Senior Portfolio

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Lindsey Thomas Interior Design Portfolio

Lindsey Thomas


It’s having passion for something that fuels us late at night as we continue to design, analyze, and refine until we are persuaded by what we have created. I found that passion for interior design when I was at a very young age. I vividly remember the day in sixth grade when I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had always enjoyed selecting out furniture, paint colors, and flooring when my father would work on home projects. Something about unique patterns, rich and beautiful colors, fun textures, and design elements attracted me. From shopping and working on projects with my dad, my imagination for design grew, and my love for interior design cultivated. I started asking my parents for old boxes, glue, and paper to create whatever my imagination could dream up of. I would give my creations out to my friends, family, and anyone to brighten their day. I knew I wanted to create, but I wanted to create something that made people happy. Thanks to my parents for encouraging me to be always be creative, I was able to put a name on the ambition I would spend the rest of my educational career reaching for. My college experience at the University of Southern Mississippi has helped my passion for interior design blossom from a childhood dream to a reality.



















The Port Hotel New Orleans, LA Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 21,000 sq. ft. Length of Project: 11 Weeks Semester Completed: Senior Year-Fall Project Responsibilities: Research, Programming, Preliminary Sketching, Space Planning, Computer-Aided Drawings, 3D Modeling, Color Renderings, Finish Boards, Booklet Project Challenge: Design a hotel located in the New Orleans Warehouse District with multiple retail spaces, a restaurant, a bar, and lobby areas. Create a space that combines local culture with elements and amenities attractive to those age 25 to 40. Project Solution: The hotel incorporates the latest technologies to create ease of use by its guests. Quick and easy check-in/out practices make the hotel attractive to those traveling on business. Nautical design elements appeal to the younger travelers, and the restaurant serves foods indigenous to the area, creating a cultureinspired atmosphere.

Co n c e p t S t at em ent

The Por t, located in the hear t of New Orleans, will be home to the upand-coming hotel that is based on one of the largest por ts in the United States. Nautical influences with an industrial twist will be highlighted throughout the hotel by incorporating bold metal and wood accents, cool blues and creams, as well as a fresh, clean design. The building will be transformed through the use of the existing industrial-style warehouse to be the focal point, and using modern and nautical elements. Crisp wallpapers, lavish leathers, and other contemporary fabrics will enhance both furniture and walls. After visiting The Por t, guests feel tranquil and eager for their next visit.


I n s piratio n Ph otogra p h s


L ob by Pods


F urn itu re S e l e cti on s

P r e limin a ry S ke tch e s L ob by L oung e Finish Sel ec t ions


F i nish Bo ards

ADA Suit e B edroom L ayout ADA Suit e Fl oor Pl a n


K i ng S u ite F l oor Pl an

Re n dered E l evati on s

ADA Ac c essib il ity Codes

302.1: Floor & ground surfaces shall be stable, firm, & slip resistant 304.3.1: A turning circle with 60” min diameter is provided 307.2: Objects mounted between 27” & 80” high shall not protrude more than 4” into the circulation path 309.4: All operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. 403.5.1: Accessible routes shall have 36” min clear width. 806.2.6: At least one sleeping area shall provide a 30” wide and 48” deep clear space on both sides of the bed, positioned for parellel approach to the bed. EXCEPTIONwhere a singe 30” & 48” deep clear space positioned for parellel approach is provided between two beds, a clear floor or ground space shall not be required on both sides of the bed.

3D Model


Wayfind i n g L e ge n d

Sig na g e Desig n


Cod e s S um m a ry

Way f i n di n g Co n c e p t

At The Port Hotel, wayfinding plays a great deal to ensure that navigating throughout the hotel is easy for guests. Using an asymmetrical floorplan with appropriate signage and landmarks helps guests find their way. Directional problems for guests may arise, but there is restricted, informational, directional, and identification signage throughout the entire hotel.


Occupancy Classifications: •The sleeping areas of a hotel are classified as a R-1 residential occupancies •Restaurants, nightclubs, and bars are classified as assembly occupancies •Retail stores are classified as mercantile occupancies Egress: •Seven inches is the maximum amount that doors can protrude into exit corridors •Door height must be a minimum of 6’8” •Five pounds is the maximum force for pushing or pulling interior doors •Forty-eight inches plus the width of the door is the minimum space required between two hinged doors in a series •Exit doors must pivot in the direction of travel •Kitchens, closets, storerooms and restrooms are not allowed by code to be travelled through to get to an exit •The minimum number of exits required for an occupant load of 1-500 is two doors •Sill heights for windows in sleeping rooms must be a maximum of 36 inches AFF. •The half-diagonal rule stipulates that the distance between exits must be at least half of the diagonal distance within the building. For the lobby of this hotel, exits must be at least 138’6” apart. •The minimum spacing distance required for two exits is 30 feet to make sure they are not too close together •The clear unobstructed width for corridors on the guest floors of a residential (R-1) occupancy should be a minimum of 44 inches. •The maximum travel distance to an exit allowed in a sprinkled R-1 occupancy is 250 feet •The maximum dead-end allowed in a sprinkled R-1 occupancy is 50 feet Finish Classifications: •The maximum dead-end allowed in a sprinkled R-1 occupancy is 50 feet •The allowed finish classification for existing guest room finishes are A, B, or C •The allowed finish classification for exit access corridors are A, B, or II •The allowed finish classification for existing mercantile spaces are A or B for ceilings and A, B, or C for walls •The allowed classification for assembly spaces under 300 occupancy load is class A or B


