Fessenden School Red & Gray Magazine

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Committed to Inspiring Service and Civic Engagement

Fessenden School Board of Trustees 2009-2010 Brian J. Conway president Thomas S. Roberts vice president Jennifer L. Stier treasurer Renée E. Curtin clerk Peter W. Bell Marc A. Cohen George F. Colony Michael P. Danziger Bruce C. Dayton Stephen C. Demirjian Robert M. Dickey John Martin Doggett, Jr. Denise M. Dupré Jennifer Mugar Flaherty Arthur A. Gosnell Jennifer Hines Christopher B. Howard Ian K. Loring Elizabeth H. Munro V.G. Narayanan James M. Neissa Christian Nolen Peter A. Palandjian ’79 Neal J. Reiner Robert W. Tishman EX- O FF IC I O Peter P. Drake headmaster F. David Taylor chief operating officer Peter C. Welch ’84 alumni council chair Stephanie M. Bucci parents association president

Lower School boys were recognized at a morning meeting for their service efforts by helping to make a positive change for others when the Fessy Kids Who Care service program was presented with awards from the Parents Independent School Network (PIN). Following the presentation of awards, Lower School students read inspiring quotes that reflected an appreciation for service. Pictured with the certificates are: back row, left to right, fourth graders Zach Katz, Noah Urell, Ben Calmas, Ben Bramley, Thomas MacWilliams, Christopher Attisani and Lucas Long. Front row, left to right, Jack Donnelly, Eric Brock and Will Neissa.


E M E R I TU S Hart Fessenden, Jr. ’41 Ernest E. Monrad James J. Pallotta

Message From the Headmaster


Transition to Service-Learning in America’s Schools: Fessenden Moves Toward Greater Integration of Service-Learning


the fessenden school

Remembering Edward M. Kennedy ’46


New Trustees Serve on the Board


Former Faculty and Staff Update


250 Waltham Street West Newton, MA 02465 617-964-5350 www.fessenden.org

May 2010

Class Notes


Special Announcement From Headmaster Peter Drake and Board President Brian Conway INSERT In Memoriam


Planning Ahead to Give Back: One Family’s Commitment to The Frederick Fessenden Society


Fessenden’s Annual Fund Helps Bring Out the Best in Boys


Character & Community: The Campaign for Fessenden’s Endowment


editorial Lindy Gruen, Director of Communications Elizabeth Alling Sewall, Director of Institutional Advancement

design Christine Brooks Design


This issue of Red & Gray focuses on service. The Fessenden School is committed to inspiring service and civic engagement in boys. The mission of Fessenden is to teach, nurture and celebrate growing boys, cultivating each student’s individual potential and developing in balance his mind, character, heart and body in an inclusive and joyful community that, through rigor, friendship and service, reflects Fessenden’s traditional values of honesty, compassion, and respect.

Flagship Press, Inc.

On the Cover: Left to right, sixth graders, Parker Wallace, Will Batchelder, Streett Jacobs, George Clayson and Colin Troughton deliver boxes of toiletries and handmade table decorations to a local shelter during the Operation Sock Drop service day in October 2009. Photograph courtesy of Mark Garfinkel, Boston Herald. Participating in the Lower School elective service group, "Fessy Kids Who Care," fourth graders, left to right, Jack Tishman and Oliver Snow pack and organize canned goods collected by kindergarten-fourth grade boys for delivery to a local food pantry.

Message From the Headmaster Dear members of the Fessenden family, Upon meeting prospective families as part of the admissions process, I am invariably impressed by their seriousness of purpose when investigating the full realm of the Fessenden program. As thoughtful

weekly Friday meeting. Academic progress and unselfish behavior are given equal billing, as one by one, beaming, occasionally self-conscious boys stand before their peers to be acknowledged for their dedication to self-improvement.

consumers, they are aware that their sons’ elementary and middle

In the Middle School, the principle of giving unselfishly continues

school years will form the educational foundation for future learning.

through a network of programs, led by teachers and parents, that requires

Prospective parents are intent on knowing whether Fessenden will

the students’ physical involvement in community service efforts. In the

inspire their sons, thereby putting them on the road to success in

spring, for instance, through the “Little Big Dig,” boys plant flowers and

secondary school and beyond. There are other program nuances parents

beautify the landscaping for residents in area homeless shelters and elder

seek as well. I find it assuring to hear how much stock they place on

care facilities.

non-academic elements of the program, particularly our emphasis upon character education.

In the Upper School, the lessons in community service continue. When our boys pitch in for the Boys & Girls Club, help handicapped skaters,

Ask any Fessy boy, day or boarding, kindergartner or ninth grader, which

or hit the sidewalks to walk for hunger, they are experiencing firsthand

three words mean the most at school, and they will most likely declare,

the compassion highlighted in our mission statement. Parents once again

“honesty, compassion and respect.” Since the tenure of Headmaster

provide moral support and transportation, not to mention equal doses of

Randy Plummer in the 1990s, our faculty has stressed these traits, seek-

water and encouragement.

ing to instill in our boys a lasting moral code and ethics base that will form their value system through the remainder of their schooling. Although there is no scientific evidence to support that our character education sticks with the boys, vignettes from teachers of their secondary schools indicate that the Fessenden values are evident as our boys move into a bigger “pond” where they gain more independence.

Our continual work to incorporate principles of character education into Fessenden’s curriculum is affirmed when I observe boys independently initiating a response to alleviate the suffering of others. This was the case when a group of boys in the sixth grade devised a fund-raising impetus in response to the crisis in Haiti. Already having studied the region and its people in class, the boys worked to elevate awareness of

While at Fessenden, our boys are encouraged to embody “honesty,

the need to provide relief to the Haitian citizenry. In similar fashion the

compassion and respect” in their daily interactions as well as through the

Upper School students presented a case to their classmates, rallying them

collaborative and shared goal by our teachers and parents to sow the

to pitch in to help the distressed victims.

seeds of community service. Moms and dads can often be seen pitching in to support Fessy boys by cheering them on during student-led fundraisers to help people in need; packing up and transporting collections of donated food, clothing and toys to local service organizations; and assisting faculty during off-campus service projects. This partnership and involvement demonstrates the importance of assisting those less fortunate and sends a clear and united message about service to others and philanthropy to the boys.

This outreach simply confirmed that character education is alive and well at Fessenden. In this issue of Red & Gray, we highlight the culture of service we strive to instill in the boys and share with you reports from many alumni who have continued that service beyond the hallways of Fessenden. It makes us—the faculty and staff—immensely proud of our graduates. Sincerely,

Beginning in kindergarten, boys learn that good citizenship starts by lending a hand to the boy seated next to them. Our Lower School faculty ensure that good citizenship becomes a focal point of their

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Peter P. Drake Headmaster


Ninth grader James Jung, sixth grader Trevor Hopkins, and fourth grader Thomas Ryan presented Director of Institutional Advancement Elizabeth Alling Sewall a check for $3,201.25 to benefit earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. School-wide fundraising was initiated by Upper School Class Officers, including Jung, who encouraged classmates to donate to the cause. Middle School boys participated by donating money they earned from their families and neighbors for doing chores at home or around their neighborhood, and Lower School students held a bake sale to support Haiti.

Transition to Service-Learning in America’s Schools Fessenden Moves Toward Greater Integration of Service-Learning by Lindy Gruen, Director of Communications

What is the Difference Between “Community Service” and “ServiceLearning?" When reading articles in the media about students and teachers serving community members in need, the term “service-learning” is frequently employed to describe what many of us may think of as “community service.” The label “service-learning” appears to have been thrust to the forefront of discussions about community service. It may seem like an engineered phrase to reinvent an old

for students. Connecting service with class-

A study conducted by the Corporation for

room instruction through follow-up activities,

National and Community Service with the U.S.

such as written reflections or group discussions,

Census Bureau and Independent Sector (a non-

promotes further discovery of greater social

profit coalition,) entitled, “Youth Volunteering

issues. “Service” in this sense often refers to

and Civic Engagement Survey (2005),” identi-

social, economic or educational justice. At

fied three quality service-learning elements. If

independent schools around the country, the

incorporated into school service programs, they

phrase “community service” is becoming

can lead to a trajectory of life-long civic


topic, but upon further investigation, its meaning is actually quite different than that

virtually obsolete and is being replaced with

engagement for students. The study defined

“service-learning.” The term “service-learning”

the quality service learning elements as,

has emerged and been adopted because it more

“writing or reflecting on the experience in

The primary distinction between community

accurately describes the type of service in

class, participating in planning the activity, and

service and service-learning is that service-

which independent school students are, and

participating in regular community service that

learning incorporates an academic component

have been, participating.

lasts at least one semester.” A key finding

of “community service.”


w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

reveals that students who participate in school-

School program is dedicated to teaching

based service that incorporates all three quality

kindergarten through fourth grade boys social

service-learning elements are more than twice

responsibility and compassion for those in

as likely to report that their activities “had a

need. Throughout the year, boys learn how to

very positive impact.” Likewise, the survey dis-

incorporate acts of kindness through age appro-

covered that these same students are almost

priate activities. Many of the service activities,

“three times as likely to believe that they can

such as Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF, donations

make a great deal of difference in their commu-

for Toys for Tots, a canned food collection for a

nity.” Also noted, is that private school students

local shelter, and a book drive to benefit St.

are 55% more likely to engage in school serv-

Mary’s Women and Children’s Center in

ice programs.

Dorchester, MA, have seen 100% participation from Lower School boys. One of the annual

Quality Service-Learning Elements at Fessenden

each boy solicits sponsors to contribute to a

At Fessenden, incorporating quality service-

selected charity based on the number of hoops

learning elements into community service

the boy can shoot—assisted by their ninth

activities has been customary for years.

grade Big Brothers—in one minute. In the

Director of Community and Cultural Program

classroom, Lower School faculty incorporate

Dan Kiley acknowledges that “A lot of service

some of the characteristics of service-learning

happens here; we are eagerly taking steps to

into instruction. For example, prior to the

further develop the service-learning piece with

Basketball Shootout, third grade teacher Mike O’Connor initiates a classroom discussion

real scope and sequence.” Headmaster Peter

about the organization that will benefit from

Drake adds: “Every day it is evident that

their fundraising. After the Basketball

Fessenden faculty care deeply about the boys

Shootout, boys in his class complete a writing

and are acutely aware of the importance of our

assignment reflecting on their experiences. The

boys growing up to become responsible citi-

united efforts and compassion of students,

zens. Emphasis is placed on enhancing student

teachers and parents have made the Lower

learning experiences by directly relating class-

School program successful.

room activities and projects to boys’ participation in service activities. Making stronger con-

Middle School

nections between service and the classroom

The goal of the Middle School “Assist-a-

will elevate the ways in which Fessenden

Shelter” program is to enable the fifth and sixth

brings out the best in boys.”

grade boys to realize the impact that they as

programs available in each of Fessenden’s three divisions follows. Additionally, there are opportunities for cross-divisional service projects through programs, like the Big Brother pairing of upperclassmen with younger classes for activities throughout the year.

Lower School

The goal of community service is for students to learn through guidance, leadership, and examples of adults and classmates, as well as through their own experiences, how service to others is important in each of our lives; to appreciate the extent to which acts of kindness benefit our society; and to encourage them to explore the connection between community service and intellectual reflection.

highlights is the Basketball Shootout, where

a coordinated mission driven program that has

An overview on the breadth of service

Mission of Service-Learning at Fessenden

individuals and as part of the Fessenden community can have in our world. Creating a sense of social responsibility and nurturing empathy and compassion toward the needs of others is heightened at this age. The “Assist-a-Shelter” program pairs each homeroom with a local

Edward M. Kennedy ’46 Serve America Act On March 26, 2009, the Senate passed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act which amends the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973. The Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act reauthorized and expanded the mission of the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Act’s three primary goals are to increase opportunities for Americans to serve; support innovation and strengthen the non-profit sector; and strengthen management, cost-effectiveness and accountability. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Corporation for National and Community Service is an independent federal agency with a Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The mission of the Corporation for National and Community Service (www.nationalservice.gov) is “to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.”

homeless shelter. Boys learn about their shelter and deliver a donation of toiletries while on a site-tour during the “Operation Sock Drop” service day in the fall. Following the fall visit,

Through partnership, parents and teachers lead

boys in each homeroom work together to iden-

the Lower School service program. “Fessy

tify and select a much needed item for their

Kids Who Care” is an after-school elective

shelter. Students then raise funds utilizing a

program that meets monthly and augments

work contract system during their “Gift of

division-wide service activities. The Lower w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg



What Motivates Young People to Volunteer? In the “Youth Helping America Series,” a 2005 study undertaken by the Corporation for National and Community Service, more than 3,000 youths aged 12-18 were surveyed regarding their experiences with volunteer service and service-learning programs. The study focused considerable attention on the differences that exist between the service experiences of disadvantaged versus nondisadvantaged young people. Findings indicated that the most common motivating factor for youth volunteers, regardless of socioeconomic background, was a desire to help others. Among the other reasons that students chose to volunteer were to contribute to a cause, to gain school or work experience, to fulfill religious beliefs, to garner exposure to new people and places, or because it was suggested by someone they admire. Two main distinctions did materialize between the responses given by disadvantaged versus non-disadvantaged youth: disadvantaged youth were more likely to say that they chose to volunteer to gain academic or career experience or for religious reasons. This finding suggests that these young people are in greater need of career opportunities than their wealthier counterparts. They also are more likely to volunteer through a church or religious organization, which explains why their commitment to service might be spiritually-motivated.

In November, Lower School students participated in a food drive to benefit the Waltham Food Pantry. Parents and teachers helped the boys organize and deliver the collected food.

Giving” unit to purchase the item, which they

agencies, such as the Newton Food Pantry or

deliver to the shelter in early winter. In the

the Boys and Girls Club. At the Boys and Girls

spring, boys clean and enhance the grounds

Club, the Fessy boys lead activities and games

outside their shelter through the “Little Big

in the gym or help out in the “homework club.”

Dig” service day. Within the Middle School’s service program are five themes: community, homelessness, hunger, intergenerational relationships, and environment. These themes are combined with the academic curriculum to provide an integrated service-learning experience for Middle School boys.

Upper School The Upper School provides a variety of opportunities for boys to participate in service activities. Each year, every grade completes two, day-long projects which are organized by the class deans and Parents Association (PA) volunteers with input from the boys. Examples include community clean-ups and assisting volunteers at a local Audubon site. This year, service activities have been a popular addition to the School’s Mudweek offerings when, in the week of transition between athletic seasons,

In addition to grade service projects and outreach during Mudweek, ninth graders in the Service Learning Group research organizations and raise awareness of a particular charity or agency through presentations to students and faculty at morning meetings. The club holds fundraisers during community performances a few times each year to benefit an organization assisting children. This year, the Upper School has been able to sponsor two children currently in the EOTO (Each One Teach One) program in Mumbai, India. The organization requires students who have benefited from the program to later give back by teaching younger children through EOTO. One of the annual goals of the Upper School service program is to plan and initiate a school-wide afternoon service activity that provides meaningful participation for all ages, such as a walk-a-thon to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The service-learn-

Upper School boys may elect to assist local 4

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“Youth Volunteering and Civic Engagement

their 20s. This study monitored the experiences

planning of service activities is demonstrated

Study” revealed that students who participate in

of students over time and furnished data about

by the Upper School program’s overarching

school-based service are 11% more likely to

student advancement toward lifetime ambitions.

ing element of involving students in the

goal of placing much of the responsibility on

volunteer outside of school the following year.

the boys.

