Kingsway Park
Sports Centre & Athletics Arena
Centre Programme Turf Hill Road, Rochdale, OL16 4XA
01706 750894
3G 3G Pitches Pitches Kingsway KingswayPark Parkhas hasaafull fullsize size3G 3Gartifi artificial cialturf turfpitch pitchthat thatisis available availablefor forhire. hire.The Thefull fullpitch pitchcan canbe behired hiredfor formatches matches or orcan canbe bedivided dividedinto into1/3‘s 1/3‘sfor fortraining trainingsessions. sessions.Please Please enquire enquireat atthe theCentre Centrefor forprices pricesand andavailability. availability.
Meeting Meeting & & Training Training Facilities Facilities To Tohire hirefacilities facilitiesfor forcompetitions competitionsand andevents eventsplease pleaseenquire enquire at atthe theCentre. Centre.Our Ourmeeting meetingroom, room,seating seating20, 20,isisalso alsoavailable available for forhire, hire,including includingtouch touchscreen. screen.
JUNIOR JUNIOR ACTIVITY ACTIVITY PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES are areavailable availableduring duringschool schoolholidays. holidays.
Sign Signup upto toour ourgo4it go4ite-newsletter e-newsletterby by visiting
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YOURLINK4LIFE YOURLINK4LIFEsaves savesyou you money moneyon onaawide widerange rangeof ofsport sportand andleisure leisure activities activitiesat atLink4Life Link4Lifecentres centresacross acrossthe theborough. borough. Plus Plusthere thereare areaawhole wholerange rangeof ofextra extraspecial special benefi benefits tsincluding: including: ••Up Upto to50% 50%on onaarange rangeof ofswimming swimmingand andsports sports activities activities ••Exclusive Exclusivepromotions promotionsand andoffers offers ••Fast-track Fast-trackonline onlinebookings bookingsfor forfifitness tnessclasses, classes, sports sportshall halland andATP ATPhire hire ••Regular Regularnewsletter newsletterand andprogramme programmeupdates updates Just Justshow showyour yourcard cardat atevery everyvisit visitto toget getyour your discount! discount! Pick Pickup updetails detailsof ofhow howto tosign signup upfor foryours yoursnow. now.
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Sports Hall Opening Hours Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
6pm - 10pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm
Indoor 6 court Sports Hall with sprung flooring, available for club training and casual use.
Sessions • Cobra Kia Ju-Jitsu • No Strings Badminton • Fitness classes • Rush Hockey • Athletic Junior sessions • Rochdale Harriers AC • Walking Football • Rochdale Volleyball • FA skills sessions • Rochdale Badminton and Social Club • Youth Service All club sessions are seasonal and therefore subject to change. Please contact the Centre for details on any of the above clubs.
Per session. 55 minutes sessions unless otherwise stated. Off-peak sessions after 9pm weekdays and at weekends. Full Hall
Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak
£65.30 £47.70 £47.70 £33.70
£58.80 £42.90 £42.90 £30.30
Half Hall Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak
£32.70 £23.90 £23.90 £17.00
£29.40 £21.50 £21.50 £15.30
5-a-side Football Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak
£32.70 £23.90 £23.90 £17.00
£29.40 £21.50 £21.50 £15.30
Cricket Practice Nets (per 2 lanes) Adult £32.70 Adult Off-Peak £23.90 Junior £32.70 Junior Off-Peak £23.90
£29.40 £21.50 £21.50 £15.30
Badminton Court Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak
£9.80 £7.20 £7.20 £5.15
£10.90 £8.00 £8.00 £5.70
Athletics Arena Opening Hours Monday-Friday Saturday Sunday
6pm - 9pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm
Athletics Track Kingsway Park Athletics Arena offers a 400m 6 lane, synthetic Athletics Track with 6 lane 100m straight. The Polyflex 950/4 Athletics Arena complies with IAAF standards. Kingsway Arena offers a full range of track and field facilities complete with floodlighting and athletics equipment and is available for hire throughout the year. • Open tiered spectator seating for 400 • Floodlighting • Covered Pits • PA System and CCTV
Per session. 55 minutes sessions unless otherwise stated. Track Training Club Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak Casual User Adult Adult Off-Peak Junior Junior Off-Peak
£45.90 £34.70 £34.70 £26.00 £3.20 £2.25 £1.95 £1.60
L4L CARD £2.90 £2.00 £1.80 £1.40
6 month casual pass Adult Adult Off-Peak
£34.70 £34.70
Adult /Junior Sports Meeting Weekend (up to 8 hours) Sports meeting Weekdays (up to 4 hours)
£306.00 £204.00
How to Book Book and pay online, 24 hours a day, at - not currently available for junior bookings. When booking in person or by phone, payment must be made at the same time to secure the booking. Bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance. Where closing times are given this indicates the end of the final session of the day.
