Portfolio -Before Master degree

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Eco-Plaque and Corridor system I Introduce


Animal living nodes and corridors

With the economic development and population growth,Tianjin needs more and more land to build and develop. However, over expanded city is not suitable for people to live, and it is worse for the eco-system of the city. In this program,we hope to design a eco-city which is kindly for human and environment. In the eco-system design, we focus on two aspects : Eco-plaque and corride conservation, open green space.

By analysis of plaque data, we confirm the animal conservation area,including habitat, living corridor and nodes.

Research & design method Confirm major protection area and find potential plaquas that can be developed for conservation.

To better guide the ecological protection, we focus on two essential types of animal corridor developing planning. We analyze animal habitat and habits, confirm the relationship of abstracted nodes and find the potential corridors. Then we design the potential living nodes and corridors to develop their habitat.

I. Analyze the present station and extract the Eco-Plaque

II. Abstract Eco-Plaque as nodes of eco-system for further analysis.

III. Find the relationship of nodes build the connection and create the Eco-network.

Eco-Plaque select In order to research the relationship between each nodes and ensure the potential nodes, I divided the plaques into three groops based on their area.

Major protection area will expand and intergate small plargues around them.The first process will be finished in 2020s.

We confirm the potential plaques from three groups to develop.

The second process will be completed in 2030s. Finally, major protection area and some small area will be build in the protection system. 3


Open Green Space System II Space research & network

Special Subject---Network

Because the lack of small open space(0.4-2.0ha) in Tianjin, we use central district of city for the trial, through study the level of Green Converge rate [GC] ,Service Radius Coverage rate [SRC] and Per Capita Green Space rate[PCGS], to guide small green space development.

Park-system condition analysis

In the aspect of large scale green open space, we build three levels of green space (>500ha,100-500ha,20-100ha) to complete the green space network. Moreover, these green space are combined with transport system, in order to make them accessible through reasonable routes.


Small space area is 0.4-2.0 ha, service radius is r=200 m. Walking speed is 5 km/h, suitable walking time is 5 min, maximum patience walking is 15 min.

Network Research Step

The Park system is important subsystem of green space system. Rational Park-system can provide more green space for human and can benefit the environmental protection work and increase the living quality. So we analyze the current condition of the Tianjin park-system and find pros and cons.

So,in the research, people can Walk 200 m in 2 min and suitable walking distance is 300 m. Mode 1 SRC 100%

Mode 2 SRC 90.69%

Mode 3 SRC 78.54%

Mode 4 SRC 53.75%

Mode 5 SRC 40.31%

Mode 6 SRC 34.91%

3.85 3.45

2.89 2.59

2.50 2.24

1.71 1.53

1.28 1.15

1.11 1.00

Through analysis four levels of the park , i n c l u d i n g a re a , s e r v i c e r a d i u s a n d t h e i r relationship, we find current Park-system is not complete,. It lacks the connection between major members and does not meet the development needs of the future.

Mode A area 0.4 ha GC % PCGS m2

Analyze the first level green space(>500ha) build the first network

Mode B area 1.2 ha GC % PCGS m2

Whole Park-system condition

11.62 10.41

8.72 7.81

7.55 6.76

5.61 4.63

3.87 3.47

3.35 3.00

19.35 17.33

14.51 13.00

12.57 11.26

8.60 7.70

6.45 5.78

5.59 5.00

Mode C area 2.0 ha GC % PCGS m2

Analyze the second level green space(100-500ha) build the relationship with the first level

Mode A-6 SRC 34.91% GC 1.11% PCGS 1.00m2

Mode A-3 SRC 78.54% GC 2.50% PCGS 2.24m2

Mode B-6 SRC 34.91% GC 3.35% PCGS 3.00m2

Regional Park &Nature Reserve Green area > 500ha Service radius = 10,000 m

City-level Park Include the regional park Green area = 100ha ~ 500ha Service radius = 5,000 m

Analyze the third level green space(20-100ha) complete the network provide guidance for small green space(<2ha)

Mode A-1 SRC 100.0% GC 3.84% PCGS 3.45m2

Mode C-6 SRC 34.91% GC 5.59% PCGS 5.00m2

Mode B-3 SRC 78.54% GC 7.55% PCGS 6.76m2

Community-level Park Green area = 20ha ~ 100ha Service radius = 2,000 m Mode B-6 SRC 100.00% GC 11.62% PCGS 10.41m2


Mode C-3 SRC 78.54% GC 12.57% PCGS 11.26m2

Small Landscape & Public Square Green area = 2ha ~ 20ha Service radius = 300 m

Mode C-1 SRC 100.00% GC 19.35% PCGS 17.33m2


Park-system design & plan

Park-system Administrative Division

Determine the location of the existing green areas (>2 ha) and research their management system.