Rest a ura nt Ta b l es Co n c e p t S t at ement The industrial and nautical hotel concept will carry into Feather+Fin Restaurant, where this large space will be transformed with warm blues and creams, with rich wood accent pieces. Using black ceiling tile, dark flooring, and lighter wallcoverings will create a space that feels luxurious and comforting to guests. Metal accents will appear throughout the space in lighting and accent pieces on the wall. Multiple seating arrangements provide flexible accommodations for parties of all sizes. Lounge seating at the entrance of the restaurant, as well as at Barrel Bar, located within Feather+Fin, will provide guests with a more relaxed area for dining.


Rest a ura nt L oung e


Bar S eati n g



Afloat Booth


Con c ept S ta te m e n t Having a brain freeze will never be so enticing as at Afloat, a homemade ice creamery specializing in floats and milkshakes. This cool hangout spot will feature bright blues, greys and creams with hints of soft greens that will create a comfortable and exciting space for young and old alike. Aside from Feather+Fin, which is located adjacent to this space, Afloat creates an environment where people feel encouraged to meet new people. By using light tile floors and big windows will create a fun and blissful atmosphere to all.

Anthropo m e tr i c Con sidera ti on s The layout and accessibility of AFloat: Specialty Floats and Milkshakes has been designed with customers in mind. Counter Height: Between 35” and 38” at accessibility counter Counter Depth: Between 18” and 24” Clerk’s Aisle: Between 30” and 48” Public Circulation Zone: Minimum of 36” Customer Activity Zone (at register): Between 26” and 30”

Afl oa t C hec kout


Cultural Wedding: Singapore Cli e n t P r of i le Project Type: Individual Length of Project: 4 Weeks Semester Completed: Sophomore Year-Fall Project Responsibilities: Research, Interview Client, Space Planning, Sketching, Board Project Challenge: The traditional Singapore wedding includes warm tones of reds, golds, and whites which will be used throughout the tea ceremony and banquet. The grand, gold crystal chandelier will help tie in the intimate lighting.

Prelim in ary Sketc h es

Client Profile: Simon Chua and Rebecca Lim Ages: 24+25 Hobby: Sleeping and Going to the Movies Income: Upper

A wedding banquet in Singapore is very much like a reception in the United States. Since Singapore is very westernized, a typical banquet is very modern with some traditional touches. To Singapore culture, red is the color of prosperity; weddings in Singapore will have a lot of red to uches, wheth er it is on the flowers, draperies, or even in the tablecloths. The tables at the banquet are very elaborate to go with the traditional seven-course meal at the wedding. Since there are around 250300 guests that come to the banquet event, there is always arranged seating. Instead of guests giving the bride and groom a wedding gift, they will bring money to help pay for the co st of the food they will be eating at the banquet. The Chinesestyle food and alcohol is served at the banquet. Music is played at the banquet, but only for back ground purposes. In a traditional wedding in Singapore, there is no dancing. Goals: 1. To represent traditional Singapore wedding cul ture throughout the tea ceremony and banquet 2. To incorporate the use of the traditional colors with intimate lighting to produce an elegant at mosphere throughout the tea ceremony and banquet.

Board Layou t

In spirat ion


T e a C e r e mony R e nde r i ng

Rec ept ion Ren derin g





In s pirat ion

The Gwenn House Cl i e nt P r ofi l e Project Type: Individual Square Footage:1,589 Designed Length of Project: 8 Weeks Semester Completed: Senior YearFall Project Responsibilities:Research, Space Planning, Technical Construction Documents, Color Renderings, Finish Board Project Challenge: Design a residence based on a time period that influence design trends. Project Solution: The overall design of the Gween House combined English Tudor elements with today’s modern design.

C l i e n t P r of i l e : V i c t o r a n d W e n d y Gw e n n A g e s: 2 9 -3 5 H o b by : Co o k i n g and wa tc h i n g N e tf l i x In co m e : M od e s t T h i s c h a r m i n g T ud o r s ty l e h o m e l o c a t e d i n t h e h e a r t of Gr ov e t ow n , Ge o r gi a i s h o m e t o t h e Gw e n n f a m i l y . Al t h o ug h M r . a n d M rs . Gw e n n d o n o t h av e c h i l d r e n , t h ey are hoping to expand their family once the h o m e ’s r e n ova t i o n s a r e co m p l e t e . T h e h i s t o ry of t h i s h o m e i s v e ry important to Mr. and M rs . Gw e n n b e c a us e i t h a s be e n p a s s e d d ow n t h r o ug h o ut t h e d i f fe re n t g e n e ra t i o n s . Ke e p i n g t h e o r i gi n a l T ud o r “c h a r m , ” but a d din g n ew, f resh , an d m od ern el em en ts to th e d esign wil l be th e m a i n fo c us . T h ey r e c e n t l y c a m e t o m e a s k in g fo r d esign h el p fo c usin g o n th e l ivin g ro o m , d in in g ro o m , k i tc h e n , a n d m a s t e r s ui t e , w i t h d e s i gn s ug gestio n s fo r th e rest of th e h o use. M rs. Gwen n exp l ain ed th at th e e x i s t i n g k i tc h e n i s d a r k a n d o utd a t e d , s uggestin g th at th ey wan ted m o re n atural l igh t to be featured . M rs. Gw e n n m e n t i o n e d t h e l a c k of h i gh -e n d a p p l i a n c es fo un d in th e kitc h en . M r. Gwen n stated a $2 5 0, 000 bud get fo r t h e w h o l e h o us e : h a l f of w h i c h i s t o be put toward s th e kitc h en an d m aster suite. M rs. Sm ith al so sp ec i f i e d a n a f f i n i ty fo r e l e g a n t , y e t c l a s s i c , i n s pired f urn iture. Th e co up l e wo ul d p refer a n eutral co l o r p al ette w i t h p o p s of p l um s , c h a m p a gn e s , a n d bl ue s fo r a so p h istic ated fo c al p o in t.


