MHS LineOType March 2018

Page 1


Senior Laney Krebs adds color to a project for her portfolio. Photo Courtesy of Emme Schwabe

Page 2..........MHS school walkout guidelines Page 5.......... Youth encourage change Pages 6-7......Art appreciation Page 11........March Madness

March 9, 2018

Volume 101, Issue 5


News March 9, 2018

Parkland shooting fuels fire MHS students encourage change that he supported raising the not prevent criminals from By: Riya Jain minimum age at which one accessing guns illegally. And LO’T Reporter On February 14th, nine- could buy a rifle from eigh- many, including Trump, have teen-year-old Nikolas Jacob teen to twenty-one, as well proposed arming teachers inCruz opened fire at Mar- as banning the sale of bump stead, a practice already esjory Stoneman Douglas stocks; however, Cameron poused in several districts School in Parkland, Flori- Kasky, among other stu- across the nation. However, da. Seventeen people died dents, criticized Rubio for this proposal was criticized and fourteen were injured, taking money from the NRA. by many teachers, who arKasky and his fellow stu- gued that it would only lead making the incident among dents have also organized a to a more dangerous envithe deadliest school shootnationwide protest, dubbed ronment and that the money ings in American history. “March for Our Lives” to would be better off spent on Since then, an activist take place on March 24th, educational materials. Severmovement has emerged, led in Washington D.C. and al major retailers, including by teenage survivors of the other cities across the na- Walmart and Dick’s Sporting shooting. The day after the tion. Many celebrities, in- Goods, have changed their shooting, a group of students cluding Oprah Winfrey and rules for selling firearms; founded an organization George and Amal Clooney, for example, Dick’s will no called Never Again MSD to have donated money and longer sell guns to people advocate for increased gun lent their voices to the cause. under age twenty-one and control to prevent shootThe shooting has sparked will stop selling assault rifles ings. Among the leaders c o m p l e t e l y. of the organizaAs for Motion are Parkland line High teens Cameron School, Police Kasky and Emma Liaison officer González. On Ryan Brownell February 17th, explains, “The the students atideal way to tended a gun conprevent school trol rally in Fort violence is to Lauderdale, at stop it before it which González starts through delivered her now-famous “We 18 year old Emma Gonzalez speaks for gun control 3 proactive intervention. This Call BS” speech. days after the Parkland school shooting. can include González criti- Courtesy of HuffingtonPost b e f r i e n ding cized politicians debate over second amendstudents who others view as for taking money from the ment rights, gun control, and “weird,” sticking up for peoNRA and failing to take action to prevent gun violence. the best method to prevent ple when they are bullied or The students and their par- future gun violence. Presi- something as simple as sayents, as well as parents of dent Trump has proposed in- ing “hi” to them. Alternativethe victims, also took part creased background checks ly, if you see or hear somein a CNN town hall meeting and perhaps even a ban on thing regarding a possible where they asked lawmak- the sale of assault weapons. threat, you MUST tell someers, including Florida Re- Other Republicans, such as one. That way, school adpublican Senator Marco Ru- senator Mitch McConnell, ministration or the police can bio, what steps they would oppose such measures. Sev- investigate it and hopefully take to prevent future gun eral lawmakers argue that defuse any potential threats violence. Rubio explained tightening gun control will before they are acted upon.”

By: Anna Riggins Walkout Organizer Disclaimer: This is an opinionated article and ties in with page 5’s Editorial. On February 14th, a shooter murdered 17 students and teachers at Majority Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Parkland marks the 8th school shooting this year. We are only two months into this year. Students of the shooting immediately began fighting back and using the media attention to call for congressional action for gun law reform and better mental health services. To stand in solidarity with students across the nation, Women’s March Youth group EMPOWER has or-

ganized a national school walkout to take place on March 14th at 10am for 17 minutes as tribute to the 17 people killed in Parkland. Here is our call to ACTION! As students, we are tired of feeling powerless to make a change in our country. This is our opportunity to push Congress in creating better gun laws and mental health service reforms that directly affect our education and safety. We will not wait for another school shooting to occur and be forgotten without action. We will join the hard work that students in Florida have begun in order to fight for our safety. We are the next generation, and there will be an end to gun

violence in America. Gun violence is a national health crisis, and we all must continually push for solutions to get guns out of unsafe hands in order to ensure safety for ourselves and generations to come. People from all social groups, grades, and interests can join in this action to show that Moline High School students do have a voice and can make a change together. HEY! Let’s make sure we walk out with respect and positivity. Everyone has different views, and we are not acting against the school but for our safety and against gun violence. Spread the news by posting on social media using #ENOUGH.

School Walkout Guidelines

Notify 3rd period teacher and collect make up work Wear orange - the color of the movement Students respectfully leave class and meet at front door “M” at 10:00 Students walk to the East side of campus and gather by the ball fields along 41st street. IMPORTANT: do not wander off campus or into the streets Students will stand for 17 minutes and peacefully share their message - make a sign to share the message! After 17 minutes, students return directly to school and must be in attendance for 4th period class



March 9, 2018

Winter Olympics wraps up Ra Joy running for Illinois By: Zamone Perez LO’T Reporter History was made and hopes were dashed as some of the world’s best competed for two weeks in Pyeongchang, South Korea, just forty miles south of the Demilitarized Zone with North Korea. As the 2018 Winter Olympics came to a close, we can reflect over the results that the US can be proud of and a glimmer of hope over conflict in the region. Compared to past Olympic medal counts, the United States did subpar; however, our nation took home gold in events that we never thought we could win or had a shot to be competitive in.