Regional Park &Nature Reserve

City-level Park

Develop potential 100-500ha green space into regional park and enable them service the surrounding residential area.

Develop potential 20-100ha green space into regional park and improve undeveloped area and wasteland quality.

Analyze location of new developed green areas and identify their effective management system

Community-level Park Develop potential 2-20ha green space into city-level park, especially some space near the new residential area.

Small Landscape & Public Square Develop potential 2-20ha green space into city-level park, especially some space near the new residential area.

New Developed Sample

With combination of two system , find the pros and cons. Then replan Park-system management

Most of them are undeveloped area, include abandoned factory, single farmland and unexploited green area. There are a variety of scale space to develop and all of them will not destroy the current system.


Through analysis and planning, we provide an ideal management division. Also, it can provide the government a good idea to build the quantitative targets of green space system.


Rail Transportation System III 2020s Transportation system

2020s Rail transportation

2020s Bus+Rail transportation

Residential land

Residential land

Suburban areas rail line

City major area rail line

City major area rail line

City major area rail line

Suburban areas rail line

Suburban areas rail line

Bus line

Rode line

Rode line

Rode line

These rail design is for 2020yeas t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s y s te m . T h e y present the relationship between rail transportation and residential area. Tianjin has just only one rail line in 2008years , so I don't present it here.

Current residential condition analysis Note: in these analysis , current residential conditions are divided into three levels.First level present better condition or high demand. Second level present normal condition or normal demand.Third level present worse condition or low demand.

We analyze the status of living conditions, including Employment, House quality, Water source, Environment, transportation, public service, to summary of current situation and to make rail transport design. We found good conditions and highly outgoing demand are mainly in the Old Town residential area, while the coastal district basically has no good traffic conditions.

Demand of Rail station analysis

In the 2020s residential planning, the coastal district will be rapidly developed and will have grate outgoing demand. Also, some area scattered around the central will be developed and will face the same problem.

In order to design an effective system, we analyze the resident outgoing flow to find the need of setting the line. And research statistic data from transport agency to find the potential station. Moreover, it is essential for us to combined the design of green open space system to plan the Rail transportation system. Then finally , we forecast the location of the station. The new system can service the major area and solve a lot of traffic problems.

In order to face the increasing demand of outgoing and decrease the traffic problems such as pollution and congestion, we plan to develop low-carbon traffic instrument--subway and light rail, to solve the problems.

2020s Potential rail station forecast 2020s Residential land planning


2020s Outgoing flow analysis


Rail Transportation System III Near-term Transportation Considering the government residential land plan, we plan to design 6 rail lines as near-term transportation. These lines will cross the major area of the city and new developed coastal district. New rail lines and stations have covered most working area and communities. We consider two kinds of reaching station service: people can go these station by bicycle or walk. In the 2012s, rail instrument is not the master method people chose. However, rail instrument will relieve the press of bus instrument and the congestion of the road. Then near-term will Preliminary achieve target of decreasing the Emissions of CO2 .

Near-term abstruct analysis

Long-term abstruct analysis

Long-term Transportation Near-term plan is not enough to complete the goal of Low-carbon outgoing transportation and it should have enough time to develop rail transportation. So we make a long-term plan [2020s goals and 2030s goals] to guide the development. In the 2020s, there will be 14 rail lines in the city and the subways and light lines will become the major transportation. People can choose them conveniently to go their work place ,supermaket or home and will cost little time than it is now. In the 2030s , there will be 19 rail lines and transfer system will cover every line. Also, there will be some big transportation hub to control the outgoing flow in the city and between the city. Moreover, there will be some hub special for the eco-travel which can be good for people to reach the open green space.

Reconstruction example IV

Location & Reconstruction analysis

Green space hand drawing In the design, farmland and houses are reserved, but the wasteland around them are transformed. It include open stage, playground, green way, woodland and shopping space. T h e w a te rc o u r s e a re c h a n g e d to p ro v i d e waterscape and make it convenient for irrigation. Moreover, we build waterfront and wharf near the river to let more people enjoy it.

