Serbia Travel Guide

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Sadržaj/Table of content Sadržaj / Table of content 1-7

Uvodne strane Arena Link Domestic kartica popusta / Domestic discount card Dobrodošli u Srbiju / Welcome to Serbia Srbija / Serbia

8-19 Planinski turizam / Mountain Tourism Zlatibor Kopaonik Fruška Gora / Mount Fruška 20-25 Jezera / Lakes Jezero Palić / Palic Lake Srebrno jezero / Silver Lake Borsko jezero / Borsko Lake 26-35 Zdravstveno-banjski turizam / Medical & Spa Tourism Vrnjačka Banja / Vrnjačka Spa Mataruška i Bogutovačka Banja / Mataruška & Bogutovacka Spa Vranjska Banja / Vranjska Spa Stomatologija i estetska hirurgija / Dental & Aestethic surgery services 36-41 Seoski turizam i etno sela / Rural Tourism & Ethno Villages 42-57 Manastiri / Monasteries 58-107 Urbani Turizam / City Break Arandjelovac Bečej Beograd / Belgrade Bor Čačak Kragujevac Kraljevo Kruševac Leskovac Niš Novi Sad Ruma Smederevo Topola Vršac Vranje 108

Podrška projektu / Project support

ARENA LINK Novi početak

A fresh beginning

Kažu da kada nešto dovoljno volite, ta ljubav će vam biti uzvraćena. Uspeh u svemu što radite, zavisi od toga koliko ste ljubavi i posvećenosti spremni da date i pružite. U današnjem svetu, kada ljudi doživljavaju veliku finansijsku krizu, opasnost od udaljavanja i ignorisanja našeg nasleđa, kulturnih i moralnih vrednosti je sve više prisutna. Arena Link je formirana od strane grupe ljudi koji su sebi postavili zadatak da se upravo tako nešto ne desi, tim ljudi koji veruje da “prave stvari u životu nisu samo stvari”. Mi verujemo da jedna dobra ideja može promeniti svet. A mi ih imamo mnogo i tek smo počeli. Stub naših ideja je vera u uspeh i realizaciju, kvalitetni i sposobni ljudi da pokrenu i nose velike projekte! Mi verujemo da svo bogatstvo ovog sveta leži u našoj istoriji, kulturi i nasleđu. Naš zadatak je da ono što su nam s godinama prenele starije generacije, učinimo snažnim temeljom za izradu naših inovativnih projekata. Kompanija posluje u oblasti turizma u Grčkoj već 30 godina i za sve to vreme bilo nam je zadovoljstvo da se posvetimo klijentima, pružimo im kvalitetnu uslugu i sa njima podelimo lepotu putovanja. Pre godinu dana, preuzeli smo inicijativu da ispunimo san, a to je da povežemo naše dve zemlje i približimo ih jednu drugoj , na osnovama onoga što nam je zajedničko, a to su zajednička kultura, religija i naravno prirodne lepote koje i Grčka i Srbija imaju kao dar od Boga. Izgradili smo bazu u srcu Beograda, u blizini Grčke ambasade, kao znak našeg cilja da povežemo dve nacije najbolje što možemo. Predstavili smo tržištu naš novi projekat, Link Serbia, koji promoviše Srbiju kao turističku destinaciju na nov i inovativan način, stvarajući tako izvanrednu prezentaciju

They say that when you love something enough, this love bounces back to you and in order to have success in whatever you are doing, love and devotion should be the main ingredients of your actions. In the world of today when the people are experiencing a huge financial crisis, the danger of becoming distant and ignorant towards our inheritance of culture and moral values, is really present. Arena Link was formed by a group of people, who made it their task to avoid such a thing to happen, a team who believe “that the real things in life are not just things“, we believe that all the wealth of the world lies within our history, our culture and our inheritance. We made it therefore our task to concentrate mostly on what is been passed on to us over the years from the older generations and to make this our solid foundation of building innovative projects, within our activity boundaries. As a company we have been engaging ourselves in the Tourist field for more than 30 years in Greece and we have had the chance to learn the beauty of providing quality services, showing love and devotion to clients and receiving all the satisfaction that goes with it. About a year ago we took the initiative to fulfill a dream, which was to link our countries and bring them even closer, based on the issue of our common features such us culture, religion and of course the natural beauty that both Greece and Serbia have as a great gift of our creator. We built a base right in the heart of the capital Belgrade also next to the Greek embassy as a significant sign of our aim to link the two Nations the best we can. We started introducing in the market our new project, Link Serbia, promoting the Tourist product, of Serbia via a new innovative method,

ARENA LINK onoga što Srbija ima da ponudi u vidu lepote, kulture i gostoprimljivosti koju ovdašnji ljudi imaju u svojim srcima i koju nude svakom posetiocu. Naš san je da izgradimo upečatljiv imidž Srbije u spoljnom svetu, da je promovišemo kao zemlju koja ima puno toga da ponudi kao turistička destinacija. Projekat Link Serbia je put koji vodi ka uspehu u poslovnoj saradnji sa svima onima koji su svoje mesto pronašli u njemu, počevši od malih kafea, restorana, do hostela i velikih luksuznih hotela, s namerom da kreiramo turistički proizvod koji bi bio pogodan za sve ljubitelje putovanja. Veliku podršku projektu Link Serbia daje i naša turistička agencija Bookforit discount travel, koja posluje kao tur operator i bavi se organizacijom svih vrsta individualnih i grupnih putovanja u zemlji i inostranstvu. Želeli smo da iznesemo na površinu sve ono što Srbija ima sakriveno u svom kulturno-istorijskom blagu i sto više kopamo, to više pronalazimo, sve se više zaljubljujemo u nju i postajemo sve više optimisti sa izazovom da uspemo u onome što radimo i ostvarimo dobar rezultat. Zahvaljujemo se svim ljudima iz poslovnog sveta turizma, lokalnim turističkim organizacijama, kao i Srpskoj Pravoslavnoj Crkvi za svu njihovu pomoć, korisne informacije i podršku u našem pokušaju da ostvarimo Link Serbia san. Naše obećanje je da postanemo ambasadori srpskog turističkog proizvoda . Turisticki vodič kroz Srbiju je samo prvi korak, imamo još mnogo toga da uradimo u budućnosti, nove ideje, nove metode i mnogo ljubavi i entuzijazma od strane tima ljudi koji vole Srbiju i sve ono što ona jeste. Kris Pahis Predsednik Arena Link grupe

thus creating a brilliant presentation, of what Serbia has to offer in terms of beauty, of culture and also the hospitality of today that people here possess in their hearts and they offer to every visitor. Our dream is to build a strong image of Serbia on the outside world, to promote it as the country which has a lot more to offer to the visitor and also to attract new business and investment in the country. The Link Serbia project is the gateway to success, we have been in conduct with local authorities all kinds of local businesses in the country from small cafes to hostels and big luxury hotels trying to create a Tourist project that is applicable and suitable to all kinds of visitors. We have been trying to bring out in the surface all that Serbia has hidden in its huge cultural memory lane and the more we dig the more we find, the more we fall in love with it and the more we become optimistic and tempted to succeed and to achieve results. We are very grateful to all the people both the business and the government local Tourist organizations and of course the Church for all their help and useful information and support in our attempt to fulfill the Link Serbia dream. Our promise is to become the great Ambassadors of the Serbian Tourist product, the tourist guide of Serbia is only the first step, there is a lot more to do in the near future, new ideas, new methods ,a lot of love and positiveness from a team of people who love Serbia and its culture.

Chris Pachis C.E.O Arena Link group

Domestic Discount Card


Boris Andrić

Domestic kartica popusta

Domestic discount Card

Možete li da zamislite kako bi bilo putovati i pri tom štedeti novac? Da li biste želeli da na osnovu toga možete više da putujete? Zar ne bi bilo lepo da i vaša porodica i prijatelji mogu ostvariti takve beneficije? I više od toga, zar ne bi bilo lepo kada biste štedeli novac od svakodnevnih troškova čak i kada ste kod kuće, tako da možete povećati vaš porodični budžet u budućnosti? Sve će se to ovde dešavati…Domestic šema popusta je zamišljena tako da vam nudi sve to i više od toga, samo budite strpljivi i ostanite uz nas, najbolje tek dolazi!

Can you imagine what is it like to travel and save money by doing this? Would you like to be able to travel more as a result of that? Isn't it nice if your friends and your family can also benefit from this? And more, so isn't it nice when you can still save money from your everyday spending even when you are at home, so that you can increase your spending budget for the future? It is all going to be happening here....Domestic discount scheme has been designed to offer all this and a lot more, just be patient and stand by us, the best is yet to come !!!

DOMESTIC KARTICA POPUSTA postajete domaći gde god da ste i vaše potrebe postaju naša potreba za povećanjem inovacija i truda koji ulažemo. Delujemo uvek imajući vas na umu – Arena Link – povezana sa vašim potrebama.

DOMESTIC DISCOUNT CARD you become domestic where ever you are and your domestic needs become our need for more innovation, for more contribution. We are performing with you in mind, Arena Link linked to your needs!!!

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a i b Ser Dobrodošli u Srbiju



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Guca trumpet fest

ARENA LINK d.o.o Francuska 17,Beograd tel.: 011/3349-105, faks: 011/3349-104, Mob.: 065/899-4501 e-mail:


Srbija Srbija je velika tajna. Ona je dar vekova i iskra svih naroda koji su na njoj živeli. Ova zemlja poznaje praistorijske civilizacije i drevne narode čije se postojanje izgubilo u stalnim balkanskim nemirima. Lik Srbije gradili su Iliri, Tračani, Kelti, Huni, Avari... Svojim sjajem obasjao je Rim. Ona je ostala deo istočnog rimskog Carstva u mnogim vekovima. Srbi su došli u VI veku i stvorili državu koja nije bila deo ni istočne ni zapadne civilizacije, a koja je istovremeno deo obe. Osnivač srpske crkve, Sveti Sava je rekao: „Srbija je istok na zapadu i zapad na istoku..." Tako je i danas. Tragovi svih civilizacija ostali su kao biseri, ali i kao ožiljci na licu Srbije. O ljudima svedoče rimski gradovi, vizantijske crkve i tvrđave, srpski utvrđeni gradovi, turske kaldrme, austrijski zamkovi, ali i neverovatni umetnički pečat majke prirode koja je i privukla sve te ljude u nedra balkanske lepotice. Nigde nema toliko voda, pećina, šuma, biljaka... Priroda Srbije iznenadi svakog putnika iz svih delova sveta. Pisali su o tome putopisci Feliks Kanic, Evlija Čelebija... Srbiju danas ne poznaju ni narodi istoka koji je gledaju kao previše „zapadnu", ni narodi zapada za koje je ona deo istočne civilizacije. Srbiji niko ne veruje i zato su mnogi zapanjeni kada zagrebu po njenim tajnama. Pođite sa nama na put kroz vekove, mitove, istoriju i prirodu koji su još neotkriveni. Probajte fantastičnu srpsku kuhinju. Doživite Srbiju.

Serbia Serbia is a big secret. It is the gift of the centuries and a spark of all the people who have lived in it. This country knows prehistoric civilizations and ancient people, whose existence has been lost in the constant Balkan riots. Character of Serbia was built by Illyrians, Thracians, Celts, Huns, Odoacars ... Its glow lit up the Rome. It remained part of the Eastern Roman Empire for many centuries. The Serbs came in the sixth century and created a country that was neither part of Eastern nor Western civilization, and which is the part of the both at the same time. The founder of the Serbian Church, Saint Sava said: "Serbia is the east in west and the west in east ..." And so it is today. Traces of other civilizations remained like pearls, but also as scars on the face of Serbia.Roman cities, Byzantine churches and fortresses, Serbian fortified towns, Turkish cobblestones, Austrian castles, and an amazing artistic seal of Mother Nature, which attracted all those people to the bosom of the Balkan beauty, testify of the people. There are nowhere so many waters, caves, forests, plants ... Serbian nature surprises every traveler from all over the world. The most famous travelers Felix Kanitz, Evliya Celebi etc. wrote about it. Serbia is still unknown to the people of the East, which have seen it as too "Western", and also to the people from the West to which it is a part of Eastern civilization. No one believes to Serbia, and that is why many are stunned when they scratch under the surface for its secrets. Come with us on a journey through still undiscovered centuries, myths, history and nature. Try fantastic Serbian cuisine. Experience Serbia.

Planinski turizam


va velika džina srela su se južno od Dunava na Balkanu. Ta dva kolosa su Rodopski i Dinarski planinski venci koji su Srbiji dali divne planine. Karakteristika srpskih planina je da su zelene od stoletnih šuma i pašnjaka i pune voda, hladnih i svežih, ali i vrelih i mineralnih. Najpoznatiji ski centar Srbije je Kopaonik, koji ima 24 žičare i oko 50 kilometara staza povezanih u jedinstven sistem. To je mesto za porodično skijanje, ali i za uživanje u dubokom snegu i spuštanju kroz šume bora i bukve. Zimi je Kopaonik i mesto koje se posle skijanja greje do usijanja u večernjim časovima, kada klubovi otvore svoja vrata za opuštanje u noći. Zapadnom Srbijom dominira Zlatibor, još jedan ski centar, ali i vazdušna banja i urbani centar noćnog života. Nedovoljno istražene planine istočne Srbije kriju najlepše biserne pećine u Evropi, slatkovodne zelene rečne lagune, i izvore vrele vode iz velikih dubina. Tu žive i jeleni i divlje svinje, lete orlovi i sokolovi, a ljudi spremaju hranu bez i jednog veštačkog dodatka. Najveća evropska ptica, beloglavi sup, živi na stenama iznad reke Uvac, koja razdvaja planinu Zlatar od pešterske visoravni. Srbija ima i planine u vojvođanskoj ravnici, na kojima se gaje vina i koje hrane ravnicu snegovima, a ljude mirisima. U Srbiji je zora plava, a taj fenomen javlja se kada u letnju zoru pogledate put još neizašlog sunca, kada se brda oboje čitavim spektrom plave boje. Planinska sela vas čekaju ako više volite da pobegnete od velikih planinskih ski centara. Tamo su poslednje oaze života u potpunosti u skladu sa prirodom i ljudi koji ne poznaju reč „požuri“, jer ih ogromne stene podsećaju koliko je čovek mali u odnosu na postojanje kamena i vode.

Mountain tourism


wo big giants met south of the Danube in the Balkans. These two giants are Rhodope and Dinaric mountain ranges that gifted Serbia with beautiful mountains. The characteristics of the Serbian mountains are that they are green with their ancient centenary forests and pastures, and abundant with water, cold and fresh, but also hot and mineral. The most famous Serbian ski resort is Kopaonik, which has 24 lifts and over 50 kilometers of slopes connected in a unified system. This is a place for family skiing but also a place to enjoy deep snow and sliding down through forests of pine and beech. In winter, after skiing, Kopaonik is heated to the boiling point in the evening, when the clubs open their doors for relaxing evenings. Western Serbia is dominated by Zlatibor, another ski resort, but also an air spa and an urban centre of nightlife. Underexplored mountains of eastern Serbia are hiding the most beautiful pearl caves in Europe, green freshwater lagoons, and the springs of hot water from great depths. Deer and wild boars live there, eagles and hawks fly, and people prepare food without any artificial supplements. Europe's largest bird, the Griffon vulture, lives on rocks above Uvac lakes and rivers, which separates the Zlatar Mountain from Pester plateau. Serbia also has mountains in the Vojvodina plain, where vines, which feed the plain with snow and people with scents, are grown. The dawn is blue in Serbia, and this phenomenon occurs when you look towards the early sunrise in the summer dawn, when hills get colored by a range of blue colors. If you prefer to get away from the big mountain resorts, mountain villages are waiting for you. There are the last oases of life in full harmony with nature and the people who do not know the words “Hurry up", because huge rocks resemble how man is small compared to the existence of stone and water.

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Visoravan kiseonika, belog bora i proroka.


ada bi olujni morski talasi mogli da se okamene i da ih prekriju pašnjaci i šume, nastala bi slika zlatiborskih grebena i visoravni. Planina Zlatnog bora ime je, kažu, dobila po vrednosti koje je bor imao za ovdašnje stanovnike, ili po zlatnim iglicama jedne posebne vrste, ili po rumeno beloj boji kore belog bora koji se na zuncu presijava kao zlatni skiptar. Živopisni Zlatibor, sa pašnjacima i šumama bora i hrasta, već više od 120 godina je mesto za odmor, koje su još u 19. veku posećivali kraljevi iz srpske dinastije. Vazduh planine na 1000 metara iznad mora ima legendarna svojstva. Zbog sudara vetrova sa juga i severa, ovde je specifična klima i kvalitet „kiseonika“. Sa duge strane, ovde ima lekovitih voda u samom centru turističkog naselja, ali i u banji Vapi. O impresivnoj geološkoj borbi titanskih stena, vetra i vode, svedoči i Stopića pećina, sa bisernim kaskadnim slapovima raspoređenim u minijaturnim podzemnim jezerima. Voda je pobedila i na impresivnom vodopadu u selu Gostilje, a potok koji teče sredinom Ljubiške doline čini scenografiju za bajkovit film. Na Zlatiboru je čitavo selo Mačkat poznato po spremanju jagnjećeg pečenja, a ribnjaci pastrmke u Ljubišu zaokružuju gastronomski raj koji je popunjen domaćim kajmakom, sirom i rakijom. Nedaleko od Zlatibora nalazi se i muzejska železnica – Šarganska osmica sagrađena 1925. godine, koja je uspon od 300 metara savladala tako što se brda prelaze kružnim putanjama, koje gledane iz vazduha, prelaze jedna drugu i obrazuju broj osam. Parna vuča na uskom koloseku i pogled sa visokih stena, sa kojih vagoni kao da vise, poseban je doživljaj. Nedaleko je i najveće srpsko proročište, selo Kremna, sa porukama mnogo jasnijim od onih Nostrdamusovih, od kojih su se mnoga već odavno obistinila. Smete li vi da pitate za sudbinu? Zlatibor danas ima preko 15.000 ležajeva u nekoliko luksuznih hotela i kongresnih centara, više odmarališta, i mnogo porodičnih vila i pansiona sa intimnom atmosferom.

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Zlatibor –mountain of golden pine


f stormy waves of the sea could be petrified and covered with pastures and forests on top, a picture of Zlatibor ridges and plateaus would arise. The Mountain of golden pine got its name, at least according to some stories, after the value that a pine tree had for the local residents, or according to the others, by the golden needles of one particular pine species, or by rosy white bark of white pine that shines like a golden scepter in the sun. The colorful Zlatibor, with pastures and forests of pine and oak, has been a place for rest for more than 120 years. Tourism started developing in the 19th century when King Alexander, of Serbian dynasty, visited the mountain. Mountain air at 1,000 meters above the sea level has legendary properties. Due to the collision of winds from the south and the north, there is a specific climate and quality of oxygen. On the other hand, there are also medicinal waters in the center of the tourist resort, as well as in Vapa Spa. Stopića caves, cascading pearly waterfalls connecting miniature underground lakes, testifies about titanic geological struggle of the impressive rocks, wind and water. Water as well wins the special prize for beauty at an impressive waterfall in the Gostilje village, and the stream that runs in the middle of Ljubiš valley resembles a set for a fairytale movie. Zlatibor has a whole village known for preparing roast lamb – Mačkat. Trout ponds in Ljubiš complete the gastronomic paradise filled with homemade cream, cheese and brandy. Not far from Zlatibor there is a museum railway called “Šargan eight” that was built in 1925, which defeated the mountain ascent of 300 meters by crossing the hills in orbits. Observed from the air, these crossings form the number eight. Steam traction on a narrow track and the view from a high rocks along the way, where wagons seem as if hanging, is a special experience. The largest Serbian oracle village Kremna is nearby, with messages much clearer than of Nostradamus, of which many have already come true. Would you have courage to inquire for your destiny? Zlatibor has over 15,000 beds in several luxury hotels and convention centers nowadays, several resorts, and many family villas and guest houses with an intimate atmosphere.


