Academic Portfolio 2012 - 2014

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Table of Contents

Explore Architecture Summer 2012 Sam Fox School of Design and Architecture Washington University in St. Louis


62 Architectural Technology III Design Partners: Joann Feng, Hsiang-Yi Ho, I - Hsuan Wang Fall, 2014 GSAPP

Studio Core III Design Partner: I-Hsuan Wang Fall, 2014 GSAPP


Case Study: The Heimberg Tennis Center by Heinz Isler Studio Core I Fall 2013 GSAPP

High Density Housing Design -- Micro-Terrace Studio II Spring 2014 GSAPP


1. Scale and Sustainability -- Public Bathroom Design 2. Pace in Urban Space -- Public Gymnasium Design 3. Measuring the Surface Area of a Snail Shell

Non-for-Profit Bank Design -- Local Business Co-Op

Flat Design Fall 2012 Marietta College

55 Architectural Technology IV Design Partners: Joann Feng, Hsiang-Yi Ho, I - Hsuan Wang Fall, 2014 GSAPP

1. Jack and Jill 2. Map the City of Beijing

Construction Detail Study: Morgan Library by Renzo Piano

69 73 82

86 87

Architectural Drawing and Representation Spring 2014 1. Drawing Machine 2. Rare Earth Metal Mining Process

91 93

Sequence and Series


Desired Topography



GSAPP M.Arch Core III Housing Design -- Micro-Terrace Design Partner: I-Hsuan Wang

As more and more young professionals moving to Bronx seeking for working and living opportunities, the demand for high-density, low cost housing projects has increased a great deal over the past few years. With the site locating in South Bronx, the majority of the units (443 out of 574) in this project are micro-units. Shared spaces locate at the end of each floor, hosting shared amenities such as reading facilities, cooking facilities, and exercising facilities. A public terrace is connected to each shared space, facing the river. By placing all the shared spaces at the best location of each building, this design promotes an economical, collective life style.


Demographics Study

We first looked at the site from the demographic aspect. Some public press articles reported that the number of young professionals living in Bronx has increased a great deal over the course of last few years. Bronx has gradually become a place where young people seek for more affordable living opportunities. Our research on demographics led to the idea of creating a housing project in which the majority of units are micro units, and that also provides adequate amount of shared spaces hosting amenities that meet the needs of each individual resident living in the micro unit. These photographs show the range of shared amenities we think are closely related to people’s everyday lives and thus are necessary to be included in the housing project.


Site Analysis + Massing Study

Site Condition: Highway

Site Condition: River

The site situates in South Bronx, surrounded by highways and railways to the north, east, and south, and Harlem River to the west. Taking into account the condition that the site has noisy highway on one side and nice view of the river on the other side, a terrace-shaped formal approach became a proper solution to us.

Precedent: 300 sq.ft Micro-Unit

Shared Space - Unit Study

Massing Study


Unit Type Break-Down


Unit Typology

There are totally six unit types in this housing project. In terms of square footage, the unit types include 300 sq.ft - micro-units, 600 sq. ft - duplex units with one bedrooms each, 900 sq. ft - duplex units with two bedrooms each, and 1200 sq. ft - duplex units with three bedrooms each. With the same square footage, the 900 sq. ft - duplex units have three different spacial organizations.




Site Plan : + 0 ft

Ground level of the project hosts all of the public programs. Eight buildings are arranged in such a way that they form inward-facing open spaces and outward facing open spaces on the ground. The Inward facing spaces form entries from the pedestrian walkway to the river side, and hosting public centered programs; and the outward facing spaces are designated for residential activities and hosting community centered programs.


Upper levels of the project have double-loaded corridors. High-way units locate on the back of each building, with views to the high way. One-bedroom duplex units locare right next to high-way units. Micro-units, locating next to the duplex units, take up the majority of the space in each building. A shared space followed by a shared terrace locate at the end of the building, facing Harlem River.