K i tchen Ren d e r e d F l o o r p l a n M a ste r Be droom R endered Floorplan

M a ste r Bath room R endered Floorpl a n

Di ni ng Ro o m Rend er ed F lo o r p la n

L i v i n g Ro o m R e n d e r e d F l o o r p l a n



Pai nt

K i tchen Eleva t i o n

K i tchen Eleva t i o n

A ppl i ance s

Fin is h es


Rendered Views

Finish Board



Kitchen Rendering


Inspiration F i r e p la ce Eleva t i o n

Cei li ng Pla n

Pa i nt






Rendered Views


Fur n i tu re









Fin is h es A S S













S3 S3







K 3













S3 S3



S3 S3 S






E l e c t r i c a l P l Aa n





S S S 3 3



Living Room Rendering











Pa i nt + Wal l cove r i ng














S3 S3 S










S S S 3 3

K 3














S3 S3 S

SS S3 S3




















Electrical Plan


Rendered Views Fur ni tu re

F i ni she s



W i nd ow - s ea t Eleva t i o n

Ma st e r b e d E l eva t i o n


Rendered Views

F i ni she s

Fur ni tu re

Elect r i ca l Pla n A











A S S 3





S3 S3 S

S S S 3 3













K 3




Master Bedroom Rendering



Inspiration S o u t h ma s t er ba t h Eleva t i o n

Ea s t ma s t er ba t h Eleva t i o n

S o u t h clo s et eleva t i o n

W es t eleva t i o n Ea s t eleva t i o n

Pain t + Wallcov erin g






Fur n i tu re+A p p li a n c e s



Rendered Views




F i ni she s





S3 S3



S S S 3 3

















S3 S3 S3 S




Closet Rendered Views



Electrical Plan





Master Bathroom Rendering


In s p i ra t i o n

Ex ist ing Proper ty

805 East Laurel C li e n t P r of i le

Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 2,294 sq. ft. Length of Project: 4 Weeks Semester Completed: Senior YearFall Project Responsibilities: Site Measured, Historical Research, Space Planning, Technical Constru ction Documents, Booklet Project Challenge: Redesign the existing house in keeping with the home’s historical Southern Mississippi style. Project Solution: The overall design of the Gween House combined the existing Southern charm with today’s modern design.

C l i e n t P r of i l e : S uz a n n a B o n ey A g e s: 3 5 H o b by : Pr ofe s s i o n a l I n t e r i o r De s i gn e r In co m e : M od e s t S i n c e H a t t i e s b ur g i s n o t o n l y a h ub c i ty b ut ho m e to t h o us a n d s of co l l e ge s t ud e n t s , 8 0 5 E a s t L a urel wil l b e n o l o n g e r c l a s s i f i e d a s a s i n g l e -f a m i l y h om e; ins t e a d w i l l be t ra n sfo r m e d i n t o a d up l e x . Cr eatin g a d up l e x w i l l n o t o n l y a l l ow t h e m o r t ga g e t o be sp l it i n h a l f t o p r ov i d e a c h e a p e r bi l l fo r p o s s i bl e co l l ege s t ud e n t s , b ut a l s o t o p r ov i d e a g r e a t s p a c e in th e h e a r t of H a t t i e s bur g.

P rog ra m ming Duplex A: -Private entrance -Kitchen -Backyard entrance -Large Living Room w/ fireplace -Master Bed w/ on-suite Bath -Office Space -Private laundry

Duplex B: -Private entrance -Large Living Room w/ dining room and fireplace -Large Kitchen with eat-in bar -Master Bed w/ large closet -Office space/guest bedroom space -Private laundry -Bathroom


T i meline of O wn e rsh i p

Existin g Pl an

Fur n i t ur e P la n

Dim ensioned Pl a n


In s p i ra t i o n

The Kitchen Reno Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 500 sq. ft. Length of Project: 6 Weeks Semester Completed: Sophomore Year-Spring Project Responsibilities: Research, Space Planning, Finish & Furniture Selections, Colored Renderings, Technical Construction Documents, Digital Boards Project Challenge: Design a kitchen in keeping with the home’s modern style. Project Solution: The Forrest Kitchen Renovation mixes modern style with finishes desired by the client. Dark cabinetry, stone finishes, and modern appliances create a balance with the existing character of the home

