- 2005 - 2009 | Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) BFA Painting and Textiles
- 2012-2013 | Freelance Textile Designer and Assistant Sales Representative at Collete and Blue, Philadelphia, PA. Clients included Tommy Hilfiger, Target, Sears, Walmart

- 2012-2017 | Co-Founder and Director of FJORD FJORD is a contemporary art gallery in Philadelphia
2017-2020 | Freelance Illustrator, Graphic Designer and Surface Pattern Designer. Clients include Cafe Cliche (CO), San Juan de Mata (CO), Chez Albert (FR), Trattoria Alberto (FR), and Alcemna (AU)
Hi there! My name is Lindsay and I am an American Textile and Surface Pattern designer living and working in Medellin, Colombia.
My process blends both digital tools and analog ways of making. My background in drawing, painting and printmaking is often the starting place for a new collection. I find there to be an honest and humble charm in the small imperfections and discoveries that happen when making things by hand.
This portfolio features a selection of works from my three latest collections Common Ground, Buenos Dias, and Eternal Spring. These collections were inspired by the lush, tropical foliage and wildlife I am surrounded by while living in “The City of Eternal Spring”, and the silly everyday occurrences that happen when discovering a new place and culture for the first time.
Buenos Dias is about the rare quiet that happens just as the first light greets the mountains. In a city that never sleeps this collection is a tribute to the early risers.

Colombia //Buenos Dias // 100B
Sun Rise //Buenos Dias // 107B
Cafe Tinto // Buenos Dias // 105B

Coffee Plant // Buenos Dias // 104B
Guacamayas // Buenos Dias // 103B

Terracotta Tiles //Buenos Dias // 106B
Rain Clouds //Buenos Dias // 102B

A. Aguacate // Buenos Dias // 107A

B. Colombia // Buenos Dias // 100B
C. Pina, Pina // Buenos Dias // 109

D. Colombia // Buenos Dias // 100A

A. Andes at Dawn // Buenos Dias // 101B

B. Guacamayas // Buenos Dias // 103B
C. Coffee Plants // Buenos Dias // 104B

A. Guacamayas// Buenos Dias // 103A

B. Coffee Plants // Buenos Dias // 104A

C. Andes at Dawn // Buenos Dias // 101A

A. Cafe Tinto // Buenos Dias // 105C
B. Terracotta Tiles // Buenos Dias // 106B
C. Cafe Tinto // Buenos Dias // 105B

D. Terracotta Tiles // Buenos Dias // 106A

E.. Cafe Tinto // Buenos Dias // 105A

A. Rain Clouds // Buenos Dias // 102A

B. Sun Rise // Buenos Dias // 107A
C. Rain Clouds // Buenos Dias // 102B
D. Sun Rise // Buenos Dias // 107B
Common Ground is about the need to be connected, acts of kindness, and the search for common ground. Headlines such as “Spainards Break Stay- at-Home Orders by Walking Unusual Pets”, “Neighborhoods in Italy Come Together by Singing from Balconies”, and “Communities around the World Give Thanks to Their Service Workers” inspired much of this collection.

A. Broken Lines // Common Ground // 201C
B. Balconies // Common Ground // 203A
C. Rainbows // Common Ground // 204A
D. Unusual Pets // Common Ground// 207A

A. Thank You // Common Ground //202B
B. Balconies // Common Ground //203B

C. Balconies // Common Ground //203A

D. Thank You // Common Ground //202A
E. Balconies // Common Ground //203C
F. Balconies // Common Ground //203D

Eternal Spring

A. Lemon Tree // Eternal Spring // 301A
B. Lemon Tree // Eternal Spring // 301B
C.. Lemon Tree // Eternal Spring //301C
D. Lemon Tree // Eternal Spring // 301D

A. Bold Blooms // Eternal Spring // 303A

B. Seeds // Eternal Spring // 304A
C. Bold Blooms // Eternal Spring // 303B

D. Seeds // Eternal Spring // 304A