The US curling team defeated the world renowned Swedes to take home the nation’s first gold in the history of US competition with a major throw gaining the US five points in the eighth end. In another rink, women’s hockey, for the first time in twenty years, took home the gold, beating Canada in an epic shootout. Despite our poorer showing, there were glimmers throughout, some resulting in gold medals. Beyond the simplicity of the sports, major geopolitical strategy could be seen throughout the games. With both sides of the Korean peninsula marching under a unified flag, propositions

were being made by the South that this represents a thaw in relations on the peninsula. In addition to peace making efforts, athletes from Russia still managed to compete in the Olympics, even winning gold in men’s hockey but with the Olympic anthem replacing the Russian national anthem. No matter the spirit of competition, the Olympics have always functioned in a larger capacity. They have and continue to inspire hope for peace among differing nations and are proven to be a source of much needed patriotism and diplomacy. But a little gold never hurt anyone.

The return of The Banana Phone

larized the phone’s use. The phones, and festival phones. By: Sanjana Yerrapothu company plans to update The phone will be able to LO’T Reporter The Nokia 8110, original- the new model, but the de- be purchased for the price ly released in 1996, is mak- vice still won’t feature high- of $97. The phone will be ing its return to the sold in a banana cell phone game. yellow and black The phone was color. The brand, the first of Nokia’s mostly popular in 8000 series. the 90’s, is creating This phone debuzz with the rebuted its uniqueturn of old phones ness when they and newer smartreleased their slidphones, which difing cover which fer from the maincovered the keyThe Nokia 8110 resembles a banana because of stream Apple and board and extendAndroid smartits color and its curve. ed the microphone phones. Nokia Courtesy of Techadvisors closer to the user’s has struggled to mouth. It was nicknamed the end cameras, huge screens, compete with their grow“Banana Phone” because and 3D gaming potential ing smartphone competiof its banana-like curves. as seen in smart phones. tors, however, HMD Global HMD Global, the comDespite these factors, aims to bring Nokia phones pany that operates Nokia, the Nokia 8110’s “cheap back into the cell phone brought the phone back to and cheerful” device has market through a series of entice fans of the 90’s movie, been used for various occa- alternative phones and re“The Matrix,” which popu- sions: first phones, second inventing older designs.

By: Joey Lavin LO’T Reporter Last week I had the opportunity to meet with Ra Joy who is Chris Kennedy’s running mate for the upcoming election for governor of Illinois. The big race is not only the most expensive race of its kind to ever happen, coming in at 300 million dollars, but it is also an opportunity to make big strides in the government because the country as a whole is so ready for change. Mr. Joy is from Evanston, Illinois; he said his high school was a very diverse place, which was where he first realized he wanted to go into politics and focus on Civics. Before running for lieutenant governor, Mr. Joy

spearheaded two organizations: CHANGE Illinois (Coalition for Honest and New Government Ethics) and Art Alliance Illinois. Both organizations had the purpose of bettering the state of Illinois. Change Illinois, the most recent organization he was in charge of, is striving to make reforms in the local government to stop gerrymandering and expand voter participation. Mr. Joy thinks this race is a continuation of his work at CHANGE. He and Mr. Kennedy believe voters would agree we need to focus on “Freedom, fairness, and equal justice.” Mr. Joy and Mr. Kennedy are really working to better Illinois, being that Illinois is the

state with the most people leaving every year. The duo is very concerned with the future generations of Illinois. One big part of their campaign theme is that the better education a person receives, the better opportunity for jobs, so they want to better Illinois public education and higher education alike. I asked Mr. Joy three questions about his and Mr. Kennedy’s plans for the state’s education (See figure below.) Mr. Joy was very excited to be at Moline, be in a classroom, and hear from the younger generation. To find out more about the Kennedy campaign visit their website. Keep an eye on the news and online to watch the race play out.


Editorial March 9, 2018

Setting up our students for success By: Siddhi Kapur LO’T Co-Editor in Chief Education is one of the most valuable belongings a person can have. An education opens doors for greater opportunities and allows those in situations of poverty to help themselves to escape it to a better future. As one of the most valued possessions in the modern world, an individual’s level of education is often a key factor of judgement of that individual. With such importance, it may seem obvious that we put education at the forefront of our world’s focus and goals. However, as time passes and the world changes around us, we must re-evaluate our educational system on all levels. The quality of education directly impacts this world’s future as we are educating the future generation of world leaders and its inhabitants. With sight of the changing world, the question arises: Are we failing our students? Malala Yousafzai is an internationally renowned social rights activist most well-known for her advocacy of education. As a Pakistani living under the threat of the Taliban, Yousafzai was threatened for her choice to continue pursuing an education in a time and place when girls receiving an education was viewed as criminal. She was later shot on a school bus by the Taliban, and after surviving, her story became one of worldwide acclaim. Since recovery from her gunshot injury, she has moved to the forefront of advancing education and school con-

