MHS Line O Type Student Newspaper March 2020

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Page 3.........State of the Coronavirus Page 2.........COVID-19 steals the news Page 6-7.....MHS gets musical Page 9 ........”All Shook Up” Page 12 .....Special Olympics success story

March 20, 2020

Volume 103, Issue 5 The cast of the spring musical “All Shook Up” performs one of its colorful dance and music numbers. Photo by Eve Strasser



March 20, 2020

Moline High School planning for Coronavirus By: Charlie Poor LO’T News Editor

Our school is abuzz with talk of COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus. Everybody is wondering if the virus will reach us out here in Moline, and if it does, how will our school react? Dr. Rachel Savage, superintendent of the Moline-Coal Valley School District, responded to our request for comment. While not stating directly the dis-

trict’s plans to respond to a local outbreak, Dr. Savage made it clear that district officials are preparing for all eventualities. In a recent email to all staff, Dr. Savage wrote that “For now, we are monitoring attendance weekly.” A high number of students staying home could indicate a possible outbreak, or it could mean that parents are afraid to expose their children. Dr. Savage continued, writing that “We are also taking

guidance from the CDC, IASA, and the County Health Dept. We are also following the Board of Education policy and procedures associated with Pandemic Preparedness.” Ending her statement, Dr. Savage stated that a public communication to parents will be released soon, hopefully by next week, so keep your eyes peeled for updates from school officials. An internal memo from the Illinois

State Board of Education reveals further information. The choice of closing school or not rests at the district level, with input from the Illinois

teaching using an online video-chat app called Zoom for his lectures and to communicate with his students. The app even allows for live polls to simulate a real classroom experience by engaging the students. Huang expressed to his students that the new online teaching format was a great learning experience. Not only did the students have to adapt to a new form of learning, but he stated that many of them would be using similar technology for professional work in the future. Although some see the move to online teaching as a reasonable

move, many are still frustrated with the switch. Many classes relied on in-person interaction as a basis such as engineering work or lab testing. Students are unable to attend these labs and feel as though they’re wasting away their time by staying and learning in their dorms or at home. Many of those who were forced to travel home feel cheated out of an education they paid for. Matthew Rascoff, the leader of digital education and innovation at Duke University recently talked to USA Today where he referred to these colleges plans as “Band-aid solutions, but that’s better

than nothing.” Whether they like it or not, students are facing a harsh reality that while the Coronavi-

Dept. of Public Health (IDPH). Interestingly though, wording in the memo implies that, “in the event that there is widespread transmis-

sion of COVID-19,” districts may fall back on “e-learning” programs. Still, right now is early enough in the virus’ trajectory that it is too early.

Image of Moline High School from Vicki Wassenhove

How schools are handling the Coronavirus By: Samuel Schwartz LO’T News Editor

With the World Health Organization officially declaring the Coronavirus a pandemic, many schools are taking action to keep up with schooling while also attempting to prevent the spread of the virus. Many colleges have decided to move towards online classing in an attempt to still provide students with an education. Colleges in California were some of the first do try to handle the problem. Alvin Huang, an associate professor of architecture at USC recently talked to the LA Times about the switch. He is

ing to change. I recently spoke with health teacher Marty Mahieu about what he thought of the “inevitable” switch to

ity of teachers to get their curriculum online; what he’s worried about is students falling behind. With some students not having access to the internet all the time, some students are unfortunately bound to fall behind. Such setbacks are going to be what the administration Stressed teen attempting to work on homework: has to conphoto provided by “Our Child Magazine” front when school is able rus is being contained, online schooling. He was to return to normal. their schooling is go- confident about the abil-

