rio e t
linda valtancoli p o r t f o l i o
From the valley of the Apennines, I moved to Milan, where my passion for traditions met my love for design. I have a Master’s Degree in Interior Design from Politecnico di Milano. Growing up in my father’s carpenter workshop, in a family of artisans and artists, my work follows a distinguished creative process that begins with raw materials and ends with finished products.
Art director, interior and graphic designers, carpenter, cooking enthusiast and candy eater, I am constantly inspired by the beauty of common things. I am influenced by my passionate nature and the power of simplicity and elegance.
I N D E X 01 02 03 04 05 06
PROJECTS il salotto del mobile, milano design week, 2014 STUDIO CORPORE, torino, 2014 Casa bipi, forlì, 2014 Love motion, castel bolognese, 2015 Cedir you are my home, bologna, cersaie 2015 Teatro fragranze, castel bolognese, 2015 international workshop isto è uma praÇa, guimaraes, 2012
il salotto del mobile
an independent event Inside the Milan Design Week context
Salotto, in the Italian culture means the living room of a family house, is synonymous of warmth and intimacy where guests are invited to relax and feel as if they were in their own home. We decided to create a place where people can meet and connect with other creatives, surrounded by modern design, shaped by innovation but also by traditions and handmade solutions. A place where you can sit and drink an espresso (as well as some homemade ginger beer), read and share stories or just put your feet up before moving onto the next event.
2014/04 Created by MOTIF design, in collaboration with Twentytrees and Sail lab.
where? ventura lambrate discrict
m ventura
what? activities
s t o p for a c h a t
c o m e and take a break
c o m e and r e l a x
the space
[Installation: Line to times gone by]
forniture design:stools and coffee table
[Stools and small tables (poplar wood)]
[Dulcamara and Giulia Anania house concert]
network wall
[Design of a space for leave business cards and contacts]
46 % 34 % 10 %
write it yourself
designer artisan
architect engeneer landscaper
05 % 05 %
image maker
writer story teller
34 %
designer artisan
36 % 28 %
product industrial
16 % 12 % 08 % graphic illustrator
[Analysis of the Business cards]
Flyers and stickers for guerrilla communication
i l
s a l o t t o
d e l
m o b i l e
r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Research of partners Creation and promotion of the event Planning of the activities and events Preparation and the artistic management of the space Specific desgin of some elements of the furniture Supervision of the work
or d e
bipi house
CASA BIPI Interior design project for Ellevuelle Architetti Ellevuelle called MOTIF to design some forniture elements of this private house: a bookshelf that would occupy the entire wall of the living area and the kitchen. The aim of the project is to create a structure with a strong vertical design and an alternance of closed and open parts. All the structures are made of Iroko wood.
2014/Ongoing Project MOTIF design for Ellevuelle Architetti
[Materials: Iroko wood and glass]
bipi house r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Team Working with Ellevuelle Architects Make presentation for Clients Follow the general guide line of the project Specific desgin of some elements of the furniture Creation of the technical drawings Selection of materials and furniture Supervision of the work
erio t n
studio corpore
a physioterapist studio in turin Physiotherapy & Clinical Pilates Studio
The main objectives of this project are to create a complete image for Studio Corpore starting from the corporate image, that drew inspiration from the Leonardo’s anatomical drawings. In a second time the work was focused on the interior design project for the new studio, in Turin. We started with partial modification and redesign of the existing space to meet the requirements and the needs of the committee. In particular the distribution of the space is designed to create a waiting room, a treatment room, a treatment room/Gym, an office inside the firts treatment room and a small reversible office in the Gym room. The color code, materials and the decorative elements contribute to create a relaxing atmosphere in a space flooded with natural light.
