Ling Lee_Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO 2013-2018 Ling Lee

The selected works show different scales and phases which indicate architectural thought, professional approach, software skills, media, and materials. The second to the fourth projects are practical, in which I engaged in conversation with architects, partners, clients, and construction workers. The work involved making models, digital 3D models, and architectural drawings. (The “Public Toilet” was a complete process which I participated from design to actual construction.) The remaining projects touch on many aspects. “Water and Social Infrastructure” covers areas ranging from anthropological study to a 1:1 partial building and exhibition setting. “Primary School” and "Collective housing" observe and respond to educational and social issues in Taiwan. The final two works try to study spaces not only through an architectural lens but through public intervention, publications, events, exhibitions, and art.

WATER AND SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE Water Occupation: A Soft Protest for Water and Settlements/ 2017 diploma project individual work

PUBLIC TOILET Entropy/ 2015 design and build co-work


PROFESSIONAL WORKS Myanmar Bamboo Hut/ 2018Albania Urban Lab/ 2018Rifunzionalizzazione Ex Scuola Primaria/ 2018proposal participant

HOUSING Lin’s House/ 2013-2015 Huang’s House/ 2013actual projects worked as the designer

COLLECTIVE HOUSING Vertical Village/ 2013 school practice individual work

PRIMARY SCHOOL Nomadic School/ 2013 bachelor final thesis individual work

REVOLVING DOOR Border Crossing/ 2016 social architecture co-work

FIREPLACE Dale: noreg remote place(s)/ 2016 social architecture individual work


This hisandvulprojectfm T y individual diplom a.T hew rcsnuteay project was ofecsy developedstemfor my diploma. The whole process included an essay of ecosystem of relatdow activity related to water; interviews with experts, assumptions of customers ofhum anctivy ater;hhuman shexprts,aum intervw ingcstoerandrelt and organisations; conceptual, design and working drawings; presentation models; 1:1 goarnist;theconeptual,designandw orkingdraw ings;thepresntaiom odels;related the1: module and the exhibition. m odule;anthxib.

03 07

This project is a combination of water and social infrastructure. The strategy is based on a combination of water systems and shrines. T hisprojectisacom binatoaims ofw aterandsocialinfrastucre. to bring better quality water and improved daily life to the It While the strategy of itwho is a live combination of water systems and underprivileged people in non-legal settlements. A part shrine.Itaim stobringbetrqualitythe ofw ateranddailylifeto of T hisprojectisacom binatoofw aterandsocialinfrastucre. project focuses on water source and provides spaces for theunderpivlegdpeolw holiveinno-legasetlm ents.A an oin la n r in an e ort to lfill n a ental ail bathin While the strategy of it is a combination of water systems and partofheprjctfousnthew arsoucendprvisace needs. shrine.Itaim stobringbetrqualityofw ateranddailylifeto While the other part expands the function of the water space for bathing and doing laundry, tries to fulfil the fundamental daily towards theunderpivlegdpeolw holiveinno-legasetlm ents.A being a meeting point and introduces a communal space needs. Whilefor the other part extends the capacity of water being a and a library partofheprjctfousnthew arsoucendprvisace m etingpointandintroduceacom unalspaceandalibrayfor and children. women for bathing and doing laundry, tries to fulfil the fundamental daily w enadchilr. om needs. While the other part extends the capacity of water being a Im and implemented two unwritten laws throughout the etingpointandintroduceadopted acom unalspaceandalibrayfor Iadoptedandim plem ntedthroughouttheprojectw ithtw o project. enadchilr. om Water Occupation_A Soft Protest for Water and w unwritten laws which are sneaking in this special situation. The first Settlements, 2017 diploma project, BAS oneisthaepolbuidshrnetoclaim ndprotehi"n- first one is that the eo le b il shrines to clai an rotect Location: Sabarmati Riverbank, Ahmedabad City, India Iadoptedhe andim plem ntedthroughouttheprojectw ithtw o An lega"stm n. dthesconiabulgm r "non- legal" settlements, while the second one is that the Water Occupation_A Soft Protest for Water and their unwritten laws which are sneaking in this special situation. The first fortheioushldbelight— feyusreinfocto Settlements, 2017 diploma project, BAS building materials for their houses should be light--if they use oneisthaepolbuidshrnetoclaim ndprotehi"n.reinforced build,theaoryw n sm Location: Sabarmati Riverbank, Ahmedabad City, India concrete, the authority will dismantle it immediately. An lega"stm n. dthesconiabulgm r fortheioushldbelight— feyusreinfocto .build,theaoryw n sm

04 0

Dharoi Reservoir

Sabarmati River Kadana Reservoir

Mahi River Marmada Canal Ahmedabad Municipal Area


The water infrastructure gathers in the centre of Ahmedabad City. While the site wherwater e I hainfrastructure d cho senis l ogathers ca t ed ain t t the he ocentre ut skir tofo Ahmedabad f t he cit y a ndCity. mo st The o f t chosen he wa t er The site yf a cil iesoutskirts st o pb ytofhethe pl acity ce. and I nstmost ea d,sever a lwater wa st ewa t er facilities t r ea t ment stop pl a nby t sa r e issuppl located on itthe of the supply pl aplace. ced. Instead, several wastewater treatment plants are placed. the