Cli e n t P r of i le C l i e n t P r of i l e : M a ry a n d S t e wa r t E l i n g s t o n A g e s: 45 & 48 H o b by : Co o k i n g a n d r e a d i n g b o o k s In co m e : H i gh T h e E l i n gs t o n ’s Ki tc h e n R e n ova t i o n wa s d e s i g n ed to ke e p t h e k i tc h e n a n d d i n i n g r o o m i n t h e s a me l o c at i o n s , but t o e n l a r ge t h e ov e ra l l k i tc h e n f l o or p l an t o c r e a t e a n ov e ra l l be t t e r f un c t i o n i n g s p a c e fo r th e c l i e n t s . Al o n g w i t h e n l a r g i n g t h e ov e ra l l k i tc h en an d d i n i n g r o o m s p a c e , i t wa s a l s o n e c e s s a ry t o u p d ate t h e s p a c e t o c r e a t e a m o r e m od e r n fe e l t h a t suited t h e c l i e n t ’s r e qui r e m e n t s . T h e n e w l ayo ut i n c l ud ed a n i s l a n d fo r a d d i t i o n a l co un t e r s p a c e a n d a n ew b a r co un t e r fo r a d d i t i o n a l s e a t i n g . T h e r e n ovatio n a l s o i n c l ud e d n e w f ur n i t ur e , c a b i n e t ry , co un t er to p s, up d a t e d a p p l i a n c e s , l i g h t f i x t ur e s , a n d a c c e sso ries i n bo t h t h e k i tc h e n a n d d i n i n g r o o m . I n o rd e r t o m e e t t h e c l i e n t ’s r e que s t s , a l a r ge m ode r n w i n d ow wa s a d d e d t o t h e n o r t h wa l l of th e k i tc h e n i n o rd e r t o b e a b l e t o l o o k o ut i nto th e b a c kya rd . A s w e l l a s a l a r ge w i n d ow , t h e c l ien ts a l s o r e q ue s t e d t h a t t h e r e n ova t i o n w o ul d have a m o r e co n t e m p o ra ry fe e l , but t o t ry t o s t ray away f r o m b e i n g a n a l l -w h i t e s p a c e . T h ey a l s o s t a t ed th at i f p o s s i bl e , t o us e m a t e r i a l s t h a t w e r e s us t a i n abl e.

El eva t ions



1. Modern Aesthetic: The use of Black Oak wood cabinetry, white and metal subway tile back- splash, light grey countertops, and satin stainless steel accents will create a modern feel to the space. 2. Modern Technology: Using sleek stainless steel appliances such as a Sub-Zero Wolf range, a Ken- more Pro Refrigerator, a Wolf microwave drawer, and dimmable light fixtures will create the modern feel by the unification of the latest appliances in technology. 3. Sustainability: Using sustainable materials such as quartz countertops that contains recycled ma- terials, eco-friendly cabinetry, recycled based light fixtures, energy star rated appliances and LED light fixtures will reduce water and energy use.

Con c ept S ta te m e n t

The overall design goals for the Forest View Kitchen Renovation will be to create an updated and visually pleasing kitchen and dining area while keeping sustain- ability in mind. The use of black stained cabinets and satin nickel bar pulls will be contrasted with a white and stainless subway tile backsplash and light grey Cambria quartz countertops in order to create a mod- ern feel within the space. Sleek, new, stainless steel appliances will be integrated into the cabinetry and will provide the latest technological advances such as a Kenmore Professional fridge, a Bosch panel ready dishwasher, a Wolf Sub-Zero range with oven, and a microwave drawer. The bright red barstools and dining room chairs will provide a pop of color and a unique geometric pattern that will continue the modern theme.

Flo o r P la n


Kitchen Rendering


E l e ctr i ca l Pla n

3 D Re n de r i n gs





Marine Research Facility

Furnit ure Pl a n

Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 2,000 sq. ft. Length of Project: 4 Weeks Semester Completed: Senior Year-Fall Project Responsibilities: Research, Client Meetings, Space Planning, Technical Construction Documents, Finish & Furniture Selections, Colored Renderings, Booklet, Budget Proposal Project Challenge: To select furniture, fabrics, and finishes for a marine research facility, while keeping budget in mind Project Solution: To pick furniture and fabrics that give the client both a low budget option & a mid budget option.

Co n c e p t S t a t e m e n t

The USM Marine Research Center at the Port of Gulfport, located in Biloxi, Mississippi, will be an educational home to the faculty and students at the University of Southern Mississippi. This educational facility will be built near a busy intersection that serves as the "front door" for the Port of Gulfport. The design concept behind the USM Research Center will be to create a space that is not only inviting to the faculty, students, and prospects, but also an enlivening atmosphere the concentrates on the buildings main theme, marine research. Deep teal blues, bright whites, rich greys and pops of bright green will harmoniously blend with glass and wood accents to create an ocean feel with hints of contemporary elements. By using wood on the floor, ceiling, reception desk, and furniture pieces, the nautical style will be further enhanced by incorporating sleek carpet tiles with ocean designs. By selecting quality furniture and fabrics, this will allow the selections to be durable and lasting. Adjustable tables with castors will allow the staff and students to redesign the space when necessary and as efficiently as possible. Plush lounge furniture will give students and faculty a comfortable setting for socializing and building community. Interior paint colors of deep teals will be used around most of the main spaces to allow the students to really feel like they are studying marine life. Contemporary light fixtures will be place throughout the different areas to add more of a contemporary effect and increase the rooms light reflective value.