News March 20, 2020


Illinios time change legislation in the works

By: Larissa Horton LO’T News Editor

should become the default, but it seems there is an influential belief that the current time sys SB0533, the bill tem is not working for many proposing permanent Daypeople. light Savings Time in Illinois, Illinois’ measure has is currently making its way passed the state Senate, but through the state legislature. Filed by Bunker Hill Democrat the House has yet to approve. Even if it is approved by the Andy Manar, the bill was inspired by a civics project from House, however, the Uniform Time Act of 1966 means that a group of Carlinville High the law will have to go through School students. Congress as well before it can Advocates, such take effect. as the Carlinville students, Many other states for the time standardization are in line for approval as Illinois is attempting to adopt well, including Colorado, are bolstered by a study by Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, the University of Colorado Minnesota, Missouri, North Boulder that shows a 6% inCarolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, crease in fatal car crashes in South Carolina, Texas, Utah, the week after the change to and Vermont, per ABC News. Daylight Savings Time. The study estimates as well that ap- Currently, Hawaii and Arizona, proximately “28 fatal accidents with the exception of the Navajo Nation, are the only could be prevented yearly if US states that do not observe the DST transition was abolany regular time changes. ished.” Both have instead chosen to There is contention function on Standard Time as to whether Standard Time year-round. or Daylight Savings Time

The clock pictured here represents the debate about whether states should continue to support Daylight Savings Time or pass legislation to function on Standard Time year-round. . Photo courtesy of Benjamin Miller.

Moline Food Assistance

Grab and Go meal pick-up information: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm at: Wilsom Middle School - Cafeteria door John Deere Middle School - Cafeteria door Bicentennial Elementary - Northeast parking lot door


Editorial March 20, 2020

Staying positive in the midst of COVID-19 crisis By: Maya Gonzalez and Aubrie Mozingo LO’T Editors in Chief

The headlines seem to be all the same: “The Coronavirus is spreading,” “The Coronavirus is now affecting over 100 countries,” “No more eating in at restaurants due to the Coronavirus.” In the face of such negative news, it can be extremely easy to fall into feelings of despair and hopelessness, and mass media is playing the Coronavirus like it is the start of an apocalypse. The world seems to be slowly closing down, and it feels like only a matter of time before government-mandated quarantines reach the U.S. As seniors hoping to take part in the usual festivities, it is especially discouraging, as the uncertainty of the virus and its effects make most future events completely up in the air. Senior countdown, senior skip day, convocation, NHS ceremonies, sports banquets, Thespian activities, Prom, and, most importantly, the ever illusive graduation ceremony. These events are staples of Senior year, yet it is unknown whether these activities will come to play. The suspension of life as we know it has brought many actions that people would have once never participated in. The fear caused by COVID-19 has led people to isolate themselves, cut off communication with close family and friends, and hoard household staples such as toilet paper, bottled water, and baby formula. With this doomsday mindset many have boxed themselves into, it is next to impossible for many to find any positives in life or see the point in continuing on when the situation just appears to be getting progressively worse with no end in sight. Keeping up to date with developments on the Coronavirus is vital, but the overconsumption of this media can be extremely harmful to any positive feelings that have the potential to bloom. In the face of a great uncertainty, constantly checking the news and allowing yourself to be deceived by exaggerated headlines and

data can only contribute to feelings of discouragement. Realistically, how are we expected to remain positive in a time that is dominated by pessimistic opinions and unsavory endings? During your extended spring break, we want to challenge students to look past the negative news and focus more heavily on the small aspects in life that are usually overlooked in our day-to-day routines. Instead of looking at depressing Coronavirus memes on your Instagram

Empty hallway as students are sent home to quarantine. Photo courtesy of Lo’T

feed, maybe try a little introspection by writing in a journal or posting your favorite quotes on sticky-notes around your room. Little encouragements can have a great impact on your overall thinking when you allow them to. Included below is a compilation of the activities that we find to be the most helpful when we’re feeling discouraged: 1. Making an art project (doesn’t have to be

