Hearing Resources

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Hearing Resources Deaf Navigator Hope Community Resources’ Deaf Navigator program provides a range of resources and services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alaskans to improve long-term employment and housing options. Available services: Navigation and coordination of community resources throughout the State of Alaska o Health and Social Services o Employment Services o Housing Services  Training to employers and service providers on needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities  Free public access to a computer, videophone, caption phone, and TTY  Outreach and marketing to rural communities https://www.hopealaska.org/deaf-navigator 

Hope Community Resources' Deaf Supports Team Hope Community Resources' Deaf Supports Team offers support and services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in a manner that is free of cultural or language barriers. Our staff members in Deaf Supports are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and well-versed in Deaf culture. We have extensive experience working with deaf adults and children of many cultures and communities; from Anchorage to very remote parts of Alaska. Two programs are offered, the Deaf Navigator program and the Rural Deaf Student Support program. Visit our Deaf Navigator Facebook page to keep informed on current activities and events at https://www.facebook.com/DeafNavigator/ https://www.hopealaska.org/deaf-services Mat-Su All Birds Center In the heart of the Mat-Su Valley sits the All Birds Center (ABC). The ABC hosts an art studio; an evening program for young adults; a wellness program; as well as a variety of other classes. You can access our current calendar here or call 907-357-3750 for more information. Special Education Service Agency http://www.sesa.org/content/deaf-and-hard-of-hearing/alaska-dhoh-resources Alaska State School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing The Alaska State School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides an educational option for Pre-K12 for deaf and hard of hearing students that fosters and supports the development of both American Sign Language and English. Programs operate at Russian Jack Elementary School, Clark Middle School and East High School. Contact Coordinator of Interpreter and Support Staff Tracy Pifer at Pifer_Tracy@asdk12.org www.asdk12.org/assdhh

Alaska Advisory Board for the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing We are an advisory board for the education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students across Alaska. We are a diverse group of educators and government officials with a wide variety of educational philosophies. We work together to promote the best practices in Deaf education for the students we serve. Chairperson: Courtney Westmann Alaska Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf The primary objective of AKRID is to provide professional development for interpreters; exchange ideas, opinions, and experiences concerning interpreting; act as a body to advance professional and ethical standards for interpreters; and advocate for professional recognition of interpreters, (Article 2, AKRID Bylaws). http://alaskarid.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alaska-Registry-of-Interpreters-for-the-Deaf Alaska Relay Alaska Relay Service is a statewide service that connects standard (voice) telephone users with deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, speech-disabled, or late-deafened people who use text telephones (TTYs) or voice carry-over (VCO) phones. http://www.alaskarelay.com Assistive Technology of Alaska 3330 Arctic Blvd., Suite 101 Anchorage (907) 563-2599 or (800) 723-2852 atla@atlaak.org Assistive Technology of Alaska is Alaska’s only comprehensive assistive technology resource center. ATLA provides demonstrations, information, and device loans to help Alaskans make informed decisions and select the AT that best meets their needs. http://www.atlaak.org http://www.atlaak.org/product-solutions/dhh/ Alaska Center for Ear, Nose, and Throat – Hearing http://www.acentalaska.com/hearing-at-acent/ Providence Alaska Medical Center 3841 Piper Street, Suite 230, Anchorage 907-279-8800 Alaska Native Medical Center - Audiology Clinic 3801 University Lake Drive, second floor Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday (907) 729-1400 http://anmc.org/services/ear-nose-throat/#overview

Northern Hearing Audiology http://www.hearalaska.com Anchorage Office and Corporate Headquarters 4200 Lake Otis Parkway, Suite 302, Anchorage 907-561-1326, or Toll Free Statewide: 1-888-391-1326 office@hearalaska.com Walk-in hearing aid repair services available M, T, TH & F 12-1 PM. Wasilla Office 935 Westpoint Drive, Wasilla 907-357-1326, FAX: 907-357-1396 Bridges Navigator Bridges Navigator Program provides a range of resources and services statewide designed to improve long-term employment and housing options to Alaskans who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. This program is run by Alyeska Vocational Services, funded via a grant provided by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. Alyeska Vocational Services 223 East 5th Avenue, Suite 100, Anchorage http://www.bridgesnavigator.org, https://www.facebook.com/BridgesNavigator Denali Deaf Community Center The Alaska Deaf Center, 221 E. 5th Avenue, Anchorage, provides services and supports for persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind, in every aspect of our Alaskan Communities. http://www.akdeafcenter.org Early Hearing Detection and Intervention State of Alaska Division of Public Health Women's Children and Family Health 3601 C Street, Suite 322, Anchorage 907-334-2273 http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/wcfh/Pages/newborn/default.aspx http://www.infanthearing.org/states/state_profile.php?state=alaska Gallaudet University Regional Center The Gallaudet University Regional Centers share resources among each other and with Gallaudet University. The Regional Centers offer professional studies and extension courses, training programs, workshops, conferences, and technical assistance to address the educational, transition, and professional development needs of deaf and hard of hearing people, their family members, and the educators and other professionals who work with them. http://www.gallaudet.edu/outreach_programs/regional_centers_.html

Listening and Spoken Language Program – Anchorage School District Williwaw Elementary School – HOH Program http://www.asdk12.org/schools/Williwaw/pages/Williwaw/Home.html SESA – Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program SESA specialists provide consultative services to school teams for students who are from the ages of 3 to 22 years of age who live in a rural area of Alaska with hearing loss. Contact Olivia Yancey, MDE, at oyancey@sesa.org, or 907-334-1332 http://www.sesa.org/content/hearing-impairment Stone Soup Group – Parent Navigators Parent Navigation is a statewide service that assists parents and family members of a child with special needs from birth to age 26. Learning that you have a child with special needs can be overwhelming in a number of ways. Parent Navigators are there to help assist family members as they "navigate" through the options and resources available by offering specialized information, support, trainings and resources based on each child's unique needs. Parent Navigators are connected to community resources and will help families make informed decisions, ensuring that, as a family, they are receiving long-term quality, coordinated care and support. Phone (907) 561-3701, or Toll Free: (877) 786-7327 info@stonesoupgroup.org http://www.stonesoupgroup.org/Navigators.html

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