P1 Curriculum Presentation - Writing and Maths

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Writing and Maths in Primary 1 at Linlithgow Primary School

Aims To give you…. • an insight into how we teach writing and Maths at Linlithgow Primary School. • ideas to support and encourage your child's writing and maths skills at home.

Why do we write? • For pleasure and enjoyment • For communication e.g. emails, text messages. • Reminders, notes, recipes, shopping lists, cheques, forms, postcards

How does writing develop?  Emergent writing


Early shapes

Writing begins with mark making.

How does writing develop? Using recognisable letters recognisable words


Early Writing When writing, young children:

• often repeat patterns e.g. use the letters in their name. • see what it looks like backwards.

• list everything they can remember. • try out odd combinations. • imitate observed patterns.

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How do we help in school? o Allow free play with writing material o Teach letter sounds and shapes and practise building words o Provide opportunities to practise letter formation o Provide pre-written text o Scribe for children or encourage them to write initial letter, odd words and eventually whole story o Teach word patterns e.g. all words contain a vowel, rhyming words (bat,

How do we go about it? Letter shapes and sounds - word building o Flashcards o Magnetic letters o Action rhymes o Handwriting practice/ pencil control o Writing on whiteboards

How do we go about it? Creative writing - personal, imaginative, functional o Introduce subject o Child provides text and teacher scribes o Child copies scribed text o Child finishes sentence (emergent writing) o Child writes story independently

How can you help? • Make it real. Make it fun. • Homework – Ensure correct formation • Encourage mark making. • Model writing messages, lists, labels, instructions, letters and stories.

Maths in Primary 1

Why do we need Maths? o To tell the time. o To make monetary transactions. o Weighing fruit/ vegetables in the supermarket. o DIY jobs. We make Maths relevant for children by linking it to everyday situations.

Your children learn Maths using ‌ o Active Maths. o Practical activities. o Number rhymes and songs. o Games. o ICT resources. o Educational websites.

We teach Maths so that the children work and learn in a variety of ways. o Whole class lessons. o Individually. o In pairs. o Small groups.

What we plan to teach in Maths this year o Numbers and counting. o Patterns and 2D shape. o Addition and subtraction. o Length. o Time. o Money. o Data handling. o Weight.

your child with Maths? o Include maths whenever you can during the day, o count steps when walking, o time how many minutes they have to brush teeth etc.

Useful Websites o www.bbc.co.uk/s chools o www.bbc.co.uk/c beebies o www.topmarks.c o.uk

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