529-4513 Website: www.ag.auburn.edu/pgpr/isrgreece.html Phone: 30-1-529-4505 27 May-01 June 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON VIRUS DISEASES OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, Annapolis, MD, USA. Contact: J. Hammond, USDA-ARS, Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, U.S. National Arboretum, Rm. 238 B-010A, BARC-West, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD 20705-2350, USA E-mail: jhammond@asrr.arsusda.gov Fax: 1-301-504-5096 Phone: 1-301-504-5313 03-06 June XXII BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: B.N. Rodrigues; e-mail sbcpd@cnpso.embrapa.br 06 June CONFERENCE ON POTATO CYST NEMATODE MANAGEMENT, Newport, UK. Contact: P. Haydock, PCN, Crop and Environ. Research Ctr., Harper Adams Univ. College, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB, UK E-mail: phaydock@harper-adams.ac.uk Website: www.hri.ac.uk/aab/potcysts.htm 06-11 June III INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, "Global Weed Problems: Local and Global Solutions for the Beginning of the Century," Foz do Iguassu, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: J.B. Silva; e-mail baptista@estaminas.com.br Website:
www.sercomtel.com.br/ice/plantas/ 18-21 June JOINT MEETING, CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY and PACIFIC DIV. OF THE AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Victoria, BC, CANADA. Contact: Conference Mgmt., Div. of Continuing Studies, Univ. of Victoria, PO Box 3030, Victoria, BC V8W 3N6, CANADA E-mail: morourke@uvic.ca Fax: 1-250-721-8774 Website: web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/conf/cps_aps/AbForm.htm Phone: 1-250-721-8704 18-30 June INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE IN AGROECOLOGY, INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, East Lansing, MI, USA. Contact: K.M. Maredia, Institute of International Agriculture, 416 Plant & Soil Sciences Bldg., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI 48824, USA E-mail: kmaredia@pilot.msu.edu Fax: 1-517-432-1982 Phone: 1-517-353-5262 24-28 June SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS ANNUAL MEETING, Quebec City, Quebec, CANADA. Contact: G. Belair, Hort. Resch. and Development, 430 Gouin Blvd., Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 3E6, CANADA E-mail: belairg@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-450-346-7740 Website: www.ianr.unl.edu/son/son_quebec2000.html Phone: 1-450-346-4494 25-30 June 31ST AUSTRALIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Darwin, NT, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Secretariat, Convention Catalysts Intl., GPO Box 2541, Darwin, NT 0801, AUSTRALIA E-mail: convention.catalysts@norgate.com.au Fax: 61-8-8941-1639 Phone: 61-8-8981-1875 Website: www.nt.gov.au/dpif/news_events/aesc.shtml June 6TH CONGRESS ON WEEDS, Zemun, YUGOSLAVIA. Contact: S. Cupac, Pesticide and Environ. Resch. Ctr., 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, Bonastska 31b, POB 163, YUGOSLAVIA E-mail: dmarinkov@ptt.yu 09-15 July 18TH SYMPOSIUM ON VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASES OF TEMPERATE FRUIT CROPS, Canterbury, UK. Contact: M. Clark, e-mail: fv.2000@hri.ac.uk 11-12 July CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL II, Riverside, CA, USA. Contact: M. Hoddle, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA E-mail: ccbc2@cnas.ucr.edu Phone: 1-909-787-7292 16-20 July 40TH ANNUAL/INTERNATIONAL MEETING, AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SOCIETY, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: J. Schmidt, e-mail: jimschmidt@appliedbiochemists.com Phone: 1-800-558-5106 23-27 July 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA, Charlottetown, PEI, CANADA. Contact: S.H. De Boer e-mail: deboers@em.agr.ca Website: www.isn.net/~ppb2000/ 26-28 July 27TH CONGRESO SOCOLEN (LA SOCIEDAD COLOMBIANA DE
ENTOMOLOGIA), Medellin, COLOMBIA. Contact: SOCOLEN, A.A. 11366, Santafe de Bogota, DC, REP. DE COLOMBIA Fax: 57-2-219-263 E-mail: socolen@socolen.com.co Phone: 57-2-218-706 Website: www.socolen.com.co 01-03 August CONFERENCE ON HUMAN CONFLICTS WITH WILDLIFE: ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS, Fort Collins, CO, USA. Contact: D.L. Dwyer, USDA National Wildlife Research Center, 4101 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521, USA Phone: 1-970-266-6015 E-mail: Diana.L.Dwyer@usda.gov Website: www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/nwrc/econsymp.htm 07 August (tentative) PLANT PROTECTION PROBLEMS IN 'ORGANIC FARMING,' symposium/workshop, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. (See next entry.) 