Fessenden alumni have illustrated this fact time and time again. Alumnus Shunsuke Fujii ’02

Parents Association

writes: “During high school, I initiated a project

Dedicated to community service and instru-

to teach Japanese calligraphy at public libraries

mental to the divisions’ programs, the PA spon-

around Mission Viejo, CA. I also participated in

sors an annual community service committee at

Safe Rides, a drunk driving prevention program

Fessenden. Consisting of parent representatives

and worked as a counselor for a summer camp

from each grade and division, the committee

for children with disabilities. I am currently

works with faculty and administrators in the

involved in work-related community service

investigation and implementation of age-appro-

events cleaning up beaches and areas around

priate community service projects and food,

my office.” Paul Roberts ’98 reports his contin-

clothing, and toy drives. Additionally, other

ued service includes varied activities: “I am on

parents frequently join the PA Community

the Tufts Alumni Admissions committee, part

Service leaders and volunteer their time

of the Big Brothers Program, and help out fre-

throughout the year. Parent participation with

quently through my church with soup kitchens,

their sons or initiating discussions about service

The Walk for Hunger, etc.” He expounds: “The

at home are critical to solidifying the boys’

values of honesty, compassion, and respect help

commitment to service later in life. Headmaster

shape who I am today. All three of these quali-

Peter Drake remarks: “The way in which

ties come into play when giving back to the

Fessenden partners with parents in the educa-

community. Every year, Fessenden provided

tion of our boys is one of the hallmarks of the

multiple opportunities for me to give back to

A summary report of the NELS study prepared by NAIS entitled, “Values Added: The Lifelong Returns of an Independent School Education” notes that the final follow-up showed that students who attended NAIS schools “experienced remarkable success relative to their peers.” Seven key findings that correspond to NAIS member schools includes: “NAIS graduates place higher value on community service and civic participation.” The report further explains that in the 2000 follow-up assessment, the “most significant factor that distinguished NAIS graduates from others was the strength of their commitment to community service and active civic participation.” About one-third (31.8%) of the NAIS school graduates regularly participated in voluntary pursuits within their communities, compared with 22.1% of all students in the NELS study. NAIS graduates were almost twice as likely to volunteer for political campaigns and causes and were active voters.

School. This commonality of interests between

the community through different events, such

For years, independent schools have been

parents and faculty at Fessenden reinforces

as visiting the elderly at the Swedish Home

“placing a high value on the multidimensional elements of educating the ‘whole child.’” This


commitment has been a catalyst for personal development and growth and encourages citizenship and leadership in students. Independent schools have equipped students with a strong sense of community and have long recognized the importance of engaging students in structured, hands-on activities that provide opportu-

important lessons about assisting community

next door, picking up trash on Crane Beach in

members in need.” Incorporating civic engage-

Ipswich, or going to the Pine Street Inn on a

ment into the boys’ lives is a priority for our

weekend and serving those less fortunate.”

families and the School.

A decade-long study to monitor student outcomes began in 1988 when a National

nities for growth beyond the classroom.

More than Fostering Civic Engagement: Service-Learning Enhances Academic Behaviors

School-Based Service is a Catalyst for Future Civic Engagement

Education Longitudinal Study (NELS), funded

Research by the Corporation for National and

by the U.S. Department of Education, engaged

Community Service, in a survey of 2,000 K-12

It is not surprising that the “Community

a sample of nearly 25,000 eighth graders from

public school principals across the U.S. entitled

Service and Service-Learning in America’s

public, Catholic, National Association of

“Community Service and Service-Learning in

Schools (2008)” study concluded that the the

Independent Schools (NAIS) and other private

America’s Schools” confirms that service-learn-

growth of community service in schools is a

schools. Follow-up assessments were conduct-

ing is a powerful means for enhancing the

likely contributing factor to increased levels of

ed in 1990, 1992, and 1994 with final assess-

learning experience to improve both civic and

ments in 2000 as the participants were entering

academic behaviors, while helping students

civic engagement in adulthood. Similarly, the

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


develop social confidence and skills. Public

students are too young to engage in service-

school principals surveyed cited that their

learning. Fessenden’s culture of service begins

schools participate in service-learning because

in Kindergarten with lessons that introduce

it “helps augment students’ civic behaviors.”

boys to the concept of assisting others in need.

Only 12% of them reported valuing participa-

The boys are first taught about themselves in

tion in service-learning as a means to improve

the “All About Me” unit and then transition to

student achievement in core subjects. Con-

learn about the community in which they live.

versely at Fessenden, we believe a key benefit

Guest speakers, such as EMTs, doctors and

of participation in service-learning opportuni-

police officers talk about their positions in the

ties is improved student academic achievement

community. Together, boys and their teachers

and self confidence. Upper School Head Cindy

read and discuss books about the different

Metsch articulates: “Any activity which shows

community members and their impact on

that a student is in charge of his actions rein-

others. These lessons prime Fessenden’s

forces that he is also in charge of his academ-

youngest students for future participation in

ics. He can see that an afternoon’s work at a

service activities.

soup kitchen or cleaning the environment makes a difference. The student is doing his work for Upper School students Raphael Chung, ninth grade, and Bobby Min, eighth grade, elected to volunteer their time during Mudweek for collecting and delivering food as well as organizing the shelves at the Newton Food Pantry. While on site, boys also had the opportunity to speak with a volunteer who reiterated the importance of receiving food donations and the impact their work has on local families.

Generation Y Serves The members of Generation Y also known as the “Millennials,” have emerged as the most tolerant generation in history, embracing others regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or cultural difference. Many attribute this open-minded nature to their unparalleled commitment to community service and social justice. As the 78 million young people in this generation, born between 1981 and 2000, come of age, they have been groomed by servicelearning opportunities offered by their schools and colleges, and they continue to demand to spend their time meaningfully, whether at work or at play. Money is not always the ultimate motivating factor in the job search for Millennials. They would rather hold out for interesting work and valuable benefits such as volunteer service incentives. These young people want to make a difference with their time, and the nation benefits—their commitment to their communities has been worth more than $34 billion annually to the U.S. economy. In fact, UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute reported that 66.7% (the highest percentage in 26 years) of college students who entered in 2006 and will graduate this spring “believed it to be very important to help others.”


himself, not the teacher or his parents.”

So, why is service-learning such an attractive component of an all-boys education? While each child has a unique cognitive fingerprint,

By visiting independent schools’ websites and

boys in general desire more concrete learning

reading about many of their robust service pro-

opportunities where they can experience the

grams, we can infer that independent schools, in

relevance of their work. Utilizing service-learn-

general, have discovered that service-learning

ing as a tool to deliver these authentic experi-

encourages greater student motivation and

ences and to supplement classroom work in

engagement in and out of the classroom.

core subjects is key to realizing its full benefits

Service-learning benefits the student, the school

in an all-boys school. Fessenden faculty are as

and the community simultaneously. And now,

dedicated to teaching social and emotional

public schools around the country have been

growth as they are to helping boys develop

incorporating more service opportunities for stu-

intellectual knowledge. Assistant Headmaster

dents into their curricula as well. “Community

Scott Smith attests: “Every day Fessenden boys

Service and Service-Learning in America’s

witness some act of generosity toward them that

Schools,” shows that the presence of community

goes beyond a faculty or staff member’s job

service in K-12 schools has risen since 1988.

description—that is what sets the tone here.

Despite this increase in community service pro-

Through the relationships that develop between

grams, however, public elementary schools are

boys and their teachers, coaches, dormparents

the least likely to offer service-learning activities

or advisors, Fessy boys benefit from the nature

when compared with public middle and public

of giving that our faculty and staff possess.” At

high schools. Only 20% of the elementary

Fessenden, we have discovered and confirmed

schools surveyed had service-learning

that service-learning activities foster boys’

programs. Surprisingly, more than half (51%)

further engagement in the learning process.

of public elementary school “principals believe

Headmaster Peter Drake shares, “Service-learn-

that their students are too young to engage in

ing programs provide boys with the pride of


experiencing their accomplishments first-hand

“HE HAS NOT RECEIVED AN AWARD OTHER THAN THE REWARD OF KNOWING HE HAS MADE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE ELSE’S DAY.” – Mary Snow, mother of John ’09, currently enrolled at St. George’s School and Brigham Snow ’11

Fessenden’s philosophy and history of service challenges the idea that elementary school

... the tangible results of seeing smiles on the faces of the people helped by their work or the dramatic change to the landscape at a local w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

curriculum. Some divisions and/or grades do a

Volunteer Growth in America

The hands-on nature of participating with fac-

more thorough job of this than others and as a

ulty mentors in service-learning activities at

school we look forward to a more structured

Fessenden is effective because it directly

integration of service-learning across the

correlates with how boys learn best.”


The incorporation of service-learning elements

In “The Public Purpose of Private Schools,” an

According to a report by the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteer involvement has risen sharply among young people, with volunteerism among older teens doubling since the 1980s and participation among college students increasing after September 11, 2001. With 86% of high schools recognizing community service hours, giving back has become a way of life for many recent college graduates who have demonstrated a growing interest in public serviceoriented job fields. Couple these trends with the recent economic downturn, and organizations like Teach for America and AmeriCorps have seen record increases in the volume of applicants to their programs. In fact, Teach For America received 35,000 applications this year, a huge 42% increase over last year’s total.

shelter truly makes an impact on our boys.

into Fessenden’s curriculum began as intuitive,

article published in Independent School

but has become more deliberate in practice

Magazine in 2000, Dr. Albert M. Adams,

over time. With knowledge and research

Headmaster, Lick-Wilmerding High School,

demonstrating that a formalized service-learn-

San Francisco, California, wrote “... schools

ing program improves academic performance

should be viewed as transforming institutions

and increases future civic engagement, we

that measure their success, in large part, by the

acknowledge that our role in educating young

extent to which their graduates contribute posi-

boys about the importance of social responsi-

tively to their world.” He continued,

bility is ongoing. There is always room for

“Institutional modeling can have an enduring

improvement and as an institution, we too,

impact on their graduates’ life choices, includ-

should keep learning—a lesson we espouse to

ing their life’s work and their adult volunteer

model for Fessy boys. Director of Community

and philanthropic decisions.” Though the topic

and Cultural Program Dan Kiley expands: “We

of his article was neither community service

are examining the interplay between service

nor service-learning, this statement serves as a

activities and classroom instruction with the

potent reminder that educational institutions are

goal of identifying areas where we can create

indeed shaping the future of these students,

additional or amplified connections between

their relationships with each other and their

community service and core academic

communities. Headmaster Peter Drake

Parents, special friends, and students enthusiastically cheered for Lower School boys as they participated in the Basketball Shootout to raise funds for the Smith Leadership Academy, a charter school in Dorchester. Kindergarten mom Joy Surprenant (second from left) shared colorful posters with Martina Pekarek, Stacey Smalley, and Helen Gabriel as they rooted for the boys. w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg




A number of Fessenden alumni and parents of alumni responded to an electronic survey that inquired about service to the community and volunteer work in which alumni participate. Some of the responses are included within this article. Be sure to visit the class notes section beginning on page 18 to read more about the broad range in which Fessenden’s alumni make a positive impact on their communities. Class notes that include service work are indicated by the paw print symbol.

Left to right, ninth graders and Upper School Big Brothers William Kimball and Jack Slye, with help from Smith Leadership Academy student, assist first grader Kamran Bina score baskets during the Lower School Basketball Shootout. The event raised nearly $11,000 for the Smith Leadership Academy in Dorchester. Fessenden is working toward developing a partnership with the local charter school.

responds: “Instilling a pattern of philanthropy

from the School’s Founder Frederick J.

and impressing upon our boys the importance

Fessenden appeared in the first Fessenden cata-

of positive participation in one’s community

log: “Experience has proved that intellectual

and knowing that Fessenden parents are our

power and strength of character depend upon

partners in this work is truly affirming to the

exact early training and discipline and, with

culture of philanthropy we are fortunate to have

sound body, become the most valuable acquisi-

at Fessenden. I am confident that, together, we

tion which a boy can have. It will be the aim of

are transforming boys into young men of char-

this school to train a boy along right lines from

acter and into adults who positively affect the

the beginning, to teach him how to study and

world.” It is our responsibility as educators to

form correct habits of work, and to inculcate the

continue to focus our efforts on maximizing the

principles which are to regulate his daily con-

benefits our students receive through their serv-

duct and guide his future life.” While there is

ice work. We must prepare them for future

always work to be done to ensure that our serv-

involvement in their communities.

ice programs provide the most meaningful

As long as Fessenden remains the kind of place that values the importance of evaluating programs and curriculum, the school will continue to bring out the best in boys and inspire their active participation in their communities around

learning experiences possible, reports from alumni around the world, many of which appear within the pages of this magazine, indicate that we have, in fact, been training boys “along right lines from the beginning.”

the globe. In 1903, the following quote 8

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Remembering Edward M. Kennedy ’46 (1932-2009)

Long before playing end for Harvard, ten-year-old Teddy Kennedy played guard on Coach Rodney Hagenbuckle’s undefeated 1942 Midget team, third row, second from left.

The Fessenden School mourns the passing of alumnus Edward Moore Kennedy, Class of 1946, and celebrates his lifetime of public service. Several classmates reminisced: Gordon Ackerman ’46 writes, “I have lost a classmate. I wasn’t at

come to me or one other classmate on our floor whose name escapes

Fessenden long, … but Ted was my best pal there. He waited tables

me and ask for a dime to buy two candy bars. Usually, I’d have it. Ted

for pocket money, if you can believe that. His father wanted him to do

liked Cracker Jacks, with the little gift in one end of the box, or Baby

it. Most of us assumed he was one of the few on scholarship.

Ruth bars. If memory serves me, he always repaid me.”

“I don’t know how it works in 2009, but in 1946 we had a store at the

Another classmate, Robert Monks ’46, provided this reminiscence

school where candy was sold. It was open, I believe, Wednesdays and

from their time in public service together. “In 1984 I was the official

Saturdays. You had to pay cash, or pay from an account into which the

of the U.S. Department of Labor (now Assistant Secretary) responsi-

parents routinely deposited a little money. Ted was frequently penni-

ble for the retirement and employee benefit system of the country.

less. His father hadn’t deposited anything in his account (and would-

My agency’s conduct was subject to skeptical scrutiny by the

n’t), or Ted’s pay for his table service was late in coming. Ted would

Congressional oversight committees. In the Senate, Howard


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Metzenbaum of Ohio, a Democrat, had a reputation for persistent

Senator Kennedy spoke about service in his commencement speech

intelligence, anger and distaste for Republican office holders.

delivered at his son Patrick’s Fessenden graduation in 1983. “The

Normally, the minority party (and the Democrats were then in the

strenuous efforts of those who went before you have opened so many

minority in the Senate) controls the agenda and the hearings.

doors. The torch of leadership will pass to a new generation, and soon

Incredibly, Howard bullied the Republican senators of the Labor

each of you, in your own way, will help to light the path ahead … I

Committee into letting him conduct a hearing focused on my agency.

refuse to believe that there are no stars to guide us, that the sky is

The word was that Howard was going to incinerate us. I had never

dark, that ideals are gone. My wish for you on this graduation day,

met him and wasn’t particularly thrilled at the prospect of being

and for your generation in the years ahead, is that your spirit will be

grilled. “As I was waiting in the corridor before the hearing began, I saw someone who must be Metzenbaum—white hair, mouth flapping, high

always truly young—and that your state of mind will help you reshape the state of the nation.” In the spring of 2009, the Fessenden Alumni Association selected

energy—walking rapidly towards the entrance. At that moment, I felt

Senator Edward M. Kennedy as the recipient of the 2009 Fessenden

a large arm come over my shoulder and a loud voice said, “Howard,

Distinguished Alumni Award, which honors Fessenden alumni who

come on over here and meet Bob Monks.” The arm belonged to Ted

have achieved extraordinary distinction in their profession or

Kennedy, and he said simply, “Howard, I’ve known Bob since the


seventh grade and he is a good man. Take good care of him.” I was hardly aware that Ted departed and Metz and I became close friends and allies. To this day, I have no knowledge as to how Ted knew this hearing was going to take place and that I would need his help. This was the measure of the man.” During an interview for his book Edward M. Kennedy: A Biography, journalist Adam Clymer asked Sen. Kennedy how and when he had developed his social conscience. Kennedy replied that, as a boy at Fessenden, he had spent many of his Sundays following his grandfather, former Boston Mayor John “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald, around the city and seen first-hand the difficult circumstances in which many people lived. Clymer contacted The Fessenden School to find out how Kennedy might have traveled between the school and city during the Second

The Fessenden School 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award, given to Edward Moore Kennedy ’46.

World War and its severe gas rationing. Ambassador Joe Kennedy was careful to withhold privileges unavailable to others such as a limousine ride, so it is likely that young Teddy rode the Boston and Worcester train from the West Newton station.

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Stephanie Bucci, Peter Bell, Rob Dickey, V.G. Narayanan, Bruce Dayton, Christian Nolen and Jennifer Mugar Flaherty.

