Install TEAMVIEWER on Ubuntu & RHEL/CentOS
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Team viewer needs no introduction, it is being used for years for remotely accessing a system over the internet. Teamviewer is known as all in one solution for remote access & support over the internet. Within only few seconds of time, teamviewer can connect to any PC or server over the internet. It also provides a number of features like; – Session recordings & conversion to AVI, – Drag & drop files, – Multi monitor support In this tutorial, we will learn to install teamviewer on CentOS 7 & Ubuntu 16.04 . We will start by installation of teamviewer on Ubuntu.
Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 We will firstly download the .deb package for Ubuntu OS, to download the package open the terminal & run, $ wget Once we have the downloaded package, we can install it using three different methods, 1- Using GUI, double click teamviewer_linux.deb & it will open the package in Ubuntu Software Center , click on ‘Install’ & then authenticate by enterting the admnistrative password. Team Viewer will then be installed on the machine. 2- Using apt-get, firstly move the package to ‘/var/cache/apt/archives’ & then run $ sudo apt-get install teamviewer_linux.deb from the terminal. Enter your administrative password & package will then be installed on the system. 3-Using dpkg, the third way is by using dpkg. Open the terminal & execute the follwoing command, $ dpkg -i teamviewer_linux.deb Once the teamviewer has been installed using any of the three methods, we can run it from terminal by typing, $ teamviewer or we can also locate in under applications.
Installation on CentOS/RHEL For CentOS, we will firslty have to install some dependencies before we can actually install the package for teamviewer. To install dependencies, run $ yum install glibc alsa-lib freetype libICE libSM libX11 libXau libXdamage libXext libXfixes libXi libXrandr libXrender libXtst libgcc libuuid libxcb zlib After these dependencies have been installed, we will download the teamviewer rpm package, $ wget After downloading the package, we can install it using two methods, 1- Using yum, from the terminal run the following command, $ yum install teamviewer.i686.rpm 2 – Using rpm, we can also use the follwoing command to install the teamviewer rpm package on the system, $ rpm -ivh teamviewer.i686.rpm After the installation of package, run $ teamviewer from the terminal to start using the teamviewer on the system.
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