Jezero bb, Zlatibor Tel. 1: +381 31 841 161 Tel. 2: +381 31 841 170 Tel. 3: +381 11 2635 830 Faks: +381 31 841 734 E-mail:

Hotel Olimp Miladina Pecinara 1, 31315 Zlatibor

Telefon: +381 31 842 555; +381 31 848 054 Fax: +381 31 841 953

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Hotel Olimp Miladina Pecinara 1, 31315 Zlatibor

Telefon: +381 31 842 555; +381 31 848 054 Fax: +381 31 841 953 E-mail:


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Jezero bb, Zlatibor Tel. 1: +381 31 841 161 Tel. 2: +381 31 841 170 Tel. 3: +381 11 2635 830 Faks: +381 31 841 734 E-mail:



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Kopaonik „Krov Srbije“ i najveći skijaški centar u zemlji


opaonik ima 50 kilometara staza koje su sve povezane u jedan sistem, tako da čitavog dana možete skijati, a da pritom ne idete dva puta na istu stazu. Visinom od 2017 metara Kopaonik dominira okolinom. Planina je ime dobila po mnogim rudnicima – „Kopovima“, čija je eksploatacija zaustavljena kada je projektovan skijaški centar. Posle Beograda, Kopaonik u zimskim danima važi za mesto najboljeg provoda i najluđih noći. Ima i mnogo onih koji na „Kop“ dolaze samo zbog zabave, a ne zbog skijanja. Ali Kopaonik je mnogo više od ski centra. To je bajka pod suncem. Čarobni vodotokovi, kanjon Samokovske reke, vodopad Jelovarnik visok preko 70 metara, guste šume i medonosne livade, ostrvo koje plovi po ukletom jezeru i sveta zemlja... Sve je to Kopaonik. UNESCO je u svetsku kulturnu baštinu upisao freske drevnog manastira Sopoćani, ali i najlepši primer mešavine vizantijske i romaničke arhitekture star preko 800 godina – manastir Studenicu. Srednjovekovne tvrđave moćnih gospodara i dalje stoje kao čuvari ove velike planine. Izvor vode u Jošaničkoj banji dostiže čak 78 stepeni celzijusa, dok oni u Kuršumlijskoj i Lukovskoj Banji sežu do 57 stepeni, a u hladnim vodama reke Ibar rafting je mnogo više od samog spuštanja divljim vodama. To je avantura protkana istorijom u Dolini jorgovana. Na susednoj planini Radan nalazi se jedno od svetskih čuda prirode obavijeno misterijom – Đavolja varoš. Bilo da tražite jednostavan odmor ili luksuzan spa hotel, bilo da volite planinu ili samo sunce, želite li da spavate na 1700 ili 1000 metara nadmorske visine – birajte, Kopaonik ima sve.

Restoran Koliba 37225 Brzeće +381 37 823 315

Vila "Pahuljica" 37225 Brzeće +381 64 2628 398;

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“The roof of Serbia" is the largest ski resort


Villa "Pahuljica" 37225 Brzece +381 64 2628 398;

Restaurant Koliba 37225 Brzece +381 37 823 315

argest ski resort in the country and has 50 kilometers of ski slopes that are all connected in one system, so that you can ski throughout the entire day, without using the same slope twice. At its height of 2017 meters Kopaonik dominates the surroundings. The mountain was named after many mines - “KOPOVI ", whose exploitation was stopped when the ski resort was constructed. Besides Belgrade, Kopaonik is the best place for the true fun and craziest nights, during winter time. There are as well many people who visit “Kop" just for fun, not skiing. But Kopaonik is much more than a ski resort. It's a fairytale under the sun. The magical watercourses , Samokovska river, Jelovarnik waterfall over 70 meters tall, dense forests and honey meadows, an island floating on the haunted lake, and holy ground ... Kopaonik is all of that. UNESCO enrolled frescoes of ancient monastery of Sopoćani in the World Heritage list, but also the most beautiful example of a mixture of Byzantine and Romanesque architecture - monastery Studenica, over 800 years old. Medieval fortresses of powerful masters still stand as guardians of this great mountain. The water spring in the Jošanička spa reaches 78 º C (172 º F), while those in Kuršumlijska and Lukovska Spa reach up to 57 degrees (172 º F). In the cold waters of the river Ibar, rafting is more than just pedaling wild white waters. It's an adventure inwrought with history in the Valley of lilac. The nearby mountain Radan hides one of the world's natural wonders wrapped with mystery - Devil's Town. Whether you are looking for a simple vacation or a luxurious spa hotel, whether you prefer the mountains or just the sun, if you want to sleep at 1700 or 1000 meters above sea level - choose Kopaonik, it has it all.



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Fruška Gora Ostrvo u ravnici, planina vina i sveta gora.


veta planina čuva jednu od najvećih hrišćanskih relikvija.

Posle oticanja panonskog mora pre oko 600.000 godina, Fruška gora ostaje usamljena planina u velikoj panonskoj niziji. Nacionalni park ima najveću koncentracju lipove šume u Evropi, a na padinama rimskog “Alma Mons”-a raste oko 700 lekovitih biljaka. Ova niska i pitoma planina svake jeseni daje svetu nektar neprevaziđenih belih vina, jakih aroma i kristalne bistrine. U malim podrumima, uz vojvođanske mesne specijalitete i kolače, vina daju snagu jelu, duhu i hedonizmu. Crvena vina sa ovih prostora kao da su mešana sa voćem koje raste između vinograda. Na planini dugoj samo 75 i širokoj jedva 20 kilometara nalazi se čak 16 pravoslavnih manastira i u jednom od njih hrišćanska relikvija, jedinstvena u svetu, svete netruležne mošti jednog od najvećih svetih ratnika, Svetog Teodora Tirona, stare 1700 godina. Topla planina daje i tople izvore u banji Vrdnik i svojom severnom padinom čuva najveći vojvođanski grad – Novi Sad.

+381 22 462 492 +381 21 621 66 11;

e to m o Welc

Fruška Gora Island in the plain


+381 22 462 492 +381 21 621 66 11

Vineyard & Winery

MACKOV PODRUM Irig, Mount Fruska;

sland in the sea, the island in the plain. It is the Holy Mountain which guards one of the greatest Christian relics. After draining of the Pannonia Sea around 600,000 years ago, Fruška Gora remained lonely mountain in the great Pannonia Plain. The National Park has the largest concentration of linden trees in Europe, and around 700 medicinal herbs grow on the slopes of the Roman “Alma Mons “. This low and tame mountain provides unsurpassed nectar of white wine, of strong aroma and crystal clear each fall. In small cellars, with Vojvodina's meat dishes and cakes, the wines add spice to meals, spirit and hedonism. Red wines from these areas taste as if they are mixed with fruit which grows between the vineyards. In the mountain, only 75 kilometers long and wide merely 20, there are up to 16 Orthodox monasteries and in one of these there is a rare relic, unique in the world: sacred incorrupt relics of one of the greatest holy warriors, Saint Theodore Tyron, which are 1700 years old. Warm mountain also offers hot springs in the Vrdnik Spa and guards with its northern slope the largest city in Vojvodina - Novi Sad.

Francuska 17 Beograd, 11000 tel : 011/ 3349-103 fax: 011/ 3349-104 Email:



ogatstvo voda u Srbiji je legendarno. Ono što je neverovatno na evropskom kontinentu je da još uvek ima i mnogo onih nezagađenih reka i izvora. To bogatstvo darovalo je Srbiji veliki broj čistih jezera. Neka nam je podarila priroda, a negde je čovek pomogao prirodi da ih stvori. U ravnici i planinama jezera daju prirodi lepotu i bogatstvo odmora ali i gastronomije ribljih specijaliteta. Jezera bistre i zeleno smaragdne vode nalaze se na reci Drini i planini Tari - Perućac i Zaovine. Na najvećim jezersko-rečnim meandrima na Ušačkom jezeru, na impesivnim stenama živi i najveći evropski gospodar neba, orao beloglavi sup. Na Vlasinskom jezeru na jugu Srbije ali i na malom Semeteškom ispod Kopaonika, na površini vode plutaju ostrva na kojima rastu stabla i do desetak metara visine, i koja svakog jutra možete videti na drugom mestu. U sred Srbije leži Gružansko jezero izuzetno bogato ribom. Čak i glavni grad ima svoje jezero pored reke Save, čija je voda toliko čista da se zimi može i piti, a ono se nalazi gotovo u centru Beograda. Na Dunavu leži biserno Srebrno jezero sa vodeniim parkom, a vojvođanska mala jezera često su spas ljudima tokom letnjih vrućina. Među njima ima i lekovitih, kao što je jezero na Paliću, iz koga se vadi lekovito blato. Površina vode, dokazano, smiruje nervni sistem, i iako Srbija nema izlaz na more ima dovoljno obala na kojima je moguće diviti se prirodi i uživati u sportovima na vodi. Ili jednostavno odmorite se kraj čiste vode zagrljeni sa prirodom.



he abundance of waters in Serbia is legendary. What amazes as rare on the European continent is that Serbia still has a lot of unpolluted rivers and springs. This wealth gifted Serbia with many clean lakes. Some of them are the gift of nature, and in some cases man helped nature in creating them. In the plains and mountains lakes provide natural beauty and richness of relaxation, but also gastronomy of fish dishes. Clear lakes and emerald green waters are located on the Drina River and Tara Mountain - Perućac and Zaovine lakes. At the largest river-lake meanders on Uvac Lake, the largest European master of skies - griffon vulture lives on the impressive rocks. Vlasina Lake in southern Serbia and the small Semeteško Lake below Kopaonik Mountain have floating islands on the surface of the water, where trees grow up to thirty feet of height, and which you can see at a completely different place every morning. Gružansko Lake, abundant in fish, lies in the middle of Serbia. Even the capital city has its own lake next to the river Sava, whose water is so clean that it is drinkable in winter, and this lake is located almost in the center of Belgrade. Pearly Srebrno (Silver) Lake with Water Park lies near the Danube. Vojvodina's small lakes are often rescue oases to the people during summer heats. Among them there are ones with healing mud, such as the lake Palić. It has been proven that water surface calms the nervous system, and although Serbia doesn't have sea coast it has enough coastline where it is possible to admire the countryside and enjoy the water sports. Or simply relax next to the clean water embraced with nature.

Jezero Palić Mondenski odjek Panonskog mora


egenda kaže da je dobri pastir Pavle izgubio svoje stado, pa je počeo da plače i tako je stvorio jezero na Paliću. Jezero je slano, pa ga mnogi povezuju sa Panonskim morem, iako je u stvari to voda koja se ispira kroz okolne livade, usput kupi minerale i postaje slana... i lekovita. Palićko blato za lečenje koristi se još od 1845. godine, a mir jezera i nekoliko hotela visoke kategorije daju odlične uslove za odmor. Parkovi i prelepi ženski štrand, koji je pre šezdesetak godina služio da zakloni dame od radoznalih pogleda, daju šarm ovom mirnom mestu. Tu možete i pecati na 17 kilometara dugoj i uređenoj obali. Palić je i kongresni centar i to na samo osam kilometara od grada Subotice, koji je prelep primer secesionističke arhitekture. Blato iz jezera leči kosti i kožu, a mir ravnice i vode leči nerve svima koji ne umeju da uspore život. Palić će vam definitivno pokazati kako se može živeti lagano i usput uživati svim čulima. Pogotovo što se tu mešaju vina sa peska, srpski i mađarski specijaliteti i telesni sa duhovnim užitkom.

Kanjiški put 9, 24413 Palić Tel.: +381 24 755 220;

Palić Lake Fashionable echo of the Pannonian Sea

Kanjiški put 9, 24413 Palić Tel.: +381 24 755 220;


legend says that a good shepherd Paul lost his flock, and then began to cry and thus created the lake with his tears at Palić. The lake is salty, so according to many it is considered as a leftover of the Pannonia Sea, although in fact that water is flushed through the surrounding meadows, picking up minerals and becoming salty ... and healing, along the way. Palić mud treatments were used even in 1845. Peace of the lake, along with several high class hotels, provides excellent conditions for rest. Parks and beautiful female Strand (beach), which served to shield the ladies from prying eyes sixty years ago, give charm to this peaceful place. Here you can go fishing at 17 kilometers long and arranged shore. Palić is also a convention center just five miles from the town of Subotica, which is a beautiful example of secessionist architecture. Mud from the lake cures bones and skin, and peace of the plain and water cures nerves to those who do not know how to slow their life down. Palić will definitely show you how easy it can be to live, along with the way how to enjoy with all your senses. Especially as there are mixed “wines from sand” with Serbian and Hungarian food specialties, as well as physical enjoyment with the spiritual pleasure.

Borsko jezero Umetnost saradnje prirode i čoveka


raju prepunom misterije, gde se ogromne pećine kriju ispod vrhova drevnih planina i gde izvora i reka ima na svakom koraku, ljudi su dodali još jedan zagonetni element. Pre pedeset godina tri male reke zarobljene su branom da bi voda napajala rudnike plemenitih metala. Priroda se složila sa tom ljudskom odlukom i tako je stvoreno Borsko jezero. Jezero čije obale, odlukom prirode, izgledaju kao da su oduvek tu. Čiste i nezagađene vode koje napajaju ovaj veliki vodeni basen omogućile su ljudima da stvore sebi još jedan hedonistički raj, sa četiri plaže, nekoliko hotela i sportskim terenima, kao dodatak prirodnim stazama. Od kada je stvoreno jezero okolne šume i planine dobile su ogledalo, pa kao da sada izgledaju lepše, pošto imaju gde da provere svoju lepotu i da je poprave ako treba. Na jezeru ni zimi nije dosadno. Ono se zaledi tokom zime, pa ponovo izgleda nestvarno. Na obližnjem Crnom vrhu su dve skijaške staze, a spa centri povratiće vam zdravlje i raspoloženje.

Tel.: +381 30 482 340 Fax: +381 30 482 440

Borsko Lake The artistic synergy of nature and man


Tel.: +381 30 482 340 Fax: +381 30 482 440

n the area saturated with mystery, where enormous caves are hidden under the ancient mountain tops, and where springs and rivers are at every step, people added yet another mysterious element. Three small rivers were captured with a dam fifty years ago, so that the water could feed mines of precious metals with water. Nature agreed with this decision and so the lake Borsko was created. Lake whose shores, by decision of nature, seem as they have always been there. Clear and unpolluted waters that saturate the large water basin have enabled people to make themselves another hedonistic paradise, with four beaches, several hotels and sports facilities, as a supplement to the natural trails. Ever since the lake has been created, surrounding forests and mountains have been given a mirror, so they seem better-looking now, since they have a place to check their beauty and to fix it if there is any need. Even the winter at the lake is not boring. It freezes during the winter, so it looks unreal again. There are two slopes at the nearby Crni vrh (Black top), and spas will restore your health and mood.




od Srbijom kao da leži okean vrele vode koja na putu ka površini topi stene i svo njihovo bogatstvo donosi u banje koje leče sve boljke ovog sveta. Srbija je zemlja u kojoj banje još nisu prebrojane i u kojoj je najtopliji izvor mineralne vode u Evropi od čak 96° C. Iako su banje mesta odmora, mnoge imaju i bolnice koje u kombinaciji sa lekovitom vodom, blatom i vazduhom pomažu ljudima koji žele da podmlade svoje telo i stanje svesti. U Vrnjačkoj banji se leči vid i šećerna bolest, u banji Selters se sportisti oporavljaju od preloma, u Prolom banji koža postaje zdravija i lepša od blata i vode, a u Atomskoj banji reuma nestaje. Na Ozrenu je samo potrebno vazduh udisati da bi pluća bila čistija i zdravija, a u Niškoj banji je institut za lečenje bolesti kostiju i zglobova. Ali kada je lečenje u pitanju Srbija je odlično mesto gde su stomatološke usluge nekoliko puta niže nego u zemljama zapadne Evrope i to u veoma dobro opremljenim ordinacijama. A ako ste raspoloženi za ulepšavanje, plastična hirurgija ne zaostaje za onom u najskupljim klinikama zapada, jedina razlika je u cenama. Niže su i preko 50 %. Ukoliko vam je potrebna pomoć da se vratite u formu ili želite da iznenadite prijatelje lepšim izgledom, ili da jednostavno uživate, Srbija ima sve što vam treba.

Medical & Spa



t is as if the ocean of hot water lies under Serbia, which melts the waters rocks on the path towards the surface, bringing all its wealth to spas in order to cure all diseases of this world. Serbia is a country where number of spas has not been counted yet and where there is the hottest mineral spring in Europe with its temperature of 96 oC (205 oF). Although spas are places of rest, many of them have hospitals which, combined with mineral water, mud and air, help people who want to rejuvenate their body and state of mind. In VrnjaÄ?ka Spa, vision problems and diabetes can be cured, in Selters Spa athletes recover from fractures, in Prolom Spa skin becomes healthier and more beautiful when treated with mud and water, and rheumatism disappears in Atomska Spa. At Ozren Spa you just need to breathe air and lungs become cleaner and healthier, and Niska Spa is the place of Institute for the treatment of diseases of bones and joints. But when it comes to the treatments, Serbia is a great place where dental services are several times cheaper than in Western Europe. Services are provided in the well-equipped doctor offices. And if you're in the mood for aesthetic corrections, plastic surgery services are not inferior to that of the most expensive clinics in the West; the only difference is the price. Everything is cheaper more than 50%. If you need help to get back in shape or you want to surprise your friends with better looks, or to simply enjoy, Serbia has everything you need.



doš o r b o

Vrnjačka Banja

Od rimskih termi do srpske banje


a obroncima planine Goč, još su Rimljani u drugom veku izgradili AQUAE ORCINAE. Kada je ponovo otkriven ovaj izvor 1924. godine, pronađeno je mnogo rimskih novčića. U Vrnjačkoj banji je do sada otkriveno sedam izvora prirodne mineralne vode, a po prodaji druga flaširana gazirana voda u Srbiji dolazi sa izvora Snežnik. Zanimljivo je da mineralni izvori imaju različita svojstva i pravo su blago za poboljšanje zdravlja. Vrnjačka banja je izmedu dva svetska rata bila mondensko mesto za zabavu, da bi se posle rata pretvorila u lečilište. Danas je to ponovo mesto gde dolaze mladi ljudi da uživaju u toplim izvorima, odličnim restoranima, SPA hotelima, odmoru u velikom hladu banjskog parka i okolnim šumama. Banjski park je podeljen malom rekom, a parkovi se uređuju po uzoru na francuske, sa mnogo cvetnih dekoracija i savršeno šišanom travom. Vrnjacka banja ima i jedan Japanski vrt. Interesantno je da Vrnjačka banja ima i svoj karneval, na koji dolaze učesnici iz čitavog sveta i to je već decenijska tradicija. Iznad banje je skijalište na planini Goč, sa dve ski staze. Banja ima mnogo sportskih terena, pogotovo za kolektivne sportove. Ipak, „most ljubavi“, topla voda, spa tretmani i romantični parkovi su glavni razlog velike posećenosti ovom hedonističkom gradiću.