New Trustees Serve on the Board PETER BELL is a General Partner at Highland Capital Partners special-

STEPHANIE BUCCI was elected to the Board, ex-officio, as President

izing in technology investments across all stages of company growth.

of the Parents Association (PA) and is a member of the Institutional

Formerly the Managing Director and founder of Stowe Capital, LLC

Advancement Committee. Stephanie’s prior involvement at Fessenden

and the co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of

includes time as a room parent, PA volunteer on the Fessy Paw Prints

StorageNetworks, Peter began his career at EMC Corporation. As a

committee, and PA Secretary. For three consecutive school years, she

new Trustee, Peter lends his expertise to Fessenden’s Finance

acted as a Parent Association Co-Chair at Montessori Educare, her

Committee. He also currently serves on the board of directors of

children’s previous school. A graduate of MIT with a B.S. in electrical

Healthbase and Prospectiv and on the board of advisors of Personeta.

engineering and a Mid-Career Acceleration Program Fellow,

He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Boston College, has been

Stephanie has professional experience as a consultant and program

named a Distinguished Executive in Residence at The Carroll School

manager in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries, currently

of Management at Boston College, and is the co-founder of the

working with Lantheus Medical Imaging on critical technology proj-

Boston College Technology Council. He received his B.S. in

ects. Other recent consulting experience includes projects with

Accounting from Boston College, his M.B.A. from Harvard Business

Agamatrix in Salem, NH, and Millennium Pharmaceuticals based in

School, and an Honorary Doctorate from Babson College. Peter and

Cambridge. Stephanie lives in Newton with her husband, Michael, and

his wife, Marilee, reside in Weston with their three sons: Frank in

two sons: Chris in the sixth grade and Will in the third grade

sixth grade and PJ in first grade at Fessenden, and Brad in the fourth

at Fessenden.

grade at The Carroll School in Lincoln.


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BRUCE DAYTON is an active volunteer, having served for the last 14

V.G. NARAYANAN is the Thomas D. Casserly, Jr. Professor of Business

years as an Overseer at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, working

Administration at Harvard Business School with current research

on various committees there. He sits on the Board of Directors of

interests focusing on managerial accounting, having begun his

Okabena Company, a family investment office in Minneapolis, MN,

teaching career at Harvard in 1994. V.G. earned his Bachelors in

and has been a Foundation Board member of the Massachusetts

Commerce from the University of Madras, his M.B.A. from the

College of Art and Design. In addition, Bruce has been a member

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, and an M.S. in Statistics,

of the Board of Directors of the North Bennet Street School for the

an M.A. in Economics, and a Ph.D. in Business from Stanford

last five years. He graduated from Boston College with a degree in

University. His involvement at Fessenden as a Trustee includes work

English. Prior to moving to Massachusetts in 1995, Bruce worked

on the Audit and Long Range Planning Committees. V.G. lives in

as a pastry chef in San Francisco. A member of Fessenden’s Finance

Newton with his wife, Sunanda and their two sons: Hari, a second

Committee, he currently resides in Chestnut Hill with his wife, Lynn,

grader at Fessenden, and Sriram, a first grader at Underwood

and two sons: Alex, a sixth grader at The Carroll School in Lincoln,

Elementary School in Newton.

and Conner, a second grade student at Fessenden. ROB DICKEY is Managing Director of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Project

CHRISTIAN NOLEN has developed commercial and residential real

estate in the Boston area for the past 15 years. Prior to entering Real

and Development Services Group, responsible for the firm’s real estate

Estate he worked for EcoHealth, a Lyme Disease tick control manu-

development projects in the New England region. Select clients have

facturer, Bain and Company as a consultant, and in New York as a

included Harvard University, MIT, Polaroid, Yale University School of

securities analyst at Fiduciary Trust Company International and Fred

Medicine, Stride Rite, Equity Office Properties, KBS Realty Advisors,

Alger Management. Christian holds a B.A. from Yale University and

Archon Group, and Accenture. Rob holds a B.A. from the University

an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School. During the 2008-2009

of Vermont, is on the Board of Citizen Schools, and is on the Board of

academic year, he took a sabbatical from real estate and attended the

Overseers and the Real Estate Committee at Newton-Wellesley Hospital.

Cambridge School of Culinary Arts Professional Chef Program. In

He is also the co-chair of the program committee of NAIOP,

addition to Christian’s commitment to Fessenden’s Finance and

Commercial Real Estate Development Association. At Fessenden, his

Campus Planning Committees, he also dedicates himself to the Board

involvement as a Trustee includes work on the Committee on Trustees

of Trustees of the Cambridge School of Weston, The Cambridge

and Campus Planning Committee. Rob lives in West Newton with his

Center for Adult Education, and the Great Island Homeowners

wife, Dubs, daughter Nell, and three sons: Matt ’08, Kyle ’09, and

Association. For many years he led the development efforts of the

Charley, currently in the seventh grade at Fessenden. JENNIFER MUGAR FLAHERTY serves on the Institutional Advancement

Committee. She is an active volunteer with Fessenden’s Parents Association and has worked as Co-Chair for Grandfriends’ Day. A

Cambridge Ellis School—an 80 student nursery school. Christian makes his home in Watertown with his wife, Susan Denny, and two sons: Chace, a senior at the Cambridge School of Weston, and Theo, a third grader at Fessenden.

graduate of the Boston College Lynch School of Education with a degree in Early Childhood Development, Jennifer taught for six years at The Brimmer and May School, where she is also an alumna and Trustee. Jennifer volunteers extensively in her community, lending her talents as a Board member of Friends of the Belmont Public Library, as a Trustee of the Armenian Assembly of America, to the Advisory Council of the Belmont Public Library Foundation, and as a longtime member of the Board of Directors of the Boston 4 Celebrations Foundation. She is also an Overseer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston and a former Overseer at the Museum of Science. Jennifer and her husband, Peter, reside in Belmont with their three sons: Peter in the fifth grade and William in the third grade at Fessenden and Matthew, who attends pre-school at Evergreen Day School.

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Former Faculty and Staff Update Fessenden is fortunate to have many faculty and staff stay in touch with the School over the years, and we are delighted to share their news. JODY BATES BLISS


1988-1993, Fourth Grade Teacher, Third Grade Teacher, Residential Life

1969–1981, History and Math Teacher, Coach

My family and I are in our 17th year at Indian Mountain School. I am

I have taught at Berkshire Country Day for 28 years. I married in

Head of the Middle School, and my husband, Dan, teaches fifth grade,

1988 and continue to enjoy the outdoors and gardening. Just visited

coaches soccer and lacrosse, and works residentially. Our daughter,

with Scott Wiggins. We also see Mrs. Coffin three or four times a

Courtney (13) is in 8th grade and our son, Will (11), is in 6th grade.

year. (December 2009)

We are busy enjoying ice hockey and skiing as a family. Come spring, lacrosse is the game in our family. Best to all my former Fessy boys!


... Yes, I still think of you! (January 2010)

2003–2008, Upper School Math Teacher

My wife and I are enjoying life in Cape Town, South Africa. I am KIMBERLY BUSCH

now teaching at a school exclusively for students coming from

1990-1993, School Nurse

communities dispossessed and disadvantaged by the apartheid state

We are living in Duluth, MN. My oldest son Max will be graduating

(www.leapschool.org.za). I teach high school grades, which is differ-

from Luther College and then continuing on to medical school; Lucas

ent from Fessy, but many of the things that I spent time on at Fessy

will be graduating from high school and is accepted at Loyola, his

are proving very helpful! (December 2009)

first choice; and Hannah is a junior in high school. (December 2009) JOSH HENSON BRIAN CORVO

1972-1974, Math Teacher, Wrestling Coach

2005–2008, Upper School Science Teacher, Dormparent

My recent bride Melissa, and more recent baby son (Josiah Henson

The summer after leaving Fessy I got married to my wife, Jennifer,

III, “Joe” born 3 September, 2008) visited Fessenden for the first time

and I started law school at New England School of Law. This summer

in May 2009 when we were back in town from our current home near

I interned for a city solicitor in Malden, MA. Hope all is well.

Washington, DC, for the 100th Anniversary celebration of the Harvard

(December 2009)

Lampoon Castle in Cambridge. We had a wonderful visit with the family of Fessenden alumnus Jeff Knott ’75, whom I had not seen for


over 35 years (although it seems like only yesterday.) I continue to

1987–1996, Development

work as a lawyer in Washington and Los Angeles, specializing in

I am enjoying more time in Chatham, MA, and now have even more

sports and entertainment, including volunteer work for the Olympics

reason to stay on the Cape. On December 3rd, my son and his wife

(periodically collaborating with Fessenden Alumnus Andres Montejo

had their first child, Jackson James Craig! They make their home in

’73, now a lawyer in Florida) and representing former Lampoon

Harwich, 12 miles away! Jackson’s cousins, Ethan (now 8 years old)

friends now working in Hollywood as screenwriters. I also recently

and Abby (age 6) are thrilled with the new arrival. My consulting

was surprised and delighted to be “friended” on Facebook by Bill

business (working with non-profits) continues, and, as I slow down

Ecker ’77, former Fessenden wrestler, who saw my name on a

my activities in Natick politics, I am beginning to get involved with

wrestling site. One of life’s great satisfactions for any teacher is to see

some of the organizations in Chatham. It’s hard to believe that it’s

how well the young men he first knew as boys turned out as men.

been 13 years since leaving the Fessenden family—although I always

(December 2009)

look forward to hearing from old friends. My email is joancraig@ comcast.net so drop me a note. Best wishes to a great school.


(December 2009)

1984–1988, Math Teacher, Lacrosse Coach, Dormparent

Since leaving Fessenden I have been at Brewster Academy, where I am now Dean of Studies. I look back fondly on my Fessenden years! (December 2009)


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Electronic Discovery (Litigation Support) for Fulbright and Jeworski

1988-2006, Math Teacher, Math Department Chair, Dormparent, and Soccer,

in D.C., our daughter Sarah was ordained as an Episcopalian priest on

Basketball and Baseball Coach

January 15th in St. Petersburg, Florida, and our handicapped son Tim


works as a swim assistant at the Freeport Casco Bay YMCA. One of


these days, we will stop by Fessy to be reminded of our wonderful

2001-2006 School Nurse, Dormparent

years there. (December 2009)

I am the Dean of the Belle Époque Campus at the Leysin American School in Switzerland. This position is similar to that of a principal of


one of the two campuses at LAS. I am midway through earning a

2005–2009, Music Teacher, Dormparent

Master’s in International Education in Administration. My wife Jane,

Currently I’m chilling out in Ghana (obviously figuratively) working

has given up school nursing and has started practicing massage thera-

as a business consultant—mostly offering business development

py again. My son, Thomas (Fessenden Class of ’06), is attending the

and project management skills. I’m with my wife and two children

first year of university at Royal Holloway University of London and

(Mary, whom many of you know, is doing very well). We’re all look-

will be spending the summer in South Africa to watch the World Cup.

ing forward to coming back soon to visit and seeing what’s new at

My daughter, Hannah, is attending LAS in the tenth grade and is very

Fessy. All the best to everyone at Fessenden! (December 2009)

involved in volleyball, snowboarding and the school’s drama and music departments. (February 2010)

BILL LYONS 1973–1989, Assistant Head, Development, Alumni Relations, Director of


Studies, English Chair

1984–1988, Head of the Lower School, Admissions Assistant,

After leaving Fessy, I worked at Brewster Academy and Chapel

Third Grade Teacher

Hill-Chauncy Hall School. In 2000, along with my business partner,

I am currently in my twenty-first year as an English and American

we started Independent Thinking (www.independent-thinking.com).

history teacher at The Greenwich Country Day School in Greenwich,

We place administrators in independent schools throughout the

Connecticut. I am the school’s longtime Varsity Baseball Coach along

country, and in the fall of 2009, we also began to place teachers.

with the Assistant Director of the Upper School’s annual musical. In

(December 2009)

addition, I still write about my favorite baseball team for the Red Sox Annual. My older son, Sam, graduated from Loomis Chaffee in June


and will be attending Dickinson College next September. My younger

1959–1997, Assistant Head, Science and Geography Teacher

son, Max, is a freshman at Greenwich High School. I am thrilled to


have finally built my dream house on the Cape in Eastham. I was


excited when Joe “Doc” Basinet stopped by my classroom while he

1968–1988, Teacher, Tutor

was visiting his son, Matt, a fellow teacher at Greenwich Country

We are enjoying Annapolis, MD, especially during its wonderful

Day. I would love to hear from any old Fessy friends at

springs. We still volunteer at Historic Londontown & Gardens; Bill is

slkelly@gcds.net. (December 2009)

doing archeology and historical work with student groups, and Margi is in the gardens and working on the annual benefit. Both of us are


involved in the environmental ministry at our church. Lake George

1971–1976, Fourth Grade Teacher

beckons in late May, and we go up there to our 1924 “camp” for most

Scott and I have been living in our North Yarmouth, Maine, farmhouse

of the summer until early October. (December 2009)

for 33 years now. It’s more weather tight than when we first moved here! After 11 years in a supervisory capacity at L.L. Bean, I have taken partial retirement and now work for the company as an Order Representative/Receptionist part time. Scott continues to work as a Realtor. We enjoy the gentleman farmer role: gardening, harvesting firewood and mowing our five acres. Scott skis as often as possible and I put in a couple of days myself. Our oldest, Jamie, does

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2004–2007, English Teacher, Coach

2006–2007, Upper School/Middle School Intern, Dormparent, Coach

Our beautiful baby girl Therese was born at 10:39 a.m. on June 1,

I am currently living in the North End, but not for much longer as I

2009. Tess is now 6 and a half months old and preparing for her first

just purchased my very first home in Somerville, MA. I am working

flight abroad and first experience on U.S. soil. Nuie, Tess and I are

as a consultant/New Business Development Associate for the

moving back to Boston from Thailand after my contract expires in

Bostonian Group located in the Copley Plaza. The Fessenden Alumni

June—so I’m back on the job hunt! (December 2009)

Soccer team just finished their third complete season. Although we finished under 500, we had a blast and are very thankful to be able to play on the Fessy fields. Any former alumni in the area that would like to join the action please shoot me an email! Tryouts start in late March. I hope everyone is well. My brother, Ed Roberts, taught science, history, photography, and ESL and served as a tutor at Fessenden from 1991–2001. He now lives in Melrose with his beautiful wife, Tara, and their three amazing children, Eva, Jonah, and Eli. Ed is the Regional Director for Empire. (December 2009) VALERIE SUTTER 1993–1996, French Teacher

LISA (LABALME) OSTERLAND 1992–2002, Lower School Science Teacher and MICHAEL OSTERLAND 1994–2001, Academic Tutor, Coach, and ESL Summer Program Teacher

Michael and I, along with our two sons, Becket (12) and Wesley (10), continue to love life in Canada. Michael is teaching, coaching hockey, and cross country skiing whenever he gets the chance. I am painting miniature portraits of people’s homes, volunteering, subbing, and swimming. I am currently ranked in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th places in the province of Québec in my age group for various races. The boys are growing (tall and strong), playing hockey, lacrosse and soccer and doing well in their studies. Our home remains open to Fessy visitors—just ask the Hansens or the Smalleys. Montréal is an excellent city, and we promise to show you a good time. Our best to all. (December 2009)

In 2004, I gave up the snowy winters and nor’easters of Massachusetts for the gorgeous weather and ease of living in Florida. Sarasota, the west coast “cultural mecca” of Florida, is now my home, with a view of the Gulf of Mexico and sunsets to die for from my downtown condo. I’ve taken up ballroom dancing with a passion, and although I was disappointed to find out I’m not Ginger Rogers, I dance with the Fred Astaires of the area. I continue to run trips to France with my company, The French Traveler (www.frenchtraveler.com), founded in 1998, and when I’m not in Sarasota, I spend six months of the year in France. If you’re longing for a trip to the “Hexagon,” I rent out my beautifully appointed Paris and Provence apartments short-term when I’m not there (www.greatfrenchrentals.com). I would love to hear from students and colleagues at valsutter1609@comcast.net. (December 2009) FEDERICO VALDES RIVEROLL ’92 2003–2007, US History Teacher, Summer ESL Teacher, Dormparent

After two years in Mexico City, my wife and I are living in New York City. I am pursuing a Masters in Public Administration at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Paola continues her career as a lawyer, from the comfort of our small apartment (l-r) Jacob Smalley, Wesley and Becket Osterland and Matthew Smalley.

near the school campus, and, even our cat (yep, Jinx) made the trip back to his home country. His favorite hobby is watching cars pass by the apartment windows. (December 2009)


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TIM WEYMOUTH 1996–2005, Science Teacher

Our daughter, Margaret Eveland Weymouth “Margo,” was born at 11:50 p.m. on May 20, 2009, weighing in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce, 22 inches in length. A good crier, very healthy, and hungry from the beginning! The process began at 3:30 a.m. and continued sporadically during the day. Things really got “cookin” after about 5:00 p.m. The near midnight finish was a real “nail-biter” as this little girl almost had the same birthday as her father, May 21st! With more than one child, we have a whole new appreciation of parenting these days! Jack, at over 2.5 years old, seems to LOVE his little sister. He likes to offer her pretzels and books while showing great concern when she cries. He also tried to throw her a ball—too bad she cannot catch. (May 2009)

Former and current Fessenden faculty enjoyed an afternoon at the home of Liz Cross in the fall of 2008. Former Fessenden Math Teacher, Reading and Study Skills Teacher, Dean of Students, and Soccer Coach Bruce Wright; Former Fessenden English Faculty Member, Director of Curriculum, and Reading Chair Ellen Wright; Former Fessenden Spanish Teacher and Language Department Chair, Cindy Crimmin; Skills Center Faculty Member Liz Cross, Skills Center Director Esther Torem, Technology Director Ced Paine, Upper School Head Cindy Metsch, and E.S.L. Faculty Member Mary Noble.

