SOROPTIMIST International of Montclair/Inland Valley 2018-2019 “Promote Character through Service” Lori Reed, Governor
Soroptimist International of the Americas Golden West Region Debra Murphy, District 1 Director
2018-2019 Officers President – Virginia Riley Vice-President – Milissa Checchi Secretary – Amber Hartsell Treasurer – Diane Wells 1-year Director/Immed. Past Pres. – Leslie O'Hare Sorensen 2-year Director – Patricia Bascom Dorothy Brace Kris Brake Judy Briggs Denise Carrington Amy Chang Cindy Coats Roberta Eisel Andrea Erickson Arlette Garibay Monica Madrid-Familari
Helen McAlary Linda Miranda Sue Ovitt Rosa Rangel Marcie Sartor Zoe Siegel Lucy Tapia Dorothy Trice (Life Member) Natividad Vasquez-Silva Annie Wu
P.O. Box 111 – Montclair, CA 91763
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Because of our printing deadline, I'm sitting at my computer, working on this April message, on the First Day of Spring..... and, it is pouring rain again. Can't complain too much--we at least got warm and sunny weather for a few days. Even on a rainy day, SI M/IV's March 2 Ovitt Community Library Read-In was very well attended. Children just kept walking in and settling down to hear some great stories read by Guest Readers. Thank you to Chair Milissa and Librarian Daisy for coordinating a great event. Prism Award Luncheon Chair Sue and Committee are working on final details for our April 17 event. Thanks to Sue with her organizational skills and attention to details everything is falling into place. And Members are so willing to help with assignments as they come up--Thank You ! We hope to see many "SoroptiFriends," community members, and guests of our Honorees at the event as we recognize these Honorees for their service to the community. At the April 3 Business Meeting the Nominating Committee will present their recommendation for our 2019-2020 Slate of Officers. Thank You to Chair Natividad, Pat, and Linda who met, planned, and talked to Members as they worked to put together their recommended Slate. Cindy Coats took the lead in our Service Agency Funding project this year. She organized the information, got it mailed to lots of local agencies, and kept track of those applications as they were returned. Thank You Cindy--great job! Cindy, Judy and Milissa, along with a couple of non-Soroptimist representatives will get together in a couple of weeks to review and score applications. Members--Don't forget to put May 29 on your calendar so you can attend the event and meet the agency representatives. Our first order of business in pre-planning for Sept. 28 Annual Fall "Fun-Raiser" Casino Night, was to put out a call for members to start collecting door prizes for the ever popular wheel spins. And--wow! Items started coming in. My living room may turn into door prize storage-central sooner this year! But we've only just started. Keep collecting! We will be discussing Golden West Region Spring Conference at the April 3 Business Meeting. I encourage SI M/IV Members to read the Call to Conference and plan on attending. Hopefully, the sun will come out tomorrow..... and we can have a nice warm and sunny month of April.
MEETINGS... >- (1st) Wed., April 3 – 12:00 N: Business Meeting. OPARC, 9029 Vernon Ave., Montclair (west of Benson - just north of Moreno - on SE corner Olive & Vernon)
>-(4th) Tues., April 23 - 12:30 PM: Board Mtg. Page One Cafe
..… & EVENTS > Sat., April 6 - 6:00-10:00 PM: Pacific Lifeline Fund Raising Gala--"Classic Hollywood." Dinner, live entertainment & fun fit for the stars. Padua Hills Theater. Tickets $95 per person/$700 table of 8
> Sun., April 7: SI Chino Valley Chino Brew & Chew. Chino Fairgrounds
> April 7-13: National Volunteer Week > Wed., April 10 - 6:00-8:00 PM: Ontario 14th Annual Teen College & Career Fair. DeAnza Community & Teen Center 1405 S. Fern Ave., Ontario. Free event
> Thur., April 11 - 7:30 AM: Montclair Chamber General Membership Breakfast. OPARC > Thur., April 11 - 5:30 PM--No Host Reception / 6:30 PM-Dinner: Chaffey College Foundation Alumni of the Year & Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner. Ontario Doubletree > Sun., April 14: Palm Sunday > Mon., April 15 - 7:00 PM: City of Montclair Volunteer of the Year Presentation. City Council Chambers > Mon., April 15 - 7:30 PM: Ontario Chaffey Community Show Band Performance--"Doo-Wop Spectacular." Chaffey HS Merton Hill Auditorium. Free admission.
