NHH is why we begin at this school, but the Student Union is why we stay. We run for the Executive Board because we want to make our student union even better than it already is. We will do this by thinking long term and responsible in everything we do and in every decisions we take, so that we leave behind a NHHS who both work today and in the future. Our main goal is to prioritise NHHS in front of the Executive Board! We are a diversified group that together cover most of the student union. From the office hallways to the Cellar we have insight into what’s happening both high, low, upstairs and downstairs in NHHS. With good experience in all levels of the organization, we believe that Standpunkt have what it takes to make righteous, critical and good decisions in the exciting time we meet for further development of NHHS. With us, we also take the certainty that good mental health among students is crucial. We will work continuously for a good school environment with a low threshold for talking to each other or seek help. We want NHHS to be a transparent organization where everyone has equal conditions to feel good, both with themselves and others. Our main goals is to • Create a new website • Revise the Law for NHHS • Work to give the students influence if/when new forms of government is implemented at NHH • Finish the ongoing facelift of the Cellar • Better the liquidity situation
PRESIDENT Vegard Bækkedal, 22, 4th.year My goals • Form a committee and revise the Law for NHHS, as well as the administrative instructions for the Executive Board and the Board of Representatives • Create a user guide for the Law for NHHS which explains precedence and former interpretations of the law paragraphs to make it simpler to use for stud.NHH • Make a system for updating instructions and guidelines, and begin the work on updating the legal framework in NHHS Much is said about the role of the President of the Student Union, most of it formal, yet I want to start with something else which I see just as important for the leadership position. I want to be a support to every student at our school, one that you can talk to, and that you know will care. As leader of the Executive Board I am supposed to do a million things at once, yet I hope I manage to prioritize what really matters, namely you. I also believe that the legal framework in NHHS needs an overhaul. The instructions and guidelines are all connected to each other, and even though changes are made in singular documents, it is time for a proper revision.
• President of the Board of Representatives 2015 • Vice-President of the Board of Representatives 2014 • Conductor in Direksjonsmusikken 2015 • Mail responsible, it.group • Welcome Week committee member 2014
• Vice-President in NHHT • Idea - and prop fUKENsjonær UKEN 14 • Sympsjonær in NHH Symposiet 2015 • Bachelor Dinner 2015 • Mentor in Mentorogroup • Representative in the Board of Culture in Bergen
HEAD OF E X T E R N A L A F FA I R S Ingvild Kvinnsland, 21, 3rd year My goals • Establish routines for NHHS Samfunn • Work with head of academic affairs to give the students influence if/when new forms of government is implemented at NHH • Arrange events that links our education to other relevant topics
At NHH we have student politicians that work to improve the everyday student life for everyone at the school. This work goes under the radar for most students, and my goal is to let more people know what is going on in student politics, both regionally in Bergen and nationally. It is only by engaging more students we can know what is most important for the students we are representing. At NHH I want to arrange more events that link our education to relevant topics, such as a bigger event about economics and politics. I am also concerned about making routines for the newly established NHHS Samfunn along with the groups affected. It is also important to me to be a good leader for Studentpolitisk Utvalg, one of the groups that I have been most involved in during my years at NHH.
NHHS CV • Head of Student Welfare Affairs at the board of Studentpolitisk Utvalg • Fagutvalget: Student repre -sentative at the board of Department of Econo -mics and Department of
Strategy and Management • Assistant Group Leader for the Student Council at the NHH Symposium 2015 • News Journalist at K7 Bulletin • fUKENsjonær, UKEN 14
HEAD OF P U B L I C A F FA I R S Linda Roald, 23, 5th year My goals • Create a new and improved website for NHHS, that is techni -cally good and works on both mobile and web browsers • Make nhhs.no to a more used site by improving the information and the organization of its content • Create a communication strategy for NHHS, with a channel list for communication with students and with related responsibilities for updates After 4 years in the student union, I have good insight in the technical groups in NHHS. I am eager to use my expertise in IT from it.gruppen and Bachelor of Information Science to create a new and better website for NHHS. The website is currently not optimal, neither technically or in terms of content. I want to make the website technically good, more interesting and more used by rebuilding the web page. Furthermore I want to create a communication strategy for NHHS where all media used by the student union will be analyzed. It will contain what information the medium should be used for and highlight who is responsible for publishing and updating the various media. I want nhhs.no to be a site where all relevant and important information can be found by the students and be a focal point for information in NHHS.
NHHS CV • Leader of the it.group • Groupe leader IKT UKEN 16 • Vice president it.group • AV-responsible K7 minutter • Board of the jubileum of K7 minutter 20 years and the it.group 20 years • Live-video sympsjonær
NHH Symposiet • Video and Live video fUKEN -sjonær UKEN 12 and 14 • Web-funksjonær Bergen Challenge • NHHS App 2012-2015 • NHHI Badminton • NHHI Futsaljenter
HEAD OF F I N A N C I A L A F FA I R S Øyvind Bjørndal, 21, 2nd year My goals • Carry out an overall assessment of NHHS’ liquidity situation • Re-evaluate NHHS’ investment strategy • Establish a fund where NHHI groups that arranges open trainings, can apply for funding • Achieve an efficient implementation of the new accounting system, delivered by Visma.
The Student Union gives us an opportunity to challenge ourselves, engage in interesting projects and have a lot of fun. These activities require a financially strong organization with the capability to meet its obligations. Nobody knows what the future holds, but I will work throughout the year to ensure that NHHS is capable and ready to face future challenges. This includes a reduction of NHHS’ need for liquid funds, as well as investigating the possibility to use overdraft facilities, and to reevaluate NHHS’ investment strategy. I will also work to facilitate the implementation of the new accounting system and to make sure that this transition will go smoothly.