Former and current Fessenden faculty connect at the NAIS People of Color Conference in Denver, CO, in December. Front Row: Adria Ibarra, First Grade Teacher, Shore Country Day School, former Fessenden Kindergarten Teacher and Dan Kiley, Director of Community and Cultural Program, Fessenden. Middle Row: Lila Bhan, English Teacher and Dormparent, Fessenden; Amy Purcell Vorenberg, Head of School, The Philadelphia School, former Fessenden Second Grade Teacher; Robert Greene, Teacher, Marin Country Day School, former Fessenden Math Teacher; Lavette Coney, E.S.L., Fessenden; and Matt Green, Head of Upper School, Haverford School, former Fessenden English Teacher. Back Row: Brandon Frame, Fellow, Dormparent and Coach, Fessenden and Damon Hall, Fellow, Dormparent and Coach, Fessenden.

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Class Notes

Four Generations These alumni and students represent four generations of Fessenden boys from the 1930s to the present. Thirty students this year have alumni fathers and grandfathers. Back row (l to r): Declan Palandjian, Paul Palandjian ’81, Cord Shore ’80, James Michals ’81, W. Nicholas Thorndike ’47, Allan Parker ’61, Peter Lombard ’70, Todd Copeland ’83, Thomas Slosberg ’83, Neil Gallagher ’80, Mark DeAngelis ’79, Peter Welch ’84 Middle row: Jake Shore, Matthew Michals, Neil Gallagher, Stewart Alexandre, Adam Pettengill, Julian Lombard, Peter Zwack, Jae Duk Kim, Alexander Ortiz, Matthew Barrow, Federico Cisneros, Thomas DeAngelis, Thomas Noonan, R. “Charlie” Patton, W. “Nick” Thorndike Front row, (l to r): Adam Wang, Jack Donnelly, Patrick Gallagher, Christian Gallagher, Ryan Welch, Kyle Welch, Theodore Slosberg, Matthew Baldwin, Henry Hollingsworth, James Patton. (October 2009) 1936 John Worrilow worrilowjohnl@aol.com 303 E. Locust Street Lebanon, PA 17042

1941 Oren Pollock opsam@aol.com 2100 N. Racine Avenue, Apt. 3D Chicago, IL 60614


A number of Fessenden alumni and parents of alumni responded to an electronic survey that inquired about service to the community and volunteer work in which alumni participate. Responses highlighting the broad range in which Fessenden’s alumni make a positive impact on their communities are indicated by the paw print symbol. Thank you to the alumni and parents of alumni who answered the survey. If you did not receive the electronic survey and would like to be included in future surveys or communications from Fessenden, be sure to log in to “My Fessy” at www.fessenden.org and update your e-mail address and contact information.


John Worrilow ’36 (worrilowjohnl@aol.com)

writes, “May you and your associates know the great pleasure we experience with the arrival of mail from Fessenden. In those Great Depression years in the early 1930s, I think the student body numbered 150, including

1942 Joe Vera joevera@comcast.net 14 Soden Street Cambridge, MA 02139 Joseph Vera ’42 (joevera@comcast.net)

day students. We commend you when the stu-

writes, “At age 81½, I run three 5K road

dent body of today gathers for a photograph

races each summer in Oak Bluffs averaging

around the flagpole and may easily exceed

9¾ minutes a mile. I spend four weeks in

500. May all Fessenden students have a high-

Barbados in winter and take a two-week trip

ly productive and thoroughly enjoyable

to Europe, including one to Russia, every two

school year.” (October 2009)

years. I walk to the lectures at the Harvard museums and to the athletic events at Harvard, and take the #1 bus down Mass. Ave. to concerts at Symphony Hall and

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May 27

Alumni Lacrosse Game

take care of the garden/yard in Cambridge

August 25

Alumni Soccer Game

and Oak Bluffs and paint and do minor

September 27

3rd Annual Parker Boys’ Golf Outing

October 29

Alumni Fall Dinner and Reunion

November 27

Thanksgiving Young Alumni Reunion

Jordan Hall (New England Conservatory). I

repairs on both houses and a wooden sail boat.” Joe has been active in the community for many years. In New Bedford, MA, from 1954 to 1976 he served as an officer, director, and/or trustee of New Bedford Chamber of Commerce, the Red Cross, YMCA, Salvation

January 30, 2011 Alumni Hockey Game

Army, Community Action Program, Whaling Museum, Waterfront Area Historic League,

The 1947 hockey team, including Jim Riley ’47 who regularly attends the alumni hockey game.

Civil Rights Commission, Church Parish Council, church choir, and city chorus. In Cambridge in the ’80s, he participated on the Civil Rights Commission and the Church Parish Council. In the current decade, he has

“Fessenden boys enjoyed skating from the beginning, when water pooled and ice formed at the bottom of the slope below Hart House and the sledding hill. The Little Rink, the school’s first hockey rink, built in 1913, offered a fine outdoor skating facility for the time.” From Along Right Lines From the Beginning.

April 28, 2011

Boston Alumni Happy Hour

May 26, 2011

Alumni Lacrosse Game

For more details, and up-to-date information visit the online calendar at www.fessenden.org. Log in to “My Fessy” at www.fessenden.org

volunteered for the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees

to update your contact information, search

(NARFE) as an officer at the State Federation

the alumni directory, visit your class page

and Local Chapter. At Fessenden, he serves

or write a class note. Contact Daniel Page,

as a class secretary, an annual fund volunteer,

Director of Alumni Programs, at

and formerly a pen pal volunteer. In addition

dpage@fessenden.org or 617-630-2312

to his volunteer work, he was employed in

with questions.

public service from 1971-1992 in the U.S. CLASS NOTES

Department of Housing and Community Development (H.U.D.), as the Asst. Regional

James Riley ’47 and George Clune ’41

A large and growing number of alumni now

Administrator for Civil Rights and Fair

(GHCII@aol.com) enjoyed getting together

stay connected with Fessenden and each

Housing Enforcement for Region I (New

again at the Alumni Fall Dinner in October.

other using “My Fessy” and other online

England). (November 2009)

(October 2009)

social media tools. About 800 alumni

1944 Bill Neuberg ’44 (nearaway1@verizon.net)

runs Shamrock Technologies with headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, “for fun, profit and public service. Love paying taxes!” He and his wife also breed thoroughbreds

belong to Fessenden Facebook and LinkedIn 1948 Bruce Gillies brucejr@gilliesandprittie.com 151 Pleasant Hill Road Scarborough, ME 04074 Rick Mohun ’48 (Takiman@aol.com)

and train trotters at Nearaway Farms

writes, “My wife Susan and I live in Santa

(www.nearaway.com). He is a past naval

Barbara, California, as we have done for

aviator and scoutmaster. (November 2009)

many, many years. Our oldest teaches at University of Delaware and the youngest is

1947 David Rice Dricevt@aol.com 407 Coldham Road Shrewsbury, VT 05738

in the hotel business in Santa Barbara. Susan is heavily involved in the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and I volunteer around town in various areas. In recent years we have traveled quite a bit. Most recently we were on a circumnavigation of Iceland in a former Russian research vessel. We landed twice a

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

groups, and more use other online communities, such as Plaxo.

ALUMNI FALL DINNER AND ALUMNI REUNION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2010 Theme: Celebrating Our Teachers All alumni and guests are welcome. Special welcome to reunion classes. 5th Reunion for 2005 and 2006 10th Reunion for 1995 and 1996 25th Reunion for 1985 and 1986 40th Reunion for 1970 45th Reunion for 1966 50th Reunion for 1960 and 1961 55th Reunion for 1955 FOR DETAILS • Go to Facebook: The Fessenden School/events • Visit: www.fessenden.org • Email: Daniel Page, dpage@fessenden.org



driving around Missouri with our son going

with good health. I enjoy my membership in

saddened by the death of Sam Howes ’48 a

to various and sundry fiddle contests, which

American College of Trust and Estate

couple of years ago. He and I roomed togeth-

he sometimes wins, sometimes not … This is

Counsel and in the International Academy of

er for two years, the last year of which was at

older, much older and stranger music [than

Trust and Estate Counsel. We enjoy cool

Webster House. He and I had always main-

bluegrass] … Folks who like Nashville music

summers in the mountains in western North

day to go into small towns and to bird. I was

tained at least some sort of contact. In recent

are entitled to their choices: this is ours …

Carolina.” Bob practices law in Delray Beach

years we had stayed with him and and his

I have, acting as a lawyer, created a number

and serves his community in many ways,

wife Susan a number of times. We have fond

of non-profit educational and arts corpora-

including leadership positions at his church,

memories of these visits. (October 2008)

tions, including two private elementary

Old School Square Cultural Arts Center,

schools, one inner-city art school, … and

Bethesda Memorial Hospital, the city council,

the National Federation of Community

Human Relations Committee, and Chamber

Broadcasters. I have [been involved in]

of Commerce. (November 2009)

Precision Teaching, which is a way of measuring academic and other accomplishment as a student proceeds, as a navigation tool, day by day, with accuracy, far superior to the usual educational metric of ‘percents Rick and Susan Mohun in northeastern Iceland. 1949 Buzzy Schley buzzman1@netzero.com 72 Trumbull Road East Falmouth, MA 02536

correct.’” (November 2009) 1953 Ned Tate ntate@tateandfoss.com 825 Central Road P.O. Box 276 Rye Beach, NH 03871

1950 Roger Gaines ’50 (gainesrq@aol.com) has

William Brown ’53 (bbbrown@

Alan “Pete” Tenney ’53 (pete10e@ttc-cmc.net)

writes from White Sulphur Springs, Montana, “I’m a freelance film, television and outdoor writer (Red-Eye Productions) and split my time between my home in the south central Montana Rockies, where I hunt and fish; and my home in a little fishing village two-thirds of the way down the Baja Peninsula on Mexico’s Sea of Cortez where I write, fish and explore the Central Sierra which forms Baja’s spine. I’m fascinated by ancient preColumbian cave paintings which, some having been carbon-dated at over 15,000 years

retired in Olympia, Washington, and enjoys

vermontel.net) is semi-retired in Grafton,

old, far predate anything from the Mayans,

travel with and without grandchildren.

Vermont, as a master carpenter, cabinet maker

Aztecs, Caribs or Anasazi.” (November 2009)

(November 2009)

and furniture maker. He enjoys skiing and motorcycle touring and plans to ride to

1954 Bayard Livingston ’54 (buliving@aol.com)


Oregon this coming summer. He has been a

Bob Withington

volunteer firefighter for twenty-five years. In

writes, “I have done a fair amount of travel

P.O. Box 1183

addition to his volunteer firefighter post, he

with my wife in past months. We took a

Norwich, VT 05055

has held several community positions on the

cruise through the Panama Canal in April. In

School Building Committee, Capital Budget

August we spent time in Paris and took a


Committee and Planning Board, and has been

cruise on the Seine, highlighted by a visit to

George Bodman ’52 (blrclgdr@aol.com) is very

a Flood Zoning Administrator. He currently

the battlefields in Normandy. In January, we

busy in the decontamination of nuclear and

serves on the Flood Zoning Board, Grafton

travel to Australia and New Zealand for a

fossil fuel boiler business. He is also doing

Improvement Association and Grafton

month, and then in June we are planning to

litigation cases as an expert witness. He trav-

Fireman's Association and is also a

visit the Canadian Rockies. In between, I

els extensively and is “just having a great

Quartermaster for The Red Knights Int.

have been traveling to Little Rock to attend to

time” with two farms and two houses in

Motorcycle Club, Vermont II Chapter.

my Trustee duties for Heifer Foundation … a

New England, New Jersey and Texas.

(November 2009)

non-profit organization whose mission is to

(November 2009) John Shewmaker ’52 (johnshewmaker@

earthlink.net) writes from Columbia,

Robert Chapin ’53 (rchapin@chapin-

law.com) writes from Delray Beach, Florida, “Life is good for me and my family: [my]

end world hunger and poverty while caring for the earth. www.heifer.org” (November 2009)

wife and our three daughters. We are blessed


w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


Roberto Molina ’54 (rmolina@

centromariomolina.org) is involved in helping his brother Mario (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1995) with the Molina Center that he leads in

1957 George Baldwin nhbgrb@aol.com 25 Aspen Road Weston, MA 02493

Mexico City. The center (www.mce2.org) is a non-profit institution involved in averting cli-

Francis O’Brien ’57 (fobrien@lawctr.net)

practices law in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is

gy use and the protection of our environment.

active in the community through the Rotary

(January 2010)

Club, Hawaii Bar Association where he received the President’s Award, and church

1955—Mark your calendar for your 55th reunion

vestry (at the only church in the United States

on Friday, October 29, 2010!

whose cornerstone was laid by a reigning

Hunt Bascom ’55 (hrb4rdsx@earthlink.net)

is busy as a Meals On Wheels driver, local senior center volunteer, and caregiver for his family and many animals. He is a past active member of California Jaycees. (November 2009)

monarch, King Kamehameha IV of Hawaii). He taught at the University of Hawaii Law School and at the United States Military Academy while a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the United States Army. (November 2009) 1958 Sam Bays sambays@comcast.net Michael Strong mstrong@nc.rr.com Sam Keith ’58 (skeith@salud.unm.edu)

and involved in Habitat for Humanity and

is the Milton Rosenbaum Professor of

church mission days. (November 2009)

Psychiatry and Psychology and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the

Tom Ranges ’55 (www.RangesArt.com)

exhibited at the Greenwich, Connecticut, Art Council’s Art to the Avenue last May. (May 2009)

University of New Mexico. He worked at the National Institutes of Health for many years and served as its Acting Deputy Director. He serves on the editorial board of several peerreviewed journals and is the past editor of

1956 David Elliott david.elliott75@verizon.net 231 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02116 Jonathan Jackson ’56 (jjonjj@hotmail.com)

Academic Psychiatry and the Schizophrenia Bulletin. He was the recipient of the Arthur P. Noyes Award for lifetime contributions to

Michael Strong ’58 (mstrong@nc.rr.com)

writes, “I retired as a Certified Financial Planner from Morgan Keegan & Co. on April 30, 2009. I set two goals: lose 80 lbs. and start an internet business. I designed and copyrighted The ColorCode Essay Writing System in 1996 to help my two daughters (one dyslexic and both with ADD) visualize the format of a properly structured essay. The colors make it so simple that most students can master it in less than half an hour. It took scratch. Finally in early October 2009, I got www.essaywritesystem.com up and running. I had also lost 40 lbs.” He continues, “For many years, I made presentations at schools and community colleges about the structure of various types on investment vehicles, how they work, and how to manage risk. I have also served in various posts of the Chapel Hill Preservation Society and harvested large rocks from my land for the retaining wall in front of the Horace Williams House, a wellknown landmark across the street from the University of North Carolina. I have also taught Boating Safety classes for the Durham, NC, Power Squadron. And each year, I raise money for the local Ronald McDonald House.” (November 2009)

Ralph Lennen ’58 (ranchoralph@

writes, “I am retired and have been living in Bangkok, Thailand, for the past ten years … I

estate development with emphasis on Latin

was a member of the Commonwealth Service

America. He served on the city of San Diego,

Corps [and] taught English to migrant work-

California, mayor’s community planning

ers and helped them adjust to our culture.”

commission. He also flew in combat as a pilot in the United States Air Force, in the California National Guard, and in reserve service in Florida with the United States Central Command. (November 2009)

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

(October 2009)

schizophrenia in 2001. (October 2009)

verizon.net) works in international real

(November 2009)

practice. He writes, “Can anyone tell me

me five months to build the website from

Peter G. Eschauzier ’55

(peter4997@aol.com) is a commercial pilot

yahoo.com) works as a lawyer in Cali, Colombia, in civil, commercial and labor law where I can find Ricardo Sanchez ’58?”

mate change and promoting sustainable ener-

Dick Parks eparks@centurytel.net 5415 Goldenrod Circle Sheffield Village, OH 44035

Eduardo Navia ’58 (eduardo_navia@

Still having fun after all these years! Members of the Class of 1959 enjoy their 50th reunion with their class master, Joe Basinet. l. to r. Drew Brown, Peter Parsons, Bill Gatchell, Joe Basinet, Gordon MacKay, Tom Morgan, Randy Huber, Bob MacKay.