E xample Q u ote - L ow

E xample Q u ote - M i d


G o a ls 1. Active and Flexible To provide the same furniture throughout the building that will allow different spaces to use the pieces if necessary To provide and incorporate furniture, such as height adjustable tables in the offices, that will allow the faculty have the option to sit or stand when working To incorporate lighter colors in the different areas to increase the rooms light reflective value 2. Budget To provide quality and durable pieces of furniture, while sticking to a budget of $120,000 To provide different furniture systems, chairs, fabrics, and desking system that give the option to the client of a lower range and a mid-range price point 3. Quality To provide high value and durable furniture and fabric options for both the low and mid-range budget To use recycled and eco-friendly fabrics and finishes 4. Community To provide an open layout with the furniture picked so the different spaces throughout the building will provide a community atmosphere between faculty and staff. To use furniture that give students and faculty a comfortable setting for socializing

In s p i ra t ion


Lounge Rendering




Classroom Rendering


In s p i ra t i o n

The Dean’s Suite Project Type: Group Square Footage : 2,316 sq. ft. De signed Length of Project: 8 Weeks Semester Completed: Sophomore Year-Spring Project Responsibilities : Research, Programming, Space Planning, Technical Construction Documents, Finish Booklet, Colored Hand Renderings Project Challenge: Design, space plan, and brand the School of Con stru ction making sure to keep budget in mind. Project Solution: The Dean’s Suite Renovation is strategically designed to maximize space. The design includes three four offices, a large conference room, a recep tion, and a break room for employee use. Techniques taught in the beginner Revit course were used in this project.

D e s i g n Co n c e p t C l i e n t P r of i l e : De a n Dr . H ay h urs t , F ra n F l e x t er, Patricia Biesiot T h e De a n ’s O f f i c e S ui t e w i l l of fe r a un i que an d p l e a s a n t a t m o s p h e r e by b l e n d i n g co o l n eutral s, g rays , a n d b l ue s w i t h va ry i n g ge o m e t r i c p attern s. U p o n e n t e r i n g t h e r e c e p t i o n a r e a , a t e x t ur e d gl ass p a n e l w i l l of fe r a n i m m e d i a t e fo c a l p o i n t a s wel l a s a d d i t i o n a l p r i va cy i n t h e a d j o i n i n g of f i c e . A rus t i c , s l i d i n g , b a r n d o o r a n d t h e co m fo r t a bl e bo o th s e a t i n g of t h e b r e a k r o o m w i l l r e f l e c t a r e l a xed at m o s p h e r e w i t h i n . T h e f ur n i t ur e us e d i n t h e D ean ’ s of f i c e , i n c l ud i n g t h e s of t s e a t i n g a n d co n feren c e a r e a s , w i l l c r e a t e a n e xe c ut i v e fe e l w i t h i n t h e off i c e a n d w i l l i m p r ov e f un c t i o n a l i ty . T h e co n feren c e r o o m w i l l p r ov i d e a p r ofe s s i o n a l , y e t f a s h i o n abl e, m ul t i -p ur p o s e a r e a i n w h i c h co n fe r e n c i n g, even ts, a n d c l a s s e s c a n t a ke p l a c e . T h e ov e ra l l d e sign of t h e s ui t e w i l l r e f l e c t t h e m e l d i n g of t e c h n o l o gy w i t h n a t ura l sc i e n c e i n o rd e r t o be s t r e p r e s en t th e Co l l e g e of S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y .

G oa l s: U p da te d Te chnolog y: Curren t tec h n o l o gy wil l be in co rp o rated in to th e f urn ish in gs to al l ow easier ac c ess to p ower so urces. Pl ug-an d -p l ay pyram id s wil l be in stal l ed in th e buil t-in bo o th s in th e co n feren c e ro o m an d break ro o m wh il e up -tod ate c am eras an d LCD TVs w i l l i m p r o v e v i d e o co n feren c in g c ap abil ities. Ne w B ra nding : Bl ues an d go l d s wil l be in co rp o rated in to th e in terio r f abric s an d f in ish es as wel l as th e ar two rk in o rd er to co o rd in ate with th e n ew bran d in g fo r th e co l l ege. A s the tics : N ew f urn ish in gs, f l o o rin g, p ain t, an d ar two rk wil l im p rove th e overal l f irst im p ressio n of th e d ean ’ s suite m akin g it a m o re p l easan t p l ac e to sp en d th e d ay. Hu ma n Comfor t a nd S u s ta ina bil ity: Up d ated tec h n o l o gy n ew bran d in g aesth etic s H um an co m fo r t & sustain abil ity Th e use of ergo n o m ic seatin g an d ac c esso ries al o n g with n ew LED l igh t f ixtures an d th erm al win d ow treatm en ts wil l imp rove bo th h um an co m fo r t an d save en ergy co sts.


