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IPMnet NEWS January 2002, Issue no. 97 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs Australia: Medfly Eradication Costly Eradicating Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly, "Medfly") from the state of Western Australia is technically feasible, but would cost upwards of A million and require the State's fruit industries to expand by 18 percent for benefits to exceed costs, according to a recent report. Regional economist P. Eckersley said the report, prepared by a group of international and local consultants, estimated the need for a six-year program using the sterile insect technique (SIT) that would release up to 100 million sterile male flies per week. The cost-benefit analysis hinged on growers adopting the current practice of using bait and cover sprays to control Medfly. A Medfly eradication program, noted Mr. Eckersley, would require a high level of community support and would build on the SIT programs successfully implemented overseas. However, statewide eradication would only be likely if the benefits of eradication increased significantly in the future. Other Australian regions are afflicted and so a national program, rather than a state-by-state effort, could be considered. Copies of the report are available. *> P. Eckersley, WA Agriculture, Bunbury Regional Office, Box 1231, Post Office, Bunbury, WA 6230, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: PEckersley@agric.wa.gov.au. Fax: 61-08-9780-6136. Phone: 61-08-9780-6100. thanks to S. Lloyd for information. GLOBAL IPM NOTES Studies in France and the USA suggest that low levels of resistance to Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis are common across widely distributed Ostrinia nubilalis (European corn borer) populations. *> B.D. Siegfried, BSiegfried1@unl.edu. A biocontol approach to rodent management in Southeast Asia based on the protozoan parasite Sarcocystis singapoensis is advancing in Thailand. *> T. Jakel, Tojack@uni-hohenheim.de. A joint Australia-U.S. effort has targeted one of the world's worst aquatic weeds, Salvinia molesta (giant salvinia), for biocontrol based on release of Cyrtobagous salviniae, a 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) long weevil found on other salvinia species. *> P.W. Tipping, PTipping@eemail.com.

Texas A&M Univ. (USA) has received start-up funding to organize an Institute for Countermeasures Against Agricultural Bioterrorism to develop "the research to prevent and counter terrorist attacks." *> N. Clarke, N-Clarke@tamu.edu. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information CIRAD Issues Activity Review In its latest annual activity report, the Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement (CIRAD) highlights "The Fight Against Phytophthora: Understanding and Enhancing Resistance in Cocoa," as one of four important case studies. Phytophthora causes black pod disease which is said to be responsible for cocoa production losses averaging 30 percent worldwide and up to 80 percent in some regions. CIRAD 2000, the attractive, extensively illustrated report published in 2001 in both French and English versions, summarizes the genetic investigations and breeding programs being conducted to develop cocoa varieties that resist Phytophthora. The research investigation is combined with a practical focus on the needs of producers, processors, and consumers. CIRAD is the French national scientific organization specializing in agricultural research for tropics and subtropics, and is active in more than 90 countries, has research scientists posted in 50 nations, and operates 10 research centers around the world. A crop protection section supports initiatives within the various crop research groups. Along with the CIRAD 2000 hardcopy report, a 2001 version of the CIRAD CD-ROM is also available. *> CIRAD, 42 rue Scheffer, 75116 Paris, FRANCE. Fax: 33-01-47-551-530. Phone: 33-01-53-702-000. Website: www.CIRAD.fr. PUBLICATIONS PERUSED AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication, or CD, focused on, or related to, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with full information to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

USEFUL, DETAILED WEED GUIDE Yet another well organized, highly informative, graphically attractive package of weed information has been published recently in Australia. The latest is ENVIRONMENTAL WEEDS, A FIELD GUIDE FOR SE AUSTRALIA, a comprehensive text-and-visual summary of over 175 plant species considered either emerging or potential weeds. Author K. Blood introduces each of the 80-plus weeds with descriptions that include botanical, historical, economic, and geographic information; over 200 full-color photos and 85 distribution maps complement the crisp text. Many of the featured species are "escapes" from gardens or other venues and are thus tagged "garden thugs" with an appropriate symbol. Other cited weeds are toxic, or exhibit health impacting qualities. The 2001, 232-page, wire

