MHS LineOType December 2016

Page 1

The Line O’ Type

Page 4.........Be careful what you tweet, it might just come true Page 7..........What Share Joys shopping and the celebrations are all about Page 9.........100 years of Line O Type Holidays

December 16, 2016

Volume 100, Issue 3

Photo: Jenna Martel, Sam Adams, Janie Adams, Katie Anderson, Annie Mcguire eat donuts. Photo: Brandon Zetina


News December 16, 2016

Ohio State University suffers Trump rushing to appoint cabinet

By: Lily Glacklin of his family applied for from Columbus State and LO’T Reporter refugee status in the United complained about his strugOn the 28th of November, States. They were admitted gle to find a place to pray in Ohio State University suf- in 2014 with all seven be- peace as a Muslim. Many of fered a vicious attack. Abdul ing legal residents and green Artan’s friends were interviewed after the attack and Razak Ali Artan, an 18 year card holders today. Authorities are not sure were surprised about his acold student at Ohio State, ran his car into a crowd of pe- of Artan’s motive. While tions against the students at destrians and started chasing terrorism is not out of the Ohio State University. Although 11 were injured, them with a butcher knife. question, Ohio State PresiArtan was shot on campus dent Dr. Michael Drake has Ohio State did well in protecting by Ofas many f i c e r students Horuas posjko after sible via being social asked to media, stop and such as drop the Tw i t weapon. ter. StuA student dents that witgot to nessed safety t h e f a s t , shooting and the claimed u n i it took Abdul Razak Ali Artan wreacked havoc at Ohio State University . versity t h r e e Courtesy of CNN shots from the officer to take urged people to not jump to handled the situation as well Artan down. Artan’s attack conclusions. Investigators as they could. Professors, lasted two dreadful minutes have only found Facebook police, and students were posts in which Artan con- all trained properly, which and sent 11 to the hospital. Originally from Somalia, veyed his fear of praying in saved many lives on that Artan and seven members public. Abdul was a transfer nerve-racking morning.

By: Riya Jain nied the privilege of serving dents reappoint many if not LO’T Reporter as a federal judge for accusa- all members from the former Following his election on tions of being openly racist, president’s cabinet, PresiNovember 8th, President- for Attorney General. dent-elect Trump seems to be elect Donald Trump began The President-elect’s re- planning on bringing a fresh announcing his prospective curring controversial picks batch of faces to the adminpicks for the presidential even inspired an SNL skit in istration. As Trump releases cabinet. The names given so which “Breaking Bad” char- more and more names for his far have been quite bizarre acter Walter White is named cabinet, the public’s doubt and have heads turning. For example, Linda McMahon, the co-founder of WWE, was chosen as Administrator of Small Business Administration. In addition, Scott Pruitt, who does not believe in climate change and claims to be “a leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda” in his Oklahoma government bio, was chosen as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the same agency Pruitt has sued repeatedly. Trump’s other choices include Steve Bannon, a former naval officer with a history of anti-Semitism and white supremacy, for Chief Strategist; President-elect Trump has been meeting with potential cabinet memBetsy DeVos, an in- bers in his hotels inlcuding Trump Tower in Chicago shown in the experienced woman picture above. who has earned her- Courtesy of Wikipedia self the reputation of being an activas the head of the Drug En- grows. Of course, the Senate ist against public schooling, forcement Agency. Presi- will still have to approve all for Secretary of Education; dent-elect Trump is hastily of Trump’s nominations. The Nikki Haley, with no foreign assigning positions for his citizens of the U.S. will have policy experience, for Unit- cabinet with the second fast- to patiently observe what imed Nations Ambassador; and est pick rate since 1980. pacts the new administration Jeff Sessions, who was deWhile most past presi- will have on the country.



December 16, 2016

Million Women’s March: A peaceful protest By: Sanjana Yerrapothu LO’T Reporter On January 21st, the day after president-elect Donald Trump will be sworn into office as the 45th President, a million plus women plan on gathering in Washington D.C to protest Trump’s inauguration. The name given to the protest was originally “Million Women March on D.C”, but it changed to “Women’s March on Washington” shortly after because it received criticism for being similar to a historical protest in 1977 led by and for African American women. The group will be marching from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House. By peacefully protesting, the group wants to show its strength, courage, and disapproval of the new president and his belief towards women. The group hopes to make issues such as workplace discrimination and

join the others who support women’s rights in the peaceful march to the White House. The idea for this mass protest emerged on Facebook within the last few months. The organizers launched individual Facebook groups for individual states since a national page is unable to be made due to technical difficulties. Although the Facebook pages are gaining rapid popularity, the organizers of the event do not currently have a permit to facilitate their group in the National Mall. The original location of the Lincoln Memorial has been made unavailable for the group. The organizers believe that the march will continue, but they are uncertain on where the Protesters release propaganda to gain support. locale will be. The march has been denounced for its lack Courtesy of Feminist Current of structure. The original contributors towards this cause sexual assault towards women more visible. All females had little or no experience organizing when starting the regardless of backgrounds and ideologies are welcome to page. The group hopes to make a change and be heard.