Environm ental antioIsue S

aturdySS cholforthe underpivlgch

eprojct facest hreact ors:t hem h T unicpalt y,t heno-gvrm t ganistor n,io t heundrpivlgos.project lay at the intersection of three actors: the municipality, non-government d an The organisations, and the underprivileged groups. T hesit eisnearby sevralident icalslum w hert hegoarnist ionhasst art edt o estimate some supportive such as bank and child friendly space The site is nearby several programmes, identical slums where the organisation has started to C S . The aims toprogrammes, help their economy issuesand with lower fundsspace and spacial estimate somebank supportive such as bank child-friendly (CFS). system ofaims guarantors. Whileeconomic the C S issues is a dispersed programme goes into The bank to help with with lower funds andwhich a special system const guarantors. ruct ionfieldst hrougout Thet CFS hecit isy andacreat dispersed essafeplacesfort hechildren programme which goes into construction of w hohavet sotthroravelw it hoht t the heirm igrant citw orkeparent an sandlosetcreates heirchanet sao e laces or the chil ren ho ha e to tra el fiel at t their endt migrant oschl. with worker parents and lose their chance to attend school.

theheadqutrs T H A ofS

tipojc abrm heS T hetT H Abank S andtheslm anlibry om thew pac renyS hildF C ysite m nvr“o fical�setm

06 0

H indusm andIslam arethem aj orgroupsconsiderngintheunderpivlegd that constitute the underprivileged Hinduism and Islam are the major groups ftersachingm A db.polyfeachrligond people in Ahmedabad. After researching the main philosophy of each religion and considering consi erin the general eneral religious reli io s view ie in in the the city, cit I simplified si lifie the theform or adopting a o te m fro indusaleth H w bg . from Hinduism as water plays a moderate role in both religions.

the gift from gods

christian islam


jain hinduism


identifiable appearance as a temple

officially approvable

additional benefits

ritual cleaning

sacred space

either becomes or supports the

fits the needs of different religoions

the temple becomes a protector



WRITT LAW LAW 01 01 UNWRITTEN According to la the unwritten lawsste which leadsrate the the first step: integrate theshrines water n n ritten lea s the first to inte ater stoste into the system intospaces the shrines create spaces with clean water source shade for and create with aand clean water source anda shade for people to and collect water, people socialise, to collect water, gather, andstabilise work. The shrines area gather, and work. Thehangout, "shrines" the area and stabilise the waterthe system and provides clean water through certain purification. ro itheeswater cleansystem ater thro h certain rification




aterhvsin w




stan thgie







ater gw

con otreawnaitrec

rain w aterco llected thro ughthesan dfilter in theprecastco n cret pipes(w aterso urce durin gtherain in seaon )



sand filtration

fine sand coalgrin cloth vale


fine gravel


ou of tel anelcht


sand filled in the replaceable pipes

ou of tel anelcht




water source monsoon season rainwater

combining water space and religious centre to rebuild the capacity of gathering of people and social activities

sun evaporation covering the opening of the water tank constantly filled with the canal water with canvas to produce drinking water drinking water

also providing as e pandable structures for more stable roof for the settlements

water tank n water contral point s

rainwater will collected into concrete pipe

changeable sand filtration filling sand, gravels, and cloth into the water pipes. the raw water will flow through the filter and faucet for daily usage. rainwater collector sand filtration monsoon season filling sand, gravels, and cloth into the precast concrete pipes. also indicating the grace of rain.

r a i n w a t e r harvesting connecting roofs

fetching wa water-related works, such laundry, coo washing stuf communal meeting and maintenance programs

the rainwater harvesting roof provides shelters for social activities and events.

water tank temporarily storing water to a certain height canal water fetching using waterwheel to lift the water to a certain height, so the connected water tanks can be filled with water via the underground water pipes constantly water source irrigation canal underground water pipes linked with the water tanks, the system adopts gravity to convey water from the water source to the fetching spots


gabion foundation gabion filled with gravels is built for the changeable basement and the waste water treatment.

self-self-refillable, refilable,self-controlableandself-m aintainable AA self-controllable and self-maintainable micro m icro,com paringtotheordinaryw atersuplysytsupply em ,w ater water system, compared to an ordinary one, a custom water selpicnrayhm uI.todf infrastructure is applied to the site. The design uses simple physical ofw aterandgravityofetchw aterintohesite,andem ploythe principles of water and gravity to fetch water into the site and ethodsofsandfiltraionandsunlo evaportiontocreatcleans etho s o san filtration an s n e a oration to ens re em .w ater water. clean

growing greenery and vegetation, as well as some production. vegetation treatment

children’s playground and school

educational workshop

l be the es

public toilet and bath

horizontal sand filtration

ater and d houseas doing oking and ff.



dry seasons sand

coarse sand


rainning seasons






book shelf


water pipe

public toilet


gathering space

hanging clothes

cool space for reading

black board

ollowin the the second second step step is is to extend e tend the social spaces from the shrines and Following and esta lish an anidentical identicalgathering ather space e affairs rary where establish spacefor for illa village affairsand andaalilibrary where the the women and and the the children children can can play play and and learn. learn women






13 7

ithoucanv sw


ithcanv sw

The structure also consi considers exibility weather conditions and he str ct re also ers the nee to before the iblevarious to ario s eather con itions the di usagessaofesthe The canvas out during an the erent i erent o space. the s ace he cancan as be canstretched be stretche o t the rin rain. the w hilethew atherisgod,thecanvsw ilberoledbackandprovidesanopenyet while the weather is good, the canvas will be rolled back to provide an rain, space. open space.