> Wed., April 17 - 11:30 AM to 1;30 PM: SI Montclair/Inland Valley 28th Annual Prism Award Luncheon. Chaffey College Chino Community Center.
> Fri., April 19: Passover begins at sundown > Fri., April 19: Good Friday > Fri., April 19: Promise Scholars Annual Golf Tournament > Sat., April 20 - 9:00-11:00 AM: Montclair Easter Eggstravaganza & Pancake B'fast. Montclair Com. Center > Sun., April 21: Easter
"Promote Character through Service”
President Virginia
> April 23: SI Riverside Salute to Service > April 26-27-28: Upland Lemon Festival. Historical Downtown Upland
Golden West Region March 2019 - News Blast GOVERNOR'S CORNER Gratitude is the word of the month! So, here's what am I grateful for:
Live Your Dream Award: I am grateful to be working with
such wonderful women in our region. Our numbers are in ... and collectively, we have increased our Live Your Dream Awards by 10 more awardees, and more than $23,000 in awards. That's a 19% increase in the funds distributed by our clubs! Congratulations to each of you for embracing and expanding our Dreams program and changing the lives of 93 women in our region. I am also thrilled to report that we will be honoring 10 women at Spring Conference this year! That is double the amount that we have traditionally awarded regional cash awards. That means, on every level, we have increased our collective impact together! Be sure to celebrate this incredible achievement with your club members.
Healthy Club Questionnaire: 100% of our clubs responded
to the Healthy Club Questionnaire. I am so thankful for the feedback provided to the GWR and SIA leadership on the "state of the region". I especially liked reading about your club successes. There is so much great work being done by our members in our signature Dreams programs and beyond! The information collected on this survey gives your GWR BOD valuable data to assess and determine where and how to spend our human and financial resources. Thank you again for participating!
SECRETARY SAYS Mar. 2 Library Read-In--8 Members present: President Virginia, Pat, Milissa, Amy, Cindy, Sue, Zoe, Diane. Mar. 6 Business Meeting--9 Members present--President Virginia, Judy, Cindy, Amber, Sue, Rosa, Marcie, Leslie, Diane. Fines & Brags. Call to Order--12:00 PM. Pledge to Flag--led by Diane. Inspiration--None. Correspondence--circulated folder. Minutes-Feb. 6 Business Mtg. minutes accepted as presented. Treasurer--reviewed and accepted report for period ending Feb. 28. Committee Reports--Meals on Wheels goody bags--Feb. (Milissa), Mar. (Kris/Denise), Apr. (Amber), May (Roberta) ; Public Awareness--Mar. Newsletter; Membership; Sunshine; Nominating. Unfinished Business--Mar. 2 Ontario Library Read-In Re-Cap; Apr. 17 Prism Award Luncheon Planning Update; Honoree Selection; May 7 Upland Library Read-In; 2018-19 Service Agency Funding; Sept. 28 Fall "Fun Raiser." New Business--SIA 2018-19 Club Giving Board Recommendation allocation of funds; GWR June 6-7-8 Spring Conf., Oct. 4-5 Dist. 1 Fall Meeting, 2018-19 Officers Checklist March; "60-Second" SOLT--SI M/IV 45th Birthday. Announcements--March b'days & anniversaries; March 14 Montclair Chamber Membership B'fast; March 26 Board Mtg.; April 2 Business Mtg. Adjourn--1:00 PM #-#-#
Diamond Campaign for Membership: We are well on our way to achieving our goals for membership. So far this year, we have added 59 new members, through January. Keep up the good work of recruiting and retaining your members. Our goal, as set by SIA, is to reach 129 new members before June 30. If your club has less than 17 members and you want to hold a recruitment event, the region has funds for you to use. Reach out to Membership Pillar Marcia Zielinski for more information. We are also well on our way to chartering the new Temecula club, and are exploring new clubs in El Paso(TX), Glendale (AZ), and Tempe(AZ)! If you have interest in being on one of the Diamond Chartering teams, please notify Marcia or Governor-Elect Laurie Moses.
