How to apply for Medicaid waiver

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How to Apply for a Medicaid Waiver Agencies that provide Care Coordination services work with people who are applying for a Medicaid waiver, and with people who have been approved for a Medicaid waiver; a form of long-term care insurance available to people of all ages who meet “Nursing Facility Level of Care.” If you already have Medicaid, and think you might meet Level of Care for a Medicaid waiver, you must work with a Care Coordinator to apply. The Care Coordinator will complete the application, turn it in to the state, and then schedule a home visit with the Nurse Assessor. The Nurse Assessor works face to face with applicants to determine whether they meet “Nursing Facility Level of Care,” which is based on a person needing physical help from another person with Bed Mobility, Transfers, Toileting , Locomotion and Eating. 

To get an idea of whether you might qualify, complete a Medicaid waiver pre-screen with the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Wasilla. To schedule a pre-screen, contact Diana at 907373-3647. If the pre-screen results indicate you might meet “Nursing Facility Level of Care” for Medicaid waiver, ask the ADRC representative for a list of Care Coordinators accepting new clients for Medicaid waiver. Contact Care Coordinators and say that you “need a Care Coordinator to help you apply for a Medicaid waiver.” Explain your situation, and ask if they will help you apply for a Medicaid waiver.

Care Coordinators are paid by Medicaid to work with Medicaid waiver beneficiaries. Your Care Coordinator will manage the process of applying for a Medicaid waiver for you. They will help you pull together the records and documents needed to submit with the application for a Medicaid waiver. You should have applied for Medicaid and have completed the pre-screen for waiver before contacting Care Coordinators and asking them to help you apply for a Medicaid waiver.

Steps in applying for Medicaid wavier services:   

Apply for Medicaid Complete a Medicaid waiver pre-screen with ADRC Contact a Care Coordinator

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