Castro’s death evokes mixed emotions throughout the world

By: Grafton Carlson LO’T News Editor Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, long-time leader of Cuba, passed away in the late hours of November 25th. Castro was sworn in as Prime Minister in 1959 after playing a large role in the revolution that overthrew the previous Cuban government. He ruled the country for almost five decades until he gave up leadership to his younger brother, Raul, in 2008. The people of Cuba are deeply saddened by the death of their beloved leader. One woman said, “The Cuban people are feeling sad because of the loss of our commander in chief Fidel Castro Ruz, and we wish him, wherever he is, that he is blessed, and us Cubans love him.” However, in Florida’s Little Havana neighborhood, there were parades celebrating the death of this leader who was disliked by the neighborhood’s occupants. These people have been exiled to their new home from their old country. The celebration was not directly for Castro’s death, with one Cuban-

Cuban Americans in Florida celebrate Castro’s death. Courtesy of Business Insider

American claiming, “This is a celebration, but not a celebration of death, but a beginning of liberty that we’ve been waiting on for many years. The hope is ... that it opens up Cuba a little bit more.” Many people hope that the death of the former ruler will open up Cuba to greater international trade. Castro ruled with an iron fist, denying previous attempts in international trade. He wanted to see his policies continue after his reign. President Obama had started opening trade between the United States and Cuba; however, President-elect Trump has announced to the public that he does not see the relationship between the two countries continuing unless major changes are made in Cuba. At this point, the future relations between the U.S. and Cuba are unpredictable.

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Editorial December 16, 2016

Be careful what you tweet; it might just come true By: Pranjal Kadwe LO’T Editor in Chief Some of the most popular sites online have turned into the most haunting. Rumors spread without second thoughts over how they would impact the people involved. Even news stories have been twisted to the point of being completely false, yet people continue to spread and believe them. “Pizzagate” is the most recent and severe example of the detrimental effects of social media. The false scandal claimed that Hillary Clinton and her advisors were running a child-trafficking ring out of a Washington pizza parlor. According to the New York Times, Trump supporters released fake information on Reddit by writing that John Pedesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, had emails “proving” the scandal. These rumors claimed that in these emails, the words “cheese pizza,” stood for “child pornography.” The stories were spread throughout Twitter and Facebook, and eventually, on December 4th a man with a rifle and handgun believed the rumors and decided to act on them. After shooting the rifle and fortunately hurting no one, he surrendered when he found no evidence of childtrafficking in the pizza parlor.

makes adolescents more susceptible to malevolence like cyberbullying and sexting. A huge factor of cyberbullying is the ability for abusers to remain anonymous. People can post hateful comments without having to release their identity, and it’s obviously so much easier putting someone down if you can’t be blamed later. The effects of cyberbullying can be extremely hurtful and even tragic. So should young people have this much access to social media? I see kids even in elementary school using various social medias daily and uploading photos and statuses. Personally, I think that once adolescents are completely aware of all the negative effects of social media,

“Comet” is the name of the pizza restaurant where the “Pizzagate” shooting occurred. Courtesy of

then they are ready to use these online resources. Bringing this issue into the school’s curriculum is a possible method of doing so. Yet this still poses an issue. There are many adults on Twitter or Facebook that spread bullying, racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc. A prominent example would be

Donald Trump tweets in a rude and insulting manner. Courtesy of our president-elect Donald Trump. Teenagers are easily impressionable, and seeing a man of such power being able to write such hurtful comments is deleterious. While there are plenty of negative sides of social media, there are some positives. I have become more aware of social justice issues because of Twitter activists sharing their stories. We have the ability to easily communicate with people who are halfway around the world. When I talk to older immigrants, they talk about how difficult it was to converse with their relatives in foreign countries; they were often times limited to as little as a five minute phone call per week. But now, the constant communication I can have with my relatives has led to everything being impersonal. Birthday wishes used to be a phone call with a nice conversation; now it is a 3 word text message. Sometimes I find myself allowing a text message conversation to compensate for hanging out with a friend when I am short of time. We are all victims. In a positive or negative way, easy internet access and social media impacts our lives. It is important that we stand for the right things and don’t abuse the power we get from hiding behind a computer screen. The ramifications of taking advantage of the anonymity of the internet could even be deadly, which was proven by Pizzagate. It is our duty to be responsible, respectful, and mindful on social media platforms.