UNWRITTEN LAW 02 It is acceptable to use light materials, such as wood, metal sheets, bricks, and the like to build houses. The material of the settlements should be both light and easily obtainable. In this project, the building elements and building language are basically acquired from the surroundings.

There are approximately 500 residents in the village. Their dwellings are settled in between the farmland and the road/embankment of the Vasna anal he en either or in the ar lan constr ction fiel s as ric sha drivers or run small businesses. In most cases, the women have to stay at ho e collectin ater an fire oo oin laundry, washing dishes and preparing food. Occasionally, they will help out ith the or on the constr ction fiel or ar n s ite o that ost o the time they are not allowed to leave their home. The canal, which is built mainly for irrigation, is the main water source for the residents here. The water can be considered as "proper", but it is raw water without going through a treatment process. At the same time, it is polluted by the surroundings. In monsoon season, the canals also help as stormwater drainage and the water quality worsens.

metal net

water pipe

precast concrete pipe

gabion gravel

textile/ canvas plastic water tank

gravel corrugated metal sheet


wood/ bamboo

hisisasm albutcom plet,creativandpractilproectis w hicw evbuiltduringoneofa small but complete, creative and practical project we built during one autumn semesters This at the Bergen School.including It was a ateam work. A of combination atthe theautumn Bergensemesters Architecture School. It Architecture was a team project combination theoretical ofthericaldsuionadehibtonauthesocilgaview ofentropyadtw oacul discussion and exhibition about the sociological view of entropy and two actual design-and-build design-abulproct. projects. hespcialutyofrw ngd, special quality of this project is the way of exploring, collecting, reusing second-hand The materials from dismantling fields, thealactual experience lets us try aterials ro is antlin fiel s and he act constrconstruction ction e erience a e which s the chance to troutoa t hdfrpysalnew conjunction method from physical theory. coutim articpaedinthedesigndiscuon,theconversationw iththeclientthescholandtheconstrucoof in the design discussion, the conversation with the client (the school) and the constructor of concrete Participated cutting company, the actual construction, and the design and working drawings. .m ,theaculonsridgw py


ntropy, 201 autumn semester, BAS Location: Bergen Architecture School, orway ihnsvyug coperatdw ntropy, 201 autumn semester, BAS Location: Bergen Architecture School, orway ihnsvyug coperatdw

"Open as a sign of available" is the main concept employed in this public toilet due to its location and tiny space. Open as a sign of available is the main concept employed in this publictoedsanhy. This public toilet is located in the former storage room beside the onl li as t ina sign er en rchitect re chool ith the hea oot in trathisc Open of available is the main concept employed hispublctoieslocatedintheform stagerom besidth a small space of approximately 7 square meters for three toilets, and publictoedsanhy. only tolift in the Bergen School. how free spaceArchitecture became a crucial aim. With the heavy people traficandsm alspace,aproim atelysuarem etrsforthre hispublctoieslocatedintheform stagerom besidth toiles,how tfrethespacebcom esacruialim .ythisam , we with aArchitecture technical detail intervention only onlyended lift inupBergen School. With thewhich heavynot people endupithacloervw w nyps keeps traficandsm alspace,aproim atelysuarem etrsforthre the door of the available toilet open but also creates a thedorofitheavilbetoileopenbuterin alsocreatsadiferng s atial e erience toiles,how tfrethespacebcom esacruialim .ythisam , spatilernc. endupithacloervw w nyps Apart thedoroftheavilbetoileopenbutalsocreatsadiferng from the concept, this small project also challenged us A partfrom theconcept,thissm alproectalsochalengesan to spatilernc. engage in an intriguing process of hunting reusable building intrguprocesofhuntigreusabluildngm aterilsaterials from the ro the b il in is antlin fiel an the architect re building dismantling field and architecture school itself. school itself. A partfrom theconcept,thissm alproectalsochalengesan intrguprocesofhuntigreusabluildngm aterilsfrom the building dismantling field and architecture school itself.

108 0





ravityhinges hingeswere were planned planned to to be be the crucial element to Gravity to carry carry out out thisdesign. desi n However, owe ershipping we were proved not a letotobewait the shippin At n this too for time-consuming. this moment gavee ittoa final became this o ent we e nee i lechange ent a and finalitchan e tothe its present resent appearance rather rather than than using usin the gravity ra ity hin es we appearance: hinges, we directly directly let let ra itywork wor on onthe thedoor doorboard. oard gravity Wedeviated deviatedthe the top top part part of of the structures 8 cm from We from their their vertical vertical dimension making ma in them them slant slant toward the inside of the dimension, the toilets toilets. anipulatedbyygravity, the ra the itydoors the doors will open automatically Manipulated will open automatically when when are unloc ed they arethey unlocked.


porcel 70x45m quantiy/1

hte) ainsk(w

L iron profile black 20x61m thicknes/3m quantiy/43

U singtheLprofil the L profiles as carriers of esascariersofwalls, w al Using it required precise configuration. ach ro row oof L shaped confi ration ach sha e columns col ns would o l not not be beplaced lace onasam el a same line. The amount of deviation ine.T hem easurem ntofd ep end on depends eviatondon the thickness al the walls. thicknesofw l s. of


orkingd w

ingfohl raw






We also planned to use the recycled wood boards which we collected from We also planned to use they the recycled boards which we collected from dismantle site, however, were notwood enough for both groups, the ramp, and d toilet, to use. ism antl esite,ho,w evrtheyw ernotenoughforbothgroups,theram p the and theoil et,ous.