D ean ’ s Su i te L ayou t





Conference Room



Break Room



Dean’s Office


Business Manager


Assistant to the Dean


Associate Dean


In s p i ra t i o n

Design Intervention Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 200 sq. ft. Length of Project: 1 Week Semester Completed: Sophomore Year-Spring

The changes made were pretty major and affected the flow of the entire room. By removing the cabinets, there was more room to add nice furniture pieces. replacing the lighting brightens up the entire space. removing the carpet and putting up a fresh coat of paint makes the whole space change drastically. Lastly, by building a metal accent wall, we were able to tie in the modern look together.

Project Responsibilities: Research, Space Planning, Color Hand Renderings Project Challenge: Based off of the image given, redesign the space keeping a modern design in mind Project Solution: The overall design of the School of Construction Lobby was to brighten up the space with a space of bold paint, use dark wood flooring, and update the furniture for a more modern design.

Existing Space


Designed Space



3D View 5










48' - 1"

4' - 5"


2' - 0"


16' - 0 1/8"

2' - 0" 2' - 6"

1' - 3" 2' - 9"

4' - 0"




10' - 1 1/2"

7' - 6 1/8"

8' - 8 11/16"

2' - 9 11/16"4' - 2 5/16"

2' - 6"

4' - 0"

28' - 0"

FLOOR PLAN-LEVEL 1 1/8" = 1'-0"


2' - 6"

5' - 9 19/32"



8' - 10 1/8"


UNISEX RESTROOM 04 8' - 3 1/4"


Date Drawn by

28' - 0"

3' - 7" 7' - 0"

17' - 6 3/4"

2' - 9" 2' - 6"

10' - 3"



2011.01 8/20/2010 Author

2' - 6"

7' - 0"

7' - 0"

3' - 0"

2' - 7" 8' - 2"

1' - 4" 4' - 0"


72' - 6 15/16"

1 4' - 0"

1' - 5 19/32" 14' - 1"

22' - 0"


3' - 0" 2' - 6"

14' - 6" 15' - 10 1/8"

10' - 0"


6' - 8"

14' - 6"

6' - 0"

2' - 4 9/16"

18' - 1 7/8"

15' - 10 1/8" 1' - 4 1/8"

2' - 0"

3' - 0"

17' - 7 7/8"

15' - 0 7/8"


10' - 10 1/8"


10' - 4"

7' - 4" 4' - 0"

18' - 0"


20' - 4"


09 8

20' - 4 1/8"



7' - 4"

15' - 1 1/2"


15' - 10 1/8"


1' - 7"


2' - 0"

7' - 5 1/4"

2' - 8"



8' - 5 1/8"

10' - 1"

8' - 3 1/8"

5' - 4"

4' - 0"


64' - 0"


10' - 2" 22' - 2 1/8"




5' - 4"


1' - 4"

KITCHEN/HALLWAY 16' - 0 1/8"

4' - 4"


1' - 0"


4' - 0"

3 4' - 6"

3' - 6 3/16" 2' - 6"

5' - 1 15/16"

8' - 5"

6' - 8"

8' - 0"


4' - 0"


2' - 5 1/2" 3' - 0" 2' - 8 1/2"

6' - 8"

6' - 4 1/16"

27' - 0"

3' - 0"

6' - 1 9/32" 1' - 1" 2' - 6"



1' - 10" 2' - 6"

9' - 2 1/8"


9' - 0 1/8"

4' - 0"



3' - 0"

6' - 0 3/4"

0' - 11 27/32"

6' - 2"

6' - 8"

2' - 6"

53' - 11"

3' - 11"


1' - 6"


1' - 11 1/32"


21' - 5 1/8"

18' - 4 5/8"





4' - 2 9/32"


2' - 9"


2' - 6"

13' - 2"

11' - 7 3/4"

4' - 0"

1' - 10 1/16"

3' - 0"

1' - 4 1/4"

5' - 4" 4' - 0"


4' - 5" 1' - 4 7/8"

30' - 8 1/8"

14' - 1 15/16"


1' - 4 1/8"

4' - 5"

3' - 0"



4' - 5"

8' - 4"

4' - 2 1/2"

2' - 9" 1' - 3"

7' - 4 1/8"

8' - 0"

3' - 0"

4' - 5 5/8"

18' - 8"

2' - 8 1/4" 2' - 6 15/16"


ThomasZimmerman Architecture Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 38,000 sq.ft. Length of Project: 11 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior Year-Spring Project Responsibilities: Research, Pro gramming, Preliminary Sketching, Space Planning, Computer-Aided Drawings, Color Renderings, Finish Board, Booklet Project Challenge: Design an architectural firm based from the 14th & 15th floor of the Pennzoil Building in Houston, Texas. Project Solution: The ThomasZimmerman Architecture structure is open concept, which allows for multiple work styles. There are executive offices, Principle offices, a gallery space, two coffee lounges, and open space with modern cubicles, and ancillary space for everyday needs of the firm. Moveable walls and accessible flooring allow for easy reconfiguration as the company’s needs change.