If news so awry can spread so aggressively, imagine smalls rumors throughout a school or grade. Teenagers are most affected by online rumors, and their self doubt can Various forms of social media are constantly on the minds tend to consume them in their developing years. In a study of teenagers. Courtesy of by Common Sense Media, it was found that seventy-five percent of teenagers use Editors-In-Chief: Pranjal Kadwe & Riya Patel Feature Editors: Dana Plagenz & Isabel Zimmerman social media, sixty-eight percent using Sports Editors: Katherine Douglas & Anna Finch Facebook as their primary source. News Editors: Grafton Carlson, Karthik Prakash, & Abhi Sodhani This online hub to express oneself Head Photographer: Micah Gentry & Brandon Zetina and openly agree or disagree with others, Focus Editors: Ava Gomez, Savannah Hampton & Siddhi Kapur is a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately, Business Manager: Connor Dessert through the spreading of ideas online Entertainment Editors: Truman & William VanVooren that you can not take back, social media Advisors: Heidi Norcross & Jay Bohnsack


Editorial December 16, 2016


Dakota Access pipeline: Native Americans win for now

By: Riya Patel LO’T Editor in Chief “Water is Life!” “Veterans Stand with Standing Rock,” “Stop Letting Corporations Poison our Water,” and “When did We the People become We the Corporations?” The Washington Post sums up the opinions of the Dakota Access Pipeline, DAPL, protesters in these poignant statements. The battle is over whether to build the oil pipeline underneath the Missouri River and a sacred burial ground for the Standing Rock Sioux, a Native American tribe. The tribe members are rightful opponents of the pipeline due to the sacred cemetery. The issue became popular recently when people began protesting in large numbers, and they were victorious: on December 4th, the permit for that section of the pipeline was declined. This brings up a huge argument. Shouldn’t people have more respect for Native Americans considering the United States’ history and treatment of Native people? In the past, these people were abused and almost eradicated. According to, when Europeans arrived in the Americas, there were over ten million Native Americans; in 1900, there were less than 300,000. These tribes lost millions to cruelty and disease. They were forced off their land multiple times, and now approximately 0.8% of U.S. land is assigned to Native American reservations. It is extremely evident that people in the history of the United States have mistreated the Natives. So why does the DAPL have to even be debated? Native Americans should be treated better simply because of their previous injustices. Even after the threat of the pipeline was put to an end,

there continues to be a fear that President Elect Donald Trump’s administration could possible overturn the decision. Although in a memo released by Bryan Lanza, Trump’s Deputy Communications Director, he claims that

who repeatedly lied throughout his campaign be trusted? As a man who’s been privileged throughout his life, it’s not a surprise that Trump feels no compassion or remorse for a small minority group. In Lanza’s memo he stated that Trump’s motivation for pushing the pipeline project forward is solely for “promoting policies that benefit all Americans.” However, almost everything Trump has done has been for the betterment of his public image through the course of the campaign and afterwards. He lied multiple times to save himself the shame of being confronted with sexual assault cases, and even with circumstantial evidence from a radio show, he claimed the comments he made about women as made up. Lying in these circumstances obviously were intended to aid him during Protesters gather to fight the government on the issue of building a pipeline through the campaign to keep his public the Standing Rock Sioux burial ground. Photo courtesy of Inhabitat. image intact. Thus, it only makes enforcing the building of the $3.8 billion pipeline is simply sense that he continues to make decisions like the pipeline a better policy to its alternative. However, his business that benefit a single person: himself. involvement in the completion of the pipeline convince As a soon-to-be President, shouldn’t he want to try many otherwise. Trump owns hundreds of thousands of to right the wrongs of Americans in history? The social dollars worth of stock in Phillips 66, which has a one- struggle in America is just as bad as the economic struggle, quarter share of the Dakota pipeline. Additionally, he owns and by refusing to give up a piece of land to a minority tens of thousands of dollars of stock in the Texas-based group that has been constantly abused throughout history, Energy Transfer Partners, also affiliated with the pipeline. our nation is only taking a step backward. He says that his business Making up for the torment inflicted on Native Americans matters have no influence with the preservation of a single plot of sacred land would in his opinion to continue be the right move as a president elect. Choosing to continue building through the river to support the tearing down of this burial ground just adds valley, but how can a man to the list of social setbacks attributed to Trump.