preationforfilnga cortlay new

w eldingtechniuew as usedinthcor

w oringdraw ingforcom pundigthecolum nsw iththeceilngandthe oor


gst echnialdrw atersuplying .w agpi .sew .ventilao .lightandecry

Openramp" rampand and open toiletexhibition exhibition at the of "Open "open toilet" waswas heldheld at the endend of the thesem .trA pafrom tw osolidandfunctioedproects,w e Apart from two solid and functional projects, we also exhibited semester. alsoehibtedthetheorticalthingtheoretical andprocesw hicw ed the underpinnings and process which we'd extracted etracdthrougthecourseaboutntropyinsocilga throughout the course about "Entropy" from a sociological point of .pointfvew view.


he first t o selecte ro ects re ire arie no le e o local aterials local bric s ri er ree all technolo an ba boo str ct re in i erent co ntries an conte ts he thir one was a renovation proposal, repurposing a kindergarten to act in the function of elderly housing in the suburbs of Milan, Italy.



Myanmar Bamboo Hut (the icon and page 27-28), 2018Location: Myammar lbania rban ab the first section Location: Albania i n ionali a ione c ola ri aria a e Location: Milan, Italy

lbania rban ab the first section locate near a bric actor a lies local bric s as the ain aterial to ether ith the techni e of a river reed wall. The laboratory plays as the facade of a spacious agriculture field. Apart from its role in the internal program, the brick wall acts as the gate of the village and is detailed with a designed pattern.

scossalina in rame

facciata sperimentale

serramento in legno con vetro camera

seduta in mattoni

fondazioni in cls








scossalina in rame

1 +7.00 +4.33 +4.00

scossalina in rame

+4.33 +4.00


parete vetrata serramento in legno con vetro camera


parete vetrata serramento in legno con vetro camera



A 78.84 mq Aa 8.37 mq

A 51.25 mq Aa 5.02 mq



A 78.84 mq Aa 8.37 mq

A 51.25 mq Aa 5.02 mq








81.12 mq 26.07 mq


81.12 mq 26.07 mq

he constr ction rocess starte in arch ter its inish the building in Bashkia Divjake, Albania is going to serve as an urban/agriculture laboratory, a multi-purpose center for spatial development and the community.



6 +7.00



6 +7.00 +4.00



mattoni in aggetto tonalità più scura tra le due scelte


mattoni in aggetto tonalità più scura tra le due scelte



A 40.47 mq Aa 5.27 mq


A 52.73 mq Aa 5.47 mq


19.63 mq



A 40.47 mq Aa 5.27 mq





A 52.73 mq Aa 5.47 mq


A 7.37 mq hi 3.90 m

A 19.63 mq A 3.26 mq hi 3.90 m




A 7.37 mq hi 3.90 m

A 3.26 mq hi 3.90 m

A hi

A hi

8.26 mq 3.90 m

8.26 mq 3.90 m






The Bamboo Hut in Myanmar is a small meeting place in front o an o ce o a local he b il in is lanne to be b ilt with bamboo and river reed, transforming and representing the local architect ral lan a e an techni e he or in ra in s also eet the re ire ent o e lo in lo cost an si le techni es he sho the ste b ste e elo ent o the istinct phases.

phrase 01


phrase 02

phrase 03

south elevation (unit: inch)

west elevation (unit: inch)

south elevation (unit: inch)


ground floor ground plan (unit: inch) floor plan (unit: inch)

phrase 04

phrase 05

phrase 06


The "Rifunzionalizzazione Ex Scuola Primaria" is a proposal of a renovation project, located in ilan, Italy.


common space

double room single room bathroom


The casescases I worked as an architecture designerdesigner in Taiwan. Theselected selectedtwo twoprojects projectswere wereactual the actual whenon I worked as an architecture in Both of them housing One was a detached withhouse heavyconsidering consideration on Taiwan. Both were of them were projects. the housing projects. One was ahouse, detached more landscape and theand lawthe of "Feng otherthe was a typical of acase streetofhouse about landscape law ofShui", “Fengwhile Shui�,thewhile other was acase typical street dealing house with physical lighting issues and family dealing with physical lighting issues andcustoms. family custom. Participated designprocess, process,discussed discussed project back the architects, presented to the Participated in the design thethe project back andand forefore withwith the architects, presented to customer customers. with 3D model, plans and sections, made the 3D model, and drew the plans, sections, and construction drawings.

31 23

in s ouse icon and 3D model , ocation iluo Township, Taiwan uang s ouse photo , 3 in s ouseiyutan, icon and 3D model , ocation Taiwan ocation iluo Township, Taiwan uang s ouse photo , 3 ocation iyutan, Taiwan

3 3

The knowledge concerning he crucial point of Feng Shui is Chinese the hinese nowledge concerning about the physical conditions the building and its surrounding. the physical conditions of theofbuilding and its surrounding. ThisThis waist thethe hillhill andand beside a lake. It was ideal site was was located locatedattothethe westofof beside a lake. It an was an condition to practice this theory. ideal condition to practice this theory.