ditions through her work with her foundation, The Malala Fund. In 2014, for her outstanding efforts, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. However, one line in particular from her acceptance speech stood out to me, “ The world can no longer accept that basic education is enough. Why do leaders accept that for children in developing countries, only basic literacy is sufficient?” Prior to hearing this speech, this concept was one I had not even considered before. Yet since hearing it, it has been a topic of much contemplation for me. Education opens doors to greater opportunity as well as broadens a person’s range of thought. We believe that only if children are provided with educations can they lift themselves from their situations as well as achieve greater goals. However, primary education is only the first step. It is only through continued education that one develops both the skills as well as the broadened perspective that this can be achieved. While it is obviously important to provide all kids around the world with basic literacy, this is not where we should stop and claim sufficiency. According to United Way, “The average college graduate earns over $36,000 more per year than someone who drops out from high

school, and is half as likely to end up in poverty.” While this could be attributed to the starting situations of the students, education has still proven itself valuable. Additionally, United Way cites Parkland Magnet High School, a high school with the lowest graduation rate in its area, where after just five years of the imple-

mentation of an educational initiative called Graduating our Future, the graduation rate increased by 16.2 percent. It is because of cases such as the aforementioned that it is important to support foundations such as the Malala Fund and Graduating our Future. Students worldwide should be given the access to educations that they deserve so that they too can help to grow the modern world. Within the United States itself, we have a growing inaccessibility to higher education. With monstrous tuition prices, college is simply just not an option for a large number of students. Financial aid is not doing the betterment it was meant to do, and thousands of students’ hearts fall annu-

ally upon receiving their financial aid letters. Students working for a better future are kept from doing so and continue in the cycle of poverty they may have been able to escape if not for the unfeasible tuitions they would have to pay in order to do so. Looking to the argument that tuition prices have risen only with inflation and the cost of living, one can see that this is inaccurate. According to CNBC, tuition prices at public four year universities have nearly tripled between 1987 and 2018. Between these years, inflation has not risen nearly as much. As CNBC states, “In 1940, the median home value in the U.S. was $2,938. By 2000, it had risen to $119,600 and today it’s just over $200,000. Even adjusted for inflation, the median home price in 1940 would only have been $30,600 in 2000.” Clearly, inflation cannot have affected tuition rates as drastically as they have been. More specifically, the state of Illinois appears to be failing its students. Chicago Magazine stated Illinois to be “the n a t i o n ’s largest net exporter of freshmen to other states’ public colleges.” In fact, in 2014, Il-

through education

linois lost around 16,000 students. However, even though California saw a similar loss in students, California saw an influx of approximately 9,000 students, while Illinois only saw around one third of that amount entering the state for further education. So why is it that so many students are leaving the state whose college system they have paid taxes into? The issue is mainly rooted in Illinois’s fiscal crisis. Due to the state’s poor financial condition and budget cuts, Illinois is unable to offer financial aid and incentives of the same extent as neighboring states. Thus, state schools such as Iowa and Missouri are able to offer students far better deals than they would receive in Illinois, even with in-state tuition prices. Furthermore, much of the state’s money does not support Illinois colleges. For example, the University of Illinois cites that it receives less than 10% of its funding from the state, forc-

ing it to compensate for this lost funding in other ways. In fact, according to Chicago Magazine, University of Illinois tuition has risen 59% over the last decade. These tight budgets used to keep the school running leave professors on lower pay and school departments relying on businesses to fund them. Illinois is failing to keep students in-state by its inability to keep up a more promising in-state offer than what other out of state schools have to offer. As said by Yousafzai in her Nobel acceptance speech, “It is not time to tell the world leaders to realize how important education is - they already know it - their own children are in good schools. Now it is time to call them to take action for the rest of the world’s children.” We must make education a top priority and give it the attention it deserves in order to ensure our students a more successful future.


March 9, 2018

A day in the life of Mr. Hamilton By: Lily Glackin LO’T Focus Editor It’s no secret that art education in the United States is not held in as high of a regard as athletics and STEM programs. Under the current academic push, even English programs lack the attention they deserve. This being a sad reality in the US, it is important to recognize the importance of art education, whether it is musical, theatrical, or simply art classes. While athletics and STEM programs at Moline are of-