big if you don’t want it to be, doodling goes a long way :)) 2. Spending time with family (whether it be a family game night or just sitting down to watch a movie, anything you do with family will be appreciated by everyone involved) 3. Writing a short story or reflecting on your day in a journal (letting go of your negative feelings in a neutral space can help you focus on more optimistic thoughts) 4. Taking part in online events (many organizations have recently been putting out fun challenges) 5. Doing a puzzle (Allowing your mind to be distracted by a stimulating task can be extremely beneficial. Plus, you get to see a beautiful picture in the end!) 6. Take a walk (enjoy some fresh air!) 7. Treating yourself to your favorite snack (Hey, you deserve it every once in a while!) 8. Play with your animals (Cats, rats, dogs, birds, hamsters, turtles… whatever makes you happy!) 9. Clean your living space (a cleaner living space makes you happier and healthier) 10. Call your friends (Let them know you love them!) 11. Smile often! (It is proven that when you smile, you experience more positive feelings!) Keeping yourself occupied with leisurely activities can make time in quarantine pass by in an instant and distract us from the constant influx of negative media flooding our senses. While it’s important to listen to experts, you also need to make sure you don’t get bogged down by it all. As Greek philosopher Epictetus once proclaimed, “seek not the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life.”




March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020


Tech week becomes less of a hassle Moline sends 7 musicians to All-State By: Ella Godreis LO’T Focus Editor

have seen the facility before and after the construction are overwhelmingly happy with the new additions. Senior Abbi Freymann says “that the new makeup room [has] more space and better

Tech week is one of the most important weeks of the show process. Before the Bartlette family donated money for the new performing arts facility, the M H S theater was not the best. T h e advantages we have for tech w e e k now are astronomical c o m pared to the old system because of the n e w technologies opened up to the theatre department. T h e Crew helping bring out props to the stage light and Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Koski soundboard are more advanced. lighting” that will help We have intercoms and with better stage makeup. TVs to show and hear “Dressing rooms have what is going on back- a slight disadvantage stage. When building the because when you open facility, sound engineers the doors it’s a straight were hired to ensure that shot [inside. But, they] voices on stage could be won’t have the possibilheard in the back just ity of getting flooded as well as in the front. because they aren’t in the Seniors that basement anymore. There

were potential fire hazards in the old facility but everything is more up to code.” Ben Klocke said, “Everything is more accessible. Lights and sound are better to communicate with during Tech week. The old aud was the first full experience with theater.” He also sarcastically adds, “I miss the asbest o s . ” Another senior involved w i t h theatre, Z a c h McCloud reminisces saying, “The old aud was more special because [that’s where] we got introduced to actual theater and it felt like it was taken away from us because we didn’t get to live out the full experience in the old facility. We are very grateful for the grant because we did need an upgrade. I still love the old aud though.” At the end of the day, it has to be recog-

nized by everyone how privileged Moline is

that we get to use such a great facility like the

Bartlett. That’s why it’s so important it gets kept

Going way back to October, many students from moline in choir, band, and orchestra auditioned to be in the ILMA Senior District groups. They played or sang sections from pieces, sight-reading, and scales. One song to get into the district group, the other to get into the All-State group. A lot of people made it into the district groups from moline, but an exceptional amount made it into All-State. All-State groups are composed of the top performers in each section of the Chorus, Band, and Orchestra, and this year Moline sent 7 students to

Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Koski

Props crew painting pedastals for the mueseum scene Photo Courtesy of Mrs. Koski

By: Emily Biesterfeld LO’T Focus Editor

clean, and when people are in there it should be because of a fine arts-related program and not to just mess around. The Bartlett is going to allow all of our theatre productions, especially the musicals, to become more advanced and improved. We, as a school, will be able to look back and be proud of all the new experiences we got to have from the Bartlett Center.

All-State. They were: Nic Yates (Jr., Chorus), Amira Siddique (Sr., Chorus), Bryn Callahan (Sr., Chorus), Natalie Hansen (Jr., Band), Elise Benson (Jr., Band), Joe Lobb, who also made 2nd Chair for Honors All-State (Sr., Band), and finally Aiden Perry (Jr., Orchestra). For most of the juniors that attended, it was their first year going to All-State. As for most things you do for the first time, it was pretty scary or intimidating to say the least. Perry described the environment as being surrounded by “prodigies” who were just used to being surrounded by talented people. Just as it was intimidating, it was stressful. But for Hansen,