The main issue in Taiwan is how to encourage natural light coming The issue of ofstreet streethouse houses in Taiwan is how to encourage natural light to into theinto buildings. In this case, thecase in sofhouse iluoinTownship, we designwe a stream the buildings. In the Lin'sinhouse Xiluo Township, light bo awith a largewith portion of French facing south facing he ground designed lightbox a large portionwindows of French windows south. oor The was disposed into divided two parts. Pritwo ateparts. spacesPrivate were inspaces one side of the ground floor was into were on middle, one sideand of the the li ing spaces were in the two were ends of each linked other by middle, and the living spaces in the building two endslinking of the with building, by the the corridor with with skylight. skylight. corridor 233

The rhythm of light was played in the spaces. People start from The rhythm of light played in the spaces. People start from the the intimate li ing room, through the long, narrow corridor with intimate living room, through the long, narrow corridor with dramatic light during days, pass by a high and bright staircase dramatic light during the day, pass by a high and bright staircase and in the end reach the spacious dining room, where is the most and in the end reach the spacious dining room, which is the most important space for most of Taiwanese people. important space for most Taiwanese people.

19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01



11 10

12 13










18 19

2F 平面配置圖


1F 平面配置圖


09 08

07 06 05

04 03

02 01 19


This project is trying to face the issue of population density and living quality in Taichung City, one of the main cities in Taiwan.

35 33


Vertical Village, 2013 school project, THU Location: Tunghei resident district, Taichung, Taiwan

Taiwan is a tiny island. Most people live in high-density housing zones. theMost common housing are apartments and TaiwanInissuch a tinyareas, island. of people livetypes in high-density housing studios. balconyhousing in mosttypes dwellings, the residents zones. InWith suchsmall areas,orthenocommon are apartments and find it difficult to maintain a connection with space. We need studios. With small or no balcony in most of theoutdoor dwellings, the dwellers’ sunlight, we also wish towith haveoutdoor a piece space. of private land.sunlight, Thus, in find hard and to have connection We need and vertical we also wish to have a piece of private land. Thus, in thisinto vertical this housing project, I inserted a private courtyard each housing project,a Ibetter inserted a private courtyard intousers eachcould unit which unit to provide living standard, where the own a provided a better living standard and the users could own a piece of sky. piece of sky.

36 34

Turning the outside Turning outside in in isis the the concept conceptofofthis thisnew newbuilding buildingform. form.AnAn outdoor but in the center of theofunit a real forest outdoor butprivate privatespace space in the center theprovides unit provides a real in a forest of concrete forest within a forest blocks. of concrete blocks.

37 35

round flood plan

nd flood plan

rd flood plan

st flood plan

st flood plan

6st flood plan

the image of the street










longitudinal section aa’ private space 0 100


600 (cm)


3 5 1





2 6


longitudinal section bb’ public space

living unit 1 2 3 4 5

0 100


600 (cm)

type A, single suite type B, single suite type C, single suite, 2 stories type D, double suite type E, double suite, 2 stories

public space half basketball court convenience store 8 café shop 9 reading room 10 hanging garden 6 7

38 36

300cm x 300cm private space with a high-light window 300cm x 200cm private courtyard with three doors and a corridor


39 37


type A single suite one story

type B single suite one story

1f plan

1f plan



type C single suite two stories

type D double suite one story

type E double suite two stories

2f plan

2f plan

1f plan


1f plan



1f plan









type a 300cm x 600cm type b 450cm x 600cm type c 450cm x 600cm +bathroom:200cm x 300cm +roof garden:450cm x 600cm


type d 300cm x 600cm

type d 300cm x 400cm +bathroom:200cm x 300cm

40 38

39 41

insert aa piece piece of the life. ForThose those who live I Iinsert the sky skyinto intopeople’s people’s life. live ininthe the city,find theyitwill findtohard to possess a fragment of tranquil. This This design city hard possess a fragment of tranquility. design providesaaluxurious luxury living wayphilosophy for city dwellers. provides living for city dwellers.

as a aisle

doing laundry


having a rest


having a small BBQ party

and your neighborhood

42 40

This thethe final thesis of bachelor study. TheThe project considered both Thiswas wasa atheoretical theoreticalpractice practiceforfor final thesis of bachelor study. project considered urban andurban architectural scale. I integrated the Inatural and the cultural sources with several primary both the scale and architectural scale. integrated natural and cultural sources with schools created a learning networkafor the landscape on the and urban fringes.on In the this several and primary schools and created learning networkand forsituation the landscape situation process, I invented new form of school withtothe controversies of obligatory education. urban fringes, and ainvented a new form to ofdeal school deal with the controversy of the obligatory education.

43 37

The conceptofofnomad nomad school is to deal with The concept school is trying to deal withboth boththe the internal internal problems currenteducational educationissue and and the the external problems ofofpresent e ternalsituation situation of of the the school locatedininthe theurban urbanfringe. fringe. school located Nomadic School, 2013 bachelor final thesis, THU ocation ing un lementary chool and a ia lementary chool and the site in between, Taipei, Taiwan Nomadic School, 2013 bachelor final thesis, THU ocation ing un lementary chool and a ia lementary chool and the site in between, Taipei, Taiwan

The concept of nomad school is trying to deal with both the internal

problems of present educational issue and theforms e ternal of the Considering the connection between new onsidering of situation school and its school locatedseveral in the urban fringe. surrounding, several places betweentwo two elementary schools on surrounding, places ininbetween elementary schools in the outskirt of Taipei City were as potential educational resources. the outskirts of Taipei Cityidentified were identified as potential educational onsidering the connection new forms of school and its Based on their specific and location, the programmes and main resources. Based onvalues their between specific values and location, the surrounding, places in between two elementary schools in the functions wereseveral established. programmes and main functions were established. outskirt of Taipei City were identified as potential educational resources. Based on their specific values and location, the programmes and main functions were established.