Jim Parker ’62 (jparker@process

grandchild was born in August 2009. I am

1959 Bill Gatchell wgatchel@maine.rr.com

instrumentation.com) and wife Kathe are cel-

currently a Rotary member and was previous-

ebrating the arrival of their first grandchild,

ly on the board of the Catlin Gabel School in

Peter Parsons pvkp2@msn.com

Yvonne Rose Parker, on December 30, 2009.

Portland, the Portland Community College

Jim also writes, “We would like to thank all

Foundation and Saturday Academy.”

the people who supported the Parker Boys

(November 2009)

1960—Mark your calendar for your 50th reunion on Friday, October 29, 2010!

Golf Outing on October 15, 2009, to benefit the Parker Boys’ Scholarship Fund at Fessenden. We were able to raise over

Kenneth Morse ’60 (kenmorse@

entrepreneurshipventures.com) writes, “I am now taking time off from MIT to write a

$40,000 for the scholarship. Kathe and I feel blessed by all the support that we get for the Scholarship Fund.” (November 2009)

book about entrepreneurs who have started

1964 Paul DiMaggio pdimaggio@dvc500.com 1965 John Motley jndmotley@aol.com

exciting new companies FAR from Silicon Valley or Route 128. The working title is

Baird Brightman, Ph.D. ’65 (bb@wklf.com)

Making it Happen Globally. Each chapter is

helps people succeed at work and master their

about an entrepreneur who saw an opportuni-

career. He also teaches at Harvard’s Office

ty, took the plunge, and over a 20+ year peri-

of Executive Education and has authored

od, built a great, global firm.” Kenneth also

numerous books and articles including Transforming Health Care: Action Strategies

reports, “I volunteer for MIT, HBS, and Nobles and I am currently President of the

Kathe and Jim Parker ’62 enjoy their first grandchild, Yvonne Rose Parker.

for Health Care Leaders. (October 2009)

Correction from last issue: Pedro Mogollon Velez ’62 (director@eluniversal. com.co) should have been listed as second from the left.

retired at fifty in Palm Beach, Florida, and

Quissett Association. In the past I was on the Vestry for St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Wellesley, MA.” (November 2009)

David Leavitt ’65 (levi111@verizon.net)

has sportfished largely in this hemisphere, earning a world record and several tourna-

1961 Dick Brickley rlbrickleyjr@yahoo.com

ment wins. He is treasurer for an organization that cares for homeless cats and mentors

Bob Hoye RHoye@TROJungBrannen.com

breeders of the Olde English Bulldogge, a breed of dog he created in the 1970s. For eight years, David was elected Township

Benjamin Fox ’61 (benjamin.fox3@

Supervisor and a member of the Planning

verizon.net) writes, “I teach GED (adult high school equivalency) to people from many dif-

Commission. In addition, he was served on

ferent countries in addition to the United

the Zoning Hearing Board for four years. In the past, he provided a foster home for fight-

States. I also teach math at Bunker Hill Community College and Ohrenberger Community Center. It is exciting and fun to bring the benefits of education to people who

1963 Fletcher Chamberlin ’63 (fchamberlin_

2000@yahoo.com) writes, “Remarried in

need it to get decent jobs, advocate for them-

2007 to Linda Johnson and moved to Bend, a

selves, and live in good health ... I’m still

bit of heaven in Central Oregon. My job as

dancing, rollerblading and skiing.”

Treasurer and Investor Relations Director of

(November 2009)

FEI Company (a $600 million global nanotechnology equipment company) is in

1962 Edmund DeSantis edmunddesantis@metrocast.com

ing Pit Bull dogs for a number of years under the Chester County SPCA in PA. (November 2009) 1966 Ed Howland edhowlandco@aol.com Hank Keene hank@edsonintl.com

Hillsboro, near Portland, so I commute weekly to a small apartment near the office. I have three grown children, all making their way (and paying their way) in the world. First


w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


George Mead ’66 (george@

wetstudios.com) writes, “After two years of overseas travel, including nine months spent living in Prague, I am back in Mill Valley, California, working on a fine art series of

1969 Stu Mackintosh smackintosh@euroinv.com

under grants I had applied for while I was in college. These community projects involved

yahoo.com) moved to the Philadelphia area in 2000 and manages a store for the

1970 - Mark your calendar for your 40th reunion

Pennsylvania State Liquor Control Board. He

on Friday, October 29, 2010!

serves on the Berwyn, Pennsylvania, Veterans

paintings.” George also reports, “I worked in low-income housing projects for four years

Matthew Connelly ’71 (wolfdeweston@

Committee and remembers volunteering at Peter DiMaggio peterjdimaggio@comcast.net John Trustman ’70 (jwt@rof.net) works in

children and elderly people working on art

Basalt, Colorado, as a consultant in health

projects.” He is the owner of Wet Studios in

care, technology and with the federal govern-

San Francisco, California. (November 2009)

ment. He is involved with a White House/Department of Health and Human Services effort to implement standards in health care information technology. He also

Waltham Hospital in the early ’70s. (November 2009) John Kelly ’71, CWO3, United States Navy,

(john.w.kelly@navy.mil) deployed to Iraq on January 6, 2010, to help protect offshore oil installations there. (November 2009) [Editor’s note: We wish John well and a safe return.]

chairs two local not-for-profit organizations and is an admissions interviewer for his high school and college. (November 2009) Ted Wales ’70 (Ted@hartney.com) writes,

“I just celebrated twenty-five years at Hartney

George Mead ’66 in Mill Valley.

Greymont. We are an employee-owned tree, landscape and lawn care company based in

1967 Will Keene will@edsonintl.com

Needham. We have been caring for clients’ trees and landscapes since 1938.” He continues, “At Hartney Greymont, each year we

1968 Peter Zwack zunicum@yahoo.com

have done a day of service by donating work. In the past we have done this for the Franklin Park Zoo and the Veterans Administration. We also donated trees to all the communities that we work in as memorials to the victims of 9/11. Personally, I have for many years been involved with the Noble and Greenough School as a class agent, I am a member of the Board of Public Overseers for the Extension Service of the

Peter Zwack ’68 grabbed his Fessenden cap for an impromptu school reunion with Senator John Kerry ’58.

Peter Zwack ’68 (zunicum@yahoo.com)

had a surprise visit from

Senator John

Kerry ’58 in Kabul, Afghanistan, where Peter

had been serving a tour of duty with the United States Army. (December 2009) [Editor’s note: Congratulations to Peter on his promotion last fall to Brigadier General.]

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

1973 Jon Elmblad jon@elmblad.com 1974 Glenn Dowgiallo gdowgiallo@dowindustries.com Glenn Dowgiallo ’74 (gdowgiallo@

dowindustries.com) writes, “My son is attending Le Moyne College as a freshman in upstate NY … I just recently received a 25 year service award from my employment at Dow Industries.” Glenn got an email from Steve Kravit ’74 who is building up lacrosse in

Texas. “He still plays at 50!” For community service, Glenn has been active at his church, including teaching religious education and serving meals to the hungry. (November 2009) Steven Kravit ’74 (steven@

University Of Massachusetts, Amherst and I

directpartnersltd.com) writes, “Believe it or

have been very active in the Massachusetts

not, I will be fifty this year and can truly say

Association of Lawn Care Professionals

time flies. I live in Plano, Texas, with my wife

(MALCP) and am a past president of the

Susan and our two children, son Daniel (13)

Association. I have also served on the

and daughter Hannah (11). We moved to Texas

Massachusetts Integrated Pest Management

from California following the sale of my busi-

(IPM) Council.” (November 2009)

ness in 2000. Since then I have started a small telephony software company specializing in

1971 Jamie Kattar kunkabar@yahoo.com

IVR’s. We make the engine for appointment

John Kelly john.w.kelly@navy.mil

Lacrosse. Lacrosse is in its infancy in Texas

reminders, school closing, team communications, etc. I am also the Director of Plano Youth and there is a long way to go. We have 280 1st-



8th graders now playing lacrosse. I also got

Tommy is a current Fessenden seventh grader

Ahab Downer ’83 (ahabdowner@

coerced into playing in a men’s league after

and enjoying a wonderful year. Mark volun-

earthlink.net) has been heading up the offices

almost 30 years away from the game.”

teers at Fessenden, Duke and Nobles and

of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

(February 2009) Jonathan Raymond ’74 (jraymond@saccity.

k12.ca.us) is the new Superintendent of Schools in Sacramento, California. He writes, “I credit Fessy for my love of learning, and it is where my career in education began.”

Greenough, where he is currently serving a

for several years in the South Pacific on the

two-year term as President of the Graduates

Isle of New Caledonia. (December 2009)

Association. (November 2009) 1980 Andrew Gosman andrewgosman@hotmail.com

(October 2009) 1975 Stephen Jeffries jeffriesSB@cs.com Steven Mercer ’75 (smercer12121960@

yahoo.com) writes, “I am working as a stock/sales associate at the Van Heusen outlet in Kittery, Maine, and living in Rochester, New Hampshire. I would like to hear from my classmates from the Class of ’75.” (November 2009) 1978 Andrew Zelermyer bzelermyer@goulstonstorrs.com Scott Puopolo ’78 (puopolo@cisco.com)

visited Fessenden in November. He spoke at morning meeting and in several classes on making a difference in others’ lives and how technology is changing our world. Scott is Vice President at Cisco Systems in charge of

1981 Jared Goss jared.goss@metmuseum.org Peter Buhler ’81 (PBuhler@coneinc.com) is

Art Director at Cone, an ad agency in Boston. (September 2009) W. Austin Curwen ’81 (acurwen@

Rufino Pérez De La Sierra ’83 (rufinoperez@

eastlink.ca) writes from Dartmouth, Nova

thacher.org) recently returned from a year-long

Scotia, “My wife and I have just celebrated our

sabbatical in Bristol, England, where he stud-

nineteenth wedding anniversary. I have a beau-

ied maritime archaeology. “I continue to teach

tiful daughter who is turning six this year. My

(and coach and advise) at the Thacher School

translation firm will be fifteen years old in

in southern California where I am in my

February 2010. I volunteer for my community

twelfth year.” He also volunteers for trail clean

quite a bit. I am a Knight of Columbus and I

up and other outdoor work. (November 2009)

am active in various capacities, such as the Summer Carnival, Soccer Challenge, and other

1982 John Domesick domesick@yahoo.com 1983 Tom Slosberg tslosberg@yahoo.com

various events. My wife and I also volunteer at my daughter's school on regular basis, as lunch monitors, class parents and setting up rooms for various functions. I am a translator, and as such I provide professional services, which have included community service working for the courts. And my wife was the organizer of

its global internet service provider practice. (November 2009)

Ahab Downer and his budding family.

Christopher Balz ’83 (christophermbalz@

two Canada Clean Shores events here in

stanfordalumni.org) writes, “On the topic of

Dartmouth, where our entire family volun-

work, I have just changed jobs from E*Trade

teered to clean around the pond near our

to Stratify, Inc., a unit of Iron Mountain

home.” (November 2009)

(IRM). Stratify is located in Mountain View, California. My title is Senior Member of Technical Staff and my role there is Front-end Architect. I am helping to add value to Iron Scott and several of his teachers still on the faculty today, l. to r. Ced Paine (former science teacher), Scott, Steve Cincotta (history), and Steve Naiman (band). 1979 Mark DeAngelis MDeAngelis@dataassociates.com Mark DeAngelis ’79 (MDeAngelis@

dataassociates.com) is living in Wellesley with his wife Dana and three boys. Their son 24

1984 Peter Welch pwelch@susq-capital.com

Mountain’s vast store of data by building Webbased software. As a side project, I am working on a mechanism for secure online micropayments. Depending on the season, growing sweet corn, broccoli, strawberries, raspberries, and asparagus in my garden. Signed up for Ironman Arizona on Nov. 21, 2010, with Team Sheeper out of Menlo Park, California—join me there!” (December 2009)

Tempus fugit! Members of the Class of 1984 enjoyed dinner at their 25th reunion. Front row: Dix Wheelock, back row l. to r. Peter Welch, Don Thomas, Tim Johnson, Greg Julian, Dan Kornfeld and Tim Batchelder. w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


Peter Brown ’84 (brownpbandj@ gmail.com) volunteers in a local Washington, D.C. soup kitchen, at the Child Life Program at Georgetown Hospital, and as an officer and board member of a non-profit cancer foundation. (November 2009)

by snowblowing, free of cost to them. I also

Joey (John) Ritsko ’89 (jjrsae@yahoo.com)

cut one family’s lawn, free of charge, in the

is living in the Henderson, Nevada, area

spring and summer. I have also have helped

working as a Geographic Information

with our public safety officer program in

Systems Analyst for the City of Henderson.

passing the PSO tax for renewal and volun-

(October 2009)

teer my time with Local 67, which is the 1985—Mark your calendar for your 25th reunion

Columbus Firefighter's Union.” (November


on Friday, October 29, 2010!



Ethan Ferrari ethanferrari@yahoo.com Bill Ryan bill.ryan@gmail.com Essy Zartoshty wine3377@gmail.com 1986 Phil Cahners pjcstratman@aol.com Correction from last issue: Members of the Fessenden family enjoyed a moment together at The Running Boy statue on the Hyde Slope. l to r. Fred and Mandy Fessenden Bauer (parents of Noah Givets ’86), Betsy Fessenden, James Burke and Susan Fessenden.

Jared Gerstenblatt 1988 Ben Weisbuch Bweisbuch@awxlaw.com

jaredgblatt@yahoo.com Sol Kumin sol.kumin@crintrinsic.com

Lars Whelan ’88 (capty26@aol.com) lives

in Portland, Maine, and is a Captain in the United States Merchant Marine, specializing in sub-sea construction. He writes, “I was recently involved in a rescue that made the news. We were fortunate enough to find the seven survivors of the Missin’ Link, a 70-foot dive vessel that sank in a storm this October. Against all the odds we were able to get everyone safely on board in very bad conditions in the middle of the night. We even found one fellow who was out there on his own in the water with no raft!” He adds, “I donate time at the Center for Grieving Children, taking care of the property. I have in the past been a volunteer teacher, Big Brother, Mentor, and

Jimmy Parker ’90 and his new daughter, Yvonne “Evie” Rose Parker.