bound, easy to handle work will find beneficial use far beyond southeast Australia, both in terms of the breadth of data it contains as well as the overall superior presentation and detail of its information. *> C.H. Jerram & Associates, 2/13 Cheviot Rd., Mt. Waverley, VIC 3149, AUSTRALIA. Fax: 61-3-9807-9796. Phone: 61-3-9807-9795. A Bt CORN PRIMER The Canadian Corn Pest Coalition (representing a variety of private and public sectors) has produced an attractive, highly readable booklet, A GROWER'S HANDBOOK - CONTROLLING EUROPEAN CORN BORER WITH Bt CORN TECHNOLOGY (or, as GUIDE DU PRODUCTEUR - CONTROLE DE LA PYRALE DU MAIS EN UTILISANT LA TECHNOLOGIE DUE MAIS Bt), that provides clear, generic information on Bt-corn technology. Formulated as answers to a range of questions, the Handbook clearly describes both the pest and the approach for managing it, and covers key issues such as risk factors and the need for refugia, impacts on natural enemies and other fauna, and more. OMAFRA (Ontario Min. of Ag., Food and Rural Affairs) field crops pathologist A. Tenuta was the primary author for the effort, with input from other authorities including those in the U.S. Copies of the handbook can be obtained from a variety of sources in Canada, as well as freely downloaded from the Canadian website: www.ontariocorn.org/btguide.html. *> OMAFRA, Agron. Bldg., Ridgetown College, PO Box 400, Ridgetown, ONT N0P 2C0, CANADA. Fax: 1-519-674-1564. Phone: 1-519-674-1617. PROTECTION GUIDE PUBLISHED OMAFRA (see above) also has published FIELD CROP PROTECTION GUIDE (pub. #812), providing details of all the recommended insecticide and fungicides products available for the major field and stored grain insect and pathogen pests of Ontario (Canada) provincial field crop production. The 70-page book includes product rates and label warnings, as well as IPM options for each insect and disease. *> T. Baute, Ridgetown College, PO Box 400, Ridgetown, ONT. N0P 2C0, CANADA. E-mail: Tracey.Baute@omafra.gov.on.ca. Fax: 1-519-674-1564. Phone: 1-519-674-1696. IPM AND SOCIOLOGY MEET IN E. AFRICA An interesting 2001 title chronicles a collaboration that evolved from a "top down" project to a process of "bottom up" development in African subsistence agriculture. G.C.A. Bruin and F. Meerman, two scientists with extensive international IPM experience, authored NEW WAYS OF DEVELOPING AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES: THE ZANZIBAR EXPERIENCE WITH PARTICIPATORY INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, which describes the results of farmer field school (FFS) approaches in five cropping systems over a span of 16 years and the lessons learned from successes and failures. The 167-page, softbound work includes numerous illustrations including 27 full color photos and concludes that FFS can succeed if several key, predominantly social, conditions are met. The program's evolution reflects a shift in emphasis over time from agriculture and science to rural sociology. *> A. van Huis, Laboratory of Entomology, Plant Sci., Wageningen Univ., PO Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. E-mail: Arnold@vanhuis.com. Fax: 31-0-317-484821. Phone: 31-0-317-484653. PUBLICATION & CD NOTES PESTICIDE REDUCTION STUDIED IN GERMANY Pesticide reduction strategies and IPM implementation in German food crops form the core of a recent multi-part study, FROM LAW TO FIELD: PESTICIDE USE REDUCTION IN AGRICULTURE FROM PESTICIDE RESIDUE ANALYSES TO ACTION, published electronically by Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Germany. In addition to pesticide use analyses based on 5 years' data, the study includes case studies for pesticide use in apples and wheat as two crops evidencing residues. The study concluded that, while IPM practices have been adopted in apples, consumer demands for fruit quality, appearance, and cost lead to continued "intensive use of pesticides," according to the

authors, whereas wheat offers far greater potential for pesticide reduction through changes in crop production. The November 2001 document, with portions in both English and German, can be freely downloaded from the PAN website www.pan-germany.net. *> PAN Germany, Nernstweg 32, 22765 Hamburg, GERMANY. Fax: 49-40-390-7520. Phone: 49-40-399-1910. E-mail: info@pan-germany.org. thanks to D. Powell/AgNet for information. GM COTTON SHOWS PROMISE IN AFRICA A paper presented at the 2001 Biotechnology Conference for Sub-saharan Africa reported on a study that found farmers who planted a Bt cotton variety in one region of South Africa benefitted from the technology. The report, "Biotechnology in Africa: The Adoption and Economic Impacts of Bt Cotton in the Makhathini Flats, Republic of South Africa," revealed that increased yields and pesticide reductions outweighed higher seed cost, leading to elevated gross margins, especially in the wet second season of the two-year survey. Authors Y. Ismael, et al, caution that, while results provide cause for cautious optimism regarding the economic impact of Bt cotton, additional years of data are needed before the benefits economic or otherwise of a GM cotton crop can be accurately assessed for this particular growing region. The full paper can be found on the web at: www.agbioworld.org/biotech_info/topics/agbiotech/africa.pdf. *> Y. Ismael, Y.Ismael@reading.ac.uk. thanks to M. Rich for information. CONFRONTING RODENTS A twice annual newsletter, WAR AGAINST RATS, is published by CSIRO (AUSTRALIA). The latest issue, No. 12, was posted in October 2001. Content covers developments in various rodent control projects, rodent pest management (particularly in Southeast Asian) and related activities. *> J. Jacob, Rodent Research Group, GPO Box 284, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: Jens.Jacob@csiro.au. Fax: 61-2-6242-1505. Website: www.cse.csiro.au/research/program4/rodents/. COUNCIL OFFERS MATERIALS ON-LINE Materials published by the British Crop Protection Council (BCPC) now can be ordered on-line at www.bcpc.org. Popular publications, such as THE BIOPESTICIDE MANUAL, the new IdentiPest CD, and other materials are depicted and described at the site. Additionally, there are reports and papers from topical debates that can be downloaded from the site's Free Publications section. Sample pages can be obtained, and working demonstrations accessed. *> BCPC Press Manager, edpress@bcpc.org. WEED BIOCONTROL NEWSLETTER Landcare Research, an independent research institute in New Zealand, publishes the tri-annual newsletter, WHAT'S NEW IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS? Topics tend to be country/region-specific, but also include items of broader interest. Both hardcopy and web versions are offered. *> L. Hayes, Landcare Research NZ, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, NEW ZEALAND. E-mail: HayesL@landcare.cri.nz. Fax: 64-3-3252-418. Phone: 64-3-3256-700. Website: www.landcare.cri.nz. U.S. REGIONAL IPM REPORT A colorful 6-panel brochure presents the U.S. WESTERN REGIONAL IPM REPORT FOR 2001, "the search for promising alternatives," highlighting 10 of the region's numerous competitive grant-supported IPM research and education projects. Brief descriptions and thumbnail photos summarize each featured activity, and a complete list presents both past and current programs. *> N.C. Toscano, WR IPM Grant Program Coordinator, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of California, 3401 Watkins Dr., Riverside, CA 92521, USA. E-mail:

Nick.Toscano@ucr.edu. Phone: 1-909-787-5826. SORTING OUT U.S. BIOTECH REGULATIONS Published late in 2001, the BIOTECHNOLOGY DESKBOOK is said to be the only text that offers a comprehensive guide to the U.S. federal framework and the maze of rules and statutes regulating introductions and uses of biotechnology. The softbound, 312-page work was compiled by W.L. Anderson, and associates from two law offices. *> Environmental Law Institute, 1616 P St., NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036, USA. E-mail: orders@eli.org. Fax: 1-202-939-3868. Phone: 1-202-939-3800. Website: www.ELI.org. thanks to D. Powell for information. WEBSITE, VIDEO, & OTHER SOURCES REFUGE OPTIONS - CORN An illustrated 2-page fact sheet from Canada lays out important INSECT RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR Bt CORN and illustrates a variety of refugia designs and details as well as other critical considerations. The document was prepared by OMAFRA staff specialists T. Baute and A. Tenuta (see: "A Bt CORN PRIMER" in publications section, above), and can be freely downloaded from the Ontario Corn Producers Association website at: www.ontariocorn.org/magh401pg30.htm. INFORMATION NETWORK FORMED A group of European scientists have formed BIO-SCOPE as an international expert and information network on food and agribiotechnology. A recent posting, commenting on genetically modified crops, cited reduced pesticide usage as one anticipated benefit and explained that: "This is a very desirable consequence for pesticide applicators and other field workers concerned about their personal safety, environmentalists, anyone who enjoys the great outdoors and wants to see a reduction in the impact of agricultural practices on the environment, health conscious consumers who may not like the idea of their food being exposed to pesticides, and farmers who are concerned about all of the above but who are also trying to run a profitable operation." *> Bio-Scope, www.bio-scope.org. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, & SERVICES VERSATILE KNAPSACK SPRAYER Introduced to meet a wide range of uses, the Micropak PP15 lever-operated, knapsack-style sprayer features an internal piston pump, splash guard, and an easily opened wide filling aperture. Units have a 15 l. (3.9 gal.) capacity polypropylene tank, and weigh 3.5 kg. (7.7 lb.) empty. A waist strap complements the adjustable shoulder straps. The tank is designed so that it is held away from the operator's back for both increased safety and comfort. The wand includes a squeeze valve trigger and comes with flat fan, hollow cone, and anvil nozzles. *> Micron Sprayers Ltd., Bromyard Ind. Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4HS, UK. E-mail: Micron@micron.co.uk. Fax: 44-0-1885-483043. Website: www.Micron.co.uk/micropak.html. NEW MICROBIAL REGISTERED A new microbial pesticide has been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in soils to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorium and Sclerotinia minor, the fungi species which cause plant diseases commonly known as white mold, pink rot, and water soft rot. Studies show that the product, Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 (trade name Contans!), has no expected adverse human health or environmental effects when used in accordance with label provisions. A fact sheet is posted on EPA's web site at: www.epa.gov/oppbppd1/biopesticides/factsheets/fs028836e.htm. *> A.P. Roberts, Technology Sciences Group, 1101 17th St., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, USA. Fax: 1-202-872-0745. Phone: 1-202-223-4392. E-mail: A.Roberts@tsgusa.com. thanks to M.P.

Johnson for information. TEST KIT DETECTS GM GRAIN The newly introduced Agri-Screen(R) for CP4 Strip Test is said to be "an inexpensive, simple and accurate test to detect Roundup Ready(R) genetic trait in soybeans and one variety of Roundup Ready corn." The device can detect as little as one RR soybean among 1,000, or one RR NK603 corn kernel (but not GA21 corn) among 800, and can usually read positive samples within 5 minutes. *> E. Bradley, Neogen Corp., 620 Lesher Pl., Lansing, MI 48912, USA. E-mail: Neogen-info@neogen.com. Fax: 1-517-372-0108. Phone: 1-517-372-9200. Web: www.neogen.com. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES DIRECTOR STATEWIDE IPM PROGRAM, Davis, CA, USA. * Provide direction and leadership for multi-unit, broadbased IPM program aimed at pesticide reduction, improved pest management techniques, increased biocontrol, and information dissemination. * Requires: PhD in a pest management discipline; minimum of five years post-graduate experience; outstanding academic record; understanding of IPM and its relationship to sustainable agriculture; exceptional interpersonal skills; effective communication capabilities; extensive travel. * Contact: B. Nakamoto, CA&ES Dean's Office, One Shields Ave., 367-C Briggs Hall, Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. E-mail: BVNakamoto@ucdavis.edu. Phone: 1-530-752-8350. Website: ucipm.ucdavis.edu/IPMPROJECT/director.html. INSECT CHEMICAL ECOLOGIST, Bozeman, MT, USA. * Develop a strong research program for insect pests of small grains focusing on novel management strategies for Cephus cinctus (wheat stem sawfly) involving pest population monitoring and optimization of pheromones. * Requires: PhD in entomology or closely related field; expertise in pheromone research; demonstrated research program capability; teaching ability; potential to guide graduate research. * Contact: K.M. O'Neill, Dept. of Entomology, PO Box 173020, Montan State Univ., Bozeman, MT 59717, USA. E-mail: KONeill@montana.edu. Fax: 1-406-994-6029. Phone: 1-406-994-3861. Website: www.montana.edu/msuinfo/jobs/faculty/sn406-2.htm.