1st Scene

2nd Scene

3rd Scene

apping in both hori ontal and vertical dimension is a crucial point for this project where the site is located on the fringe of the city. in patial resourcesand arevertical e ually important the cultural Mapping both horizontal dimension is aas crucial point for materials relevant this project,and with the siteinstitutes. located on the fringe of the city. Spatial resources are equally important as the cultural materials andnerelevant of theinstitutes. reasons make a place becoming the edge is

its comparatively comple landscape.

n the way it might

One of the reasonsfor defining a place as city "the such edge" as is its comparatively be insufficient contemporary connection of complex landscape. Onit the it might be edge insufficient for transportation. nd after wasway, planned to be an , more and contemporary city life, including connection transportation. After more large scale infrastructures would betoset up to support theit was planned to be "an edge", more and more large scale infrastructures main downtown. Thus to analyse its hidden, but rich spatial and would be set up to support the main downtown. Thus analyzing its procedural meaning and include it into educational resources are hidden, but rich spatial and procedural meaning and include it into the main concept for this nomad school. educational resources are the main concepts for this nomad school. The following following three three pages pages show amples selected The show the the eexamples selected for foreach eachpart partofofthe the site and and how how the the architecture architecture adapted adapted into into the the landscape. landscape. site


st Scene


1 2 3

1 2 3


nd Scene


47 3

rd Scene



Instead of removing the fence of school, the way I employed to connectofto removing, society andIthe environment, I e fences tend it. to connect the Instead extend the school schoolyard to society and the environment. hen the fence has been e tended, spaces are created. uring these the transformations, some new programs and are activities, set When “fence space� has been extended, spaces created and mainly for education, can activities be inserted. oreover, the eMoreover, tent can new school programs and can be inserted. reach natural social or resources and establish the correlation the paththecan reachornatural social resources to establish a more between school and these resources. t canand leadthese children s learning meaningful correlation between schools resources and process, not afor the purpose, but the process itself. thus become learning process.


School should be more like a station, where varied knowledge and chool should be more like a station, which gathers various information is gathered, and students are transported to resources, knowledge and information, and transport students to reach while experiencing some special spaces and facilities. resources or to e perience some specific spaces and facilities. Thus, I try to rebuild the connection between the school and its Thus, I try toThe rebuild with be thesmall, surrounding. surroundings. entitythe of connection the school may but withThe the entity of school may be small, while it is the combined withbecomes a huge combination of surrounding soft resources, hinterland amount and rich soft resources around. prominent.


This was social architecture, or, a social intervention which was part of the Oslo Architecture Triennale: Belonging, concerning the present refugee issue.was part of the slo rchitecture This was After a social architecture, or, a social intervention which Triennale , concerning the present refugee issue. The open eexhibitions, whichIIparticipated participated Thewhole wholeprocess process included included several several small social events and open hibitions, which inboth bothediting editingand anddesign designing cover pages common content ourtwo twomaga magazines; visiting the the cover pages andand common content ofofour ines refugee and conducting at refugee and several interventions in Bergen, camps visiting interviews and interviewing andcamps; the several interventions in ergen, orway. Norway.

7 51

"...Whereas the door (before electric doors) deliberately blocks human traffic, the revolving door permits a constant, even torrential flow." hereas the door before electric doors deliberately blocks human

Revolving doors create situations in which people have to negotiate tra c, the revolving door permits a constant, even torrential ow. with others. For example, when you stop in the revolving door, you are interrupting traffic the people vicinity. Thetorevolving evolving doors createthe thewhole situations in in which have negotiate order rossing, autumn semester, door also influences walking speed. As every normally with others. or e ample, when you stop in the user revolving door,has youa ocation file etro n. a chapelle, aur s, different pace, this moment within the space, everyone has to adjust are interrupting the whole tra c in the vicinity spaces. The revolving talingrad, rance and file ergen torsenter, evolving create situations in which people have their speed towards thethe consensus. door also indoors uences the speed of walking. s every user hastoanegotiate di erent order rossing, autumn semester,

orway ocation with file n. ilvia a chapelle, aur s, cooperated driana etro mets and arcia rran talingrad, rance and file ergen torsenter, orway cooperated with driana mets and ilvia arcia rran

with or e people ample, being wheninyou revolving door,hasyou speed,others. this moment thestop spaceinofthe a door, everyone to

are interrupting the whole tra c in micro-conflicts the vicinity spaces.inThe adjust their into the same. Thus, our speed concept is to create therevolving Bergen door uencesis the speed of walking. s every has Storsenter, a di erent Thus,also our in concept to create micro con icts in opportunities the user Bergen Storsenter, encouraging people to have more to meet speed, this people moment beingchance in thetospace a door, encourage topeople have more meetofwith othereveryone people. has to other people. adjust their speed into the same.





We published our research about irregular immigrants and the record of their life in refugee campsabout in two magazines. We also e published our research irregular immigrants andparticipated the record their life inDAY, refugee camps in maga ines. of e also participated inofPARK(ing) utilising thetwo measurements a parking lot to the , usingspace the measurement of atoparking to compare the ing scale of living which they have endure lot in the compare the scale of living space which they have in the camps. camps.