1991 Mauricio Benavides mbenavides@bancotel.com Christopher Goodson ccgoodson@yahoo.com William Stevenson william.d.stevenson@gmail.com

Advisor.” (November 2009) Christopher Goodson ’91 (ccgoodson@ 1987 Michael Wilmerding Michael@fireflyoutfitters.com

1989 Berk Mesta mesta@yahoo.com

yahoo.com) sends warm regards to all his Fessenden brothers. He’s been a professional environmental scientist since 2004 and keeps

Santiago Brockmann ’87 (sbrockmann2@

Andrew Francis ’89 (avfrancis@hotmail.com) is

busy as Goodson Environmental contracts with

yahoo.com) writes from Mexico City, “Work, work, work. It’s that stage of my life!” He is Director of Special Projects at Central de Cruceros de México and teaches ethics at a local private university. (November 2009)

a senior web producer at Fidelity Investments

farmers in Santa Cruz County, California, the

in Boston. (November 2009)

Central Coast Agricultural Water Quality Coalition, and the Agricultural and Land Based

Scott Kazanjian ’89 (scottiekay@comcast.net)

Training Association. He writes, “I am the cur-

writes, “It has been a real long time since I

rent chair of the Water Quality Projects Team

have seen or heard from any of my old Fessy

for the Pajaro Watershed Integrated Regional

friends. My wife and I have recently celebrat-

columbus.gov) has worked for the Columbus,

Watershed Management Program and am a

ed our twelve year anniversary. We have two

Ohio, Division of Fire for eight years. He

regular participant in fundraising events for

children, Armen, eight years old, and Andrew,

writes, “My duties have included firefighter,

at-risk children and adults with developmental

six years old. We reside in Dracut,

primary driver and trainer of a ladder truck,

disabilities.” (November 2009)

Massachusetts. We own and operate our own

fire and bomb investigator, special inspector,

business, Spelling Advertising, and provide

Chief’s aide, and aide to the public informa-

signage to healthcare and educational facili-

tion officer.” William also reports, “I take care

ties. I look forward to hearing from my fel-

of 10 families on my street in winter months

low classmates from ’89.” (December 2009)

William Ehrgood ’87 (wwehrgood@

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

1992 Paul Bernon pbernon@rubicon-realestate.com



Jose Villanueva ’92 (josechuv@

Brandon Miller ’94 (brandonamiller79@

yahoo.com) writes, “Married in ‘04 to Emma

gmail.com) and his

Rubio. Live in Madrid, Spain, busy raising

wife Jennifer are cele-

three kids (plus one more due in April ’10):

brating the arrival of

Javichu ’05, Teresa ’07 and Lola ’08. Enjoy

their first child, Reese

playing soccer with friends once a week, and

Alden Miller, born on

year. Work at BBVA Broker, selling Spanish

Reese Alden Miller with parents Brandon and Jennifer.

and European equities to Portuguese and

the Young Leadership Council for Gildas

Spanish institutional clients. Would like to go

Club World Wide.” (December 2009)

manage to pull five or six rounds of golf per

back and work/live in the United States ... Volunteered during college at a summer school for underprivileged kids. Currently [do] some fundraising for NGOs [non-governmental organizations.]” (November 2009) 1993 Rowan Driscoll rowanbdriscoll@gmail.com 1994 Ben Collier bencollier@gmail.com Nick Van Vactor pinchenick@yahoo.com Sandy Bryant ’94 (Sandma6155@aol.com)

writes, “I am currently working at Brooks Brothers in Tysons Corner, Virginia, and substitute teaching. I would love to get in touch with Fessy alums in the greater D.C. area.” Sandy currently volunteers for Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools and serves as a class agent for his high school. (November 2009)

also reports, “I chair

Nick Van Vactor ’94 (nicholasvanvactor@

gmail.com) was living in London and Paris for a few years working as a grip on commercials and writing a screenplay and novella

Fessenden friends celebrate Greg Rubin ’96 and Jenny Spyres’ marriage. (l. to r.) Matt Reisman, Steven Krikorian, Matt Rubin, Jenny, Greg, Paul Krikorian and John Colbert. 1997 Brack Baker headskibum@aol.com

with his father. (December 2009)

Chris Bilello ckbilello@gmail.com

1995 Scott Belsky sbelsky@mba2008.hbs.edu

Jeffrey Zampieron jzampier@zproject.net Matt Javitch ’97 (mjavitch@gmail.com)


works in financial services and reports, “Most

Nate Richards nathanielsrichards@gmail.com

of my volunteer work is based on helping arts organizations. I’m very committed to the

Stephen Robb srobb@robbenterprises.com

arts.” (November 2009)

Greg Rubin gregrubin42@gmail.com

Alex Jones ’97 (ajjones@northrock.bm) writes,

Erik Winchell portlyotter@comcast.net

Bermuda and training to see if I can qualify

“These days I’m working as a consultant in for the 2012 or 2016 Olympics in windsurfing. My website is www.alex2012.com and I

Charles Parker ’96

can be found on Facebook under the user-

(cparks1212@gmail.com) writes, “I moved to

name alexjjones—love to hear from some of

Colorado this past summer to see how the

the lost faces.” (September 2009)

world works out west. I am currently working

Ben Collier ’94 (bencollier@gmail.com) and

for Starbucks Coffee Company while looking

1998 Dave Bowman Bowman.David@bcg.com

Holly Hetherington

for a job working with children.” (November

were married on

2009) [Editor’s note: Information about

September 19, 2009,

Charles Parker’s recent volunteer work is

in Watch Hill,

featured on page 5.]

Andrew McCarthy a.r.mccarthy@gmail.com

Greg Rubin ’96 and Jenny Spyres were married

Paul Roberts paulallenroberts@hotmail.com

Rhode Island. Todd Jeffery ’94 Ben Collier ’94 and his bride Holly Hetherington.

December 16, 2009. He

(TDJ222@hotmail. com) was a grooms-

man. The couple resides in New York City where Ben is working at American Express and has his own photography business

in July 2009. Fessenden friends in attendance include Matt Reisman ’95, Steven Krikorian ’98,

Rob Goodrich ’98 (robgoodrich@

Matt Rubin ’01, Paul Krikorian ’96 and John

gmail.com) writes from Boston, “I currently

Colbert ’96. (December 2009)

work in film/tv production, most recently in extras casting for two Adam Sandler movies. Additionally, I have been an associate pro-

(www.benjamincollier.com), and Holly is

ducer on a reality television show and have a

pursuing her MBA at NYU Stern. (September

few feature films in development now, one of


which we are scheduled to shoot in Ireland,


w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


during the spring of 2010.” Rob’s community

John Henry Livingston ’99

service includes the Parker Boys’ Golf

(jhl909@yahoo.com) writes, “Working at the

gmail.com) wrote a piece entitled, “From

Outing, Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund,

Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,

Kogelo to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue” after

tutoring, and providing terminally ill children

California, on the next unmanned satellite.

the election of President Obama while on an

a chance to work on a movie-set and meet

Currently a senior in the UCLA Astrophysics

eight hour bus ride from Kenya to Uganda

their favorite actors. (November 2009)

honors program.” (October 2009)

Howie Leung ’98 (howie24@gmail.com) got

Pete Roessler ’99 (proessler@rutiniwines.com)

married this summer. He and his wife,

is living in Mendoza, Argentina. He writes, “I

Colleen, are living in Concord, New

work for Rutini Wines as their Manager of

Hampshire, where he teaches middle school.

Market Development in their Global Export

He has also taught at the Fessenden ESL

Division. We produce around 1.5 million

Summer Program for eleven straight summers!

cases a year and export to over 30 countries

(October 2009)

and climbing. Rutini Wines is one of the oldest (est. 1885 by Felipe Rutini) and more prestigious wine companies in Argentina

Jeremy Haber ’99 (jeremy.haber@

and e-mailed it to us from Uganda. [Editor’s note: See piece on page 28.]

Jeremy is climbing all forty-eight 4,000 foot peaks in New Hampshire’s White Mountains to raise $30,000 to build a school in Nepal through Room to Read. www.roomtoread.org.

always with a reputation for high-premium wine. We also are the home of the most visit-

Ian Zinn ’99 (Ian.Zinn@bernstein.com) gradu-

ed winery museum, attracting over 70,000

ated from Skidmore College in 2006. For the

tourists a year. www.rutiniwines.com”

past three years he has lived in New York

(November 2009)

City working at Bernstein Global Wealth Management, currently as a Senior Private

Dylan Gobbi ’07, Judy Gobbi, Residential Life Assistant Director, Colleen Leung, Howie Leung ’98, Emily Gobbi, and Patrick Gobbi.

Client Associate. Ian enjoys traveling and is headed to New Zealand this fall. (June, 2009)

Paul Roberts ’98 (paulallenroberts@

hotmail.com) is currently living in the North

Pete and his product in Mendoza, Argentina.

End while working for The Bostonian Group in the Copley Plaza. “I play soccer and softball

Michael Greenwald ’99

with Steve Krikorian ’98, the Winchell brothers

(mbg1918@aol.com) participated as Assistant

[Erik ’96, Zan ’99 and Clark ’02], Roberto Iriti ’98,

to then-Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kerry

Noel Poirier ’98, Tyson Robb ’99, Stephen Robb

Healey in a meeting with leaders of the

’96, Charlie Zodda ’02 and others quite often. My

Afghan and California legal community to

Fessenden friendships still remain the strongest

discuss justice reform in Afghanistan.

and I am so thankful for my time there. I have

Michael has also been appointed to the Wings

The 10th Reunion Class of 1999 gathers together in Sanderson Dining Hall. Front, l. to r. Corwin Parker, Will MacKay, BJ Leong, Polo Aguiluz. Back, l. to r. Ben Kurland, Adam Greene, Zan Winchell, Josh Cohen, Mike Hamberg, Will Schoch, Aaron Held, Tim Flanagan, Ian Zinn, Tyson Robb and Tripp Kaiser.

been blessed to have gone to some of the best

of Memory Society Next Generation Board in

2000—Mark your calendar for your 10th reunion

educational institutions this country has to

Washington, D.C. The organization is

on Friday, October 29, 2010!

offer, but Fessenden will always be number one

engaged in philanthropy and education in

for me.” [Editor’s note: A quote from Paul

memory of those who perished in the

Roberts about his volunteer work is featured on

Holocaust and in honor of the survivors.

page 5.] (November 2009)

(June 2009)

Nick Fessenden nicholas.fessenden@gmail.com Kenneth Bowen ’00 (kenneth.bowen@

gmail.com) writes, “I am working as a video game designer in Seattle. I design games like

1999 Michael Greenwald mbg1918@aol.com

Marvel Comics X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa from

Tyson Robb tyson.robb@gmail.com Zan Winchell alexander.winchell@gmail.com

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

Dreamworks.” He volunteers at a homeless shelter serving meals and makes visits to the Michael Greenwald (2nd from r.) with Attorney General Sabit of Afghanistan and delegation.

elderly in his community. (November 2009)




Nicholas Fessenden ’00 (nicholas.fessenden

@gmail.com) and Gerardo Torrado ’95 met after a Cruz Azul game in Mexico City,

In his victory speech in Grant Park on election night, President-elect Obama noted,“I was never the likeliest candidate for this office.” On Election Day, I traveled to the village of Kogelo, in western Kenya, where Obama’s father was born and lived until he got a scholarship to go to college in Hawaii, and learned just how much of an understatement that was. The trip exposed the raw absurdity of Obama’s rise and reaffirmed the power and wisdom of the American experiment.

where Nick is now living. (November 2009)

My starting point on Election Day was Kisumu, a port city on the north of Lake Victoria. With a population of about 400,000, it is Kenya’s third largest city. From the moment I got off the bus in Kisumu on Monday, three words quickly, and endlessly, came at me from everyone I past as I roamed the streets in search of lunch and a place to sleep: US? Obama? Vote? It was so repetitive that I bought an American flag bandanna, which I tied around my arm, and an Obama pin. I hoped these overt signals of loyalty would preempt the first two questions. It felt awfully good to make such a statement of patriotism in a foreign country, too often in my travels being American feels like a liability. Explaining that I had already voted even though I was in Kisumu on Election Day was not easy. The whole concept of absentee voting did not translate—same with the Electoral College. Kogelo is two hours west of Kisumu. On Tuesday morning, I took a matatu (a small van with a dozen seats—it’s the ubiquitous form of public transport in this part of the world) to Siaya, the closest stop to Kogelo. Far from the common images of the African desert, this part of Kenya is almost entirely green, with knee high grass, waist high corn and banana trees as far as the eye can see. Once in Siaya, I negotiated a motorcycle ride to Kogelo, (it is at this point that my mother stops reading to call to protest) which was about 20 minutes away. Called bodas, motorcycles for hire are common mode of transportation to places where the matatus cannot go. The driver’s opening bid was 300 shillings, about $4, and double the price I was told to pay by a local man on the matatu. The boda driver explained the price was more because the road to Kogelo was recently very difficult to pass. We settled on 220 shillings and were on our way. It turns out that the Kenyan government had started building a road to Kogelo, the prize for the son of one of your people becoming President of the United States. On Tuesday, there was just a wide uneven clearing with tractors dumping and moving huge piles of dirt and the boda driver had to slalom between soccer ball size rocks.

Nick Fessenden ’00 and Gerardo Torrado ’95. 2001 Neal Curtin curtinn@gmail.com Alex DeBlois ajr4@unh.edu Nick Webber ngwebber@gmail.com John Hunter ’01 (jhunter194@gmail.com) and Steve Choi ’01 (lucky7_1106@yahoo.com)

reconnected in Seoul, Korea, while John was on a five-month backpacking trip through Asia. (August 2009)

Kogelo itself was remarkable not for what I saw or found, but rather for what I did not find, what I did not see—by which I mean anything resembling the place where the father of the next President of the United States could plausibly have been born. I spent most of my time in the area outside Sarah Obama’s compound. The President-elect’s 86 year-old grandmother lives among other family members in a cluster of half a dozen small one story buildings (each about 12 feet tall, 20 feet wide, 30 feet long) with tin roofs and cement floors. These are uncommon luxuries in Kogelo, where most people live in mud huts with thatch roofs. As remote and impoverished as the village remains today, I tried to imagine what this place was like a half century ago when Obama’s father lived here—certainly it did not include the 8 foot iron fence than now surrounds Mama Sarah’s compound, fifty members of the media and their fleet of SUVs, or the NBC News satellite dish. Election Day in Kogelo had two scheduled events; fittingly the first was a press conference, held by Malik, Obama’s half brother. Malik made a brief statement, including an expression of regret over the passing of Obama’s other grandmother, Madelyn Dunham. Malik then looked straight into the camera’s and in a louder and clearer voice than the rest of his statement thanked the Kenyan government, Prime Minister, and several other individuals, for building the road—it was pavement politics in rural Kenya. About 100 people, half journalists, half locals, gathered in the afternoon for a performance by the school choir and a prayer session. Sarah Obama appeared an hour into the event and was swarmed by the media as she walked into the tent. Like her grandson (they are not actually biologically related, she is the second wife of Obama’s grandfather), she displayed remarkable calm in the face a media crush and being the center of attention. I returned to Kisumu in the late afternoon, finding a ride with a Kenyan my age named Nicholas who works for Unilever. The first polls did not close until 3 a.m. Wednesday morning Kenyan time. For the next two hours I watched BBC World, which included commentary by Ted Koppel, an unexpected bonus. Around 5 a.m. the Kenyan station switched to CNN’s coverage, so I got to see a bit of David Gergen, my former boss. The race was called at 7 a.m. local time—I was way more than half asleep. The locals in Kisumu were tremendously excited and proud to be sure, but more than anything I sensed that they were relieved. After Obama’s victory speech, Kenyan TV switched to a ceremony at the home of the US Ambassador. After a series of remarks, our Ambassador invited four high school students to the podium, winners of a letter writing contest to the new President-elect. The first student, a confident 14 year-old girl, entitled her letter, Keep Your Sleeves Lifted Up. She explained that when she saw pictures and footage of Obama, his sleeves were often rolled up, and she hoped that as he entered the White House he would continue this practice,“both literally and metaphorically to improve freedom and justice.” (November 2009) [Editor’s note: The Washington Post selected Haber from among 4,800 entrants as one of five finalists to win a guest column. He is a JD/MBA student at Harvard.]


John Hunter and Steve Choi in Seoul, Korea, last summer. Stuart Kinsella ’01 (stuartdkinsella@gmail.com)

graduated from Harvard University in May and is a first year student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. (September 2009) 2002 Nathaniel Anschuetz nwa2102@columbia.edu Clark Winchell Cdwinchell@gmail.com

Hobart College honored

Zachary Alton ’02

(zacharymoenalton@gmail.com) with the President’s Civic Leadership Award at Founder’s Day this spring. The award recognized Zach’s public and community service, including teaching inner city children, organizing a service trip to Mississippi, and advising underclass students. (May 2009) w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


50 members of the Classes of 2007, 2008 and 2009 enjoyed an afternoon of tag football, floor hockey and pizza at the Young Alumni Reunion during the 2009 Thanksgiving break. Save-the-date of November 27, 2010 for next year’s Young Alumni Reunion.

