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The Link Has a Problem
vealed some of the deepest flaws in The Link’s organizational structure. We were originally going to publish 15 print issues of The Link. However, due to understaffing, high job expectations, and minimal compensation, the issue you’re currently reading, Issue 14, will be our last of this volume.
This year has been a notable example of editors being pushed to their limits—not out of duress, but from the passion and expectation to make this paper produce the best work it can. Many of us could not sustain this workload while struggling to make ends meet. Those of us who remained only could because we either had the financial privilege to do so or because we chose to sacrifice even more at our own detriment.
This exploitation has created a culture of privilege that has resulted in The Link being a white-dominated space. In turn, this has subjected BIPOC staff to racism, ignorance and insensitivity. Due to a lack of proper EDI training, The Link has continuously placed the responsibility of teaching sensitivity and accountability on BIPOC editors and writers who educate their peers without compensation.
We have had seven resignations this volume—a number totaling almost half our masthead. The last words of almost every person who has resigned have been along the lines of, “I am not paid enough for this.”
We think it is a great shame that The Link has not found a way to operate for almost half a century without requiring immense unpaid time, energy and sacrifice from its editors and staff.
If The Link expects good work from its editors and staff, it should in turn cease to rely on an extractive structure that exploits students and depends on their burnouts. We want future editors and staff to be able to produce quality content without worrying about not being able to pay rent, working multiple jobs outside of The Link, dropping classes, halting their academic progression, barely seeing their families and friends for weeks on end, or feeling constantly overwhelmed because they're working too hard for a so-called job they are told they are volunteering for.
The Link is in dire need of a conversation that will ensure the level of sacrifice required for this job as well as burnout does not happen again.
While much of this work will be internal, there are ways the Concordia community can help ensure quality independent journalism thrives on campus over the coming years. In the near future, it is likely that a fee-levy increase to The Link in a CSU by-election will be raised, which will allow editors and staff to be compensated more for their efforts.
Our publication needs to resolve its lack of sustainability rather than putting a bandage on ourselves for Volume 44. Good journalism must start with good working conditions.
Volume 43, Issue 14
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Concordia University
Hall Building, Room H-645
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8 editor: 514-848-2424 x. 7407 arts: 514-848-2424 x. 5813 news: 514-848-2424 x. 8682 business: 514-848-7406 advertising: 514-848-7406
The Link is published fifteen times during the academic year by The Link Publication Society Inc. Content is independent of the university and student associations (ECA, CASA, ASFA, FASA, CSU). Editorial policy is set by an elected board as provided for in The Link ’s constitution. Any student is welcome to work on The Link and become a voting staff member.
Material appearing in The Link may not be reproduced without prior written permission from The Link
Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters 400 words or less will be printed, space permitting. The letters deadline is Friday at 4:00 p.m. The Link reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length and refuse those deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, libellous, or otherwise contrary to The Link ’s statement of principles.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2022-2023: Voting Members: Kaity Brady, Caroline Marsh, Diane Yeung | Non-Voting Members: Rachel Boucher, Adam Gibbard, Colin Harris, Michelle Pucci | Advisor: Laura Beeston
TYPESETTING by The Link PRINTING by Hebdo-Litho.
CONTRIBUTORS: Menel Rehab, Raveena Sagantiyoc, Hannah Vogan, Iness Rifay, Joëlle Jalbert, Maria Cholakova, Marieke Glorieux-Stryckman.
House Ads: Adam Gibbard
Cover: Myriam Ouazzani