A Musical Mural

By: Makayla Castillo LO’T Feature Editor In destruction, there is art. In place of the previous beloved auditorium is a long white wall. A blank canvas. However, Moline High School’s art teachers and a handful of students are taking on this blank canvas and turning it into a mural for everyone to enjoy. Heading this project is Alizabeth Norman who, despite only being a freshman, is eager to “make an impact” on this school from such an early start. The mural’s concept of combining art, music, and theatre into a landscape scene came mostly from Norman’s own influences and ideas; however, students will soon be able to see other familiar artwork in the mural as well. This artwork includes “The Great Wave” by Hokusai, “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, and the ever aesthetic “The Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh. Musical elements such as intruments are in the process of Mr. Hamilton poses in front of students’ “A Day in the being painted. And though Life” project the mural is a great opporPhoto Courtsey of Emme Schwabe tunity for the arts, not every ten the center of attention, art classes, he wants to show school is as open to the emart education is thriving with students that “art can be a lot bracement of art or its opwhat it is given. Art teach- more than a simple painting, portunities, such as a mural ers such as Joel Delp, Emily [art can be something] such Lowman, Logan Hamilton, as sculpting.” Mr. Hamilton and Stacey Replinger en- makes it a point to reinvent courage students to express common items and create their feelings in multiple something beautiful. His atdifferent and healthy ways. tempt to teach these simple Focusing on Mr. Hamil- things throughout everyday ton, he is a new art teacher objects has gotten a positive for Moline this year. He has reaction from his students. gotten unanimously positive With teachers as impactfeedback within his first year ful as Mr. Hamilton at Mohere at Moline. Mr. Hamil- line, the arts could be on ton has been teaching in the rise. The lessons taught three different districts since in these classes could one 2007. Mr. Hamilton’s sixth day be more important than grade teacher was the one learning that mitochondria who inspired him to teach, is the powerhouse of the and he later combined his cell (and other facts learned love of art with teaching. in the core curriculum). One of the Moline newcomer’s most popular pieces from his photography curriculum is called “A Day in the Life.” Mr. Hamilton explains how “capturing small moments that can be overlooked, embracing and finding beauty in something that can seem as boring as feeding your younger sibling, is the main objective with this project.” He describes how the camera is only taken out during the big moments in life, and he wants his students to notice the small things as well. In his general

painted by a student, as art budgets regularly get cut every year around the country. In contrast, when asked about the art program at Moline High School, Norman remains rather satisfied. Norman states that she feels she is “rather lucky with the art classes [available] at Moline High School. [She knows] not a lot of schools who have that privilege.” Art at Moline continues to be integrated within the school despite the ever-slimming art resources. However, the mural acts as a symbol of Moline appreciating its arts. Although this small mural may not seem that monumental to soeme, it marks the beginning of a new era for Moline’s arts, specifically for music. Many creative classes are available to Moline students such as Jewelry and Metals, Photographic Technology, and General Art that students can easily take advantage of. Specifically for the new mural, Norman hopes that through her leadership and the hard work of the other students help, the mural will make kids excited to come to school, eager to participate in the arts at Moline, and make Moline a better place.

ART Art students Makayla Castillo, Abbie Schimmel, Marty Manning, and Alizabeth Norman take on painting the mural to create something beautiful on this construction zone. Photo Courtesy of Emme Schwabe

March 9, 2018

Art: A stress reliever in a time of chaos By: Emme Schwabe LO’T Focus Editor

other subjects where you are doing all of that critical thinking. You’re able to In the craziness that is use the creative side of your life, everyone needs an outmind and express yourself.” let for stress. Many find that While there’s no A for art in exercise or reSTEM, working that laxation helps part of your brain can them to cope do good for the organ with stress and physically and its anxiety. Howoverall well-being. ever, for many But finding that of the students outlet or just relaxat Moline, art ing part of the day is that outlet. can apply to more Art student Abthan just art. Music, bie Benson says something all stuthat she feels dents find time for, that she has to is also a huge way make room for to calm down. Many it on her schedstudents find that ule, “It’s a retheir outlet happens laxing part of after school, when the day where Mr. Hamilton helps his student with her art projthey go to rehearsal ect. it’s time away or sports practice, or from every- Photo Courtsey of Emme Schwabe even simply walkthing and all the ing their dog. Everyclasses, all the stress, and fit in an art class can be dif- one’s outlets look different all of the insanity that is ficult. However, art can be and whether it is art or someMoline High School.” Like healthy for the brain in that thing else, it is important Abbie, many feel that art it allows students to think that we find time in our day provides them a time to in new ways. Art teacher to make room for the things escape life’s craziness; in Joe Delp explains that art that allow us to relax and alsome ways, art is the reason can get you “away from the low us to express ourselves. for their mental stability.


In the same way art calms, it can be a much needed creative outlet. Unfortunately, schools can place so much stress on core classes, that trying to


By: Savannah Hampton LO’T Focus Editor

The first 4 students to tweet to the Line O’Type @mhs_lineotype the correct answers to page 9 challenge will receive a free shake.


“Art” has been present in our world since its creation. Patterns, striking colors, and different arrangements have captivated humans and even shaped societies. But just what is “art?” Joseph Nieters, a subscriber to defines the subject by saying “Art is an expression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires, but it is even more personal than that: it’s about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality.” This statement is pretty broad on the topic, but so is art itself; ranging from sculptures to live theatre back in history and into the future, art is everywhere. Art is intended to make the viewer feel, think,

and act differently. That being said, let’s explore art on the “conventional” level. Human creation of art dates back to the Stone Age. Cave paintings switched to pottery that became hieroglyphs that are now morphed into “modernism.” While always present, art has gone through certain golden ages that are famous to even the biggest art critic. One of the first of such phases occurred in Greece about 3000 years ago. Architecture was greatly improved in this era with columns and extravagant buildings being the norm. The gods of the time were muses for stories and statues, some of which are still around today. A similar age was ushered in with the Romans. The Colosseum is a major architectural feat that is still around. Fast forward to the Renaissance, and the


arts truly flourished. In a warring and infected Europe, artists congregated in Italy for several centuries and set the precedence for art in the future. Inventions were thought of with Da Vinci, sculptures carved by Michelangelo, paintings imagined by Raphael, and countless others ushered in this time. Art didn’t stop with the end of the Renaissance, actually, far from it. In the years since, supplies and inspiration have expanded with globalization and mass production. Eras have turned into smaller waves of change, and it’s up to our generation to keep the beauty alive. Art comes in all forms. Some shapes that you may not actively see as “art” affect our day-to-day lives. This could include music, writing, and even language. Not to be preachy and say