Site Plan : + 72 ft


Massing Model


Typical Building Plans and Program Diagrams


1 BD

Typical Building Plan: + 84 ft


Shared Space

Typical Building Plan: + 72 ft

Overall Composition


Building Elevation


Partial Building Elevation


Partial Building Section - Units


Partial Building Section - Hallway



Unit Section and Interior Rendering


Shared Space Rendering


Site Section








The Fulton Mall in downtown Brooklyn has a strong identity as one of the most vibrant and well-trafficked shopping districts in New York City. Historically, the Mall was a mixed retail area of national and local vendors and an important social hub for an extended and diverse immigrant community. Recently, proposals to redevelop and up-zone the Mall have ushered an influx of national chains, forcing small vendors to relocate, consolidate into smaller storefronts, or simply close down. A loss of these small businesses threatens the Mall’s vibrant social character, strong entrepreneurial network, and source of employment for the area’s immigrant, student, and general population.

Our proposal intends to rebalance and re-diversify the Mall by removing crucial barriers to entry for small vendors, claiming the public plaza at the intersection of Fulton and Dekalb as a testing platform and incubator site for the community’s entrepreneurial population. It is proposed that this plaza operates as a natural extension of the given site. We imagine reconnecting these small vendors with larger neighboring businesses to provide mentoring feedback and sponsorship opportunities.



















GSAPP Architectural Technology IV / Case Study -- Morgan Library by Renzo Piano / Design Partners: Joann Feng, I-Hsuan Wang, Hsiang-Yi Ho

Morgan library is enclosed by modern materials: steel and glass, for the most part. According to Renzo Piano, “This project we are creating is of our time. It should reflect it. We’re not building a stone structure. The structure is of metal. It is steel.”


The structural drawings indicate that Morgan library is supported by concrete slabs, steel columns, girders, and beams. When wind load is applied to the curtain wall, the load is carried away by the steel brackets that connect to the panels and transferred into the floor slabs. The floor slabs then transfer the load down uniformly onto the beams that support them, and then the girders catch the load from the beams and transfer the load onto the columns. Finally, steel columns carry the load down to the foundation. The steel columns are coated with fireproof paint. Gravity load is transferred within the building in a similar way. According to the building code of New York City, any additional structure adjacent to historical building structures cannot apply any load onto the old structures. The same rule can be applied to the new Morgan Library. Therefore all the loads carried by Morgan Library can be self-resolved by its column-slab system.


The top 2/3 of the building’s Madison Avenue facade is opaque and the bottom 1/3 of the facade is transparent. The opaque portion is constructed with six columns of steel plates. The steel plates are painted into a creamy white color, which on the one hand echoes the color of the old stone buildings; on the other hand gives readers and pedestrians a warm feeling.

The detail drawings show that a steel bracket is used to connect the each steel panel with CMU blocks, which act as the thermal envelope of the building. Facade insulation materials exist outside of the CMUs. In order to prevent water from going into the building, a waterproof membrane is situated between the insulation and the CMUs. As a result, when it rains water will penetrate through the gap between the exterior steel panels and move away without going into the true envelope of the building.



South Facade Detail

South Facade Detail Cruciform Column

Elevator Section Detail

Skylight Typology Piazza N-S

Skylight Piazza Detail

Skylight Typology Piazza E-W

Just like most of the other Renzo Piano’s works, light plays an indispensable role in the architecture of Morgan Library. While the clear glass at the entrance gives the building a tremendous amount of natural light, the roof system of the building provides the spaces with more intricate lighting effects. The skylight is constructed differently for the piazza area and the reading room area. The skylight above the pizza consists of three layers. The outer-most layer is the sun screen, which exists in a waffle-like state. Angled clear glass is placed underneath the sun screen. In order to direct rain to flow down from the roof, the glass plates tilt down from the center of the piazza to the north and the south sides of the piazza with a slope of 3%.