back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the titles that follow. E-mail requests to: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu. Featured Paper A Quick Scouting Method Shows Promise Research conducted in New Zealand developed a simple, quick field scouting procedure and economic thresholds to support IPM programs aimed at managing Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) attacking processing tomatoes. In their paper, "Development of Economic Thresholds and Monitoring Systems for Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Tomatoes," P.J. Cameron, et al, describe an effective scouting method and then report on subsequent field trials that validated the system and achieved an acceptable fruit damage level of less than 5 percent which compared favorably with standard calendar spraying practice, but significantly reduced the volume of pesticide applied. *> P.J. Cameron, CameronP@xtra.co.nz. excerpted with thanks from: JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 94(5), 1104-1112, October 2001. This Month's SELECTED

TITLES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "Effect of Thiamethoxam on Entomopathogenic Microorganisms," Filho, A.B., et al. NEOTROP. ENTOM., 30(3), 437-447, September 2001. "Evaluation of Different Duck Varieties for the Control of the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Transplanted and Direct Seeded Rice," Teo, S.S. CROP PROT., 20(7), 599-604, August 2001. "Integrated Pest Management Reduces Pesticides and Production Costs of Vegetables and Soybean in Indonesia: Field Studies with Local Farmers," Shepard, B.M., et al. JRNL. OF AGROMED., 7(3), 31-66, 2001. Biocontrol "Compounds from Host Fruit Odor Attractive to Adult Plum Curculios (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)," Prokopy, R.J., et al. JRNL. ENTOM. SCI., 36(2), 122-134, April 2001. "Cultural Control of Citrus Leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on Lemon in Jordan," Ateyyat, M.A., and T.M. Mustafa. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 47(4), 285-288, October 2001. "Season-long Releases of Partially Sterile Males for Control of Codling Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Washington Apples," Bloem, S., et al. ENVIRON. ENTOM., 30(4), 763-769, August 2001. Phytopathology "Effects of Rice Straw Management on Sclerotium oryzae Inoculum, Stem Rot Severity, and Yield of Rice in California," Cintas, N.A., and R.K. Webster. PLANT DIS., 85(11), 1140-1144, November 2001. "Optimization of Chemical Suppression of Alternaria dauci, the Causal Agent of Alternaria Leaf Blight in Carrots," Ben-Noon, E., et al. PLANT DIS., 85(11), 1149-1156, November 2001. Weed Management "A Long-term Study of Weed Flora Shifts in Different Tillage Systems," Tuesca, D., et al. WEED RESCH., 41(4), 369-382, August 2001. "Critical Periods of Weed Competition in Cotton in Greece," Papamichail, D., et al. PHYTOPAR., 30(1), 105-111, 2002. "Weed Management on Vertisols for Small-scale Farmers in Ghana," Darkwa, E.O., et al. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 47(4), 299-303, October 2001. Entomology "Canola Oil as a Kairomonal Attractant of Rangeland Grasshoppers: An Economical Liquid Bait for Insecticide Formulation," Lockwood, J.A, et al. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 47(3), 185-194, July 2001. "Dispersal of Adult European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Within and Proximal to Irrigated and Non-irrigated Corn," Hunt, T.E., et al. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 94(6), 1369-1377, December 2001. Nematology "Interaction Between Endemic and Introduced Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Conventional-till and No-till Corn," Millar, L.C., and M.E. Babercheck. BIOL. CONT., 22(3), 235-245, November 2001. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments

IV. U.S. REGIONAL PM CENTERS news, developments Northeastern Region offers IPM News The Northeastern Regional Pest Management Center (NEPMC) posts current news related to IPM as "Integrated Pest Management News" on the NEPMC website nepmc.org/NewsAlerts/index.html. Items range widely. Additionally, the NEPMC lists over a dozen regional state pest management newsletters; the other regional pest management centers list the newsletters in their respective regions. Both the news service and newsletter list are facets of the interlaced national IPM information dissemination thrust. *> For the NEPMC, contact: J. Van Kirk, JRV1@cornell.edu.

back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global V. IPMnet CALENDAR a global listng of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, symposia, workshops, training courses, etc.) for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 NOTES: The full IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed to all current IPMnet e-mail subscribers once annually, but is kept up to date and may be freely requested any time from IPMnet IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu. It can also be found on this website. Information listed in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, a variety of sources; IPMnet expresses appreciation to all for their generous cooperation. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu New and Revised listings Previously Listed events See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar

IPMnet CALENDAR (N)EW, or (R)EVISED entries only; current as of 31 December 2001

2002 (N) 05-06 February PESTICIDE APPLICATOR'S DRIFT CONFERENCE, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA. Contact: ISDA, Attn: Drift Conference, PO Box 790, Boise, ID 83701, USA E-mail: info@agri.state.id.us Phone: 1-208-332-8600 Website: www.agri.state.id.us (N) 19-20 February NATIONAL WEEDS WORKSHOP, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA,

co-sponsored by Plant Health Australia and Australian Weeds Committee. Contact: S. Patrick, PHAU, PO Box 363, Curtin, ACT 2605, AUSTRALIA E-mail: admin@phau.com.au Fax: 61-02-6260-4321. Phone: 61-02-6260-4322 Website: www.planthealthaustralia.com.au (N) 28 October-01 November 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RODENT BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, Bogor, INDONESIA. Contact: D. Tart, ACTS, GPO Box 2200, Canberra ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-2-6257-3256 E-mail: secretariat@icrbm.com Phone: 61-2-6257-3299 Website: www.icrbm.com 2003 & 2004 & 2005 No new or revised entries.