Vila Devedžić Proleterskih brigada 5 36210 Vrnjačka Banja +381 36 612 811 +381 63 606 696

Lazarev Zavet Banović Strahinja 8, 36210 Vrnjačka Banja +381 36 611 922 Bulevar Srpskih ratnika 28, 36210 Vrnjačka Banja

Vila Ljubica +381 36 615 864 +381 63 77 73 547

Restoran Tri Golubice +381 36 61 2 048 +381 64 044 22 88 E-mail:;

Restoran sa konačištem Vir Miška Erčevića bb, 36210 Vrnjačka Banja +381 36 546 81 38; +381 64 5000 490;

e to m o Welc

Vrnjačka Spa

From Roman baths to Serbian Spas


Restaurant & rooms Vir Miška Erčevića bb, 36210 Vrnjačka Spa +381 36 546 81 38; +381 64 5000 490;

Lazarev Zavet Banović Strahinja 8, 36210 Vrnjačka Spa +381 36 611 922

Villa Devedžić Proleterskih brigada 5 36210 Vrnjačka Spa +381 36 612 811 +381 63 606 696

n the slopes of the Goc Mountain, the Romans built their AQUAE ORCINAE long back in the second century AD. When this spring was rediscovered in 1924, there were many Roman coins found there. Seven natural water springs in theVrnjacka spa have been discovered up until present days. The water from springs Snežnik takes second place in Serbian market share of bottled carbonated water. What is interesting is that the mineral springs have different properties and they are a real treasure for health improvement. Between the two world wars Vrnjačka Spa was a trendy place for fun that turned into a health resort after the war. Today it is once again a place where young people come to enjoy the hot springs, excellent restaurants, SPA hotels and to rest in the shade of a large spa park and the surrounding forests. The spa park is divided by a small river and parks follow the French park architecture, with lots of floral decorations and grass cut perfectly. Vrnjačka Spa has one Japanese garden, too. Another curiosity is that Vrnjačka spa has its own carnival. Participants come from all over the world and it has now been a tradition a decade long. Above the spa is a ski resort on the Goč Mountain, with two ski slopes. Spa has lots of sports facilities, especially for team sports. However, the “bridge of love”, hot water, spa treatments and romantic parks are the main reason for the high number of visits to this small hedonistic town. Bulevar Srpskih ratnika 28, 36210 Vrnjačka Spa

Vila Ljubica +381 36 615 864 +381 63 77 73 547

Restoran Tri Golubice +381 36 61 2 048 +381 64 044 22 88 E-mail:;


doš o r b o

D Mataruška i



Banje u kojima i vetrovi leče svoje muke


eka Ibar probila je put kroz klisuru i sebi i ljudima. Na tom putu iskopala je i izvor vode koja dolazi sa više od 130 metara dubine. Tu se danas, na samoj obali reke, nalazi Mataruška banja. U podnožju planina ljudi nalaze mir jer sumporovita voda leči nerve i nervozu, slomljene kosti ali i slomljena srca. Ova neobična voda, u vreme mlađeg kamenog doba, stvorila je prirodni fenomen „Kamene šume“, tako što je prolazeći kroz vulkanski pepeo okamenila oko 15 hektara šume i stvorila retkost koja se može videti na još samo pet mesta u Evropi. Dva izvora imaju temperature od 25 i 50°C. Samo petnaestak kilometara odatle, na 520 metara nadmorske visine, leži mesto gde nikada nema magle, gde su vetrovi zaustavljeni i gde je vazduh uvek čist i blag. To je Bogutovačka banja za čije tople izvore niko ne zna kada su izašli na površinu zemlje. Sigurno je samo da su tu odavno sakriveni planinama i da vam danas mogu pomoći da izlečite i srce i stomak i nerve. A možete jednostavno da se odmorite i zavirite u istoriju manastira Žiča, gde su srpski kraljevi krunisani pre 800 godina ili da obiđete zamak na vrhu planine koji je čuvao srednjovekovne puteve koje je Ibar stvorio za ljude.

a banja


a banja


Hotel „Termal“ *** Tel: +381365411366 Fax: +381365411621

Hotel “Mineral” ** Tel:+381365826020 Fax:+381365826021

http:/, e-mail: http:/

Panorama privatni smeštaj Bogutovačka banja 33 +381 36 423 762;

e to m o Welc

Mataruška and Bogutovačka


Spas in which even the winds cure their pain


Panorama Private rooms Bogutovačka Spa 33 +381 36 423 762; a Spa


Hotel „Termal“ *** Tel: +381365411366 Fax: +381365411621

a Spa


Hotel “Mineral” ** Tel:+381365826020 Fax:+381365826021

http:/, e-mail: http:/

bar River drove a path through the gorge to itself and to the people. On this journey it also dug out a water spring which is more than 130 meters deep. There, on the banks of the river, is Mataruška Spa nowadays. At the foot of the mountains, people find peace because sulfuric water treats nervous system and anxiety, broken bones and broken hearts. This unusual water created a natural phenomenon "Stone Forest”, during the New Stone Age, by petrifying about 15 hectares of forest while passing through a volcanic ash, and created a rarity which can be seen only in five places in Europe. The two sources have temperatures of 250C and 500C. Only fifteen kilometers away, at 520 meters above sea level, is a place where there is never fog, where the winds stopped, and where the air is always clean and mild. It is Bogutovačka Spa, for whose hot springs nobody knows when they came to the surface of the earth. What is certain is that they have been long hidden in the mountains, and that they can help you heal the heart and stomach and nerves. Or you can just relax and peek into the history of the monastery Žiča, where Serbian kings were crowned 800 years ago, or to visit a castle on the top of the mountain which used to guard medieval roads that Ibar created for people.



doš o r b o

Vranjska Banja Najtopliji izvor “Stare dame”


e postoji mesto na starom kontinentu gde će vas zemaljske dubine bolje zagrliti i zagrejati. Odakle dolazi vrela mineralna voda najtoplije banje u Evropi? Iż utrobe majke Zemlje probijaju se izvori sa temperaturom od čak 96°C i samo su gejziri Islanda i Jeloustona topliji od ovih u Vranjskoj banji. Ta para koja okružuje banjsku vodu privlačila je ljude još u davna vremena, a i jedan srpski kralj, početkom prošlog veka lečio se ovde. Banja ima i svoje izvore iz kojih izbija vrela para sa čak 111 °C. Postoje zapisi da je organizovano lečenje počelo još krajem osamnaestog veka izgradnjom bazena, a ljudi su se oporavljali od posledica preloma, oštećenja nerava, reumatizma... Danas je tu nekoliko hotela i pansiona. Voda puna sumpora greje dolinu ispod gotovo 2000 metara visokih planina, koje kriju skoro 1000 godina star manastir Prohor Pčinjski. Trajanje je ovde stvar koja se podrazumeva. Ali banja je i mesto odmora puno zelenila, parkova, staza za šetanje po planinskim šumama i mesto koje još nije dovoljno otkriveno, te vas poziva da budete među prvim „pronalazačima“.

e to m o Welc

Vranjska Spa The hottest source "Old ladies"


here is no place on the old continent where the depths of the earth might hug and warm you better. Where does the hot mineral water from the hottest spa in Europe come from? From the inside of Mother Earth sources of temperature at 960C spring through and only the geysers of Iceland and Yellowstone are hotter than these at Vranjska Spa. The vapor surrounding spa water attracted people at ancient times, and even a Serbian king was treated here at the beginning of the last century. The Spa has its sources from which hot steam erupts at the temperature of 1110C. There are records that treatments were organized in the late 18th century with the construction of the pool, and the people were recovering from the consequences of fractures, nerve damages, rheumatism ... Today there are several hotels and guest houses. Water full of sulfur warms the valley under nearly 2000m high mountains, which hide Prohor Pcinjski almost 1000 years old. Persistence is a matter of course here. However, the Spa is a place of rest and lots of greenery, parks, walking trails in the mountain forests and a place which is not yet discovered, and calls you to be among the first "discoverers".

Zdravstveni turizam Stomatologija i Estetska hirurgija ad

r Beog

Stomatološka ordinacija Maxim Dent Narodnih Heroja 25, 11070 N. Beograd +381 11 66 00 137; +381 63 81 27 250;

Stomatološki Studio Belmondo Bulevar Umetnosti 17, 11070 N.Beograd +381 11 3116084; +381 63 80 75 329; Fax: 011 3116084

Stomatološka ordinacija Sveti Antipa Antifašističke borbe 24, 11070 N.Beograd +381 11 31 31 024; +381 65 31 31 024;

Mileševska 56, Beograd

stomatološka ordinacija

+381 11 2451 227 +381 11 3445 054


Stomatološka ordinacija Zoraja Majora Zorana Radosavljevića 216, 11273 Batajnica +381 11 787 0132;

Stom. ord. Dr. Rada Škondrić Grujičić Deskaševa 4b, 11160 Beograd +381 11 2863 333; Kneza Višeslava 36,11030 Beograd 011/354-1669; 354-1604 Fax: 011/254-1548

Specijalna bolnica

Oblikujte svoje lice, telo.... i život. Vaša lepota biće naš zajednički uspeh! r

bo Zlati

Spec. stomatološka ordinacija Dent M T.C. Vila Jezero bb, Zlatibor +381 31 846 086; +381 63 871 03 99

Apoteka Iva T.C. Jezero, Zlatibor +381 63 107 58 18; +381 64 266 78 15; Fax: 031 846 263;

Medical Tourism Dental & Aestethic surgery services e

rad g l e B Dental Studio Belmondo Bulevar Umetnosti 17, 11070 N.Belgrade +381 11 3116084; +381 63 80 75 329; Fax: 011 3116084

Dental clinic Saint Antipa

Mileševska 56, Belgrade

Dental Clinic

+381 11 2451 227 +381 11 3445 054


Antifašističke borbe 24, 11070 N.Belgrade +381 11 31 31 024; +381 65 31 31 024;

Dental clinic Zoraja Majora Zorana Radosavljevića 216, 11273 Batajnica +381 11 787 0132;

Dental clinic Maxim Dent

Dental clinic Dr. Rada Škondrić Grujičić

Narodnih Heroja 25, 11070 N. Belgrade +381 11 66 00 137; +381 63 81 27 250;

Deskaševa 4b, 11160 Belgrade +381 11 2863 333;

Kneza Višeslava 36,11030 Belgrade 011/354-1669; 354-1604 Fax: 011/254-1548

Special Clinic Shape your face, body… and life

Your beauty will be our common success or

b Zlati Specialist dental clinic Dent M Shopping Center Villa Jezero bb, Zlatibor +381 31 846 086; +381 63 871 03 99

Farmacy Iva Shopping Center Jezero, Zlatibor +381 63 107 58 18; +381 64 266 78 15; Fax: 031 846 263;

Seoski turizam& Etno sela


o pre samo pedeset godina 65% stanovništva Srbije živelo je na selu. Danas gradovi imaju mnogo veći broj stanovnika, ali se mnogi rado sećaju mnogo jednostavnijeg seoskog života, koji je srcu davao mir, a očima prostor. Taj život nije uvek bio lak, ali su se ljudi budili na cvetnim livadama, pored čistih i nezagađenih reka, živeći u ritmu koji donekle sami odrede, a ne po diktatu drugih. Takvih oaza ima i danas, i ako želite da vidite kako krave i ovce slobodno pasu, kako se sir i kajmak prave bez mašina i da jedete hranu bez aditiva ili da vas budi poj ptica, vi tražite odmor na selu. Poseban vid seoskog turizma predstavljaju sve popularnije celine koje se grade tako da imitiraju stara sela jednog područja, ili se čak grade od kuća i materijala koji su autentični i koji su doneti iz različitih sela iz kojih su ljudi otišli. Sva etno sela su stvarali oni koji su na vreme shvatili šta će biti okosnica turizma. Svi su uložili puno ljubavi i mašte kako bi prikazali odlike svoga kraja. I gostoprimstvo. Nude se razli čiti programi, manifestacije, paraglajding, jahanje, splavarenje... Ipak, u sve njih uložene su velike sume novca, od restauracije do opremanja konaka za civilizacijske zahteve grejanje ili klimu, internet, kupatila uz svaku sobu. To je u suštini to. Ali ipak ćete se u svim etno selima, uglavnom, osećati odlično. Negde više, negde manje osetiti duh tradicije i videti da postoji drugačiji život od onog brzog, gradskog ali i modernog seoskog. Ta toplina nedostaje velikim hotelskim kompleksima, taj duh nedostaje malim hotelskim apartmanima, i sigurno nema tako opuštenog ručka u modernim restoranima… Poseban tip etno sela predstavljaju salaši u Vojvodini. Salaš je kompleks , koji se sastoji od manjeg ograđenog prostora sa kućom i svim ekonomskim zgradama i velikog poljoprivrednog zemljišta oko kompleksa. Tako da su salaši bili usamljena mesta u ravnici puna mira i slobode. Ako i vi želite mir i svež vazduh, da dodirnete lagani ritam života, ali i dobre večernje žurke ponekad, a da usput upoznate prirodu, sela su pravi izbor...

Kafana Kod Mira Bogutovac 22, 36341 +381 36 5826 002;

Etno selo Karađorđev Vajat 34308 Orašac, Aranđelovac +381 34 6709 501; +381 64 165 27 25;

Seoska kuća As Cankareva 24, 26335 Gudurica, Vršac +381 64 394 0702

Vinski salaš Čuvardić Put Edvarda Kardelja 139 +381 24 515 720; +381 62 604 354;

Rural Tourism & Ethno Villages


Village House As Cankareva 24, 26335 Gudurica, Vršac +381 64 394 0702

National restaurant “Kafana Kod Mira” Bogutovac 22, 36341 +381 36 5826 002;

Čuvardić Winery & Salas 139, Edvard Kardelj's Road +381 24 515 720; +381 62 604 354;

Ethno village Karadjordjev Vajat 34308 Orašac, Arandjelovac +381 34 6709 501; +381 64 165 27 25;

ntil fifty years ago, 65 % of the Serbian population lived in the countryside. Today, many cities have a larger population, but many like to remember much simpler rural life, which was giving peace to the heart and space to eyes. This life wasn’t always easy, but people woke up on the flowery meadows, next to the pure and unpolluted rivers, living at rhythm at their own choice to some extent, and not according to the dictates of others. There are still some of these oases today. If you want to see how cows and sheep graze freely, how cheese and cream are made ​​without machines and to eat food without additives or to be awaken by singing birds, you are looking for holiday in the country. A special form of rural tourism are increasingly popular complexes that are built to mimic the old villages of an area, or even built from authentic houses and materials which are brought from different villages which people had abandoned . All “Ethno villages” have been created by those who have realized in time what will be the backbone of tourism. They all put a lot of love and imagination to illustrate the characteristics and hospitality of their region. They offer different programs, events, paragliding, horseback riding, rafting ... Nevertheless, all of them have invested large sums of money to the restoration of the dormitories in the furnishing as well as implementing the requirements of civilization - the airconditioning, internet access, modern bathrooms etc. In all ethno villages you will mostly feel great. More or less you will feel the spirit of tradition and see that there is a different life than the fast and urban but also modern rural. This coziness is missing in large hotel complexes, this spirit is lacking in small hotel rooms, and certainly there is nowhere such a relaxing lunch at fancy restaurants... Salas farms in Vojvodina represent a special type of ethno villages. Salas is a complex, consisting of a small enclosed space with a house and all the outbuildings and large agricultural land around the complex. They used to be lonely ranches in the plains, full of peace and freedom. If you want peace and fresh air, a touch of slow life rhythm, good evening parties sometimes, and the way to get to know nature, villages are the right choice...


staje ple o p k e v o c , ša u d i i c o Ovde se odmaraju enica. d o v d ra i a k to o p žuborenje


vrkut pti c i c ju ša u sl , ji ri d u iji, ali i m

ljina b 76300 Bije b t u p a ić v lo Pav 350 306 1; +387 55 5 6 1 5 3 5 5 5 350 309 Tel: +387 Fax: +387 5 office@etno www.etno-se

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6300 Pavlovica put bb 7 7 55 350 306 38 + ; 1 5 6 1 35 5 5 Tel: +387 0 309 Fax: +387 55 35 m

of birds, g in p ir h c e th to g ill wheel, rm te a w e Listenin th f o g in rn nd the chu a s k o ro b f o g and wiser. n r li le rb b o n s e the bu m o c e b d n ne's soul; a o d n a s e y e s e' n o s one rest

Seoski turizam

Aleksandar Wellness Center

34308 Orašac,Gajevački put bb Tel.: 034/6709-600; 034/6709-601 Mob. tel.: 066/6709-600 E-mail:

a, ograd tila, e B k os ma nado rpskog etn š a l a s is Jedin icionalnog uhinje i trad rpske k ostora! s oaza pr ičnog t n e t au

Salaš Ćuran Ovčanski put 81 11000 Beograd Tel.: +381 11 3320 744 E-mail:

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“Salaš Ćuran” 81, Road to Ovča 11000 Belgrade Tel.: +381 11 3320 744 E-mail:

l u o s d n a s e y e r u o y x Rela

Aleksandar Wellness Center

34308 Orašac,Gajevački put bb Tel.: 034/6709-600; 034/6709-601 Mob. tel.: 066/6709-600 E-mail:

Seoski turizam




Izvor: ” Vodič kroz Srpske manastire”. Source: Editorial „Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church”.



ivot Crkve vezan je za misiju i neprestano kretanje u potrazi za svetošću. Kao mesta prave i istinske unutrašnje misije i mesta saborovanja javljaju se manastiri, čija je prosvetiteljska, duhovna, kulturološka i sociološka uloga nepobitna. Manastiri Srpske pravoslavne Crkve jesu upravo takva mesta, a njihova misija ostaje neodvojiva od brige za narod i veru u tom narodu. Počevši sa Hilandarom, Žicom i Studenicom, pa preko Krušedola, Dečana i Hopova i sve do Ćelija, Lelića i Soko grada, svedoci smo da i u vreme sekularizacije manastiri ostaju mesta saborovanja, sticanja najčasnijih vrlina i znanja i svedoci vekovne kulture našeg naroda. Svaki manastir bio je i ostaje žiža i svetiljka koja pokazuje put ka Smislu i ka punoći života u Bogu. Cilj i želja ovog mini-vodiča po manastirima jeste da u malom otkrije bogatstvo kako duhovno tako i materijalno i arhitektonsko, te da čitajuci ga korisnici i sami požele da se empirijski upoznaju i uvere u ono što je napisano.



ife of the Church is related to the mission and the constant move in search of holiness. Monasteries, as places of right and true inner mission and as assembly places, have enlightening, spiritual, cultural and social roles which are undeniable. Monasteries of Serbian Orthodox Church are just such places; their mission remains inseparable from the concerns for people and the faith of the people. Starting with Hilandar, Žiča and Studenica, through Krušedol, Dečani and Hopovo and to the Ćelije, Lelić and Sokograd, we witness that the monasteries remain places of assembly, of gaining the most honorable virtues, knowledge and that they remain witnesses of the centuries-old culture of our people at the time of secularization. Every one of them was and remains a focal point and lightness which shows the path to meaning and fullness of life in God. Goal and desire of this mini-guide to the monasteries is to discover a fortune, both spiritual and material, as well as architectural, so that the users themselves develop a desire through reading to empirically learn and see for themselves what is written.


Studenica Eparhija (Diocese of) ŽIČKA

Posvećen Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice (15/28. avgust)


ajznačajniji srednjevekovni manastirski kompleks sagradio je Stefan Nemanja, rodonačelnik loze Nemanjića .

Posle odlaska Stefana Nemanje na Svetu Goru, gde postaje monah Simeon, brigu o manastiru Studenica preuzeo je njegov sin Stefan (kralj Stefan Prvovenčani). Posle Nemanjine smrti i prenosa njegovih moštiju u Studenicu, manastir postaje, pod starešinstvom Svetog Save, ne samo duhovni već i politički i kulturni centar. Ovde je Sveti Sava napisao prvo književno delo u Srba, Studenički tipik;tu je počela da radi i bolnica. Studenica je preživljavala sve patnje srpskog naroda pod turskom okupacijom. Međutim, Studenica nije stradala samo od Turaka, već i od požara i zemljotresa. Monasi su više puta bili prinuđeni da napuste manastir, noseći sa sobom mošti njenih svetitelja. U Bogorodičnoj crkvi se čuvaju mošti Svetog Simeona (Stefana Nemanje), njegove supruge Ane (prepodobne Anastasije), njihovih sinova Vukana (monah Teodosije) i Stefana (monah Simon) i unuka Radoslava (monah Jovan). Manastir Studenica je 1986. godine upisan u listu svetske kulturne baštine Uneska.

Dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin (15 / 28th August)


he most important medieval monastic complex was built by Stefan Nemanja, the founder of the lineage Nemanjić. After the departure of Stefan Nemanja to Mount Athos, where he became a monk Simeon, his son Stefan Prvovenčani (firstcrowned) took care of Studenica monastery. After Nemanja's death and the transfer of his relics to Studenica monastery, it became, under the seniority of St. Sava, not only spiritual, but also a political and cultural center. St. Sava wrote the first Serbian literary work “Studenički tipik” Here; it is a place where also a hospital started working. Studenica survived all the suffering of Serbian people under Turkish occupation. However, Studenica did not only suffer from the Turks, but also from fires and earthquakes. The monks have repeatedly been forced to leave the monastery, carrying the relics of its saints. In Bogorodičina church, the relics of St. Simeon (Stefan Nemanja), his wife Ana (Venerable Anastasija), their sons Vukan (monk Theodosije) and Stefan (Monk Simon) and grandson Radoslav (monk Jovan) are treasured. Studenica Monastery was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1986.


Žiča Eparhija (Diocese of) ŽIČKA

Posvećen prazniku Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg (40-ti dan po Vaskrsenju)


iča je jedan od retkih manastira koji se nalazi u ravnici, udaljen samo 6 km od Kraljeva. Ktitor hrama Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg je kralj Stefan Prvovenčani (12171228), ali velike zasluge za osnivanje prvog sedišta srpske arhiepiskopije ima i njegov mlađi brat Rastko Nemanjić, u monaštvu Sveti Sava. Godine 1219. kada je, u Nikeji, izdejstvovao autokefalnost (samostalnost) Srpske crkve kod carigradskog patrijarha i vizantijskog cara, Sveti Sava je doveo u Srbiju majstore-zanatlije iz Konstantinovog grada, čiji je doprinos bio važan u izgradnji crkve Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg 1220. godine. U ovom hramu je krunisano sedam srpskih kraljeva . Prema predanju, za svako krunisanje otvarana su nova vrata, kroz koja bi prošao samo krunisani kralj, a potom bi bila zazidana; otuda naziv «Sedmovrata Žiča». Žiča je tokom istorije često izlagana razaranju i pustošenju od strane raznih osvajača, naročito od Turaka. Za vreme Drugog svetskog rata, Žiča je stradala zbog nemačkog bombardovanja, pa je morala biti izvršena nova restauracija na početku pete decenije XX veka. Zidana kamenom i opekom, crkva ima fasadu okrečenu i obojenu u crveno, po ugledu na manastire Svete Gore.

Dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord (40th day after the Resurrection)


iča monastery was one of the few monasteries which are located in the valley, just 6 km from Kraljevo. Founder of the church of the Ascension of the Lord is King Stefan Prvovenčani (first-crowned) (1217-1228), but much of the credit for founding the first seat of the Serbian Archbishopric is entitled to his younger brother Rastko Nemanjić, known monastic as St. Sava. When he obtained an autocephalous (independent) Serbian church of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Byzantine Emperor at Nicaea in 1219, St. Sava brought craftsmenartisans from the city of Constantine to Serbia, whose contributions were important in building the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in 1220. Seven Serbian kings were crowned in this temple. According to tradition, for each new crowning a new door were opened, through which only the crowned king would pass, and then they would be walled; hence the name "Sedmovrata Ziča (Seven-doored Žiča)." This monastery was historically often exhibited to plundering and destruction by various invaders, especially by the Turks. During the Second World War, the monastery was destroyed because of German bombing, and a new restoration had to be carried out at the beginning of the 5th decade of the 20th century. Built of stone and brick, the church has a facade plastered and painted in red, similar to the monasteries of Mount Athos.


Pećka Patrijaršija Eparhija (Diocese of) RAŠKO-PRIZRENSKA

Posvećen Pokrovu Presvete Bogorodice (1/14. oktobar)


ekovni duhovni centar srpskog naroda, koji je jedan od najznačajnijih spomenika graditeljstva i umetnosti, nalazi se nedaleko od Peći, na obali Pećke Bistrice. Pećka patrijaršija je 13. jula 2006. upisana na listu svetske baštine Uneska, prilikom proširenja zaštićene površine manastira Visoki Dečani. Sa Dečanima i drugim spomenicima na Kosovu, ona se nalazi na listi svetske baštine u opasnosti. Manastirski kompleks Pećke patrijaršije ima četiri crkve. Crkva Svetih apostola, crkva posvećena Svetom Dimitriju, crkva Presvetoj Bogorodici Odigiji i crkva Svetog Nikole. Manastir je pod duhovnim vođstvom Patrijarha srpskog, kao njegova stavropigija. S tim u vezi se i svečana ustoličenja Patrijaraha srpskih uvek vrše u Pećkoj Patrijaršiji. Svečano ustoličenje Njegove Svetosti Patrijarha srpskog, gospodina Irineja je izvršeno u Pećkoj patrijaršiji, 3. oktobra 2010. godine. Manastir Pećke patrijaršije čuva i unapređuje dvadesetak monahinja sa igumanijom Fevronijom. Ova svetinja je sada pod zaštitom italijanskog kontigenta KFOR-a.

Dedicated to the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos (1/14 October)


ncient spiritual center of the Serbian people, which is one of the most important monuments of architecture and art, is located near Peć, on the banks of the river Pećka Bistrica. Patriarchate of Peć was inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO on 13 July 2006, during the expansion of the protected area of the monastery Dečani. It is on the list of World Heritage in Danger, alongside with Dečani and other monuments in Kosovo. Monasterial complex has four churches. Church of the Holy Apostles, the church dedicated to St. Dimitrije, the church of the Mother of God Odigija and the church of St. Nikola. The monastery is under the spiritual leadership of the Serbian Patriarch, as his stavropegial. For this reason, a ceremonial inauguration of Serbian Patriarchs is always made in the Patriarchate of Peć. Enthronement ceremony of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej was done in the Patriarchate of Peć on 3 October 2010. The monastery is being preserved and enhanced by twenty nuns with the Mother Superior Fevronija. The sanctuary is now under the protection of Itali an KFOR contingent.


Visoki Dečani Eparhija (Diocese of) RAŠKO-PRIZRENSKA

Posvećen prazniku Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg (40-ti dan po Vaskrsu)


ralj Stefan Dečanski (1322-1331)je sagradio ovu zadužbinu u južnom delu Metohije, na 12 km južno od Peći, u mestu Dečani. Po njoj je i sam nazvan Dečanski. Hram je građen osam godina, od 1327. do 1335. Freske dečanske crkve slikane su 15 godina, od 1335. do 1350. godine. One predstavljaju najveću seriju fresaka stvorenu u srednjevekovnoj Srbiji. U dečanski hram car Dušan je preneo netruležne mošti svog oca, koje do danas u njemu počivaju. Istorija ovog manastira vezana je za sudbinu srpskog naroda posle boja na Kosovu 28. juna 1389. godine. Turci su ga često napadali, a u XVII i XVIII veku teško je stradao od požara. U bogatoj manastirskoj riznici čuvaju se veoma vredne knjige, ikone, vezovi, nameštaj i hrisovulje sa početka XIV veka, kao i značajne zadužbinske povelje Stefana Dečanskog i cara Dušana. Visoki Dečani se smatraju najbolje očuvanim srednjevekovnim srpskim manastirom.

Dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord (40th day after Easter)


ing Stefan of Dečani (1322-1331) built this endowment in the southern part of Metohija, 12 km south of Peć, in town Dečani. According to it he was named Dečanski. Monastery was built for eight years, since 1327 to 1335. Frescoes of Dečanska church were painted for 15 years, from 1335 to 1350. They represent the largest series of frescoes created in medieval Serbia. Emperor Dušan conveyed incorrupt relics of his father to the Dečani temple, which rest there up to present. The history of the monastery is linked to the fate of the Serbian people after the Battle of Kosovo on 28 June in 1389. The Turks often attacked it, and it was heavily damaged by fires in the 17th and 18th century. Very valuable books, icons, embroidery, furniture and charters from the early 14th century, as well as significant endowment charters of Stefan Dečanski and Emperor Dušan are kept in the rich treasury of the monastery. Dečani is considered the best preserved medieval Serbian monastery.



Eparhija (Diocese of) RAŠKO-PRIZRENSKA

Posvećen Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice (15/28. avgust)

Dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin (15/28 August)


ing Milutin (1282-1321) is often presented as the most prolific founder of the monasteries and churches in Serbia and surrounding areas. King Milutin founded the monastery of Gračanica (on the ruins of a Byzantine church), near Priština in the period of 1310-1315. Suffering of Gračanica started after the battle at Marica (1371). Turks looted the monastery, burned and destroyed the tower and a number of important books and monastery property in 1383. The base of Gračanica temple consists of two inscribed crosses, one inside the other. The facades are implemented by alternately stacked stone and brick. The beauty of architecture is not required in the grandeur of the building, but the noble and elegant proportions. Monastic nuns gathered around the abbess Efrosinija. The monastery is protected by a high stone wall and it is under protection of Swedish KFOR contingent, which guards the main entrance gate of the monastery.

ralj Milutin (1282-1321) često je predstavljan kao najveći osnivač manastira i crkava u Srbiji i u okolnim krajevima. Između 1310-1315. godine kralj Milutin je osnovao manastir Gračanicu (na ruševinama drevne vizantijske crkve), nedaleko od Prištine. Stradanje Gračanice počelo je posle bitke na Marici (1371). Turci su 1383. godine opljačkali manastir, spalili pirg i uništili veliki broj značajnih knjiga i manastirske imovine. Osnovu Gračaničkog hrama čine dva upisana krsta, jedan u drugom. Fasade su izvedene naizmeničnim ređanjem kamena i opeke. L e p o t a a r h i t e k t u r e n i j e t ra ž e n a u grandioznosti građevine, već u plemenitim i elegantnim proporcijama. Monaško sestrinstvo je okupljeno oko igumanije Efrosinije. Manastir je zaštićen visokim kamenim zidom i pod zaštitom švedskog kontingenta KFOR-a, koji čuva glavnu ulaznu manastirsku kapiju.



Krušedol Eparhija (Diocese of) SREM

Posvećen Blagovestima Presvete Bogorodice (25. mart/ 7. april)

Dedicated to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (March 25/April 7)


he year 1546 is known as the time of the founding of the monastery. It was built on the property of a famous family Jakšić, and a patron was Archbishop Maksim (Branković). Krušedol has enjoyed a vast reputation for a long time, also as the seat of the restored Diocese of Srem as well as a center with a large estate and other values. According to the Great Migration (in 1699), Krušedol monastery was the seat of the Patriarch, and then the Metropolitan of the Krušedol's metropolis. After the death of the Patriarch Arsenije Čarnojević, Church Assemblies, which are of great importance in Serbian history, were held here (1708, 1710, and 1713). The fact that it was visited twice by the Jerusalem Patriarch Paisios himself testifies about the reputation of the monastery. Besides Branković, whose relics were partially destroyed by the Turks and the remains found in the common life, Princess Ljubica (wife of Prince Miloš Obrenović), King Milan (1882-1889) and the Serbian Patriarchs Arsenije Čarnojević (1674-1690), and Arsenije IV Jovanović šakabenta (1726-1737) were later buried in the church.

odina 1546. označava se kao vreme osnivanja ovog manastira. Sagrađen je na imanju čuvene porodice Jakšić, a ktitor je bio arhiepiskop Maksim (Branković). Dugo je Krušedol uživao veliki ugled i kao sedište obnovljene Sremske eparhije i kao centar koji raspolaže velikim imanjem i drugim vrednostima. Po Velikoj seobi (1699. godine), manastir Krušedol je bio sedište patrijarha, a potom mitropolita, Krušedolske mitropolije. Ovde su posle smrti patrijarha Arsenija Čarnojevića održavani crkveno-narodni sabori (1708, 1710. i 1713), koji su od velikog značaja u srpskoj istoriji. O ugledu ovog manastira govori i podatak da ga je u dva maha posetio jerusalimski patrijarh Pajsije. Pored Brankovića, čije su mošti Turci delimično uništili pa se ostaci nalaze u zajedničkom ćivotu, u crkvi su kasnije sahranjeni: Kneginja Ljubica (supruga kneza Miloša Obrenovića), kralj Milan Obrenović (1882-1889) i srpski patrijarsi Arsenije Čarnojević (1674-1690) i Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta (1726-1737).



Novo Hopovo Eparhija (Diocese of) SREM

Posvećen Svetom ocu Nikolaju (6/19.decembar)


vaj, muški manastir, najpristupačniji u celom kraju, nalazi se na 100 m od puta Irig - Novi Sad, na južnoj padini Fruške

gore. Osnivač manastira bio je vladika Maksim (Branković). Građen je od 1496. do 1502. godine. Današnja crkva je podignuta na mestu prethodne 1576. godine. Putujući oko 1578. godine u Carigrad, Stefan Gerlah je zabeležio da je Hopovo najznačajniji prosvetni centar Srba sa obe strane Dunava i Save. Uticaj svetogorskog slikarstva vidi se iz činjenice da su cele kompozicije kopirane iz pojedinih svetogorskih manastira, kao na primer Pokolj vitlejemske dece, čiji se original nalazi u Sabornoj crkvi manastira Velika Lavra. Najveća svetinja ovog manastira su mošti svetog Teodora Tirona. On kao vojnik Marmaritskog puka u rimskoj vojsci, nije želeo da se odrekne svojih hrišćanskih ubeđenja. Osuđen na smrt, bačen je u oganj gde je mučenički predao dušu Bogu 306. godine.

Dedicated to St. Nikolaj (6/19 December)


his, male monastery, the most accessible in the whole region, is located 100 m from the road Irig - Novi Sad, on the southern slope of Mount Fruška. Founder of the monastery was a Bishop Maksim (Branković). It was built since 1496 to 1502. The present church was built on the site of the previous one in 1576. Traveling to Constantinople around 1578, Stefan Gerlah recorded that Hopovo was the most important educational center of the Serbs on both sides of the Danube and Sava rivers. Impact of Athos painting can be seen from the fact that the entire compositions were copied from various monasteries of Mount Athos, such as the slaughter of Bethlehem's children, whose original is located at the Minster of the Great Lavra monastery. The most important sanctity of the monastery are the relics of St. Theodore Tyron. As he was a soldier Marmarit's regiment in the Roman army he did not want to give up his Christian beliefs. Sentenced to death, he was thrown into the fire, where surrendered his soul to God as a martyr in 306.



Eparhija (Diocese of) SREM

Posvećen Prenosu moštiju Svetog oca Nikolaja (09/22. maj)


vojom lepotom kao i uređenjem, manastir Grgeteg je oduvek spadao u najznačajnije od svih manastira Fruške gore. Prema narodnom predanju, osnovao ga je despot Vuk Grgurević (1471-1485), za svog oca Grgura Brankovića, hilandarskog monaha Germana. Pouzdani podaci govore da je Grgeteg, kao i ostali fruškogorski manastiri, sagrađen posle pada srpske države 1459. godine (pad Smedereva), a pre nego što su Turci osvojili Srem.Tokom Austrijsko-turskog rata, manastir je spaljen i napušten. Današnja manastirska crkva sagrađena je na mestu stare, oko 1770. godine. Stari ikonostas, koji je oslikao Jakov Orfelin, zamenjen je današnjim početkom XX veka. Novi ikonostas, oslikan 1901-1904. g o d i n e , d e l o j ečuvenog srpskog slikara Uroša Predića. U ovom manastiru je 1730. godine umro arhimandrit Teodosije Pećanin, u 108. godini. Zapisan je podatak da je od 17 arhimandrita ovog manastira, 11 izabrano za episkope, a jedan imenovan za patrijarha.

Dedicated to the assignation of the relics of St. Nikolaj (09/22 May)


ith its beauty and decoration, the monastery Grgeteg has always belonged to the most important of all the monasteries of Mount Fruška. According to tradition, it was founded by Despot Stefan Grgurević (1471-1485), for his father Grgur Branković, monk German of Hilandar. Reliable data show that Grgeteg, as well as other monasteries of Mount Fruška, was built after the fall of the Serbian state in 1459. (fall of Smederevo), and before the Turks conquered Srem. During the Austrian-Turkish war, the monastery was burned and abandoned. The present monastery church was built on the site of the old one around 1770. The old iconostasis, which had been painted by Jakov Orfelin, was replaced by the present one in the early 20th century. The new iconostasis, painted from 1901 to 1904 is the work of the famous Serbian painter Uroš Predić. Archimandrite Teodosije Pećanin died at the age of 108 in this monastery in 1730. It was recorded that out of 17 archimandrites of the monastery, 11 were elected bishops, and one was appointed patriarch.



Eparhija (Diocese of) BAČKA

Posvećen Svetim Arhangelima Mihailu i Gavrilu(8/21.novembar)


ovilj se nalazi na dvadesetak kilometara od Novog Sada, na autoputu prema Beogradu. Predanje kaže da je prva crkva ozidana na mestu pomirenja ugarske i srpske vojske, na kome je posrednik između srpskog kralja Stefana Prvovenčanog i ugarskog kralja bio Sveti Sava, pa se i nastanak ovog manastira vezuje za njegovo ime i 1216. godinu. Prvi pisani pomen ovog manastira sadržan je u Minhenskom psaltiru iz XIV veka. Turski dokumenti ga beleže oko 1578. godine. Razaran je nekoliko puta. Sadašnju crkvu zidali su majstori iz Soluna. Ikonostas je delo slikara Aksentija Marodića . U Koviljskoj crkvi sahranjeno je nekoliko uglednih Srba, među kojima i Jovan Rajić, jedan od prvih istraživača srpske prošlosti, bogoslov i iguman ovog manastira. Ovde je osnovan i Centar za lečenje narkomanije, koji nosi naziv « Zemlja živih ».

Dedicated to the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel (8/21 November)


ovilj is located about twenty kilometers from Novi Sad, on the highway to Belgrade. Legend says that the first church was built at the site of the reconciliation of Hungarian and Serbian armies, where an intermediary between the Serbian King Stefan the First and the Hungarian King was St. Sava, and therefore the origin of the monastery is associated with his name and the year 1216. The first written mention of the monastery is contained in Munich Psalter dating 14th century. Turkish documents recorded it around 1578. It was destroyed several times. The present church was built by craftsmen from Thessaloniki. The iconostasis was painted by Aksentije Marodić. In Koviljska's church several prominent Serbs were buried, including Jovan Rajić, one of the first researchers of the Serbian past, a theologian and an abbot of the monastery. Center for the treatment of drug addiction, called “The land of the living”, was established here."



Eparhija (Diocese of) ŠUMADIJSKA

Posvećen Vavedenju Presvete Bogorodice (21. novembar/ 4. decembar)

Dedicated to the Presentation of the Virgin (21 November / 4 December)

alenić je jedan od najznačajnijih spomenika moravske škole. Ovaj ženski manastir nalazi se 12 km od sela Oparić u prnjavorskom kraju. Crkva je podignuta između 1407. i 1413. godine, kao zadužbina protovestijera Bogdana (velikodostojnika na dvoru despota Stefana Lazarevića), njegove supruge Milice i brata Petra.


alenić is one of the most important monuments of the Moravian school. This nunnery is located 12 km from the village Oparić in Prnjavor region. The church was built between in 1407 and 1413, as the legacy of despot's provost Bogdan (dignitary at the court of Despot Stefan Lazarević), his wife Milica and his brother Petar.

Rušen je i delimično obnavljan više puta, da bi krajem XVII veka potpuno zapusteo. U XIX veku primio je mošti svetog kralja Stefana Prvovenčanog (1217-1228) koje su 1816. godine studenički monasi preneli iz manastira Fenek (Fruška gora) do manastira Kalenić u kome su počivale do 1839. godine, kada su vraćene u Studenicu (zadužbinu Stefana Nemanje). U Kaleniću je 1820. godine otvorena škola. Tri godine kasnije, zalaganjem kneza Miloša Obrenovića, crkva je obnovljena i sazidani su novi konaci. Posebnu umetničku vrednost crkve predstavlja bogatstvo fasade, portala i prozora. U priprati, ciklus fresaka posvećen je životu Presvete Bogorodice, a u naosu je najviše predstava koje ilustruju život Gospoda Isusa Hrista.