08-10 August 53RD NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2000, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: M.R. Butcher, e-mail: butcher@lincoln.ac.nz Website: www.hortnet.co.nz/nzpps 08-10 August NORTH AMERICAN WEED MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE AND TRADE SHOW, Nebraska City, NE, USA. Contact: NAWMA, PO Box 1910, Granby, CO 80446-1910, USA E-mail: nawma@rkymtnhi.com Fax: 1-970-887-9560 Phone: 1-970-887-1228 Website: www.nawma.org 11-14 August 35TH CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Sociedad Mexicana de Entomologia, Acapulco, MEXICO. Contact: S.G.S. Camargo, ENEP Iztacala-UNAM, Lab. de Zoo., Av. de los Barrios S/N, Los Reyes Iztacala, 54090 Tlanepantla, Est. de Mexico, MEXICO E-mail: stanford@servidor.unam.mx Fax/phone: 52-5-597-5206 Website: www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/7352/ 12-16 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, New Orleans, LA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-651-454-0766 Phone: 1-651-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org 20-26 August 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: D.L. Gazzoni; e-mail gazzoni@cnpso.embrapa.br Web site: www.embrapa.br/ice 25-28 August 1ST ASIAN CONFERENCE ON PLANT PATHOLOGY, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: T. Wenhua, Plant Prot. Bldg. no. 313, China Agric. Univ., Beijing, CHINA Website: www.chinaspp.com E-mail: bauicbe@public.bta.net.cn Fax: 86-10-628-91025 28 August-01 September 10TH CEREAL RUSTS AND POWDERY MILDEWS CONFERENCE, Budapest, HUNGARY. Contact: B. Barna, Plant Prot. Institute, PO Box 102, H-1525 Budapest, HUNGARY E-mail: bbar@planta.nki.hu Fax: 36-1-356-3698 Phone: 36-1-355-8722 Website: planta.nki.hu/rust/ 30-31 August BACILLUS2000 SYMPOSIUM, Application and Systematics of Bacillus and
Relatives, Bruges, BELGIUM. Contact: R. Berkeley, Badock Hall, Univ. of Bristol, Stoke Park Rd., Bristol BS9 1JQ, UK Fax: 44-117-903-2499 Phone: 44-117-903-2480 30 August-01 September 21ST CONGRESO DE FITOPATOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS AFINES, Palmira, COLOMBIA. Contact: ASCOLFI, Calle 37A, #27-33, Palmira, Valle, COLOMBIA E-mail: ascolfi@telesat.com.co Website: www.telesat.com.co/ascolfi/congreso.htm Fax: 57-92-275-0557 06-08 September 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY, Dijon, FRANCE. Contact: J-P Lonchamp, INRA - Lab. Malherbologie & Agronomie, BV 1540, F-21034 Dijon Cedex, FRANCE E-mail: Lonchamp@epoisses.inra.fr Fax: 33-3-806-93262 Phone: 33-3-806-93187 10-12 September SCI CONFERENCE, PREDICTING FIELD PERFORMANCE IN CROP PROTECTION, Canterbury, UK. Contact: S. Walter, SCI Conference Dept., 14/15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS, UK E-mail: soniaw@chemind.demon.co.uk Fax: 44-171-235-7743 Website: sci.mond.org/conference/home.html Phone: 44-171-235-3681 11-15 September SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMICAL AND NON-CHEMICAL SOIL DISINFESTATION, Torino, ITALY. Contact: DI.VA.P.R.A. - Patologia Vegetale, Via L. da Vinci 44, 10095 Grugliasco (TO), ITALY E-mail: congress.mlg@agraria.unito.it Fax: 39-011-670-8541 Website: www.agraria.unito.it/news/SD20004.htm 11-16 September 6TH EUROPEAN FUSARIUM SEMINAR, Berlin, GERMANY. Contact: H.I. Nirenberg, Biol. Bund. fur Lan- und Forst., Konigin-Luise-Str. 19, D-14195 Berlin, GERMANY E-mail: h.nirenberg@bba.de Fax: 49-30-830-42203 Website: www.bba.de/english/events/efs//efs.htm 14-15 September ASIA CROP PROTECTION MARKETS 2000, Bangkok, THAILAND. Contact: e-mail, gamar@cmtsp.com.sg Fax: 65-345-5928 Phone: 65-346-9134 18-22 September 5TH EUROPEAN FOUNDATION OF PLANT PATHOLOGY CONGRESS, "Biodiversity In Plant Pathology," Sicily, ITALY. Contact: A. Catara, Inst. di Patologia Vegetale, Univ. of Sicily, Via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, ITALY Fax: 39-95-361487 Phone: 39-95-351422 Website: www.ipo.dlo.nl/ipowww/efpp/events.htm 23-30 September GLOBAL 2000: SORGHUM AND PEARL MILLET DISEASES III, Guanajuato City, MEXICO. Contact: M. Clark, Dept. of Plant Pathology and Microbiol., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843-2132, USA E-mail: mclark@ppserver.tamu.edu Website: www.ianr.unl.edu/intsormil/icwhen17.htm Fax: 1-409-845-6483 25-29 September IOBC-WPRS WORKING GROUP, USE OF PHEROMONES AND OTHER SEMIOCHEMICALS IN INTEGRATED CONTROL, Samos, GREECE. Contact: M. Konstantopoulou, Institute of Biology, NCSR "Demokritos," PO Box 60228, GR-153 10 Aghia Paraskevi Attikis, GREECE E-mail: mkonstan@mail.demokritos.gr Fax: 30-1-6511767 Website:
