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Greenville:An architecture case study in rethinking repair|Group Project|CCA Integrated Studio Fall 2022
The Dixie fire in 2021 which destroyed the town of Greenville is a recent example of one such catastrophe in a WUI zone. What to do in the aftermath of such disasters is aquestion we as a society are just beginning to face, a question we will have to face more and more in the coming years as climate driven disasters become the norm. Can a different approach to rebuilding offer a better future to these affected communities?
As a design team we found a sense of tenderness by designing precious moment of connection. The preciousness of the architecture is embodied in the programing. This includes a commercial space, winter garden/atrium, communal kitchen, and four residential units. The harmonic song between the social interactions of each space create opportunities for the community to laugh, rest, eat, exchange, and gather in ways that feel good for themselves. Precious moments is a beacon of light in the community and a place that will once again hold lasting memories for generations to come.