It was demolished and partially rebuilt multiple times, to finally be completely deserted in the late 17th century. In the 19th century, it received the relics of King Stefan Prvovenčani (first-crowned) (1217-1228), which were transferred to Studenica in 1916 by monastery monks from Fenek monastery (Mount Fruška) to the monastery Kalenić, where they rested until 1839, when they returned to Studenica (the legacy of Stefan Nemanja). A School was opened in Kalenić in 1820. Three years later, the church was renewed and new threads were built with the engagement of Prince Miloš Obrenović. Special artistic value of the church is represented in the richness of the church facades, portals and windows. In the narthex, a cycle of frescoes is dedicated to the life of the Virgin, and in the nave there are the most representations illustrating the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.



Ljubostinja Eparhija (Diocese of) KRUŠEVAČKA

Posvećen Uspenju Presvete Bogorodice (15/28. avgust)


vaj manastir, zadužbina kneginje Milice ( u d o v i c e s v e t o g k n e z a L a z a ra , kosovskog mučenika), nalazi se na 4 km od Trstenika. Podignut je i delimično oslikan pre Kosovskog boja (28. juni 1389. godine). Po predanju, crkva je sazidana na mestu gde su se Milica i knez Lazar upoznali, na dan svetog prvomučenika Stefana. Posle Kosovskog boja, kneginja Milica je izvesno vreme upravljala Srbijom, a potom se zamonašila u Ljubostinji i postala monahinja Evgenija. Sa brojnim sestrinstvom, koje su uglavnom činile udovice izginulih u boju na Kosovu 1389. godine, stvorila je od Ljubostinje važan duhovni i kulturni centar. Otvorena je prepisivačka škola, koja je dugo radila. Razvijane su umetničke i zanatske delatnosti. Tu je urađen pokrov u zlatu i svili za ćivot kneza Lazara koji je izvezla monahinja Jefimija, udovica despota Uglješe Mrnjavčevića, kao i zavesa koju je ona poklonila manastiru Hilandar na Svetoj Gori. Jefimija se smatra pr vom sr ps ko m pesnikinjom (njena «Pohvala knezu Lazaru» izvezena na svili, nalazila se na njegovom ćivotu). Monahinje Evgenija i Jefimija sahranjene su sa leve i desne strane u priprati crkve.

Dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin (15/28th August)


he monastery, founded by Princess Milica (widow of the holy Prince Lazar, the Kosovo's martyr), is located 4 km from Trstenik. It was built and partially painted before the Battle of Kosovo on 28 June 1389. According to tradition, the church was built on the site where Milica and Prince Lazar first met on the day of the holy martyr Stefan. After the Battle of Kosovo, Princess Milica ruled Serbia for a while and then became a nun Evgenija at Ljubostinja. With multitudinous sisterhood, which mostly comprised of widows of those who lost their lives in the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, she turned Ljubostinja into an important spiritual and cultural center. A scribing school, which worked for a long span of time, was opened. Arts and crafts were developed. This is where cover ​ of gold and silk for the shrine of Prince Lazar was made by the nun Jefimija, the widow of despot Uglješa Mrnjavčević, as well as the curtains which she donated to the Hilandar monastery at Mount Athos. Jefimija is considered the first Serbian poet (her "Praise of Prince Lazar" embroidered on silk, was on his shrine). Nuns Evgenija and Jefimija are buried on the left and right sides of the narthex.



Eparhija (Diocese of) BRANIČEVSKA

Posvećen prazniku Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg (40-ti dan po Vaskrsu)


va zadužbina kneza Lazara podignuta je samo osam godina pre njegove tragične smrti na Kosovu. Dve godine posle smrti, knez Lazar je proglašen za svetitelja, a njegovo telo preneto iz Prištine u Ravanicu gde je počivalo tri stotine godina. Nekoliko puta su Turci pljačkali i pustošili Ravanicu, palili konake i rušili utvrđenja, ali crkva nikada nije srušena. Preživljavala je teške dane tokom XIV i XV veka, često bi zapustela, ali bi uvek ponovo propevala. Zbog svog značaja u razvoju srpske umetnosti i narodne kulture, ovaj spomenik je ostao duhovni istočnik srpskog naroda. Njegovu obnovu su pomagali Karađorđe, Miloš Obrenović i njihovi sledbenici. Mošti svetog kneza Lazara prenete su iz Vrdnika u Beograd 1942. godine. Tek 1988. godine, povodom proslave 600. godišnjice Kosovske bitke (28. juni 1389), svete mošti Lazareve krenule su po Srbiji,Republici Srpskoj i prema Ravanici, da bi 9. septembra 1989. godine, Sveti knez ponovo našao m i r u s vo j o j zadužbini.

Dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord (40th day after Easter)


he endowment of Prince Lazar was built only eight years before his tragic death in Kosovo. Two years after his death, Prince Lazar was declared a saint, and his body was taken from Priština to Ravanica where it rested for three hundred years. Several times the Turks plundered and ravaged Ravanica, burned residences and destroyed the fort, but the church was never destroyed. It survived the hard times during 14th and 15th century; it would often be deserted, but it would still sing again. Because of its importance in the development of Serbian art and popular culture, this monument has remained the spiritual source of the Serbian people. Its reconstruction was helped by Karadjordje, Miloš Obrenović and their followers. The relics of St. Prince Lazar were transferred from Vrdnik to Belgrade in 1942. It was not until 1988, upon the celebration the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo (June 28, 1389), that the relics of Lazar set forth through Serbia, the Republic of Srpska to Ravanica, so that the Holy Prince could find peace again at his memorial on 9 September 1989.



Eparhija (Diocese of) BRANIČEVSKA

Posvećen prazniku Pedesetnice – Duhovima (50-i dan po Vaskrsu)


anastir Manasija (Resava), nedaleko od Despotovca je zadužbina despota Stefana Lazarevića. Podignut je između 1407. i 1418. godine. Stefan Lazarević je u Manasiju doveo mnoge obrazovane monahe iz Svete Gore da prepisuju i prevode bogoslužbene knjige. Ipak, Manasiju su rušili Turci (1456), a potom i Austrijanci (posle 1718), kada je priprata srušena u eksploziji baruta. Preostale freske samo svedoče o nekadašnjoj veličanstvenosti Manasije. Plan crkve je u obliku razvijenog upisanog krsta kombinovanog sa trikonhosom. Osnova građevinske tehnike je naizmenično ređanje kamenih tesanika, vezanih spojnicama maltera sa arkadnim ukrasima. U priprati je očuvan prvobitni pod od mermernih ploča. Novi i veliki konak osvećen je 1977. godine. Još jedno manastirsko zdanje, namenjeno manastirskoj biblioteci i trpezariji, završeno je 1985. godine.

Devoted to Pentecost - Pentecost (50th day after Easter)


onastery Manasija (Resava), not far from Despotovac, was founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević. It was built between in 1407 and 1418. Stefan Lazarević brought many educated monks from Mount Athos to Manasija to copy and translate liturgical books. However, Manasija was destroyed by the Turks (1456), followed by Austrians (after 1718), when the porch was destroyed in the gunpowder explosion. The remaining frescoes testify only of the former grandeur of Manasija. The church plan is developed in the form of a cross combined with a trefoil. The base construction techniques imply stacking stone ashlars and mortar joints associated with arcaded decoration alternately. The floor in the narthex is preserved under the original marble slabs. New and great guest house was consecrated in 1977. Another monastery building, intended for the monastery library and the dining room was completed in 1985.



Eparhija (Diocese of) MILEŠEVSKA

Posvećen prazniku Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg (40-ti dan po Vaskrsu)


anastir Mileševa se nalazi u dolini istoimene reke, nedaleko od Prijepolja. Zadužbina je kralja Vladislava, sina Stefana Prvovenčanog i unuka Stefana Nemanje. Svoj ugled i poštovanje Mileševa je stekla (06/19. maja 1237) prenošenjem moštiju Svetog Save iz Trnova (Bugarska), gde se upokojio prvi srpski arhiepiskop 1235. godine. Mileševa je ubrzo postala veliko mesto hodočašća. U pokušaju da se umanji uticaj kulta svetitelja, Turci su 1594. godine, preneli svete mošti u Beograd, gde su ih spalili na vračarskom platou, gde je pored malog danas podignut nov veliki hram posvećen Svetom Savi. U Mileševi je radila jedna od prvih srpskih štamparija, kupljena u Veneciji, koja je tu štampala knjige od 1544. do 1557. godine. Iz ovih krajeva su i braća Sokolovići, od kojih je jedan postao čuveni Mehmed-paša Sokolović (veliki vezir Sulejmana Veličanstvenog), a drugi Makarije Sokolović, prvi patrijarh obnovljene Pećke patrijaršije 1557. godine. Freske iz Mileševe ubrajaju se u najlepša i najznačajnija dela srpsko-vizantijskog slikarstva. Najpoznatija je freska Anđeo na Hristovom grobu (Beli anđeo), na južnom zidu. Ipak najveća dragocenost su freske sa portretima Nemanjića, na k o j i m a s u o n i predstavljeni zajedno.

Dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord (40th day after Easter)


onastery Mileševa is located in the valley of the river of the same name, not far from Prijepolje. It is endowment of King Vladislav, son of Stefan Prvovenčani (first-crowned) and grandson of Stefan Nemanja. Mileševa acquired its reputation and respect with the transfer of the relics of Saint Sava from Trnovo (Bulgaria) on 06-19th May 1237, where the first Serbian Archbishop died in 1235. Mileševa soon became a great place of pilgrimage. In an attempt to reduce the influence of the cult of saints, the Turks brought the relics to Belgrade in, where they were burned at the Vračar plateau, where a new big temple dedicated to Saint Sava was built, in addition to the existing small one. One of the first Serbian printing houses, which was bought in Venice, and which printed books from 1544 to 1557, was in this monastery. Sokolovići brothers are from these regions, one of whom became famous Mehmed Paša Sokolović (Grand Vizier of Suleiman the Magnificent) and the other one was Makarije Sokolović, the first patriarch of the restored Patriarchate of Peć in 1557. Frescoes from Mileševa are among the most beautiful and the most important part of the Serbo-Byzantine art. The most famous fresco is the Angel on the tomb of Christ (The White Angel), on the south wall. Still, the greatest treasures are frescoes with portraits of Nemanjić family, in which they are presented together.



Eparhija (Diocese of) RAŠKO-PRIZRENSKA

Posvećen prazniku Pedesetnice – Duhovima (50-ti dan po Vaskrsu)


opoćani su udaljeni oko 10 km od Novog Pazara i nedaleko od starog Rasa, centra srpske srednjevekovne države Raške. Ova zadužbina kralja Uroša (1243-1276) sazidana je između 1260. i 1268. Godine. Manastir je stradao posle Kosovske bitke (28. juni 1389. godine), a obnovljen je u vreme srpske despotovine (XV vek). Početkom XVII veka izvršena je njena potpuna obnova, postavljen je novi krov i popravljeni su zvonik i priprata. Do nove pohare od strane Turaka došlo je 1689. godine. Tada su zapalili manastir i odneli olovni krov te je crkva preko 230 godina gledala otvoreno nebo. Sopoćane je kao deo celine Starog Rasa, zaštitio Unesko 1979. godine, kao spomenički kompleks od svetskog značaja.

Dedicated to Pentecost (50th day after Easter)


opoćani are located about 10 km from Novi Pazar and not far from the old Ras, the center of the medieval Serbian state of Raška. This legacy of King Uroš (1243-1276) was built between 1260 and 1268. The monastery was destroyed after the Battle of Kosovo on 28 June 1389, and rebuilt during the time of Serbian despotism in 15th century. Its complete renovation was made at the beginning of 17th century, a new roof was placed and the tower and porch were repaired, until the further looting by the Turks which took place in 1689. Then they set fire to the monastery and took away the lead roof, and the church looked at the skies over 230 years. Sopoćani was protected by UNESCO in 1979, as part of the whole of the Old Ras, as a memorial of world importance.

Urbani turizam


ada ljudi iz Srbije odu u inostranstvo, pogotovo na zapad, čude se kako su gradske noći tamo mirne, kako nema onih koji bi mogli da „zapale“ noć i da iz običnog susreta sa prijateljem naprave razuzdanu zabavu. Takve zabave još ponegde ima na jugu Evrope, na primer, ali u Beogradu, gradu koji ne spava, noći umeju da budu vruće čak i na januarskih -10oC. Nije mnogo drugačije ni u Novom Sadu, Kragujevcu, Nišu... Ponuda kafana i restorana, muzika balkanskog zanosnog ritma i emocije koje su jače od razuma, čine da igrate po stolovima, da pevate iz sveg grla i da jutro dođe brže nego što srce poželi san. Srbija, raskrsnica sveta, je zemlja koju su gradili Kelti, Rimljani, Srbi, Turci, Austrijanci, Mađari... Zato je patina vekova najveća fasada svih srpskih gradova. Srednjevekovne gradske tvrđave u Beogradu, Nišu, Novom Sadu, Smederevu, Šapcu, Kladovu... predstavljaju najromantičnija mesta gde se u šetnji dvoje zaljubljenih mogu prepoznati vitez i princeza i gde je pogled sa zidina i kula dalek kao želja za trajanjem koju te kule čuvaju. Srpski trgovi čuvaju i najmonumentalnije hramove, džamije i sinagoge, od kojih su neki nastali i pre nego što su ljudi počeli da beleže postojanje na ovim prostorima.

Ako volite da vidite obične ljude kako stvaraju šareni svet života, nedeljom ujutru posetite živopisne pijace gde možete da se dobro nasmejete sa običnim svetom, malo se cenjkate i kupite i ono što vam ne treba, a da vam ne bude žao. U Srbiji je tradicija ispijanja kafe duga, i Srbi čak imaju i svoj, specifičan način spremanja jake crne kafe, sa najintenzivnijom aromom. Ali baš zbog te tradicije, u velikom broju kafea naći ćete sve moguće vrste kafe, od espresso kafe, preko instant, a posebno iznenađenje za strance desi se ako poruče“ Nes“ kafu! Drvo je duboko ukorenjeno u slovensku svest, stoga su sve urbane sredine u Srbiji prošarane parkovima i drvoredima, tako da je priroda dobrodošla u gradovima na vratima istoka. U prvoj deceniji 21. veka srpski gradovi dobili su nove i ulepšali stare hotele, hostele, kongresne centre, tako da ostaje samo da izaberete krevet u sobi sa mnogo društva ili luksuzni smeštaj u nekom od hotela poznatih svetkih lanaca. Ma dobro ćete se provesti u srpskim gradovima!

City Break


hen people from Serbia go abroad, especially to the west, they are surprised how quiet city nights are there, that there is no one who could set the night on fire and make rowdy fun from an ordinary gathering with friends. Parties like that can be still found here and there in southern Europe, but in Belgrade, a city that does not sleep, the nights can be “hot” even at the -10°C (- 23 Fahrenheit) in January. It's not much different in Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš. Selection of bars and restaurants, ravishing rhythms of Balkan music and ecstatic emotions that are stronger than reason make people dance on the tables and sing aloud until morning comes faster than your heart desires sleep. Serbia, the world crossroad, is a country that was built by Celts, Romans, Serbs, Turks, Austrians, Hungarians ... Therefore, the patina of centuries is the largest facade of Serbian cities. Medieval city fortresses in Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Smederevo, Šabac, Kladovo ... represent the most romantic places where one can identify a knight and a princess out of the two walking lovers, and where the view from the walls and towers reaches as far as the wish of persistence which is kept by those towers.

Serbian squares guard the most monumental temples, mosques and synagogues, some of which originate from even before people started to record the existence in this region. If you prefer seeing ordinary people creating a colorful world of life, visit the vivid green markets on Sunday mornings, where you can have a good laugh with ordinary people, haggle a little and you buy things you do not really need, and not feel bad. Serbia has a long tradition of coffee drinking; Serbs even have their own, specific way of preparing strong black coffee, with the most intense flavor. But because of this tradition, you will find various sortss of coffee in many cafes, from the espresso coffee, through instant coffee, and foreigners get a special surprise if they order "Nescafe”! Wood is deeply rooted in the Slavic consciousness, so all urban areas in Serbia are interspersed with parks and tree-alleys; therefore nature is welcome in the cities of the “east gate”. In the first decade of the 21st century Serbian towns got many new and renovated old hotels, hostels, conference centers… so the only thing which remains is to choose a bed in a dormitory or luxury accommodation in one of the world famous chains hotels. Anyway, you will have an excellent fun in Serbian cities!



ošl brod


Anđeoski grad kamena i vode


ranđelovac, grad anđela, to bi se uistinu moglo pomisliti. Kao da je anđeo sleteo u podnožje planine Bukulje i ovim ljudima dao sve. U ovom malom gradu nalazi se izvor najpoznatije srpske lekovite kisele vode, na planini iznad njega vadi se prelepi beli mermer, a okolna brda imaju odlične vinograde iz kojih nastaje božanski vinski nektar. Nije ni čudo da je čovek ovde živeo još u vreme paleolita, o čemu svedoči pećina Risovača, a o bogatstvu ove zemlje i voda, govori i skelet ogromnog pećinskog medveda, jednog od najvećih u Evropi, koji se nalazi u aranđelovačkom muzeju. Banja je nastala još 1811. godine uz potvrde o lekovitosti vode iz bečke laboratorije. I nije čudo da se tu danas nalazi najveći i najlepši akva park u Srbiji. Pešačke staze, prelepi vidikovci, odlični restorani i SPA vikend u gradu Anđela, zašto da ne?

Vila Sokol Vožda Karađorđa br.32, 34300 Aranđelovac +381 34 712 676; +381 69 61 61 90;

Restoran Lovački raj Vrbica-Parlog 34000 Aranđelovac +381 34 537 537; +381 64 27 28 186; F: 034 540 550;

Hotel Rujna Zora Ilije Garašanina 25, 34300 Aranđelovac +381 34 702 772; +381 66 610 69 40; F: 034 701 776;

Restoran Krf Vladimira Karića 1, 34300 Aranđelovac +381 63 614 396; +381 34 725 741;

Knjaza Miloša 173, 34300 Aranđelovac +381 34 725 617; +381 65 529 3748;

ome c l e W



The Angel city of stone and water


randjelovac – the city of Angel - indeed the thought. As if an angel landed at the foot of Bukulja Mountain and gave everything to these people. In this small town, there is the spring of the most famous Serbian medicinal sparkling mineral water, in the mountains above it there are beautiful white marble mines, and the surrounding hills have excellent vineyards which give divine wine nectar. It is no wonder that the man lived here even at the time of the Paleolithic, as is evidenced by Risovaca cave. The evidence to the value of this land and water is also a skeleton of a huge cave bear, one of the largest in Europe, which is located in the museum of Aranđelovac. The Spa was created back in 1811, with the confirmation of the healing properties of the water received from the Vienna laboratory. It is no wonder that there is the largest and most beautiful amusement water park in Serbia today. Paths, beautiful viewpoints, excellent restaurants and spa-weekend in the city of angels? Why not?

Villa Sokol Vožda Karađorđa br.32, 34300 Aranđelovac +381 34 712 676; +381 69 61 61 90;

Restaurant Lovački raj Vrbica-Parlog 34000 Arandjelovac +381 34 537 537; +381 64 27 28 186; F: 034 540 550;

Hotel Rujna Zora Ilije Garašanina 25, 34300 Arandjelovac +381 34 702 772; +381 66 610 69 40; F: 034 701 776;

Restaurant Krf Vladimira Karića 1, 34300 Arandjelovac +381 63 614 396; +381 34 725 741;

Knjaza Miloša 173, 34300 Arandjelovac +381 34 725 617; +381 65 529 3748;


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Bečej Mesto mira i otmenosti


ečej, grad na obali reke Tise u Vojvodini, je mesto gde se nalazi i jedan od najlepših dvoraca u Srbiji. Dvorac Fantast dobio je ime po konju veleposednika Bogdana Dunđerskog. Grad na Tisi star je više od 900 godina. U samom centru grada stoji monumentalna srpska pravoslavna crkva. Podignuta je 1858. godine, mešavinom baroka i klasicizma. U crkvi se naročito ističe visoki ikonostas sa dekoracijama i sa 63 ikone, koje je radio srpski slikar Uroš Predić, istaknuti srpski realista. Jedna od najlepših i najvećih fasada u secesionističkom stilu u Srbiji nalazi se na zgradi dugoj čak 60 metara. Zgrada opštine iz 1881. godine, na koju se nastavlja zadužbina baronice Eufemije Jović iz 1894, čini ovu arhitektonsku retkost još od 1902. godine Bečej je kroz istoriju pripadao mađarskim, turskim i srpskim gospodarima, a danas u njemu živi mešovito mađarsko-srpsko stanovništvo. Termalne vode ovog područja čine Jodnu Banju, a zalasci sunca na Velikom bačkom kanalu i Tisi predstavljaju topli sjaj panonske ravnice. Čarde uz odlične kulinarske specijalitete na obalama reke i kanala, ptičiji svet na Beljanskoj bari i istorija koju su stvarali baroni, veziri i vojvode. Mesto mira i tradicije – Bečej.