The object located near the Weijin river and have full of water source.Also, there a re s o m e f a rm l a n d a n d Wasteland in the area.



The abandoned factory located near the center of the Tangshan city. It was a cement factory in the past and its area is 30 ha. Now,the factory is moved outside the city and the old factory needs reconstruction.

The city developed quickly in recent years and there are many communities developed near the factory. Considering the location of factory and the needs of environment and business,we design the two plan to meet the needs. This design will not only increase the quality of environment, but also meet the need of business.The major area will be reformed for the Factory Theme Park. Others will be used for business development. The business land will be reformed as green space. The whole park will provide more green space for citizens. It will be one of the most important public space in the center of city. Because of fast development, The center of the city should be significant reformed.However, there are two serious problems.

Under the guidance of Professor Hou Xin, I cooperated with Liu Sishuo did this design. My work is design major reserved buildings and landscape in the near-term design. In the long-term design, I designed landscape system and hand drawings. Liu Sishuo From 2008.3 to 2008.7

Tangshan is located in earthquake zone of China,but there is not enough refuge space in center, such as park or square.Moreover, Tangshan was a heavy industrial city in the past and there were many heavily polluting factories in the center. They caused serious environment problem. Facing these problems,What is necessary to be reconstructed?

Current stituation analysis I Strategy analysis

Generation process

The factory locates near the central of the city, and there are a lot of residential communities around it. So we should consider not only the economic function ,but also living quality and safety. For meeting the needs, we design two plans-near-term design and long-term design.

Combination the analysis of the background information, we confirm the theme of the reconstruction, the major reserved area and architectures, the area of business and space nodes. Then we design the project through a reasonable process [as follows]:

In the near-term plan, there will be parts of land used for business development and the central of the factory will be used as the Cultural Park of factory, which can provide citizens good environment and public space for various entertainments. In the long-term plan ,the land of business will transformed into green space and the whole land will be used for the theme park for citizen. It will be the major shelter if there happened some disasters such as earthquack.

Step 1 Initial screen the building needed to be cleaned or reconstructed according to their quality and scale.These buildings are mainly dangerous or in the collapse area.

Step 2 Through field research of abandoned factory, we confirmed the important space nodes and major buildings which can be used for presenting the the culture of factory. Then we analyzed the land use and traffic outside the factory and decided which streets should be reserved as the core of theme park.Also, we determined the business area which can be developed now and will not influence the reconstruction of future.

Order the mechanism of the reserved buildings and organize the open space. They are mainly located in the major axis of traffic or on the both side of cultural street.

Step 3 Design the space created by the business buildings and their Architectural forms. They create half-closed space in the design.

Step 4 Use the river source near the factory and create the water space system in the factory. Then design the major public buildings and green space nodes.

Stituation analysis The quality of traffic near the factory is good and there are major city roads on the north and south. Some major roads in the factory are preserved for the design of reconstruction. The buildings of the factory on the both side of major street are still in good condition and some big workshops and warehouses can be transformed into Exhibition and Art Salon. Moreover, the steel corridor will become the symbol of the theme park and will be used for walk and sightseeing trip. There are a lot of green space,abandoned tank,subsidence area and stockyard in the factory, and they can be used for landscape and water space.



Near-term Reconstruction II Function analysis Steel corridor Reconstruct the Initial freight corridors and use them as a special connection between the buildings

Exhibition hall Use for various industrial exhibition.

Paddling pool Reform factory impounding reservoirs or collapse aera

Equipment Show of former factory Reconstruct the Initial freight corridors and use them as a special connection between the buildings

The art salons Show aritist's and architect's ideas and thinking for visitors

Communication center Reconstruct the Initial building for all kinds of meetings and activities.

Central waterscape square Redirect the river near the factory into the center and combine the factors of corridors and ornaments creating the central waterscape.


Reconstruction analyze III Steel corridor Reconstruction There are a lot of steel corridors in the factory and most of them are used for freight the goods between the buildings. Also, some of them are used for the passageway to people. Because some of them are in bad condition or the scale of them are not suitable for people to use, we should disassemble and reassemble them to build a new corridor system. In the design of reconstruction, the major height of them are 3.5m, and some of them are 2m. They are used to conntect the majoy buildings and building an interesting corridor-walking system. Visitors can enjoy a charming view of the factory through the Transparent glasses.