I nspira t ion

Conc ept St a t em ent

The 14th and 15th floor of the Pennzoil Building, located in Houston, Texas, will be home to the architectural firm ThomasZimmerman Architects. The design concept behind ThomasZimmerman Architects is to create a space that is inviting to clients and also an enlivening atmosphere for the firm’s employees. Cool blues, bright yellows, and cool grays will harmoniously blend with glass, wood, and metals to create an industrial feel with hints of contemporary elements. By using metal accents on the reception desk, stairs, and furniture pieces, the industrial style will be further enhanced by incorporating sleek floor-to-ceiling glass walls with sliding glass barn doors. Movable walls and access flooring will allow the owners to redesign the space when necessary and as efficiently as possible. Exterior glass walls surrounding the entire existing perimeter of the building will be used around a portion of the office to allow maximum sunlight inside the building. Triangle ceiling accents will be placed throughout the different areas to add a contemporary pop. Adding extra space to the floor plan will optimize collaboration between colleagues. Plush seating, quite rooms, coffee lounges, and breakout spaces will encourage relationships between employees and clients. White noise and acoustical materials such as upholstered furniture and carpet tiles and will be added in locations throughout the building to cut down on unnecessary noises.

14t h + 15 t h Fl oor B l oc k Pl a n


Goals :

1. Technology To provide the latest wireless technology throughout the offices, conference rooms, and open offices To provide and incorporate sound masking technology into the open office layout to assist with potential acoustic issues To provide the latest video-conferencing technology within the conference rooms 2. Flexibility To provide an open office layout where there are options for the different teams to be able shift areas due to there being few walls To provide furniture systems, ceilings, walls, and color schemes that can be moved easily if the different teams desire to switch their location in the building. To have quiet rooms throughout the space for workers to be able to escape their everyday routine and change their scenery for them to be more productive 3. Sustainability To use natural materials in the working areas throughout the interior spaces To provide areas in the lounge spaces to give the option to wash dishes to cut back on the use of disposable items To use glass wall systems and an open office layout in order to take advantage of the natural sunlight shining through the glass walls. 4. Community To provide an open office layout where teams are able to easily communicate with others when working on projects To provide coffee lounges and spaces throughout the building for workers to be able to catch up with one another and take a break from the mundane desk life To use glass walls throughout the space to open the areas up to feel more open

P r e limina ry Wor k

14t h + 15 t h Fl oor B ub b l e Pl a n


Finish es

F u rn itu r e S e l e cti on s


Fu rnitu re S e l e cti on s


14t h Fl oor C eil ing Pl a n

15 t h Fl oor C eil ing Pl a n


Open Office Rendering


Lobby Rendering


Elevation s

Conference Room Rendering


Coffee Lounge Rendering Coffee L ou n ge E l evatio n s


Gallery Rendering G alle ry E l evati on

Finish B oa rd


Anderson’s Architecture Firm Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 13,000 Designed Length of Project: 9 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior Year-Fall Project Responsibilities: Renovation Planning, Space Planning, Technical Construction Documents, Detailed Items, 3D Rendering Project Challenge: Design a space for a new architecture firm that provides detailed construction documents. Project Solution: Anderson’s Architecture Firm is strategically designed to maximize space.

L ob by Rendering


3’ 6”

F u rn i tu r e Pl an


Dimen si on e d F l oor pl a n

C eil ing Pl a ns

Wo od D o o r D e t a i l


E l eva t i o n s

Lounge Rendering





Buil ding B efore Renova t ions

Domestic Abuse Center Internship Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 10,000 sq. ft. Length of Project: 6 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior YearSummer Interns hip Project Responsibilities : Client Meetings, Research, Space Planning, Technical Construction Documents, Finish Board, Presentation Board, Booklet Project Challenge: Design a com mercial space keeping in mind res idential features/qualities for the residents that will be living there. Project Solution: The overall de sign for the shelter will be to remov e all existin g flooring, brighten the space up with paint, and bring in high-end furniture that is durable.

Cli e n t P r of i le

Client Profile: Mrs. Leah Franc and Mrs. Sarah Holifield Ages Living in Center: 1 and Up Income: Charity Funded This charming single-family home locat ed in the hear t of downtown, Hattiesburg is now owned by Board member Mrs. Leah Franc and Board Director Mrs. Sarah Holifield. They recently came to me asking for design help for this 32 year old home that has been a foreclosure for the last six years, with design suggestions for the entire house. Mrs. leah explained that the living room and dining room is a place where their guests feel comfor table and at home, suggesting that they wanted a more thought out layout of the space and to brighten up the space visually. Mrs. Leah mentioned the lack of light throughout the space, suggesting to bring li ghter and cooler colors throughout the home. Although Mrs. Leah and Mrs. Sarah do not have A par ticular budget, they asked me to find quality paint and flooring for a low price Mrs. Leah also specified an affinity for new, yet classic, inspired furniture. Both leah and sarah would prefer a neutral color palette with pops of blue for a cooler focal point.