Skylight Typology Reading Room N-S

The skylight above the reading room differs from the one above the piazza with one additional feature: the motorized louver system. While light is expected to be as abundant as possible in the public piazza space, its intensity needs to be adjusted in the reading room to accommodate the needs of the readers and the books. The motorized louver system running from the north to the south works effectively for such purpose. Skylight Typology Reading Room E-W


The HVAC system in Morgan Library is an all-air system comprising 21 air handling units supplying designated zones of both the old and new buildings. The air is cooled by the cooling tower and heated by the steam from Con Edison. Most of the air handling units are located at the B3 level, except for those serving the office and the kitchen areas. Outside air comes from the rooftop of the annex building and ducted to the supply plenums located at the B3 level, which are connected to each AHUs. All the return air is sent to the spill plenums next to the supply plenums and further ducted to the top of the annex building for exhaust. The ducts for outside and exhaust air are parallel to each other. However, to prevent mixing air, outside air comes from the east and the exhaust air is spilled to the west side of the ducts.

HVAC System Diagram


Steam is the source for heating. On the B2 level, steam supplied by Con Edison is depressurized in the PRV room, ducted to the B3 level and sent to the AHU coils. Cooling tower is located at the roof of the annex building, where the two existing and two new cooling towers are located. The chilled water supply is then transferred to B2 level, where the chiller is located, and then the duct is connected to the AHUs located at B3 level, ready to supply cooled air throughout the building.




GSAPP Architectural Technology III Case Study -- Heimberg Tennis Center by Heinz Isler Design Partners: Joann Feng, I-Hsuan Wang Hsiang-Yi Ho

In the forefront of recent shell – form development is the Swiss engineer Heinz Isler. His method of design utilizes a funicular model consisting of suspended membrane which is then stiffened and inverted to determine the optimum shape for a thin-shell dome. Isler’s earliest experiments (in 1955) involved hanging wet fabrics in catenary shapes outside in the winter, allowing it to freeze, then inverting it and studying the resulting shape. This exercise studied one of Isler’s important works: Heimberg Tennis Center. The technique that Isler used to determine the form of the tennis hall was called “inversed membrane”. Heimberg Tennis Hall was studied through researching the background of Heinz Isler, understanding the force transfer within the structure with GSA, and replicating the “inversed membrane” with physical models. Derived from the tennis hall structure, innovative structures were designed and modeled to test new structural possibilities with the same basic principle.


Free Body Diagrams and External Loads Because the shell is a roof structure, the external loads acting on it are primarily climate related, such as wind load, snow load, rain load, and seismic load. The free-body diagram shows that the loads travel through the shell surface to the up raised joints between two adjacent shells, and the ground provides normal forces to the supports upwards.

Flat Shell Geometry High Compression Small Cross-section Stress Increases Buckling Possibility Increases

External Loads: Wind load; Snow load; Rain load; Seismic load


GSA Analysis: Self Weight

2D Moment

2D Forces

Principle Forces


Internal Force Study: Other Types of Loads

Snow Load In addition to wind load, snow load is also a type of load that the structure frequently subjected to. In order to account for the effect of snow load, the shell has to deform accordingly when it is generated. To simulate the effect that snow load has to the structure, loads with a total magnitude of 300,000 kN is applied to the central area of the shell. We can see that the shell has to have a steeper curvature in order to maintain structural stability.

Point Load A point load of 40,000 kN is applied to the middle bottom of the shell. The internal force contour diagram is generated from GSA. It’s shown that high level of internal stress concentrated at the four supporting points as well as the point where the additional load is applied. The highest stress has a magnitude of 11410 N/mm2; the lowest stress has a magnitude of 106.9 N/mm2.

Internal Force Contour - Self Weight + Point Load Internal Force Contour - Self Weight + Snow Load

Force Distribution Diagram - Self Weight + Snow Load

Edge Load Twelve 50,000 kN loads are applied horizontally with equal distance between every forces to the edge of the shell. The internal force contour diagram is generated from GSA. It’s shown that the top of the shell endures the least amount of internal pressure; the pressure increases along the edge of the shell, and the highest internal pressure suggests possibilities of removing materials (like the way Isler designed skylights) without compromising the overall stability of the structure.

Internal Force Contour - Self Weight + Snow Load

Internal Force Contour - Self Weight + Edge Load


Physical Model Making


Innovation Form Finding I


Innovation Form Finding II



























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