Escape From Arx

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This level is based on a famous RPG game(Divinity: Original Sin 2) level editor which is called Divinity Engine 2, made by Larain Studio. All of the environmental art elements used are from the template embodied in the engine itself.


What I believe that makes an engaging and immersive RPG game ?

It's Obsecure objective and diverse and surprising events driven by flexible and informative narrative design are key to creating engaging and immersive role-playing experience.

1.Obsecure objective promotes curiosity and motivation for players to explore the game world.

2."Flexible" means players have more than one ways to take part in a story event which can change how the story is told. Unlike traditional mode where players always get their quest from a specific NPC, this approach allows for more freedom on how to play games. Differetn player is likely to create distinct story on the same event.

3."Informative" suggests that players are able to learn useful information to help understand the story or world-build in a natural way, such as carefully designed dialgue among players, environmental atmosphere and events. Player could find itself dive into the story without concious.

To achieve "flexible", my initiate point for the level design is to design a sequence of events for players to encounter when thery are exploring in the game. The story line differs as players choose different routes in the level. All the design on space, setting, NPCs and battle are based on these sequences.

To test my idea on the plan, I make a series of blockout models. Blockout went through continuous iteration after player tests over and over again.

To meet "Obsecure objective", to make players explore, only a general goal is given to player: escape the Arx City which could stimulate players to interact with all the carefully designed setting, NPCs, and items for more information.

Phase 1: Sketch Plan
Phase 2: Draft Blockout
Arx City
Arx City

Locked door which makes player to find a way out

Go upstiars

Arx City

1 Run into a counter battle where two soilders are under attack.Soilders rescued will tell player the location of other alley

Rescue a warrior in encounter battle and player can recruit him

Player wakes up in a burning Pub and realizes it should find a way to survive.

Eliminate three enemies that are guding the door



Arx City gate is guarded by a dragon. Player go to confront the dragon, only to fall into an ambush.

2 Player break into a room full of monsters

Story will proceed in different way as player chooses different routes

1 2 Player is blocked by two guards. After conversation, two guards transform into monsters and start a siege.

3 Player talk to the commander and learn about current condition. Then, two monsters disguised as soilders will show up and start a siege with other monsters coming from all directions.

The commander is a wizard and can be recruited

1 2 3 Player hears a woman call for help. She is confined in a cage facing a giant werewolf in a cage. The woman is a rogue and can be recruited.

Each combat provides distinct experience corresponding to the story events. Setting and scene are different to offer a sense of immersement, including arene battle, siege battle, encounter battle, ambush and trap.


To get the sense of real gaming experience of this level, please watch the playthrough video by cliking on the linked below.

Weapons, skillbooks, armors, porions and other items that are useful for the adventure
To the ground floor
Put out the fire
sneak out of the Pub
Arene Siege Encounter
Ambush + Final Boss

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