Zelena ulica br. 2 21220 Bečej

T.: +381 21 6915 608 F.: +381 21 6915 908

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The place of peace and elegance


he place of peace and elegance. Becej, a city on the banks of the river Tisa in Vojvodina , is the hometown of one of the most beautiful castles in Serbia. The Fantast Castle was named after a horse of landowner Bogdan Dundjerski . City at Tisa River is more than 900 years old. In the main square there is a monumental Serbian Orthodox Church. It was built in 1858, as a mixture of baroque and classicism. The church is highlighted by its high iconostasis with decorations and with 63 icons made by the famous Serbian painter, a prominent realist, Uros Predic. One of the largest and most beautiful facades in the Secessionist style in Serbia is placed on building 60 meters long. Municipal Building dating 1881, attached to the legacy edifice of Baroness Eufemija Jovic from 1894, has made it an architectural rarity since 1902. Throughout history Becej belonged to the Hungarian, Turkish and Serbian rulers, and today it is home to the mixed Hungarian-Serbian population. The iodine Spa uses the thermal waters of the area, and sunsets at the Backa Grand Canal and Tisa are the warm glow of the Pannonia plain. Taverns with excellent culinary delights can be found on the banks of the river and the canal, as well as the avian world in Beljanska pond, and also the history created by the Hungarian baron

Zelena ulica br. 2 21220 BeÄ?ej

T.: +381 21 6915 608 F.: +381 21 6915 908

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Bela kapija istoka, grad koji ne spava, prestonica koja slavi život bez prestanka


nogi gradovi žive 24 časa dnevno i to nije ništa novo. Ali Beograd ne samo da je „živ“ bez prestanka, već je mesto gde ćete naći ludu zabavu u bilo koje doba dana! Na ušću dve velike evropske reke, leži drevna tvrđava i oko nje dvomilionska metropola. Dunav i Sava dele panonsku ravnicu i živopisna Balkanska brda i planine. Kao čuvar granice, na tom mestu stoji Beogradski pobednik koji simbolizuje moć oružja, ali i želju za večnim mirom. A Beograd putniku nudi noćni provod koji se retko gde u Evropi može pronaći. Tu možete igrati na stolovima i videti najlepše devojke i mladiće na starom kontinentu. Uz domaću kuhinju baziranu na mesnim proizvodima i svežoj ribi iz beogradskih reka nikada ne možete biti gladni. A o cenama ne treba mnogo trošiti reči, jer nećete potrošiti ni mnogo novca. Još jedno iznenađenje! O mešavini kultura da i ne govorimo. Ovde ćete videti fantastične primere renesansne, barokne,

orijentalne, ali i moderne arhitekture. „Kapija istoka“ je i mesto gde žive i pripadnici mnogih verskih zajednica. Tu se sreću vizantijskopravoslavna kultura sa svojim grandioznim arhitektonskim objetima, kao što je Hram Svetog Save, najveći u pravoslavnom svetu. Ali tu je i orijentalna Bajrakli džamija, katoličke crkve Krista kralja i Blažene device Marije, jevrejska sinagoga Sukat Šalom. U Beogradu za sve ima mesta... Gostoljubivi Beograd je i poslovni i kongresni centar regiona. Beograd je kroz istoriju bombardovan čak 72 puta, a ipak na jednoj od najlepših tvrdava Evrope stoje ponosno tragovi njenih graditelja – Kelta, Rimljana, Srba, Madara, Turaka, Austrijanaca... Dodite u Beograd, grad koji su posetile gotovo sve svetske zvezde iz sveta filmske, muzičke i sportske industrije. Samo pazite, mnogi su poželeli da tu ostanu zauvek...

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White „gate“ of the East, a city that does not sleep, the capital which celebrates life incessantly


hite „gate“ of the East, a city that does not sleep, the capital which celebrates life incessantly. Many cities live 24 hours a day and this is nothing special. But Belgrade is not only “alive” non-stop, but it is the place where you will find great fun at any time of the day! The ancient fortress lies at the confluence of two major European rivers where is a two-millionpeople metropolis. Sava and Danube rivers separate the Pannonia Plain and the Balkans picturesque hills and mountains. The statue of the “Belgrade winner”, who symbolizes the power of weapons, but also a desire for eternal peace, stands in this place as the border guardian. To the travelers Belgrade offers a night life which is rare in Europe. Here you can dance on the tables and see the most beautiful girls and boys in the old continent. With a local cuisine, which is based on local meat products and fresh river fish you can never be hungry. And there is no need to waste words on prices, because you will not spend a lot of money as well. Another surprise! A mix of cultures is spectacular. Here you will see

stunning examples of Renaissance, Baroque, Oriental, but as well modern architecture. “Gateway to the East" is also the place where members of many religious communities live. There you can meet byzantine-orthodox culture with its grandiose architectural structures, such as St. Sava Temple, the largest one in the Orthodox world. But there is also the oriental Bayrakli mosque, Christ the King and the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Churches, the Jewish synagogue Sukat Shalom. Belgrade offers place for everybody... Hospitable Belgrade is also a large business and convention center in the region. Through history, Belgrade was bombed as much as 72 times, yet one of the most beautiful fortresses in Europe proudly wears the traces of its builders - the Celts, Romans, Serbs, Hungarians, Turks, Austrians... Come to Belgrade, the city visited by almost all the international stars from the world of film, music and sports industries. Just be careful, many have wanted to stay here forever...

Manjez Exclusive Villa Manjez Exclusive Villa Manjez Exclusive Villa je sofisticirani spoj tradicionalnog i modernog namenjen gostima najrazličitijih profila. Smešten u srcu Beograda, prepoznatljiv je po autentičnom ambijentu, luksuznom smeštaju, uslužnom osoblju i profesionalnom odnosu prema gostima. Dođite jednom, dolazićete uvek. Očekujemo Vas!

Manjez Exclusive Villa Svetozara Markovića 49 11000 Beograd Tel: + 381 11 362 11 11; Faks: + 381 11 364 06 05,

Manjez Exclusive Villa

Travelling Actor


Restaurant rooms & apartments

Travelling Actor

Gospodar Jevremova 65, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


+381 11 334 1024 +381 11 323 4156 +381 11 323 4821


“Salaš Ćuran” 81, Road to Ovča 11000 Belgrade Tel.: +381 11 3320 744 E-mail:

de, elgra no style, B r a n eth ience aš ne y sal al Serbia ntic amb l n o n The traditio uthe and a of y s i m s o a the o n gastron ia Serb

Restaurant Tri sesira

Pop Art Hostel

Skadarska 29, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3247 501; +381 66 222 152; Fax: 011 3341 593;

Karadjordjeva 69/8 (2nd floor), 11000 Belgrade +381 11 21 85 908; +381 60 68 555 03; Fax: 011 21 85 908;

Plaza Hostel Belgrade

Hostel Skadarlija Sunrise

Dobropoljska 48, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 4055 980; +381 63 7704 209;

Skadarska 15, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 32 34 813; Fax: +381 11 32 34 813;

Bulevar Vojvode Mišica 79 11000 Belgrade

Tel: +381 11 3690-144 Fax: +381 11 3692-519 Tel: +381 66 888 066 Brodarska bb, reka Sava, N.Belgrade

Balkanska 47, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Info telefon: +381 11 7620 255, Mobilni telefon: +381 62 805 28 24 Besplatan poziv! 0800.000.007

One of the oldest hotels in Europe Kralja Petra I 56, 11000 Belgrade Telefon: +381 11 2634222 Faks: +381 11 2634222 Email:


Bulevar Vojvode Mišica 79 11000 Beograd

Tel: +381 11 3690-144 Fax: +381 11 3692-519 Tel: +381 66 888 066 Brodarska bb, reka Sava, N.Beograd

Travelling Actor

Restaurant rooms & apartments

Travelling Actor

Gospodar Jevremova 65, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


+381 11 334 1024 +381 11 323 4156 +381 11 323 4821

Hotel Panorama

Le Teniza Caffe / Restoran

Pilota Mihajla Petrovića 33 A,11090 Beograd +381 11 233 60 72; +381 64 893 27 81; Fax: 011 234 37 03;

Resavska 23, 11000 Beograd +381 69 24 26 070;

Restoran Dva bela goluba

Restoran 33

Bul. Despota Stefana br.3 Skadarlija, 11000 Beograd +381 11 323 90 79; +381 65 318 77 26;

Simina 33, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3349 236; Fax: +381 11 3242 460;

Salaš Ćuran Ovčanski put 81 11000 Beograd Tel.: +381 11 3320 744 E-mail:

aza da, o ske a r g o p ak Be ila, sr adom g etno st ora! n š a i sal rost psko Jedin nalnog sr ntičnog p e io ut tradic uhinje I a k

Fudeks secure connection with Europe Switzerland Montenegro Paris Vienna Skopje Florence Trieste Germany

s k e d u F h t i w es i t i c n a e p o r Eu o t l e Trav

Affordable limo and luxury car rental

Balkanska 47, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Info tel.: +381 11 7620 255, Mob. tel.: +381 62 805 28 24 FREE CALL 0800.000.007


Restoran Atos

Picerija Atos

Surčinski put bb, 11070 Novi Beograd +381 11 26 06 343; +381 63 27 91 24

Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 95, 11070 Novi Beograd +381 11 31 31 091; +381 11 31 14 427

Mali Kalemegdan Kalemegdanska tvrđava, Stari Grad 11000 Beograd +381 11 26 31 999; +381 63 279 124

Restoran Đorđe Moravska 10, 11000 Beograd +381 11 344 14 22; +381 64 8268 860; Fax: 011 344 32 68;

Kesten Restoran

Pere Segedinca 13, 11070 N.Beograd

Restoran Srpska Kafana Svetogorska 25, 11000 Beograd +381 11 30 15 309; +381 63 788 08 55;

Restoran Tri šešira Skadarska 29, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3247 501; +381 66 222 152; Fax: 011 3341 593;

Putnik Rent a Car Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 45a, Beograd +381 11 31 33 242; +381 65 8696911;

Plaza Hostel Beograd Dobropoljska 48, 11000 Beograd +381 11 4055 980; +381 63 7704 209;

Pop Art Hostel Karađorđeva 69/8 (II sprat), 11000 Beograd +381 11 21 85 908; +381 60 68 555 03; Fax: 011 21 85 908;

Hostel Skadarlija Sunrise Skadarska 15, 11000 Beograd +381 11 32 34 813; Fax: 011 32 34 813;

Contact Hotel Džona Kenedija 101, 11070 N. Beograd +381 11 260 83 77; +381 64 807 9009;

Tel: +381 11 227 83 14; +381 62 306 000, Kneza Miloša 4, 11000 Beograd +381 11 3232 193; +381 64 183 15 06

Manjez Exclusive Villa Manjez Exclusive Villa Manjez Exclusive Villa is a sophisticated combination of traditional and modern located in the heart of Belgrade, known for its authentic, luxurious accommodation, friendly staff and professional approach to the guests, adequate for different types of visitors. Come once, you would come always. We are expecting you!

Manjez Exclusive Villa Svetozara Markovića 49 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 362 11 11; Faks: + 381 11 364 06 05,

Manjez Exclusive Villa

Jedan od najstarijih hotela u Beogradu. Kralja Petra I 56, 11000 Beograd Telefon: +381 11 2634222 Faks: +381 11 2634222 Email:

Contact Hotel Dzona Kenedija 101, 11070 N. Belgrade +381 11 260 83 77; +381 64 807 9009;

Domestic Discount Card

Hotel Panorama Pilota Mihajla Petrovica 33 A,11090 Belgrade +381 11 233 60 72; +381 64 893 27 81; Fax: 011 234 37 03;

Kesten Restaurant

Restaurant Dva bela goluba 3, Despot Stefan's Boulevard, Skadarlija, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 323 90 79; +381 65 318 77 26;

Pere Segedinca 13, 11070 N.Belgrade

Putnik Rent a Car 45a, Boulevard of Zoran Djindjic, Belgrade +381 11 31 33 242 ; +381 65 8696911;

Le Teniza Caffe / Restaurant Resavska 23, 11000 Belgrade +381 69 24 26 070;

Tel: +381 11 227 83 14; +381 62 306 000,

Restaurant 33 Simina 33, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3349 236; Fax: +381 11 3242 460;

Kneza MiloĹĄa 4, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3232 193; +381 64 183 15 06

Restaurant Djordje Moravska 10, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 344 14 22; +381 64 8268 860; Fax: 011 344 32 68;

Restaurant Srpska Kafana Svetogorska 25, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 30 15 309; +381 63 788 08 55;

Restaurant Atos

Pizzeria Atos

Surcin road bb, 11070 N. Belgrade +381 11 26 06 343 ; +381 63 27 91 24

Boulevard of Arsenije Carnojevic 95, 11070 N. Belgrade +381 11 31 31 091 ; +381 11 31 14 427

Restaurant Mali Kalemegdan Kalemegdan Fortress, Stari Grad 11000 Belgrade +381 11 26 31 999; +381 63 279 124



Boris Andrić


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Bor Grad bakra i prirodnih retkosti


edan od najmlađih gradova u Srbiji. Naselje Bor nastalo je tek 1903. godine, otvaranjem prvog rudnika bakra, da bi Bor postao grad posle Drugog svetskog rata. Jedan od najvećih rudnika ovog plemenitog metala u Evropi i danas radi i fascinira sve koji nisu videli tako ogroman industrijski kompleks. Bor ima i svoju lepu, neindustrijsku stranu. Neke od najlepših evropskih pećina nalaze se u selu Zlot pored samog grada. Lazareva pećina je otvorena za posete, a još lepša, Vernjikica, nije dovoljno uređena. Ali se zato tu nalazi pećinski nakit, kristalnog sjaja, ponekad crvenkastog od rude bakra i sa podzemnim dvoranama većim od košarkaških. Stubovi od stalagmita i stalaktita debeli su i do jednog metra, a kristalni sjaj milijardi

kapljica vode milionima godina stvara oblike koje ni jedna ljudska ruka ne bi mogla da izradi. Borsko jezero, iako planirano kao akumulacija za rudnik, kao u slagalici uklopilo se u prirodni ambijent, tako da tu danas postoji hotel i plaža. Iznad Bora nalazi se i jedno od najmlađih skijališta u Srbiji sa dve staze i dve žičare. Beli sportovi na Crnom vrhu sve više se razvijaju, tako da se očekuje i završetak započetog hotela uz postojeći planinarski dom. Ako dođete u Bor obavezno posetite i jedno od najvećih svetskih jalovišta, koje izgleda kao planina građena ljudskom rukom. Bor ima i aerodrom na koji mogu da sleću i manji komercijalni avioni.

Budite naš gost Nade Dimić bb, 19210 Bor +381 30 24 96 964

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The city of copper and amazing natural rarities


he city of copper and amazing natural phenomena. One of the youngest cities in Serbia. Bor village originates from 1903, with the opening of the first copper mine, in order to become the city of Bor after the Second World War. One of the largest mines of the precious metals in Europe is still exploited and it fascinates all who have not seen such a huge industrial complex. Bor also has its nice, non-industrial side. Some of the most beautiful European caves are located in the village of Zlot, next to the town. Lazarus cave is open for visits, and even more

beautiful one, Vernjikica, is not completely explored. But there is the cave jewelry of crystal gloss, sometimes reddish from copper, and underground halls larger than basketball courts. Pillars of stalagmites and stalactites are thick up to a meter, and crystal shine of billions of drops of water has been creating forms that no human hand could make, over the last millions of years. Bor Lake, although intended as a reservoir for mine, fitted in the landscape as a piece of the puzzle, therefore there are a hotel and a beach nowadays.

Budite nať gost Nade Dimić bb, 19210 Bor +381 30 24 96 964

Smešten na samoj obali Borskog jezera u podnožju planine Crni vrh, na krajnjem istoku zemlje, okružen borovom šumom i cempresima, blista hotel „Jezero“. Ovaj prestižni hotelsko-turisticki kompleks svojom bogatom ponudom obuhvata sirok spektar usluga od luksuzno opremljenih soba i restorana sa bogatom gastronomskom ponudom do wellness i spa centra i mogucnosti za sport i rekreaciju na otvorenom i u zatvorenom prostoru. Hotel ima odlicne uslove za organizaciju kongresa i ostalih korporativnih dogadjaja, a tu je i bogat nocni provod. U letnjem periodu Vam se nudi kupanje u Borskom jezeru dok zimi mozete uzivati u zimskim carolijama na obliznjem Crnom Vrhu.

Hotel Jezero Na Borskom jezeru kod Bora Tel.: +381 30 482 340 Fax: +381 30 482 440



te C Skijališ

+381 030 477 010

lji, i u zem MA in A b J u e f d a K ćoj a najve ontu. kafić n , na 11. horiz m na 400

Jezero Hotel is located at Lake Borsko, at the foot of Mount Black Top. The hotel, with its modern interior design, offers a complete range of service, from luxuriously equipped rooms and suites, restaurants where you can enjoy the local cuisine to wellness and spa center and indoor and outdoor sport facilities. Hotel is also one of the well-known places in the area of congress tourism. In summer you can swim in lake Borsko, while in winter you can enjoy winter sports on the Black Top.

Tel.: +381 30 482 340 Fax: +381 30 482 440


Black T

+381 030 477 010



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Prestonica moravsko-šumadijske gastronomije


restonica srpske moravsko-šumadijske gastronomije leži na jednoj reci koja je utkana u svest svih stanovnika Srbije. Morava ovom gradu donosi mirise Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure, koje kupi kroz meandre između planina, na kojima se nalazi deset pravoslavnih manastira starih i do 900 godina. Ovu klisuru zovu svetom, jer je nekada, na potezu od samo 50 kilometara, bilo čak sedamnaest manastira i mnogo monaških isposnica, jer su se tu dešavala čuda i jer su vode lekovite. Najpoznatija je termalna voda Ovčar banje, sa izvorima čija temperatura dostiže i 38 stepeni celizijusa. Čačak je raskrsnica puteva prema istoku i jugu i severu. Samo mu zapad nedostaje. Kako? Ko zna. Dok se to pitate posetite najpoznatije restorane-pečenjare u Srbiji. Vruće praseće i jagnjeće pečenje ne dozvoljava vam da mnogo lutate po meniju. U modernom gradu u kome se smenjuju barokna, klasicistička, renesansna ali i soc-realistička arhitektura, možete čuti trubu. Instrument koji je tužne sudbine srpskih vojnika pretočio u muziku koju ceo svet poštuje, a uz nju se prave i najluđe žurke na svetu. I onda u avgustu dođite u prestonicu srpske trube, u Guču pored Čačka, pamet zaboravite, doživljaj sigurno nećete...