this just meant “[she] will work harder to be a better musician [in the future].” Overall, though, everyone was very excited to be there and to be recognized as a top performer for our district, and to have the privilege to work with the directors, who are “knowledgeable and exciting,” according to Callahan. Over the recent years, in other areas, students have seen a decline in the Talented musicians posing for the camera importance of Photo Courtesy of Natalie Hansen fine arts at their schools. Many smaller schools don’t fundraise on [their] own even have the to help cover costs… resources at the marching band just their school to recently got new unibe able to audi- forms, the first time in tion for ILMEA. over 30 years. New uniAnd while it may forms should be bought seem that Moline after every 10 or so cares a lot about years.” He explains that Music educa- he is frustrated with the tion because of way sports are obviously things like the favored over the music Bartlett Center, program. Truthfully, our many of the All- music students are killing State musicians it and they have made a hold the opposite lot of achievements that opinion. Perry should be recognized. explains that the Yates also shares this teachers, Mr. opinion, saying, “I wish Morton and Mrs. that we got noticed just as Callahan are the much as other extra curones to thank for riculars.” This year, Yates being prepared. transferred from Rocky He says “I don’t to Moline, and even he think Moline has felt underappreciated necessarily cares as a maroon musician. about our music What’s even more disprogram… stu- appointing, is that some dents have had to teachers aren’t support-

Music In Our Schools Month

ive of the fine arts program and its students. Hansen explains that she had trouble with s o m e of her teachers when she told t h e m she was going to be gone for practice, or even t h e days of AllState. Objectively, that shouldn’t be something a teacher should be annoyed about, afterall, it’s the students job to stay on track in class when balancing extracurriculars. Even so, teachers should be the ones paving the way to being prideful of our musicians. They should be excited for students, like they are for sports victories. Generally, everyone should be very proud of all of our music students. I hope that for those that read this article learn to appreciate the things our music student are capable of. And, hopefully, this Focus session will serve as the recognitions the musicians deserve.

8 Entertainment March 20, 2020

The continuation of the hit movie “A Quiet Place”

By: Phineas Van Vooren LO’T Entertainment Editor

With “A Quiet Place” doing outstandingly well in 2018 it was bound for a sequel or prequel to come out in the near future, and it is with the name of the new movie being “A Quiet Place 2”. This new movie takes place right after the first one had ended. In the trailer it shows brief moments of the characters before the beasties arrived. In this new movie there are some new faces, such as Cillian Murphy

who appears to play the act as the good guy who had helped save the family from the aliens and Djimon Hounsou who is an acquaintance of Cillian Murphy. In this new sequel it seems to be that the family won’t just be afraid of the aliens but humans as well,but Hopefully with the death of the dad the viewers can see more roles played by the mom. Although there survival may also be more difficult due to the baby being born. The reason for this is Cillian’s char-

acter in the trailer says the director says “I’m long it may hurt the out“the rule of law has col- going to wait to release come of viewers for the lapsed”. Cillian could the film until we can all movie, but John Krasinbe the new father figure see it together”. If the ski also adds into that for the kids because of wait on this movie is too last statement with “See their dad’s death when trying to save his kid. Although in this movie the viewer may be able to see what their dad was like before the invasion of the aliens through flashbacks as shown in the trailer. The movie was March 20, 2020, but that has officially been suspended as Picutre of the characters courtesy of CBR

you soon!” and with that hopefully the movie won’t be delayed for too long of a time.