2014/04 - 2014/10 Created by MOTIF design
space distribution
forniture design:cabinet, desk and stools
corporate image
[Old typo letters and Leonardo’s drawning]
the space
the space
studio corpore r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Communication with Clients keeping the project on time and within budget Coordination of the project from conception to completion Renovation of the space Selection of materials and furniture Supervision of the work Specific design of some elements of the furniture Creation of the Corporate Image Setting up of the opening party
n| s
re c t i d
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love motion
quattronero’s house organ n. 3 Telling a story about love “There are moments that seem suspended , moments that make you think of a contraction of time , almost a fracture of the normal course of the hands. The hours have no longer a linear trend, they proceed by small sobs and with sudden acceleration. A little ‘ as if your own life was controlled by a director who likes to slow down and speed up , at will , the normal course of events . The emotions are born and take shape , halfway between a slow motion and time lapse . Thoughts and words begin to spin faster and faster , and just when you think you are close to understand, you feel yourself pronouncing the most important syllable of your life. Yes. Love Motion is the picture of a statement , the diary of the moment that does not last long but contains at least a hundred pages full of memories never written. Memories we wanted to give a voice to”.
2015/06 Created by
[Marina di Ravenna, boho chic]
[Venezia, black and white romance]
the event
[Camera presentation]
the event
[Sacri Cuori secret concert]
[Materials: osb wood and plexiglass]
LOVE MOTION r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
SHOOTING: Mood board and concept Styling Research of partners and locations Design and production of some elements of the setting Art direction EVENT: Creation and promotion of the event Preparation and the artistic management of the space Supervision of the work Specific desging and production of the lamps and the setting
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ex hib
d es ig
PRESENTATION STAND OF THE NEW LINE OF PRODUCTS “Home” has a different meaning for each person: the house is the place of the heart, a place of memory, of traditions. The project ‘s objective is to put the visitor in front of a mirror in order to relate to his personal and intimate definition of “home”. Behind horizontal partitions with warm earthy colors the new world of a Cedir chapter opens up, with ceramic that people will be able to admire and touch their shading and definitions. At the center of the stage is exclusively the product and the imagination of each person who reinvents it.
exhibition SPACE
exhibition SPACE
[Communication pattern for the showroom ]
cedir you are my home r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Exhibition planning and design Artistic management of the space Specific desgin of some elements of the communications
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cha n
ual m
di s i n
curve d’acqua christmas display
TEATRO FRAGRANZE UNICHE Curve d’acqua Christmas display Project for the presentation of the new product lines “ Theatre Fragrances“ and “LE SPUGNE “. The purpose of the display, placed on the busy Via Emilia, is able to capture the attention of drivers at a quick glance while passing by. The windows have been completely wrapped by a geometric texture in order to create a kind of set design in which products come on stage as a show . The logo of the product is placed in a lighted lamp as a Broadway musical imaginarium.
[Materials: replacable PVC, cardboard and wood]
curve d’acqua christmas display r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Visual planning Specific design of some elements of the furniture Preparation of the space
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isto è uma praÇa
a project for guimaraes european culture capital 2012 Urban Regeneration in Guimaraes Esterni has been invited by Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture to develop a project in the district of Couros. The entire neighborhood is the center of a larger external redevelopment project with Isto is uma Praça! It has committed to build a new public space that will remain to the city and its citizens. Esterni has developed a new model of construction and management for the public space. In three weeks the square of Couros was planned, designed and built using only wood. The square took shape gradually, the elements constructed respected the value of the existing space, offering therefore a new and different use for it. A square for the neighborhood but also a place to develop new relationships and projects, a place available to all, designed to accommodate performances, concerts. A simple space that can be multifunctional, a sort of open-air cultural center to create and grow a new community of people around Isto é uma Praça!
2012/06 Created BY ESTERNI
couros community
the piazza
[Materials: natural pine wood and screws ]
[Opening concerts]
[Urban gardening and origami workshop]
isto è uma praÇa r o l e & r e s p o n s a b i l i t i e s
Co-desing with neighborhood Construction of the space Specific design and construction of some elements of the furniture Planning of the activities and events