LO’T Editorial Policy Line O’Type is the official school-sponsored paper of Moline High School. The paper is published by the students under the supervision of faculty advisors for the Moline High School community. The staff will strive to accurately report school, local, state, and national news that affects high school students. Line O’Type Signals is also a forum open to students, faculty and administration to encourage the airing of opinions respresenting all sides of an issue. All submitted material must be signed, due to a code passed by the school board. All responses or questions regarding editorials should be directed to your Editors-in-Chief, Pranjal Kadwe and Riya Patel, and faculty advisors, Heidi Norcross and Jay Bohnsack


Focus December 16, 2016

Elves working overtime to raise funds Celebrating Christmas in America holiday. One of the most In addition to the bright By: Ellie Swank famous displays of holiday lights in even bigger cities, LO’T Reporter As soon as the tur- cheer is located in New there are plenty of other key is gobbled up and the York. A christmas classic, American traditions to warm dishes are in the sink, many Rockefeller Center boasts your heart. Practically every Americans are bundled up one of the largest christ- radio station in the nation and out the door to take mas trees in the nation. The plays non-stop Christmas advantage of some great complex is even featured in carols, which is enough to Black Friday steals. The iconic holiday movies like make anyone’s morning famous American shopping “Elf” and “Home Alone 2.” commute merry and bright. craze has startAnd in ed earlier than the winever, with many ter, stop at people excusing any one of themselves from America’s Thanksgiving t h o u dinner and rushsands of ing to snatch Starbucks stocking stuffers and pick and grand presup a classic ents at annual hot cocoa bargain pricto stop es. It’s all a the winter part of the big blues from Christmas craze The festive tree outside of the Rockefeller Center gets lit k e e p i n g in the US, but each holiday season. Courtesy of NBC New York. you down. the hype doesn’t Wherever cease at shopping malls. But you don’t have to hop you are, there’s plenty of The holiday season is on a plane to see legend- holiday cheer to go around. prevalent no matter where ary lights. John Deere hosts Just as there are many ways you go in America. Every the lighting of the Commons to celebrate Christmas, there restaurant, grocery store, every year, and downtown are plenty of ways to have a and neighborhood is deck- Moline hangs lights on every happy holiday in the diverse ing the halls for the adored street during the winter. nation of the United States.

Elves Kara Christensen and Emilee Tingley show off their baked goods. Photo courtesy of Emilee Tingley something I’ve wanted to the huge role in fundraising By: Ava Gomez do since freshman year. she played. Emilee Tingley Focus Co-editor As another Moline Share What really made me want also explained what Share Joy’s came and went, the to do it was that I could be Joys meant to her, as well as Christmas spirit is still on the a part of something big- many others. “To me Share rise. This past week of holi- ger.” She added that Share Joys is an amazing way to day festivities in classrooms Joys gives back to the com- give back to our commuand hallways has been all munity, and does so in a nity and do it in a super fun but boring. As students may fun way. Emilee prepared way. It’s without a doubt the have noticed, there have to take on the task of bak- best week at MHS. While been quite a few of Santa’s ing for hours on end every Share Joys brings the school helpers roaming the halls night and committed to ex- together with all the excitexchanging tickets for treats. tremely festive elfish outfits ing activities and sweets, These NHS elves worked for each day of Share Joys. it also raises thousands of Emilee, along with all dollars every year for the hard all week to bake the best goods and snacks in of the other elves, volun- less fortunate kids in the order to rack up tickets and teered though they were district, which is pretty exentice students to buy even bombarded by oreo-ball- traordinary. I also love that more currency for a great obsessed students. Emilee it’s special to just Moline snack to support an even explained that while the stu- and such a great tradition.” greater cause. Emilee Tin- dents’ craze was annoying, Here’s to yet another sucgley, one of the NHS elves, she still enjoyed her expe- cessful holiday season here said “being an elf had been rience as an elf because of at Moline High School!


The first 4 students to tweet to the Line O’Type @mhs_lineotype a picture with the correct answers to page 10 challenge will receive a gift certificate.