NHHS CV • Leader of NHH Aid • Vice President for Aksjonsuken 2014 • Chief Financial Assistant in FKU-kom 2015 • UKEkoret Optimum
• Web-development it.group • Mentor for Mentorordningen • Guard, Bergen Challenge 2014 • NHHS BBQ
HEAD OF A C A D E M I C A F FA I R S Nikolai Belsvik, 23, 3rd year My goals • Work with head of external affairs to give the students influence if/when new forms of government is implemented at NHH • Work to establish pure teaching positions at the school • Make educational development a natural part of the staffs working day • Work for model papers in all courses
If I were principal for a day I would firstly assess the evaluation criteria for employing academic staff. I believe that teaching skills are equaled important to publishing papers on the bonus list. Furthermore I would instruct my employees to publish a model paper in every course so that my students would get greater insight in how to structure and answer the exams. In addition, pen and paper would be replaced with computer examinations in courses where this is appropriate. Finally I had opened for hiring the principal, in favor of elected, as the Ministry of Education recommends. NHH exists because of the students, and as students we have to expect more!
NHHS CV • Assistant Event Manager, NHH-Symposium 2015 • Student Council: Student representative in the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law and the Department of Business and
Management Science. • Student Political Committee • Welcome Week Committee, 2015 • Video, UKEN 2014 • Information Officer, Aksjonsuken 2013
HEAD OF INTERNAL A F FA I R S Aksel Mjøen, 23, 4th year My goals • Finish the ongoing facelift of the cellar • Handicap adaption in all NHHS premises • Working with “Aula for all vol. 2” • Finding a new system for kews
After many years as an active NHHS-member, I’m not quite finished with what I want to accomplish. Some of the things I want to implement is new ventilation systems for the basement rooms, new network points, a facelift for the Campus scene and to redo fUKEN so the room can be used throughout the entire year and not just every other. In addition to this, it’s clear that the NHHS premises should have handicap adaption. In the Aula I will look at the possibility of a complete renovation of the floor and stage houses. I also want to work with a distribution key or change the regulations so that it once again is feasible for groups of NHHS to hold shows or other events in the Aula. I wish to bring an urge to say yes into the executive board and is ready for the task as Head of internal affairs.
NHHS CV • Svæveru • Leader of Hytteutvalget • Head of Projects at the board of NHH Aid • Representative in Representantskapet 2015 • Assisting Head of Sales at UKEN 14 (six months)
• Actor UKEN 14 and 16 • Assistant Group Leader Baluba and Group Leader Aulashow Bergen Challenge Head of External Affairs at Aksjonsuken 2012 • Parkettgutta • Baluba Bergen Challenge 12
H E A D O F C O R P O R AT E R E L AT I O N S Nora Gedde, 20, 2nd year My goals • Think new when it comes to negotiating new deals and increase market support with alternative means of support • Create an innovation group in the Marketing group • Get an agreement that will make it easier and cheaper to get group sweaters I want to contribute so that you as a student get reimbursement for all the great job you do. One way to do this is by thinking new when it comes to negotiating deals. I will look at the possibility to get new support such as courses or consultancy services. Did you know that the chairs on the mezzanine was sponsored by Ringnes? Maybe we could get a new Hansa-bar? Having a good collaboration with the Marketing group is of great importance to me. Today they do a fantastic job with the collaborators. I would like to take advantage of all the knowledge and experience they have and look at the opportunity to make an innovation group whose main focus would be to look for new segments and companies that would be interesting new collaborators for the Student Union. By doing this we can make sure that the students at NHH gets even better benefits. An example of a this could be to establish a collaboration with a print service to speed up the delivering period and reduce the costs of getting sweaters to new members in the different groups.
NHHS CV • Groupleader Controller UKEN 16 • Live video NHH-Symposiet 2015 • Idrett for alle - Bergen Challenge 2014 • Coach for NHHI Kanonball • NHHI Cheer
HEAD OF PROJECTS Astrid Mile, 21, 3rd year My goals • Creating a subcommittee that will be responsible for arranging some of the projects throughout the year • Include the bachelor dinner as a NHHS event • Arrange NHHS’ 80th anniversary • Make all students feel included in the student union As of today the NHH Ball, the 17th of May breakfast and the dinner for the first year students are arranged by different committees. I would like to create a new subcommittee that will be responsible for such events. This will ensure that all knowledge is passed on and taken into account the following years. Moreover, this will be a way to facilitate the creation of new and improved events for NHHS. All students that are done (or almost done) with their bachelor’s degree should be celebrated. I want to include the bachelor dinner as an event arranged by NHHS. Not only will this hopefully be a way to improve the event, but this will also be an advantage considering deficit coverage. We can all agree that NHHS is an amazing student union and anyone that wishes should be able to experience it and be a part of it. However, there are still some people that feel it is hard to be included. I want to work for that anyone who wants and have something to contribute with should be allowed to do so. One way to do this would be to continue working on the mentoring scheme.
NHHS CV • Costume-fUKENtionare, UKEN 2014 • Middle manager region west, BC 2014 • Market contact, NHH-Symposium 2015 • Treasurer and deputy chairman in 2015, eXtravadance
Thanks to our sponsors XLP, Møllerens and Haugen-Gruppen AS for supporting our campaign! Thanks to our photographer Audun Strøm and graphic designer Henrik Eikefjord who helped us make this pamphlet!
Remember to vote before Thursday. 6:00 p.m.!