Cooling tower is steel structure and it is reserved in the new design. Visitors can feeling the frame of factory and its culture.

Also, there are all kinds of art exhibitions and pictures in the corridors and they will create art space for visitors. Moreover, it will be used for bracing frame of the buildings.

Cement processing workshop is a large body construction. Although parts for it cannot be used, cylinder structure is reserved and as a remark of the factory.

Walk between the buildings and enjoy the exhibition or shows in the steel corridors.


The administrative office

The salon of artist and architect

The equipment shows

It is necessary for management of routine and guidance of visitors.

It is specifically designed for artist and architect. They can hold meetings and exhibitions here.

The major equipment of the factory is reserved in this open space , people can ackonwledge and feel production process.

The Museum of Science and Industry

The center of communication

The central square

The museum is helpful for the education and it can also increase the citizen's knowledge of industry.

It is used for all kinds of people to communication. They will talk with each other and do business.

People can enjoy the charming view of river and grass. Also it is attractive for vistors enjoying the special architectural style of the park.

Material software is the important node in the design, Its location and achitectal space is special and useful. It can be used for theater.

The steel corridor can be used for bracing the architecture.

Interior space of factory workshop is huge and open, so it is suitable for indoor entertainment and salons. It also can be used for workplace.

It also can be used for connecting Pipelines or pipeline Art.

Factory chimneys are still in good condition and very high (>15m) , so they can be used as viewing towers for enjoy the charming view. 22

Long-term Reconstruction II Steel structure Component In the long-term design, buildings should have connection with the outside space So we design the steel frame to create an semi-open space to increase the space of continuity these component will be used as entrance of the building or halfspace for rest Moreover, it will be a good ecotope of the park and will be harmonious with the steel corridor system.

The main landscape nodes In the long-term design, the business area will be used for green space system The green space system will include lots of space nodes which will shows their special themes Some public buildings will changed the architectural forms to suit the new system but will not changed a lot there will be more open water and green space, walking and vision axeses for visitors Whether they are in or around the park, they will enjoy the charming view from various directions



The program is design new Central Business District [CBD] of Huanghua city.The area locates outside the current center.The population of the city will be 830,000 in 2020s and CBD's area is 452 ha.

Huanghua will develop quickly because of new major port and national policies. However, the current center is not suitable for the development. Then in the master plan, The city should build new CBD. We analyzed master plan of government and policies, confirmed the scale of development, traffic system and land use.Then we used the source of wetland and river for building landscape and traffic system. The design will not only meet the development need, but also preserve environment. It will be an Sustainable Development. Huanghua city locates in the area of National North Development Center. There are major cities such as Beijing and Tianjin near it and its location and traffic condition has great potential development space.

Under the guidance of Professor Chen Tian, I cooperated with Li Yifan did this design. My work is the major area design and its landscape,aspect ratio research and traffic system. Li's work is make model,regional plan and policy analysis.

Li Yifan From 2009.9 to 2009.12

The Chinese government decided to develop Huanghua city and one of the biggest ports will be built in Huanghua.Huanghua city faces the important opportunity and needs a new CBD to attract investment a n d t a l e n t s . A l s o , i t h a s a l o t of nature source and enjoys an good environment.

The CBD of Huanghua should be sustainable developed. The CBD should not only preserve the e n v i ro n m e n t b u t a l s o p ro m o te business development.

Master plan analysis I Situation analysis

Strategy analysis Plan-water system

There are many advantages when develop new CBD of Huanghua,including traffic, nature source, location and ports.

Step 1

Create the central water landscape node

Master plan analysis Current-water system

Plan-water system

The major river in the area is Naipai river and its width is 125m. There are adequate water and branches of river is about 50m width.

In the master plan , the river will be largely widened and the route and branches will be changed. The central area will create an island surrounded by water.Also, there will be a big wetland park in the east center.

The quality of water is in good condition and can be used for entertainment.

Step 2

Confirm axises of water landscape system

Step 3

Design the detail of water landscape system and traffic system


Plan-framework and function

Plan-traffic system

In the plan, the central island will be used for business development Other lands in the core area of the city will be used for traffic, recreate and administration. In the design area, the land is mainly used for business. Small parts will be used for residence and administration.