Focus December 16, 2016


What Share Joys shopping and the celebrations are all about By: Ashley Oerman LO’T Focus Reporter

As with any charitable act, the effort to raise money for the cause of Share Joys takes the collaboration of many people. Every year, Moline High School students participate in 2 days of fun activities filled with candy, movies, improv watching, and games. For many of us, any knowledge of what happens next ends here. The funds, raised from the purchase of tickets through the school, go to this large shopping spree, hosted by JcPenney’s all for the purpose of raising money for clothes shopping for those in the Moline School District who are less fortunate. Here’s some additional knowledge regarding the day kids within the district do their shopping! Who: Annually, Moline High School students and staff members volunteer to aid groups of kids and families in managing the money allotted to them. Making sure that shoppers have a more enjoyable experience while shopping (not having to balance shopping, while worrying about how much is left), that shoppers have the opportunity to spend all of their money, and of course, to make sure they don’t surpass their budget. What: The grand total of Share Joys money typically allows each student shopper to receive around $165, limited to the purpose of buying clothing -- ideally, garments to keep them warm for the winter. Volunteers are highly recommended to urge their shoppers to buy the basic essentials, such as coats, gloves, and hats. In addition to the portions donated to each shopper, JcPenney, the host of the morning of shopping, is unhesitant in going above and beyond, usually offering an additional 20% off the shoppers’ bills. This generous margin, in turn, allows Share Joys shoppers to spend m o r e than the initial $165. In addition to being a charitable organization, Share Joys is also considered a non-profit one. In short, under these circumstances, shoppers are also exempt from having to pay any sales tax on their bill. The money raised, generosity from JcPenney and other fundraisers, and tax exemptions combine harmoniously to ensure shoppers receive the most value in their shopping experience.

Elizabeth McDermott poses with her Share Joys Lacey McMillion smiles with her ugly treat. Photo courtesy of Dana Plagenz sweater during the Share Joys celebration. Photo courtesy of Dana Plagenz

Ellie and other elves scoop Whitey’s Icecream. Photo Courtesy of Riya Patel. McKenzi Mitchell sells cotton candy for Share Joys. Photo courtesy of Jay Bohnsack

Where: JcPenney’s South Park location has generously allowed district kids receiving Share Joys donations do their shopping in their store. When: Share Joys shopping is traditionally held the Sunday following the Share Joys days at Moline High School. JCPenney opens its doors before regular hours exclusively to the Share Joys shoppers from 7am to 10pm. Participating district families are able to show up anytime between these hours, whenever it is more convenient for them. This year, the shopping was held on December 11th. Why: Sharing joy by giving to others is at the heart of all holidays celebrated this winter season.

The Improv room was lively and pulled in many Oswaldo Flores purchases ice cream from students and tickets. Photo courtesy of Riya an elf during lunch. Photo courtesy of Abhi Sodhani. Patel

8 Entertainment December 16, 2016

Overwatch: game of the year Moana: a must “sea” movie By: Truman Van Vooren LO’T Entertainment Editor

the king of the hill mode. Next, the thing that Overwatch is best at is its gameplay, which is very fast and has multiple ways to play. Even though the game has no sprint button for all characters, it is still a very fast game. For example, when

allows higher health. Finally, Overwatch’s, most important quality is the developers’ continued support for the game. The support ranges from adding new characters and maps for free or adding new skins for the heroes;

Overwatch Game Cover featuring Tracer, a playable character. Photo Cred: year and what it has giv- design and maps are key you are in combat and tryen us. In regard to video elements of the creativity of ing to hold a point, you are games, this was a very good this game. For example, one always moving and trying year with multiple high of the support class charac- not to get hit. Overwatch quality Triple A releases, as ters, Lucio, is original be- also excels at having mulwell as a good amount of cause his background is that tiple ways to play the game, indie titles, such as Stardew of a Brazilian DJ and hock- for example if someone is Valley. ey player who shoots sound not very accurate at shootIn my opinion, the game barriers for bullets, which is ing, he or she can play a of the year is Overwatch, very unique when compared support character and do a first person hero shooter to other popular games. well by healing characters that is developed and pub- In addition, Overwatch’s or protecting them. Anothlished by Blizzard Enter- maps are usually specific to er example of the diverse tainment. The reasons why their game modes, such as gameplay is one of the othit is at the top of my list are one map being for only pay- er class options, the tank its creativeness, gameplay, load, or one being for only class, you give up speed but

however, the most consistent thing they do is add new patches to balance the game. An example of their support is how just recently they added a new character, Sombra, as well as a new game mode, Arcade. All in all, Overwatch excels at many things, ranging from adding a new patch to being one of the fastest games this year. To me, this is game deserves the score of a 10/10.