IPMnet CALENDAR PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 Current as of January 2002

2002 06-07 January 2002 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS WORKSHOP, European Weed Research Society, Reading, UK. Contact: P.E. Hatcher, School of Plant Sci., Univ. of Reading, 2 Earley Gate. Reading RG6 6AU, UK E-mail: P.E.Hatcher@rdg.ac.uk Phone: 44-0-118-931-6369 07-09 January INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN PESTICIDE APPLICATION, Guildford, UK. Contact: AAB, c/o HRI, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK E-mail: Carol.AAB@hri.ac.uk 07-11 January ADVANCED LANDSCAPE PLANT IPM PHC SHORT COURSE, College Park, MD, USA. Contact: D. Wilhoit, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-4454, USA E-mail: DW34@umail.umd.edu Phone: 1-301-405-3913 20-23 January 40TH CONGRESS, SOUTHERN AFRICA SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: T. Coutinho, FABI, Univ. of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: Teresa.Coutinho@fabi.up.ac.za Fax: 27-012-420-3960 Phone: 27-012-420-3934 Website: www.saspp.co.za 21-25 January ECOLOGICAL MODELLING COURSE/WORKSHOP (ENTOMOLOGY), Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: T. Yonow, CSIRO - Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-0-2-6246-4362 E-mail: Tania.Yonow@csiro.au Phone: 61-0-2-6246-4048 03-05 February ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED INSECT ECOLOGISTS 36TH ANNUAL MEETING, Berkeley, CA, USA. Contact: J. Klein, AAIE, PO Box 72500, Davis, CA 95617, USA Phone: 1-530-758-8909 E-mail: almond@dcn.davis.ca.us

04-08 February 3RD INTERNATIONAL BACTERIAL WILT SYMPOSIUM, White River, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: J. Terblanche, Priv. Bag X82075, Rustenburg 0300, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: Jody@nitk1.agric.za Fax: 27-14-536-3113 Phone: 27-14-536-3151 Website: IBWS.nexenservices.com/-stannouncm.IBWS.htm 05-06 February PESTICIDE APPLICATOR'S DRIFT CONFERENCE, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA. Contact: ISDA, Attn: Drift Conference, PO Box 790, Boise, ID 83701, USA E-mail: info@agri.state.id.us Phone: 1-208-332-8600 Website: www.agri.state.id.us 10-13 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Reno, NV, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com Fax: 1-913-843-1274 Phone: 1-913-843-1235 19-20 February NATIONAL WEEDS WORKSHOP, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA, co-sponsored by Plant Health Australia and Australian Weeds Committee. Contact: S. Patrick, PHAU, PO Box 363, Curtin, ACT 2605, AUSTRALIA E-mail: admin@phau.com.au Fax: 61-02-6260-4321. Phone: 61-02-6260-4322 Website: www.planthealthaustralia.com.au 19-20 February CROP PROTECTION IN NORTHERN BRITAIN 2002, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Contact: T. Heilbronn, CPNB, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK E-mail: T.Heilbronn@scri.sari.ac.uk Fax: 44-01-382-562426 Phone: 44-01-382-562731 Web: www.scri.sari.ac.uk/assoc/cpnb2002.htm 24-27 February 15TH BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL PLANT RESISTANCE TO INSECTS WORKSHOP, Baltimore, MD, USA. Contact: M. McMullen, USDA-ARS Plant Gen. Lab., 204 Curtis Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, USA E-mail: McMullen@missouri.edu Phone: 1-573-882-7606 24-27 February 37TH CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ENTOMOLOGIA / 5OTH ESA SOUTHWESTERN BRANCH MEETING, Guanajuato, MEXICO. Contact: E.E. Venegas, Col. de Postgrad., Inst. de Fitosanidad, Km 35.5 carr. Mexico-Texcoco, 56230 Montecillo, Edo.de Mex., MEXICO E-mail: Estradae@colpos.mx Phone: 52-5-804-5996 Website: www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/7352/congreso.html 25-26 February 1OTH PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY CONFERENCE, Honolulu, HI, USA. Contact: T. Culliney, Hawaii Dept. of Agric., Div. of Plant Industry, 1428 South King St., Honolulu, HI 96814, USA E-mail: Culliney@elele.peacesat.hawaii.edu Fax: 1-808-973-9533 Phone: 1-808-973-9528 04-07 March 20TH VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE, Reno, NV, USA. Contact: T.P. Salmon, Wldlf-Fish-Cons-Biol., Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616-8751, USA E-mail: TPSalmon@ucdavis.edu Website: www.davis.com/~vpc/call_for_papers_20th_vpc.htm Phone: 1-530-752-8751 04-07 March 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ALTERNATIVE CONTROL