The traffic system of the plan focus on increasing links of north and sourth area. Also, there are some major outbound traffic routes pass through the area. In the design, The system will be changed and will increase the connection between the central area and other business area.


General Layout analysis Introduce and data The function group in design includes administration group, central business group, residence group and multifunctional business group. There will be a water-traffic system and wetland walking system in the design.

1. Wetland park 2. Waterscape walk 3. Business group 4. adminstration group 5. Central island 6. Waterway station 7. Integrated traffic hub 8. Development area 9. Wetland residence 10. Television station 11. Exhibition center 12. Hospital 13. Residence

Concept analysis II System analysis

Directing research

Water system

Sustainable system In order to guide the development of the city, I design a sustainable system framework. It includes four aspects : Energy, Nature, Material and Citizen. Every aspect contains the method a n d d i re c t i o n of s u s t a i n a b l e development. I hope this frame will help government building the sustainable city systematicly. Then I provide several methods to utilize daily routines to generate energy.

Green space system

Eco-system analysis Wetland Park The wetland will be used as wetland parks and will provide more water landscape and walking corridors. These park will also protect the eco-system of the city.

Traffic system

Building texture

Ecological Business & Residence The mixed functions area will not only increase the value of the land, but also provide good environment for the citizens. Then these advantages will excite more business and elitists coming here and Form a virtuous circle.



Develop & Space analysis III Development step

Building aspect ratio

Step 1 Firstly, the business area should be developed to attract more people and investments.

Step 2 Then develop the central business island in the area and initial improve landscape system.

Step 3 Thirdly, The mixed function area will be developed.These area will provide more work, recreate and education.

Step 4 Finally, the communities and administration area will be developed and the system will be completed.

The aspect ratio of major areas will be controlled. They will be determined by their space, function and environment which are important for street space. All of the ratio will no more than 2.5,Which is highest ratio for creating humanistic open spaces.


Perspective analysis IV



The program is design New Campus of Tianjin University.The site is a wasteland located outside city's center. The new campus' area is 410 ha. The number of student and teacher is 34,000.

Considering the scale of the univesity and the needs of development , I confirmed the scale of campus is for 40,000 students and teachers. The site is wasteland so I used the river to build the Waterscape System. I want to keep the style of old campus and build a Green Campus. A l s o I d e v i d e d t h e a re a i n to f o u r functional group and decreased the influences of each others. Each group will enjoy their own atmosphere.

Under the guidance of Professor Chen Tian, I cooperated with Li Yifan analyzed the background condition . Then I did this design alone because of teacher's request that everyone should design a project.

Li Yifan From 2009.12 to 2009.12 (25days)

Hand Drawing - Plan I Background analysis The new site is wasteland outside the center of city. The traffic of new site is in good condition and there are two city roads near the site. The Naipai river passes through the site so it can be used for waterscape in the university.

s lysi a n ma a r g Pro

Design Explanation Because the site is wasteland, there is little environment restriction. So, we want to design an Green Campus. There will be a lot of trees and grass in the site. Also, we changed the route of river to build a systematic waterscape system. The administration group and college group are separated in order to decrease the influences of each other. Other groups ,including stadium ,dormitory and residence, are suitable arranged based on their scale and function.



Hand Drawing - Perspective II

Dormitory & Stadium

Dormitory & Residence

Aerial View of whole area

College area 43

Administration area 44

The Fragrant Hill Hotel, designed by Ieoh Ming Pei in 1984s, was the representative building influenced by Chinese Classic building ideology. By useing differences of the topographical height and landscape in the Xiangshan park in Beijing, the designer devided the hotel into five functional areas. Visitors could enjoy Chinese traditional garden space from every perspective. However, the design tactic of Chinese traditional garden is not suitable for the current high-density development in the city. So, The program aims at designing a new Chinese garden which is not only high-density development, but also inherits the characteristic of Chinese traditional garden.

Visit path and nodes of Fragrant Hill Hotel

Visit path and nodes of Master-of-Nets Garden

I choosed one of the most outstanding Chinese gradens, Master-of-Nets Garden, to research the visit path and space nodes of Chinese traditional garden space and design methods. Then based on the comperation of Fragrant Hill Hotel, I integrated the advantages and designed a new unit of Chinese garden. It can be used for many kinds of buildings in high-density area.