Etno kuća Erić Miloja Stojanovića bb, 32210 Mrčajevci +381 32 87 55 25; +381 64 583 45 29

Kuća rakije "Minićeva" 32215 Donja Trepča, Čačak +381 32 824 193; +381 63 746 8246; Fax: 032 341 804;

Restaurant Santa Marija Međuvršje bb, 32242 Međuvršje +381 32 55 96 226; +381 63 654 083

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The capital of Serbian moravsko-šumadijska gastronomy


apital of the Serbian Morava-Šumadija cuisine lies on the River whose name is woven into the consciousness of all citizens of Serbia. Morava River brings smells of Ovčarsko - Kablarska gorge to this city, taken through meanders between the mountains, where there are ten Orthodox monasteries up to the 900 years old. This gorge is called holy, because at one time, at only 50 kilometers long line, there were seventeen monasteries and many monks' hermitages, because of many miracles that happened there, and because of its healing waters. The most famous is the thermal water of Ovčar spa, with springs whose temperature reaches 38 º C (100 º Fahrenheit). Cacak is the crossroads towards the east and south and north. The west is the only one missing. How is that? Who knows? While you ask yourselves about it visit the most famous barbeque-restaurants in Serbia. Hot roast pork and lamb don not allow you to wander through the menu much. In a modern city in the alternating Baroque, Neoclassical, Renaissance and socialist- realist architecture, you will hear a Serbian trumpet. An instrument that transferred sad fortunes of the Serbian soldiers into the music that the whole world respects, and which also makes the wildest parties in the world. And then, in August, come to the capital of Serbian trumpets, to Guca near Cacak. Forget your brains at home, because you will not the experience…

Etno kuća Erić Miloja Stojanovića bb, 32210 Mrčajevci +381 32 87 55 25; +381 64 583 45 29

Kuća rakije "Minićeva" 32215 Donja Trepča, Čačak +381 32 824 193 ; +381 63 746 8246; Fax: 032 341 804;

Restoran Santa Marija Međuvršje bb, 32242 Međuvršje +381 32 55 96 226; +381 63 654 083

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Kragujevac Prestonica Šumadije – srce Srbije


oš davne 1874. godine, češki istoričar Konstantin Jiriček napisao je: "Beograd je Evropa. Ali ako hoćete da vidite pravo srpsko mesto, idite da vidite Kragujevac“. Ništa nije bliže istini. Pravi Šumadinac živi negde oko Kragujevca, pravi rakiju, voli život i ljude, i ne žali se na muke. Na maloj reci Lepenici stoji grad od 200.000 stanovnika koji je u 19. veku bio prestonica Srbije. Danas je to moderan gradu u kome se nalazi najveća fabrika automobila na Balkanu, koju je izgradio italijanski FIAT. U ovom gradu je posle oslobođenja od Turaka osnovan prvi sud srpske države, prva gimnazija, prvo pozorište, Licej (preteča Univerziteta)... Kragujevac je i grad sporta i studenata, jer je tu Univerzitet sa dvanaest fakulteta. Kako je grad građen po evropskom uzoru, njegova arhitektura izražava renesansno – klasicistički stil, što je posebno vidljivo na zgradi Prve gimnazije. Kragujevačke kafane predstavljaju boemske oaze, a oaza mira nalazi se i na gradskom jezeru. Ono se nalazi u blizini spomen kompleksa posvećenog stradanju gotovo 7000 civila tokom samo nekoliko dana streljanja u Drugom svetskom ratu. Posebna atrakcija u gradu je Akvarijum "Kragujevac", prvi javni slatkovodni akvarijum u Srbiji, osnovan 1999.

godine. U njegovoj kolekciji nalazi se preko 600 biljnih i životinjskih vrsta iz vodenih ekosistema sa svih kontinenata, smeštenih u oko 400 akvarijumskih jedinica koje su izložene na površini od 300 metara kvadratnih. Smeštaj u gradu raspoređen je u nekoliko hotela srednje i visoke kategorije od centra grada do mirnog kompleksa u šumi nadomak grada.

Restoran Paligorić Vovjode Putnika 1, 34000 Kragujevac +381 34 333 019; +381 64 185 22 11

T.: +381 34 6794860 ul. Kraljevačkog bataljona 193 34000 Kragujevac F.: +381 34 6794643,

e to m o Welc

Kragujevac The capital of Šumadija – heart of Serbia


T.: +381 34 6794860 ul. Kraljevačkog bataljona 193 34000 Kragujevac F.: +381 34 6794643,

Restaurant Paligorić Vojvode Putnika 1, 34000 Kragujevac +381 34 333 019; +381 64 185 22 11

he capital of Šumadija - the heart of Serbia. Back in 1874, the Czech historian Konstantin Jirícek wrote: "Belgrade is Europe. However if you want to see a real Serbian town, go to see Kragujevac". Nothing's truer than that. The common settler of this region - Šumadinac, lives near Kragujevac, makes plum brandy, loves life and people, and does not complain of difficulties. Settled on a small river Lepenica, there is a city of 200,000 inhabitants, which was was the capital of Serbia back in the 19th century. Today it is a modern city where there is the largest car factory in the Balkans, built by Italian Fiat. The first Serbian state court, the first gymnasium - high school, the first theater, Lyceum (the forerunner of the University ) were established in this city after the liberation from the Turks. Kragujevac is also the city of sport and the students, because the University has twelve faculties. As the city was built following the European model, its architecture expresses the Renaissance - classical style, which is particularly evident on the building of the First high school. Kragujevac's taverns represent bohemian oasis, and the oasis of peace is also located on City's Lake. It is near the memorial complex dedicated to the execution of nearly 7,000 civilians in a few days' shooting in the Second World War. The special attraction is the city's Aquarium, the first public freshwater aquarium in Serbia, founded in 1999. There are over 600 plant and animal species in its collection, in aquatic ecosystems from all continents, located in about 400 aquarium units that are displayed over an area of 300 square meters. Accommodation in the city is situated in several hotels in the medium and high class categories from downtown to the quiet complex in the woods close to the city.

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Kraljevo Čuvar najlepše srpske doline


rad kome su kraljevi i carevi postavili temelje, jedan je od najlepših u Srbiji. Pored manastira Žiča starog preko osam vekova, u kome su krunisani svi srpski srednjovekovni kraljevi, leži naselje od oko 50.000 stanovnika. Na ušću reke Ibar u Moravu, to je grad sa najlepšim centralnim trgom, kružnog oblika, na kome dominira statua srpskog seljaka u uniformi vojnika. Grad je vezan za Ibar, na kome postoji nekoliko splav-restorana, na kome je najbezbedniji rafting i koji donosi mirise Doline jorgovana. Nedaleko od grada nalazi se i skijalište na planini Goč, i termalne Mataruška i Bogutovačka banja. Ali ono što je prelepo u „gradu kraljeva“ je njegova okolina, moravske obale, sela puna ljudi u dolini između tri planine, ispresecanoj malim rekama i pokrivenoj zeleno-cvetnim pokrivačem. Kao scenografija za selo „Hobit“-a.

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Kraljevo Guardian of the most beautiful Serbian valley


he city in which kings and emperors laid the foundations, one of the most beautiful ones in Serbia. Next to the monastery Žica which is over eight centuries old, where all Serbian medieval kings were crowned, is a City with around 50,000 inhabitants. At the confluence of the Morava and Ibar rivers, it is the city with the most beautiful circular central square, dominated by a statue of a Serbian peasant in the uniform of a soldier. The city is linked to the Ibar River, where there are several raft-restaurants, where rafting is the safest sport is and which brings the scent of the “lilac Valley”. Near the town there is a ski resort on the Goč Mountain, and thermal Mataruška and Bogutovačka Spas. But what is beautiful in the "city of the kings" is its environment, the Moravian coast, villages full of people in the valley between the three mountains, intersected by small rivers and covered with green floral blanket, as the setting for the “Hobbit”.


recepcija 036 329 140 rec. m. tel. 063 1176 599 faks 036 329 171 menadĹžment 036 329 170

Ibarska 44 36000 Kraljevo

Hotel Tehnograd KovanluÄ?ka 1, 36000 Kraljevo +381 36 373 300;

KovanluÄ?ka 1, 36000 Kraljevo +381 36 373 300;

Ibarska 44 36000 Kraljevo

recepcija 036 329 140 rec. m. tel. 063 1176 599 faks 036 329 171 menadĹžment 036 329 170


Hotel Tehnograd

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Grad „Cara nebeskog i kneza zemaljskog“


rad „Cara nebeskog i kneza zemaljskog“. Nastao u 14. veku, kao dvor i tvrđava vladara koji je pokušao da zaustavi najezdu osvajača iz Azije i koga je njegov narod prozvao carem. Danas je to mesto na raskrsnici za Južnu i Zapadnu Srbiju, mesto u podnožju najšumovitije planine na Balkanskom poluostrvu, Jastrepcu, gde se nalazi lepo izletište sa najboljim ribljim restoranom u čitavom kraju. U samom gradu su ostaci srednjovekovnog utvrđenja, a u blizini je i mesto gde su i Rimljani tražili opuštanje – Ribarska banja, sa izvorima tople vode i do 42° C i modernim Spa centrom. Na obalama reka Rasine i Morave živi oko 50.000 ljudi, sećajući se legende koja kaže: Posle pogibije svog muža, Kneza Lazara, njegova udovica imala je da brine o nadirućim osvajačima, o maloletnim sinovima, o ćerki koju je morala da pošalje u harem turskog sultana i o narodu koji je strahovao od ropstva. Pred tolikim brigama, kada je imala i malo vremena za odmor, išla je na mesto gde se rodila njena ljubav. Ljubav prema svom mužu koga više nije bilo. Jedino što joj je ostalo uz suze je vera da je on negde gde Bog određuje večne pobednike i poražene. Na mestu gde je srela svog muža, u slavu Boga čija je ljubav najveća, sagradila je hram posvećen ljubavi i Bogorodici. Narod je tom hramu posvećenom ljubavi dao ime Ljubostinja. On i danas stoji na mestu gde je podignut pre sedam vekova. Zaista mesto koje bi ste voleli da posetite, zar ne?

Hotel Novi Palas Gazimestanski trg br.7, 37000 Kruševac +381 37 442 378; +381 37 442 339; Fax: 037 441 981;

e to m o Welc


The city of "Heavenly emperor and prince of this world"


Hotel Novi Palas 7, Gazimestan square; 37000 Krusevac +381 37 442 378 ; +381 37 442 339;Fax: 037 441 981;

he city of "Heavenly emperor and prince of this world". It originates from the 14th century, as the palace and the fortress of the ruler who attempted to stop the onslaught of invaders from Asia and who was proclaimed emperor by his people. Today it is a place at the junction of the southern and western Serbia, at the foot of the most bosky mountain of the Balkan Peninsula - Jastrebac, where there is a nice picnic site with the best fish restaurant in the entire area. In the town there are the remains of the medieval fortress, and close to it is the place where even the Romans sought relaxation – Ribarska Spa with hot springs up to 42 degrees Celsius (108 º F), and a modern spa center. On the banks of the Morava and Rasina rivers lives about 50,000 people, remembering the legend that says: After the death of her husband, Prince Lazarus, his widow had to take care about the invading conquerors, about her minor children, the daughter she had to send to the harem of the Sultan and the people who were afraid of slavery. In spite of so many worries, and when she had little time to rest, she went to the place where her love was born. Love for her husband who was gone. The only thing left to her besides tears, was the faith that he is somewhere where eternal God determines the winners and losers. At the place where she met her husband, to the glory of God whose love is the greatest, she built a temple dedicated to the love and the Virgin Mary. To this temple dedicated to love people gave name Ljubostinja – Temple of love. It still stands on the site where it was built seven centuries ago. It is truly a place you would like to visit, right?

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Leskovac Od vina i mesa nastaju čudesa

udesa od mesa - izraz koji karakteriše mesto gde se sprema najspecifičniji roštiljski bal na svetu. Roštiljada je festival pripreme mesa, koji svakog avgusta pokaže da je umetnost pripreme hrane iznad svake druge aktivnosti u Leskovcu. Svakog avgusta dešava se Roštiljada, a svakog dana možete videti zašto bilo gde u Srbiji ljudi najradije biraju leskovački roštilj. Ali Leskovac, koji je ime dobio po šumama leske, tj lešnika, je i mnogo više od toga. Oko Leskovca se nalaze i veliki vinogradi, a najbolje vino se proba u malim porodičnim podrumima. Leskovac ima i sjajne kafane. U prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka Leskovac je imao preko 100 kafana sa letnjim baštama. Kafane su imale i prostore za smeštaj konja, kao i vinske i rakijske podrume. Neke od tih kafana i danas su tu. U blizini Leskovca je i Vlasinsko jezero sa svojim plovećim ostrvima. Na samo nekoliko kilometara od grada nalazi se vek i po stara sveta kuća, crkva Svete Petke, vizantijska bazilika iz petog veka, starija od bilo kog tibetanskog manastira. Grad ima oko 80.000 stanovnika i drugi je po veličini na jugu Srbije.


Cap-Cap restoran Južnomoravskih brigada 173, 16000 Leskovac +381 16 262 626

Etno brvnara Groš Svetozara Miletića bb, 16000 Leskovac +381 16 315 0082 +381 16 315 0089

e to m o Welc


Where wine and meat make miracles


Ethno Restaurant Groš Svetozara Miletića bb, 16000 Leskovac +381 16 315 0082 +381 16 315 0089

Restaurant Cap-Cap Južnomoravskih brigada 173, 16000 Leskovac +381 16 262 626

iracles of meat" - term which characterizes the place where you will find the most specific barbeque ball in the world. Barbecue Festival is the festival of meat preparation, which shows every August that the art of cooking is above any other activity in Leskovac. Every August there is Barbecue Festival, and every day you can see why everywhere in Serbia people often favor Leskovac's grill. But Leskovac, which was named after the woods of hazel, it is much more than that. Near Leskovac there are large vineyards, and the best wine-tasting is in small family cellars. Leskovac also has great taverns. Leskovac had over 100 restaurants with summer gardens in the first half of the twentieth century. “Kafana” restaurants had the space to accommodate horses, along with wine and brandy cellars. Some of these restaurants still exist. In the vicinity of Leskovac is Vlasinsko Lake with its floating island. Just a few kilometers from the town there is a holy house a century and a half old, church of St. Petka, a Byzantine basilica dating the fifth century, and older than any of Tibetan monasteries. The city has about 80,000 inhabitants and is the second largest in southern Serbia.



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Niš Vilinski grad imperatora Konstantina


agla koja obuhvata zaborav milenijumskog postojanja obavila je ovaj grad, tako da ne postoje sećanja o tome kada je nastao. Ime Niš je slovenska verzija rimskog Naisus, a tri veka pre nove ere pominje se keltska reka Navissos, ili vilinska reka, po kojoj je i grad dobio ime Vilinski grad - Naisus. Reka Nišava je tekla i u vremenima velikih nemira i velike promene u čitavom svetu. Na njenim obalama je 28. februara 274. godine rođen čovek koji će zauvek promeniti čitav svet. Imperator Konstantin Veliki je došavši do moći, 313. godine, priznao pravo hrišćanima na ispovedanje vere, a potom učinio hrišćanstvo državnom religijom svog carstva. Da nikada nije zaboravio rodni grad, govori i letnjikovac sa monumentalnim mozaicima koji je sazidao – Mediana, koja i danas svedoči o velikom vladaru. Monumentalna srednjovekovna tvrđava i danas stoji u centru grada, na obalama Nišave. Ona nije samo spomenik. Ona i danas živi kroz odlične restorane na njoj, u kojima uveče osećate dodir vekova, u njoj se održava najveći balkanski džez festival, u njoj sede zaljubljeni i gledaju u Nišavu. Nekoliko kafana spada u najčuvenije u čitavoj Srbiji, a u starom zanatskom Kazandžijskom sokačetu danas nema majstora i kalfi, ali ima sjanih mesta za pauzu u istraživanju istorije drevnog grada. U blizini Niša nalazi se i Niška banja, gde i danas stoje vile predivne arhitekture, koje su gradili bogataši pre Drugog velikog rata. U Nišu se nalazi i jedan od nezapamćenih spomenika ljudske surovosti. Kula sazidana od glava srpskih ustanika koji su se bunili protiv turske vlasti. U blizini grada raste jedan novi i sve veći ski centar na Staroj planini, a kada dođete u Niš u vama raste neka čudna želja da vidite dalje i više od onoga što živimo danas. Nije ni čudo, zidovi grada čuvaju mudrost staru tri milenijuma.

Rent a car Seven Car Bul. Cara Konstantina 82,18000 Niš +381 64 545 1 555;

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Elvish city of Constantine


Rent a car Seven Car Bul. Cara Konstantina 82,18000 Niš +381 64 545 1 555;

og covers the oblivion of the millennium existence of this ancient city, so there are no memories of when it was created. Name Niš is Slavic version of the Roman Naisus, and there are mentions of Celtic river Navissos three centuries BC, or the Elves river, after which the city is named Elves Town - Naisus . Nišava River flowed back even in the times of great turmoil and great changes in the world. A man who will forever change the whole world was born on its banks, on 28 February 274. The Emperor Constantine the Great, at age 313 AD, after coming to power, acknowledged the right of Christians to worship their God, and then made Christianity the state religion of his empire. He never forgot his hometown, which shows the summer castle he built with a monumental mosaics Mediana, which still testifies of the great ruler. The monumental medieval fortress still stands in the mid town, on the bank of Nišava. It is not just a monument. It still lives on through the great restaurants within its walls, where you can feel the touch of the past centuries in the evening. There is the biggest Balkan Jazz Festival there, and youngsters in love still sit on the old walls watching Nišava . Several “kafana” – restaurants are some of the most famous in the whole of Serbia, and old-fashioned Kazandžijsko alley lost its masters and journeymen, but today there are great places for the break from exploring ancient history of the city. In the vicinity of Niš is Niška Spa, with villas of beautiful architecture, built by the wealthy industrials and land owners before the second great War. One of the monuments of unprecedented human cruelty is also located in Niš. The tower built with the heads of Serbian rebels who rebelled against the Ottoman rule. Near the town there is a new and growing ski resort on Stara (the Old) Mountain. When you get to Niš, a strange desire to see further and more of what we are living today starts growing in you. No wonder why, these



ošl brod

Novi Sad

Festival koji Evropa voli i spori ritam ravnice


esto gde u samo nekoliko dana nastupe Bili Ajdol, Prodidži, Dejvid Geta, Snup Dog, Fetboj Slim,Nik Kejv. Malo je takvih u Evropi. Jedno od takvih je i Petrovaradinska tvrđava, na obali Dunava, iznad grada Novog Sada, gde se već godinama održava jedan od najvećih evropskih muzičkih festivala – EXIT. Leta 2013-og, čak 200.000 ljudi iz čitavog sveta je za samo četiri dana posetilo najveći skup mladih na starom kontinentu. EXIT se održava na tvrđavi staroj preko 300 godina, izgrađenoj na steni na kojoj su ljudi živeli još u vreme kamenog doba. Pogled sa nje je kao sa trona nebeskog. Kraljevi su počeli izgradnju grada na rajskom mestu. Sa jedne strane je planina Fruška gora, na kojoj vinogradi ponosno dominiraju padinama, a u gradiću – muzeju, Sremskim Karlovcima, vinski podrumi imaju status spomenika kulture. Sa druge strane reke je moderan grad sa građevinama u stilu baroka, koje dominiraju centrom grada. Noćni provod u živopisno uskoj ulici Laze Telečkog izgleda kao da se bezbroj kafea i klubova spojilo u jedno veliko mesto za romantično ludu noć. Danju je ovaj grad, u kome živi 200.000 ljudi, metropola mira, a mentalitet njegovih žitelja je spor i melanholičan. Ali noću! Grad kao da se budi sa prvim mrakom i onda cvetaju najlepši cvetovi ovog grada. Njegova mladost mladi ljudi koji žive na obalama Dunava. Na izletištu na Ribarskom ostrvu je kraljevstvo ribljih restorana, a gradska peščana plaža najlepša je u Srbiji. Srbi, Mađari, Hrvati, Slovaci, Rusi, Romi – sve nacije daju svoj doprinos lepoti različitosti. U gradu se nalazi i jedna od najvećih pivara na ovim prostorima, pa ako ste žedni ovde vam barem dobrih piva i vina neće nedostajati.