With the end of 2016 approaching and 2017 just around the corner, it’s time to look forward to the new year, but it is also a good time to reflect on the past

and continued support. To begin, one of the reasons Overwatch is so popular and successful is because of the game’s originality even though it shares some themes from another hero shooter from 2007, Team Fortress 2. The character

By: Hannah O’Donnell LO’T Entertainment Reporter Disney’s newest movie, “Moana,” displays a colorful and vibrant story filled with fun for the whole family. With high quality animation and a unique story-line, this movie holds a captive audience The story takes place in ancient Polynesia. A young female named Moana comes from a long line of navigators. Her father is chief of a tribe, and the fisherman cannot catch fish, so she goes out on a mission to save her tribe. She strives to find a special treasure that has the potential to be able to help her people survive. After meeting a demigod named Maui, Moana and her sidekick go out on a sea adventure in order to save her people. Along the journey, they come across great obstacles with sea-

monsters. The two must team up and work together in order to save the Polynesian tribespeople. The bright animation and vivid color throughout the movie appeals to a wide range of audience ages. Young children will delight in the fun-filled tale, and the impressive animation appeals to adults. The music written by esteemed composer of Broadway’s Hamilton, Lin Manuel-Miranda, will enchant viewers. Apart from sensory aspects, the cute storyline and positive moral makes “Moana” perfect for the whole family. Overall, the film has a beautiful visual aspect, but the best feature of the whole production was the storyline. Disney provides yet another light-hearted cinematic masterpiece for the whole family to enjoy together, ultimately recieving a 4.5/5.

Moana promotional poster. Photo



December 16, 2016

Best Share Joys food Dana’s DIY peppermint hot cocoa

By: Dana Plagenz The holiday season is in full swing, bringing bright lights, ugly sweaters, and ridiculously LO’T Feature Editor overpriced coffee drinks. If you are fed up with spending your entire paycheck for your hot chocolate to taste like peppermint, then try making these simple candy cane marshmallows. Hang these on the side of your mug for an Instagram-worthy picture. Swirl them in your coffee or hot chocolate for a drink sure to make you feel festive. Ingredients: Large marshmallows Large candy canes Small candy canes Melting chocolate

Olde Towne Bakery cookies claim third place on the Line O’ Type staff’s list of tasty Share Joys treats. Photo credit: Jay Bohnsack By: Dana Plagenz items from this year’s funLO’T Feature Editor draiser. With the help of After the exciting events students and faculty, Moof last week, the MHS Line line raised over $50,000 for O’ Type staff voted on their famlies in need of warm favorite Share Joys food clothes this holiday season.

1. Happy Joe’s pizza 2. Whitey’s ice cream 3. Olde Towne Bakery cookies 4. Puppy chow 5. Oreo balls 6. Chocolate covered pretzels 7. Rice krispies 8. Cotton candy

Directions: 1. Press small candy canes into marshmallows 2. Crush large candy canes and place in bowl 3. Melt chocolate according to directions 4. Dip marshmallows in chocolate 5. Roll marshmallows in candy cane pieces

Photo Credit:

100 years of Line O’ Type holidays By: Kaity Miner LO’T Feature Reporter

the A capella choir, Brass choir, orchestra, and Contemporaries. These themes played out throughout the next four decades of LO’T. After the start of Share Joys in (1949), the Christmas sections were replaced with articles outlining Moline High School’s Share Joys celebrations.

In addition, the Christmas Vesper’s program transitioned into Moline’s winter choir performance. Nowadays, the football season ends weeks prior to Thanksgiving, and instead fans can go to Wharton to watch the annual boys’ basketball Turkey Tournament.As for Line O’ Type,

holiday stories are mostly reduced to Feature and Focus pages. New traditions, like Share Joys, outshine older practices such as holiday Line O’ Type stories. While some of the last 100 years of MHS holiday traditions have faded, the enthusiasm and spirit are still very much alive.

Throughout the past 100 years, Line O’ Type has reflected upon the various holiday celebrations in its issues. Back in 1927, Thanksgiving marked the most anticipated, and last, game of the football season: Moline versus Rock Island. Almost as fast as it started, Thanksgiving excitement fades and is replaced with Christmas spirit. In the 1928 edition of LO’T, a whole section dedicated to Christmas was filled with holidaythemed poems, drawings, and even a short story. That year Moline schools secretaries organized an annual district-wide faculty holiday party at the former Garfield Elementary School. Another past Moline tradition was the music department’s presentation of the Christmas Vespers program. Happy Joe’s pizza was a big hit with the MHS students this The Christmas Vespers included performances by A 1927 issue of Line O’ Type even had Thanksgiving comics! Photo Credit: Kaity Miner year. Photo credit: Jay Bohnsack