Contrastive Analysis I

View Point Series of Fragrant Hill Hotel

View Point Series of Master-of-Nets Garden

Fragrant Hill Hotel

Master-of-Nets Garden The space of Master-of-Nets Garden was created by landscape factors (terrain,artificial hill , water, construction, plant) and paths. Through analyzing these factors and paths and abstract the relation of them. we find many design method of traditional garden space.

Boundary Path Water Visual line Position


Site-Plan: The major areas include the hall,guest chamber, dining, fitness, equipment and scenic area.

Paths: The long paths strengthened the relation between indoor and outdoor space.

Green space: There are various kinds of landscape in the enclosed courtyard.

Boundary: The excess and deficiency walls create various feelings of space. 48

Master-of-Nets Garden

Section expand

Site plan expand

Through assumed that the visit path is straight line and conbined the section and site plan expand view, We can find the relation between path and the landscape around it. When people followed the path, they will enjoy different spaces and landscape.Through setting different length of the path, the time spent on the landscape and space will be different. It could create different atmosphere for visitors. The designer of Master of Nets Garden created a good Chinese traditional garden through adjusting the relation between the landscape factors and path. So I analyzed it and created a network system (36m*36m square,) to adjust the path system to suit the current development. Then combined the analysis of Fragrant Hill Hotel, I designed a new path system. Path design

Major path 49

Landscape nodes

Visual area


Extract path system

Create network boundary

Adjust path system

Designed system 50

Design Analysis II Combined the analysis of two samples, I designed the new garden system. I abstracted the path system and adjusted it in the 36m*36m network.Then I combined the landscape factors (such as wall and pillar) and functional needs, the three-dimensional path and landscape was designed. In the new design, I used the ramp and nonlinear path to create the feelings of landscape in the Master-of-Nets Garden.People could enjoy the landscape from various perspectives.Because three-dimensional garden system, the new design will not restricted by the needs of large area. Moreover, it can be builded in the top of the building or overlaied alone.

East Facade

South Facade

Step1: Abstruct path

Step2: Vertical design

Step3: Stereo landscape

Step4: Function design

Step5: Network structure

Step6: Outside safeguard

Every garden unit can be built on the top of buildings and create top landscape in the high-density area . Also, it can be overlaid alone and create a highdensity stereo park in the city.


Volume: A vertical Rising Garden

Courtyard: Relations of Space and Sight Reserved

Corridor and building: Tradition Garden Feelings


Design Analysis II

In order to reserve the space feelings of traditional garden, I analyzed space nodes in Master-of-Nets Garden and abstructed the visual lines. In the new design, I used these design methods and reappeared the tranditional space feeling.

View point series along the road



Front Door I

The program is researching and mapping the Chinese ancient temple of Guan Yu, one of the most famous chancellors. The temple is builded in memory of him in 589 AD. These buildings represent the Chinese special building of timber structure. Through this program , I learned the ancient Chinese form of building and their design philosophy.

The Door is the most impor tant building in ancient culture and there are three doors in the courtyard. They represent the status, reputation and grade. This is the first door in the courtyard and there are two doors after it. It is normal and has some common decorations on the lintel and ridge. The styles of decoration include some famous flowers .They represent the great qualities:

Our group's work is measuring and drawing the forecourt and my major work includes front door, memorial archway and pagoda.

Other members: Zeng Bo Guo Hao Program time : From 2008.6-2008.8

Lotus represents noble; Titoni represents dignity; Bamboo represents imperturbable; Chrissie represents incorrupt.

Site - Plan

Upward View

Front View



Memorial Archway II The memorial archway is not common in the ancient courtyard. People who did a great contribution to the country or had tremendous impact on culture could build it. There are all kinds of memorial archways in ancient building and they have different levels. This memorial archway was the highest level and was built for mainfesting the host's loyalty and brave.

Archway Level The memorial archway was devided into nine grades according to the scale, height, width, style of roof, decoration,etc. There are two same memorial archways located on the two sides of major road. Their grade is highest for monarch.

The archway's decorations on the end of ridge or on the roof represent the highest grade: Dragon represent the greatest power; Unicorn represent the highest authority. The number of bucker arch, wooden bracing structure unit,represent the archway's grade.