Casual Casual Running Running Sessions Sessionsare areavailable availableatatvarious varioustimes timesthroughout throughoutthe the evening eveningand andatatweekends. weekends.These Thesetimes timesare aresubject subjectto to seasonal seasonalchanges. changes.Please Pleasecontact contactthe theCentre Centrefor foran an up-to-date up-to-datelist listof oftimes. times.
Grass Grass Pitches Pitches Kingsway KingswayPark Parkhas hasaafull fullsize sizegrass grasspitch pitchininthe thecompetition competition arena arenaavailable availablefor forshow showmatches matcheswith withor orwithout without floodlighting. floodlighting.AA9-a-side 9-a-sidegrass grasspitches pitchesisisalso alsoavailable. available. Please Pleaseask askfor fordetails. details. Competition CompetitionArena Arena without withoutfloodlights floodlights Adult Adult
£100.00 £100.00
Junior Junior
£77.00 £77.00
Competition CompetitionArena Arena with withfloodlights floodlights Adult Adult
£116.30 £116.30
Junior Junior
£94.00 £94.00
Programme&&prices pricesmay maybe besubject subjectto tochange. change. Programme Youare areadvised advisedto tocheck checkfor fordetails. details. You Pleaserefer referto toTerms Terms&&Conditions Conditions **Please
Kingsway Kingsway Park Park
66Court CourtSports SportsHall Hall Athletics AthleticsArena Arena Grass GrassPitches Pitches
Sports Sports Centre Centre && Athletics Athletics Arena Arena
3G 3GArtifi Artificial cialTurf TurfPitch Pitch Meeting MeetingRoom Room
Where Where to to fifind nd us us From FromRochdale Rochdaletown towncentre, centre,follow followDrake DrakeStreet Streeton onto toOldham Oldham Road. Road.At Atthe thecrossroads crossroadsturn turnleft leftonto ontoKingsway, Kingsway,after after400 400 yards yardsturn turnright rightonto ontoTurf TurfHill HillRoad. Road.The TheSports SportsCentre Centreisison on the theleft, left,on onthe thesame samesite siteas asKingsway KingswayPark ParkSchool. School.
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Link4Life Link4Lifeare arecommitted committedto toproviding providingaaservice servicethat thatprovides provides equal equalopportunity opportunityand andaccess accessfor forall. all. The TheCentre Centrehas hasdisabled disabledaccess accessand andfacilities. facilities.
This This information information is is available available in in large large print print on on request. request. Programme Programme&&prices pricesmay maybe besubject subjectto tochange change
For Formore moreinformation informationabout aboutsport, sport,leisure leisureand andculture culture ininthe theBorough BoroughofofRochdale Rochdalevisit visit
Link4Life Link4Lifeisisthe thetrading tradingname nameofofRochdale RochdaleBoroughwide BoroughwideCultural CulturalTrust. Trust. Registered RegisteredCharity CharityNo: No:1118610 1118610 04/16 04/16