HELLO APRIL "I love the spring, For everyday, there's something new That's come to stay. Another bud Another bird Another blade The sun has stirred."
Lastly, I am thankful for every day that I am a member of Soroptimist. The love, compassion and camaraderie shown to me by sister Soroptimists has enriched my life beyond words. Thank you for allowing ME to Live my Dream!
Happy Anniversary
Lori Reed
GWR Governor - 2018-2020
GOLDEN WEST REGION - Spring Conference SI M/IV were sent the complete "Call to Conference" by e-mail on March 13. Spring Conference attendance will be an information/discussion item on the April 3 Business Meeting agenda. Please take time to look through the Call and if you are interested in attending all or part of the Conference, be prepared to let us know at the Meeting.
Happy Birthday April 5 - Linda Miranda April 18 - Arlette Garibay
April 1 - Amber ❤ Larry Hartsell (1966) April 12 - Helen ❤ Ryan McAlary April 15 - Roberta ❤ Gunnar Eisel *-*-*
Please remember to notify me if a Club member, or someone you know, may need a special card to cheer them up, if they are suffering from an illness, or experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, or just thinking of you. Receiving a card or making a phone call may just offer a much needed ray of sunshine. *-*-*
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." --Booker T. Washington
Pat Bascom, Sunshine Chair
GOODY BAGS Meals on Wheels goody bags for March were coordinated by Denise Carrington & Kris Brake. Denise and Kris, with assistance from the children in Ms. Chavez's Pre-School Class, prepared 15 goody bags, which were delivered to the Montclair Senior Center on March 14. The bags were decorated by the children. Each goody bag included a pasta necklace and bracelet and a note made by the kids. The bags were filled with St. Patrick's Day treats-cookies, green mints, candies, green granola bars, packaged cookies, and nuts. *-*-*
Format for delivery of monthly goody bags: >- Contact - Lynn Sloan - (her cell phone # is listed in your Member Roster Booklet, or get it from Virginia) >- Call (or text) Lynn to get specific # of goody bags needed >- goody bags can be dropped off at the Montclair Senior Center on any Thursday of the month - to be delivered along with meals, next day-Friday *-*-*
NOMINATING COMMITTEE Nominating Committee--Chair Natividad, Pat, Linda--will present a Committee Recommendation on the proposed 2019-20 Slate of Officers at the April 3 Business Meeting. The Slate will be voted on at the May 1 Business Meeting and Installation of 2019-20 Officers will take place in June. #-#-#
PRISM AWARD LUNCHEON EVENT PLANNING We are in the final planning stages for this year’s 28th Annual Prism Award Luncheon. Thank you to members for stepping up with your assistance.