Taylor Donner ’02 (atdonner@gmail.com)

there in the future. When I finished my course

Kevin Corkery ’03 volunteered at a local

will graduate this summer from Wake Forest

in Barcelona, I came back to Mexico and began

food bank and for Toys for Tots in Quincy,

University with a degree in economics. He

my major in Electronic Engineering in

MA, over winter break from school. During

was chosen from among thousands of appli-

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. I

school, he is also volunteering at an assisted-

cants by Teach for America to teach high

will be entering the fifth semester and am look-

living state sponsored home. (November 2009)

school math in the Mississippi Delta Region

ing for an exchange program in Germany,

for two years beginning this fall. (November

hopefully for the seventh semester. I also work


as a promoter, and have put on shows with a

Shunsuke Fujii ’02 (sfujii@sas.upenn.edu)

graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in December 2008 and is currently in a management training program in corporate finance with British American Tobacco in Tokyo, Japan. [Editor’s note: A quote from Shunsuke Fujii about his volunteer work is featured on

few artists from the underground rock and electronic music international scene. I am a musician myself and have kept composing and working with music since high school. Currently I have become interested in installation art as well, making use of my knowledge in electronics and audio. With a little help from

Nate Haywood ’03 is pursuing a degree in

music/teaching and is in his fourth year of a five-year program at Gordon College. He directs a youth choir at church and helps young kids near his school with music. Nate has also been known to help out at Fessenden on occasion during breaks from college. (November 2009)

my friends, I hope to reach the ‘bigger stage’

Cory Sanderson ’03 (csander2@bates.edu) is

soon and design a show by myself, with my

captain of the Bates rowing team and a studio

Inigo Villamil Roldan ’02 (guman99@

own music and stage design. I consider myself

art major. When Bates honored Cory’s former

gmail.com) writes, “When I left Fessenden, I

an artist, and plan to pursue this vocation mak-

teammate Andrew Byrnes for his olympic

came back to Mexico City to finish high school

ing use of the wonderful tools I have found in

gold medal on the Canadian Men’s Eight

in The American School. As soon as I finished,

electronics, science, sound and music.” (August

boat, the school commissioned Cory to do an

I went to live in Barcelona, where I acquired a


etching, which he presented at a recent cere-

page 5.] (November 2009)

diploma degree in Audio Engineering. I was there for a year and had the fantastic opportunity to travel around Europe. I fell in love with the city and would love to go back and live w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

mony. Details at www.bates.edu/rowing.xml 2003 Nate Haywood Nathaniel.Haywood@gordon.edu

(December 2008)



Association Senior Piano Competition for

2004 Nick Anschuetz nsa08@hampshire.edu

Massachusetts. He also won first prize the

Alex Clifford-Williams aclifford@uchicago.edu

ented and accomplished players in the state.

Bay State Contest from among the most talRicky was a long-time student of Fessenden music teacher Nilly Shilo and now studies at

2005 Mike Pallotta

Middlebury College. (May 2009)

Alessio Tropeano alessio1135@aol.com

Jonah Francese ’06 received the Alfred Elliott

Memorial Trophy for sportsmanship on the varsity soccer and baseball teams at Milton

Kyle Corkery ’05 volunteered at a local

food bank and for Toys for Tots in Quincy, MA, over winter break from school. Kyle isalso volunteering with an organization that works to clean up Charleston, South Carolina. (November 2009) Matthew Ewing ’05 assisted an area

electrician with the installation of the new

John Nimmo ’05. Alex Oriakhi ’05 (alexander.oriakhi@

uconn.edu), a member of the 2005 undefeated

Academy. Jonah is a freshman at Berklee College of Music. (November 2009) Dillon Sawyer ’06 studies International

Fessenden varsity basketball squad, recently

Relations at American University and tutors

began a successful career as a member of the

inner city youth in the Washington D.C. area.

University of Connecticut basketball team.

[Editor’s note: See article on page 35.]

(December 2009)

lights and electrical system in the new


Wellesley Little League Complex last sum-

Jeronimo Contreras j_contreras13@hotmail.com

mer. Matt is currently a sophomore at

Jasper Heaton jasper_heaton@loomis.org

Rochester Institute of Technology. (November 2009)

Brian Uhm tuhm@groton.org

Jeronimo Aguilar Gutierrez ’05

(jeronimo.ag@gmail.com) writes, “I just

Jordan Berry ’07 is required to do

started studying architecture in Mexico City,

community service at Milton Academy and

after a year off in Paris working for the

volunteers his time visiting at a nursing

OECD and perfecting the language, and some

home. (November 2009)

time in Mexico in diverse courses. I traveled in the summer to Boston with Diego Cisneros

Michael Ewing ’07 volunteered in the lower

’05, another member of the community and

great friend. I visited Fessenden and stayed for dinner at Mr. Hansen’s kind invitation … I have served my community … by helping students from public school in poor areas … as well as helping my grandfather’s foundation, FUNDHEPA, for hepatic health in Mexico.” (November 2009)

ninth ward in New Orleans last spring, Alex Oriakhi ’05 playing for UCONN.

Katrina. Mike is currently a senior at St.

aol.com) played for the North Carolina Tar

Sebastian’s School. (November 2009)

Heels that defeated Maryland to win the 2008 NCAA soccer championship. He played in the Under-20 World Cup in September, 2009, televised on ESPN Classic. (September 2009)

All ISL First Team and received the Sportsmanship Award at Milton Academy during his senior year. (March 2009)


Jack Kay ’07 volunteers through school

and church. At Roxbury Latin he volunteers in a tutoring program for Epiphany School and also spends time working for Haley

John Nimmo ’05 (John.L.Nimmo@

Dartmouth.edu) was named to the Squash

rebuilding homes destroyed by Hurricane

Sheanon Williams ’05 (SheanonWilliams@

2006 Brian Correa brian.correa@gmail.com

House and the Walk for Hunger. In the summer through church, Jack participates with Young Neighbors in Action, a nationwide service opportunity, for which, Jack has trav-

Michael Yoo jyoo@exeter.edu

eled to Ohio and Washington. Throughout the

Congratulations to Po-Lin Ricky Chen ’06

year, Jack helps out at Community Servings

(richard.polin.chen@gmail.com) for winning

in Jamaica Plain and at the Pine Street Inn in

the 2008 Music Teachers National

Roxbury. (November 2009)

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg


2008 James Danziger JamesDanziger@stmarksschool.org Arthur Gosnell ARGosnell@gmail.com James Kim wjkim@deerfield.edu Caleb Lehner caleb@lehner.us Raj Muchhala rbmuchhala@mxschool.edu Ned Benning ’08 has volunteered 8-12

hours each week for The Trustees of Reservations on Chappaquiddick doing every-

quote from Cam Parker about the importance

He and several of his wrestling teammates

of volunteer work is featured on page 2.]

also helped deliver them while on a wrestling exchange trip to Mexico City last spring.

Mark Vieth ’08 is a senior at St. Marks

(November 2009)

School and spent the last summer working at Shake-A-Leg in Miami, FL, helping disabled sailor sail. (November 2009)

Jack Pfirrman ’09 (johnpfirrman@

stmarksschool.org) is a weekly volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club in Marlborough,

2009 Nathan Coffin njcoffin@verizon.net

through St. Mark’s School. (November 2009)

Ben Kent benboxrocks@hotmail.com

stgeorges.edu) volunteers at church for

Henry Young henry_young@stgeorges.edu

programs for the needy by preparing lunches,

thing from property clean up to beach patrol to office work for the past two summers. At

Cash Armstrong ’09 (casharmstrong@

Northfield Mount Hermon School everyone

stmarksschool.org) is participating in commu-

has a four-hour a week commitment to serve

nity service through St. Mark’s School by

the community. This year Ned is working on

volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club.

the NMH farm. (November 2009)

(November 2009)

John Snow ’09 (john_snow@

church services and participates in church being camp helpers, and assisting with toy drives. (November 2009) Brian Trippe ’09 gives tours to prospective

students visiting Milton Academy. David Wang ’09 (dwang08@gmail.com)

writes, “I go to Penn High School in Tim Boit ’08 (tboit@sps.edu) is required to

Zach Aronson ’09 (zacharonson@

Mishawaka, Indiana. I played tennis for Penn

do ten hours of community service each year

comcast.net) and his brother and Josh,

and had a 14-1 record. I ran a half-marathon

at St. Paul’s School. In addition, he has spent

Fessenden seventh grader, are distributing

with a time of 1:50 over the summer. I really

a week on a Habitat for Humanity project and

gifts to less fortunate hospital patients during

miss Fessy and hope to visit sometime.”

this summer he volunteered at Newton

winter break from school. They also volun-

(November 2009)

Wellesley Hospital. (November 2009)

teer at Buddy Dog, with the Wellesley Police dog warden, and at micro-chip clinics for ani-

Akinyele Jordan ’08 (ajordan@exeter.edu)

is a part of the Exeter Social Service

mal rescue. In addition, they package rescue supplies for animals. (November 2009)

Organization and works with children, reading to second graders and in a Day Care

Matt Blasco ’09 works serving food in

Center. During the summer he assisted with

a soup kitchen and will work at a home for

volunteer clean-up at his parish church.

single mothers. He has also been a boy scout

(November 2009)

and worked at a local nature center. (November 2009)

Cam Parker ’08 (gparker@sps.edu) writes,

“I serve as one of the six Missionary Society

John Cheever ’09 volunteers at the

officers at St. Paul’s School. My projects con-

Dedham Food Pantry. (November 2009)

in a tutoring program for Epiphany School and also spends time working for Haley House and the Walk for Hunger. In the summer through church, Harrison participates with Young Neighbors in Action, a nationwide service opportunity. Throughout the year, he helps out at Community Servings in Jamaica Plain and at the Pine Street Inn in

Tim Glauninger ’09 is a sophomore at

a disadvantaged child for two years. I also

Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo

volunteer at the Walker School, a local public

County, CA. He has to complete 20 hours of

elementary school twice a week. Finally, I

community service each year for school. Last

help out at the Birches, a home for the elderly

year he helped coach a third grade lacrosse

affected by Alzheimer’s every Sunday. In

team, volunteered at wrestling tournaments

addition, I have volunteered in the infectious

for underprivileged youth in the Bay Area,

disease department at Tufts Medical Center in

and helped collect sports equipment and

Boston.” (November 2009) [Editor’s note: A

clothing for underprivileged kids in Mexico.

w w w. fe s s e n d e n . o rg

Harrison Kay ’10 volunteers through school

and church. At Roxbury Latin he volunteers

Roxbury. (November 2009)

sist of the Friends Program, a weekly twohour commitment, which involves mentoring





of Manhattan and Princess Anne, Maryland, died April 20, 2008,

died in a traffic accident near Syracuse, New York, on April 30, 2009,

in Maryland. He was a longtime sufferer of Alzheimer’s disease.

en route to the class of 1944’s 65th Reunion at Westminster School in

Mr. Ainsworth was an inventor including the gas station fuel blending

Connecticut. Mr. Dempsey graduated from Harvard University in

pump and served as one time chief engineer of Wayne Division of

1947 and went on to become a real estate development and manage-

Dresser Industries. He was predeceased by his wife Norma Ruedi in

ment consultant. He played a vital part in the creation of prominent

1987 and is survived by his brother George Ainsworth and

developments on both Florida coasts and in Cleveland, Ohio, where he

sister Lorna A. Forbes. In addition to Fessenden, Mr. Ainsworth

headed a $30 million apartment and condominium project called

was educated at College de Normandie, The Buckley Country Day

Bratenahl Place, reviving a fading suburb on Lake Erie. A trustee

School and Great Neck Preparatory School. He graduated from The

emeritus of Kenyon College where he served on the Board for nearly

Gunnery School in 1934 and from Harvard University in 1938.

twenty years, Mr. Dempsey is survived by six children, fifteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.


died Monday, January 26, 2009, in Webster, Massachusetts.


Married on June 13, 1953, to her husband, Joseph Roland Basinet,

of Sugarmill Woods, Homosassa, Florida, died on May 24, 2008.

Mrs. Basinet lived and worked at Fessenden with her husband until

After Fessenden, Mr. Drake graduated from The Hill School in

1992. She parented two generations of boarding students with great

Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and enlisted in the U.S. Army, serving

warmth, raised her own five children on the school grounds, and

as a medic in Japan during World War II. He was honorably dis-

organized the Fessenden summer camp with her husband. Born in

charged and went on to earn his B.A. in Political Science from

Meriden, Connecticut, Mrs. Basinet was a graduate of Meriden High

Boston University and a Masters degree in Foreign Trade from the

School and St. Joseph College in West Hartford, Connecticut. She was

Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management.

an English teacher for several years in Meriden and later served as an

Mr. Drake relocated to Florida in 1987 from Dover, Massachusetts,

administrative assistant to the president of the Watertown Bank in

where he had been self-employed as a Motor Vehicle Safety Driver

Watertown, Massachusetts. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Basinet

Training Consultant. He developed personal classroom teaching meth-

is survived by her five children and eight grandchildren.

ods along with writing and publishing Emergency Reaction Driver Training books and films. Mr. Drake retired in 2000. He is survived by his wife, Emma, three children, and five grandchildren.


died at home in Ohio on Sunday, July 19, 2009, at age 91. Born in Charleston, West Virginia, Mr. Brightwell was a graduate of


The Phillips Academy in Andover and of Yale University. He served

of Wilmington, North Carolina, died peacefully on January 29, 2009.

during WWII as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy from 1943-1946.

Following Fessenden, Mr. Gallant graduated from Phillips Academy

Mr. Brightwell was Past President and a member of The University

in Andover in 1937 and from Harvard College in 1941. He earned his

Club of Cincinnati as well as a member and past officer of The

Master of Education degree from the University of Maine, Orono in

Cincinnati Tennis Club. He enjoyed over 50 years as a member of

1974. Mr. Gallant served honorably as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army

The Cincinnati Country Club. Mr. Brightwell was a member of the

Air Forces in World War II and moved to Maine in 1948 as a manager

Frederick Fessenden Society, which recognizes individuals who

of Guilford Woolen. He followed his true calling, serving as a teacher

include Fessenden in their estate plans. He is survived by his five

in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, for 25 years. Mr. Gallant was a Maine

children, 11 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

woodlot owner and a founding member of Forest Products Marketing and Management, serving as president for several terms. He was an avid outdoorsman and loved the Great Blue Planet Earth, believing


that since you only go this way once, be optimistic and enjoy. Mr.

of Annapolis, Maryland, died on October 9, 2008, after a five-year

Gallant is survived by his wife of 59 years, Dolores Strand Gallant,

battle with cancer. Mr. Cunningham worked for many years in the

five children, and seven grandchildren.

marine industry and was a long-time Fessenden class agent.


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of Saint Clair Shores, Michigan, died on December 31, 2008 at

died November 10, 2008, in Naples, Florida, following a brief

the age of 97.

illness. A graduate of Phillips Academy in Andover and Trinity College in Hartford, Mr. Middlebrook was personnel director for the William Carter Company for twenty years, after which he owned SOS


Personnel and Executive Search. He was a resident of Needham

died Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

for 35 years, serving as chairman of its Personnel Committee and as

Mr. Hurst was President of Hurst Annaho Supply Co. Inc. He was

a 20 year town meeting member. Mr. Middlebrook was active with

a member of Bonnie Doone Baptist Church and was a U.S. Army

the Needham Congregational Church and upon his move to Naples,

veteran. Mr. Hurst is survived by three children, nine grandchildren,

Florida, in 1987, became active with the Naples United Church of

and three great-grandchildren.

Christ and the Vineyards Country Club. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, three children, and seven grandchildren.


of Massachusetts died August 25, 2009, at home in Hyannis Port.


Senator Kennedy, who served for 46 years in the United States

of Warwick, Bermuda, died January 26, 2010, at his home, Cluster

Senate, had been battling brain cancer diagnosed in May of 2008.

Cottage, a National Trust property with two-and-a-half acres of land.

