TSRG Recruitment Leaflet

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Does this sound like

YOU? Female. 9 Over 18. 9 Any shape or size. 9 Kick-ass, fun attitude. 9

Then you NEED

Roller Derby in your life baby!

What the heck is Roller Derby? Roller Derby is an American-invented, predominantly female, contact sport. Derby is played on quad skates - we’ll have none of your newfangled rollerblades here missy! As well as quads, players also wear a lot of padded protection to minimise the impact of the (inevitable) bumps and falls. A whole game of Derby is known as a bout. A bout is made up of several two- minute sessions, each called a jam. Derby is played on an oval track and there are five players on each team. The object of the game is for certain players – called jammers - to lap members of the opposing team – known as blockers - to score points. One blocker from each team has the special status of pivot and it is they who are out front and determine the pace of the pack.

Sounds easy? It’s not...

There is skill involved, honest! For the duration of a jam, blockers try to stop the opposing team’s jammer from getting through the pack – usually with their booty – pa..pa.. pa.. pow! – whilst at the same time trying to help their own jammer get through the pack. So not only is technical skill required, but also tactical skill (see, told you). Whilst there are a few leagues in the US who play on a banked track, the majority of leagues and definitely all UK leagues play on a flat track. Which ever way you play it though, the most important thing is that it’s a lot of fun!

Clear as mud? For a far more eloquent, more comprehensive explanation of Flat Track Roller Derby, please check out www.wftda.com, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association website.

Sorry nice lady , you haven’t finished yet…carry on reading, there’s more…

Who are Triple Sword Roller Girls? Triple Sword Roller Girls are the first and only all-female Roller Derby league in Essex. We’re a fairly new league and we would really like some new members to spice up our life! We’re a friendly, diverse (if not slightly mental) bunch and really do like meeting and encouraging new members – go on, you know you want to! We practise together every Sunday in a hall near Chelmsford however once you’ve decided that you’re serious about Derby you’ll need to be realistic about committing to skating a few times a week in addition to team practice ( most of us do it in the street or local park).

What do I need to get started? Obviously the most important thing is having your own pair of quad skates (and at least be able to stand up on them), but if you become serious about practising you will need to get hold of some decent padded protection pretty sharpish! We can advise on this when you’re ready. Before you go shelling out tonnes of money usually ear-marked for shoes, bags, kittens & other girly things – it might be worth just coming to a practice session and seeing what it’s all about before you commit – we won’t hold it against you if you decide it’s not for you, we promise (scouts honour).

Sounds fan-tabulous! How do I sign up? 1

Sign up with one of our reps in person today (can’t miss us - we’ll be the ones on skates, natch)


send us an email: tripleswordrollergirls@gmail.com

We also have a group on Facebook – surprisingly it’s called 'Triple Sword Roller Girls' – so you could always message us that way! Look forward to meeting you! Ta ta for now…

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