Feature December 16, 2016

Donut eating delight Test your eye with a holiday I-Spy

Riya Patel, Jenna Martel, Ellie Schimmel, and Mckenzi Mitchell vy for Donut Queen. Photo credit: Brandon Zetina consisted of Evan Ekstam, By: Gowri Warikoo Peter Son, Hannah Evans, LO’T Feature Reporter Despite cold weather, ice and Caleb Feaster. The team storms, and the other nega- that came in second place tives of the winter weather, for raising the most money, positives prevail: holiday receiving the title of the themed-parties, delicious “Big Donut”, consisted of food, and warm drinks, to Brody Lyall, Davon Harename a few. One of the unan- Ellis, Tyler Flynn, and Matt imously favorite activities Fournier. Their team raised during the most wonderful $745. This team also won time of the year is Moline’s the award for best costumes. Drawing courtesy to Kiya Ritchie, LO’T Feature Reporter. own Share Joys. Share Joys The Donut Queen was raises money for families in Fiona Roehrs and the King need in the Moline district. was Dylan Duvall. They The donut eating contest both finished all the dokicks off Share Joys and nuts in the first round and raises roughly $14,000 per ate one donut more quickly year. Students split up into than all of their competitors. teams and have a competiAltogether, the Donut tion to whoever can raise the Eating Contest raised over most money and eat the most $14,200, a success as usual. donuts. The team that raises A deserved thank you the most money is awarded goes to Donut Delite for with the title of “Top Ba- giving Moline their tasty nana.” This year the Top Ba- treats. Happy holidays, nana team raised $763 and and happy donut eating!

By: Isabel Zimmerman LO’T Feature Editor

Look closely to find the following holiday items: -Candy Cane -Gift Box -Basketball -Stocking -Ornament -Hot Cocoa Mug

Photo Credit:



December 16, 2016

New season, new coaches

Mark your calendar!

Lacey McMillion LO’T Reporter As the snow begins to fall, basketball season is heating up. New coaches for both MHS squads have reinvigorated championship hopes among both athletes and fans. The Lady Maroons welcome first-year varsity coach Tracy SantAmour who has previously mentored the Moline freshman team. The team predicts that her intensity and passion are sure to transcend throughout the next few months and will bring success to this season. So far, the Lady Maroons are 4-2 and have posted a massive win over rival United Township Currently 1-1 in the Western Big Six, the team remains positive for the rest of the season. “I’m extremely excited for these players and this program,” Coach SantAmour says. ”All of

the hard work and dedication these girls put into this sport will carry over to help them succeed later

in life.” A major key player for the Lady Maroons is Senior guard Crystal Rios, who averages 10.3 points, 4.5 rebounds, 2.2 steals, and 1.2 assists per game. Also new to the MHS coaching staff is former Quincy coach Sean Taylor,

(35-39), it appears to be the beginning of a winning season for the 5-3 Maroons. On December 3rd, the varsity squad even bested strong force Pleasant Valley in an overtime thriller that gave Taylor his 499th career win. In regard to his coach’s in-

fluence on the Moline Bas12/16 Boys’ Basketball ketball Program, Junior Guard Nolan Griffin optiMoline v. Galesburg mistically states, “Coach Taylor will definitely turn 12/19 Girls’ Bowling this program around. The Moline v. Dixon players this year are more focused and hardworking thanks to his determined 1/3 Boys’ Swim/Dive mentality.” Equally reMoline v. Sterling sponsible for the Maroons’ success on the court are Sophomores Deonte Bil1/5 Girls’ Basketball lups and Brody Harding, Moline v. Quincy along with Senior Jake Pittington stand out among the rest of the talented squad. Overall, both the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball teams look to build upon their current successes with their new coaches. In their next WB6 matchup, SantAmour and the Lady Maroons will face Quincy on January 5th, while the boys will square up with the Galesburg Silver Streaks at Austin Morris competes in the 100 yard Backstroke. home on December 16th. Photo courtesy of Austin Morris

Katherine Douglas LO’T Sports Editor Riding a wave of victories from the girls’ swimming and diving season in the fall, the boys are off to a dominant start this winter. The Lady Maroons punctuated their time in the pool with a fifth place finish at sectionals, and qualified one diver for the State Finals in Evanston, Illinois. Also during the fall season, two MHS school records were set in the diving event. Hoping to replicate these dynamic performanc-

es, Second-year Boys’ Coach Craig Frederiksen is eager to display the talent his team possesses. Although the season is in its infancy, as of December 12th, Moline is already 1-0. Just last Tuesday, the team posted a dominating 150-24 victory over Davenport North. That night, the Maroons won every event, thanks to key swims from Freshman Remi Greko and Sophomores Austin Morris and Peter Son. Morris, who broke the Western Big Six Conference 100 Backstroke

record and qualified for the State Finals last year in the event, looks to improve even further after suffering a knee injury during the offseason. “So far, I am back at my personal bests, so I hope I can contribute toward a Sectional team title” he says. In addition to the returning experience and skill of the dynamic sophomore, fellow-classman Peter Son has strong potential to qualify for the State Finals in the 100 Breaststroke, and new depth from rookie Freshmen such as Remi Greko and