Monthly goody bag assignments for 2018-2019:
July – Virginia August – Cindy September – Pat October – Diane November – Leslie December – Amy / Annie January – Helen Natividad February – Amy / Milissa March – Kris / Denise April – Amber May – Roberta June – Annie / Amy
*-*-* Reminder--if you find that you need assistance with assembling goody bags and/or getting them to the Senior Center, please contact Virginia or another club member. We are always glad to lend a helping hand. #-#-#
March 2 OVITT COMMUNITY LIBRARY READ-IN "Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss - Honoring Creativity" SI M/IV enjoyed our biggest turnout to date. Even with the rain, about 45 parents and kids turned out to take part in this year's Read-In. We enjoyed a new “Cat in the Hat” (Cindy’s granddaughter Lily) in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Guest Readers--"Soropti-Friends" Joy Parker (former Prism Award honoree) read a wonderful book about “everyday heroes” and Brenda Mason (former club member) entertained the children with her book selection. Assistant Librarian Daisy Flores read two selections, including "Dirt boy," a real crowd pleaser! Children were then called by grade level to complete a craft, while others enjoyed a delicious snack and chose a free book to take home! Thank you's to--the Ovitt Community Library for advertising and hosting the event; member Zoe for acting as the official greeter; Diane for the Book table assistance; Virginia, Cindy and Amy for snack assistance; and to all of the members and "Soropti-Friends" who turned out for the event! Most of all, thank you to the parents and children who attended the event! We hope to see them and many more next year! #-#-#
Milissa Checchi, Chair
Invitations are in the mail. This year’s slate of honorees is exceptional. Our theme is – “Service” – Key to Community Success. Our color this year is Soroptimist blue. Members are encouraged to wear blue, with possibly a splash of yellow. Two new scholarships have been added. 1)--The Paul Eaton Community Service Award. This scholarship honors the memory and contributions of Montclair Mayor Paul Eaton. And 2)--The Soroptimist Promise Scholars Scholarship which recognizes our club’s dedication to the OMSD Promise Scholars program. Thank you to the club membership for being so receptive to help. So much goes into the “behind the scenes” effort and I find everyone so willing to help when asked, even our "Sorpti-Friends" and "SorptiMisters." We need to continue to think Event Registration and Opportunity Drawing. We need at least two (2) more volunteers to work the Registration Table. We also need more Opportunity Drawing items and volunteers to sell Opportunity Drawing tickets at the event. Please let me or President Virginia know if you are available to help. Now, the rest is up to us. Our Honorees are outstanding and deserving of their recognitions. We need to encourage our friends, families and colleagues to attend with us. Don’t miss it – Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 AM, Chaffey College Chino Community Center. Event Chair Sue & Committee Virginia, Kris, Judy, Denise, Amber, Linda, Leslie #-#-#
SI Montclair/Inland Valley
in cooperation with Chaffey College
Annual Prism Award Luncheon
"Service"--Key to Community Success *-*-*
Please Join Us Wednesday, April 17 - 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Chaffey College Chino Community Center
SERVICE AGENCY RECOGNITION & FUNDING We received 13 applications for funding from local service agencies. All of the applications will be reviewed and scored by a panel consisting of SI M/IV members and community representatives. Representatives from the agencies selected to receive club service funds will be invited to attend SI M/IV's Program meeting on Wednesday, May 29, 5:00-7:00 PM at OPARC, to accept their check and give us some background on their agency and how the funds will be used. Save the date--May 29! An information/invitation flyer will be distributed at a later date.
5890 College Park Avenue, Chino
Cindy Coats, Milissa Checchi, Judy Briggs Service Agency Funding
$60 per person / $450 Table 8
2019 Honorees Prism Award Linda Rice
OMSD Administrator (Retired) Pathways Africa, Board of Directors
Women of Distinction
Gabriela Layseca, Manager
Behavioral Health Program, OMSD Counseling Center
Women Helping Women Cinderella Dreams
Chaffey Joint Union High School District
CHAFFEY COLLEGE CLOTHES CLOSET Reminder--collection of women's & men's clothing for the Chaffey College "Dress for Success" Clothes Closet is SI M/IV's ongoing project for this club year. We are glad to accept items from Members & "Soropti-Friends" at any time. Sue & Virginia are available to deliver items to the College. Now is a good time to think "Spring Cleaning" of your closets !! In addition to women's items, there is a need for men's clothing, (jackets, shirts, ties, etc.) so help is GREATLY appreciated. Men's business casual clothing items are especially needed; i.e.--casual slacks, khakis, polo shirts, short-sleeve shirts, sweaters. #-#-#