METHODS AGAINST PLANT PESTS, DISEASES AND WEEDS, Lille, FRANCE. Contact: AFPP, 6 Blvd. de la Bastille, 75012 Paris, FRANCE E-mail; CDuboscq@afpp.net Fax: 33-01-434-42919 Phone: 33-01-434-48964 Web: www.anpp.asso.fr/calendrier.htm 05-07 March 21ST GERMAN CONFERENCE ON WEED BIOLOGY AND WEED CONTROL, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, GERMANY. Contact: K. Hurle, Inst. of Phytomed. 360, Dept. of Weed Sci., Univ. of Hohenheim, D-70593 Stuttgart, GERMANY E-mail: KHurle@uni-hohenheim.de Fax: 49-0-711-459-2408 Phone: 49-0-711-459-3398 Website: www.uni-hohenheim.de/herbologie 11-13 March EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY: PHYSICAL WEED CONTROL, Pisa, ITALY. Contact: P. Barberi, SSSU, Setore di Agraria, Via G. Carducci 40, 56127 Pisa, ITALY Fax: 39-050-883-215 E-mail: Barberi@sssup.it Phone: 39-050-883-448 Website: ewrs.org/physical-control/2002_meeting.htm 11-14 March ARTHROPOD PEST PROBLEMS IN POME FRUIT PRODUCTION WORKSHOP, IOBC/WPRS Working Group, Vienna, AUSTRIA. Contact: F. Polesny, BFL, Resch. Ctr. of Agric., Spargelfeldstr. 191, A-1226 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-mail: FPolesny@bfl.at Fax: 43-1-73216 Phone: 43-1-73216-5177 06-09 April 6TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FUNGAL GENETICS, Pisa, ITALY. Contact: D.G.M.P. S.r.l., Via Carducci 62/E, 56010 Ghezzano, Pisa, ITALY E-mail: incor@sirius.pisa.it Fax: 39-0032-050-879812 Phone: 39-0032-050-879740 Website: www.agr.unipi.it/ECFG6 07-11 April 2ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BARLEY LEAF BLIGHTS, Aleppo, SYRIA. Contact: A. Yahyaoui, ICARDA, PO Box 5466, Aleppo, SYRIA E-mail: A.Yahyaoui@cgiar.org Website: www.icarda.cgiar.org/Ann/2ndIntrl.html 12 April POWDERY MILDEW, 2002, Cambridge, UK. Contact: J. Brown, John Innes Centre, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK E-mail: James.Brown@bbsrc.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-1603-450045 21 April-28 June TRAINING PROGRAMME ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, IAC, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-495395 E-mail: training@iac.agro.nl Phone: 31-317-495353 Website: www.iac.wageningen-ur.nl May IOBC WORKSHOP: BIOCONTROL AGENTS MODES OF ACTION AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEANS OF CONTROL, Kudadasi, TURKEY. Contact: Y. Elad, ARO, Volcani Ctr., PO Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: elady@netvision.net.il Fax: 972-3-968-3688 Web: www.agri.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/IOBCPP.html 05-11 May ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN MEDITERRANEAN FOREST ECOSYSTEMS, Rabat, MOROCCO. Contact: F. Lieutier, INRA, BP 20619 Ardon, 45166

Olivet Cedex, FRANCE Fax: 33-0-238-417879 E-mail: Lieutier@orleans.inra.fr Phone: 33-0-238-417857 06-10 May 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRUIT FLIES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: The Secretariat, 6th Fruit Fly Symposium, PO Box 12311, Die Boord 7613, South Africa E-mail: agritour@adept.co.za Fax: 27-21-887-7255 Phone: 27-21-887-4257 Website: www.fruitflysymposium.co.za 07-10 May IPM IN GLASSHOUSES MEETING, IOBC WP&N Working Groups, Victoria, BC, CANADA. Contact: D.R. Gillespie, Pacific Agri-Food Rsch. Ctr., PO Box 1000, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0, CANADA E-mail: GillespieD@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-604-796-0359 Website: www.agrsci.dk/plb/iobc/meet2002.htm 12-17 May 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY, Aschersleben, GERMANY. Contact: T. Kuehne, BAZ, PO Box 1505, 06435 Aschersleben, GERMANY E-mail: T.Kuehne@bafz.de Fax: 49-3473-879200. Phone: 49-3473-879-165 Website: virus-2002.bafz.de/title.htm 12 May-09 June COURSE ON DEVELOPMENT OF IPM APPROACHES, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, IAC, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-495395 E-mail: training@iac.agro.nl Phone: 31-317-495353 Website: www.iac.wageningen-ur.nl 04-08 June 7TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ALLIUM WHITE ROT, Coalinga, CA, USA. Contact: M.R. McDonald, Bovey Bldg., Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1, CANADA Fax: 1-519-767-0755 E-mail: MRMcDona@uoguelph.ca Phone: 1-519-824-4120 Website: www.cps-scp.ca/allumwhiterot.html 10-22 June COURSE ON THE ROLE OF PESTICIDES IN IPM, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H.A.I. Stoetzer, IAC, PO Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-495395 E-mail: training@iac.agro.nl Phone: 31-317-495353 Website: www.iac.wageningen-ur.nl 16-19 June 2002 CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY MEETING, Waterton Lakes National Park, AL, CANADA. Contact: L.M. Kawchuk, Pathology, Lethbridge Resch. Ctr., P.O.B. 3000, Lethbridge, AL T1J 4B1, CANADA E-mail: Kawchuk@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-403-382-3156 Phone: 1-403-317-2271 17-21 June 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOREST VEGETATION MANAGEMENT, Nancy, FRANCE; "Technical, Environmental and Economic Challenges of Forest Vegetation Management." Contact: H. Frochot, IFVMC4, INRA, 54 280 Champenoux, FRANCE Fax: 33-3-83-39-40-34 E-mail: IFVMC4@nancy.inra.fr Website: www.ifvmc.org 24-27 June 12TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Papendal (Wageningen), THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: EWRS Symposium 2002, PO Box 28,