The youngest of nine children born to Joseph Kennedy and Rose

It is one of Bermuda’s oldest houses dating back to about 1640 and

Fitzgerald Kennedy, Senator Kennedy was first elected to the Senate

living there fostered Mr. Morbey’s great love of nature. Prior to his

in 1962 to finish the unexpired term of his brother, John, who had

death, he spent all his free time cultivating extremely rare plant

been elected President in 1961. A champion of social causes and the

species in his garden. About seven years ago, Mr. Morbey created his

chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and

own native quarry garden at home made up of only endemic plants. It

Pensions at his death, he dedicated much of his work to fighting for

was said to be a “living museum” of “what Bermuda was like before

healthcare reform. Senator Kennedy was recognized by President


Obama as one of 16 recipients of the 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor. He graduated from Milton Academy in 1950 and attended Harvard University and the University of Virginia School of Law. Senator Kennedy is survived by his second wife, Victoria Ann Reggie Kennedy, whom he married in 1992; his first wife, Joan Bennett; and five children.

At the time of his death, Mr. Morbey had been working in construction, but his true dream was to work full-time in conservation. Mr. Morbey was heavily involved with the Bermuda National Trust; he won a young environmentalist award and was a member of the House and Garden Committee. He had done lots of voluntary work across Bermuda, including renovating the gardens at Palmetto House in Devonshire. He also worked on environmental projects with the


of Manhattan died September 13, 2009, in Massachusetts. For the last eight years, Mr. McDonald served as CEO of Rockefeller & Co., offering wealth and investment management services to families, foundations and endowments. He was a member of the board of NYSE-

Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. The National Trust hopes to keep Mr. Morbey’s endemic garden and add a tribute plaque in his memory. He is survived by his mother, Linda Morbey, his grandmothers, Dorothy Saints and Anne Brawer, two uncles, four aunts, and nine cousins.

Euronext, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and was on the board of the CIT Group. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Virginia School of Law, Mr. McDonald joined Fessenden’s Board of Trustees in October 1992 and became Chairman in May of 1993. He served Fessenden as a Trustee until 1999


of Westwood, Massachusetts, passed away on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2008.

and as a Trustee Emeritus until the time of his death. Mr. McDonald is survived by his wife, Karen, and three children, Scott ’96, W. Hunter ’99, and Isabel.

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of San Francisco, California, died on December 12, 2007.



of Prairie Village, Kansas, died on February 19, 2009.


died Friday, November 14, 2008, in Charlotte, North Carolina, after a long illness. Following Fessenden, Mr. Tuttle graduated from The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut, in 1942 and was awarded the Charles E. Lord Prize “to that member of the Senior Class who during his course at school has shown the largest measure of general improvement, perseverance and courage in the face of difficulties.” He was also the Chairman of the Woods Committee at Hotchkiss that planted a thousand trees for the betterment of the future campus woods. Mr. Tuttle enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1942. After artillery training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he was sent to the

Stuart Cary Welch visited Fessenden in May 2008 and shared objects from his collection with students.

Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, for a military engineering program. He also served at Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Sill, Oklahoma; and


Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, until his discharge in 1946.

of Cambridge and Concord, New Hampshire, died while traveling

Mr. Tuttle graduated from Cornell University in 1949 and from

in Hakodate, Japan, on August 13, 2008. Curator emeritus of Islamic and

Morrisville College, Morrisville, New York, with a Certificate of Food

later Indian art at the Harvard Art Museum and a special consultant in

Technology. He was employed as an Inspector with the State of

charge of the Islamic art department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Connecticut Department of Agriculture, retiring in 1991 after

in New York City, Mr. Welch had a lifelong passion for Islamic and

37 years of service. Mr. Tuttle will be remembered for his uncanny

Indian art. In an era when Middle Eastern, Persian, and Indian art were

memory, story telling, pride in his English and Dutch ancestry, and the

ignored in favor of European art, he was a largely self-taught curator and

love of his family, his service and care for others, his numerous

a talented artist and draftsman in his own right. Throughout his career,

friends, classical music, American history and his passion for Model T

Mr. Welch created major exhibitions in Boston and New York. After

Ford automobiles. His wife of 50 years, Jane Tuttle, daughter Anne L.

graduating from Fessenden in 1942, Mr. Welch went on to St. Paul’s

Roller and son-in-law James C. Roller of Denver, North Carolina, sur-

School and studied fine arts at Harvard, graduating in 1950. He pursued

vive him.

graduate studies in classical art at Harvard and traveled extensively through the Middle East and South Asia, building a significant private collection. In addition to his wife of 55 years, Mr. Welch is survived by


two children and four grandchildren.

of Wellesley, Massachusetts died on Wednesday, September 16, 2009. After graduating from Fessenden, Mr. Usen attended Noble and Greenough School and the University of Vermont. A 20-year Wall Street veteran, he was most recently a Managing Director of Collins Stewart LLC. An avid skier and golfer, Mr. Usen was also a member of the Board of Governors of Belmont Country Club. He was the beloved husband of Sigrid Usen for twenty years and the loving father of Nicholas Usen ’08.


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Planning Ahead to Give Back Allison Sawyer recalls clearly the day she decided to make a planned gift

geography, commitment to community service and desire to pursue glob-

to The Fessenden School. “Dillon was in his final, 9th grade year and I

al studies to the inspiration and caring bestowed upon him by the entire

asked myself what I could do to say thank you from my child and me. I

Fessenden community.

couldn’t write a significant check that day but I knew that a bequest would be something meaningful and permanent.”

Allison is certain about her dedication to Fessenden and her estate plan recognizes her commitment. “A bequest, including Fessenden as a bene-

Dillon Sawyer ’06, attended The Fessenden School from kindergarten

ficiary in my will, was my way of acknowledging what the School had

through the 9th grade. Allison remembers fondly how his father, the late

done for my family. It was my vote of confidence in Fessenden.”

Brooks Sawyer ’60, shared stories of friendship and lessons learned during

his years at Fessenden and his great pride and delight as his son entered kindergarten in 1996. Sadly, tragedy struck three years later when Brooks Sawyer died just as Dillon was entering the third grade. “We were devastated and unsure about the future. Thankfully, the entire Fessenden com-

For more information regarding Planned Giving, please contact Elizabeth Alling Sewall, Director of Institutional Advancement at esewall@fessenden.org; 617-630-2313 or Dan Page, Director of Alumni Programs at dpage@fessenden.org; 617-630-2312.

munity surrounded Dillon and me, providing warmth, structure and the continuity we both needed.” Now concluding his freshman year at American University-The School for International Service, Dillon studies International Relations and tutors inner city youth in the Washington, D.C. area. He attributes his love of

Frederick Fessenden Society The Frederick Fessenden Society honors those individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to the future of Fessenden by including the School in their estate plans through a bequest, charitable trust, gift annuity, life insurance or other planning vehicle.

Allison and Dillon ’06 Sawyer.

Save-the-Date 3rd Annual Parker Boys’ Golf Outing to Benefit the Parker Boys’ Scholarship Fund at The Fessenden School

Monday, September 27, 2010 Renaissance Golf Club Haverhill, Massachusetts The 18-hole Brian Silva Signature golf course takes much design inspiration from the great Scottish links of the 19th century and landmark American layouts of the 1920s. Be sure to check www.fessenden.org for more information about the golf outing as the event date approaches!

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Annual Fund Ahead of Last Year 2009-10 Annual Fund Highlights as of March 31, 2010: Goal: $1,400,000 $1,258,000 in cash and pledges: an increase of $111,000 from last year 900 donors: an increase of 7% $1,017,000 in Red & Gray Society leadership giving: an increase of 9% 37% of parents have increased their gifts 304 alumni donors: a 14% increase from last year

Year after year, members of the Fessenden community provide philanthropic support to enhance the School’s faculty, students and programs. Crucial to preserving and strengthening the unique quality of a Fessenden education is the ongoing generosity and participation of our parents, alumni, grandparents and friends in the Annual Fund. Most importantly, the Annual Fund helps to support the faculty’s passion for bringing out the best in boys. Each gift is a vote of confidence in our people and programs. Thank you. If you have made a gift or pledge to the 2009-10 Annual Fund, thank you. If you would like to make a gift, you may do so online at www.fessenden.org or you may contact Henry Lapham, the Associate Director of Institutional Advancement, at hlapham@fessenden.org or 617-630-2310.

Why is the Annual Fund So Important Voluntary gifts received from Fessenden families, alumni, and friends represent approximately 10% of the School’s net revenue. Tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating a Fessenden student, and total tuition dollars represent 74% of the operating budget. The balance is met through a combination of annual giving, endowment income, and revenue from auxiliary programs.

How are Annual Fund Dollars Spent? FACULTY COMPENSATION—The Board of Trustees is committed to enhancing salary and

benefits for the School’s faculty and staff, the largest single component of the operating budget. This strategic priority will allow Fessenden to continue to attract and retain the best possible faculty who understand and are committed to all-boys education. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT—The School provides funds for professional growth

opportunities every year so that teachers can benefit from practical experiences relating to their disciplines. Projects funded in recent years include advanced coursework, travel, and attendance in a variety of conferences and workshops from math and writing skills to diversity awareness. SCHOLARSHIP—The Board of Trustees and administration believe that the entire School

community is enriched when Fessenden provides financial assistance to students who benefit from and contribute to the life of the School regardless of their families’ financial circumstances. The Annual Fund helps make it possible for Fessenden to maximize the financial aid budget in order to meet the needs of incoming families, returning families and those families whose financial situations change while their sons are attending the School. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY AND PARTICIPATION!


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President of the Board Brian Conway and Karen Conway, Trustee Dr. Christopher Howard and Barbara Howard, and Headmaster Peter Drake and Nancy Drake with Campaign Co-Chair Bill Curtin and Campaign Co-Chair and Trustee Renée Curtin and Campaign Co-Chair and Trustee Ian Loring and Campaign Co-Chair Isabelle Loring at the Character & Community campaign announcement event in March.

On March 5, 2010, Fessenden announced Character & Community: The

Campaign for Fessenden’s Endowment during a community celebration on campus. The campaign seeks to raise $25 million to ensure Fessenden’s future by providing permanent support for improved faculty compensation and increased financial aid offerings. To learn more about this initiative, visit the “Character & Community” section of the Fessenden website or contact the Office of Advancement at (617) 630-2304 or endow@fessenden.org.

Photography by Bob Bullard

To see more photographs from the event or a video of keynote speaker Dr. Christopher Howard’s remarks, please visit the “Character & Community” section of the Fessenden website at www.fessenden.org.

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Len Rubenstein Photography



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Special Announcement FEBRUARY 1, 2010

In February, this announcement was sent electronically to all members of the Fessenden community for whom we have e-mail addresses. It is included in the Red & Gray to be sure that the entire Fessenden community received the announcement.

Special Announcement From the Headmaster & President of the Board of Trustees


the work of the Board of Trustees, which has provided exceptional gover-

I am writing to inform you that I will conclude my career as Headmaster

sions related to the daily operation of the school, yet have always been

I believe that among the greatest accomplishments during my tenure is nance of the school. The Trustees have appropriately deferred to me deci-

of The Fessenden School in June 2011. As many of you know, I was ini-

there to lend support when I have needed counsel regarding policy issues.

tially appointed Interim Headmaster and accepted the offer to become

The Board has been generous in every respect, making decisions that are

standing headmaster in November 2005. Subsequently, at the beginning

aligned with Fessenden’s mission. There is transparency in the Board’s

of my second year, I committed to serving as the permanent headmaster

communication with the community, and key strategic financial decisions

through June 2010, with consideration of continuing through June 2011.

have put Fessenden in an enviable position today.

I have chosen to fulfill my commitment to Fessenden at the end of next year. By giving notice of my departure a year and a half in advance, I

It has been gratifying and inspiring to participate in the evolution of a

hope to position the school most advantageously as it begins its search

strategic plan to meet the future needs of the school in the areas of faculty

for my successor.

compensation, financial stability and curriculum development. To my successor, I hope to leave a school that has made significant progress in

The past four and a half years have been extraordinarily fulfilling for

increasing its endowment in support of these priorities. As you know, we

Nancy and me, and I am hard-pressed to express satisfactorily my grati-

formally launch our endowment campaign, Character & Community,

tude for the privilege of being part of this vibrant community. From my

early next month and I am excited by the opportunity to be part of this en-

first opening day on campus in September 2005, I was mesmerized by

deavor for the next seventeen months.

the boys’ energy and enthusiasm, beginning at drop-off in the morning and continuing through pick-up at the end of the school day. The twenty-

As I anticipate my remaining service to Fessenden, I am eager to put

four hour commitment to the boys in the residential sector carries into

everything in place to make my successor’s transition occur seamlessly.

the non-residential sphere, creating an ethos of adults caring for and

Nancy and I look forward to our continuing time with the Fessenden

supporting boys from kindergarten onward.

community, all of us working creatively, yet never losing sight of Fes-

At the heart of any successful school operation is its faculty and staff. In

and will continue to be an honor and privilege to be associated with this

this respect I have been blessed with a team of individuals possessing a

exceptional community and school.

senden’s overriding goal — “Bringing Out the Best in Boys.” It has been

unique understanding of how boys “tick” and a passion for working with them to provide the foundation for their personal and academic growth.


Fessenden has an enviable blend of experienced and younger faculty and staff, each one of them indefatigable in their work ethic and commitment to the boys. To augment the existing faculty who were in place upon my

Peter P. Drake

arrival, an exceptionally talented group of new faculty and administrators


have joined them, all of whom are providing leadership and stability that will be a huge asset to my successor. In my mind, Fessenden’s commitment to putting the boys’ needs “front and center” could not be emulated in another setting.

Special Announcement


tool to enhance the curriculum and build community. Fessenden recently completed its AISNE reaccreditation and will soon receive the evaluative

With Peter Drake’s decision to retire from Fessenden in June 2011, I write on behalf of the Board of Trustees to express our deep gratitude to

report. Peter’s timing will allow him to lead the response and lay the groundwork for Fessenden’s next headmaster.

Peter and Nancy for their extraordinary commitment to the school since 2005. The Board was pleased in 2005 when Peter agreed to serve as

We will miss Peter’s warm and energetic leadership and both Peter and

Headmaster after several months as an interim headmaster. Today we are

Nancy’s devotion to the boys. They have become an important part of the

very grateful that Peter has agreed to extend his tenure a sixth year,

Fessenden community. Whether greeting families at drop-off, cheering on

through the 2010-11 academic year.

the sidelines of athletic contests (and coaching in Nancy’s case), enjoying the boys’ plays and concerts, hosting boarding students for a night of

Fessenden has made great progress under Peter’s leadership. Peter brought a renewed focus on the value of single-sex education, particularly for boys, through emphasis on the school’s mission, faculty focus on the

games and snacks, traveling to visit alumni and parents in the United States and internationally, Peter and Nancy embraced the Fessenden community from their first day on campus.

education of boys, and a renewed emphasis on the heart of Fessenden’s mission, “Bringing Out the Best in Boys.” He has guided the implementa-

Typical of Peter’s wise approach to school matters, he decided to give the

tion of our Strategic Plan, making faculty compensation a top priority; the

school the benefit of early notice, to allow the Board ample time to select

average teacher’s salary has increased 23% since 2005, and Fessenden

a worthy successor. The Board has asked Trustee Rob Dickey to chair

has risen from the bottom quartile relative to select comparable schools to

and form a search committee and has engaged the consulting firm of Gre-

above the median, and is continuing to improve. Additionally, as part of

gory Floyd & Associates to manage a national search. One of the benefits

Fessenden’s compensation initiatives, Peter championed improvements to

of starting early is that we will be able to run a thoughtful and inclusive

the faculty and staff retirement plan. The amount of financial aid avail-

process. The Fessenden community will have opportunities to provide

able for families has risen, especially important in the recent months. The

input and will be kept informed regularly of the search’s progress. In the

Annual Fund has exceeded $1 million annually. Enrollment has remained

meantime the Board is committed to the school’s priorities and is confi-

strong, including throughout the recession.

dent in the continued progress to be made working with Peter as he completes his leadership of Fessenden.

Peter has focused on recruiting and key hires, and has made important additions to the administration and faculty, while simultaneously imple-


menting a thorough and ongoing evaluation process for faculty and staff. Secondary school placement has been very successful, with boys earning places at top schools on their lists. Peter has made technology a priority,

Brian J. Conway

and the faculty has integrated SMART Boards, iPods and laptops into the

President, Board of Trustees

curriculum. The school has also been a leader in using its website as a

Visit the Fessenden website at www.fessenden.org and click on “Headmaster Search” in the “About Us” column for updates on the progress of Fessenden's search for a new Headmaster.

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