Lil Uzi Vert’s “Eternal Atake” is Out of This World By: Henry Neff LO’T Entertainment Editor

Symere Woods, born on July 31, 1994, is known professionally as Lil Uzi Vert, and is an American rapper, singer and songwriter. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Lil Uzi gained initial recognition following the release of the commercial mixtape Luv Is Rage (2015), which led to a recording contract with Atlantic Records. He then attracted mainstream attention following the release of his debut single “Money Longer” in 2016, which peaked at number 54 on the Billboard Hot 100, and later became certified double platinum. Following the release of his final mixtape, Lil Uzi Vert Vs. the World, Lil Uzi began work on what would become his debut studio album, Luv is Rage 2. This album debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 and was certified platinum. This album contained his first top ten single “XO Tour Llif3”, which peaked at number 7. Fans then eagerly awaited his second studio album, which was hinted at in 2018 with his hit single, By: Henry Neff “New Patek”. However, to the fans dismay, in January LO’T Entertainment Editor of 2019, Lil Uzi announced that he was quitting music and wanted to be “normal” again. This shocked the rap

and hip/hop community as Uzi was loved by so many. Lil Uzi Vert then went silent for the next 3 months until the release of two new singles, “That’s a Rack”, and it’s extremely popular counterpart, “Sanguine Paradise”. Then in early 2020, to many of his fans’ surprise, Uzi announced the release date and tracklist for his up and coming album, Eternal Atake. After more than 3 years of waiting, on March 6, 2020, Eternal Atake was released. Lil Uzi’s second studio album skyrocketed to the top of the Apple Music charts, and contained very popular tracks such as “Baby Pluto”, and “Lo Mein”. The album also contained the sequel to the infamous “XO Tour Llif3” under the name “P2”. The deluxe edition is also rumored to be realesing very soon, which is said to contain 14 never before heard tracks. According to Pitchfork, “The Philly rapper has evolved into an untouchable pop artist in sound and style. With deliriously good rapping and immaculate production, Uzi makes an event album live up to its name.” Despite the talk of his retirement in early 2019, Lil Uzi is back and sounding as good as ever. With Eternal Atake finally released, fans can only wonder what it next for Lil Uzi Vert.



By: Cecilia Ortega L’OT Feature Co-Editor


This past week MHS Theatre put on another successful production with the musical “All Shook Up.” The show featured some of Elvis Presley’s most famous songs like “Blue Suede Shoes” and “Jailhouse Rock.” Opening night was a big success thanks to the hard work of the cast, crew, and pit orchestra. The lead roles were Nicholas Yates and Krianna Walljasper who played Chad and Natalie. Yates is a new addition to MHS Theatre from Rock Island High School but he seems to have adjusted well to the new stage. Chad, the mysterious stranger, arrives at Sylvia’s, bringing life to the dull town, and Natalie immediately falls for him. Chad ignores Natalie after she tries to tell him her feelings so she dresses like a boy and becomes Ed to get close to him. At the same time, Dennis, played by Keith Glass, is trying to confess his feelings to Natalie before he leaves for dental school. While Natalie or rather Ed is chasing after Chad, he has instead fallen for Miss Sandra, played by Kayla Veto, the owner of the new museum. Miss Sandra is an intellectual and does not

Feature March 20, 2020



fall for Chad’s womanizer ways, instead falling for “Ed” after she reads her a Shakespearean sonnet sent by Chad. As soon as Mayor Matilda, played by Kate Schaechter, hears about the new trouble maker in town breaking her no “loud music, public necking, and tight pants” rules she threatens to arrest him but not before she splits up her son Dean and Lorraine, a lower-class girl. The second act has some funny but unexpected twists and ends in a triple wedding where even the evil mayor gets a happy ending. This is a musical full of love triangles and love confessions set to the tunes of Elvis’ most famous songs. This production had some of the best talent MHS has to offer. There is no question that Walljasper and Yates were amazing leads, both being very talented actors and singers. One of the running jokes was that a character burst into “One Night With You” whenever they fell in love with one of the characters, which was quite often, and it added a lot of comedic effect to the show. Another memorable moment was the scene in the museum with the statues. Veto sang “Let Yourself Go” with an ensemble of Roman statues and it was one of the most visually pleasing scenes in the show because of the costumes

Top left: Yates and Walljasper on stage as Chad and Natalie fixing Chad’s motorbike. Courtesty of Cecilia Ortega. Top right: Schaechter, Valle, and Douglas as Mayor Matilda, Dean, and Earl complaing about the indecency of the town after Chad’s arrival. Courtesy of Cecilia Ortega. Bottome left: Glass as Dennis trying to stop Natalie from falling for Chad’s charms. Courtesty of Cecilia Ortega.