Encore!’s successful season By: Kelsey Baker them after every tournaLO’T Reporter ment. The entire pre-season From the Novice tourna- focuses on taking critiques ment all the way to the and accurately applying IHSA State competition, the them to one’s performance. Moline High School speech After putting in hard work team, Encore!, has success- and competing in the prefully moved through the season, Encore took 1 group season. Speech team consists of 14 different individual events ranging from dramatic and humorous scripts to original pieces. Encore! focuses on bettering high school students in their personal and group communication skills for real world a p p l i c a t i o n Last Encore performance at Desert Theater once they enter Photo Courtsey of Emme Schwabe the workforce. Each team member fo- and 12 individual events to cuses on one or two (some- the Regional competition in times even three!) pieces Sterling. The group event, throughout the season, Performance in the Round, tweaking and perfecting advanced to Sectionals by placing second place along

with eleven other events. Four different Regionals combined to make our Sectional, and after a long day of competing, three events moved on to State. PIR received first place, Isaac Waddell placed second in Oratorical Declamation, and Anna Riggins and Kelsey Baker placed first in Dramatic Duet Acting. On February 15th, the team traveled to Peoria to compete against the top performers in the state. Anna Riggins and Kelsey Baker’s DDA made it to finals and placed 6th in the entire state of Illinois. Mr. Vo and returning members hope to improve upon their already successful team in the years to come.


“you can find art in everything,” but you genuinely can. From the newest makeup trend everyone is sporting -- think feathered eyebrows and tell me that isn’t art -to the freshest “kicks” that you’ve been saving up for. A makeup guru somewhere theorized that trick that’s now spread to the halls of Moline, and you’re mistaken if you don’t think your shoes were redesigned countless times before they hit stores. I’m not proposing you completely reinvent your outlook on life to always notice the simple beauty, but just remember that there is art in everything -- even you! While the scope of what art is and can do is wide, don’t expect your latest “SNAPsterpiece” to be framed in the Louvre anytime soon.

The famous Da Vinvi painting: The Mona Lisa Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

8 Entertainment March 9, 2018

Hip-Hop’s big problem “Black Panther” becomes with troubled rappers billion dollar blockbuster

By: William Van Vooren LO’T Entertainment Co-Editor In today’s Hip-Hop there is one major problem. That problem is deciding whether to listen to an artist even when they have a troubled past or criminal charges against them. This has come into recent attention with the uprising of artists such as Kodak Black, Tekashi 6ix9ine, XXXTENTACION, and NBA Youngboy. Each of these rappers have very troubling criminal cases such as NBA Youngboy who has a kidnapping charge and aggravated assault charge against him in an incident involving his girlfriend. Kodak Black also has a criminal record with multiple arrests. In July 2016, XXX-

TENTACION was arrested and charged with robbery and assault with a deadly weapon along with an already pending trial for this charge of aggravated battery of a pregnant victim. The most recent case belonging to Tekashi 6ix9ine for forcing a child into a sexual act causing a negative image, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting his career. Although these rappers have various charges, they are still likable and continue to rise in popularity. Some rappers like Kodak even tout “Free Kodak” shirts with fans buying in full support of their favorite rapper even though they might not know the background of why this rapper may have a shirt saying to free them.

Their music tends to represent these criminal lifestyles. This problem doesn’t seem to be coming to an end anytime soon as fans will still defend this artist and others by focusing on their music rather than their personalities or lifestyles. Do you keep the artist separate from his music or boycott this artist because the listener/critic doesn’t want to be associated with someone who might stand for these awful crimes? As of now this problem doesn’t seem to be coming to an end with Kodak Black and Tekashi 6ix9ine both releasing successful mainstream rap last month that remains popular even with the rappers’ troubled pasts and previous/current charges.

Kodak Black at a hearing for one of his jail sentences. Photo Credit:

Black Panther cast in movie wallpaper. Photo Credit: By: Truman Van Vooren LO’T Entertainment Co-Editor The movie “Black Panther,” based off the comics created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, is one of the new additions to the slew of Marvel movies that have been released over the past years. The movie was released on February 16th and has grossed over a billion dollars already. Besides its

box-office success, “Black Panther” has been receiving a lot of critical acclaim due to the fact that it excels at a lot of things, such as soundtrack, cast, originality; however, it struggles with CGI a tiny bit. The Music: To begin, “Black Panther” has two soundtracks: one being the film score that includes music to make the scenes more powerful or promote a feeling, and the other

being a soundtrack produced by Kendrick Lamar which is curated to fit the theme of the movie. This soundtrack is good by itself, features some well known artists besides Kendrick, plus the movie is not necessary for the soundtrack. The Cast: Next, “Black Panther” has one of the best ensembles for a movie in that almost every actor does a great job of playing his or her role along with the fact that the majority of actors in this film are black and break the norm of mainly white people in superhero movies. Chadwick Boseman (T’Challa/Black Panther) does a fantastic job of being the main character in the movie because of his charisma and sense of humor; however, Michael B. Jordan does a phenomenal job as Erik Killmonger and almost steals the show. Overall, pretty much every

actor does finds a way to create a memorable scene and improve the movie. The Special effects: The movie mostly does a fine job with the special effects and it is hard to notice what is practical and what is CGI; however, there are some parts when it is fairly noticeable and can almost be considered messy. One of my favorite uses of the special effects was when T’Challa’s sister drives a car remotely from her location in Wakanda. Overall: “Black Panther” is probably one of my favorite Marvel movies because of how it stands out from the others. The film merges the two elements of futuristism and tribalism and has an outstanding cast that makes it come to life. The amazing soundtrack pulls it all together, making a movie you will not forget. Verdict: 9/10