[BX-file4]: The area around Stalingrad and the 18th and 19th Arrondissement are known as the place where many migrants from Eritrea, Sudan, and Afghanistan settle. Close to Stalingrad, in Gare du Nord, the train for the UK leaves. Nowadays there are lots of either visible or invisible confrontation happening between the authorities, migrants, and citizens. Zooming in to the area, it is obvious that most of spotd gather nearby metro stations. Our design concept is focusing on the issue of failed attempts to hide migrants and the aloof attitude by the citizens toward the migrants.


The strategy is using a movable and translucent wall as the main element in one way movable to frameand thetranslucent differentwall small conflicts under The strategy is using as the main element to bridges, in one way the different small conflicts under thefor bridges, the andframe in another way to create opportunities small and in another way create opportunities of small negotiationsmigrants, between negotiations between authorities policemen, undocumented authorities and citizens. policemen , undocumented migrants, and citi ens.





The site is a combination semi-interior space of shopping mall and transportation center. It brings very diverse users (tourists, shoppers, students, street musicians, beggars, etc) and activities into this dynamic place. The border here does not engage direct conflict but is like an invisible wall between people. There is no interaction between different groups.

Using the experience from [BX-file4], we come back and observe the situation in Bergen.

[BX-file6]: We continue with the same interest in social conflicts and borders in society and how architecture can encourage encounters between different groups of people. How can architecture make people more sensitive to their surroundings and more tolerant toward different people?


This playswith withdidifferent perspectives. Either you ThisRevolving Room plays erent perspectives. ither you can can revolved small room to observe every different person sit sit in in thethe revolved small room to observe every di erent person but yourself through the one glass inglass the mall or look your own but yourself through thesided one-sided in the mallafter or look after appearance from the mirror without someone peering your own appearance from the mirrorknowing withoutthat knowing thatissomeone you from the inside. is atpeering at you from the inside.

57 3

The negotiated with through by the buyers, sellers, enters buyers, The Revolving Market is negotiated the sellers, and e its. The of this is trying include the people who are entrances, andconcept exits. The concept oftothis is trying to include the e cluded the shopping before such mall as street vendors, people whobywere excluded mall by the shopping before such asstreet street musicians, baggers, and so beggars, on. vendors, street musicians, and so on.


Differing from common, somehow objective and logical methods of site analysis, this project i ering from common, somehow ob ective and logical methods of site analysing, this pro ect allows people a more subjective, more sensuous way to perceive the image of the site. Before the allows people using more subjective, more sensuous way to perceive the image of the site. final conclusion, I used various techniques to dive deeply in this specific area, such as recording Before the final conclusion, used various techni ues to dive deeply in this specific area, such the site by several short video shots and photos, and re-edited them; writing the site by text; 1 to as recording the site by several short video shots and photos, and re edited them again writing 1 printing; and so on. This project practiced not only different ways of perceiving space, but also the site by te ts 1 to 1 printings and so on. This pro ect practiced not only di erent ways of different techniques of representing it. perceiving a space, but also di erent techni ues of representing it.

7 59

This the somehow life in in aa freezing This project project considered considered the somehow eextreme treme life free ing and and remote remote village. village. noreg remote place s , spring semester, ocation ale unnfjord , orway noreg remote place s , spring semester, ocation ale unnfjord , orway

This project considered the somehow e oftreme life a free contains ing and The fireplace, "psychological thein, home", which The fireplace, thethepsychological centrecentre the of home where remote village. both practical symbolic meanings of gathering. the contains bothand practical and symbolic meaningsToofmaintain gathering. metaphor and the transform it intoand larger scale, I employed moreI To maintain metaphor transform it into a them largerinto scale, The fireplace, the psychological centre of the home , where contains public dimension. employed them into a more public dimension. both practical and symbolic meanings of gathering. To maintain the metaphor and transform it into larger scale, I employed them into more public dimension.

models of the various small fireplaces through out ale

60 models of the various small fireplaces through out ale

“The totality of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society forms a determinate system with a life of its own. It can be termed the collective or creative consciousness.� by Emile Durkheim Throughout the world, from nowadays to the previous era, the circle, triangle and square are frequently symbolized similarly as the universe by different cultures. Following are the general meanings human beings use to represent the world:


nd I used them as an essential concept to observe and abstract the site.


"...The triangle represents the generation of energy and is the most stable physical ...The triangle represents the generation of energy and is the the most stable physical posture. The circle symbolises serenity and perfection, source of unlimited posture. The circle symbolises serenity and perfection, the source of unlimited techniques. The square stands for solidity, the basis of applied control." techni ues. The s uare stands for solidity, the basis of applied control.

Paul Cezanne had said: "We should take the inner/essential structure to read aul e anne had said e should take the inner essential structure to read the nature thethings naturethat ( things we can perceive byare eyes ) which areand sphere, prism, and we canthat perceive by eyes which sphere, prism, pyramid. These pyramid." These three volumes are basically constituted by circle, square, and three volumes are basically constituted by circle, s uare, and triangle. triangle. o if

So if is earth s uare square triangleisisearth human circle isissky heavens triangle human circle is sky ( heavens )

Housing is the process transforms human from earth.

r medium e tends landthat intotransforms human space. Housing is the process human from earth.


Kitchen/fireplace is to home as Allmuen kafĂŠ is to Dale. itchen fireplace is to home as llmuen kaf is to ale.