and light design. Schaechter stole the show with her rendition of Mayor Matilda. She had some of the most memorable lines and her performance of “Devil in Disguise” left the audience wanting more of her. No show is perfect so some mistakes were expected, but they were very minor errors. During “Let Yourself Go” Veto’s mic had a malfunction and let out a screech that pierced the audience’s ears. Another complaint was that sometimes the actors were not loud enough and they could not be heard over the pit. Overall, it was a great show with few distractions. Due to Governor Pritzker announcing that schools would be shut down, the Friday and Saturday shows had to be canceled. This was met with sadness from all the actors and crew since they had worked very hard for 6 weeks. Luckily they are planning a viewing party of a previously recorded performance with a few live performances for the people that were unable to see the show. This is the last production of the year but you can still catch the actors one last time in the One Acts Festival on April 25th!

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By: Guadalupe Cuellar LO’T Feature Reporter

SmartPass: an innovative solution for the traditional hall pass... or is it? For the past few weeks, MHS has undertaken a trial of a modernized take on a hall pass: SmartPass, an electronic hall pass system for schools claiming to promote a secure, safe, and convenient way to account for students in the hallway, which can be extremely useful in a time in which school shootings are prevalent. There’s no doubt that the original intention of SmartPass was meant to keep students safe


Feature March 20, 2020


but the execution of it has led to several issues and inconveniences. First off, in order for a student to be allowed to leave the classroom, let’s say for the bathroom, they’ll need to take out their Chromebook or phone, wait until it’s approved by their teacher, once approved scurry to the bathroom and back in order to make it back in time before the timer runs out. Additionally, SmartPass requires that teachers stay glued to their computer screens at all times in order to decrease the chances of missing a student’s request. Just to get a

glimpse of what the reality of SmartPass is through a student’s point of view, we interviewed a student who was very familiar with the process of SmartPass. They state, “ I hate SmartPass. Where I could’ve asked a teacher to go to the bathroom and



come right back, I now need to fill out a pass, wait until it’s approved and have five minutes to walk, do my business, walk back, and then end my pass is more than excessive. Not only is this hard on students but teachers now have to go through such an arduous task.


It’s not even convenient (or at least in my case) because it takes up more time to make a smart pass than just a paper pass. I just wanted to blow my nose and I had to fill out a pass twice for that.” In reality, SmartPass has great motives behind it how-


ever when it comes to utilizing it, it can be more of a hassle than a convenience. The trial run will end before spring break and with the amount of complaints from both students and teachers it seems unlikely that the school will continue to use it.

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Sports March 20, 2020


Girls soccer looks to build on prior success By: Taylor Gilmore LO’T Sports Reportter

As the snow melts and the sun begins to shine brighter, Spring is approaching and Spring sports are just around the corner. Tryouts and practices for girls’ soccer have started as they prep for this upcoming season. With the West Gym under reconstruction and the Soccer Bowl not being accessible, the team has had to work around these changes by practicing at Coolidge ev- Girls soccer players practice ery day after school, both weather outside is bad. indoors and outside. Anoth- Photo cred: Ellie Rowell er additional change will course of pre-season, affectbe where games are played ing their capability to play and it has been confirmed this season. Senior Karima that the girls will host their Rangel is one such player games at Browning Field. and follows up on her recent Along with adjustinjury commenting, “It’s ing to field changes, some sad that I can’t play durof the players from last ing my senior year, but that year were injured over the doesn’t stop me from sup-