Max Reid makes Moline’s roster nearly impossible to beat. Strong performances from Junior Abhi Sodani and Senior Grafton Carlson in the diving event also contribute to the team’s solidity. Even with such depth, the Maroons do not simply rely on natural talent. On the team’s work ethic in the pool, Morris comments that “although we (the team) joke and have fun, we know when it is time to work hard and push one another.” The hard work has dramatically paid off thus far.

who has taken the boys’ varsity squad by storm. Despite a tough season-opening loss on the road to Rock Island

Moline’s Alannah Crompton tries to score at a home basketball game. Photo By Steve Novak

Maroons swim toward second-straight WB6 title Last Saturday, the varsity squad placed third (170) at the Macomb Invitational, close behind powerhouses Springfield (257) and Dunlap (186). Top swims came from Morris, who came in first in the 100 Backstroke, and Peter Son, who finished fourth in the 100 Breaststroke. Additionally, multiple relays finished in the top three. Based on the recent momentum, the boys’ swimming and diving team is potent. According to Frederiksen, they are on

pace for another Western Big Six Conference title, and anticipate breaking more records all while shattering current expectations. Yet most notably, when asked what sets Moline Swimming and Diving apart from other WB6 Programs, Morris responded “We are the closestt you can be to a family without being blood related.” The supportive team dynamic combined with dominance in the pool are sure to bring the Maroons success in the rest of their season.


Sports December 16, 2016

Wrestlers grapple with high expectations Sophomore Isaac Marti- and United Township. SeeMegan Meyer nez, has already contributed ing as though the Maroons LO’T Reporter After an extremely im- massively to this season’s lost nine graduating seniors from pressive 2015their 201516 season, the 16 squad, Moline wresMartinez’s tling team is experience working to will be imtap into their measurably past success valuable and clinch a this season. fourth straight AcWestern Big cording to Six title. Last C o a c h season, the C a r l o u g h , M a r o o n s “ T h e r e earned a 21-3 were a lot record and saw of questions four athletes A Moline wrestler battles with his opponent. about this Photo Courtesy of the MHS Wresetling Facebook Page qualify for the year’s team State Finals Tournament. victories against such oppoReturning state qualifier, nents as Sterling, Geneseo, with nine starters graduat-

NBA lights up holiday weekend

By: Anna Finch LO’T Sports Editor While most people relax with their families during the holiday season, America’s finest basketball players prepare for their most competitive day of the year: Christmas Day. This year’s NBA schedule for December 25th begins with a game between the Knicks and the Celtics. Both teams have had drastic lineup changes this season, so this should be an extremely competitive game between two of the biggest teams in the East. The next game of the day is a match-up between the Warriors and the Cavaliers, last season’s champion and runner-up. Because of the

Cavaliers’ major upset last season, there is a lot of tension between the two teams, and with the Warriors’ huge roster changes, this rematch is sure to excite even viewers that aren’t basketball fans. The following game of the NBA Christmas lineup features the Chicago Bulls against the San Antonio Spurs. Even though the Bulls have lost Derrick Rose to the Knicks, they have added three big players: Dwyane Wade, Rajon Rondo, and Jimmy Butler; however, the San Antonio Spurs are expected to be a powerhouse this season. Next on the schedule is the Timberwolves in Oklahoma City against the

Thunder. Even though the Timberwolves have not been a strong team in the past, the Thunder will definitely be weakened with the loss of Kevin Durant. Either team could easily win. The final game of the NBA Christmas lineup is between the Clippers and the Lakers. Both teams are still working hard to develop their players and to define their level of play. However, these two will definitely draw national attention as both have millions of fans across the United States. With the variety of teams, this year’s NBA Christmas Day is sure to appeal to basketball fans from nearly everywhere.

ing.” He adds,” This year’s group is young but has heart and is putting in the work.” Despite the inexperience, the Maroons have dominated their dual meets for a perfect record so far. Newcomers Antonio Tapia (132lbs) and Hunter Day

(152lbs) have proved their reliability and showed that they rank among the best, as well. As a whole, the Wrestling Maroons are ranked 18th in Illinois 3A competition, and are continually improving. They will next

have an opportunity to display their newfound skills when Moline rings in the new year against potent rival Rock Island during the first week of January. Needless to say, the meet, along with the rest of the season, will be a fight to the finish.

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