Why You Should Care About The Lingerie You Wear
Women come into my Florida shop – LaBella Intimates & Boutique – for a bra fitting. They tend to be completely unaware of what their actual bra size is, or how good a ‘quality’ bra can feel. The bras that they’re wearing are often to big, too small, or simply in less-than-impressive condition. I believe there are ( 2 ) main reasons for woman wearing these bras: 1. Woman tend to forget themselves. They hesitate to put themselves first. 2. Woman overlook the importance of wearing highquality lingerie. I want to know why women are willing to spend their money, only on what others can see! Women have forgotten the importance of what we wear beneath our day – to – day clothing. I’ve had countless woman come in for a bra fitting and they can’t believe the difference, once they try on a bra that I recommend. They then try to justify wearing the same bra in which they’ve been wearing for years. Or, I see young girls, wearing “grandma – looking” items because they don’t think it’s worth investing in QUALTY lingerie.
And so, it makes me so happy when a customer walks into the shop with an old bra. After her fitting, she suddenly becomes excited and how she looks ( and feels ). She feels so confident that she throws her old bra in the trash and wears her new one out. Her entire frame of mind + body has changed!She FINALLY feels supported while comfortable + confident. That’s so rewarding for myself, and everyone at the shop, to see.That’s why I love having the opportunity to promote quality – lingerie. I want people to stop associating lingerie with Date Nights, Significant Others, or Fancy Occasions. Not all lingerie is ‘date night’ material. Lingerie is powerful for the way we feel about ourselves on a typical day. It helps to raise our self-esteem and selfconfidence.
Lingerie isn’t intended for anyone but you! So, stick around because I cannot wait to show you how you should feel.