Serving the Community
Maria Alonso, Executive Director Ontario Huerta Del Valle Community Garden
President’s Award
Valerie Robledo, OMSD Materials Center (Retired)
Violet Richardson Award Dafne Vizcarra
Junior - Ontario High School DeAnza Teen Center
Paul Eaton Community Service Award Jennifer Guardado
Senior - Montclair High School Montclair Youth Center
Live Your Dream Award
Amber Nelson-Thorneycroft, Upland - Cal Baptist Univ. Isabelle Mulgado, Ontario - Amer. Career College
Soroptimist / Promise Scholars Award
Jasmine Fuentes, Montclair - Chaffey College -*-*-*Event proceeds benefit the Soroptimist mission of improving the lives of women and girls, to help them reach their full potential and to live their dreams! -*-*-*-
Invitations (w/RSVP card) have been mailed (via U.S. mail) to Club Members, Honorees & their Guest list, and names on the Club mailing list. RSVP deadline is April 9. Information: 909-983-5938 or #-#-#
> Tues., May 7 - 3:00 to PM: Upland Library Read-In Upland Library - Children's Reading Room 450 N. Euclid Ave., Upland
Please plan to attend, as your schedule allows, and help out however you can. More info will be shared at April & May Business Meetings. Chair Zoe Siegel
>(5th) Wed., May 29 - 5:00-7:00 PM: Service Agency Recognition / Recruitment Social. OPARC
Co-Chairs Cindy Coats, Judy Briggs, Milissa Checchi
> June 6-7-8: Golden West Region Spring Conference. Pala Casino Resort & Spa, Pala, CA. Hosting Club--TBD
> Sat., Sept. 28: Annual Fall "Fun--Raiser." Montclair Senior
Center. Featuring "High Stakes" Casino Entertainment (formerly Angela's Casino Entertainment) and Latin Spice Catering SI M/IV Members are reminded that we will need to collect at least 250 items for our Wheel of Fortune spins. Items need to be of $5 and up in $ value. No time like the present to begin obtaining (donate, have donated, purchase). Solicit from businesses that you frequent; ask your friends, family, co-workers. Virginia will collect. We're off to a good start--we already have 56 items!! We will also be looking for at least 10 Grand Prize ($100++ in value) items. More "Fun-Raiser" details to come !!
> Oct. 5-6: GWR District 1 Fall Meeting. Host Club--SI Corona #-#-#
NOTABLE NOTES WHY BE A VOLUNTEER? It's not for the money, it's not for the fame and it's not for any personal gain. It's just for the love of fellow man. It's just to lend a helping hand. It's just to give a tithe of self. That's something you can't buy with wealth. It's not the medals worn with pride. It's just for that feeling deep inside. It's that reward down in your heart. It's feeling that you have been a part of helping others far and near. That's what makes you a VOLUNTEER Thank You to Judy , for her "Brag" donation to our March 7 "Fine$ & Brag$" - congratulating Amy on her recent ICMA "Top 5 Mentor" Award! Grandma Roberta Eisel notes a planned family visit--"late in March, daughter Heather, along with grandkids Caleb, Zachary, and Felicity, will visit here from Portland. Family will spend 3 days at a favorite family getaway, Borrego Springs. And I am pretty sure this lucky Nona will spend at least one other night sleeping in a 'fort' constructed in our family room. Unfortunately, daughter Alison and family are stuck in Buffalo. We'll have to make other arrangements to see them. Nonetheless, we are very excited." Unfortunately, no one from SI M/IV was able to attend the March 14 Montclair Chamber General Membership Breakfast. April became National Volunteer Month as part of President George H. W. Bush’s 1000 Points of Light campaign in 1991. April 7-13, 2019 National Volunteer Week, powered by Points of Light, is an opportunity to celebrate the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to come together to tackle tough challenges, and build stronger, more resilient communities. Each year, we shine a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve, recognizing and thanking volunteers who lend their time, talent and voice to make a difference in their communities. 2019 CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County) Walk in the Park, presented by the Disneyland Resort will be held on Sunday, August 11. Ontario Chaffey Community Show Band Performances. 7:30 PM, at Chaffey HS Merton Hill Auditorium (*unless otherwise noted). All performances are free to the public. Mon., May 13 - The British Invasion Mon., May 27 - 10:00 AM - Memorial Day Concert *at Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario Mon., June 17 - An Evening on Broadway info - or #-#-#
GOLDEN WEST REGION - FALL MEETINGS Oct. 4-5 - District 1. Corona, CA Oct. 11-12 - District 4. Glendale, AZ Oct. 18-19 - District 2. San Jacinto, CA Oct. 25-26 - District 3. Flagstaff, AZ #-#-#
DATES TO NOTE > May 3-4-5: Ontario Yard Sale Week-end > May 3-4-5: Montclair Yard Sale Week-end > Wed., May 15 - 5:00-9:00 PM: Ontario Showcase & Heritage Celebration. Ontario Town Square.
