OET Writing Tips
OET Writing Sub-test • OET Writing Task is all about practice. Many candidates repeatedly take the OET but do not clear the writing section as they do not have the right approach. If you are one of those candidates, you should learn the strategies of OET writing. https://www.linguasoftech.com/blog
Know the marking criteria • It is important to know what the right marking criterion is. Your task is marked on the basis of these criteria.
Consider Key Points • In your writing task, you should know each of the key points because these are the things that the examiner will be looking out for. So if you are confidently fulfilling the required criteria, then you can definitely impress the examiner. https://www.linguasoftech.com/blog
Use Abbreviations • You can use abbreviations that are frequently accepted in the candidate’s profession and clear to the Assessors may be used in the Writing subtest, for example “BMI” for body mass index, or units of measurement such as “mg”. https://www.linguasoftech.com/blog
Know the Writing sub-test structure • The task is to write a letter, generally a referral letter. Sometimes you have to write a different type of letter for example a letter of transfer or discharge, or a letter to advise or inform a patient, group or carer. https://www.linguasoftech.com/blog
Follow the task instructions • Always follow the instructions in the exam. You will receive prompt material (case notes and/or other related documentation) which includes information to use in your reply. https://www.linguasoftech.com/blog
Check grammar and spellings • Check your grammar after finishing your task. Check the spellings and punctuation. Your layout of writing should be impressive.
Start Learning with LinguaSoft EduTech
• If your aim is to score grade A or B in the OET test, then start learning with Linguasoft EduTech’s free OET study material. • We have clearly explained what are the different tasks for the sub-tests and what is the assessment criteria for each sub-test.