Bowlee Park Sports Centre Guide 2016

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Bowlee Park Sports Centre

Centre Programme Windermere Road, Langley, Middleton, M24 4LA

0161 643 4907

Room Roomand andParty PartyHire Hire The TheSports SportsHall Hallisisavailable availablefor forevents eventsand andparties partiesbybythe thehour. hour. Great Greatfor forchildren’s children’sparties parties- the - theprice priceisisper perparty party- not - notper perchild! child! Bring Bringyour yourown ownfood. food. The TheFitness FitnessSuite Suiteisisalso alsoavailable availablefor forhire. hire. Please Pleaseask askfor fordetails. details.

JUNIOR JUNIOR ACTIVITY ACTIVITYPROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES are areavailable availableduring duringschool schoolholidays. holidays.

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• •Up Uptoto50% 50%on ona arange rangeofofswimming swimmingand andsports sports

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sports sportshall halland andATP ATPhire hire • •Regular Regularnewsletter newsletterand andprogramme programmeupdates updates

Just Justshow showyour yourcard cardatatevery everyvisit visittotoget getyour yourdiscount! discount! Pick Pickup updetails detailsofofhow howtotosign signup upfor foryours yoursnow. now.

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ee pospitosit ss s YOURLINK4LIFE YOURLINK4LIFEsaves savesyou you iveive disdcisc ovo evr er kY money moneyon ona awide widerange rangeofofsport sport thtinhkinY lealernarn OO U U s h h RRLL i i pepoepos s s toto and andleisure leisureactivities activitiesatatLink4Life Link4Life ple ININ ryrycocmom le mm K K 4 4 u u exehxibhib nitnyity LL centres centresacross acrossthe theborough. borough. EE itioitniosns f f IFIF am am ilyily Plus Plusthere thereare area awhole wholerange rangeofofextra extraspecial special benefi benefi tstsincluding: including:

Regular Sessions L4L CARD

Juniors Boxer Circuit (Non Contact) 5-15 years Tues 4.45pm-5.45pm



Trampoline 5-15 years






Over 50s Yoga






Adults Circuit Training 16 years+ Thur




Shokk Youth Gym 8-16 years

Mon & Tues Wed, Thurs & Fri

4.30pm-7.30pm 4.30pm-6.30pm

Prices: £2.00 per 1-hour session or £9.00 per month In partnership with Bowlee Park Community Primary School. Programme & prices may be subject to change. You are advised to check for details. * Please refer to Terms & Conditions Various clubs and low cost activ8teme sessions use the Centre on a weekly basis, including Martial Arts, Yoga, Pilates, Legs bums and Tums and Dance and Zumba. Various Disability Groups also use the Centre on a regular basis. Please contact the Centre for more details.

Life Wellness Fitness Centre The Life Wellness Fitness Centre has a range of up-to-date cardio and resistance equipment, plus free weights. No contract is necessary, with payment options per session or per month. Minimum age 16 years. New members please contact the Centre to arrange your induction. Opening Times: Monday-Thursday: 9am-9pm Friday: 9am-8pm Saturday: 10am-1pm

Prices Per session Full


L4L EXTRA/GP Referral


Per month Gym only


Gym & Swim


St Mary’s RC Synthetic Grass Pitch St Mary’s RC Synthetic Pitch can provide your team with a firstclass training facility for a variety of sports, with one full size pitch or three smaller pitches, for up to 8-a-side football. Changing and shower facilities are provided. Opening Times: Monday-Thursday: 5.30pm-9.30pm Friday: 9am-7.30pm Saturday & Sunday: Available on request. Additional opening times and coaching sessions are available during school holidays. Booking Details: Single week and ten-week block bookings are available, payable in advance. Please ask for details. Prices:

Pitch Hire (10 Weeks) Adult Junior Adult Concessionary Junior Concessionary

£51.00 £40.00 £43.00 £28.00

Sports Hall Facilities include a sports hall for 5-a-side football, 4 badminton courts, 2 table tennis tables and 2 indoor bowls mats. Equipment is also available for hire. Opening Times: Monday-Thursday: 9am-10pm Friday: 9am-8pm Saturday: 10am-1pm Booking Details: For indoor 5-a-side Football, Badminton and 7-a-side Football at St Mary’s, book and pay online*, 24 hours a day, at *not currently available for Concessionary or Junior bookings. Bookings can be made in person or by phone, with payment required 48 hours before play. Block bookings (10 weeks) are available, payable in advance. Off-peak rates available Mon-Sat. Last booking: Adults 5pm / Juniors 6pm L4L EXTRA Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Saturday any time. Prices: Prices per session: 55 minutes unless otherwise stated. L4L CARD

Sports Hall Hire Adult Adult Off-peak Junior Junior Off-peak

£43.60 £32.00 £32.00 £25.50

£39.25 £28.80 £28.80 £23.00

Badminton / Mini Tennis



(per court) Adult Adult Off-peak Junior Junior Off-peak

£10.90 £8.00 £5.40 £4.00

Equipment Hire Adult Junior

Room Hire Fitness Suite Sports Hall Community Groups/Parties

£9.80 £7.20 £4.90 £3.60

£3.60 £1.80

£5 deposit required £1.50 £1.00 Per hour £17.00 £50.00

M62 La ngl ey L n d

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We are situated at the back of the school. Parking is available next to the Sports Centre.




From Middleton town centre follow the signs to Langley via Eastway. At the top of Wood Street, turn left. When you come to Bowlee Park Community School and Sports Centre sign turn in at the first gate on your right.

North Manchester Golf Club Leisure Park


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Middleton Kitchen Wood

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Sports Centre

Where to find us

ld Rd o od O H eyw


Bowlee Park

Sports Hall Life Wellness Fitness Centre Shokk Youth Gym Synthetic Grass Sports Pitch Centre

M60 M60




Link4Life is committed to providing a service that provides equal opportunity and access for all. Disabled parking is available to the front of the Centre. The Centre has disabled access and facilities.

This information is available in large print on request. Programme & prices may be subject to change.

For more information about sport, leisure and culture in the Borough of Rochdale visit

Link4Life is the trading name of Rochdale Boroughwide Cultural Trust. Registered Charity No: 1118610 04/16

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