March 9, 2018

A lucky kind of word search

By: Hannah ODonnell L’OT Feature Editor

St. Patrick’s Day: The greenest day of the year By: Savannah Hampton L’OT Feature Editor St. Patrick’s Day: Somehow this is the most unappreciated and best holiday, and no, I’m not just saying this because I’m Irish. The day, which was originally started to remember the patron Saint Patrick of Ireland, has evolved into a day of festivities celebrated all over the world. Common celebrations include parades, bagpipes, and a whole lot of green. What’s my case on why St. Patrick’s Day is the best holiday? First, let me start by ruining every other holiday for you. Christmas is plagued with the stress of picking the best presents, running out of money, and debating if Starbucks’ holiday cups are festive

or religious. Thanksgiving raises the standard to having a fantastic time with family and most of the time you’re stuck with cleanup duty. The Fourth of July is great in theory, but was that another firework or your drunk neighbor busting out the arsenal as a tribute to our country? Halloween is fun, but what if it’s cold? You’re automatically stuck inside. Though I celebrate all of these holidays with great zest, nothing compares to St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick’s Day comes with no hard-to-meet expectations. Instead, all you have to worry about is pinching your forgetful friends who are not clad in green. Not only this, but luck seems to be everywhere. I have never won the lottery, but on St.

Patrick’s Day, I would be a fool not to try. And Irish food can give Thanksgiving a run for its money. The faintly sweet Irish soda bread is literally to die for and the corned beef and cabbage? I think I’m hearing Red Robin’s jingle because... YUUUUMMMM. Parades can literally never disappoint anyone, and if you decide to make the trek to Chicago, seeing the green river is an even greater end to the procession. Maybe the reason I love the greenest of all holidays comes from all of the good memories, or maybe it is the corned beef and cabbage, but the combination of no expectations and all of the endless possibilities makes St. Patrick’s Day a real winner..



March 9, 2018

Best dressed Oscars 2018 Jennifer Garner Meryl Streep

Photo courtesy of

Jennifer Lawrence

Photo courtesy of

Lupita Nyong’o

Pub poll: Chacos or Birkenstocks? BY: Hannah O’Donnell L’OT Feature Editor

As Spring approaches, we transition from the safety of warm and fuzzy slippers, boots, and moccasins to a more liberating shoe: the sandal. Not needing to provide toes with a safe haven of warmth feels freeing, especially when today’s sandals have the power to provide comfort AND style. Birkenstocks, on one hand, have made a major comeback in recent years

with their simple and timeless aesthetic, and if you ask your parents, they most likely had a pair too. Chacos, on the other hand, have transformed the style of the sandal with functional straps and interesting (to say the least) patterns. While both shoes have helped revolutionize the idea of a sandal, dissenting opinion naturally arise. To see which shoe was the overall favorite, I conducted a poll, and here are the results!

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March 9, 2018

Spring sports: Looking for Western Big 6 redemption By: Hanah O’Donnell and Megan Meyer LO’T Editors The post-winter sport sadness can be cheerfully relieved as athletes transition into the spring sport season. While last year’s spring season did not bring as many successes as anticipated, the enthusiasm and gumption to perform this year is exceedingly high. All teams are now underway into their seasons and are hard at work in practice. Baseball’s win in regionals last year only further motivates their upcoming season. With a lot of energy from many returning seniors, the team is looking to secure a conference championship. Senior Nick Drobushevich comments, “We want to continue the

momentum from last year’s regional title and put our all into this season. We’re also super pumped for our walk-up songs.” With momentum coming from both the excitement of playing and the fun things that come with it, the baseball team has all the potential to defend its title and move forward with its achievements. In addition to baseball’s regional win, the Moline softball team shared the same success last season with a regional win. Despite losing ten seniors from last year, this year’s team looks forward to stepping into bigger roles than they had previously. Senior Kiya Ritchie explains, “This year will be a year full of growing pains, but I wouldn’t want to go through my last

season with any other group of girls.” Between the loss of key seniors and excitement for a new beginning, the softball team is excited and ready for season.

