REGAL® SELECT WATERBORNE EXTERIOR PAINT Pick light trim colours for white vinyl window frames. . With a light colour, the frames disappear into the trim. A dark window trim with a white vinyl window accentuates the white vinyl and can look cheap.
Limit paint colours to one trim, a door colour, a primary body colour, and occasionally a second body colour. If you pick a secondary body colour, use it to highlight architectural features such as a gable, or for a second body material such as shingles.
Fascia should be the same colour as the trim. A dark fascia colour can make the roofline look heavy.
Exterior colours near windows can affect the light in your interior.
Black or charcoal grey roof colours are the most classic.
If possible, paint soffits and porch ceilings the lightest colour to keep the interior bright.
Pick a fun door colour!