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Novi Sad Festival that Europe loves and the slow pace of the plains


here are few places in Europe where Billy Idol, The Prodigy, David Guetta, Snoop Dogg, Fatboy Slim, Nick Cave, etc. perform together in just several days. One of these is the Petrovaradin Fortress on the Danube River, above the town of Novi Sad. For many years now, this has been the site of one of Europe's largest music festivals - EXIT. In summer of 2013, as many as 200,000 people from around the world visited the largest gathering of young people on the continent in only four days. EXIT is being held at the fort over 300 years old, built on the rock on which people lived at the time of the Stone Age. The view from it is like from the throne of heaven. Kings have started construction of this heavenly place. On one side there is the FruĹĄka Gora Mountain, where vineyards are proudly dominating the slopes, and in museum - town Sremski Karlovci wine cellars have cultural heritage status. Across the river is a modern city with buildings in the Baroque style, which dominate the city center. Night life in the picturesque narrow street Laze TeleÄ?kog seems to be a myriad of cafes and clubs merged into one big place for a romantic and crazy night. By day, this city, a home to 200,000 people, is a peaceful metropolis, and the mentality of its inhabitants is slow and melancholic. But at night! The city seems to awake with sunset and then the most beautiful flowers of the city bloom: its youth - the young people living on the banks of the Danube. Fishermen's river island is the kingdom of fish restaurants and the city's sandy beach is the most beautiful in Serbia. Serbs, Hungarians, Croats, Slovaks, Russians, Roma - all nations contribute to the beauty of diversity. The city has one of the largest breweries in the region, so if you're thirsty, at least you will not miss good beer and wine.

Novi Sad

Domestic Discount Card


Hotel Panorama

Boris Andrić

Futoška 1a, Novi Sad, Srbija Tel/faks: +381 21 4801 800

Hotel Gymnas Teodora Pavlovića 28, 21000 Novi Sad +381 21 467 710; +381 21 467 656; Fax: 0 21 474 0704;

Futoška 109 Futoška 109 21000 Novi Novi Sad Sad 21000 +381 21 487 7444 +381 21 487 7444

Najviši nivo stila, komfora i elegancije

21205 Karlovci,Srbija Srbija 21205Sremski Sremski Karlovci, Karađorđeva (šetačkazona) zona) Karađorđeva 22 (šetačka +381 21 +381 21884111 884111

Koračajte baroknim dvorcem

Novi Sad

Futoška 109 Futoška 109 21000 21000 Novi Novi Sad Sad +381 21 21 487 487 7444 7444 +381

The highest of stila, style, komfora comfort and elegance Najvišilevel nivo i elegancije

21205 Karlovci,Srbija Srbija 21205Sremski Sremski Karlovci, Karađorđeva (šetačkazona) zona) Karađorđeva 22 (šetačka +381 21 +381 21884111 884111

Koračajte baroknim dvorcem Walk through the Baroque castle

Hotel Panorama Futoska 1a, Novi Sad, Serbia Tel/faks: +381 21 4801 800

Hotel Gymnas Teodora Pavlovica 28, 21000 Novi Sad +381 21 467 710; +381 21 467 656; Fax: 021 474 0704;

Domestic Discount Card


Boris Andrić



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Ruma Grad koji voli svetkovine


tanovnici Rume, Sremci, Vojvođani, su ljudi koji vole da se druže. Zato Ruma ima čak 19 manifestacija tokom godine a najživopisnije su vašari, okupljanje u čast lubenica, kolektivno pripremanje mesa pred zimu – svinjokolj, ali i povezivanje katoličkog i pravoslavnog Božića kroz „Božićnu ulicu“... Tri jezera i tri male reke okružile su gradić u sred sremske ravnice. Jezera Borkovac, Pavlovačko i bara Trskovača, daju dovoljno prostora za istraživanje, uživanje u prirodi i pecanje. U blizini je i lovište jelena i srne – Karakuša. Ruma je i grad vrednih ljudi i zbog toga je ekonomski veoma razvijena. Možda zato u njoj ima mnogo smeštajnih objekata visoke kategorije. Posao zahteva i dobar odmor, a velika je šansa da se pridružite i nekoj od pomenutih manifestacija. Da je život ovde bio oduvek privlačan govori i ahreološki lokalitet Basijana, koji je u stvari ostatak grada koji su Rimljani osnovali još u prvom veku nove ere.

Motel Vulin Vladimira Nazora 86d, 22400 Ruma + 381 22 474 264 ; + 381 64 80 33 845;

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Town which likes to feast


esidents of Ruma, at Srem in Vojvodina, are people who like socializing. Therefore, Ruma has as many as 19 social events during the year, the most vibrant being fairs, gathering in the honor of the watermelons, collective pork meat cooking in winter, but also linking the Catholic and the Orthodox Christmas through the "Christmas Street”... Three lakes and three small rivers surround the town in the middle of Srem plain. Lakes Borkovac, Pavlovača and swamp Trskovača provide an ample space for exploring, enjoying nature and fishing. Deer and roebuck hunting ground - Karakuša is nearby. Ruma is a city of hardworking people and therefore it is very economically developed. Maybe because of that it has a lot of high-class accommodation. Job requires quality rest, and there also is a big opportunity to join some of the mentioned events. Basijana archaeological site which is in fact the remains of the ancient city which was founded by the Romans in the first century AD, testifies that life here has always been appealing.

Motel Vulin Vladimira Nazora 86d, 22400 Ruma + 381 22 474 264 ; + 381 64 80 33 845;

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Čelik i vino u gradu heroju


vremena teška, kad se stajalo pred paklenim vratima, na ušću rečice Jezave u Dunav, stvoren je poslednji bastion pred nadirućim osvajačem. Golim rukama, zalivane suzama, za samo desetak godina, sagrađeno je 25 kula visokih po dvadeset metara i najveća ravničarska tvrđava tog vremena u Evropi. Bilo je to u godinama pred pad Konstantinopolja u 15. veku. Bio je to poslednji izdanak vizantijskog državnog uređenja, oličen u srpskoj despotovini. I branio se hrabro i pao je u ruke neprijatelja. To je priča o gradu heroju koga su tadašnji stanovnici nazivali i prokletim, jer je građen uz ogromne napore. Danas je oko tvrđave nikao lep grad, posvećen vinu i čeliku. Čudan spoj, zar ne? Okolna smederevska brda idealna su za gajenje grožđa, pogotovo belih sorti. Jedna autohtona sorta dobila je ime baš po gradu heroju – Smederevka. Svake jeseni u gradu se okupe proizvođači grožđa i vina, na manifestaciji Smederevska jesen. Ipak, ako bolje poslušate, na tvrđavi ćete čuti odjek veoma teških bitaka koje su tu vođene. Vaša bitka ipak treba da bude za pravi izbor između dunavske ribe i smederevskog vina.

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Steel and wine in hero town


ong ago, at hard times, when former empire stood at the door of hell, at the mouth of the Danube and Jezava rivers, the last bastion against advancing invaders was created. With bare hands, watered with tears in just ten years, 25 towers 20 meters high and the largest lowland fortress at that time in Europe were built. That was in the years before the fall of Constantinople in the 15th century. It was the last offspring of the Byzantine system of government embodied in the Serbian monarchy. It was defended bravely but fell into the hands of the enemy. This is the story of the heroic city which was called cursed by its inhabitants, because it was built with great efforts. Today, a beautiful city emerged around the fortress, dedicated to wine and steel. A strange combination, isn't it? Surrounding hills of Smederevo are ideal for growing grapes, especially white sorts. An indigenous variety was named just after the heroic town - Smederevka . Every autumn the city gathers grape and wine producers at the event called “Smederevo autumn�. However, if you prick up your ears, you will hear the echo of very heavy battles that were fought for the fortress. But your battle should just be the right choice between Smederevo wines and Danube fish.


for rent



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Topola Kraljevska kolevka


ada je jedan kralj stao na brdo sa kog je njegov deda krenuo da ruši carevinu, pomislio je da je pamćenje kratko i da ga možda kamen može sačuvati. I izgradio je mauzolej – hram Svetog Georgija, i u njega smestio kraljevsku grobnicu svoje loze. Na brdu Oplencu iznad grada Topole, vidljiva sa udaljenosti od dana hoda, stoji crkva obložena belim mermerom, iznutra oslikana sa 40 miliona komada plemenitog stakla i zlata u mozaiku, nezabeleženom u moderno doba. Pod crkvom je kripta oslikana mozaikom, u kojoj su sahranjeni članovi porodice srpske kraljevske dinastije Karađorđevića, među njima dva kralja, dok rodonačelnik dinastije i njegov unuk počivaju u pevnicama. Na brdima se nalaze vinogradi, a vina iz Topole dala su krila ljudima iz srca Srbije i ukoliko uspete da ih probate, pićete ih ponovo. Danas se prodaju čak u SAD i Japanu. Načelnik nacističkog Luftvafea, Herman Gering, ukrao je reljef od sedefa posvećen Bogu, „Tajnu večeru“, ali se ta ikona ipak vratila kući.

Restoran Vožd Jovana Skerlića 1/a, 34310 Topola +381 34 811 365; +381 62 440 333;

Hotel Stari Oplenac Oplenacka bb, 34310 Topola Tel: +381 34 811 430 ; Fax: +381 34 811 431

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Topola Royal cradle and eternal resting place in the vineyards


Restaurant Vožd Jovana Skerlića 1/a, 34310 Topola +381 34 811 365; +381 62 440 333;

hen one king stood on the hill from where his grandfather started overthrowing Otto-man Empire, he thought that the memory does not last long and that maybe it can be preserved by stone. He built a mausoleum - the Temple of Saint George, and he placed the royal tomb of his lineage there. On the Oplenac hill above the town of Topola, visible from a day of walking distance, is a white marble church, with its interior decorated with 40 million pieces of precious glass and gold plates in mosaic, unprecedented in the modern era. Under the church is a crypt also decorated with mosaics, in which members of Karadjordjević dynasty, Serbian royal family, were buried, including two kings. The founder of the dynasty and his grandson, the church builder, rest in the main quire, in front of the altar. At the surrounding hills there are vineyards, and Topola wine gave wings to people from the heart of Serbia. If you manage to try this wine you will taste it again for sure. Today those wines are sold even in the United States and Japan. Nazi Luftwaffe chief, Hermann Goering, stole the pearl relief “Last Supper “dedicated to God , but the icon found its way home .Today, all this beauty is available to the visitors and fans of history, because there it can be seen how one small population went to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Streams of wine flow through "Oplenac Harvest” festival, during the grape harvest in the fall. Locals call it Topola Fair.

Hotel Stari Oplenac Oplenacka bb, 34310 Topola Tel: +381 34 811 430 ; Fax: +381 34 811 431

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Vranje Crni grad žutog cveća, pesme i igre


Vranju je sve vruće, i krv i voda. Mentalitet stanovnika je takav da vole pesmu i igru više od novca i mirnog života. Vranje je mešavina orijentalnog i zapadnog mentaliteta, Vranje ima most ljubavi sagrađen još 1844. godine, ali i svoju banju sa vrelom vodom. Najtopliji izvor u Evropi daje vodu koja ima čak 96° C. U toj vodi istopljeni su minerali velike vrednosti. Pravi recept za uživanje. Grad je dobio ime po staroj slovenskoj reči za crnu boju - vran, ali interesantno da je tradicionalna boja grada žuta. Žuta boja i žuti cvetovi dolaze od čuvene legende o francuskim vojnicima koji su prolazili kroz Vranje. Jedan od francuskih vojnika je baki koja je uređivala baštu nazdravio sa Bonžur (fr. Bon jour) - Dobar dan. Baka koja je razumela da je vojnik rekao božur je odgovorila: „Nije to sine, božur, to je žuto cveće!“. Od tada se Vranje naziva „Žuto cveće“. Vranje je jak privredni centar, sa nekoliko svetskih i nacionalnih kompanija kojima je tu sedište. Blizina granice Bugarske i BJR Makedonije daje Vranju značaj kao važnoj stanici na putu ljudi ali i robe.

Restoran Morava Kralja Stefana Prvovenčanog 166, Vranje +381 17 414 444; +381 63 779 7475;

Lasen Tours K.S.Prvovenčanog br. 99, 17500 Vranje +381 17 415-406; +381 17 400 160;

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Vranje Black town of yellow flowers, songs and games


verything is hot in Vranje, blood and water too. The mentality of people is that they prefer singing and dancing to saving money and leading a peaceful life. Vranje is a blend of oriental and western mentality; Vranje has a bridge of love built in 1844, but also a hot water spa. The hottest spring in Europe provides water that has 96° C (204.8 degree Fahrenheit). Minerals of great value are melted in this water. This is a true recipe for enjoyment. The city is named after the old Slavic word for black Vran, but it is interesting that the traditional color of the city is yellow. The yellow color and yellow flowers come from the legend of French soldiers who were passing through Vranje. One of the soldiers said to an old lady digging her garden: “Bon jour” (Good afternoon) The old lady, who understood that the soldier had said “Božur” (Peony) answered him: “My son, it's not Božur, it's the yellow flowers.” Since then, Vranje has been called “Yellow flowers”. Vranje is a strong economic center, with several worldwide and national companies headquartered there. Vicinity to the borders with Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia gives Vranje significance as an important stopover in the way of people and goods.

Restaurant Morava Kralja Stefana Prvovencanog 166, Vranje +381 17 414 444; +381 63 779 7475;

Travel Agency Lasen Tours K.S.Prvovencanog br. 99, 17500 Vranje +381 17 415-406; +381 17 400 160;

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Mesto gde piloti zavole belo vino


ostoji jedno selo, u njemu 11 nacija, i samo jedna vrsta crvenog vina – frankovka. Tu je oko 2000 hektara vinograda, gde se gaje burgundac, muskat otonel, rizling, pino blan i sva bela vina sa puno sunca. To je vinsko selo Gudurica pored grada Vršca. U podnožju Vršačkih planina, u banatskoj ravnici leži Vršac. Grad je posvećen vinu, njegovom gajenju i ispijanju. To je i grad onih koji vole nebeske visine. Tu je pilotska škola za civilne vazduhoplove, ali je svima pristupačniji dodir sa oblacima, let paraglajderom sa Vršačkih planina, ispod kule koja tu stoji 500 godina. Bisere arhitekture u gradu predstavljaju pravoslavni Vladičanski dvor iz 18. veka građen u stilu baroka, ali i katolička neogotska katedrala Svetog Gerharda izgrađena sto godina kasnije. U blizini grada nalazi se i Deliblatska peščara, jedno od najvećih peščanih prostranstava u Evropi, ali i lepa Belocrkvanska jezera koja su bogatstvo tokom vrućeg leta. Srpski književnik Jovan Sterija Popović pre gotovo dva veka napisao je šta Vrščani osećaju kada misle o svom gradu – „Vršac je lepa varoš“.

Hotel Srbija Svetosavski trg 12, 26300 Vršac +381 13 834 170;;

Vinarija Sočanski

Vinarija Vinik

Železnička 57,26334 Veliko Središte, Vršac +381 13 892 182; +381 64 35 95 382;

Novosadska 1, 26300 Vršac + 381 13 836 721; +381 63 850 3474; Fax: 013 836 721;

Hotel Villa BREG PREDNOSTI: · Smešten na Vršačkom bregu, oko 1 sat vožnje od Beograda · 7 godina iskustva u organizaciji kongresnog turizma · Prelepi panoramski pogled na Vršac i vršačke vinograde · Najbolji hotel za sport, rekreaciju i kongresni turizam · Besplatni wi-fi internet u celom hotelu. SMEŠTAJ: · 48 soba (44 sobe i 4 apartmana), grupa do 100 osoba SADRŽAJ: Restoran/bar, kongresni centar (4 sale), SPA, sportski centar...

Hotel Villa Breg, Goranska bb, 26300 Vršac, Srbija Tel: +381 13 831 000 Fax: +381 13 831 007;

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Place where pilots take a fancy to the white wine


Winery Sočanski Železnička 57,26334 Veliko Središte, Vršac +381 13 892 182; +381 64 35 95 382;

here is a village, 11 nations in it, and only one type of red wine - Frankovka. But there are about 2000 hectares of vineyards, where Burgundy, Muscat, Riesling, Pinot Blanc and all the white wines are grown with a lot of sunshine inside it. It is a wine village Gudurica near the town of Vršac. Vrsac lies at the foot of the Vršac Mountains, in Banat plain. The city is dedicated to wine, its cultivation and consumption. It is a city of people who love the heavenly heights. There is a flying academy for civil aircrafts, but more accessible touch with the clouds is offered through the paragliding tandem flights from Vršac Mountains beneath the tower, which is 500 years old. Jewels of architecture in the city are the Orthodox Bishop's Palace from the 18th century, built in the Baroque style, and the Neo-Gothic Catholic cathedral of St. Gerhard built a hundred years later. Near the town there is the Deliblatska sand pit, one of the largest sand ecosystems in Europe, but also beautiful Belocrkvanska lakes that are a pure fortune during hot summers. Serbian writer Jovan Popović Sterija wrote almost two centuries ago what people of Vrsac feel when they think about their city– “Vršac is a beautiful town”.

Winery Vinik

Hotel Serbia

Novosadska 1, 26300 Vršac + 381 13 836 721; +381 63 850 3474; Fax: 013 836 721;

Svetosavski trg 12, 26300 Vršac +381 13 834 170;;

Hotel Villa Breg MAIN ADVANTAGES: · Located on Vrsac's hills, 1 hour drive from Belgrade · 7 years of experience in the organization of congress tourism · Beautiful panoramic view of Vrsac and vineyards · The best hotel for sport, recreation and congress tourism · Free Wi-Fi internet in all areas of the hotel. ACCOMODATION · ACCOMODATION for groups of 100 persons · 48 rooms (44 rooms and 4 apartments) FACILITIES: Restaurant/bar, congress tourism (4 rooms), SPA and sport center

Hotel Villa Breg, Goranska bb, 26300 Vrsac, Serbia Tel: +381 13 831 000 Fax: +381 13 831 007;

Podršku projektu Link Serbia su pružile Project Link Serbia is supported by:

Turistička organizacija Srbije / National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Turistička organizacija opštine Ada / Tourist Organization of Ada Turistička organizacija Arandelovca / Tourist Organization of Arandjelovac Turistička organizacija Beograda / Tourist Organization of Belgrade Turistička organizacija opštine Brus / Tourist Organization of Brus Turistička organizacija grada Cacka / Tourist Organization of Cacak Turistička turisticki centar Dimitrovgrad / Sport & Tourist Center Dimitrovgrad Turistička organizacija opštine Indija / Tourist Organization of Indjija Turistička organizacija grada jagodina / Tourist Organization of Jagodina Turistička organizacija opštine Knjaževac / Tourist Organization of Knjaževac Turistička turisticka organizacija “Kragujevac” / Tourist Organization of Kragujevac Turistička organizacija Kraljeva / Tourist Organization of Kraljevo Turistička organizacija grada Kruševca / Tourist Organization of Kruševac Turistička organizacija Kuršumlija / Tourist Organization of Kuršumlija Turistička organizacija Leskovac / Tourist Organization of Leskovac Turistička organizacija grada Loznice / Tourist Organization of Loznica Turistička organizacija opštine Negotin / Tourist Organization of Negotin Turistička organizacija Novi Pazar / Tourist Organization of Novi Pazar Turistička organizacija Niš / Tourist Organization of Niš Turistička organizacija opštine Odžaci / Tourist Organization of Odžaci Turistička organizacija Prijepolje / Tourist Organization of Prijepolje Turistička organizacija opštine Ruma / Tourist Organization of Ruma Turistička organizacija grada Smedereva / Tourist Organization of Smederevo Organizacija za turizam i kulturu Sokobanja / Organisation for Tourism and Culture Sokobanja Turistička organizacija “Oplenac” - Topola / Tourist Organization of “Oplenac” – Topola Turistička organizacija opštine Veliko Gradište / Tourist Organization of Veliko Gradište Turistička organizacija grada Vranja / Tourist Organization of Vranje Turistička organizacija Vrnjacka Banja / Tourist Organization of Vrnjacka Banja Turistička organizacija opštine Vršac / Tourist Organization of Vršac Turistička organizacija grada Zajecara / Tourist Organization of Zajecar Turistička organizacija “Zlatibor” / Tourist Organization of “Zlatibor”

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