Madison Chase throws the ball during practice. Photo by Emme Schwabe Following their conference-winning tie with United Township and Quincy last year, the girls soccer team is anxious and ready to continue this success. With this season comes even more ex-

Making bets on March Madness By: Lacey McMillion LO’T Sports Reporter Since the 1939 University of Oregon victory over Ohio State University, the NCAA basketball tournament, commonly referred to as March Madness, has been a spectacle for sports fans across the country. Every year, over 70 million tournament brackets are filled out in the hopes of predicting the winner of each matchup. By the looks of the current ESPN rankings, this season’s March Madness is forecasted to be one of the most competitive yet. The top men’s teams include: Virginia (1), Michigan State (2), Xavier (3), Villanova (4), and Duke (5). The top

women’s teams include UConn (1), Mississippi State (2), Baylor (3), Louisville (4), and Notre Dame (5). Although seeding have not yet been made, “Se-

lection Sun- day” will occur on March 11th for the men. On the women’s side of the tournament, selections will be made on

the following day. After these seeding are put into place and the schedule is set, play opens up on March 13th for the men and March 16th for the women. At Moline High School, staff and students both participate in the excitement of creating a March Madness bracket. Junior Drew Wiemers states, “Michigan State is going to win it all.” The men’s championship game will be held on April 2nd, and the women’s will be held on March 30th. Don’t forget to fill out your brackets and tune in because this year’s tournament is sure to be an exhilarating experience for both players and fans alike!

citement in the form of new coach Jonathan Dreasler. Senior Lily Glackin states, “We are really excited to have a new coach and fresh start this year. The seniors believe that we have the talent to be successful this year.” With the combination of a new coach and a drive to win the Big 6, this year’s girls soccer team is looking forward to a great season. Despite last year’s disappointment after losing the conference championship, the tennis team in as excited as ever for its season. With strong returning statequalifying seniors Shaddy Khalafallah and Shiv Puri, the team is as ready as ever to bring back the conference title. Senior Hunter Henning explains, “I’m excited to finish my final ath-

letic career with the bros. try team. Senior SavanWe’re hoping to redeem nah Hampton says “We’re ourselves after falling short most excited to see how our in conference last year.” In young team will perform addition to the drive for re- fresh off a conference win demption from last year’s in cross country. Track is a defeat, the team also hopes completely different sport, to utilize new coach Brooke but we’ve got the girls Forsberg in the hopes and the dedication to find of a tremendous season. similar results this season This year’s track team as we did in the fall.” Beis looking to rely on young tween young talent and a talent for this season. Al- drive to win, both the boys though returning state quali- and girls track teams are fiers include junior Megan sure to have great seasons. Pittington (100m and 200m) Good luck to all the athletes! and senior Jon Moore (high jump), the team is hoping to build off of the strong performance from the conference The track team stretches in the hallway champion girls on a rainy day. cross coun- Photo by Emme Schwabe Lacey McMillion Joey Lavin

Shiv Puri

KANSAS Brody Harding




DUKE Hannah O'Donnell

Tournament Predictions Hunter Henning Alannah Crompton






Sports March 9, 2018

Swimming ends sectional drought Upcoming varsity events and times By: Fiona Roehrs LO’T Sports Reporter In the Moline Boys swimming program, breaking records and winning titles are expectations, not goals. Through pushing themselves every day at morning practice and performing impeccably at meets, the swim team made it clear to the other teams in the conference that they were going to be the best. The boys had an especially successful season this year, earning a third consecutive conference championship and their first sectional title in 18 years, going undefeated in the regular season, and sending six swimmers to the state meet. The qualifiers for state in-

cluded the 200 medley relay (Austin Morris, Peter Son, Ethan Loung and Alex Klumb), the 200 free relay (Remi Greko, Ethan Loung, Avery Fowler and Alex Klumb), Peter Son in the 200 IM and Austin Morris in the 100 back. Although none of the events placed as high as the swimmers had hoped, they were content to end their season at the state meet. When asked how the overall season went, senior Alex Klumb described it as “unforgettable.” Klumb was key in both of the relays that represented Moline at the state meet, one of which, the 200 medley, broke a school record. Peter Son also broke the 200 IM record at the

sectional meet at Rocky, securing his ticket to state. The season was undeniably a success, and the team has even been credited as the best team to go through the Moline swimming program. Klumb explains, “Having a strong group of underclassmen and even JV swimmers gave us the depth that made us the best team in our area. They push the varsity in practice and are just as fast as the other teams’ varsity swimmers.” With the help of a motivational coach and teammates, this year’s swim team was able to accomplish everything they set their minds to. Congratulations to the swim team on an incredible season.

Bulking season at MHS

By: Kiya Ritchie and more every week by teacher Mike Morrissey, increasing the percentage “Everyone’s motivating LO’T Sports Editor Having a small, cramped of their max that they use one another and holding weight room has not de- for their workouts has re- themselves accountable.” terred MHS students from ally paid off,” she adds. To add to the excitemaking fitness gains this The atmosphere during ment, it’s not just athletes school year. In achieving their fitfact, lifting PRs ness goals. The have been a comregular PE classes mon occurrence have also been hitlately. “We’re seeting the weights ing higher maxes this year, with the in every lift than implementation of ever before,” adds aerobic warm-ups, PE teacher and cardio days, and volleyball coach even a share of Ellen Garcia, “It’s the (far too small) really satisfying to weight room. see students and Health and fitness athletes at every of all students has level improving so Football players flex during morning lifting. become a priority drastically.” Coach Photo taken by Coach Mike Morrissey at MHS, and it’s Garcia attributes paying off. Imagthese gains to the new four each workout is also largely ine what improvements week system that the athlet- credited for this year’s fit- could be made if there ic PE classes have adopted. ness success. “The kids was more than one square “Pushing the students to have been great this year,” foot of space per student challenge themselves more says football coach and PE in the exercise facilities.