Doorwerth NL-6865 ZG, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-319-652 Phone: 31-317-313-750 Web: www.ewrs.org/w2002/register.html 24-28 June 1ST LATIN-AMERICAN SHORT-COURSE ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Montelimar, NICARAGUA. Contact: J.C. Medal, Dept. of Entom. & Nema., Univ. of Florida, PO Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611-0620, USA E-mail: Medal@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu Phone: 1-352-846-5000 08-10 July BRITISH SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY PRESIDENTIAL MEETING, "Plant Pathology and Global Food Security," London, UK. Contact: M.J. Hocart, Crop Sci. Dept., SAC, West Mains Rd., Edinburg EH9 3JG, UK E-mail: M.Hocart@ed.sac.ac.uk> Fax: 44-0-131-667-2601 Phone: 44-0-131-535-4082 Website: www.bspp.org.uk August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 04-09 August 10TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Basle, SWITZERLAND. Contact: M. Haeuselmann, c/o Novartis CP AG, WRO-1060.1.42, CH-4002 Basel, SWITZERLAND E-mail: Marlies.Haeuselmann@cp.novartis.com Fax: 41-61-697-7472 Phone: 41-61-697-4507 Web: www.cp.novartis.com/iupac2002/ 05-08 August 23RD BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Porto Alegre, RGS, BRAZIL. Contact: E. Roman, ERoman@cnpt.embrapa.br 11-17 August 7TH INTERNATIONAL MYCOLOGICAL CONGRESS, Oslo, NORWAY. Contact: L. Ryvarden, Leif.Ryvarden@bio.uio.no Website: www.uio.no/conferences/imc7/imc7/intro.html 12-15 August 22ND BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Porto Alegre, RGS, BRAZIL. Contact: E. Roman, A/C EMBRAPA, C.P. 451, Passo Fundo, RS, BRAZIL E-mail: ERoman@cnpt.embrapa.br 31 August-05 September 6TH IOBC/WPRS WORKSHOP ON POME FRUIT DISEASES, Lindau/Bodensee, GERMANY. Contact: P. Triloff, Marktgemeinschaft Bodenseeobst, Albert Maierstr. 6, 088045 Friedrichshafen, GERMANY E-mail: Peter.Triloff@t-online.de Fax: 49-0-171-829-8032 Phone: 49-0-7541-501030 02-06 September 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AQUATIC WEEDS, Moliets, FRANCE. Contact: M-H. Montel, Water Quality Research Unit, Cemagref Groupement de Bordeaux, 50 Avenue de Verdun, 33612 Cestas Cedex, FRANCE E-mail: Marie-Helene.Montel@cemagref.fr Fax: 33-5-578-90801 Phone: 33-5-578-90854 Website: www.cemagref.fr

08-12 September 13th AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: 13th AWC, PO Box 257, South Perth, 6951 WA, AUSTRALIA E-mail: convlink@iinet.net.au Fax: 61-8-9450-2942 Phone: 61-8-9450-1662 08-13 September 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ACAROLOGY, Merida, MEXICO. Contact: J.B. Morales-Malacara, XI ICA Secretary, Lab. de Acarologia, Dept. de Biologia, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coyoacan 04510 DF, MEXICO E-mail: JBMM@hp.fciencias.unam.mx Fax: 52-5-622-4828 Phone: 52-5-622-4923 09-14 September 6TH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, "Disease Resistance in Plant Pathology," Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Contact: EFPP 2002, Czech Phyto. Soc., Resch. Inst. of Crop Prod., Div. of Plant Med., Drnovska 507, 161 06 Prague 6, Ruzyne, CZECH REPUBLIC E-mail: EFPP2002@vurv.cz Fax: 420-2-333-11592 Phone: 420-2-330-22295 Website: www.efpp.net/PDF/2%20page.pdf 12-13 September ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING, Cardiff, UK. Contact: H. Jones, Jonesth@cardiff.ac.uk 15-19 September 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PATHOVARS AND RELATED PATHOGENS, Potenza, ITALY. Contact: N.S. Iacobellis, pseudomonassyringae@unibas.it 22-27 September IOBC PHEROMONE WORKING GROUP MEETING, Erice, Sicily, ITALY. Contact: P. Witzgall, SLU, Box 44, 23053 Alnarp, SWEDEN E-mail: peter.witzgall@phero.net Fax: 46-40-461991 Phone: 46-40-415307 Web: phero.net/iobc/sicily/announc4.html 30 September-05 October 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIPTEROLOGY, Brisbane AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Brown, Conf. Conn., PO Box 108 Kenmore, QLD 4069, AUSTRALIA E-mail: sally.brown@uq.net.au Web: www.uq.edu.au/entomology/dipterol/diptconf.html Fax: 61-7-3201-2809 14-16 October THE ROLE OF GENETICS AND EVOLUTION IN BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: E. Wajnberg, INRA, 37 Boul. du Cap, 06600 Antibes, FRANCE Fax: 33-0-493-67-8897 E-mail: Wajnberg@antibes.inra.fr Phone: 33-0-493-67-8892 Website: www.iobc.agropolis.fr/symposium2002/ 28 October-01 November 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RODENT BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, Bogor, INDONESIA. Contact: D. Tart, ACTS, GPO Box 2200, Canberra ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-2-6257-3256 E-mail: secretariat@icrbm.com Phone: 61-2-6257-3299 Website: www.icrbm.com November 4TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONGRESS, Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN. Contact: Congress Organizer, congress@ifns.org Web: www.ifns.org 05-08 November 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TROPICAL AND

