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Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti United League Of Indigenous Nations Treaty Member - since 2007



“Pupuritia Te Mana O Hauiti”

Ruakapanga - Hauiti Marae 3pm, Tuesday 28 September – 1pm Friday 08 October 2010 1 Slight variations to this program may occur

TE AITANGA-A-HAUITI - WANANGA-A-IWI E Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, as you return to your Mountains & Rivers from all corners of Aotearoa, have a safe and care-free journey - All roads lead to Hauiti! “….e karanga ake ana, kia hoki ana pae-maunga - ki te whakamakohakoha… ki te whakamähea i te wairua, kia puta ake ano i te uma-piri o te hau-kainga…” Hauiti Wananga

Nga Mahi Wananga Sponsorship Liaison Wananga Coordination Wananga Administration Networks Wananga Adviser/s Workshop/s 1 – 4, 6 – 10, 14, 17 - 20 Workshop 5 Workshop 7 Workshop 9 Workshop 11 Workshop 12 Workshop 13 Workshop 14 Workshop 15 Workshop 16 Workshop 19 Tamariki (friendly) Activities Workshop 1, 3 & 9 Workshop 11 & 16 Workshop 13 & 15 Workshop 18 Workshop 5 & AGM (at these times) Tamariki colouring competition

Hauiti Wananga

GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Please attend Pohiri - if you have not been to Hauiti Marae for over one year. 2. Breakfast 8am – 8.30am daily 3. 5pm – 6pm watea (free-time) daily 4. Hauiti & Mangaheia Incorporation AGM: 2nd Oct, Wananga to adjourn till 2pm 5. Wananga Registrations Forms: to be distributed on the day. 6. Wananga Evaluation Forms: to be distributed on the day. 7. Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti Iwi, Hapu, Marae & Whanau registrations will be available. 8. Tamariki also learn at wananga, under their parents and whanau supervision.

2 Slight variations to this program may occur

He Patai: Tui Marino 0800 943 682 - Txt 027 636 119, manawapou@xtra.co.nz WEEK ONE – SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES (W1 = Workshop 1 etc) Date Tuesday 28 Sept Whakatau Wednesday 29 Sept


Time 3pm 5pm 6.30pm 9.30am


Workshop Activities Pohiri – Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti kei te whenua / ao Kapu tii / Settle in / Wananga Register Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session Ko nga hua o Ruakapanga (he korero) W1 - the gifts of Ruakapanga • mara/tötöwahi/ko/kura/kaunoti/kakahu mara/mauri/oko/powaiwai

Evening Session/s Pae-Tapu: Hei whakatau, whakamarama Waiata: ‘Hui mai ra’

Ko nga hua o Pourangahua (he korero) - the gifts of Pourangahua • tukutuku/tuitui/aropaki

Carvings & Panels in Ruakapanga

Thursday 30 Sept


Friday 01 Oct DAY 3

Saturday 02 Oct


Ko nga heke o Rua (he korero) - the painted rafters of Rua


Ko nga Manu-tukutuku - the woven bird panels • tukutuku/tuitui /aropaki

6pm 7.30pm 9.30am 2pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Waiata: Tangaroa-Hauiti Whakapapa

Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session Ko nga Whai-wawe-o-Rua (he korero rehia) - the strings of Rua W3 • tukutuku patterns


Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session He kupu-korero a te hakä o Hauiti Hingangaroa = Iranui Taua – Mahaki-Ewe-Karoro - Hauiti Marukakoa – Makihoi Ko Whakapaupakihi - Pueru Maku Kahukuranui – Tautini – Te Ao Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session Incorporations AGM Hui, (The wananga will adjourn)

Relating the Workshop activity to the

Followed by: Comments / Queries

Ko nga whakapaepae o Rua - the weaving of Rua • käheru/kono/konae 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Whanau personal introductions W2 Kaupapa



Relating the Workshop activity to the Carvings & Panels in Ruakapanga Followed by: Comments / Queries Waiata: Tangaroa-Hauiti Whakapapa W5



Tereanini, Horouta & Takitimu Carvings & Panels in Ruakapanga Followed by: Comments / Queries W8



Pohiri: The Waharoa Carver/s W7 Waiata: Whiti 5 (Ruakapanga Whakapapa)

Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti Iwi Traditional History Report Progress


Powerpoint: Te Waharoa (Carving Project)

Followed by: Comments / Queries

6pm 7.30pm

Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session

Waiata: Tangaroa-Hauiti Whakapapa

3 Slight variations to this program may occur



Ako-waiata W9 - learn 3 short waiata, korero a hakä. 1. Ko Titirangi anei te maunga [He pepeha] 2. Hau Kainga 3. Nga Ringa-wera [mihi to ‘the cooks’] 4. Nga korero a te hakä.


5pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Watea (free-time) Kai a te Po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session Ako kupu & mahi-a-ringa - Learn ‘one action’ song of Hauiti

Followed by: Comments / Queries

5pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Watea (free-time) Kai a te po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session To tatou tino hakä

1pm DAY 5

Monday 04 Oct


Traditional Histories reflected in Ruakapanga Tipuna Whare


W12 Kaupapa A tatou Kapa-hakä Tell us about your journey Who were the founders of the kapa? What inspired the kapa beginnings? What are the goals of the kapa? What is the primary kaupapa of the kapa? Where to after Te Matatini?




Tuesday 05 Oct



Te taki-haere a nga kupu A brief history of Karaitiana Tuketenui

Wednesday 06 Oct DAY 8

Thursday 07 Oct

5pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Watea (free-time) Kai a te po – Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po – Evening session Te taki-haere a nga kupu: W15 The ‘rhythm & pace’ of the ‘Hauiti’ hakä


Learn an ‘action song’ of Hauiti cont..

5pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

Watea (free-time) Kai a te Po - Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po - Evening session Ko nga Whai-wawe-o-Rua (he korero a rehia) - the strings of Rua W18 • köwhaiwhai patterns Ko nga awa o Pou, o Ruakapanga (he korero) - the karakia of Pourangahua and Ruakapanga Te tötöwahi o Ruakapanga, Ko te Oko-rau o Rua - the Sacred-bowl implements of Rua • Oko/tapa/powaiwai

11am DAY 9

Friday 08 Oct

1pm 6pm 7.30pm 9.30am

DAY 10 12am




The Waiata for Karaitiana Tuketenui


Kai a te po - Evening Dinner Nga korero a tënei Po - Evening session Complete wananga evaluation form W20 Summary Discussion To set the next wananga date He mihi, he karakia hei hiki i te wananga

Kaupapa The Way Forward

Ka Hiki Te Wananga Wananga Ends

Hei kai / All clean & tidy Marae

4 Slight variations to this program may occur

Me hoki ki nga kainga-noho / Traveling home

5 Slight variations to this program may occur

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