www.phero.net/iobc/samos/announc3.html 03-06 October IUPAC-TACTRI/COA INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PESTICIDES 2000, Taichung, TAIWAN. Contact: S.S. Wong, Agchem. Resch. Inst., Council of Agric., 11 Kung-Ming Rd., Wufeng, Taichung Hsien, TAIWAN E-mail: SSWong@tactri.gov.tw Fax: 886-4-332-4783 Phone: 886-4-330-2101 Website: www.tactri.gov.tw/htdocs/notes/iupac/index.htm 16-18 October INTERACTIONS BETWEEN PLANTS AND ATTACKING ORGANISMS: MECHANISMS, GENETICS, ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, PhD Autumn School, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Covers both fundamental and applied aspects; international participation with keynote speakers, posters, discussions. Contact: E.M.P. Groeneveld-Vervloed, Lab. of Nematology, Wageningen Univ., PO Box 8123, 6700 ES Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-484254 E-mail: lisette.groeneveld@medew.nema.wag-ur.nl 22-26 October 7TH ARAB CONGRESS OF PLANT PROTECTION, Amman, JORDAN. Contact: W.A. Gharbieh, Fac. of Agric., Univ. of Jordan, Amman, JORDAN Fax: 962-6-535-5577 E-mail: gharbieh@agr.ju.edu.jo Phone: 962-6-535-5000 Website: sacpp.ju.edu.jo/ 23-25 October 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF CHROMOLAENA ODORATA, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: L. Strathie-Korrubel, ARC-PPRI, Private Bag X6006, Hilton 3245, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: ntlws@natal1.agric.za Fax: 27-331-355-9423 Phone: 27-331-355-9419 12-14 November ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIO-CONTROL PRODUCERS CONFERENCE, Oxnard, CA, USA. Contact: ANBP, 10202 Cowan Heights Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA E-mail: execdir@anbp.org Fax/phone: 1-714-544-8295 13-16 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2000, PESTS AND DISEASES, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK Fax: 44-171-924-1790 E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Phone: 44-171-228-8034 Website: www.BCPC.org 28 November-01 December SYMPOSIUM ON DURABLE RESISTANCE, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: J.E. Parlevliet, PO Box 386, NL 6700 AJ Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: jan.parlevliet@users.pv.wau.nl Fax: 31-317-483457 01-04 December IOBC/OILB WORKING GROUPBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUNGAL AND BACTERIAL PLANT PATHOGENS, Seville, SPAIN. Contact, Y. Elad, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Volcani Center, POB 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: elady@netvision.net.il Fax: 972-3-968-3688 Phone: 972-3-968-3580 Website: www.agric.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/FstSevil.html
03-07 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Montreal, QUE, CANADA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535 06-08 December 6TH ANPP INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT DISEASES, Tours, FRANCE. Contact: N. Cavelier, INRA, URI GC, BP 29, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, FRANCE E-mail: ncavelie@rennes.inra.fr Fax: 33-02-992-85180 Phone: 33-02-992-85193 Website: www.anpp.asso.fr 18-20 December PLANT-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS: UNDERSTANDING MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE AND PATHOGENICITY FOR DISEASE CONTROL, BSPP Presidential Meeting 2000, Ashford, UK. Contact: M.J. Hocart, Plant Sci. Div., SAC, West Mains Rd., Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK E-mail: m.hocart@ed.sac.ac.uk Fax: 44-0131-667-2601 Phone: 44-0131-535-4082 Website: www.bspp.org.uk 2001 11-15 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Greensboro, NC, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com Fax: 1-913-843-1274 Phone: 1-913-843-1235 28 February-03 March EUROPEAN WHITEFLY SYMPOSIUM, Ragusa, Sicily, ITALY. Contact: EWSN Office, JIC, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK E-mail: network.ewsn@bbsrc.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-1603-456844 Phone: 44-0-1603-452571 Website: www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/hosting/ewsn May 53RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Coupure Links, Gent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. DeClercq, Dept. of Crop Protection, Univ. of Gent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, BELGIUM E-mail: Patrick.DeClercq@rug.ac.be Fax: 32-9-264-6239 Phone: 32-9-264-6158 03-07 June 7TH SYMPOSIUM OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL (VII Siconbiol), Po!os de Caldas, MG, BRAZIL. Contact: e-mail siconbio@ufla.br Website: www2.ufla.br/~siconbio July 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON WHITEFLIES, Norwich, UK. Contact: W.A. Jones, USDA-ARS, 2413 E. Highway 83, Weslaco, TX 78596, USA E-mail: w-jones@pop.tamu.edu Fax: 1-956-969-4888 Phone: 1-956-969-4803 02-05 August SYMPOSIUM ON THE PRACTICE OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: IMPORTATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL ENEMIES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Contact: T. Kring, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA E-mail: tkring@comp.uark.edu Phone: 1-501-575-3186 25-29 August SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS ANNUAL MEETING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: A.P. Nyczepir, USDA-ARS, 21 Dunbar Rd., Byron, GA 31008, USA E-mail: anyczepir@byronresearch.net Fax: 1-912-956-2929 Phone: 1-912-956-6438 25-29 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETTING, Salt
Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 09-14 September 3RD EUROPEAN VERTEBRATE PEST MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Kibbutz Ma'ale Hachamisha, ISRAEL. Contact: Ortra Ltd., PO Box 9352, Tel Aviv 61092, ISRAEL E-mail: vert@ortra.co.il Fax: 972-3-683-4455 Phone: 972-3-683-4444 Website: ortra.com/vertebrate/ 08-12 October 9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FIRE BLIGHT, Napier, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: C.N. Hale, HortResearch, Private Bag 92169, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND E-mail: CHales@hort.cri.nz Fax: 64-9-815-4207 Phone: 64-9-815-4200 Website: www.hort.cri.nz/confer/fireblight2001.htm November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2001, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 09-13 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535 2002 10-13 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Reno, NV, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com Fax: 1-913-843-1274 Phone: 1-913-843-1235 June 12TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: EWRS Symposium 2002, c/o Organisation Bureau ISa, Markweg 17, NL-6871 KW Renkum, THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: ingrid.sanderson@wxs.nl Website: www.ewrs.org 04-09 August 10TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Basel, SWITZERLAND. Theme: "Innovative Solutions for Healthy Crops." Contact: IUPAC 2002, c/o Novartis CP AG, WRO-1060.1.42, CH-4002 Basel, SWITZERLAND E-mail: bernard.donzel@cp.novartis.com Fax: 41-61-697-7472 Website: www.cp.novartis.com/iupac2002 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 08-12 September 13th AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: 13th AWC, PO Box 257, South Perth, 6951 WA, AUSTRALIA E-mail: convlink@wantree.com.au Fax: 61-8-9450-2942 Phone: 61-8-9450-1662 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2002, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org
10-15 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 2003 02-08 February 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND Website: www.lincoln.ac.nz/icpp2003/ 06-11 July 15TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: W. Liping, Inst. of Plant Prot., Chinese Acad. of Agric. Sci., #2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA E-mail: cspp@ipmchina.cn.net Fax: 86-10-628-95451 Website: www.ipmchina.cn.net/ippc 09-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotte, NC, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 26-30 October ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Cincinnati, OH, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535. November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2003, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org
Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080
IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free global IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. J.D. Harper (North Carolina State Univ.) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, M. Kogan (Oregon State Univ.) is Vice chairman, D. P. Schmitt (Univ. of Hawaii) is Treasurer, and R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) is Executive Director.
The Consortium maintains its administrative office at: CICP, Univ. of Illinois, N533B Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-4798, USA E-mail: CICP@uiuc.edu Fax: 1-217-244-1230 Phone: 1-217-333-7346. IPMnet's Web page (www.IPMnet.org) and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu; HTML coding by J.E. Bacheler.
The IPMnet NEWS ISSN: 1523-7893 .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations or individuals in IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Viewpoints expressed in the IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of CICP. IPMnet NEWS is protected by copyright. Items in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, but only when IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source.
CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe: .... J.D. Harper, chair JAMES_HARPER@ncsu.edu; A. Alvarez, D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and R.E. Ford.
IPMnet NEWS Editor / Coordinator: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu.
Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS: .... the NEWS welcomes short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, and opinions, as well as notices of events, publications, and materials or processes.
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To contact IPMnet NEWS:
E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu (preferred method) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA
This World Wide Web version of IPMnet NEWS was prepared by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document.