In nthe first phase,opened I opened it into general It preserves the function of first phase it into moremore general usage.usage. t preserves the function of making making and food light but foodincludes but includes public and activities. example, coffee coffee and light moremore public and activities. or For e ample, the communal canbe behosted hostedininmore a more radial space. communalmeetings meeting can co ycozy and and radial space. Theground groundfloor floorserves servesananopen openand andspacious spaciousmeeting meeting space space where where the fireplace is The centre conveying carrying a warm andand co coziness. y condition. second oorhoused placed aa secondary secondary thethecentre, warmth TheThe second floor gatheringspace spaceand andseveral severalprivate privatestudying studyingrooms rooms which which give give the the users users aa tranquil, tran uil, gathering warmand andflexible e iblespace space for for multi-purpose. multi purpose. warm





Circle is a comparatively rare shape found in buildings. It shows ircleinisspacial a comparatively shape foundsuch in buildings. It shows some only only reasons rare or functions as the church, in spacial reasons functions such as the church, some e travagant extravagant stairs,orroundabouts, barns, containers for storage, and stairs, roundabouts, barns, containers for storage, and so on. so on. And it mainly shows on plans but not on elevations. You can only see from God's view. ( Columns become squares when you are nd it mainly shows on plan but not on elevation. ou can only see from human perspective. fromtheod s view. Columns) become s uares when you see from human view.

I chose my main site located at the end of the city centre. It is the starting of "spiritual surrounding, I chose point my main site locatedarea", in thethe endchurch of the and city its centre. It is the where only roundabout in Dale and the turning startingincludes point of the spiritual area , the church andcentre its surrounding, where point from ( vehicles) bipedsand ( pedestrian). includes thequadrupeds only roundabout in aletocentre the turning point from uadrupeds vehicles to bipeds pedestrian .

65 3

In phase two, including the future plan of the municipality, I placed In phaseoutdoor two, including theas future plan of thetomunicipality, I placed several fireplaces the response urban planning. The several small outdoor fireplacesconnect as the response thefrom urbanthe planning. Theto various fireplaces both the to axes mountain various fireplaces connect feeling both theofa gathering es from the mountain to the fjordsmall and the psychological through micro the fjord and the psychological feeling of gathering by micro events. events.

Three a es show the relation of public fireplaces in ale.






THE NEST The Nest_Shelter School, 2018 Second place of 2018 Volume Zero Competitions Location: Taiwan Co working with Hsieh I-Jon

Earthquakes, typhoons, and volcanoes constantly ravage coastal regions around the globe. Countless schools take the brunt of this destructive force but simultaneously act as emergency operation centers and shelters after the disaster. Unfortunately, the collapse of this infrastructure hinders relief operations. In response to this potentially dire situation, we’ve developed a new system which can be quickly constructed with on-hand materials and readily transported to damaged environments. Often the stricken area is inaccessible by vehicles, so aid organizations airdrop relief supplies by helicopter. Our design incorporates the containers and other transportation materials (sack bags, canvas, and mesh) as components of the construction. The building is divided into three parts: first- floor load-bearing walls. A second-floor made of mesh, and a roof. The first floor utilizes two forms of wall: one constituted by bags filled with readily available mud, rubble or debris, the other composed of used bottles. These walls not only form space on the ground floor but are also erected to act as the structure supporting the mesh layer. Due to the unpredictability of aftershocks, the building design foregoes a heavy roof. Instead, the roof is made from the original canvas used to pack emergency supplies.



Lee Ling 李舲 Email: Mobil No.: +886 967 128 733


Licensed Architect, National Association of Norwegian Architects (NAL) Norway


Aug, 2015-July, 2017

Master of Architecture, Bergen Architecture School (BAS) Norway

Sep, 2008-Jun, 2013

Bachelor of Architecture, Tunghai University Taiwan



Erasmus scholarship EU


MOE Taiwan scholarship 107 年台灣教育部獎學金 Taiwan

Jun, 2012-Aug, 2012

Pilot Overseas Internships, Exchange program, Kamala Raheja Viayandhi Institute for Architecture and Environment (KRIVA) 101 年 教育部學海築夢獎學金 Mumbai, India


Apr, 2019-

Architecture Designer of No. 34, Minzu Rd. / Co-working project Taichung, Taiwan

Nov, 2018-

Architecture Designer, A ALI Association of Architecture Taiwan

Sep-Nov, 2018

Architecture Designer, Atelier-3 & Design For People Co. Taiwan

Mar-Aug, 2018

Architecture Designer, ARCò - Architecture and Cooperation Milan, Italy

Jul, 2014-Jul, 2015

Teaching Assistant, Architecture Dep., Tunghai University Taiwan

Jun, 2013-Jul, 2014

Architecture Designer, A ALI Association of Architecture Taiwan

Sep, 2011-Jul, 2012 / Jul-Aug, 2017

Intern / Co-designer, Dadu Architects Taiwan



Founded Project: Your Presentation

National Taichung Theater 你的城色 / 108 年 台中國家歌劇院 新藝計畫 Taichung, Taiwan


Exhibition Designer 美角:教育部美感教育成果展 Hsinchu, Taiwan


Founded Project: Un-common Ordinary

The National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) 非常普通文化研究 / 108 年 國家文化藝術基金會 研究發展補助 Taiwan


Second Place: The Nest-Shelter School

RESCHOOL 2018 Competition of Volume Zero International Platform for Showcasing Works of Upcoming Designers


Designer / Exhibition: Acts Without Effort- The Societal Architecture of Hsieh Ying-Chun 為無為-謝英俊建築實踐展 Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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