SUBTROPICAL PLANT DISEASES, Chiang Mai, THAILAND. Contact: TPS2002 Secretariat, PO BOX 1064, Kasetsart Post Office, Bangkok 10903, THAILAND E-mail: Amara@doa.go.th Phone: 66-2-579-9585 Fax: 66-2-940-5419 Website: www.doa.go.th/diseases/index.html 16-21 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2002, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 24-27 November CANADIAN EXPERT COMMITTEE ON WEEDS ANNUAL MEETING, Saskatoon, SK, CANADA. Contact: H. Beckie, BeckieH@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-306-956-7247 Phone: 1-306-956-7251 25-30 November 4TH ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEL GRUPO DE TRABAJOS DE MOSCAS DE LOS FRUTOS DEL HEMISFERIO OCCIDENTAL, Mendoza, ARGENTINA. Contact: O. De Longo, Mellado Boulogne Sur Mer 3050, Ciudad, Mendoza, (CP 5500), ARGENTINA E-mail: iscamen@cpsarg.com Web: www.iscamen.com.ar Fax/Phone: 54-261-425-8741 10-15 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 17-21 November New information * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: meet@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 Website: www.entsoc.org 04-06 December 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PESTS IN AGRICULTURE, Montpelllier, FRANCE. Contact: S. Kreiter, Directeur de l'UFR Ecologie Animale & Zoologie Agricole, Campus Agro.M / INRA - Unit 9 d'Acarologie, 2, Place Pierre Viala, 34060 MONTPELLIER Cedex 01, FRANCE E-mail: Kreiter@ensam.inra.fr 2003 No date ANNUAL MEETING, SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, Ithaca, NY, USA. Contact: W. Brodie, USDA-ARS, Dept. of Plant Path., 334 Plant Science, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA E-mail: BBB2@cornell.edu Fax: 1-607-255-4471 Phone: 1-607-272-3745 January 41ST CONGRESS, SOUTHERN AFRICA SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY, Orange Free State, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: Secretary, SASPP, ARC, PPRI, Private Bag X5017, Stellenbosch 7600, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: vredcl@plant3.agric.za Website: www.saspp.co.za 02-08 February 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: ICPP2003 Conference Secretariat, PDG, PO Box 84, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NZ E-mail: icpp2003@lincoln.ac.nz Fax: 64-3-325-3840 Phone: 64-3-325-2811 Website: www.lincoln.ac.nz/icpp2003/

17-21 February 6TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF CHROMOLAENA ODORATA AND BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS IN INDONESIA, Medan and Samosir Island, North Sumatara, INDONESIA. Contact: R. Muniappan, RMuni@uog9.uog.edu 27 April-02 May 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Canberra, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Corey, CSIRO Entomology, PO Box 1700, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-02-6246-4177 E-mail: Sharon.Corey@ento.csiro.au. Phone: 61-02-6246-4136 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/weeds2003/index.html May 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POPULATION DYNAMICS OF PLANT INHABITING MITES, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: D.C. Margolies, Dept. of Entomology, Waters Hall, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS 66506-4004, USA E-mail: DMargoli@oznet.ksu.edu 06-11 July 15TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: W. Liping, Inst. of Plant Prot., Chinese Acad. of Agric. Sci., #2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA E-mail: cspp@ipmchina.cn.net Fax: 86-10-628-95451 Website: www.ipmchina.cn.net/ippc 11-13 July 2ND GLOBAL INITIATIVE ON LATE BLIGHT CONFERENCE, Hamburg, GERMANY. Contact: C. Lizarraga, GILB, CIP, PO Box 1558, Lima 12, PERU. E-mail: GILB@cgiar.org Fax: 51-1-317-5326 Website: www.cipotato.org/gilb/gilb02_conference.htm 09-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotte, NC, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 26-30 October ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Cincinnati, OH, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535. 15-20 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2003, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 2004 19-25 June 4TH INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: IWSS, PO Box 8048, University, MS 38677-8048, USA E-mail: SDuke@olemiss.edu Fax: 1-662-915-1035 Phone: 1-662-915-1036 24-28 July AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Spokane, WA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Website: www.scisoc.org 15-20 August 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: J. Cullen, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601,

AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-2-6246-4025 E-mail: J.Cullen@ento.csiro.au Fax: 61-2-6246-4000 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/ice2004/index.html 15-21 August 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, "Strength in Diversity," Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. Contact: A. Gordon, Carillon Conf. Mgmt., PO Box 177, Red Hill, OLD 4059, AUSTRALIA E-mail: Ashley@ccm.com.au Fax: 61-7-3369-3931 Phone: 61-7-3368-2644 Website; www.ccm.com.au/icoe/index.html 07-11 November ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 13-18 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2004, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 2005 30 July-04 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Austin, TX, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@apsnet.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.apsnet.org 12-17 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2005, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org

Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080

IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection/pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. J.D. Harper (North Carolina State Univ.) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, M. Kogan (Oregon State Univ.) is Vice chairman, D. P. Schmitt (Univ. of Hawaii) is Treasurer, and R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) is Executive Director.

The Consortium now maintains an administrative office at: CICP, c/o IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. E-mail: CICP@uiuc.edu. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. Phone: 1-541-737-3541. IPMnet's Web page (www.IPMnet.org) and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu; HTML coding by J.E. Bacheler.

The IPMnet NEWS ISSN: 1523-7893 .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by CICP, or any individual associated with CICP, or any of its member institutions. Viewpoints expressed in the IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of CICP. IPMnet NEWS is protected by copyright. Items in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, but only when IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source.

CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe: .... J.D. Harper, chair JAMES_HARPER@ncsu.edu; A. Alvarez, D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and R.E. Ford.

IPMnet NEWS Editor / Coordinator: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu.

Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS: .... the NEWS welcomes short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, and opinions, as well as notices of events, publications, and materials or processes.

Subscribe / Unsubscribe: ..... send the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to:

IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu and include an e-mail address.

IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: ..... is a PRIVATE list and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual beside the Consortium for International Crop Protection, which highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership.

To contact IPMnet NEWS:

E-mail: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu (preferred method) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA

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