Finish B oa rd


Overa l l F u r n i tu r e P la n


F ur ni tur e


D i n i n g Ro o m F l o o r P l a n

S o ut h D i n i n g Ro o m E l eva t i o n

F i ni she s

N o r t h D i n i n g Ro o m E l eva t i o n

Dining Room Rendering

Open Office Rendering




Ca bi ne try

K i tc h e n F l o o r P l a n

F i ni she s


Kitchen Renderings


Fur ni tur e


F i ni she s

L i v i n g Ro o m F l o o r P l a n

Living Room Rendering

Open Office Rendering




Bed r o o m F lo o r Pla ns

F ur ni tur e

F i ni she s

Bed Room Rendering

Open Office Rendering



Play Room Rendering



product design



Hobbit Hole Playhouse C li e n t P r of i le Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 77 sq, ft. Length of Project: 3 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior Year-Fall Project Responsibilities : Re search Safety and Anthropomet rics, Preliminary Drawings, Space Planning, Computer-Aided Drawings, Color Renderings, Presentation Board, Booklet Project Challenge: Design a playhouse for a child no larger than 100 sq. ft. keeping safety and anthropometrics in mind Project Solution: The overall design of Hobbit Hole Playhouse was to provide a fun place for a young dreamer who loves to read.

Client Profile: Victor and Wendy Gwenn Ages: 29-35 Hobby: Cooking and watching Netflix Income: Modest Drawing inspiration from J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel, “The Hobbit,” The Hobbit Hole playhouse provides a place for children to escape into their own personal library and adventure space. This space encourages kids to explore endless chara cters, events, and places available throughout different books and stories. This space also provides a space where children can feel free to play and pretend in a fun at mosphere as told throughout J.R.R. Tolk ien’s novel. The hear t of the playhouse is on the inside where a wall bookshelf is built. Being able to choose from many books will allow the child to never stop dreaming. Many windows are throughout the playhouse to allow a ton of natural light to come in, as well as connecting the reader to the outside world. Soft bean-bag chairs are placed inside to provide a cozy and comfor table place to sit while reading and getting lost in the pages of books. To provide a place for more imagination and pretend, there is a costume station and a toy chest. For children who love to read and dream, come on into the Hobbit Hole.

In spirat ion

Prelim in ary Sketc h es


Play ho u s e 3 D V i e ws

Play ho u s e F lo o r p la n

Playh ou se Board Layou t


Playhouse Rendering






Fireplace Renovation In s pirat ion Project Type: Individual Square Footage: 100 Length of Project: 3 Hours Semester Completed: Junior YearFall Project Responsibilities: Research, Preliminary Drawings, Presentation Board Project Challenge: Design a fireplac e remodel based on the American Craftsman style Project Solution: The overall design of the American Craftsman Fireplace renovation was to give the fireplace key features that are true to a typical craftsman fireplace, while adding contemporary features.

Cli e n t P r of i le Client Profile: Mitch and Andi Pilcher Ages: 36 Hobby: Camping Income: Modest The changes made to the existing fireplace wer major, which affected the flow of the entire room. By removing the shelving on the sides of the fireplace, there was plenty of room to add large craftsman-style windows on both sides of the fireplace. With this room being natu rally dark, this will help to brighten up the space. The overall design goal for the American craftsman-style fireplace renovation was to create an updated and visually pleasing fireplace, which keeping the craftsman style present in every d esign decision. The use of stone on the fireplace will help to contrast with the wood accents that are present throughout the space to create a light and airy atmos phere. A subtle blue paint color will be painted on the walls for a nice contrast from the dark wood. A big wooden mantle is placed directly on the stone fireplace to warm up the space, as well as update the space for a more contemporary feel.

Progres s ion Draw in gs


Fin al Fireplac e Ren derin g


Journal Sketches

Project Type: Individual Length of Project: 8 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior Year-Fall Project Responsibilities: Sketch Project Challenge: Create a creative journal drawing the cer tain topics provided. Project Solution: The overall process of the creative journal sketches was to do research on what each topic was, draw a representation of that topic, and create a colored rendering with markers/pencils .

Im press ion of Met als


St on e: Hon ed+Polis h ed


E x a mpl e of S ha de

Im pres s ion of Glass


Wi cke r + R a tte n+ Cane

I m p r e s s i o n of M a t e r i a l

Pat t ern ed Fu rn it u re


Wi ndows: Ni ght



Creat in g t h e Ef fec t s of Ligh t


Paper Experiment Project

Bristol Paper - uncoated, machine-fin ished paperboard Vellum Paper - thick & semi-transparent, or translucent Toned Paper - has a slight color tint

Or i gi nal P i ctu re Project Type: Individual Length of Project: 2 Weeks Semester Completed: Junior YearFall Project Responsibilities:Research/ Experiment Different Kinds of Paper, Find a Residential Image Project Challenge: Pick three different types of paper and draw a residential scene. Use Copic Markers + Pencils to color the scene to see how different kinds of paper affect color quality

O rigin al Sketc h

Bristol Paper


117 04

Vellum Paper

Tone Canson Paper



3D Perspective Drawings Project Project Type: Individual Length of Project: 2 Weeks Semester Completed: Freshmen YearFall Project Responsibilities: Research 3D Perspective Drawing, Sketch Project Challenge: Draw in a 3D Perspective showing residential design

Li vi ng Room S ketc h

Chai r S ke tch Cot t age Plan


Fin a l Fi rep la c e R e n d e r i n g

F i nal F i r e plac e Ren derin g Fin a l Fi rep la c e R e n d e r i n g

G E T I N TOU CH 1120 Rue Calais, Slidell, LA, 70458 + 985.774.4472

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