Discounted PTE Voucher
Buy Discounted PTE Voucher • LinguaSoft EduTech provides an opportunity to the PTE aspirants to book their PTE test using discounted PTE voucher provided by LinguaSoft.
Benefits of Buying Discounted PTE Vouchers
• LinguaSoft EduTech is offering discounted PTE vouchers along with free PTE practice tests to help candidates save money and score high in the PTE test.
Save Money • If you choose to buy PTE Voucher with free PTE practice tests, you will get the combo of both at 10, 499 Rs. This means you will save Rs 2000. But, if you choose to buy PTE voucher only, you will get it at 9, 599 Rs while the actual PTE exam voucher is 11, 300 Rs. This means, you will save 1701 Rs if you buy PTE Voucher alone.
Free PTE Practice Tests • LinguaSoft EduTech is offering a combo of PTE discount voucher and PTE practice tests. If candidates but this combo, they will get 48 PTE practice tests (12 of each module) absolutely free. This is a win-win situation for the candidates because they can save money and practice on tests at the same time.
It’s easy • Buying discounted PTE vouchers with LinguaSoft is easy. All you just need to do is, take a few minutes out of your schedule and register using your email id. After then, you can login and buy discount PTE voucher or combo of PTE voucher and PTE practice tests.
Prepare to Score High in PTE
• If you are preparing for PTE test, double your chances of success with LinguaSoft’s PTE practice tests. Additionally, you can also save money if you buy discounted PTE voucher from us.
What you will get? • We offer complete PTE preparation course inclusive of PTE eBooks, PTE Video Tips and Tricks, PTE practice tests and PTE mock tests. • There are 456 speaking item types, 192 Listening item types, 180 Reading items types, 48 writing item types in the PTE practice tests.