By Logan Sebben and Trevor Francque LO’t Sports Asst. Editors COVID - 19 has recently taken over the sports world. The MLB, NCAA, NHL, MLS and more have announced the suspensions of their seasons. This includes the popular men’s and women’s March Madness tournaments hosted by the NCAA. This news comes a day after Rudy Gobert, a Utah Jazz all-star, tested positive for the coronavirus. Later a teammate of his, Donovan Mitchel, has also tested positive for

the Lady Maroons have started off their season with a Maroon and White scrimmage on Thursday, March 12 and their first actual game Thursday, March 19 at Washington Community High School. Coaches are looking forward to this season as well with head Coach Jonathon indicating that “due to the inability to practice and play on our field, we will overcome these challenges as by rising to the occasion indoors at Coolidge when the and performing at our best despite the facilities.” Both the team and coaches have confidence that they have porting and motivating my the ability to do the best teammates to push harder. they can regardless of the We will have long weeks of difficulties. We look forpractice, but they will pay ward to supporting the girls off when we do well at our soccer team this season, games.” and they hope that students With the JV and and parents will take time Varsity teams determined to encourage them at their to have a successful season, games.

the coronavirus. He said, “Hopefully, people can continue to educate themselves and realize they need to behave responsibly both for their own health and the well-being of those around them.” Mitchell directed this at teammate Rudy Gobert, since he was reportedly touching other players’ equipment and belongings. The NBA was the first league to announce the suspension of the season and many others have taken their lead since.


NBA stars all over the league have shared their thoughts about the situation. Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry said “2020 aint it. Don’t know what to compare this situation to… just gotta buckle up and take care of yourself and those around you. Basketball will be back at some point but right now, protect yourself and stay safe out there!” Along with this, IHSA state tournaments have been canceled completely, and in general, all high school athletics have been paused.


In the soccer world, the Champions League has postponed the second leg of the round of 16. Those games included Manchester City against Real Madrid and Juventes against Lyon. Right now the Summer Olympics are still a go, but like many other aspects of the ever-changing situation surrounding the coronavirus, that could change too. Hopefully this pandemic will end soon and the sports world can return to normal.


Sports March 20, 2020

Moline’s Special Olympics team ments, “We have played continues success Under the lead- Megan Mierzwa, Megan ership of Coaches Van- Woods, DaShaun Smith, at Wharton at halftime and Herzeele and Lyman, the and Christy Wright played have traveled to Rocky to basketball team has truly very well during a game play at halftime. For these They have domi- dominated. The team, con- against Rocky. There was athletes to experience a nated bowling. They have sisting of Brendan Ander- a lot of support from both packed [house of] Whardominated basketball. And now they are preparing to dominate track. MHS’ special olympics teams have done an outstanding job this year! They have won several games against fierce competitors and are playing at the state level. Head coach Holly VanHerzeele, MHS’ current special olympics head coach, took over the head coaching position here at Moline roughly three years ago after years of volunteer work with the organization at Black Hawk College, states that she enjoys “be[ing] a coach and mentor to these athletes.” She continues, “ I have been Members of the Special Olympics basketball team pose for a team picture. coaching for the past three Photo cred. Coach VanHerzeele years and [have] loved it.” Along with coach VanHerzeele, Mrs. Lyman has been son, Nathaniel Anderson, student groups that really ton [Fieldhouse fans] an assistant coach for six Breckin Hanson, Sean John- got the players pumping. cheering them on has been years. son, Dulce Lule, Liz Meeks, Coach VanHerzeele com- a ‘dream come true.’” By:Beyonce Gonzalez Sports Editor



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Unfortunately, the team was supposed to compete at the State Basketball tournament in Bloomington, but the tournament was recently

cancelled due to concerns about the coronavirus. However, the team did get

to compete in a final game on Friday, March 13 against members of the MHS boys and girls varsity teams in the East Gym. And while their advancement to state in basketball was certainly a great achievement, it wasn’t the first. Last summer, Sean Johnson, qualified to compete at the Summer Games State Track Meet in Bloomington Normal and placed 1st in the 100 meter and 200 meter. Breckin Hanson, also did well, placing 1st at the State Bowling Tournament in Peoria. Ultimately, Coach VanHerzeele hopes to see players, with or without deislabites, playing on the same team. She also is eager to recruit more students to play in other sports like volleyball and football. And on a final note, she expresses the need to eliminate discrimantion within all sports due to the fact that we can #choosetoinclude.

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