Top View

Front View

Site - Plan

Side View

Roof & Ridge Decoration



Bucket Arch


Repeated combination of bucker arch units 58

Structure analysis Bucket Arch analysis The bucker arch is the fundamental structure unit in ancient Chinese wood structure building. It can keep repeating combination and has various styles. The function of bucker arch is bracing the roof and transmitting weight,like beam. It is essential for creating large indoor space. Moreover, it is essential for building overhanging eaves.

Section Drawing Upward View

Front View

Front View- Plaque

Back View- Plaque 59

Upward View 60

Pagoda III

Seventh Floor

Sixth Floor

Fifth Floor

Site - Plan

Pagoda style analysis

Fourth Floor

The pagoda was built for conserving the ashes of Guan's parents. Because influenced by the Buddhism, the pagoda had seven layers and its height was 30m, Which mean great merits and virtues. The tower is octagonal, all brick construction is made compact. The top construction of archway,Tasha, was made of bricks. Tasha brake blocks are reviewed by the bowl and flowers. I climbed the every layers to measure their perimeter. However, the area of Tasha was easily damaged. So we used the special measuring instrument to scan the Tasha and finished the drawings.

Third Floor

Second Floor


First Floor

Front View

Photograph of Tasha

Tough living condition


Internship is important for me to acknowledge the process of real work and I can learn how to let the concepts come true in the program. As an intern, I worked in the TJU Research Institute of Architectural & Urban Design from 2009.7 to 2009.9. Moreover, I worked in the EPS Architecture & Urban Design International from 2011.3 to 2011.8. These projects were done when I was in these two company.

Binxian Regulatory Plan & Design

Lin Long Residential Design Time: 2011.3 Location: Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, China Company: EPS Architecture & Urban Design International Project Leader: Li Ze Function: Residence Design

Phase Undertaken: 1. Plan Design 2. Unit design Assistant 3. Landscape design 4. Computer Modeling

Time: 2009.7 Location: Binxian, Shaanxi Province, China Company: TJU Research Institute of Architectural & Urban Design Project Leader: Xia Qing Function: Regulatory Plan & Design Phase Undertaken: 1. Survey and On-site Recording 2. background Analysis and Initial report 3. Plan Design of central area 4. Computer Modeling

Kala Su Port Regulatory Plan & Design Time: 2010.8 Location: Kala Su, Xinjiang Province, China Company: Kashi Institute of Architectural Design Project Leader: Zhao Huahui Function: Architecture & landscape Design

Phase Undertaken: 1. Data analysis 2. Plan Design Assistant 3. Landscape and traffic design

Chunyu Wharf Urban Design Time: 2011.3 Location: Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province, China Company: EPS Architecture & Urban Design International Project Leader: Li Ze Function: Urban & Landscape Design

Phase Undertaken: 1. Survey and On-site Recording 2. Plan Design 3. Computer Modeling 4. Finally report

The Aged Apartment Design Time: 2011.3 Location: Zhaoyuan, Shandong, China Company: EPS Architecture & Urban Design International Project Leader: Zeng Xuedong Function: Apartment Design

Phase Undertaken: 1. Survey and On-site Recording 2. Landscape design Assistant 3. Hand drawing 4. Finally report



Time: 2010.4 Location: Haixin, Hebei, China Project: Eight hours rapid design Content: Design for New Central Business Area Function: Urban & landscape Design

Rachofsky , Richard Meier

Fallingwater , Frank Lloyd Wright

Time: 2009.6 Location: Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China Project: Eight hours rapid design Content: The land was used for business and residence Function: Urban & landscape Design

The Chinese Silk Road was one of those trade routes that brought together music, culture , ideas and foods , and really connected people around the world .My hometown is one of the most important cities in the road. It likes a shining pearl in the grand deserts. It has a long-standing history, distinctive ethnic flavor and profound cultural foundation, enjoy great fame in China.

Unfortunately, as like other cities in china ,it is experiencing an unprecedented urbanization and is lost itself in the process. The images taken before cannot be catched today. Moreover, the city is facing major challengespublic , health, environment, sustainable food, renewable energy, efficient transportation, etc.

To be a designer, I hope to do my best to find the suitable way to introduce the developmet of the city , to protect these heritage of human civilization. It is my responsibility! It is my dream!

Sweet princess tomb,Islamic Architecture

Special Market: Grand Bazaar

Special Residence: Tower Houses

Grassland Tents

Tower Houses community

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