> Sat., May 18: Ontario Heritage Historic Home Tour > Sat., June 1: Montclair 7th Annual Country Fair Jamboree. Alma Hofman Park, 5201 Benito St., Montclair > Sat., June 1 - 6:00 AM: Ontario Kiwanis Club Annual Pancake Breakfast. Ontario Town Square > Sat., June 1 - 7:00 AM 4:00 PM: 25th Annual Inland Valley Street Rods Rally & Cruise--the Original Route 83 Euclid Ave. Cruise, Silver Anniversary. Ontario City Hall Parking lot
> June 6-7-8: Golden West Region Spring Conference. Pala Casino Resort & Spa, Pala, CA
> Mon., June 24: Chaffey College Foundation 29th Annual Golf Tournament. Red Hill Country Club, Rancho Cucamonga > July 30-Aug. 2: SI 21st Quadrennial Convention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
> Aug. 2-3-4: Ontario Yard Sale Week-end > Aug. 23-25: D23 Expo--the Ultimate Disney Fan Event. Anaheim Convention Center
> Aug. 30-Sept. 22: LA County Fair > Fri., Sept 20 & Sat., Sept. 21: Route 66 Cruisin' Reunion Car Show. Downtown Ontario historic block of Euclid Avenue > Sat., Oct. 5 - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM: Project Sister Family Services Healing the Heart--Breakfast with Elvis! Kellogg
West Conf. Center, Cal Poly Pomona Campus. info - 909-623-1619 /
> Nov. 1-2-3: Ontario Yard Sale Week-end *-*-*
> Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) Biennial Convention. Bellevue, Washington
> Oct. 1-3: Soroptimist International (SI) Convention, San Francisco, CA. Fairmont Hotel. 100th Anniversary of Soroptimist. #-#-#
SI MONTCLAIR/INLAND VALLEY 2018-19 MEETING SCHEDULE * Meeting location (unless otherwise noted): OPARC--(Briggs Room) - 9029 Vernon Ave., Montclair
(west of Benson - just North of Moreno - on SE corner Olive & Vernon)
May, 2019 >- (1st) Wed., May 1 – 12:00 N – Business Meeting >-(5th) Wed., May 29 - 5:00-7:00 PM - Service Agency Recognition / Recruitment Social. OPARC June, 2019 >- (1st) Wed., June 5 – 12:00 N – Business Meeting >- (3rd) Wed., June 19 - 12:00 N - Program Mtg. or Installation *-*-* Board Meetings--scheduled for the 4th Tuesday each month, 12:30 PM, Page One Cafe, Ontario Library. Board Meetings are open to all Club Members.
* meeting schedule subject to change #-#-#
Soroptimist International of the Montclair/Inland Valley *-*-* >- WEBSITE: *-*-* >- E-MAIL: #-#-#
NEWSLETTER INFORMATION The “Valley Viewpoint” is published once a month and distributed to members prior to the 1st Wednesday Business Meeting. It is also mailed at that time to those people/agencies on the Club’s mailing list. Club members, community representatives, and neighboring Soroptimist Clubs are welcome to submit articles, items of interest, or information on upcoming events regarding their organization. Items will be edited and used as space permits. May Newsletter items can be submitted at any time – > by mail to:
Virginia Riley
> by e-mail to:
619 East “I” Street, Ontario, CA 91764
Deadline for the May Newsletter is Fri., April 19. For more information, call Virginia, 909-983-5938. #-#-#