Mar. 13: Mar. 17:

Boys/Girls track away (Sterling) @ 4:30 pm

Mar. 17:

Basesball away (O’Fallen) @ 11:30 am

Mar. 17:

Soccer Home v. Normal Comm. @ 12:30 pm

Softball away (Carl Sandburg) @ 11:00 am



March 9, 2018

Stand up. Be heard. Youth aim to change the status quo

By: Kaity Miner LO’T Editor-in-Chief Aaron Feis. Nicholas Dworet. Jaime Guttenberg. Alyssa Alhadeff. Scott Beigel. Meadow Pollack. Christopher Hixon. Luke Hoyer. Carmen Schentrup. Gina Montalto. Alex Schachter. Peter Wang. Alaina Petty. Martin Duque Anguiano. Helena Ramsey. Joaquin Oliver. Cara Loughran. These 17 names may seem to have little significance at first glance and without any context, but these names, the victims of heinous school shooter Nikolas Cruz, will never fade from the memories of their schoolmates and families. Nor will the sounds of gunfire or the feeling of fearing for their lives. February 14th, a day celebrating love and appreciation for others, will be infamously remembered as a day marked by loss, pain and confusion. Last week as the students of Stoneman Douglas High School returned to the same halls and classrooms that they witnessed friends and teachers gunned down in, they went in with a passion refusing to let another school shooting fade into the background without addressing the issues of mental health, communication and gun control and instituting legislative action in order to prevent future occurrences. A new generation made up of envisionists and progressives dedicated to getting the job done through hard-work and compromise is emerging, and we are hearing its voice. “Plurals,”

a millennial subgroup born in the late 90s, are pushing a new tidal wave of youth movement that is not willing to stand by and let injustice persist. When those claiming to have “wisdom, seniority and superiority” over us push down our

with every other survivor and family affected by this shooting, has every right to take strides toward justice for these 17 victims. Without a doubt, standing up for their beliefs despite those who strongly disagree, including an inactive, unre-

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opinions, it is our responsibility to react and speak up for what we believe in without being shamed or ostracized for demanding to be heard. The survivors of the Parkland shooting are spearheading this youth movement with their criticism and questioning of the reactions and primarily the inaction of authorities in regard to gun control. Following the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas, students wasted no time organizing and advocating for stricter gun control. Most notably, Parkland student activist Emma Gonzalez gave a powerful speech at a gun control rally held days after the fatal shooting. While some criticized her for an exaggerated display of emotion, they fail to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Gonzalez, along

sponsive government, takes immeasurable courage. Instead of undermining their efforts due to age, we should be empowering youth to take a stand against injustice when preceding generations fail to get the job done. The youth movement isn’t restricted to the confines of Parkland, Florida; everywhere students like us are responding to this atrocity, even in our own backyards. Maybe you’ve seen it on Twitter or heard about it from a friend, but nationwide on March 14th students will be participating in a walkout to honor those who were lost during the Parkland shooting and fight for better gun control. Anna Riggins is spearheading the organization of the walkout at MHS and has already received consent from Mr. McGuire. Students are

encouraged to participate, wear orange, and make signs/posters. For more information, visit page 2 and read the walkout guidelines. Riggins emphasizes the importance of participation and being aware of how we as students can make a difference. “Our generation has grown up with school shootings as the norm, and it is our job to change that for future generations,” she explains. “If our current leaders won’t make a change, then we will.” In addition to the walkout, there will be a March for Our Lives event being held at VanderVeer Park in Davenport on March 24th at 2:30. MHS senior Zamone Perez will be speaking at the rally to highlight the importance of youth involvement in policy change. “Just like well behaved women,” Zamone explains, “well behaved young people rarely make history. Young people are disregarded. We face many stigmas and are often told to sit down, that policy is not our business to change.” Once again, bring yourselves, friends and posters to VanderVeer and join Zamone and many



● Olympics USA USA USA ● Warmer weather ● Spring Break ● Gorgal isn't actually running for mayor... ● March Madness ● Cub's baseball ● Spring sports

● Not spring break yet ● no half days until May ● no more superfanning ● Gorgal isn't actually running for mayor...

others on March 24th to enact your right to having a voice—an unfailing and fearless voice that refuses to be silent and continue to ignore the gun violence threat that remains ever-present in American schools. Recognizing the importance of the youth in advocating for their beliefs is

beginning to become an invaluable part of our culture. An unrepresented group, unfortunately sparked into action by the fatal shooting at Stoneman Douglas, is letting the country hear its battle cry. Take a note from their playbook; stand firmly in your beliefs and demand to be heard.

LO’T Editorial Policy

Line O’Type is the official school-sponsored paper of Moline High School. The paper is published by the students under the supervision of faculty advisors for the Moline High School community. The staff will strive to accurately report school, local, state, and national news that affects high school students. Line O’Type Signals is also a forum open to students, faculty and administration to encourage the airing of opinions respresenting all sides of an issue. All submitted material must be signed, due to a code passed by the school board. All responses or questions regarding editorials should be directed to your Editors-in-Chief, Siddhi Kapur and Kaity Miner and faculty advisors, Heidi Norcross and Jay Bohnsack

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